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996 Sentences With "acknowledged that"

How to use acknowledged that in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "acknowledged that" and check conjugation/comparative form for "acknowledged that". Mastering all the usages of "acknowledged that" from sentence examples published by news publications.

At least they acknowledged that to us after some battling; they acknowledged that to us.
At least they acknowledged that to us after some battling, they acknowledged that to us.
The crowd sort of acknowledged that something was happening, and then sort of acknowledged that something had happened.
Gandler acknowledged that there's one big, missing piece — ESPN.
" Tillerson acknowledged that it would be an "incremental process.
" Still, Trump acknowledged that "there will always be change.
" Mr. Peters acknowledged that the report "strongly criticizes me.
Ms. Perry acknowledged that she would — on one condition.
" O'Rourke also acknowledged that he had "enjoyed white privilege.
" Conniff acknowledged that Adam "is by no means perfect.
Rosatom has acknowledged that five of its workers were killed.
Asseri acknowledged that procedures had not been followed in Marib.
Begrudgingly, I acknowledged that procrastination might help with everyday creativity.
On Monday, Jackson acknowledged that Anthony probably needed some rest.
Federal Reserve economists acknowledged that they could not model it.
Schatz acknowledged that he is skeptical of the industry's support.
In his response, Castro acknowledged that he'd violated the act.
He later acknowledged that his claim was only a hunch.
The Council acknowledged that some readers found the cartoon offensive.
He acknowledged that local tribes were AQAP's most formidable enemies.
" However, he acknowledged that DoorDash "didn't strike the right balance.
Ventura acknowledged that Garcia needs to work on his defense.
He has acknowledged that he has struggled with alcohol addiction.
" Mr. Francisco acknowledged that "this is a very tough hypothetical.
Ventura acknowledged that Garcia "needs to work" on his defense.
In a statement to BuzzFeed News, GMMB acknowledged that IBTimes.
Both we and China have acknowledged that in our discussions.
Trump himself has acknowledged that his political donations aren't charity.
" He too acknowledged that the duo has "really strong chemistry.
Ishler acknowledged that he had pushed Bettig over the ledge.
They recently acknowledged that there have been several coup attempts.
He acknowledged that and, after all, he was detached himself.
But even Georgeson acknowledged that this is likely a simplification.
It is widely acknowledged that dogs love to catch balls.
Comey acknowledged that balance in a letter to bureau employees.
He acknowledged that the country was no longer "completely sovereign".
But he acknowledged that the GOP won't go for it.
Brafman acknowledged that Shkreli was not always truthful with investors.
" He acknowledged that climate change does "require a global response.
He acknowledged that some people believed there was a bomb.
Other Redditors acknowledged that she had nice handwriting, at least.
In later interviews, she acknowledged that she had been abducted.
Clinton acknowledged that it was her name on the ballot.
Canova acknowledged that he hasn't heard from Sanders's campaign recently.
" Ramsay further acknowledged that "we should clean up the vocabulary.
Trump acknowledged that Democrats are unlikely to support that effort.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that online dating sucks.
" He acknowledged that this might sound like "big company rhetoric.
He nonetheless acknowledged that some Democrats may hold a grudge.
The DHS inspector general's office acknowledged that the report exists.
" Cruz acknowledged that intensity "turns people out at the polls.
Yahoo last week acknowledged that 500 million accounts were compromised.
At least they acknowledged that to us, after some battling.
The company acknowledged that its engineers had intentionally manipulated evaluations.
He acknowledged that not all officers were model public servants.
He acknowledged that some practitioners might not use it effectively.
On Thursday, he acknowledged that farmers may be starting fires.
But he acknowledged that it will be a tight race.
Yet the Democrats acknowledged that the worldview held by Mrs.
Walsh acknowledged that mass shootings have been a problem recently.
But Mishra acknowledged that the global economy is picking up.
But he acknowledged that irregularities took place during his tenure.
" A Pentagon statement Friday acknowledged that "ISIS remains a threat.
One manufacturer, Cuisinart, acknowledged that list price had little meaning.
But he acknowledged that Democrats need to agree to meet.
Sanders acknowledged that white Americans struggle with poverty as well.
Foulkes acknowledged that the company's makeup sales have been weak.
The coalition has not publicly acknowledged that Delta was involved.
But it acknowledged that enforcing the standards had been challenging.
Because it must be acknowledged that they are indeed drinking.
ANOC has acknowledged that the money might never be repaid.
Mr. Cuomo acknowledged that the initial reports had jarred nerves.
Two Democratic presidential candidates acknowledged that undocumented immigrants pay taxes.
Jeb Bush, a Republican, acknowledged that Broward County fell short.
But he acknowledged that its benefits were not spread evenly.
But he acknowledged that 2017 had been a reality check.
He acknowledged that it would not expand the subway geographically.
He acknowledged that the majority of riders disregarded safety guidance.
Dr. Cline later acknowledged that he did use his sperm.
She acknowledged that riders had lost confidence in the system.
" He then acknowledged that "It is something we're looking at.
" Haugen acknowledged that her clinic is "just doing what's recommended.
And Zeke has acknowledged that he can forgive Varner's mistake.
Jerry Brown acknowledged that the law could face legal challenges.
Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged that the move would hurt financial growth.
Mr. Solomon of GoFundMe acknowledged that consumers had been displeased.
Dr. Poole, the elephant biologist, acknowledged that likelihood as well.
He acknowledged that much before he let the words flow.
Reed acknowledged that he had been pressing in the majors.
This year, Kraft Heinz acknowledged that its problems ran deep.
Mr. Draghi acknowledged that many people are angry about trade.
She acknowledged that the race's official results were still muddled.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that clowns are terrifying.
McIlroy acknowledged that his longevity with Fitzgerald bucked the odds.
Afterward, he acknowledged that Sanders now supports gun control measures.
Volkswagen has acknowledged that its company culture had become toxic.
Whittlesey acknowledged that she had faced discrimination as a woman.
Clinton, he acknowledged that was the agenda for the meeting.
Generally, it is acknowledged that I am a good cook.
Yatani acknowledged that people were disenchanted with the growth numbers.
Mr. Fokin too, acknowledged that the bar was now higher.
She acknowledged that a complete list may never be possible.
He acknowledged that party leaders weren't thrilled with the idea.
Wojcicki acknowledged that these changes won't be easy for creators.
But she readily acknowledged that recruiters prey on Muslim youths.
Still, she acknowledged that illicit use could be a challenge.
In some recent public settings, Cambridge executives have acknowledged that.
Boeing acknowledged that concerns about trust led to the change.
" He acknowledged that he had disagreed with Bolton "many times.
Shulkin acknowledged that the "optics of this are not good."
He has acknowledged that he is cooperating with Mueller's investigation.
Yet he privately acknowledged that the speech would change little.
Ms. Hering acknowledged that economic events provided a timely context.
Trump has acknowledged that being in office changed his views.
" Powell also acknowledged that "fiscal policy is becoming more stimulative.
Authorities have acknowledged that murders declined significantly during this period.
Caner has acknowledged that some TMU students disagree with him.
Since then, he has acknowledged that some areas along the path would be unsuitable for a wall for topographic reasons, and has acknowledged that agents want visibility through the wall, as opposed to something opaque.
Cramer acknowledged that the market has an unusual backdrop right now.
And while assured us of , it acknowledged that housing is slowing.
And we&aposve done a very strong job, he acknowledged that.
But its spokesman acknowledged that geopolitical issues could not be ignored.
He also acknowledged that, yes, he knew that she was dead.
Warner and Klobuchar acknowledged that the companies have resisted the legislation.
Seiffert acknowledged that the study would be stronger with more fossils.
Achkar also acknowledged that competition among the Asian cities was stiff.
The Pentagon later acknowledged that civilians were killed, possibly including children.
But Swalwell acknowledged that there was no evidence to that effect.
However, she acknowledged that such a sentence would be extraordinarily lenient.
It's a truth universally acknowledged that social media isn't real life.
Later, Salih acknowledged that he could not answer the question definitively.
On Monday, Cil acknowledged that could be a hurdle to adoption.
The president acknowledged that the trade friction could take a toll.
He acknowledged that they had sex on the night of Dec.
But he acknowledged that there would probably be such situations again.
" The government acknowledged that the Friday filing was "not legally necessary.
She has acknowledged that this means leaving the EU's single market.
We acknowledged that unforgettable moment with a nod of our masks.
Clinton herself acknowledged that challenge in unusually direct terms this week.
He has acknowledged that he has unlawfully deducted money from them.
But he acknowledged that people's responses to existing regulations add difficulty.
Zuckerberg acknowledged that the situation was complex, both technically and philosophically.
Herman acknowledged that the lack of quarterback continuity has been hard.
