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126 Sentences With "abstains from"

How to use abstains from in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "abstains from" and check conjugation/comparative form for "abstains from". Mastering all the usages of "abstains from" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She complains of hunger, yet to please Coenraad abstains from nourishment.
If Roberts abstains from voting on the motion, it will fail.
She abstains from bras onstage, but this afternoon she wore a sensible black one.
He lives a clean life, doesn't cause trouble in school, abstains from drinking and smoking.
If the company abstains from the vote, it would raise Elliott's chances of securing a majority.
"I just want to have fun forever," says Horn, a strict vegetarian who abstains from alcohol.
He has a history of alcoholism in his family and consequently abstains from alcohol and other drugs.
He said he wanted to appeal to the straight-edge punk crowd, which abstains from drugs and alcohol.
He abstains from butter, touching the dough with just the oil needed to keep it from clinging to his hands.
If someone with vape tongue abstains from vaping for a couple of weeks, their tongue regains the ability to taste.
And he abstains from alcohol except for one day of the year, on the anniversary of his older brother's death.
Trump famously abstains from alcohol and drugs, in part because his older brother was an alcoholic who drank himself to death.
It also abstains from discussing the economy of information that gives Richard Rasmussen so much power, and Trujillo so very little.
There is no evidence Trump has ever used cocaine, and the businessman has long insisted he abstains from alcohol and illegal drugs.
"On Mondays, I can enjoy calmness and loneliness," she said about her favorite day, when she abstains from emails, meetings and phone calls.
" The company also said it "abstains from commenting on speculations and rejects allegations about offers for acquisition of the company or its technology.
The longer a person abstains from ejaculating, the more likely their cum will be mixed with a little bit with of pee, Nall wrote.
"The big mistake is that to please the Beijing government, the Vatican abstains from doing many things they are supposed to do," said Zen.
If someone who could seemingly have their pick of sexual partners abstains from sex, then they must not have "chosen" this identity after all.
If he abstains from another run, he'd highlight a key difference between left and center: For leftists, politics is based on policy, not personality.
That means the arrest will be scrubbed from his record if he stays out of trouble and abstains from booze and drugs over that period.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who typically abstains from criticizing the president, expressed his disapproval when asked by reporters Tuesday afternoon about Trump's message.
Kardashian generally abstains from comment on American politics, but used her significant media power to bring awareness to something that remains one of human history's darkest moments.
Their relationship is what eventually gets her out of her Hollywood dystopia, and it's the only plotline that abstains from all the surrealist elements that swirl around everything else.
I am South African-Indian Hindu and take part in a fast that abstains from the consumption of meat and eggs, every Monday, Tuesday and occasional Hindu auspicious days.
Its declared aim is to establish a secular democratic republic in Iran that adheres to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and abstains from producing weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles.
As competitors slash prices during the holidays and Apple mostly abstains from cutting prices, perhaps having lower base prices to begin with will be the company's strategy for selling more units this year.
The firm said it had been in contact with many organizations and global authorities but "abstains from commenting on speculations and rejects allegations about offers for the acquisition of the company or its technology."
While Rorschach, in the book, nobly abstains from the other former superheroes' plan to cover up villain Ozymandias's dastardly deed — killing millions of innocent people to avoid a nuclear war — his moral code is pretty repugnant.
In media and pop culture, when recovering people are seen at all, one type usually appears: someone who goes to rehab and then abstains from all drugs by relying on 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous.
If we choose to ignore these women so we can enjoy pure, unadulterated art, we run the risk of sounding like Adrien Brody, who famously said he abstains from reading allegations against the people he's worked with, like Polanski and Allen.
Specific foods that one should and shouldn't eat (dietary restrictions called kashrut) are mentioned in the Torah (Old Testament), and there are symbolic foods for every holiday and even a holiday where one completely abstains from food and drink (Yom Kippur).
The idea that democracy can exist when almost half of the population abstains from participation is an insult to our intelligence and an affront to the international role the United States purports to play as a champion of democratic freedom.
Unlike larb in southern Thailand, it abstains from sourness and rice powder, instead relying on herbs and spices, each toasted separately to coax out its fragrance, then left to quietly become one with the pork for an hour before cooking.
He had a rocky experience when meeting in person with a client whose excited demeanor turned to skepticism once he realized that company president he had been speaking with over the phone was no more than a high schooler, so Lewis typically abstains from revealing his age unless asked.
Moon would love to hear Trump abjure preventive war, but he will be relieved if the president simply sticks to a script that repeats prior U.S. policy statements on North Korea, and abstains from personal insults and threats toward Kim Jong Un that diminish prospects for diplomatic dialogue.
A hard worker who abstains from alcohol, save for a taste of an I.P.A. here and there or a toast to his friends, and who takes just five vacation days (at Christmastime), he performs for nearly two-thirds of the year, sometimes jetting between three or four cities in one day.
Jeff SessionsJefferson (Jeff) Beauregard SessionsDOJ should take action against China's Twitter propaganda Lewandowski says he's 'happy' to testify before House panel The Hill's Morning Report — Trump and the new Israel-'squad' controversy MORE, Trump's nominee for attorney general, abstains from all confirmation votes, as some Democrats have urged him to do.
Jamm then abstains from the land rights vote, leaving the issue deadlocked.
Mark has a quiet domestic life, mostly abstains from alcohol, and is a pescatarian.
