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414 Sentences With "acronyms"

How to use acronyms in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "acronyms" and check conjugation/comparative form for "acronyms". Mastering all the usages of "acronyms" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We don't try to speak in acronyms, which is hard to do at NASA because we talk internally in acronyms, and we try not to use jargon.
Luckily, a handy guide to common acronyms became a meme.
Past tense verbs grew rarer, while jargon and acronyms proliferated.
BFR is, to some degree, a Rorschach test on acronyms.
Many swerve the Paralympics due to the alphabet soup of acronyms.
Younger generations are enamored with acronyms, shorthand, and self-destructing content.
He would speak in wonk and throw out acronyms during prep.
But those are technical acronyms that are used within the bureau.
Like the military, the M.T.A. is fond of abbreviations and acronyms.
KS: I don't care for their stupid acronyms, but go ahead.
This even extends to industry-standard acronyms, which are discouraged at Tesla.
We said, 'We will not be told what to do by acronyms.
Those who remain in Paradise speak in acronyms: PID. FEMA. PG&E.
Analysts talk in an alphabet soup of acronyms of different armed groups.
There are a whole bunch of acronyms that you have to learn.
The wine itself is Cune, and both acronyms are pronounced COO-nay.
Except we were too busy laughing at Bushnell's artful acronyms to notice.
Except we were too busy laughing at Bushnell's artful acronyms to notice.
LIGO is the ... Now, I don't know what the acronyms stand for.
We were considering alternative acronyms when the community support for NeurIPS became apparent.
We Europeans we love our acronyms (I'm German, I get to say this).
BYOB (bring your own booze) may be one of the sweetest acronyms around.
Ahead, we've decoded some of the forum's most commonly-used acronyms and phrases.
When it comes to STEM jobs, it's so many acronyms, so little time.
It's a labyrinthine building full of soldiers, lawyers, strange acronyms, and obscure departments.
To the layman, the timelines were filled with jargon and acronyms, almost incomprehensible.
Security specialists advise creating acronyms based on song lyrics, movie quotations or sayings.
The glossary of appropriate terminology and inclusive acronyms and abbreviations is constantly evolving.
In the Pentagon's honored tradition of strained acronyms, the Navy calls it Magic Carpet.
Sorry, I&aposm not buying it, they want to pick and choose the acronyms.
Acronyms now account for about 5% of reports, up from 3% in the 1970s.
The acronyms might not be quite as catchy as CRISPR — since, really, what is?
So, without further ado, here are the acronyms you should know, use and abuse!
Even in the age of acronyms and emoji, spelling, grammar, and punctuation still matter.
We had a nice conversation about art, technology, ourselves, and the utility of acronyms.
Broadly speaking, this has translated into what feels like Trump's war on international acronyms.
That includes commonly used acronyms that may be part of a company's internal lingo.
The problem is that most people have no idea what the acronyms stand for.
Augustine said to include any acronyms you have that are pertinent to the job.
He also tried to decipher some of the countless acronyms bandied about at Google.
It can be a tough, confusing space, with its bidding rules and too-many-acronyms.
Common acronyms found in the reports are available on the publication's website to assist readers.
Acronyms abound—VEIL, PURDAH, ALISS—as do chewy ideas that Stephenson manages to render accessible.
The alphabet barely has enough letters to cover the acronyms of all their quarrelsome factions.
Identifying acronyms are also a tool to find suspicious conversations that are being taken offline.
I also have a strange and regrettable weakness for inventing catchy acronyms for art museums.
I wrote a column on the alphabet soup of tax acronyms — and messed one up.
For us the question around tech, it gets confusing because everyone throws the same acronyms out.
Some mums choose to self-censor; others use knowing acronyms (CF, for instance, means "cheeky fucker").
It's complexity is further hindered by all the confusing terms and acronyms applied to its components.
Tax season brings with it a deluge of acronyms that you need to be familiar with.
Internet users have been constructing handy guides to acronyms like LOL and ROFL for baffled parents.
As Europeans scramble to reduce their military dependence on America, they are making acronyms great again.
Like many of the other acronyms on this list, "snafu" has a military background as well.
Avoid slang and acronyms, like TTYL ("talk to you later") or TAFN ("that's all for now").
It was a confounding paradigm that created some unfortunate acronyms: VAK, VKA, KAV and so forth.
The use of pretentious phrases and complex acronyms is generally designed to obfuscate rather than elucidate.
All day, people came through the studio rattling off finance acronyms, Ebitda this and Gaap that.
When team members use acronyms or jargon, ask them to explain (and avoid using them yourself).
These proteins come in three varieties, all known by their somewhat clumsy acronyms: ZFNs, TALENs, and CRISPRs.
While they both sound like the same meaningless acronyms, they're actually different in small but important ways.
At this moment, I could barrage you with a laundry list of acronyms that comprise the system.
And MRAP, for those not au fait with military acronyms, stands for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle.
So many acronyms But as I mentioned earlier, the LePro 3's price is competitive — very competitive.
We use acronyms all the time, and in some cases, we don't even realize we're using them.
Acronyms show up everywhere in our everyday language, from ASAP to BYOB, JFK to ROY G. BIV.
"MAGA and KAG are acronyms for his campaign slogans "Make America Great Again" and "Keep America Great.
We have learned to communicate faster through the use of acronyms like LOL, and use of emojis.
Acronyms I never wanted to know — IUI, I.V.F., F.E.T., hCG, N.K., MTHFR — now fly off the tongue.
One Redditor implied that it's not just Navarro who has secret acronyms, but cheerleading teams all over.
And because you know you love it, there are plenty of acronyms to be found in the rule.
This has resulted in new, hard-to-catch-on acronyms, like Google's "JOMO" (the joy of missing out).
A lot of acronyms here, which indicates that negotiations between the US and Bergdahl's captors were heating up.
He is very good at creating nonsensical acronyms, but he is not very good at winning football games.
"We refer to it euphemistically with acronyms—EVA, PET, TPE—but at its core, it's plastic," says Melville.
Within word, AI will help make sense of acronyms within a document using other documents within the company.
In the missive, Shkreli listed the acronyms of several companies in which he'd invested Austin's almost $5 million.
One of the most surprising acronyms is the name of a country that's frequently in the news: Pakistan.
His public speeches are now increasingly peppered with terms like ZODI and REDI, acronyms for the new commands.
Rabbis have always loved acronyms, and collectively these four main types of exegesis are known as פרדס, Pardes.
The first guests at the hotel will be two robots called Robotic External Leak Locators (RELL — because acronyms).
Absent market forces, C-suite titles, motivational acronyms, and MBAs don't necessarily count for much on their own.
This will come in the form of acronyms like PrEp (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and U=U (undetectable = untransmittable).
For each entry, you'll find the date, a few events, maybe a map or a list of acronyms.
Forget, for a moment, the numbers, the percentages, the scientific terms and the acronyms of organizations involved in this.
SiRHeY gUyS I'm ReAlLy ExCiTeD tO PlAy At CoAcHeLla Sminocappuccino pellegrino SOB X RBEWe at Noisey also like acronyms.
If you have, you'll know that these lists are absolutely stacked full of complicated acronyms and clever sounding technology.
And I prefer my stories told not with CGI, VR, and other acronyms, but with elaborate Rube Golderberg machines.
The energy world is full of complicated technologies and regulations, usually expressed in a thicket of off-putting acronyms.
Of the many acronyms engineers spend their lives internalizing, few are more valuable than KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid.
While you should avoid acronyms with swear words like "WTF," communicating casually with your coworkers can help foster friendships.
When it comes to cloth diapers, it&aposs easy to become overwhelmed by the array of choices and acronyms.
Friends typically slip in an "LOL" or "SMH" when chatting, but be careful using slang or acronyms at work.
Don't worry if this all sounds like a foreign language at the moment; those acronyms can be quite confusing.
Electricity policy is notorious for being opaque and riddled with acronyms, but the basic elements are not actually that complicated.