Maeda and the Dodgers acknowledged that his physical revealed unspecified irregularities.
The Japanese giant has now acknowledged that buyers want battery power.
Blumberg also acknowledged that there's been an "education" process with employers.
But he acknowledged that some may not make it until June.
Bao acknowledged that not every town is right for bike-sharing.
It acknowledged that many more children had been conscripted as soldiers.
Kelly acknowledged that it may not make sense in every spot.
By Sunday, it acknowledged that the problem was actually much worse.
Senators openly acknowledged that the President's unexpected comments shifted the dialogue.
However, Cramer acknowledged that this pattern was already tested once before.
But last year Microsoft acknowledged that it wouldn't hit that goal.
DRAP's Aslam acknowledged that price increases so far were not enough.
It's a truth universally acknowledged that everyone has a favorite accent.
He acknowledged that Kellogg and his perspectives on the conflict diverge.
IT IS a truth universally acknowledged that millennials love Bridget Jones.
But Gabriel also acknowledged that was a challenging set of circumstances.
Franks acknowledged that he had inappropriately discussed surrogacy with female staffers.
He said that WTO members have acknowledged that reforms are needed.
Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's longtime aide and confidante, acknowledged that Mrs.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Americans love Greek yogurt.
In any case, Robinhood acknowledged that the exploit exists to Bloomberg.
Cramer acknowledged that Micron's multiple as been low for a while.
He acknowledged that his confidence was still a work in progress.
Gadi Eisenkot, acknowledged that in his Memorial Day speech on Tuesday.
Egypt's civil aviation minister acknowledged that the cause might be terrorism.
The company has acknowledged that consumers weren't interested in the product.
He denied calling employees "fuckers" but acknowledged that he sometimes swore.
But he also acknowledged that it was an experiment in progress.
The president also acknowledged that he's been briefed on the subject.
Coffman acknowledged that the redistricting led him to revise his stances.
He acknowledged that the concept of the pool is slightly terrifying.
Trump's lawyers recently acknowledged that the President personally dictated the statement.
FedEx has finally acknowledged that it views Amazon as a competitor.
He said that WTO members have acknowledged that reforms are needed.
He also acknowledged that a grand jury does not equal guilt.
He also acknowledged that his mother still paid his cellphone bill.
But he does not seem to have completely acknowledged that choice.
The DNC subsequently acknowledged that it had knowledge of the research.
It's time we acknowledged that not all Democrats are the same.
" He additionally acknowledged that the role would include facing "immense challenges.
The team and the university acknowledged that Montague left school Feb.
Mr. Temer also acknowledged that he faced his own legal challenges.
Mr. Kasich has acknowledged that a loss would end his campaign.
It also acknowledged that it failed to "effectively supervise its employee."
Roseman acknowledged that the trade with the Browns might draw criticism.
He also acknowledged that most speakers don't just leave the office.
Having acknowledged that, I am still not entirely sure why Yahoo!
He later acknowledged that there was no evidence of FBI wrongdoing.
He acknowledged that this was not an easy message for politicians.
USADA later acknowledged that Jones passed a post-fight blood screening.
But even Mr. Kushner's supporters acknowledged that his role had evolved.
He acknowledged that there were still large gaps in the collection.
Justice Keating acknowledged that judicial systems were generally averse to innovation.
Mr. Chmielewski, in an interview, acknowledged that the arrangement was made.
The team acknowledged that Fawkes is far from a perfect solution.
Mr. Carella acknowledged that McKinsey had attended some meetings with creditors.
The court acknowledged that depositions of high-ranking officials are rare.
Roye acknowledged that the monotony of defeat sometimes wore on him.
" Mr. Neilson, the deputy mayor, acknowledged that "some time was lost.
Ms. Ugenti-Rita acknowledged that fraud in Arizona elections is negligible.
Iger also acknowledged that ESPN's digital experience needed to get better.
He acknowledged that work might not have always been so visible.
But the official acknowledged that changes were still being worked out.
" He acknowledged that passing the bill would be an "uphill fight.
The judge acknowledged that "serious First Amendment issues" were in play.
But even she acknowledged that the case was ripe for giggles.
IMHE acknowledged that there's a lot of uncertainty in its estimates.
Mr. Miller acknowledged that Facebook and Apple do not directly compete.
The company has acknowledged that the ban is hurting its business.
The F.B.I. has acknowledged that it failed to investigate the tip.
The statement acknowledged that acceleration but expressed no concern over it.
It later acknowledged that the supposed aid workers were Russian soldiers.
Mr. Cornstein acknowledged that he rarely speaks to officials in Washington.
Yet Mr. Scaramucci acknowledged that the president had raised the matter.
" Phoenix acknowledged that he views himself as "part of the problem.
Alex acknowledged that the impact of the boycott has been severe.
Carney and Essex acknowledged that not everyone is a good fit.
Advocates of reproductive rights acknowledged that prospect was a real one.
However, she acknowledged that deceptive marketing still happens on the app.
Talbott acknowledged that he did not yet have a good answer.
Mick Mulvaney acknowledged that, even if President Trump's policies do not.
Cora acknowledged that, but made a larger point about the Yankees.
Flynn acknowledged that he had provided "incomplete information" to administration officials.
Conway acknowledged that the situation on the ground made things complicated.
On Wednesday, he acknowledged that Mr. Hodgkinson, 66, of Belleville, Ill.
But, privately, several department officials acknowledged that their position was tenuous.
Mr. Yermak also acknowledged that the two discussed Mr. Klitschko's fate.
A number of GOP Congressmen already acknowledged that was the intention.
The company acknowledged that its glasses are years away from launch.
He acknowledged that reforms were needed, but worried about hamstringing defenders.
He acknowledged that his behavior as a teen had been reckless.
She acknowledged that she had been placed in an uncomfortable position.
In 2013, the community publicly acknowledged that its founder, the Rev.
The Air Force acknowledged that the CDMs are sent via email.
Mr. Dreeben acknowledged that the councilwoman, Nadine Winter, had been terrified.
But he acknowledged that this vision lay far in the future.
Dubois also acknowledged that creating these programs would not come easy.
And we all acknowledged that our country was far from perfect.
American acknowledged that he worked for both airlines, which was permitted.
The campaign acknowledged that it's Rosendale who's speaking on the tape.
Shelby has acknowledged that a target to finish bills by Dec.
" She acknowledged that "the system we have today is totally broken.
But she acknowledged that nobody knows how to write the rules.
Ms. Yadav acknowledged that she came from a position of privilege.
Mr. Brezenoff acknowledged that the decision was not his to make.
Mr. McConnell acknowledged that he has placed a priority on judges.
But Zuckerberg has acknowledged that its endeavors have not been easy.
But he acknowledged that his business model required tons of money.
One night she finally acknowledged that Redfin, like any business, might fail.
He acknowledged that some alumni would feel a sentimental pang of loss.
" Mr. Finaldi acknowledged that, from an image standpoint, the strike "wasn't great.
Ms Fernández acknowledged that she had not always agreed with Mr Fernández.
But when pressed in bankruptcy court, Fiddy acknowledged that wasn't the case.
Franković acknowledged that cutting down tourism will likely hurt the city's economy.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that hitting objects is so fun.
Trump resisted those claims but in January acknowledged that Russia was involved.
US immigration officials acknowledged that she was compliant with her supervision order.
Azar, for his part, has acknowledged that drug prices are a problem.
Hiller and Isaacson acknowledged that the public may be wary of this.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that people really love Selena Gomez.
Dialog in December acknowledged that Apple could develop its own power chips.
But the company acknowledged that the investigation may reduce that tax benefit.
Still, he acknowledged that "it's a stock that has to find itself."
" Graham also acknowledged that a border wall "will not fix this problem.
But he acknowledged that this might mean staying out of certain countries.
However, its CEO acknowledged that the terror attack had changed his country.
" She acknowledged that "maybe [they] were privileged to even have the option.
She acknowledged that "people were upset" by she and Bush laughing together.
Biden has also acknowledged that he is unlikely to win New Hampshire.
Ultimately, he acknowledged that, to some extent, this was a design issue.
" Mr. Bellomo acknowledged that it was "a difficult message to get out.
When asked about this, Sandberg acknowledged that Facebook has more to do.
He acknowledged that just returning to the O2 Arena would be satisfying.
Mr. Giuliani has acknowledged that he received $500,000 related to that work.
However he again acknowledged that, "Not everyone thinks it's a good idea."
Monsanto acknowledged that it received a revised, non-binding proposal from Bayer.
Vestager acknowledged that protecting consumer privacy goes beyond her agency's competition remit.
OLC acknowledged that Dodd-Frank's statutory succession plan elevates the deputy director.
It's generally acknowledged that 22 was a fantastic year for video games.
However, she acknowledged that not everyone has the luxury of not caring.