The village is built at an altitude of , and abstains from Nafpaktos. Katafygio in the old days was named Amorani.
The Analects abstains from inconsistence between words and acts, which gives the impression that the communicator cannot practice the values beheld.
Downs' theory abstains from making normative statements about public policy choices and instead focuses on what is rational, given the relevant incentives, for government to do.
On the death of his wife, the prophet abstains from all mourning, providing "a sign of the silent stupefaction which the news of the city’s fall will occasion".
After his encounter with Zein and Haneen, Seif ad-Din turns his life around. He treats his father's former slaves kindly, where before he had neglected them. He abstains from drinking. He settles down and marries his cousin.
A List of tours, concerts and festivals held by Lebanese singer Layal Abboud. Abboud abstains from performing during Islamic month of Ramadan .After the end of Ramadan, on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, she restart her concert managing.
The song is basically about a group of women's strict "no sex" rule similar to a part of the film's plot where the female lead, Lilly (played by Beyoncé) abstains from being intimate with her love interest (Cuba Gooding Jr.).
Smith considers himself straight edge, as he abstains from alcohol, tobacco, and drug consumption. He has a younger sister. As of August 2018, Smith resides in the Katsushika ward in the east end of Tokyo and is fluent in Japanese. Smith told ESPN.
Although averse to Christianity he abstains from assailing Christian doctrines, even when he combats expressly the work of his contemporary, John Philoponus, directed against the Aristotelian doctrine of the eternity of the universe.Simplicius, in Arist. de Caelo, 6, b, etc., 72; in Phys. Ausc.
He abstains from drinking alcohol. According to a report published in Hong Kong, "Li suffered from hepatitis B when he was released to rural areas during the period of cultural revolution, and his liver function declined, causing kidney disease." This caused his complexion to darken.
They married on 3 January 2014 and had a celebration in Los Angeles. Abraham is a fitness model and he abstains from smoking, consuming alcohol and any intoxicants. Due to this he often avoids many parties and functions. Abraham is a sport bike collector.
A vote in the United Nations is deadlocked. The deciding vote goes to the tiny, obscure European Republic of Concordia. Its president, known as the General (Peter Ustinov), abstains from voting. To remedy the issue, ambassadors from the United States and Soviet Union attempt to win the General's favor.
In "The Abstinence", Elaine abstains from sex with her boyfriend until he passes his medical exam. This results in such mental congestion that she becomes markedly less intelligent. She then begs Jerry to have sex with her. He briefly considers it but turns her down, saying that the situation was "too weird".
Although placed in subfamily Pelleninae, tribus Pellenini at a time, Prószyński, 2008 abstains from formal subfamilial placement of the genus. The Havaika epigynes resemble those of the genera Bianor, Modunda and Habronattus, but differ from them by the structure of spermathecae and other internal structures. Male palps of Havaika seem to be more specialized.
Ben Zyskowicz has been married to Rahime Husnetdin-Zyskowicz, a member of the Finnish Tatar community, since 1982 and has two daughters, Daniela (1983) and Dinah (1985). He also abstains from alcohol and is known to be a regular at Café Strindberg – a popular celebrity-spotting location on Pohjoisesplanadi in the Helsinki city centre.
The New York Press Club, sometimes NYPC, is a private nonprofit membership organization which promotes journalism in the New York City metropolitan area. It is unaffiliated with any government organization and abstains from politics. While the club is headquarters in New York City, it serves as an association for journalists based in the United States.
The recovery phase begins after the patient abstains from cannabinoids, and can last days to months. Lost weight can be regained due to a restoration of normal oral intake, and compulsive bathing/showering can give way to normal patterns of behavior. If a person in this phase consumes cannabis again, their symptoms tend to come back.
In the American legal system it must be a judicially enforceable and legally protected right before one suffering a grievance can ask for a mandamus. A person can be said to be aggrieved only when they are denied a legal right by someone who has a legal duty to do something and abstains from doing it.
Bambi is also a virgin who abstains from sex, calling it a disgusting act, attacking anyone who attempts physical contact with her. ;Pampi :A mysterious little boy that Bambi was asked to kidnap from Gabba King and bring to the 'Old Men'. Pampi loves to eat junk food. ;Tanahashi : A Twenty-year-old who is traveling the globe to hunt Bambi down.
Hayes married Susie Gilder, model and actress, on May 31, 1986. Their wedding was covered in Vanity Fair. Hayes has struggled with psychological trauma from his abusive childhood and chronic depression for most of his life, and in his memoir, covers his efforts to treat it with therapy and eventually medication. He also abstains from drinking alcohol because of his father's alcoholism.
A minister may also ask for time off or resign from his ministry voluntarily. Political neutrality: The New Apostolic Church abstains from all political statements. It expects its members to fulfill the laws and the civil obligations of their countries as long as divine laws are not transgressed. The church attaches importance to open and trusting relations with governments, authorities and the general public.
She faces difficulties in dealing with her conservative family and her possessive boyfriend Vivek. Vaijayanthi becomes pregnant, but goes through an abortion because Vivek abstains from taking responsibility. Trisha is a somnambulist and an isolophobic (fears solitude). She worries that she would be left alone after the death of her single father and therefore wants to get settled in life by marrying her boyfriend Shashank.
When one boycotts a product or service, it does not mean that he abstains from consuming at all, but that he may select an alternative product or service. Equally, a choice to "buycott" could be understood as including a rejection or boycott of the non-ethical alternative. This interdependence is useful to explain the traditional pairing of boycotting and "buycotting" in much analysis of consumer politics.
