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45 Sentences With "adds insult to injury"

How to use adds insult to injury in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "adds insult to injury" and check conjugation/comparative form for "adds insult to injury". Mastering all the usages of "adds insult to injury" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The drastically rising cost of tuition adds insult to injury.
"A story like this adds insult to injury," she said.
For users who have been hacked, this process adds insult to injury.
Not just his own, but for his disabled mother, which adds insult to injury.
That Apple has more than $29 billion in cash on hand adds insult to injury.
That early adopters can get burned by shovelware so easily just adds insult to injury.
What adds insult to injury is the national-security pretext, which is absurd and insulting.
As if sexual assault wasn't despicable enough, the response to Tweeden's story adds insult to injury.
But reigning in trade through trade wars and trade barriers adds insult to injury for American workers.
The fact that there is money to be made in the business of family detention just adds insult to injury.
It adds insult to injury when American taxpayers effectively subsidize the shipping, and nobody in the government seems to care.
It adds insult to injury when you're stuck in a queue but can see numerous gates which just aren't being used.
This adds insult to injury from a Senator who has seized every opportunity to fight against equal rights for LGBT Floridians.
Equifax's role as a credit reporting agency only adds insult to injury: It was like watching a firefighter flick a lit cigarette into a fireworks factory.
Any article of clothing festooned with rape inferences is just unacceptable, but this particular item adds insult to injury, thanks to the shirt's victim-blaming undertones.
This truth adds insult to injury, in the financial form, and is just one more way the world shows me what I can't have because I'm single.
Opposition Labor Party climate change spokesman Mark Butler said that Morrison has damaged the long-standing relationship with Pacific countries and McCormack's comment "just adds insult to injury".
The fact that consumer payouts were lowered because the FTC didn't understand the full scope of consumers that knew they had been affected just adds insult to injury.
The fact that principals have to divert precious resources from essential programming and staff to pay for reserve-pool teachers they don't want only adds insult to injury.
For Gulf Coast refiners already hit by Venezuela sanctions, Iran sanctions, Canadas cuts and OPEC cuts, this adds insult to injury, said Sandy Fielden, an analyst at researcher Morningstar.
"For Gulf Coast refiners already hit by Venezuela sanctions, Iran sanctions, Canadas cuts and OPEC cuts, this adds insult to injury," said Sandy Fielden, an analyst at researcher Morningstar.
It was tragedy enough that Peep had to die so young; that his unreleased material is being pillaged for a cheap novelty like "Falling Down" adds insult to injury.
It adds insult to injury, in a way, when the drug you need to take to stop feeling out of touch with reality is named something as ridiculous Zyprexa.
"For Gulf Coast refiners already hit by Venezuela sanctions, Iran sanctions, Canada's cuts and OPEC cuts, this adds insult to injury," said Sandy Fielden, an analyst at researcher Morningstar.
I support Musk's First Amendment right to be sophomoric, but asking single moms in Wichita to subsidize his sense of humor, along with his cars, adds insult to injury.
Feminists are opposed to many of the principles of the Republican Party, but the fact that it's led by a man who bragged about grabbing pussy literally adds insult to injury.
And when this message is delivered to poor women by overwhelmingly middle- or upper-class white men (as most of the legislators passing these laws are), it adds insult to injury.
It adds insult to injury when we face barriers to pursuing a career because of military life, and are then pigeon-holed as freeloaders, often by the very culture that created our reliance.
Shireen Baratheon, you were too pure for this world The fact that she taught Davos his name through the context of the legendary historical figure of Aegon the Conquerer only adds insult to injury.
For Hong Kong Securities and Clearing, which saw third-quarter profit drop by a third on slackening volume, seeing this on the front page of the city's leading English daily adds insult to injury.
To sway their interest in each other, she announces that Chanel has every STD ever (which is later disproved) but adds insult to injury when Chanel promises that she will get back at Munsch somehow.
Creative artists constantly have to fight false notions that their work is easy and should not be compensated, but when it's coming from one of the world's most valuable companies, it just adds insult to injury.