WhatsApp acknowledged that it is charging a premium compared to SMS rates.
Furman acknowledged that portions of the international tax code should be revised.
He also acknowledged that many Democrats remain wary of their party's nominee.
The AP acknowledged that a tweet promoting the story had "sloppy" wording.
Babineau acknowledged that the footage was blurry, as the family has claimed.
Sherman has acknowledged that his law firm was employed by Sable Mining.
Wojcicki acknowledged that even four hours per day is still a lot.
Bamberg acknowledged that it's completely legal to protect your life and property.
In a deposition, the transporting officer acknowledged that Abbott was not secured.
Even Kelly has acknowledged that the state's finances need to be overhauled.
"He acknowledged that he was a source of the fire," Winter said.
But no Israeli leader had every publicly acknowledged that these strikes occurred.
Most reviewers acknowledged that it was good for one thing: pop hits.
Limbaugh has also acknowledged that the Trump movement is not rooted in
But he acknowledged that he had visited the Russian parliament in 2015.
The president acknowledged that his order would face a lengthy legal challenge.
The president acknowledged that his order would face a lengthy legal fight.
The president acknowledged that his order would face a lengthy court fight.
At the time, Facebook said it wouldn't, but acknowledged that could change.
He's embraced a dark wash and he's acknowledged that legs have shape.
Even Trump himself has acknowledged that the Electoral College makes no sense.
Naimi acknowledged that shale oil has a place in the industry's future.
The government has not publicly acknowledged that the NSA developed the tool.
A Bayer spokesperson acknowledged that it is also looking to leverage Snapchat.
" That said, Wang acknowledged that theirs is "a complicated and diversified relationship.
" Hill acknowledged that returning to work took "a big dose of humility.
Slumbers acknowledged that the men's Open was the organization's biggest revenue generator.
" However, he acknowledged that "there's a lot of imperatives at play here.
Now, even United Airlines has acknowledged that its policies have been inadequate.
Monahan acknowledged that Trump's visit might be a distraction from the competition.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that dogs are not just pets.
Sandberg acknowledged that Definers' work was referenced in emails she had received.
Embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt acknowledged that he had lied -- straight up!
However, McCaskill acknowledged that the GOP has largely molded itself around Trump.
He acknowledged that maybe he was to blame for some if it.
He acknowledged that his role as a putative peacemaker was rarely gratifying.
Hoyer acknowledged that making changes will be tough, given Congress's current makeup.
But this official acknowledged that it could also splinter the group's leadership.
But other friends have acknowledged that Prince apparently became dependent on painkillers.
" He later acknowledged that the incarcerated men and women have it "harder.
A representative of Oslo police district acknowledged that: 'We deport trafficking victims.
Siouxsie Sioux has acknowledged that soul was a formative influence on her.
Some of them acknowledged that even they did not know the history.
Tester later acknowledged that the 17-member conference committee was becoming unwieldy.
Ryan Lester, the sales manager, acknowledged that selling Mitsubishis could be tough.
Still, Cramer acknowledged that the long-term outlook is bleak for some.
As of Monday morning, each side acknowledged that the other was complying.
He acknowledged that Trump runs "an unconventional administration," with new negotiating tactics.
Ms. Haynes acknowledged that those were errors, and have since been corrected.
One of Twitter's creators, Evan Williams, acknowledged that the mission soon evolved.
In a statement, Monroe acknowledged that he had been hampered by injuries.
Musk has acknowledged that it was "foolish" of him to snub analysts.
Grewal acknowledged that Facebook got it wrong in his blog on Friday.
Mr. Hill acknowledged that the tax benefit was part of his motivation.
But he acknowledged that not all Chinese factory owners worked this way.
Cisco Systems Inc has previously acknowledged that its firewalls had been vulnerable.
But he acknowledged that in Law's case, forgiveness did not come easy.
Montreal's force acknowledged that it had also monitored a reporter during 2014.
Virtually all acknowledged that I had been treated unethically, if not contemptibly.
He acknowledged that the UK could be heading for a Brexit delay.
He's never acknowledged that his chain of joblessness began with the attacks.
Belém spoke cautiously, but he acknowledged that security and trust were issues.
Clinton allies acknowledged that the role-playing can only go so far.
Schatz acknowledged that the supreme court would ultimately rule on the matter.
Herjavec acknowledged that Cuban and Greiner's offer was better and rescinded his.
But he acknowledged that he had reservations about Dowless's absentee ballot program.
He acknowledged that the proposals could draw opposition from powerful industry groups.
Kudlow also acknowledged that Trump's understanding of how tariffs work is flawed.
" A representative for Belo Sun acknowledged that "the decision is only temporary.
But instead of pushing back, Trump acknowledged that Stephanopoulos's premise was correct.
It's time we acknowledged that, and these hashtags are a great start.
The report acknowledged that there could be alternate explanations for the similarities.
He acknowledged that he sometimes announced deals before they were fully baked.
Slok acknowledged that he is among the community magnified in these results.
She acknowledged that other business models would have led to faster growth.
Uber defended its record, but acknowledged that there is room for improvement.
But the official acknowledged that 15 Saudis arrived in Istanbul on Oct.
But he acknowledged that it will be an uphill battle this time.
On Saturday, HNA acknowledged that the coronavirus outbreak has exacerbated its problems.
But he acknowledged that health officials on his team may feel differently.
Robert Bentley acknowledged that conditions at Holman are dangerous for corrections officers.
Mr. Juszkiewicz acknowledged that his hold on the company is at risk.
It is a truth well acknowledged that great composers lead tragic lives.
Musk has acknowledged that finding the balance in semiautomated tech is difficult.
Jordan acknowledged that these statistics don't indicate that people necessarily found jobs.
The Taliban acknowledged that women will be able to study and work.
Still, he has acknowledged that "capitalism simply isn't working" for many Americans.
He acknowledged that very low interest rates can lead to asset bubbles.
" The truth is, even Mr. McConnell acknowledged that 2017 was "pretty partisan.
But on Wednesday, the officials acknowledged that civilians had also been struck.
Mr. O'Brien, 55, acknowledged that he had not exactly landed an exclusive.
But Jones acknowledged that he must cut his own path to success.
His tweet accidentally acknowledged that 2018 wasn't a great year for investors.
It lived deep within the CDC and they have acknowledged that mistake.
Both acknowledged that Schmelzer had tapped into exactly how they were feeling.
Egypt later acknowledged that terrorists had most likely brought down the plane.
He also acknowledged that it is playing out largely across generational lines.
On Thursday, the president acknowledged that he had not recorded the conversations.
But he acknowledged that Steyer has made significant inroads in the state.
Facebook (FB) acknowledged that the product would be delayed for European customers.
Still, Ms. Wynne acknowledged that little could solve for Mr. Trump's unpredictability.
But she acknowledged that the trajectory of the virus was not clear.
He also acknowledged that he approaches many things with single-minded intensity.
Mr. Shalev acknowledged that the Russia-Poland crossfire had caused a headache.
He acknowledged that he had directly asked if he was being investigated.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Trekkies were the first fandom.
Corker acknowledged that corralling Democratic support for the proposal would be difficult.
In his announcement speech, Mr. Valls acknowledged that the left was divided.
She acknowledged that Mr. Trump had boosted ratings for the news networks.
Joyce acknowledged that his Social Security number has been breached four times.
Dreeben acknowledged that Mueller's boss had the power to make those changes.
Mr. Dalio has acknowledged that the firm's culture is not for everyone.
But a spokeswoman acknowledged that all undocumented immigrants are subject to deportation.
Mr. Habineza acknowledged that some people in Rwanda fear criticizing the government.
Even after it acknowledged that in 2002, the South kept sending aid.
Stanton acknowledged that he has not fully adapted to his new surroundings.
Jonathan Conricus, acknowledged that the officer had been shot by Israeli forces.
But he acknowledged that it was still possible to thwart such technology.
South Africa acknowledged that point in its letter to the United Nations.
She acknowledged that the Saturn V rocket launched 13 times last century.
Reporters from several organizations, including CNN, acknowledged that they had the document.
On Monday, Ms. Tsai acknowledged that the Solomons' decision was a letdown.
A new president acknowledged that many of them were in fact dead.
After that match, Kyrgios acknowledged that much of his struggle was mental.
In the meantime, Pompeo acknowledged that a breakthrough is no longer imminent.
Mr. Dulitzky acknowledged that other states with capital punishment have similar policies.
When he resigned, he acknowledged that the scandal had brought sleepless nights.
Dohm acknowledged that an NECC-type outbreak could, in theory, happen again.
Trump publicly acknowledged that the investigations he wanted could damage Biden's candidacy.
It's universally acknowledged that the U.S. health-care system is a mess.
He acknowledged that he had done relatively well through much hard work.