In contrast to the practically invisible presence of lesbians in the mainstream media and society in general, L-MAG celebrates the visibility and participation of lesbian women in all aspects of life. In addition, L-MAG deliberately abstains from reporting on the clichéd themes so predominant in other women's magazines e.g. fashion and dieting. Instead, strong, successful lesbian women are portrayed and national and global lesbian culture is depicted.
Truong creates a creative depiction of Gertrude Stein's private life during her time in Paris. She is depicted as a private, but exuberant woman who delights in her weekly private salons and the attention she receives from them. Gertrude Stein abstains from the routines of domestic life, preferring to focus on her writing or inspiration for it and leaving the management of 27 rue de Fleurus to her lover, Alice Toklas.
King Mahendra of Nepal (second from left) in a 1958 visit to Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science. Nepal was the first and until recently the only nation in South and Central Asia to establish diplomatic ties with Israel. The bilateral relation between the two countries has been good. Traditionally, Nepal votes in favor of Israel at the UN and abstains from resolution opposed by the Israeli government barring few exceptions.
However, according to Joshua, he apparently was completely different in behavior prior to his wife's death. Later in the series he reveals that he seeks to kill the Claw and then die too in order to meet Yoshimo again. Like Van, he also abstains from alcohol, drinking water instead, though drinks it in a sake cup. Near the end of the series his eyes are injured and his vision is blurred.
From his exile in London, and later in South Africa,Tesfagiorgis has been working for the advocacy organisation Justice Africa, and has spent much time working for agreement among other Eritrean dissidents on a non-violent democratic alternative for Eritrea. He also abstains from violence. In June 2015 a United Nations Commission on Human Rights of Inquiry accused President Afwerki of systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations that may constitute crimes against humanity.
Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions defines: > A person is hors de combat if: : (a) he is in the power of an adverse Party; > : (b) he clearly expresses an intention to surrender; or : (c) he has been > rendered unconscious or is otherwise incapacitated by wounds or sickness, > and therefore is incapable of defending himself; provided that in any of > these cases he abstains from any hostile act and does not attempt to escape.
Within this frame story are found many digressions, the longest among them being the well-known tale of Cupid and Psyche. This story is a rare instance of a fairy tale preserved in an ancient literary text. The Metamorphoses ends with the (once again human) hero, Lucius, eager to be initiated into the mystery cult of Isis; he abstains from forbidden foods, bathes, and purifies himself. He is introduced to the Navigium Isidis.
The largest Christian body, the Roman Catholic Church, is not a member of the CEC for the same reasons that it abstains from officially participating in the World Council of Churches, which is that such organizations do not recognize any kind of Roman Catholic primacy in the governance of the universal Church.APIC article The Third European Ecumenical Assembly (co-organised by the CEC and the CCEE) was held in Sibiu, Romania, 4-9 September 2007.
Also, Rockwell's style of backwoods New England small-town realism, known as regionalism, was sometimes viewed as out of step with the oncoming wave of abstract modern art.Dempsey, p. 165. Some say his realism is so direct that he abstains from using artistic license. John Canaday, a New York Times art critic once referred to Rockwell as the "Rembrandt of Punkin' Crick" for his aversion to the vices of big city life.
Having had an interest in sport and horseback riding since childhood, Abboud has four horses, which she keeps in the village of Tanbourit in Lebanon's Sidon District. Their names are Rim, Loulou, Khaybar (named after Khaibar-1 ) and Layal (named after her given name). Abboud is a practising Muslim. She fasts and abstains from performing during Ramadan, and holds the pre-dawn and post-sunset meals of Suhur and Iftar with her family.
Pete's affairs, however, apparently continue, Tillie even needing to discourage one of his young lovers at lunch. Years go by until one day, 9-year-old son Robbie is stricken with a fatal illness. Pete tries to shield the boy by keeping him in what Tillie calls "a world of nonsense", but the inevitable death destroys Tillie's religious faith, and ruptures their marriage. Tillie abstains from sex, while Pete turns to drink and takes an apartment.
Frankfurter and Clark, concurring in the judgment of the majority and in its opinion on the main issue, stated that, since the time when the employee acquired the taxable interest was not an issue either before the Tax Court or the Court of Appeals, the majority had erred in departing from the general rule whereby the Supreme Court abstains from passing on such an issue in a tax case when that issue was not raised below.
When her boyfriend returns to the hotel room similarly equipped, the two men engage in a frantic fight, their glow-in-the-dark attire bouncing crazily across the darkened room. After disrupting his ex-wife's wedding day, it finally dawns on Zach just how out of control his lifestyle has become. He sobers up, abstains from womanizing, and begins to write again. Achieving the trifecta of recovery that Alex predicted he couldn't achieve, he wins back her love.
The Jewish American community was divided on the agreement. On 19 August 2015 leaders of the Reform Jewish movement, the largest Jewish denomination in the United States, issued a lengthy public statement expressing a neutral position.Chemi Shalev, "Reflecting Deep Divisions, Reform Movement Abstains From 'Yes' or 'No' on Iran Deal", Haaretz (19 August 2015)."Reform Jewish Movement Response to Iran Deal: Address Important Concerns, Focus on the Day After" , Union for Reform Judaism (20 August 2015).