It's called the Toyota Production System, or TPS, and, like any tech cult, it's got lots of lingo and acronyms.
Millennials, the 18- to 34-year-old generation that grew up using AutoCorrect and acronyms like BRB, are no exception.
Word: In Word Online, while you're viewing a document, the app will be able to spell out acronyms that appear.
PASCO: Yep, T.V.A., W.P.A., REA, and all the acronyms that I tricked my U.S. history teacher into believing I'd learned.
Scientists often come up with acronyms that serve as nicknames for studies and are shorthand for long, complicated scientific titles.
The system's dizzying complexity and alphabet soup of acronyms also make it difficult to understand what one is entitled to.
P&G has applied to use the four acronyms in liquid soap, dishwashing detergent, hard surface cleaners and air fresheners.
After (if) you get through the labyrinth that is health insurance, you're met with all these different words and acronyms.
This meant that all of the other words in the grid had to be either single word phrases or acronyms.
It is buried behind a wall of acronyms and obscure technical disputes, but it is the same old climate denialism.
That's what leads us to SESTA and FOSTA and PIPA and SOPA and all these acronyms that were bad policies.
Hundreds of anti-midi groups sprung up across the U.S., with funny acronyms that showed the absurdity of the situation.
Bernie Lo: Doctor, do you feel that the acronyms in the making or the newly minted acronyms given enough time, or not necessarily a lot of time, but given a little bit of time to work like the RCEP or the TPP-11, would that be a wake-up call to the United States?
The big organizational targets include two Russian intelligence agencies, known by their acronyms FSB and GRU, and prominent individuals like Prigozhin.
In the preview demonstration I saw, PowerPoint Translator left the slide acronyms intact, while properly translating the slide text around it.
The full report is quite readable (if you can mentally juggle the numerous acronyms), but the findings are essentially as follows.
Thankfully, there were enough two-letter acronyms out there to find a few substitutes, and I'm pleased with the final result.
It was certainly a bigger-screened device, but they had the Galaxy S7 Plus and S7 Edge and different acronyms there.
Our choice is between a world with international acronyms and restraints on national behavior and a world of all-engulfing chaos.
The big organizational targets include two Russian intelligence agencies, known by their acronyms FSB and GRU, and prominent Russians like Prigozhin.
You could do an entirely different post with a focus on domestic acronyms -- ACA, EPA, FBI ... -- Trump has tried to disrupt.
He was using the acronyms for monthly, weekly and daily active users, a common barometer for people's engagement with online services.
Officials at the CDC have likened this outbreak to similar, deadlier coronavirus outbreaks, better known by the acronyms MERS and SARS.
"Know the acronyms, and also spell it out," said Paul McDonald, senior executive director at the job placement agency Robert Half.
Along with the three-letter acronyms, P&G has also applied to trademark "Home Made Simple" in the same cleaning categories.
PICTURE A LECTURE session at a business school and you probably envisage students gazing at screens filled with equations and acronyms.
To that end, these misogyny clusters have created glossaries for their acronyms, offer cheat sheets, and have their own language patterns.
"My message boards, I don't even understand what they're on about—they have their own private language and acronyms," he said.
The Clemson coach, who is fond of using acronyms, watched his team all year perform at its BEST (backups earning Swinney's trust).
The methods are transparent, available, filled with sometimes confusing acronyms and details, and usually not read or understood by many in government.
A: Consumer tech is rife with acronyms, some of which you'll never have to use, and some of which everyone should know.
Now it's one of several acronyms denoting innovation - including VR, AR, ML - that are tossed around by marketing organizations and tech startups.
Update: Shortly afterwards, the statement was apparently improved on internally and the following appended (brackets mine, replacing acronyms): The accident was tragic.
And I need to hear this from real people — not just anonymous women on message boards who use acronyms I don't understand.
Infelicitous acronyms pile up like tech scrap in the back of a computer repair shop, bits and pieces, capitalized letters strung together.
They may resort to acronyms to shorten long names, choose generic terms over specific, or refer to slides and other visual aids.
I grew up on-post, in a military bubble, saying "Yes, sir," and "Yes, ma'am," using military time and speaking in acronyms.
Or to put it more broadly, why do some stats catch on while others stagger off into the cemetery of useless acronyms?
His sentences are sprinkled with what he calls "Buseyisms": acronyms he's spelled out for decades that hint at his philosophy on life.
Nowadays this happens primarily through a combination of two provisions from the 85033 tax law, known by their acronyms, GILTI and FDII.
The changes were described in the letters, laden with bureaucratic acronyms and funding formulas, that were sent to cities late last month.
KIN-MING LIUHong Kong With much satisfaction, I have employed in conversation new acronyms that I learned in recent issues of The Economist.
It was our internet playground, where we grew accustomed to online acronyms and first learned about the very healthy habit of internet stalking.
They're awash in acronyms like V.M.T. (vehicle miles traveled), too reliant on planning terms like modeshare that don't resonate with the general public.
My parents may be retired now, but they are still extremely fluent in engineer-speak, which means they use a lot of acronyms.
The policy has had the immediate effect of separating children from their parents and placing them into a bureaucratic labyrinth of government acronyms.
Everyday a new technological evolution emerges: Drones, self-driving cars, holograms, dynamic online personalization, VR, AR, AI, and a host of other acronyms.
In recent years, officials have tried to push back against Western values in textbooks and English-language acronyms in television and radio broadcasts.
I would have certainly preferred for those three entries to be words rather than acronyms, but at least they are all well known.
That is the root of the lame joke above — these seven words are being enlisted as acronyms for the purpose of the theme.
If you're trying to follow the privacy legislation discussion, you may have noticed that the acronyms lawmakers have adopted are confusing and awful.
Procter and Gamble wants to trademark three-letter acronyms including 'LOL' and 'WTF' to use in an unlikely category: dishwashing detergents and soap.
The acronyms for the agencies that saw a leadership change are: FSOC, FRB, FDIC, OCC, CFPB, CFTC, NCUA, SEC, Labor, and soon the FHFA.
These acronyms are adapted from the professional codes used by the International Air Transport Association, and can be easily expanded upon using this database.
The acronyms 'FAANG + BAT' refer to the U.S. tech giants Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google, plus the Chinese firms Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent.
Sometimes a simple spell check isn't enough — because writing is a tricky thing, riddled with context, slang, shorthand, acronyms, and other grammar-related traps.
We examine it from the perspective of other open source-centered companies, and Lynley was even kind enough to namedrop a number of acronyms.
And for those still puzzling over "Nascar": We don't use all capital letters for acronyms of more than four letters, like Nascar and Unicef.
Therefore, a firm can enter certain phrases in the system, the names of third-party applications and common acronyms to help identify prohibited communications.
Most, if not all, states keep a blacklist of words or acronyms that may embarrass or offend other motorists, like ASS, XXX or WTF.
I will admit that the geometry today seemed to force a plethora of little acronyms upon us — DSL, SLR, RCA, ESL, ICU, LSD, etc.
We speak in acronyms; we speak in our own jargon, and therefore we're trying to distill that down and make it to be accessible.
The answer to that involves a decades-long rivalry, accusations of backstabbing, a mess of acronyms and Malaysia's sometimes fraught religious and ethnic divides.
Tinder said some political figures, such as representative Ocasio-Cortez and judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, were often discussed by their acronyms AOC and RBG.
A proposed solution: the "interoperable learning record," or I.L.R. (proof that, even in the future, higher education will be rife with acronyms and jargon).
There are lots of different experiments around the world, with a dizzying array of acronyms, all looking to be the first to directly detect WIMPs.
By using the skills I developed from growing up — Creativity, Resilience, Adapability, Perseverance — or CRAP (I'm not good at making acronyms), I became a millionaire.
Don't get too worried about the acronyms, all you need to know is that they're two different ways of encoding color information for analog TVs.
The FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and more than a dozen other security acronyms comprise a secret state within the state—the security industrial complex.
"NASA lawyers from Nairobi and the coast are trying to locate where he is being held," he said, referring to the coalition by its acronyms.
Here it is: It is indeed encouraging to see scientists finding ways to communicate climate science that don't involve long reports and dozens of acronyms.
Be sure to avoid acronyms & industry/nerd jargon (we speak a language that is exclusionary to many), instead try easy to understand and translate terms.
Our country has a very serious one, seemingly as pervasive and sinister as any of the scary acronyms — AIDS, SARS, MRSA — that have preceded it.
Maria Rose Belding: MEANS is an acronym that stands for Matching Excess And Need for Stability; 953-year-old me had a fondness for acronyms.
In large part, the Brits voted to make clear that the Westminster parliament, not a confusing jumble of acronyms in Brussels, was their lawmaking institution.
George Mason University Antonin Scalia School of Law does not make for the nicest acronyms, especially when intending to honor a late Supreme Court justice.
You've probably heard of the stock market and maybe you've even seen that little ticker with all the red and green arrows next to acronyms.
"Who needs military advice or intell to make policy on ISIL, Syria, Afghanistan, DPRK?" she said, using acronyms for the Islamic State and North Korea.
The attack came as American forces took a new step in their campaign against the Islamic State, also known by the acronyms ISIS or ISIL.
Moise hopes two measures, known by their acronyms HOPE and HELP, which provide duty-free preferences for certain light manufactured goods, will help power the economy.
Verizon, HSBC, eBay, Home Depot, Disney, Colgate-Palmolive, and SAP also spoke about their partnerships with Google — alternately in glittering generalities and arcane enterprise software acronyms.
More colors, more pixels, and a whole lot more acronyms and complex terms that mean something—even if you have no idea what that something is.
If you're a SaaS business,  you're likely overwhelmed with data and an ever-growing list of acronyms that purport to unlock secret keys to your success.
Even though the acronyms aren't deeply compelling for consumers yet, Roku has a real and growing stake in ensuring it maintains an edge in supporting them.
If you can handle the acronyms, Trout's WAR is significant, because only Ty Cobb and Mickey Mantle had the same level of accomplishment before turning 25.
The many acronyms and abbreviations used online and in messaging have alarmed parents who can't interpret them and educators who think they are contaminating standard English.
Indeed, the two most popular sub-genres of JOI are frequently referred to only by their acronyms: SPH ("small penis humiliation") and CEI ("cum eating instructions").
When it comes to elevating form over substance, and confusing a proliferation of meetings and acronyms for a deepening of ties, ASEAN is the Zen master.
"I'm determined to change the structure of the organization, make it more lean and decisive," Byford said, pointing at an ornate flowchart with numerous inscrutable acronyms.
The form references a handful of bureaucratic acronyms and provides three main "actions" for helping the parents locate their child or children after they are separated.
Today, there are multiple versions of new drugs targeting molecular pathways with acronyms such as PD-1/L1, PARP and CDK, as well as CAR-T.
The acronyms refer to five big U.S. tech stocks — Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google-parent Alphabet — along with their Chinese counterparts Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent.
Bloomberg News reports that the memo, issued last Thursday by Deputy Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan, used "Star Wars" acronyms to name the new cloud computing program.
This method of communication requires the "less is more" approach, no acronyms, no industry jargon and a step-by-step process that can easily be followed.
The goal, he said, is to be quickly identified as law enforcement, and in a sketchy situation, you don't want to create confusion with unfamiliar acronyms.
Years before companies talked of social responsibility or brandished acronyms like ESG and CSR to signal their virtue, MacKaye had incorporated doing good into Fugazi's business model.
The Mongolian acronyms for the two dominant political parties—the Mongolian People's Party (MPP) and the Democratic Party (DP)—combine to form the word for fog, manan.
Feldmann went down the list of acronyms of the different instruments, which measure things like temperature, humidity, cloud cover, and water vapor: ASCAT. GOME. GRAS. IASI. AMSU.
From words and acronyms to emoji and GIFs, people today have a wide range of tools in their arsenal to express online what they're thinking and feeling.
"He is still considered the leader of ISIL and many continue to fight for him; that hasn't changed drastically," he said, using one of Islamic State's acronyms.
An American Airlines flight manual mentions MCAS only in a table of acronyms, according to an October 2018 edition of the 1,400-page book seen by Reuters.
The finale alone attracted 100 million viewers, which is astounding when you consider that this is before most Americans had ever encountered acronyms like DVR or VCR.
As with acronyms that used to stay in your text messages, emojis have also entered your office lingo — and that's not always a bad thing, Kerr said.
For once, the language coming from the glass and concrete buildings in Brussels is laden not with the dull acronyms of European Union jargon, but with angst.
They won't give me graham crackers or cookies because of the sugar content, and I spend my days making acronyms for the word LIBERATION instead of swimming.
I'm no longer just listening in to the baby monitor — I'm "monitoring our freeks," because we armchair cops swim in a sea of jargon, slang, and acronyms.
You'll be able to type in the address bar to find co-workers, office locations, floor plans for a building, and even get definitions for company acronyms.
Cramer, who enjoys putting acronyms to good use, is now on the prowl for a new play on words to redefine the group of big technology stocks.
This puzzle relies on these little shorties, although they're each part of a longer answer, and none of them are actually words of their own, but acronyms.
Last year, Procter & Gamble filed to trademark the acronyms LOL, WTF, NBD, and FML so it could use them for branding on Febreze and Mr. Clean products.
In a world increasingly short of artists who have the courage to make a stand for what they believe in, M.I.A. wins the battle of the acronyms.
The best-known were gang symbols (often acronyms or numbers), records of time spent (cobwebs, clocks, dots), or acknowledgments of specific violent crimes, mostly murder (teardrops and crosses).
The buses typically do not bear names of companies, but acronyms for destinations that appear on the vehicle's digital banners can indicate to which tech campus they travel.
On a big whiteboard festooned with acronyms like AMRAP and EMOM, you'd find the day's assortment of kettlebell swings and Spider-Man pushups, mountain climbers and sumo deadlifts.
If it goes well, he said, the result could be "greater cooperation against ISIL and speed the destruction of Daesh," he said, using two other acronyms for ISIS.
First the analysts did a projection based on all current US policies on the books, including the CPP, the ITC, the PTC, the RPSs, and various other acronyms.
We learned NASA's geeky acronyms for parts of the spacecraft, like CSM (command/service module), LM (pronounced "Lem," for the lunar module) and the SPS (service propulsion system).
That is the law known as SESTA-FOSTA (acronyms for the "Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act" and the "Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act").
Keeping with the Simpsons themed acronyms, the Demonstration Using Flattop Fissions (DUFF) used nuclear fission, rather than natural radioactive decay, as an energy source for a Stirling converter.
As a result, Bolton's memoir is a forest of acronyms such as SALT, START, PSI, CBW, and IAEA that only arms-control wonks will likely instantly understand. 6.
"The name initially announced — the Antonin Scalia School of Law — has caused some acronym controversy on social media," Mr. Butler wrote, without repeating any of the offending acronyms.
The researchers try to use their time with him energetically, so there is an excited murmur while the experiments go on—shoptalk conducted mostly in acronyms and initials.
And then, perhaps, the startup will data that will illuminate what we talk about when we talk about UAP, UFOs, or whatever acronyms someone comes up with later.
She's only been in town a moment and has already, in this city of acronyms, become famous enough to supersede the shorthand for the Architect of the Capitol.
Unfortunately, the hackery comes obscured by a thick cloak of acronyms — it's an NOPR from DOE about ISOs that contradicts NERC, FFS — so it takes a little unpacking.
These organizations — representing an alphabet soup of acronyms — frequently competed with one another for funding from progressive donors, sapping energy and scarce resources instead of supporting a common agenda.