He acknowledged that denial of Holy Communion is painful for those denied.
Chan acknowledged that their path was more "conservative" than some other entrepreneurs.
De Nysschen acknowledged that the program has led to tensions at times.
But the inspector acknowledged that the residue of zero-tolerance policing lingers.
Both Hayman and Altree acknowledged that they had fight on their hands.
Yee acknowledged that his venture was risky, something his advisers have echoed.
LONDON — It is a truth universally acknowledged that Donald Trump LOVES Twitter.
Ms. Caruso acknowledged that the liquidation process was a difficult balancing act.
Company executives have acknowledged that productivity issues are harming its bottom line.
They also acknowledged that her case is not an anomaly in academia.
Sheltzer acknowledged that they chose medicines primarily discovered with RNA interference technology.
But he acknowledged that CarbonCure is still an "improvement" over current methods.
" And press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders acknowledged that "obviously there's some frustration.
Still, he acknowledged that the basement-dwelling yields are encouraging bad behavior.
The researchers have also acknowledged that their results diverge from existing estimates.
But he acknowledged that there were Iranians who do not like clerics.
He acknowledged that the two results do not readily make sense together.
After that match, Kyrgios acknowledged that much of his struggle was mental.
In an interview with NBA TV on Monday, he acknowledged that possibility.
Still, they acknowledged that confidence, in oneself and one's gear, was crucial.
Opposition politicians have acknowledged that demoralization in their own ranks hurt turnout.
Mr. Sánchez acknowledged that the 55 percent restoration was hardly a success.
And he acknowledged that enforcing any agreement was not easy to achieve.
Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill acknowledged that the principles "don't help" the effort.
He acknowledged that the video was "catastrophic" but denied breaking the law.
They later acknowledged that their observations had probably been contaminated by interstellar stardust.
The company acknowledged that it could open the phone, as it had before.
He acknowledged that the cut likely caused regular investors to flee the stock.
" But Saturday evening, Trump acknowledged that going to the DMZ was "long planned.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that everyone finds long meetings absolutely abhorrent.
Thiel acknowledged that he has "gotten pushback" owing to his support for Trump.
" Clinton acknowledged that she made mistakes in the campaign: "Oh, my gosh, yes.
The power company has previously acknowledged that its equipment probably started the fire.
The ministry acknowledged that one Pakistani had died in custody after the arrests.
" Obama touched on the heated immigration debate, and acknowledged that "natural borders matter.
Cyrus Habib of Washington acknowledged that there are many media narratives out there.
Both the United Nations and EU have acknowledged that Libya is not safe.
Pence acknowledged that many Americans were disappointed and anxious after Trump's surprise Nov.
The party acknowledged that initial reports of the incident appeared to be mistaken.
However, Langone acknowledged that in the long-term tariffs are bad for business.
But he acknowledged that Google's vast resources put the states at a disadvantage.
Trump acknowledged that a "small" group of US troops would remain in Syria.
But Tesla also acknowledged that the labor hours required per vehicle has decreased.
Cook acknowledged that tax laws for companies that do business globally are challenging.
Aly Raisman, who won silver, acknowledged that Biles is just in another class.
Analysts appeared to welcome the move, but also acknowledged that execution risks remain.
But he acknowledged that under the court's precedents, the law is not valid.
"In those conversations, Apple has acknowledged that its initial disclosures came up short."
Mr Katyal acknowledged that the text alone does not damn the travel rules.
By now, it's a fact universally acknowledged that singer/songwriter Halsey collects tattoos.
Shepard acknowledged that he understoodit, and Bruce the lawyer complemented my apparent focus.
The Israeli government has not publicly acknowledged that it was behind the attack.
Ryu acknowledged that a fast start is critical in a 54-hole event.
Another Weinstein source claims that the executive has acknowledged that he needs help.
But his mischievous smile acknowledged that not everyone views the technology as innocuous.
Probst acknowledged that sporting authorities had not done enough to protect the gymnasts.
The school acknowledged that it investigated that incident and subsequently removed the video.
He acknowledged that customer satisfaction and technological improvements had suffered as a result.
As is, Ryan has acknowledged that the health bill cannot pass the House.
But a person close to the Qatari government acknowledged that "payments" were made.
However, Fisher acknowledged that Keenum and the offense has to be more productive.
Mercedes acknowledged that its makeover is a "huge challenge" -- both technologically and financially.
AB InBev acknowledged that its market share in Brazil had declined in 2016.
Wendy's a powerhouse and I'm glad Chuck's dad really acknowledged that this week.
He also acknowledged that cover-ups allowed pedophile priests to continue abusing children.
Obama acknowledged that the law could be repealed and replaced with something else.
After the vote, Lee acknowledged that her bid still faced an uphill climb.
Le Maire has acknowledged that the state was struggling to offload the holding.
It has also acknowledged that it could have dealt with Clinton's illness better.
Sunoco acknowledged that some of its pipeline equipment dates back to the 1950s.
Ross also acknowledged that federal dollars may need to be committed as well.
But Messinger acknowledged that such systems are still expensive, costing $75,000 and up.
Moise acknowledged that history, but vowed that the new military would be different.
However, Kershaw acknowledged that there may also be drawbacks to less-segregated neighborhoods.
Paul Tonko, Pruitt acknowledged that he did have some knowledge of the raises.
She acknowledged that audio is released but feared cameras would change the institution.
State courts acknowledged that Murphy and Jacobs were both members of Creek Nation.
" Still, the source acknowledged that McGahn and Trump often left one another "frustrated.
NBC acknowledged that North Korean censors organized the itinerary and controlled the visuals.
Palantir has acknowledged that ICE's Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) is a Palantir customer.
Parker acknowledged that the new plans are not as comprehensive as ObamaCare plans.
Monreal acknowledged that the standoff with Trump contributed to López Obrador's new appeal.
Mr. Carter acknowledged that the advisers would be closer to the front lines.
He acknowledged that the line between users and dealers was not always fixed.
But she acknowledged that Alaska realizes Virgin fans are serious about the brand.
Before Game 6, Kerr acknowledged that more pressure might be on the Thunder.
It has long been acknowledged that many people are cursed with moist phobia.
Ms. Murkowski acknowledged that almost no one is completely happy with the measure.
He acknowledged that not everyone's as handy and tech savvy as he is.
They readily acknowledged that they could be hanged for what they were doing.
Frances Morris, the Tate Modern's director, acknowledged that it is a global museum.
Neither acknowledged that a LinkedIn account wasn't a foolproof method of identifying people.
American Golf acknowledged that it had not sent the document to other towns.
But he acknowledged that improving health care is still a work in progress.
Buttigieg has acknowledged that he needs to expand the diversity of his coalition.
Mr. Keller acknowledged that stories would get a bit shorter as a result.
Biden acknowledged that times have changed and said he would adjust his behavior.
Four years after he was sentenced, Texas acknowledged that such testimony is unconstitutional.
Wojcicki acknowledged that the company has yet to succeed in this balancing act.
The search engine acknowledged that it did not promote the speech in 2017.
People acknowledged that he's good at speaking platitudes and not answering questions directly.
The search engine acknowledged that it did not promote the speech in 2628.
Yet Manley even acknowledged that "folks are giving Sanders a second look" there.
Mr. Duterte acknowledged that some names might be on the list by mistake.
Trump acknowledged that China's position on the South China Sea was a problem.
Officials acknowledged that these concerns have sent them back to the drawing board.
Rivera acknowledged that there seems to be a growing trend of daily podcasts.
Mr. Harr acknowledged that the app was still trying to find a foothold.
Publicly, even, lawmakers in the meeting acknowledged that they pushed the President. Sen.
However, she acknowledged that de G. may not have handled the incident appropriately.
Even one of Sirisena's closest aides acknowledged that Kumara may not be reliable.
But Macri's government has acknowledged that some utility rates went up too much.
Pouyanne acknowledged that his position probably does not sit well with Europe's leaders.
Mr. Faso acknowledged that Mr. Trump could cost him some votes among independents.
Still, it acknowledged that cash remained the main method of payment among users.
Hinch acknowledged that testing Betts was a mistake, but Bradley was not surprised.
Gibbons acknowledged that the postseason losing trend must affect Price, at least mentally.
The court acknowledged that depositions of high-ranking officials are rare and disfavored.
He acknowledged that the crude negativity of the attacks came as a shock.
Chambers acknowledged that, in some cases, even those changes might not be enough.
However, Brownlee acknowledged that flights leaving Peru were not filled nearly to capacity.
At the time, Republican senators generally acknowledged that this was a bad idea.
Mr. Bell acknowledged that he had a certain hold on his nocturnal audience.
Mr. Solomon acknowledged that he had underestimated the internet's threat to store retailing.
Andreescu acknowledged that much of her improvement had come from developing mental discipline.