"This brazen attempt to circumvent the will of Congress adds insult to injury for the millions of Americans who have already been aggrieved and misled by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," the lawmakers write.
Sympathetic teenage girls who are angry and spiky and aggressively unpretty are rare enough in pop culture; for one to come along only to serve primarily as a symbol of the past along her dull male friend's path to enlightenment adds insult to injury.
What adds insult to injury, Zamora adds, is that the Sun has a long and bitter history with the city of Liverpool, where both Coleen and her husband Wayne Rooney were born and raised (the Rooneys now live in the US, where Wayne plays for DC United).
"CBP officers, they are angered by the fact that they are required to work throughout the shutdown and not be paid, because they recognize they are doing important security and important trade and travel work for the country, so to not be paid adds insult to injury," said Reardon.
"It adds insult to injury that this sort of sale would take place on our Memorial Day, because it is a virtual certainty that citizens of these three tribes fought in Europe in World War I and World War II," NMAI President Kevin Gover said, referring to the date of the sale.
A poor single woman in a ghetto may not have the resources to be an ideal parent, Shelby is willing to concede; but if that is ultimately a shortcoming of our society, it adds insult to injury to structure welfare benefits (as has been done in the United States) so as to discourage nonmarital childbearing — thereby hindering her reproductive freedom.
This may seem too soft for some political scientists, but when the facts are out there on every front — whether it's ineffectual foreign interventions, disastrous climate impacts, or the rapid return of unregulated subprime lending, all of which prey on poor populations and adds insult to injury — and yet we fail to inform and reform our policy, then a new mass social movement is needed.
Failure to pay, of course, adds insult to injury for ordinary taxpayers who wind up subsidizing the partisan moguls' political clout — a clout that unendowed voters do not enjoy.
Medicare rebate cut adds insult to injury. Sydney Morning Herald. 17 November 2010 and have not subsequently been increased, so that much of the expense in consulting a SEM physician is borne by the patient.Nathan Luies for Indigenous X. Sports and exercise medicine helps manage chronic disease.
The film has a projection aspect ratio of 2.66:1, which is ultra-wide and very unusual. One reviewer observes that "Post Mortem’s muted color scheme reflects the drab ‘70s world that only adds insult to injury for Pinochet’s trampled victims." With director of photography Sergio Armstrong, Larrain shot the film on Russian Lomo lenses, the type used in the 1970s by Andrei Tarkovsky and other Russian filmmakers. The lenses are intended for 35mm film, but Larrain shot on 16mm film achieving a look he describes as "very special".
It presents a hazard to the safety of British nationals in the region. Also, it represents a profound disregard for the sovereignty of the UK. The fact that that was done by a country that is a friend, with significant diplomatic, cultural, business and personal ties to the UK, only adds insult to injury. Diplomatic work between Britain and Israel needs to be conducted according to the highest standards of trust. The work of our embassy in Israel and the Israeli embassy in London is vital to the co- operation between our countries.
She also forbids Lisa to take the bus alone, since it is too dangerous for her age. Since this is Lisa's last chance to see the exhibit, Lisa calls Homer to ask him if she can take the bus. He seems uncertain, which prompts her to trick him into letting her take the bus. However, once on the bus, Lisa realizes she is on the wrong bus; and the bus driver adds insult to injury by refusing to advise her and dropping her off in the middle of nowhere.
The phrase "et pour les Flamands, la meme chose" originated in this environment also, allegedly being used by the French-speaking officers to "translate" their orders into Dutch. It literally means "and for the Flemish, the same thing", which adds insult to injury for Flemish soldiers not understanding French. Another source of further frustration was the Belgian royal family's poor knowledge of Dutch. King Albert I enjoyed some popularity in the early ages of the war, because he was a proponent of the bilingual status of Flanders – even though Wallonia was monolingual French, because he declared his oath to be king in both French and Dutch, and because he gave a speech at the start of the war in Dutch, referring to the Battle of the Golden Spurs.

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