A lifelong teetotaler, he abstains from all stimulants, including tobacco, and coffee. He is however, a notorious aficionado of chocolate, an addiction which has been described as "morbid". He compensates the high-sugar diet by eating very small regular meals, and skipping lunch altogether. Since his stay in the United States, Solvik-Olsen has been an automobile enthusiast, his collection includes a second generation 1985 model Cadillac Seville, a convertible Dodge Stratus, in addition to over 80 Model cars.
2011 PA Mock Trial Rules of Evidence- Rule 611d After either all four types of exams have been conducted or one party abstains from doing redirect or recross respectively, the witness steps down from the stand. This process is then repeated for two more plaintiff/prosecution witnesses. With the conclusion of testimony from the third plaintiff witness, the plaintiff rests. The Defense then calls three witnesses in the same manner described above for the plaintiff/prosecution.
Several of Daley's 11th Ward organization political operatives were charged or accused of being involved in the situation. Daley, however, escaped direct involvement in the ordeal, which was investigated by United States Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald in a federal investigation. Daley's business causes him many conflicts of interests in the course of business as a Commissioner on the Cook County Board. He frequently recuses himself or abstains from voting on various matters of business because of his extensive insurance network.
In the last book, the tone abruptly changes. Driven to desperation by his asinine form, Lucius calls for divine aid, and is answered by the goddess Isis. Eager to be initiated into the mystery cult of Isis, Lucius abstains from forbidden foods, bathes and purifies himself. Then the secrets of the cult's books are explained to him and further secrets revealed, before going through the process of initiation which involves a trial by the elements in a journey to the underworld.
One shot was from the back, while the other was only a silhouette. Urobuchi felt that, because Kiritsugu abstains from the flashiness of Heroic Spirits, the best solution was to make him unnoticeable, as a "character who spreads justice should speak with their back". Nasu believes Kiritsugu avoids facing personal issues in his story in contrast to Shirou Emiya whose characterization and growth is explored more in the visual novel. Rikiya Koyama's voice acting as Kiritsugu attracted praise from the Fate developers.
In Islamic terminology, something which is makruh (, transliterated: makrooh or makrūh) is a disliked or offensive act (literally "detestable" or "abominable"). This is one of the five categories (al-ahkam al-khamsa) in Islamic law – wajib/fard (obligatory), Mustahabb/mandub (recommended), mubah (neutral), makruh (disapproved), haram (forbidden). Though a makruh act is not haram (forbidden) or subject to punishment, a person who abstains from this act will be rewarded. Muslims are encouraged to avoid such actions when or as possible.
He became the President of the National Assembly on 26 June 2007. Despite the unwritten tradition that the President of the National Assembly abstains from taking part in votes, Accoyer voted in favor of a bill providing for major constitutional changes on 21 July 2008; because the bill passed by only a one-vote margin, his vote in favor, along with that of Socialist deputy Jack Lang, was crucial."Sarkozy's flagship French reform passes by two votes" , AFP, 21 July 2008.
Booker with longtime friend Gayle King, 2011 Booker regularly exercises and has been a vegetarian since 1992, when he was a student at Oxford University in the UK. Beginning at 43 minutes into the podcast. He abstains from alcohol and "has no known vices or addictions" other than coffee. In 2014, Booker began practicing a vegan diet and has expressed his vegan ethical philosophy and advocacy for animals. As of June 2016, Booker worshiped at the Metropolitan Baptist Church in Newark.
King Uriens suspects nothing, but Accolon's older brother, Avalloch, begins to; at one point, he confronts Morgaine in private and tries to blackmail her into sleeping with him as well. Morgaine sends Avalloch out on a boar hunt and is magically present when the boar kills him. In his grief for his eldest son and heir, Uriens abstains from pork for the rest of his life. Morgaine tells Accolon, who is now Uriens's heir, of the sacred marriage she made with Arthur years before.
Having a rebellious nature and much unlike Faridi, Hameed is non-serious, blithesome, jovial, and temperamental, but, on the other hand, his qualities of courage and fearlessness, intelligence and astuteness, at times, surprise Faridi. Due to the romantic bits within him, he loves flirting women, but abstains from sexual or serious relationships. One of Captain Hameed's unique interests is to train unusual pets like a mouse, a goat (Bughra Khan – بغرا خان), a Myna (مینا ) and others. He is expert at playing musical instruments: violin and mouthorgan.
The two conventions on criminal law were signed by Belarus and all Council of Europe members, with the exception of Estonia, which abstains from the Additional Protocol. The Criminal Law Convention is currently by 48 States, while the Additional Protocol is signed by 44 countries. Both conventions are aiming at the protection of judicial authorities against the negative impact of corruption. The convention on Civil Law is currently ratified by 35 countries, all of which are, with the exception of Belarus, members of the Council of Europe.
Atonal music poses a stark challenge to prolongational hearing and analysis, as its harmonic makeup by definition eschews the long-range controlling force of monotonality, and in most cases purposely abstains from consonant triads, or indeed referential or centric sonorities at all. Music theorist Joseph Straus has attempted to define more rigorously what it is about atonality that precludes prolongational hearing. His own definition of prolongation is "the sense of continuation of a musical object, particularly when not literally present ... prolongation is a cognitive act of the listener".Schachter, Carl and Hedi Siegel, eds. (2006).