In his author's note, Mr. Wolff acknowledged that those sources were not trustworthy.
Party leaders acknowledged that the focus on corruption was hurting the party financially.
But she acknowledged that officials saw red flags and could have done something.
Governor Pezão acknowledged that the deployment of 17,000 police officers was not enough.
She acknowledged that it was sad to say it, but made no apologies.
Even M.T.A. officials acknowledged that the subways have a long way to go.
All of the artists acknowledged that it's something they think about a lot.
" Mr. Bialas acknowledged that coal is "a very strong part of our identity.
But Foles acknowledged that the players were eagerly anticipating word on Wentz's status.
But he acknowledged that university policies surrounding such behavior had not yet crystallized.
But even he acknowledged that the toughest roadblock of all might be Feinstein.
Mr. de Blasio acknowledged that he was slow to get the word out.
In the memo, she acknowledged that the group's work had crossed her desk.
" Steinbrenner acknowledged that his last name "draws a lot of attention and expectations.
His attorney has previously acknowledged that Kushner's first security clearance submission was incomplete.
But he acknowledged that it would be difficult to cancel a signed agreement.
But she also acknowledged that there were potential limitations in the early stages.
Just yesterday, it acknowledged that its anti-money laundering software had serious flaws.
But he also acknowledged that commanding and controlling it had been a struggle.
But he acknowledged that the group was reorganizing its finances to cut costs.
But he acknowledged that the conspiracy accusation was, as he put it, legitimate.
Authorities on Friday acknowledged that they have been there for nearly a year.
The president acknowledged that, in the long-term, he wanted to cut troops.
Reminiscing, Ms. Daniel, 40, acknowledged that the journey has been rocky at times.
States acknowledged that their systems were overwhelmed with the unprecedented rise in claims.
She acknowledged that the Education Department's numbers showed evidence of persistent housing instability.
She acknowledged that the Education Department's numbers showed evidence of persistent housing instability.
In sending the ship, Navy officials acknowledged that they had taken a risk.
Multiple states seeking support Semonite acknowledged that multiple states were seeking similar support.
But the spokesperson also acknowledged that the revelations make the Pentagon look bad.
On Monday, Saikawa acknowledged that too much power had been concentrated in Ghosn.
Sunnyvale's police chief, Phan S. Ngo, acknowledged that his response exceeded federal guidelines.
Mr. Nighswander acknowledged that many trainees would never work at APT after graduation.
Even members of Mr. Mayeur's Socialist Party acknowledged that the situation was bad.
But he acknowledged that many cashiers might not know how to do that.
Mr. Loverro acknowledged that NASA failed to identify the weaknesses in Boeing's work.
He acknowledged that watching Barkley's emergence last year was a big learning experience.
Timbers acknowledged that, during his dating years, they were an interesting talking point.
But they acknowledged that fires could one day tear through the community again.
Mr. Blair acknowledged that the British had always been ambivalent about European integration.
It has acknowledged that Singer contacted other coaches at Stanford — Amerkhanian among them.
He acknowledged that he has "a lot more to learn," the Post reported.
He acknowledged that it had occurred but also insisted it was behind him.
Trump has only begrudgingly acknowledged that Russia may have interfered in the election.
Diers acknowledged that she hated "f---ing Mexicans" in front of several coworkers.
Pompeo acknowledged that the nuclear threat North Korea poses is still very real.
The president acknowledged that his comments are unusual but said he doesn't care.
Jayapal acknowledged that "like any family," the Democratic caucus will have differing viewpoints.
The group acknowledged that targeting someone who hasn't yet been nominated is unusual.
Wouldn't we all feel better if we acknowledged that fact and acted accordingly?
He acknowledged that Mr. Weinstein could be "extremely aggressive" in his work life.
But Ms. Williamson acknowledged that there are still kinks to be worked out.
What if the President's lawyers simply acknowledged that Bolton's recollection may be accurate?
Others acknowledged that age was an issue, but not the pre-eminent one.
But he acknowledged that he may not know the whole story about Holmes.
" He acknowledged that "a helmet alone isn't going to take care of everything.
On Twitter, Krebs acknowledged that the shutdown might delay implementation of the directive.
Subway has acknowledged that the "media frenzy" helped drive its decision to settle.
Trump has acknowledged that he spoke with Zelensky about corruption and about Biden.
However, he acknowledged that his goal of producing legislation before summer was slipping.
As Mr. Biden eventually acknowledged, that did not work as he had hoped.
So I don't think I acknowledged that it was a book until now.
Mr. Delrahim also acknowledged that there was some overlap on the tech investigations.
He also acknowledged that he needs a "strong finish" in the Iowa race.
Chinese officials have acknowledged that they are struggling to deal with the outbreak.
In his statement, Bao acknowledged that some employees would be leaving the company.
But they acknowledged that the security contractors had stopped firing at different times.
But Tom Donaldson, the organization's executive director, acknowledged that it's an uphill battle.
The Indian authorities acknowledged that Asrar had died from injuries sustained on Aug.
On Tuesday, McConnell acknowledged that, until Pelosi acts, the Senate is effectively frozen.
Azar has previously acknowledged that Congress has more power here than the administration.
Koizumi acknowledged that he had heard comments both for and against his decision.
Northam acknowledged that the organizers had been planning the rally for some time.
Iran's foreign minister this week acknowledged that people "were lied to" for days.
Hudson acknowledged that criticism from analysts right off the bat in his presentation. 
But she acknowledged that there was nothing she could do to prevent it.
Although he acknowledged that such ups and downs are intolerable for some people.
Wang also acknowledged that FlyZoo still had plenty of issues that needed upgrading.
Home Depot executives acknowledged that the home improvement retail landscape is getting tougher.
The bank's executives have acknowledged that tightening of standards comes at a price.
But even the law's defenders acknowledged that the markets were rickety and vulnerable.
Thune acknowledged that the base bill and what's included is still not determined.
Terrified of going crazy, he nonetheless acknowledged that his episodes energized his creativity.
But he acknowledged that he was pleased to have it all behind him.
But Tubbs acknowledged that he and Yang are working toward a similar goal.
The governing body acknowledged that Smith had no intention to breach the code.
Kelly's comments, however, acknowledged that campaign promises might not always be completely fulfilled.
Mr. Whitaker acknowledged that tradition before giving his assessment of Mr. Mueller's progress.
So I acknowledged that and now I'm — I don't know what I am.
" She acknowledged that the progress could be temporary, saying, "I'm not fooling myself.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that cross country skiing is the worst.
As recently as Saturday, deGrom acknowledged that a deal might not get done.
He acknowledged that he had forgotten to cite Mr. Kinnock at the debate.
Byrd acknowledged that it could take months for the next round of identifications.
The officials also acknowledged that no groups have taken responsibility for the explosion.
But he acknowledged that that capability was proving to be complicated and time consuming.
Cohen acknowledged that mobile-delivered VR is not the highest-end experience currently available.
" Netflix acknowledged that the conversation took place, but denies that Yeatman said "We'll see.
" Li also acknowledged that the $375 billion US-Chinese trade deficit is not "sustainable.
Collins acknowledged that repealing all of Obamacare immediately would be a challenge for Republicans.
As criticism has mounted, Biden, too, has acknowledged that his 1994 bill wasn't perfect.
And although the site currently has no advertising, she acknowledged that that could change.
The company has acknowledged that his refusal to testify has hurt its defense efforts.
At the same time, he acknowledged that that is precisely how Twitter's system works.
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday acknowledged that economic growth had slowed late last year.
This is even as it acknowledged that licensing revenues in China will be "modest".
However, a Weinstein source counters that the executive has acknowledged that he needs help.
At the same time, 63 percent acknowledged that tech advances will most impact jobs.
But as NASA administrator, Bridenstine acknowledged that his views on the topic have evolved.
On the other, he acknowledged that some opponents of the transfer had reasonable concerns.
Hirshland acknowledged that gymnasts — particularly those competing at the international level — would have questions.
But in this case, he acknowledged that there are still too many unanswered questions.
Dimon acknowledged that businesses are slowing investments because of fears about the trade war.
However, she acknowledged that certain beliefs are non-negotiable, like support for abortion rights.
But he acknowledged that it's not finalized and all parties might not automatically comply.
Mayor de Blasio has acknowledged that housing is a major challenge for Maria survivors.
After the newspaper reports Facebook acknowledged that 270,000 people had downloaded the survey app.
Smith, the Lawrence University sociologist, acknowledged that there is some validity to this perspective.
The mayor acknowledged that not everyone calling 911 has yet to get a response.
However, subsequent to the earnings report, Refinitiv acknowledged that the estimate was not comparable.
But Burr acknowledged that the committee would have difficulty forcing Steele to be interviewed.
But he acknowledged that the very concept of social media was hard to define.