There is a host of recursive acronyms in programming, including PHP (PHP: Hypertext Processor), cURL (cURL URL Request LIbrary), and unofficially, the search engine Bing (Bing Is Not Google).
It refers to Love-Robinson as "Dr." and places acronyms after his name, including Ph.D. and HHPC, which is used for those involved in home health and personal care.
In January, ISIS — also known by the acronyms IS or ISIL — launched its first successful attack in Southeast Asia, killing four civilians in a strike on Jakarta in Indonesia.
Steve Jobs may have chucked a sledgehammer at Big Brother in 1984 when he was fighting IBM, but in 2016 Apple is fighting a very different set of acronyms.
In 2013 it expanded into Syria and became Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (sometimes Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, hence the different acronyms, ISIL and ISIS).
The foundation, called LIFt, purports to empower women as its staff squanders countless hours and resources brainstorming acronyms and catering to the whims of their celebrity boss, Leora Infinitas.
The various acronyms for new official rates - SITME, SICAD, SICAD II, SIMADI, DIPRO and DICOM - have become a joke among critics as the currency falls on the black market.
This is a company that tells other companies (and governments) how to be as ruthless as possible, and dresses up its methods in a bunch of acronyms and buzzwords.
I think that's actually fairly simple; I mean, one of the problems with ad tech is that there's a million acronyms which make it hard to even approach. Yes.
CNBC's Jim Cramer, who enjoys putting acronyms to good use, is now on the prowl for a new play on words to redefine the group of big technology stocks.
When charter schools grow and succeed, as Ascend did, they tend to look more and more like private corporations, adopting their hierarchies and habits and acronyms and meeting-speak.
Two of the biggest new taxes were supposed to apply to multinational corporations, and lawmakers bestowed them with easy-to-pronounce acronyms — BEAT and GILTI — that belie their complexity.
The robot hotel is more formally known as the "Robotic Tool Stowage" unit, or the RiTS for short, because NASA loves nothing quite so much as it loves acronyms.
As investors look for new acronyms to express investment themes its worth focusing on the fantastic 'FAANG' trade (we add Apple to ours) performance and why its days are numbered.
The 2018 crop mostly marches along the same path manufacturers have been following for decades: Everything's a little bigger and sharper, and there are new inscrutable acronyms everywhere you look.
Originally spotted by Kotaku, New School student Kara Quinteros' fashion line Start a New Thread pulls common phrases and acronyms off of 4chan and constructs them for the real world.
But the rest of Wall Street hasn't been interested in hunting for value amid consumer staples companies or big banks, opting instead for flashy acronyms stocks such as the FANGs.
Don't worry about the actual name, the "ST" in both acronyms stands for "sex trafficking", and the law makes online firms liable if users are engaged in sex-trafficking crimes.
That's a lot of acronyms, but the basic point is this: The program that the administration is targeting helps needy people get access to food stamps more easily and quickly.
It referred to Love-Robinson as "Dr." and places acronyms after his name, including Ph.D. and HHP-C, which is used for those involved in home health and personal care.
Two Education Department officials at the front of a brightly lit classroom ticked off the alphabet soup of acronyms that represents the city's various resources for parents, principals and teachers.
And Branswell reported in January that other candidate names were out there—but the acronyms for South East Asia Respiratory Syndrome and Chinese Acute Respiratory Syndrome were just too dumb.
"You cannot count on a PEP in Colombia and at the same time have a PTP in Peru," he added, referring to the Spanish acronyms for the country's residency permits.
But as more and more of these systems hit the market, the alphabet soup of acronyms and confusing nomenclature can make it difficult to determine what these systems actually do.
One of the problems, before the Danish disaster, was that green activists, even the most lively-minded ones, could be seen boring people to death with pie-charts, acronyms and statistics.
Most of the other specs and acronyms that manufacturers like to throw around can largely be ignored: they're just fancy names for the special innovations and calibrations each company is making.
In the Dust-ending clips, we actually see her medically drugged up argument, which includes more pertinent acronyms than most people would probably be able to supply while stone cold sober.
The cloud-based tool will also give you information about the estimated reading times and decode acronyms for you, based on data it has about your company in the Microsoft Graph.
" The group noted in the letter that while the acronyms for both viruses are similar and that both can be spread by sexual activity, "that's pretty much where the similarities end.
Here's what you need to know: There are a lot of acronyms floating around, so first, just know that the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the coronavirus) causes the disease Covid-19.
The "most crowded" trade for the eighth straight month was "Long FAANG and BAT" - acronyms for U.S. tech giants Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google, and China's Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent.
If you want the full background on what this means and how all these acronyms fit together, I wrote a long post last year explaining the whole thing top to bottom.
Some mnemonics live on today — schoolchildren use acronyms and other devices to remember facts and dates, for example — but few people today show the exceptional skill with it that memory athletes do.
"In many ways these forces looked and acted like the Daesh fighters the Coalition has been targeting for two years," he said, referring to Islamic State by one of its Arab acronyms.
Team Soft G claimed victory, while Team Hard G simply (and rightly) said that language is mutable, ever-changing, and subject to the whims of the public not the inventors of acronyms.
The bank, and its president Mario Draghi, has been desperately trying to reflate the European economy through a number of stimulus measures that go by cumbersome acronyms such as PSPP and TLTRO.
Acronyms are not common in Arabic as they are in English, so an Arabic acronym as a concept comes off as a weird invention -- something that is made up and not real.
Battered in the polls and facing weekly protests in the street, Mr Macron is attempting a comeback in the way he knows best: with the force of argument, reason and relentless acronyms.
Our choice, given the drift of technology, is between a world with international acronyms and attendant restraints on national behavior and a world of peril and instability, if not all-engulfing chaos.
But French rules on schemes like apprenticeships or subsidised job creation change faster than firms can fill in the forms, or decipher the alphabet soup of acronyms such schemes are known by.
The Muse also suggests using both the spelled-out version of the title you're vying for, along with any relevant acronyms or certifications you've held previously (CPA / Certified Public Accountant, for example).
Bank of America Merrill Lynch's monthly fund manager survey found the leading U.S. and Asian tech stocks, known by their FAANG and BAT acronyms, are still considered the most crowded trade globally.
And the video of the encounter between Navy fighter jets and an unidentified object moving at extraordinary velocity provided a helpful visual to the cause of those U.F.O. groups with long acronyms.
At night, we went to shows for his bands or book parties for my authors, each of us gamely tolerating the rivers of unknown names and acronyms that flowed through the conversations.
Unlike acronyms that have passed seamlessly into English vocabulary, like SCUBA (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) or LASER, (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation), PUBG was not designed to be pronounceable.
Other words that will now be playable include delish, queso, wordie, bae, and even acronyms such as FOMO — that's "fear of missing out" — and "TFW" — or "that feel when," in internet-speak.
The three recently published their proposal in Physics Letters B, christening their detector Mathusla (which, in the grand tradition of tortured physics acronyms, stands for MAssive Timing Hodoscope for Ultra Stable neutraL pArticles).
The biggest takeaway was to learn the acronyms ACTS and PROVE (which I've since forgotten), but basically, they spell out how to make sure your gun is unloaded and never pointed at anyone.
On BabyCenter, a popular parenting site owned by Johnson & Johnson, users have adopted acronyms like BNOG (boy name on girl), GNOB (girl name on boy) and GN (gender-neutral) when discussing naming strategies.
The clues included a Waltons actor who had been dead for 40 years; inelegant acronyms or abbreviations showed up as answers 11 times, including the nearly unforgivable double abbreviation MTST (the clue: "____ Helens").
The constant news reports in the background provide helpful exposition for those unfamiliar with Colombia's history: the doomed electoral campaign of the presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galán, the waves of acronyms (FARC, ELN).
Mr. Mitchener, who is 0003 and lives in St. Louis, said that he chose the name Sciddy because it is catchy, but that some of his customers have made up their own acronyms.
"ISIS' claim to represent the caliphate has clearly been a trump card," said Bernard Haykel, a professor of Near Eastern studies at Princeton University, referring to the group by one of its acronyms.