Charting of basal body temperatures is used in some methods of fertility awareness, such as the sympto-thermal method, and may be used to determine the onset of post-ovulatory infertility. When BBT alone is used to avoid a pregnancy, it is sometimes called the Temperature Rhythm method. Basal body temperature alone is most effective at preventing pregnancy if the couple abstains from intercourse from the beginning of menstruation through the third day after the basal body temperature has risen. BBTs only show when ovulation has occurred; they do not predict ovulation.
He served as Agriculture Minister from 1898 to 1899 in the first government of Luigi Pelloux (June 1898–May 1899). He resigned in 1899 and subsequently joined the liberal opposition of Giovanni Giolitti, whose liberal reformism was closest to Fortis’s own political views that had moderated over time. Fortis argued that a view of the state "which abstains from everything, which increasingly reduces its actions and its responsibilities; the state which is feared, rather than appealed to ... is, it seems to me, doomed to die out."Ashley, Making Liberalism Work, p.
The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, known simply as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), is a Washington, D.C.–based think tank that researches government, politics, economics, and social welfare. AEI is an independent nonprofit organization supported primarily by grants and contributions from foundations, corporations, and individuals. Founded in 1938, AEI is commonly associated with conservatism and neoconservatism, although it is officially non-partisan and abstains from taking any institutional positions on issues. AEI is governed by a 28-member Board of Trustees, composed of executives and former executives from various corporations.
Piana is built in sides of mountain range of Mainalo in altitude of 1090 metres and with Eastern report. The distance from Athens is roughly 190 kilometres that are covered by road in roughly two hours. Piana is found in southernly the capital of Prefecture Arkadia, that is Tripoli, and it abstains from this 19 kilometres. The access in the village becomes following the road axis Tripoli-Alonistaina-Vytina, following the bypass to the left in the 18th km, through a green forest route which crosses the evergreen region of Mainalo.
However, the Onager is only capable of short- range flights, imposing constraints on the survivors' escape plan. While the colonists board the freighter, Cale notices several xenomorphs that manage to stow away aboard one of the ship's cargo bulkheads. However, afraid of being marooned on LV-426 should he remain behind to decouple the infested cargo bulkhead, Cale abstains from informing the survivors and gives the all-clear for the ship to depart. Because of the ship's limited flight range, the Onager lands on LV-223, a nearby planetoid within the same sector as LV-426.
Like Shuichi, Yoshino shows signs indicating gender dysphoria, though later stops thinking that way due to personal exposure to modelling. :Yoshino prefers to dress and act like a boy, but usually abstains from anything which would draw attention, such as going to school in a male uniform after entering junior high. However, Yoshino does on occasion dress in a male school uniform and go to neighboring cities while dressed as a boy; during one such time, Yoshino enjoys being hit on by an older woman. Yoshino wants to look "cool" and wears clothes which are not girlish.
In the context of the law of the Netherlands, the term gedogen (toleration, although gedogen does not literally mean toleration; one can describe it best as toleration in law) refers to not enforcing certain laws. The Dutch government tolerates some offences. Some things like possessing small amounts of cannabis are formally forbidden by law, but the Dutch government abstains from bringing criminal charges against the offenders.Ian Leuw and I. Hean Marshall: Between Prohibition and Legalisation: The Dutch Experiment in Drug Policy: New York: Kugler: 1994 Often these policies are brought about by a tension between treaty obligations and domestic politics.
Magical realism, also called Magic realism, is literary works where magical events form part of ordinary life. The reader is forced to accept that abnormal events such as levitation, telekinesis and talking with the dead take place in the real world. The writer does not invent a new world or describe in great detail new creatures, as is usual in Fantasy; on the contrary, the author abstains from explaining the fantastic events to avoid making them feel extraordinary. It is often regarded as a genre exclusive to Latin American literature, but some of its chief exponents include English authors.
Annwn plays a reasonably prominent role in the Four Branches of the Mabinogi, a set of four interlinked mythological tales dating from the early medieval period. In the First Branch of the Mabinogi, entitled Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed, the eponymous prince offends Arawn, ruler of Annwn, by baiting his hunting hounds on a stag that Arawn's dogs had brought down. In recompense he exchanges places with Arawn for a year and defeats Arawn's enemy Hafgan, while Arawn rules in his stead in Dyfed. During this year, Pwyll abstains from sleeping with Arawn's wife, earning himself gratitude and eternal friendship from Arawn.
On Vasanta Pachami day, everyone rises early to bathe, dress in yellow clothes, adorn their forehead with the yellow of turmeric (tilak), and worship the Sun God, Mother Ganga, and the earth. Books, articles, musical instruments, tools for art such as earthen inkpots and bamboo quills, are placed in front of the goddess to receive her blessings. The ink is made from unboiled milk water, red colour powder and silver glitter called avro. Although it is auspicious for children to learn their first word on this day of celebration, everyone abstains from their usual reading and writing in deference to the goddess.
According to Austrian economics, without government intervention, interest rates will always be an equilibrium between the time-preferences of borrowers and savers, and this equilibrium is simply distorted by government intervention. This distortion, in their view, is the cause of the business cycle. Some Austrian economists—but by no means all—also support full reserve banking, a hypothetical financial/banking system where banks may not lend deposits. Others may advocate free banking, whereby the government abstains from any interference in what individuals may choose to use as money or the extent to which banks create money through the deposit and lending cycle.