Trump, though, has not publicly acknowledged that his trade war has hurt our economy.
Feng acknowledged that the the chance of someone maliciously activating that camera isn't zero.
Willis acknowledged that there was still more to do to win back customers' trust.
For its part, Essential has always acknowledged that it's had a tough road ahead.
Free Press acknowledged that the plan won't cure everything that's wrong with online media.
Bendis acknowledged that some fans have been less than receptive to the new character.
But he acknowledged that the changes made so far may not have been enough.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that men on Twitter are sacks of garbage.
Both the United Nations and European Union have acknowledged that Libya is not safe.
George acknowledged that the economy did slow in the first half of the year.
Garnier acknowledged that the incident took place but vehemently denied it constituted sexual harassment.
MedSec has acknowledged that it would share in gains from Muddy Water's short investment.
The source added that Clinton acknowledged that other factors contributed to her failed bid.
Treasury Secretary Mansueto Almeida has acknowledged that public investment is getting to "critical" levels.
The Fed has acknowledged that merely having a discussion can lead to accidental disclosure.
Even Clinton supporters acknowledged that the size and scope of Hillarycare unsettled some Americans.
Economists acknowledged that the increase in part-time hiring made the details less upbeat.
He acknowledged that business investment was "strikingly subdued" as companies struggled with Brexit uncertainty.
Moore acknowledged that many obstacles stand in the way, and they're not only technical.
Walden acknowledged that Fox bid for the show's return along with ABC and NBC.
He notably acknowledged that the two men discussed a possible referendum in eastern Ukraine.
In fact, some Republicans have outright acknowledged that hurting Democratic voters is their goal.
He acknowledged that past allegations would likely come up again through a nomination process.
"  Trump, on the other hand, "has acknowledged that he has been a sexual predator.
The judge also acknowledged that Soulja's missed out on business opportunities while behind bars.
Synnott acknowledged that Honnold took that to a "rarified extreme" to conquer El Capitan.
But Acacia acknowledged that a takeover would be the best solution to its problems.
Laudner acknowledged that getting supporters to caucus was his team's "burden," but remained confident.
Drexler openly acknowledged that J.Crew needed to own its mistakes and learn from them.
Quarles acknowledged that "growth has slowed, at least temporarily," as shown in recent data.
Bell acknowledged that Rechnitz was "a wheeler and dealer" who had broken the law.
Cruz has since apologized to Carson, and acknowledged that CNN's original reporting was accurate.
Berg acknowledged that the show — like Silicon Valley — still has some work to do.
As for Facebook, Cramer acknowledged that the stock is expensive for this year's earnings.
Twitter has also directly acknowledged that there are those who try to influence trends.
In December, the House Ethics Committee acknowledged that it was reviewing allegations against Hunter.
Mrs Merkel acknowledged that many Germans have lost trust in her liberal refugee policy.
He acknowledged that keeping news of Portwood's romance from his daughter wouldn't last forever.
Novak acknowledged that their agreement has worked, but there's still more to be done.
In all sorts of ways, the industry acknowledged that visuals alone were not enough.
Officer Pang acknowledged that four officers were not likely to make a big impact.
Pruitt has been defiant but acknowledged that he has made some mistakes (The Hill).
His staffers have since acknowledged that he met twice with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.
But he acknowledged that foreign leaders had questioned him about the presumptive Republican nominee.
" He acknowledged that "our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.
In recent weeks, Trump also acknowledged that he personally reimbursed Cohen for that payment.
Dunham acknowledged that she was lucky to be able to skip the press tour.
But Mrs Merkel acknowledged that a "momentous" change to the EU treaty was needed.
" Even so, Powell acknowledged that "it's driven incomes up but it doesn't help everyone.
At the same time, he acknowledged that he planned to explore a presidential campaign.
He acknowledged that his strategy to persuade the superdelegates to switch would be difficult.
Friedman also acknowledged that there are still lots of users who use Edge currently.
But he acknowledged that the law could be repealed and replaced with something else.
The source acknowledged that VAT revenues might only start appearing in the fourth quarter.
Stone has acknowledged that he is likely the person referred to in the indictment.
Grossman also acknowledged that more than half of Dragon-Click's investors were over 60.
Eisenhower acknowledged that a few Republicans still dreamed of a time before Social Security.
Graham acknowledged that he isn't sure the Senate could prevail in a conference committee.
He acknowledged that his rallying cry to save the planet had not galvanized Americans.
Before Friday's game, Yankees Manager Joe Girardi acknowledged that the Orioles' power can hurt.
It has acknowledged that it could have taken more aggressive action after previous complaints.
The FDA also acknowledged that it's possible for the devices to inaccurately record data.
Bergh acknowledged that the decision to advocate for gun control is a controversial one.
Even so, Craddock acknowledged that he felt little remorse about knocking off the amateurs.
Last year, Riot acknowledged that its work culture had fostered sexual harassment and misogyny.
He acknowledged that improvements could be made in interactions between police and marijuana users.
Allred acknowledged that proving a case beyond a reasonable doubt is an uphill battle.
Cramer acknowledged that the U.S. economy needs higher interest rates to stave off inflation.
TSA has acknowledged that absences have increased but insist security has not been compromised.
Nakao acknowledged that some workers may have been sidelined in an open trade system.
Furman acknowledged that his ruling was long, but said it was for good reason.
Sanders has previously acknowledged that he has an uphill battle in winning the nomination.
Pope Francis acknowledged that the crisis has made followers less invested in the church.
But she also acknowledged that the country was more divided than she had realized.
Shelby acknowledged that a compromise would not be possible without Trump's stamp of approval.
In touting the proposal, Murphy acknowledged that it likely will not receive floor consideration.
Mr. Galland, the monitor, acknowledged that false accusations were a real problem in factories.
He acknowledged that his hedge fund stood to gain if his view was right.
Milley acknowledged that there had been issues with transgender individuals serving in the Army.
The Saudi attorney general later acknowledged that Khashoggi was killed in a premeditated murder.
She acknowledged that she has conservative beliefs, but said she does not support Brexit.
SPICER: Well, I mean obviously, even the President acknowledged that he fumbled the words.
Meanwhile, Chandorkar acknowledged that the minimalism movement as it stands is steeped in privilege.
But the campaign manager, Robby Mook, acknowledged that it needed to better amplify Mrs.
The Saudi attorney general later acknowledged that he was killed in a premeditated murder.
In an interview, Mr. Khan acknowledged that the accusations may have done him damage.
Some Republicans acknowledged that Democrats would have greater leverage heading into the December fights.
He acknowledged that he was applying pressure the way his parents had pressured him.
Even Robb and Luwin acknowledged that it was Cersei's words written in Sansa's hand.
She acknowledged that many were built in the United States and exported to China.
Director Peter Jackson has acknowledged that Weinstein told him to "avoid" working with Judd.
He acknowledged that the water in his house looks and smells better these days.
" Still, he acknowledged that the cut of 1,000 words "was at least a start.
" On Friday, Rex Tillerson acknowledged that Trump and Putin seem to have good "chemistry.
Mr. Safire later acknowledged that he might have been trying to minimize Nixon's crimes.
Wiredu acknowledged that he had called himself Amara and pretended to be South African.
He acknowledged that he had, however, asked the club to allow him to leave.
Madrigal acknowledged that many Americans aren't in the position to make choices like this.
Mr. Giuliani acknowledged that Mr. Mueller was unlikely to agree to the interview demands.
" Mr. Allan acknowledged that there was "a need for us to be accountable externally.
Mr. Berns acknowledged that all this is way beyond what blockchains have actually accomplished.
In a statement sent to the Globe, Nixon acknowledged that his behavior was inappropriate.
At the same time, many acknowledged that Democrats would have to make some concessions.
And they acknowledged that those lives sometimes include unwanted pregnancy and a subsequent abortion.
On the witness stand, Kalanick acknowledged that he was a "big fan" of Levandowski's.
Prosecutors acknowledged that DNA testing indicates that Ms. Thomas did not handle the gun.
Still, Mr. Jacobs acknowledged that the resolution's passage was unlikely to displease Mr. Cuomo.
But during an interview, he acknowledged that the opposition's capacity to operate is hurting.
Dr. Levchenko, the clinic's director, acknowledged that he was not initially a believer himself.
Lawyers for Mr. Noor have acknowledged that Ms. Ruszczyk in fact posed no threat.
Manafort has previously acknowledged that Stone helped land him a job on Trump's campaign.
Mr. Lee acknowledged that most of the protesters on June 12 had behaved peacefully.
Intel subsequently acknowledged that it was trying to sell its smartphone modem-chip business.
Warriner acknowledged that this can happen, but says that it isn't really of concern.
The tech giant has acknowledged that growth will slow over the next few years.