From lace loops to decorative decals to stiff outer soles and cushy innards, running shoes are an intricately manufactured stew of acronyms: TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane), EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate), and PET (polyethylene terephthalate).
Wi-Fi 220 support brings a host of technologies and new acronyms to the table, but the most applicable one is that it allows for more simultaneously connected devices than Wi-Fi 2189.99.
Helen CoonanChair of the Minerals Council of Australia (centre of top photo) When it comes to the coal industry, it is easy to get lost in the torrent of acronyms, names, and biographies.
You can start with a simple internet search; whenever I have a specific question or don&apost understand the jargon in economic writing, I make sure to look up those acronyms and terms.
"Daesh are holding the population as hostages, not allowing them to escape, and they are putting up a tough fight there," he added, referring to the militant group by one of its Arabic acronyms.
Caption: Just as the characters in Wall-E, which helped inspire the design of the shoe, had acronyms for names, the HyperAdapt has its own nickname: E.A.R.L. It stands for Electro Adaptive Reactive Lacing.
The apparently dry debate over acronyms has divided the car and telecoms industries and will influence which continent ends up dominating automated driving technologies that promise to be safer than people behind the wheel.
And if you can get through all of the wonky acronyms, it's actually not boring, because it gets at the U.S.' unique problem of having very expensive health care that is relatively poor quality.
When a currency conversion is typed into Presearch as a search query in the correct format (using relevant acronyms like USD and CAD) the query will surface a currency converter built by community members.
This year, however, the show has been highlighted by eco-friendly family haulers like the EQ and the all-electric Volkswagen I.D. Clearly, the Germans love to give their EV concepts two-letter acronyms.
Islamic State, also known by the English acronyms ISIS or ISIL or the Arabic acronym Daesh, has declared a "caliphate" to rule over all Muslims from territory it controls in both Iraq and Syria.
The tool is called "silent signatures"—strings of digital code that operate in stealth to find malware but which could also be written to search computers for potential classified documents, using keywords or acronyms.
The reliable-seeming data you can find is stuff you already know, and answers for your weirder questions are only available on message boards, often filled with judgey people who exclusively speak in acronyms.
Populated by what Watkins calls the "downtown crowd" -- models, designers, photographers, influencers -- it featured Ghanian-inspired decor, a DJ curating a "sort of afropunk, deep house" sound, and savvy "BFF" acronyms for social traction.
For a while, defense lawyers' attacks on the star prosecution witness in a sprawling New York corruption case were the most exciting part of a trial otherwise focused on contracts, agencies and bureaucratic acronyms.
Mr. Putin said he broadly agreed that the Islamic State, sometimes known by the acronyms ISIL or ISIS, had been defeated in Syria, although analysts estimate it still commands a force of 15,000 fighters.
Acronyms are the lingua franca of government bureaucracy, and the US' process for vetting foreign money poured into American firms is no exception: CFIUS, or the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.
Those names are derived from the institutions' long acronyms: Fannie Mae is the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) and Freddie Mac is the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC — a stretch to be honest).
"When I arrived, I walked into a room of 50 people — literally my first day — and they started spewing at me these acronyms: PTO, NOAA, NIST, BIS, ESA, ITA… [it] made me crazy," she laughs.
In two of the three round types we reviewed above, the compound annual growth rate (or CAGR, for those of you who like acronyms) of supergiants underperformed more quotidian rounds, as the table below shows.
Image: DellAs display tech develops, you can expect to see manufacturers build even more improvements on top of the foundations of LCD and OLED, and add even more confusing terms and acronyms into the mix.
And while this summer was overcome by Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson getting matching ink — including sweet French phrases, clouds, and cryptic acronyms — Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas are now giving them a little competition.
But a much larger number of Trump supporters, though less frenzied, can still be convinced that various international acronyms unacceptably constrain America—that, back in the good old days, we didn't take orders from foreigners.
Various exchange mechanisms have failed to satiate demand for dollars over the last decade, and the various acronyms for the exchange rates - SITME, SIMADI, SICAD, SICAD II, DIPRO, DICOM - have come in for much criticism.
So far, nothing comes up for similar slang like AFK or LOL, but with both sets of acronyms constantly in flux, "idek" won't be the last string of letters to end up on both lists.
AMERICA Americans have a variety of MRE packs, which splinter off into acronyms that stand for eerily similar things, such as FSR (First Strike Ration), RCW (Ration Cold Weather) and the MCI (Meal, Combat, Individual).
In fact, it's hard to see the enduring (let alone the immediate) value to someone struggling to find meaning at work by contemplating a bunch of acronyms that the authors seem to view as worthwhile.
The judgement said that Dupuy, the former legal department director, said French salespeople were encouraged to help Swiss colleagues, who were instructed to encrypt their agendas, use acronyms and codes for clients to hide their dealings.
The judgment said that Dupuy, the former legal department director, said French salespeople were encouraged to help Swiss colleagues, who were instructed to encrypt their agendas, use acronyms and codes for clients to hide their dealings.
To the novice, online dating profiles today can look like bafflingly coded messages with random-ass numbers (aka the unspoken requirement for men to include their height) and nonsense acronyms (aka Myers-Briggs personality type indicator).
"The regional threat from terrorism, in particular from Daesh and foreign fighters, is a direct threat to Australia and our interests," she said in the statement, referring to Islamic State by one of its Arab acronyms.
Near the cafeteria was a giant board that defined one of the many acronyms LinkedIn uses, including: JYMBII (Jobs You May Be Interested In), QPR (quarterly product release), LTS/LMS/LSS (LinkedIn Talent, Marketing, Learning Solutions).
"The majority of my neighbors, customers, and myself do not feel safe around law enforcement agents (ICE, DPD, Homeland Security, etc)," Coronado wrote, referencing the acronyms for Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Detroit Police Department.
"The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified," read the joint statement, using acronyms for the official name of North Korea and prisoners of war.
All of LeEco's products run on top of Android, including its phones, although there's a skin over it that LeEco calls "EUI" (honestly, it was difficult to keep track of all the acronyms during the launch event).
Some of them come from small groups with big acronyms and specific agendas, like the FIPRESCI awards (from the Fédération Internationale de la Presse Cinématographique) and the NETPAC prize (Network for the Promotion of Asian Pacific Cinema).
A signature tactic in the new conflict, honed on sites like 4chan and 8chan, is forensic analysis of digital imagery and geospatial data—fields specialized enough to have their own acronyms, IMINT and GEOINT, in military jargon.
The contraction of the words "White House" and "America" into two-letter acronyms that spell out a new word when placed side-by-side is characteristic of Rosen's wordplay, but little else is playful about the painting.
Twitter limits posts to 140 characters, and most tweets are produced and consumed quickly on mobile phones, encouraging abbreviations, acronyms, "textese" (LOL, OMG, etc.) and other linguistic shortcuts, not to mention both human-caused and autocorrected typos.
Several of our common words were once acronyms from this era, such as "omg" ("oh my god") and "wtf" ("what the" followed by an expletive then as now unprintable in these pages — some things have not changed).
However, it is the talk of the town in the "Brussels bubble", where diplomats, technocrats and journalists bandy around acronyms and jargon that only make it harder for others to understand the MFF - the multiannual financial framework.
Power utilities are a notoriously arcane and complex subject — be warned, there are lots of acronyms ahead — so to get our heads around why and how PG&E must be reformed, let's start with a little background.
Hahamy searched for other local schools with similar acronyms, and was finally able to match a rendering of a hallway on one school's website with the background of a post about a "David A. Thomas" on gunmemorial.
The NFL is not in the business of passing up chances to come up with new tough-sounding military-style acronyms, although the sport's institutional steakheadedness has ensured that nothing terribly interesting has been done with them yet.
It referred to Love-Robinson as "Dr." and had acronyms after his name, such as HHP-C, which is used for those involved in home health and personal care, and Ph.D., which is generally not a medical degree.