A designated driver on New Year's Eve 2011 The terms "designated driver" and "designated driving" (commonly known as DD) refer to the selection of a person who remains sober as the responsible driver of a vehicle whilst others have been allowed to drink alcoholic beverages. Thus as a practical and ethical matter a designated driver is a person who abstains from alcohol on a social occasion in order to drive his or her companions home safely as an alternative to driving under the influence. In order to encourage these arrangements, some bar, restaurant and nightclub proprietors will offer free or reduced-price soft drinks to designated drivers.
Weinstein has been accused of "waging a war on Christianity" by some critics. He has described "gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates", and has said that the vast majority of his clients are practicing Catholics and mainline Protestants. Weinstein has come under criticism for his salary and practice of voting on his own compensation as he is one of the voting members of MRFF's three-member board. According to Weinstein, although he is a voting board member, he abstains from any votes on his own salary and has always done so.
An election boycott is the boycotting of an election by a group of voters, each of whom abstains from voting. Boycotting may be used as a form of political protest where voters feel that electoral fraud is likely, or that the electoral system is biased against its candidates, that the polity organizing the election lacks legitimacy, or that the candidates running are very unpopular. In jurisdictions with compulsory voting, a boycott may amount to an act of civil disobedience; alternatively, supporters of the boycott may be able to cast blank votes or vote for "none of the above". Boycotting voters may belong to a particular regional or ethnic group.
Pitt's friend William Wilberforce continues to support peace negotiations and abstains from a vote on the matter. Via an American intermediary Melvill, Talleyrand sends word to Pitt that French moderates are willing to make peace, but before Pitt can exploit this Napoleon seizes power in France. Learning of this during one of his regular visits to Walmer Castle, Pitt realises Napoleon's desire for world domination and commits himself totally to the arduous struggle ahead, sacrificing even his hopes for marriage to Eleanor Eden. He also discovers that he has neglected his personal finances and is now deeply in debt, though these debts are soon paid off by an unknown friend.
A notable difference from such series is the absence of lengthy opening and ending sequences set to J-pop songs; to save broadcast time, The Legend of Korras openings and endings last only a few seconds. The series mostly abstains from using the visual tropes characteristic of anime, but does occasionally use exaggerated facial expressions to highlight emotions for comic effect. As in Avatar, the series adds to its Asian aesthetic by presenting all text that appears in its fictional world in traditional Chinese characters, without translating it. For example, on the "Wanted" posters seen in the episode "The Stakeout", the names of the protagonists are written as 寇拉 (Korra), 馬高 (Mako) and 愽林 (Bolin).
And on the following night of Raw, Orton turned on his associates, leading to a Triple Threat match between the three men at WrestleMania. Since the beginning of 2010, CM Punk and his storyline disciples Luke Gallows and Serena had been on a crusade of sorts in order to promote the message of straight edge, a lifestyle that abstains from alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drug use; he did so by preaching his gospel to the crowd and sometimes by "converting" members of the crowd by shaving their heads. The three of them would call themselves the Straight Edge Society. On the February 12 episode of SmackDown, Punk faced Rey Mysterio in a losing effort.
The Chief Justice is sworn as a member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada prior to taking the judicial oath of office. He or she also sits on the advisory council of Canada's highest civilian order, the Order of Canada. In practice however, the Chief Justice abstains from voting on a candidate's removal from the order, presumably because this process has so far only applied to individuals convicted in a lower court of a criminal offence, and could create a conflict of interest for the Chief Justice if that individual appealed their conviction to the Supreme Court. Under the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, each province has a three-person commission responsible for modifying that province's federal ridings.
Right speech (samyag-vāc / sammā-vācā) in most Buddhist texts is presented as four abstentions, such as in the Pali Canon thus: Instead of the usual "abstention and refraining from wrong" terminology, a few texts such as the Samaññaphala Sutta and Kevata Sutta in Digha Nikaya explain this virtue in an active sense, after stating it in the form of an abstention. For example, Samaññaphala Sutta states that a part of a monk's virtue is that "he abstains from false speech. He speaks the truth, holds to the truth, is firm, reliable, no deceiver of the world." Similarly, the virtue of abstaining from divisive speech is explained as delighting in creating concord.
A depiction of Víðarr and Váli by Axel Kulle (1846–1908), 1892 Theories have been proposed that Víðarr's silence may derive from a ritual silence or other abstentions which often accompany acts of vengeance, as for example in Völuspá and Baldrs draumar when Váli, conceived for the sole purpose of avenging Baldr's death, abstains from washing his hands and combing his hair "until he brought Baldr's adversary to the funeral pyre".Lindow (2001:312—313). Parallels have been drawn between chapter 31 of Tacitus' 1st century CE work Germania where Tacitus describes that members of the Chatti, a Germanic tribe, may not shave or groom before having first slain an enemy.Lindow (2001:311).
Christian offers Iceman a place on his crew but he refuses and Christian theorises that Iceman and Storm are staying so close to Kate because, as she has been unable to access Krakoa, they fear that The Five will be unable to resurrect her should she die. Christian arrives at a Hellfire Company meeting where Shaw attempts to divert the Marauders to Madripoor. Although Christian abstains from the vote, Emma and Kate vote for Shinobi to continue his route to Madripoor but they soon receive news that his boat has come into conflict and needs help. When the Marauders arrive, they are attacked by soldiers lead by Zhao and Donald Pierce wearing power-dampening armor who were sent by Homines Verendi.