He even acknowledged that he's said it a lot right there in his answer.
Still, he acknowledged that Washington's tendencies toward infighting had, at points, overshadowed the research.
Ms. Kelly acknowledged that the need to add housing and educational infrastructure was pressing.
At the same time, Mr. Cruz acknowledged that he could die by lethal injection.
Artists and spectators alike acknowledged that Las Vegas cast a pall over the festival.
However, she acknowledged that the market rout had piqued the interest of Fed policymakers.
Earnhardt acknowledged that the ratings, like his finishing position in a race, motivate him.
He recently acknowledged that data's influence had not necessarily been good for the game.
Zuckerberg acknowledged that he expects Facebook worker productivity to decline while they work remotely.
The Treasury Department acknowledged that likelihood in the proposal, which runs over 300 pages.
Azarenka acknowledged that Ramos was technically under no obligation to do any of this.
Biden's advisers acknowledged that Iowa will play a "critical" role in the nominating contest.
Even Judge Kavanaugh's friends acknowledged that she had come across as powerful and credible.
His wife acknowledged that Ycaza used intimidation as a psychological tool to win races.
Mr. Draghi also acknowledged that trade tensions with the United States had worsened considerably.
The company has acknowledged that industrial robots can't match the cognitive ability of humans.
Rose acknowledged that many women won't have the success with egg freezing she enjoyed.
Still, Ward, who has studied anti-Semitism extensively, acknowledged that it's not that simple.
He also acknowledged that this insatiable demand cannot undermine the preservation of the Amazon.
On January 11, however, Iran acknowledged that it accidentally shot down the commercial airliner.
Lamar Alexander and Lisa Murkowski, for instance, both acknowledged that the president acted inappropriately.
Haik acknowledged that Mic was acting out ''the much-lamented and much-snarked-about . . .
When I try to change their opinion, I acknowledged that arguing is not practical.
Susan Collins, Lamar Alexander and Rob Portman, have acknowledged that Trump's actions were wrong.
Archbishop Zuppi acknowledged that Francis was perhaps having less effect on the global stage.
He acknowledged that the moment of her ascent to the top spot was anticlimactic.
But he acknowledged that the job market would significantly shift as machine learning improved.
They've acknowledged that they owe something to Mexico and tried to pay it back.
In an October 2017 case at the DC Circuit, Kavanaugh acknowledged that Roe v.
But he acknowledged that many of the announcements were choreographed for maximum political impact.
Zhao Feng, 38, a tailor, acknowledged that the relationship between the countries had deteriorated.
Mattis acknowledged that conversations continue with North Korea on the return of additional remains.
Jonas acknowledged that it is difficult to quantify the dollar impact of human spaceflight.
Hoyer acknowledged that conservative outside groups routinely rake in millions more for Republican candidates.
But he also acknowledged that not everyone is willing to jump through the hoops.
The Facebook founder acknowledged that his company can play a significant role in conflicts.
Ford has acknowledged that mistakes had hurt its introduction of the redesigned Explorer SUV.
Even Mr. Schultz acknowledged that his early foray was a teachable moment for him.
But he acknowledged that some neighborhoods have a significantly higher share of Airbnb rentals.
Haley and Mann, for example, both acknowledged that they continued to speak with Weinstein.
Still, he acknowledged that the two sides had made genuine progress toward a compromise.
While it faulted Israel for excessive force, it acknowledged that soldiers faced organized violence.
Mr. Ballenas acknowledged that choosing Rodney Dangerfield as middle school curriculum might seem odd.
In a statement, the company acknowledged that 2019 had been an "incredibly challenging" year.
Bryant acknowledged that while he viewed the encounter as consensual, his accuser did not.
Iran&aposs state TV acknowledged that protesters were killed, but did not give figures.
He acknowledged that such blatant acts as destroying evidence and encouraging perjury were impermissible.
At the same time, Cornyn acknowledged that Trump's success was difficult to argue with.
But other social media users acknowledged that deep down they were really just scared.
Slutzky subsequently acknowledged that his company is not currently working directly with Moat, either.
The Saudi attorney general then acknowledged that Khashoggi was killed in a premeditated murder.
Wuhan's mayor Zhou Xianwang later acknowledged that information on the virus wasn't communicated well.
The younger Biden also acknowledged that his father's stature created business opportunities for him.
Still, administration officials acknowledged that Soleimani's killing carried a high risk of Iranian retaliation.
The bank also recorded losses as it acknowledged that some assets had lost value.
In an interview with The New York Times, he acknowledged that he had regrets.
Boeing has acknowledged that the planes' anti-stall software system contributed to both crashes.
Justice Kennedy acknowledged that a rehearing without the affected justice was an imperfect solution.
Mr. Gozali acknowledged that some Chinese-Indonesians, especially in the older generation, felt differently.
" When King acknowledged that she would not, Clary said "Ok then, so, next question.
Tohono O'odham leaders acknowledged that they were straddling a bona fide national security concern.
The FDA has acknowledged that accidental falls were reduced in the Ataluren treated group.
Rauner earlier on Thursday acknowledged that some lawmakers are working on a budget framework.
Arthur, who is lighter-skinned than Comfort, acknowledged that she, too, used to bleach.
At the same time, Buffett acknowledged that he has no imminent plans to retire.
Presented with this evidence, Eric Trump acknowledged that his earlier statements had been mistaken.
Police acknowledged that officers broke "rules of conduct for employees" by their aggressive behavior.
Cramer acknowledged that there are plenty of reasonable arguments against investing in consumer stocks.
A Democratic aide acknowledged that the committee has not uncovered direct evidence of collusion.
Tony West, Uber's chief legal officer, acknowledged that the figures were difficult to confront.
Even Mr. Schultz acknowledged that his early foray was a teachable moment for him.
The Supreme Court has acknowledged that extreme partisan gerrymandering is "incompatible with democratic principles".
Duff also acknowledged that people sometimes do not bring misconduct complaints through direct channels.
Qatar has acknowledged that it has supported Islamist organizations, but denies backing militant groups.
Ostapenko acknowledged that she must, on occasions, try to reign in her natural instincts.
He gave short answers as he acknowledged that he understood the charges against him.
House Republicans in swing districts acknowledged that showing independence from Trump will be critical.
The Sri Lankan government acknowledged that eight of its citizens were aboard the ship.
" Schmuhl acknowledged that it's "fair to say we had some catching up to do.
Hersey acknowledged that he had "experimented with the devices of fiction" in his journalism.
Representatives from both sectors acknowledged that power shift at the energy conference in Houston.
Morrison acknowledged that he had recommended that access to the call record be restricted.
One former White House official acknowledged that Brennan's rhetoric has made him a target.
McDaniel acknowledged that Republicans face headwinds in Virginia after Clinton's win in the state.
The company acknowledged that there had been other job cuts without saying how many.
Ms. Ferreira acknowledged that some people thought performing at her age could be dangerous.
Still, he acknowledged that the allegations drove away customers and hurt the bottom line.
Mayor Ed Koch acknowledged that rents were a problem but opposed any rent controls.
Antonetti acknowledged that Francona can be stubborn, and is perhaps not the ideal patient.
Mr. Trudeau has repeatedly acknowledged that the issue was discussed with his former minister.
But he acknowledged that many had been burned by the Toys "R" Us liquidation.
Jack acknowledged that if index funds became dominant enough, they might distort the marketplace.
Hawkins acknowledged that he kept tabs on developments in the career scoring top 10.
But officials acknowledged that they had struggled to gain the trust of many Congolese.
Blunt acknowledged that a bill with $5 billion could not pass in the Senate.
White supremacists openly acknowledged that Trump had made them feel welcome in American politics.
Duke acknowledged that he and Dillard students may be at odds on some issues.
He has acknowledged that the take care clause has teeth at least once recently.
And Zuckerberg acknowledged that his own personal data was sold to Cambridge Analytica, too.
When asked about anti-doping, Putin acknowledged that Russia's record has a few blemishes.
Danske Bank has acknowledged that its money laundering controls in Estonia has been insufficient.
It acknowledged that the results were limited, due the small number of products tested.
The Pentagon acknowledged that Mattis knew about Trump's decision ahead of his public announcement.
He also acknowledged that the generators frequently break down or run out of fuel.
The decision acknowledged that the provision of federal immigration law relied on by President Trump refers to a president's authority to "suspend the entry" of foreigners to the United States; it further acknowledged that the word "suspend" means something temporary rather than permanent.
In his address, the president acknowledged that people still view the economy with some malaise.
Law enforcement officials cheered the ruling, though they acknowledged that the fight was not over.
Lighthizer, in his letter to Pelosi, acknowledged that outstanding issues remain for members of Congress.
United acknowledged that not all problems cited by Port Authority were resolved during the Sept.