Now with our things, and their stories, we can leverage Thing Association Groups (or TAGs—because you can never have enough of abbreviations in your pile of acronyms) to reduce the aforementioned language barrier between people and technology.
Specifically, IBS can often be confused with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in both symptoms and acronyms — and because IBD (unlike IBS) can cause permanent damage to your body if left untreated, it's crucial to get an accurate diagnosis.
"The language of environmentalists has been boring, so uninspiring ... If we just speak a technical language, with many acronyms and politically-correct phrases, no one will listen," he said in an interview during a Bonn conference on landscapes.
Many financial professionals are members of a charter organization (you can usually tell by the acronyms after their name.) These organizations also have standards and codes of ethics, so it's worth lodging a complaint with them, as well.
Indeed, it can seem as though a new organization pops up every week, and it remains to be seen whether ESIC will just add to the acronyms or if it can be the unifying force the industry needs.
So while on calls with investors and potential partners, Decker used a cheat sheet: "I used to have a list of acronyms in front of me, which sounds so naive and juvenile, but it was true," she adds.
TV shows like "ER" and "Grey&aposs Anatomy" have helped to shed light on some of the confusing acronyms and phrases used in hospitals and doctors&apos offices, but only practicing nurses and doctors know all the slang.
Emilio Archila, Mr Duque's head of post-conflict affairs, is trying to create a single implementable plan from the multitude of plans, agencies and acronyms left by Mr Santos's team for the parts of the country scarred by conflict.
Reaction to the suggestive acronyms has been mixed and has launched a conversation about whether the name of the 31-year-running NIPS—which has sexual connotations and is also a racist slur for Japanese people—should be changed.
DLH sticks to what he knows best on production and songwriting–trance rave-ups through the lens of J-pop sweetness–while CRJ (acronyms, yeah!) somehow makes the phrase "so bananas" into the maybe the coolest, joyous thing possible?
Write out that mouthful of acronyms and you have Maximilian Büsser and Friends' Mechanical Art Devices — a showroom for what is no doubt the zaniest watchmaker on the planet, with particular allure for a certain type of adult male.
If you are downsized, for example, and unexpectedly lose employer health insurance, you would be eligible for a special circumstances enrollment period, which, of course, is also called a special enrollment period, or SEP for short (Medicare loves acronyms).
Display technology in 2017 is a complicated business, but if you understand some basic concepts and a few of the acronyms everything starts to be about as clear as that sweet iPhone display you might be reading this on.
Hire's AI now finds these words for a recruiter automatically by analysing terms in a job description or search query and highlighting relevant words including synonyms and acronyms in a resume to save time spent manually searching for them.
Hudson, a communicators coordinator at the United Nations University (UNU), realized the acronyms adopted so widely by the 193 U.N. member states were a barrier to getting public support for its work and confusing even those in-the-know.
Rereading "Ten Days That Shook the World" today, it is not the near-verbatim accounts of interminable, overlapping Soviet committee meetings that stand out, nor the alphabet soup of long-forgotten organizational acronyms that requires a 10-page glossary.
The current array of rental-assistance programs, aimed at replacing Advantage, are a jumble of acronyms, like LINC (Living in Communities) and SEPS (Special Exit and Prevention Supplement), and have been confusing to desperate applicants and reluctant landlords alike.
Even his jokes land flat, most painfully those associated with Fallon (John Sanders), the talent manager whose fondness for cutesy acronyms (Trip and Pamela are said to be LAME — "Lustful And Mercilessly Entertaining") serves as a lone character trait.
There are a lot of weird, confusing-sounding acronyms that get thrown around by fitness pros, like WOD (workout of the day), AMRAP (as many reps as possible), HIIT (high-intensity interval training), and DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness), for example.
After all, part of the standard elite indictment of Trump is that, in his disdain for international acronyms, in his contempt for international norms and laws, he is abandoning the "rules-based international order" earlier presidents painstakingly built and maintained.
Respondents in nine of 10 European countries surveyed said they saw IS, also known by the acronyms ISIS and ISIL, as the greatest danger, with 93 percent of Spaniards and 91 percent of French describing the group as a "major threat".
It might be okay to slip in acronyms like "LOL" or talk more casually if you're chatting with your close coworker, especially if the company culture is one where everyone is working at a startup three years out of college.
It stands for "zero interest rate policy," and became one of the most common acronyms used to describe the seven-year period when the Fed's benchmark overnight lending rate was parked in a range of between zero and 0.25 percent.
These stories, at their heart, once everything else is stripped away — the acronyms and the arguments and all the rest — are about who will get to run European soccer, whose voice carries the most weight, and who answers to whom.
"ISIS is a solid GOP message to show contrast with Hillary Clinton and the failures of the Obama-Clinton administration," said Alice Stewart, a Republican strategist who remains undecided about the nominee, using acronyms for Islamic State and the Republican Party.
Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of "The Humor Advantage," told Business Insider that when chatting on these platforms, employees should be wary of using slang, especially common acronyms such as "WTF" or "LMAO" that contain swear words.
After only a few minutes, I was lost in soup of corporate acronyms, slogans and minutiae — and no closer to determining whether this training will actually help Walmart workers get ahead in life (or just make them better at selling things).
Acronyms like these are used across social media and messaging apps and are popular among the hard-to-reach millennial group, one that might be more interested in P&G's other products such as Old Spice deodorant or Aussie shampoo.
From the mortgages themselves to products created to bet on risk and credit worthiness, soon enough, Wall Street had created an extensive and complex array of securities with funky acronyms, in some cases magnifying the risks two- and three-fold.
If I have an audience that's coming in from Politico, I know that we can kind of juice up this story with more acronyms, we can make it a little bit more inside based if that's the main traffic source.
Once preoccupied by family and community — by simple survival — Americans, in the full flush of post-World War II prosperity, now felt liberated to self-actualize through EST (Erhard Seminars Training), HPM (the human potential movement) and other important-sounding acronyms.
Others include a set of matching cloud tattoos she and Davidson got on their left-hand middle fingers as well as "REBORN" and "H2GKMO" (one of Grande's favorite acronyms meaning "Honest to God, knock me out") which they got on their right hands.
Furthermore, while there will always be the "fat fingers" problem with simple unintentional typos, many of these spelling variants are intentional; for brevity, stylistic or emphasis purposes, texters deviate from standard spellings with acronyms, shortened/simplified versions of words and even lengthened variations.
"[L]ooks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news," Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin told other campaign aides in a March 7, 2015, email, using acronyms for the president and Clinton.
The list of things that could never have existed without the night includes but is not limited to the following acronyms: the KLF, the IRA, the ECL, AFI, XTC, NARC, PCP, PMA, PKD, PDA, STD, CBT, ZMA, AWOL, and MPS in the sky.
Lamar's appearance was meme-fulfillment and possibly his widest exposure ever, so it's not all bad, but it's insane that in the same year as the tangled, tortured To Pimp a Butterfly, he wrote and performed a verse that was mainly acronyms.
The machines being used aren't household names — they go by acronyms like GOES-13, Modis and SMAP — but they demonstrate why the popular view of Earth as a big blue planet with only the Moon as its companion could do with some revising.
"Two Angels" (acrylic on canvas, 1986) by the iconic Gugging artist Walla is on display, a six-and-a-half-foot-wide explosion of color whose standing, winged figures are covered with decorative patterns — as well as the acronyms of Austrian political parties.
Acronyms abound, many of them without explanation or context, and since the point of view is tightly limited to Kir (who naturally doesn't bother to explain concepts that are second nature to her), the learning curve for this story never quite levels out.
Veterans of Burning Man and other festivals learn acronyms like MOOP, for "Matter Out of Place," an umbrella term for trash and anything else that doesn't occur naturally on a site; cigarette butts, broken tents and human waste are some common examples.