Google typically abstains from referencing or celebrating religious holidays specifically in Doodles, or in cases when they do, religious themes and iconography are avoided. Google has acknowledged this as an official policy, stating in April 2018 that they "don't have Doodles for religious holidays", according to "current Doodle guidelines." Google further explained that Doodles may appear for some "non-religious celebrations that have grown out of religious holidays", citing Valentine's Day (Christianity), Holi (Hinduism), and Tu B'Av (Judaism) as examples, but that the company does not include "religious imagery or symbolism" as part of those Doodles. Google has been criticized for what has been perceived as its inconsistency regarding the implementation of its religious holiday policy, notably its lack of Doodles for major Christian holidays.
Fu's Subcutaneous Needle (FSN), invented by Dr. Zhonghua Fu in 1996, is an innovation for the treatment of myofascial pain and trigger points based on the research and clinical findings of Dr. D. Simons and Dr. Janet G. Travell. Originating from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), FSN does not follow the rules and principles of TCM and the chosen insertion points do not coincide with traditional acupuncture points. The similarities are limited to the distal insertion of the needle to the affected area, the needle itself being a non-injection needle, and the fact that both needles are manipulated and act on soft connective tissue. FSN abstains from the muscle and deep fascia layers and is confined to only the subcutaneous layer where collagen fibers are most abundant.
Not being able to control its feelings or thoughts, the soul is strongly tempted to handle infinite energy. If the infinite potential of this plane is misused, consciousness gets completely disintegrated and the soul finds itself back to the stone-form consciousness and has to start again the long course of evolution from there. If it abstains from using this energy it enters the lower mental plane and if it makes a completely selfless use of it, for the benefit of the spiritual development of others in illusion, it even moves directly to the higher mental plane. Having abstained from tampering with the energy of the fourth plane, consciousness enters the fifth plane, also described as the lower mental world.
Burke recuses himself from voting on issues involving clients so often that he was called "Chicago's most conflicted alderman" by the Chicago Sun-Times. Burke abstains from at least a few votes at almost every Finance Committee meeting. In March 1997, weeks after hiring defense attorney Valukus, and days after learning from the Chicago Sun-Times of their investigation into Burke's law firm and clients, Burke invoked a rarely used motion to amend the proceedings of the city council to change to abstentions four "yes" votes regarding airport facility leases for Midway and American airlines, two of Burke's seven airline clients. Burke blamed the recording of his "aye" votes on the late Alderman Thomas Cullerton, who chaired the City Council Committee on Aviation, which reviews airport leases.
The first stage of Yoga, for the one who seeks self knowledge, is detachment day by day, from impressions, from being controlled by one's senses, from being controlled by external things or others. In this stage, the yogi thinks before acting, abstains from engaging in vulgar vices, avoids arguing with others and devotes self to virtues, state verses 2.4 to 2.7 of the text. He is gentle, he never seeks distress for anyone, he uses kind words, he is affectionate to everyone, he helps the virtuous with his deeds, with his words and with his thoughts, states the Upanishad. He studies the Shastras, he reflects on them, he investigates the world of knowledge and himself, in the first stage of Yoga.
Brennan J held that the doctrines of estoppel, waiver and election were distinct and that waiver was the unilateral divestiture of rights. A mere intention not to exercise a right is not immediately effective to divest or sterilize that right, as a right is waived only when the time comes for its exercise and the party for whose sole benefit it has been introduced knowingly abstains from exercising it. In this case because the Commonwealth was given leave to amend to plead the limitation defence, the time for waiving the defence had not arrived. Dawson J also held that a waiver, being the non-insistence upon a right either by choice or by default, existed outside of election or estoppel.
Pamela Adlon has received significant praise for her acting, writing, and directing, with critics citing her as one of TV's best auteurs. The first season has a Metacritic score of 80 out of 100 based 31 reviews, indicating "generally favorable reviews". Rotten Tomatoes gave the first season a 95% "Certified Fresh" score with an average rating of 8.18 out of 10 based on 57 critic reviews, with the critical consensus "Pamela Adlon's Better Things abstains from traditional sitcom sendups and forges a path all its own – in this bawdy, often hilarious and bittersweet ode to the daily highs and lows of being a single mother." On Metacritic, the second season has a score of 96 out of 100 based on 13 reviews, indicating "universal acclaim".
At the beginning of the second series, Anna sees Miles talking to another woman at a bar and, misunderstanding the situation, thinks he is cheating on her and promptly dumps him. The head of chambers, James Hooperman, decides to hold a vote on Anna’s tenancy midway through series 2. The majority of the chambers partners vote in favour of Anna gaining a tenancy, partly because Anna has been successful at getting extra work from the law firm Rankin-Jamall. The increased work is, in part, due to Anna flirting with Rankin-Jamall lesbian barrister Sarah Newley and, although the relationship never progresses and further, some of the partners at chambers remain sceptical about Anna’s abilities as a barrister, in particular Miles (who doesn’t support her tenancy vote) and Graham (who abstains from voting).
During Lent some Christian communities, such as Orthodox Christians in the Middle East, undertake partial fasting eating only one light meal per day. For strict Greek Orthodox Christians and Copts, all meals during this 40-day period are prepared without animal products and are essentially vegan. Unlike veganism, however, abstaining from animal products during Lent is intended to be only temporary and not a permanent way of life. Eastern Orthodox laity traditionally abstains from animal products on Wednesdays (because, according to Christian tradition, Judas betrayed Jesus on the Wednesday prior to the Crucifixion of Jesus) and Fridays (because Jesus is thought to have been crucified on the subsequent Friday), as well as during the four major fasting periods of the year: Great Lent, the Apostles' Fast, the Dormition Fast and the Nativity Fast.