And while Home Depot assured us of stronger sales, it acknowledged that housing is slowing.
The company also reportedly acknowledged that both Zumigo and Microbilt had violated its privacy practices.
North Korean state media later acknowledged that the meeting hadn't gone as well as expected.
The researchers acknowledged that the stigma around spanking could be what's really driving the results.
However, he acknowledged that the league could be affected, even as it remains politically neutral.
The two companies had publicly acknowledged that they were in takeover talks earlier this month.
He has, however, previously acknowledged that Hyde affects millions of women's access to health care.
At the same time, she acknowledged that crafting a new plan is no simple undertaking.
Yet, Giuliani acknowledged that the president fully owns the notion of building a border wall.
"We are stronger together," Stoltenberg insisted, but acknowledged that there can be differences among allies.
But McCain acknowledged that the narrow Senate majority gives heft to a small voting bloc.
Remarkably, more than 20 percent acknowledged that patching takes a backseat to other security initiatives.
"I have acknowledged that I am concerned," Pruitt said in an exchange with Vermont Sen.
Mr. Strzok acknowledged that the FBI received documents from Bruce Ohr that came from Fusion.
The government now appears to have acknowledged that its treatment of DACA applications was unusual.
But in recent days, administration officials have acknowledged that this goal was out of reach.
Chuck Grassley acknowledged that Republicans aren't happy about having to vote on the disapproval resolution.
And Sports Authority has acknowledged that online competition played a key role in its demise.
Pincher acknowledged that trade negotiations could be difficult, but was hopeful they would move forward.
In doing so, they acknowledged that America is long overdue for a transformational transportation bill.
Still, White House officials acknowledged that Vindman's credibility stems from his proximity to the call.
Coach Adam Gase acknowledged that he hadn't bothered to talk with Osemele about the situation.
The chancellor, Angela Merkel, has acknowledged that her country needs to be more child-friendly.
However it also acknowledged that there has not yet been any breakthroughs in cellulosic fuel.
In a footnote, it acknowledged that this was a change in the federal government's position.
The company has at least publicly acknowledged that profiles are something it knows users want.
The Fed acknowledged that decline for the first time in its most recent policy statement.
She acknowledged that it was Mr. Jacobs, not Mr. Cuomo, who put the proposal forward.
Pincher acknowledged that trade negotiations could be difficult, but was hopeful they would move forward.
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski acknowledged that the president had committed wrongdoings in the Ukraine scandal.
He acknowledged that Clinton is clearly the establishment candidate in a highly anti-establishment cycle.
Sarepta acknowledged that kidney toxicity was observed in animal trials, which tested the drug, golodirsen.
Her staff have acknowledged that other work emails were not handed over, without explaining why.
He acknowledged that tensions between the two men, once allies, have been building for months.
Company executives acknowledged that demand for cars in Venezuela has fallen steadily with the crisis.
Volley's Kahn acknowledged that rejecting Chinese investment may make his startup's overseas expansion more difficult.
She acknowledged that her being a woman was one way voters were looking for change.
They then acknowledged that Bradford wasn't the shooter, but claimed that he "brandished" his gun.
But he also acknowledged that the next occupant of the White House may abandon it.
Several of her close friends, even up to the end, they acknowledged that about her.
During those times, the athlete has always acknowledged that he's in touch with his emotions.
They also acknowledged that advancements in the industry will cause job losses throughout the world.
On stage, he acknowledged that big tech's products might be misused, even exploited, by autocrats.
He has acknowledged that anti-Semitism is a genuine problem where Mr Corbyn has prevaricated.
In private, though, he acknowledged that the ascetic life he led was not for everyone.
Kim acknowledged that startups expect fast decisions on equity investment and contracts for early revenue.
He also acknowledged that there are other important issues being pushed through congress as well.
In the early 220s, it was a truth universally acknowledged that the art had died.
The judge acknowledged that, yes, there probably were workarounds to seeing what the president said.
In response, Drake acknowledged that Shiggy got him a number one record late last month.
The appeals court acknowledged that Congress didn't change the substance of the securities fraud laws.
NRCS officials have acknowledged that contaminated seed mixes for conservation land have spread Palmer amaranth.
And some police organizations that I met with today, the president met with, acknowledged that.
Other members of Trump's team have acknowledged that US funding helped to ameliorate these constraints.
Pelosi acknowledged that it&aposs up to Republicans to bring the bill to the floor.
A senior administration source and two senior GOP congressional aides acknowledged that there's no agreement.
Powell acknowledged that he couldn&apost say for sure why wage growth remains generally tepid.
He acknowledged that he was in the league more for his size than his skill.
And he freely acknowledged that the online revenues were going to buttress the residential campus.
Executives at Wolves have previously acknowledged that Mendes was an adviser but downplayed the links.
RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan has acknowledged that the SDR scheme had yet to be successful.
He acknowledged that Austria's business and tourism sectors would not be happy with increased checks.
The telecom acknowledged that it knows about the offer and will evaluate how to respond.
And they acknowledged that it did bring some level of closure just having suspects identified.
But frankly, it's time the world acknowledged that fries are not just a side dish.
"[Sessions] has acknowledged that antitrust is not [an] area of expertise for him," May said.
Some acknowledged that the announcement could be an April Fools' joke but covered it anyway.
Hogan-Howe acknowledged that people in Britain were becoming increasingly worried they could be next.
Comey openly acknowledged that he asked a friend to pass his memos along to reporters.
Lawmakers acknowledged that coming up with a palatable budget offset would be a herculean task.
However, Sandler acknowledged that creating that capability will be challenging — especially as an industry standard.
The bank report acknowledged that significant gaps remained in data about the shadow banking sector.
"Evaluating nominees did get off to a slow start, and everyone acknowledged that," Hammond said.
Thomas acknowledged that while they didn't agree on every case, they agreed quite a bit.
Obama acknowledged that his signature policy, the Affordable Care Act, is vulnerable under Republican leadership.
President Donald Trump praised the bill Thursday -- though he acknowledged that changes were likely coming.
Morris recently acknowledged that it's an unusual but effective choice for a Star Wars film.
But Ross acknowledged that there is a substantial list of issues that still need attention.
OCE said that Stutzman acknowledged that his family's Reagan Ranch visit was for personal purposes.
Washington (CNN)On Wednesday, the White House acknowledged that President Donald Trump told two lies.
He acknowledged that there was strong opposition in Congress toward arming some Gulf Arab states.
Assange has acknowledged that the source of the Guccifer 2.0 leaks may have been Russian.
He also sounded pleased that Ross acknowledged that private funding wouldn't address rural infrastructure needs.
I might have acknowledged that boys were not the only people I wanted to kiss.
In his Hanover speech Mr Obama acknowledged that governments must do more for globalisation's losers.
Trump acknowledged that Obama was born in the U.S. during a campaign stop in 2628.
Novartis this week acknowledged that it signed a $1.2 million contract with Cohen in 85033.
" He acknowledged that he needed help, and told the judge, "I'll do whatever you say.
However, the president acknowledged that Nike has a right to share whatever message it chooses.
But after his defeat, he acknowledged that a black political mass movement was probably premature.
The Mets acknowledged that Steven Matz's recurring elbow discomfort was because of a bone spur.
On the new podcast, he acknowledged that this means VR could have a dark side.
In an email to alumni, Sun editors acknowledged that rocky finances contributed to the decision.
In an interview, Charles Koch acknowledged that he regretted backing certain candidates in the past.
Harrison though acknowledged that some legacy companies are also wary of an industry shake-up.
Eventually, he acknowledged that it was not so much the volume, but the music itself.
He acknowledged that it was "likely true" that the map left Republican voters worse off.
Mr. Keller, Texas' lawyer, acknowledged that the president has wide authority over whom to deport.
Officials on Tuesday acknowledged that these concerns have sent them back to the drawing board.
Economists got excited, but they also acknowledged that it could have been an anomalous blip.
Reinking's father acknowledged that he had given the guns back to this son, Aaron said.
Tim Cook even acknowledged that the app didn't live up to the company's own standards.
Giuliani has previously acknowledged that the recorded discussion related to the buying the story rights.
In June, Holder acknowledged that running for president in 2020 is ""something that I'm considering.
Still, Johnson and community activists acknowledged that current crime levels still sow fear in neighborhoods.
Pressed to elaborate, the critics acknowledged that they had not yet encountered a disagreeable slide.
Since announcing his campaign, the former Texas Senate candidate has acknowledged that he is privileged.
However, in 1987, Biden acknowledged that he had plagiarized part of a law school paper.
" Chief Brown called for Americans to support police officers, but acknowledged that "we're not perfect.
Mattis acknowledged that China's militarization of islands was a reality but warned of further consequences.
Wolff, who said in Monaco that Mercedes were now the underdogs, acknowledged that it hurt.

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