But that didn't stop the IOC from politely asking the International Roller Sports Federation (FIRS) to see about governing skateboarding so it could be included in the Olympics, despite the existence of the International Skate Federation (ISF, and I'm sorry about all the acronyms).
"It's a broken system that ISIS or anyone else, whoever is next, can play into," said Donna Yates, an archaeologist at the Scottish Center for Crime and Justice Research at the University of Glasgow, referring to the Islamic State by one of its acronyms.
Over the course of their five-month relationship, Grande and Davidson used tattoos as their love language, getting 16 total tattoos between the two of them— including matching clouds, cryptic acronyms, and the word "Reborn," as well as individual designs in honor of one another.
Islamic State, also known by the acronyms ISIS, ISIL or Daesh, swept through one-third of Iraq in June 2014 and declared a "caliphate" in territory it controlled in both Iraq and Syria, carrying out mass killings and imposing a draconian form of Islam.
"Each of the participants - the ABCDs, Gs, Cs, all the various acronyms - are becoming increasingly different businesses," he said in a telephone interview, referring to the so-called ABCD quartet of ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Dreyfus, along with Glencore and Chinese-owned COFCO International.
Sometime in December, Deus Ex fans new and old will be able to play the new GMDX 9.0 mod (Give Me Deus Ex, if you really must know the arcane mysteries behind acronyms), which bills itself as the "definitive Deus Ex experience" with some authority.
Read more:This map shows the most commonly spoken language in every US state, excluding English and Spanish9 famous brand acronyms you never knew the meaning ofThese are the most 'annoying' slang words, according to AmericansThese are the 10 most confusing words in the English language
This newspaper discourages clusters of all caps, even in some commonly used acronyms, so I am regretfully unable to indulge the Chinese pianist who on Wednesday gave a performance at Carnegie Hall that was bold and often impressively loud, but sometimes hard to read.
Over the past few years, people have used acronyms like GBE for Chief Keef's Glory Boyz, FBG for Future's Freebandz Gang, and OVO for Drake's October's Very Own label in their social handles to show their support and admiration for their favorite rapper's friend groups.
Jobs day has also become something of a monthly club meeting for economics nerds, complete with its own clubhouse (Twitter) and secret language: "beats" and "misses," U-873 and U-6 (two different measures of unemployment), and an alphabet soup of obscure acronyms and abbreviations.
Living With Cancer For most people with cancer, life has conventional stages that I can sum up with acronyms: B.C. (before cancer), A.D. (at diagnosis), S.S.N. (some surgical nightmare), RATS (radiation therapies), ICH (in chemotherapy), followed by IRS (in a remission of some number).
The kid on the stool next to me was wearing a denim vest with the sleeves ripped off that he must have thrifted; it was covered in buttons and patches for bands like NOFX and AC/DC, which were refreshingly the only acronyms in the whole place.
TEAM CREST was a Hail Mary pass of trying different combinations of words that end in AM with those that start with C. If I remember correctly, there weren't many more, if any, cable channel trigrams that were workable acronyms and not abbreviations, such as SHO.
The T.M.T. collaboration, now officially known as the T.M.T. International Observatory — T.I.O., in case you haven't read enough acronyms — has publicly put the cost of its telescope at $1.4 billion, but recent analyses by knowledgeable outsiders come up with a price tag of more than $2 billion.
"ISIS members have become like mad dogs, and every member has the power of immediate execution," Abu Noor said by telephone from his home on the west side of Mosul, which government forces had not reached, referring to the terror group by one of its acronyms.
Once the model was released, the floodgates of Muppetware opened, and it was soon followed by many clever algorithms sporting brute-force acronyms, including ERNIE (Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration), KERMIT (Kontextuell Encoder Representations Made by Insertion Transformations), and Big BIRD (Big Bidirectional Insertion Representations for Documents).
Limited use of Internet slang and/or acronyms may be acceptable if your brand is going for that "young and hip" vibe, but generally as a rule of thumb, try to keep language concise and professional, particularly if you're dealing with a less-than-ecstatic customer.
He fluently speaks the language of government compliance, rattling off acronyms that consume his time and resources, including E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), U.S.D.A. (United States Department of Agriculture) and state and local offices, too, like A.C.D.O.H. (Albany County Department of Health).
Moreover, if Jason Bourne is a modern-day answer to James Bond, it's worth noting the only nefarious group here is the CIA, without requiring made-up acronyms like SPECTRE, as the preoccupation with Bourne stretches all the way to the agency's director (a perfectly cast Tommy Lee Jones).
Until recently, I was what one might call a long-time lurker of /r/SkincareAddiction (or ScA for short) — an outsider who read the information in its threads and indexes, learned the acronyms and knew the difference between blackheads and sebaceous filaments, but didn't actively participate in the conversation.
Painter was still in her last year at Mason Gross and also happened to be finishing her seventh book, "The History of White People" (2010), which she refers to by the delightful acronyms "THWP" and "MFB" (M for "my" and B for "book"; you can figure out the rest).
It has evolved a dialect decipherable only to insiders, which includes acronyms like "MAGA" (Make America Great Again); epithets like "God Emperor" (for Mr. Trump); insults like "cuck" (short for cuckold and often deployed against feminists); memes featuring a cartoon frog associated with racism; and nicknames like 'Pedes.
For those who said (wtf)" He didn't finish that last thought, but there are those who did say 'WTF,' after seeing the LGBTQ T-shirts, which rewrote the acronym to read "LIBERTY, GUNS, BIBLE, TRUMP, BBQ" instead of the acronyms' traditional meaning of "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer.
Dr. Sun, one of the first people to sound the alarm about a possible long-term impact of general anesthesia, was the lead investigator on the Pediatric Anesthesia Neurodevelopment Assessment study, known as the Panda study (acronyms are very important in medical trials, maybe especially when children are involved).
But if you're the kind of person with a huge stack of imported Famicom games, someone who relaxes by listening to the Castlevania II soundtrack and who doesn't need to look up acronyms like RGB, EDID, or DVI, the Nt mini is quite possibly the ideal way to play NES games.
There are a number of grid "balancing authorities" (grids run by particular utilities) near California, to which it could theoretically connect: (Follow the link to see what all those acronyms stand for.) CAISO's first partnership is with PacifiCorp, a utility that runs a grid in Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, and Oregon.
Ryan's penchant for tossing around acronyms and other wonky terminology underscores why some of his close friends and supporters think he'd be a perfect fit to lead AEI, a hub for conservative intellectuals that has cultivated a right-leaning approach to policy research and seen its influence grow on Capitol Hill.
To further nail the authenticity of old web culture, he even went back on the WayBackMachine to pull real Youtube comments and original usernames from 2006 which, if you think have terrible grammar now, a decade ago almost exclusively consisted of "all lower case, misspelled words, acronyms, and excessive characters," Seeley says.
Factor in a lengthy list of acronyms and shortened forms like 'cones (that would be silicones) and Vit C (yes, for vitamin C), and it's basically the Tower of Babel up in Reddit's SkincareAddiction, where the routine advice is plentiful, the community is tight, and the ease of navigation is... not the best.
Vin Scully, in his 67th season as a Los Angeles Dodgers broadcaster, hails from an era when you'd be lucky to catch a sports game on TV.  These days, digitally addicted young sports fans furiously shout into the wind on social media and throw around acronyms like GOAT to describe the players they admire.
Image: Alex Cranz/GizmodoComputer specs can be a baffling mix of acronyms and numbers at the best of times, but it's worth learning something about them: It'll help you choose a new computer, troubleshoot your old computer, and generally understand more about the relationship between the specs on the page and the experience you're getting.
It's hard to miss the fact that the Anonymous NFL Front Office Guy's counterparts in baseball and basketball are increasingly young dudes with Ivy League degrees and maybe MBA's, that they communicate using different acronyms and spend most of their time quantifying things that the NFL has always eagerly chalked up to gumption and grit.