While it appears the victory is in the mistress' hands, it is Tai Fei who turns the gun on her: it was all a ploy on Hung Hing's part for him to ally with San Luen and provide a means to weed out any corrupt members in the Taiwanese society. Realizing it was she who killed the senator, San Luen's branch leaders decide to take her back to Taiwan for punishment, but Chicken requests he speak with her before she is led away. Upon stating she is the only woman he has ever truly loved, he executes her on the spot, knowing full well she will die more painfully in Taiwan. With the matter settled, Tai Fei abstains from the Causeway Bay branch leadership candidacy and Ho Nam is elected its leader.
18 > > He who turns his back to the pleasures of the world > And abstains from evil deeds, > But provides only for his own peace, > Is called a mediocre man. > > He who seriously wants to dispel > All the misery of others, > Because in the stream of his own being he has understood the nature of > misery, > Is an excellent man. > Yana is determined by capacity and propensity of the "precious human body" wrought by merit, not by a specific teaching or lineage, as Gampopa states: > Therefore, because of the difficulty of its attainment, of the uneasiness of > its breaking down, and of its great usefulness, we should think of the body > as a boat and by its means escape from the ocean of Saṃsāra. As is written: > :Standing in the boat of the human body, :You should cross the great flood > of misery.
Peter Priesthood is the male version of the same term, though used somewhat less frequently.William Shunn, "Mormonspeak" Many "Molly Mormons" are stereotyped as being consumed by their life within the church, and as gullible and out-of-touch with the reality outside it. These terms are occasionally used in a disparaging way by members of the LDS church to refer to other Mormons who display or promote an ultra- conservative interpretation of their understanding of the church's teachings. An example of a person that may be labeled this way is one who abstains from drinking caffeinated cola drinks (based on a conservative interpretation of an ambiguity in the Word of Wisdom), will not watch television on Sunday, tells on her 15-year-old friend for dating before age 16, and who insists that others do so as well, perhaps claiming to be "setting an example".
A person who is a citizen of Pakistan, is enrolled as a voter in any electoral roll under the Electoral Rolls Act 1974 and in case of National/Provincial Assemblies is not less than 25 years of age and in case of Senate not less than 30 years of age, is of good character and is not commonly known as one who violates Islamic injunctions, has adequate knowledge of Islamic teachings and practices, obligatory duties prescribed by Islam as well as abstains from major sin, is sagacious, righteous and non-profligate, honest and ameen, has not been convicted for a crime involving moral turpitude or for giving false evidence, and has not, after establishment of Pakistan, worked against the integrity of the country or opposed the ideology of Pakistan and is graduate, can contest the elections and become a member of the Parliament or a Provincial Assembly.
The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and its precursor organization, Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society, considers the Great Apostasy to have properly begun before the death of the last Apostle, along with the warning signs and precursors starting shortly after Jesus' ascension. Jehovah's Witnesses consider adoption of the Trinity – which they allege is based on a specious application of Greek Platonic and sophistical philosophy and is a violation of the Scriptural precepts set forth beginning in the Law of Moses – as a prime indicator of apostasy. Jehovah's Witnesses consider that the falling away from faithfulness was already complete before the Council of Nicaea, when the Nicene Creed was adopted, which then enshrined the Trinity doctrine as the central tenet of nominal "Christian" orthodoxy. This group strictly abstains from political involvement and military service, for reasons similar to those cited by earlier Anabaptists, and they point to such entanglements as another aspect of apostasy, or the willful rebellion against God and rejecting his Word of truth.
Article: The Brothers of the Rose Cross Their mission is explained as aiming to prepare the whole wide world for a new phase in religion that includes awareness of the inner worlds and the subtle bodies and safe guidance in the gradual awakening of man's latent spiritual faculties: "to prepare a new phase of the Christian religion to be used during the coming age now at hand."Article: The Rosicrucian Interpretation of Christianity Admission into the Rosicrucian Fellowship is free of fees and is funded by donation. The Fellowship recognizes seven grades, but its study is primarily based upon a system of three grades: regular student, probationer and disciple.Beryl Hamilton, The Rosicrucian Way: the Voice of the Rose, in Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine, January/February, 1996 After a two-year term of being a Regular Student of the Fellowship, a person who abstains from all flesh food, tobacco, mind-altering drugs, and alcohol may apply for probationership.
Just two months into Francis' papacy, the theologian Hans Küng wrote the following piece on him that was carried in progressive, traditionalist, and secular media: > It is astonishing how, from the first minute of his election, Pope Francis > chose a new style: unlike his predecessor, no miter with gold and jewels, no > ermine-trimmed cape, no made-to-measure red shoes and headwear, no > magnificent throne. Astonishing, too, that the new pope deliberately > abstains from solemn gestures and high-flown rhetoric and speaks in the > language of the people. And finally it is astonishing how the new pope > emphasizes his humanity: He asked for the prayers of the people before he > gave them his blessing; settled his own hotel bill like anybody else; showed > his friendliness to the cardinals in the coach, in their shared residence, > at the official goodbye; washed the feet of young prisoners, including those > of a young Muslim woman. A pope who demonstrates that he is a man with his > feet on the ground.

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