MANCHESTER, England — Strip away the jargon and the euphemisms and the disorientating forest of acronyms, tune out the noise from claim and counterclaim and strident denial, pick a way through the laborious detail and the tangled minutiae, and a simple truth emerges: At the very apex of European soccer, a moment of reckoning is coming.
There is a poignancy in the book, with its welter of acronyms (enough to require a key at the front of book) referring to programs that were ardently cherished at the time but by now forgotten — APOB, CAA, DNS, MFY, R&R, YIA, CHIP (which was something other than today's health insurance program for children).
Upgrading a laptop or desktopDespite all the various acronyms and terms we've introduced so far, choosing an SSD upgrade for your laptop or desktop is actually pretty straightforward, because you're going to be limited by your existing system's setup (if you're buying an SSD for a new rig, that's when the buying process can get a lot more complicated).
Choose your screen technologyImage: Alex Cranz/GizmodoThere's a basic choice here between OLED and LED (which, strictly speaking, is actually an LCD lit by LED), but on top of that choice you're going to come across a host of acronyms and terms the TV makers have dreamt up to identify their own proprietary technologies and display tweaks.
It is only since living here, for example, that I have come to realize that the important thing is not just that Britain's National Health Service is funded by the taxpayer, but that it is "free at the point of delivery" -- without the sort of forms, claims or acronyms that make medical billing an actual degree course.
The following is a list of operational and planned projects: -------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: Datagro, UNEM, equipment makers, market filings Compilation: Reuters -------------------------------------------------------------- *Acronyms for states: MT: Mato Grosso GO: Goiás PR: Paraná -------------------------------------------------------------- **Project type flex: uses cane and corn as raw materials Project type full: uses only corn -------------------------------------------------------------- ***Capacity: in million liters of ethanol per year -------------------------------------------------------------- (Reporting by Marcelo Teixeira)
This means that U.S. investors who want to trade this sector — and some market strategists think there will be times it offers attractive profit opportunities — need to be increasingly aware of the impact of currency moves, acronyms like GDPR (the new European data privacy legislation) and "Digital Tax'" proposals (a European revenue tax plan aimed at high-tech companies).
PYEONGCHANG, South Korea (Reuters) - In recent months the situation of claims and counter-claims with regard to Russian doping at the 2014 Sochi Olympics has become more confusing than ever, with a barrage of acronyms — IOC, WADA, CAS — and scores of athletes involved in a spiral of accusations, bans and appeals that are continuing even as the Pyeongchang Games get under way.
Amid the alphabet soup of acronyms that may appear on a financial professional's business card or résumé — which represent the professional licenses, designations and certifications that person has earned — it's critical not to lose sight of the fundamental skills and attributes that set true financial planners apart from professionals who claim the title but lack the training, competence and expertise to substantiate it.
The eXternal Visibility System (or XVS, because NASA loves "X" in their acronyms) includes a front-facing camera and display combo that can provide a view for the pilot enhanced by augmented reality, which will include overlaying information like guidance to destination airports, warnings and alerts when other aircraft enter their airspace, and additional info and key cues upon landing approach and takeoff.
PYEONGCHANG, South Korea Feb 8 (Reuters) - In recent months the situation of claims and counter-claims with regard to Russian doping at the 2014 Sochi Olympics has become more confusing than ever, with a barrage of acronyms — IOC, WADA, CAS — and scores of athletes involved in a spiral of accusations, bans and appeals that are continuing even as the Pyeongchang Games get under way.
The real power of these technologies will be unlocked when we combine them — 5G-connected AVs, utilizing data sourced from the city via CV sensors to anticipate obstacles in real time, using AI to process the data and coordinate with other AVs for maximal street-level effectiveness, all while passengers look out a virtual MR window onto their individualized city (two-letter acronyms are the future!).
Space Environment Testbed The Space Environment Testbed (SET — NASA loves acronyms) project that will fly through medium Earth orbit to help determine whether this region of space (called the "slot" because it slots between two radiation belts) has less radiation than lower-orbit space, which could make it a prime locale for navigation and communication satellites that are negatively affected by the radiation present in low Earth orbit.
During my career as a foreign correspondent, I have generally found it prudent to listen to locals bearing advice and acronyms -- particularly when it comes to navigating issues of Byzantine complexity, such as the tribal structure of North Darfur's nomadic herders or the blood vendettas of MS-13 gangs in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, or even finding my way around the AirTrain at New York's John F. Kennedy Airport.
"The government likes acronyms so much, we've got a new one: CVID — complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization," State Department representative Heather Nauert said when Secretary of State Mike PompeoMichael (Mike) Richard PompeoAfghan president vows to take revenge after Islamic State attack on wedding The Hill's Morning Report - Trump on defense over economic jitters Latest pro-democracy rally draws tens of thousands in Hong Kong MORE took office in May.
Chairman Ajit Pai, who heads the five-member Federal Communications Commission, proposed rules requiring phone companies to use a caller ID authentication technology called STIR/SHAKEN, acronyms for a way to digitally validate a phone call as it passes through networks to verify it is coming from the number given on Caller ID. American consumers lose about $10 billion annually to fraudulent robocall schemes, the agency said in a release.
Exaggerated, morally panicked versions of youth internet styles have appeared everywhere from media hyperbole about emoji in the 2010s (most notably, Seattle's Q13 local FOX News affiliate claiming hilariously false things about the fox and hibiscus emoji) to media hyperbole about internet acronyms and plain-text emoticons in the 2000s—so much a media staple of the time that an academic paper was written analyzing 101 of them.
Chairman Ajit Pai, who heads the five-member Federal Communications Commission, proposed rules requiring phone companies to use a caller ID authentication technology called STIR/SHAKEN, acronyms for a way to digitally validate a phone call as it passes through networks to verify it is coming from the number given on Caller ID. American consumers lose about $10 billion annually to fraudulent robocall schemes, the agency said in a release.
So for me, really, the big challenge was how to make sure that I was bringing my reader along with me and not just using a bunch of acronyms — there's a massive glossary in the back of the book to help the reader, by the way — and not just losing the reader, but having to sort of explain my terms as I go or make sure those terms are implied with context.
As it happens, I am both paraphrasing the overview of this very World Bank report—"The Changing Nature of Work" (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Automation)—and relaying what we might call the "business and managerial consultancy outlook on automation" in general, or BAMCOA, if acronyms are your thing, as they are mine, and is often voiced in places like the World Economic Forum, the Harvard Business Review, Bloomberg Businessweek, and, yes, the World Bank.
The Uni-verse vernacular includes acronyms like NNOB (no name on back) and FNOB (full name on back), and concepts like "the leotard effect," wherein a football team's matching pants and socks make the players look like they are wearing leotards (think the Saints in black pants/socks, or the Ravens), and "amateur pacifistic" uniforms, a joke on Nike's Pro Combat line, which ties in neatly with "GIJoevember," the time of year when sports league jingoism is at its zenith.
Factbox outlines some of the sticking points 25 Nov CLIMATE-CHANGE/ACCORD-JARGON/ (FACTBOX)  FACTBOX-A field guide to U.N. climate jargon Guide to most common acronyms and jargon used at UN climate talks 25 Nov BRITAIN-BODIES/ (PIX) (TV)  Driver of truck with 39 bodies inside due in court Maurice Robinson, 25, due to appear before London's Old Bailey central criminal court on charges of manslaughter, immigration offences and money laundering after 39 bodies found in back of his truck on Oct 23.
As for the +, it's meant to indicate everyone else who isn't straight, but doesn't identify with the L, G, B, T, or Q. You may also be familiar with other acronyms to describe the LGBTQ+ community — such as LGBTQIA (the I stands for intersex and the A for asexual), LGBTQQIA (the two Qs are for both queer and questioning), LGBTQ2 (the 2 stands for Two-Spirit, a term used for gender non-conforming or genderqueer folks in the indigenous community in North America), LGBTTQQIAAP (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual), and QUILTBAG (queer, intersex, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, asexual, and gay).

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