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12 Sentences With "abrogations"

How to use abrogations in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "abrogations" and check conjugation/comparative form for "abrogations". Mastering all the usages of "abrogations" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Despite criticism from many around the world, most notably from Pakistani leaders who consider themselves protectors of Kashmir's Muslim population and the true governors of India-administered Kashmir, Modi's roughly 40-minute speech left no doubt he believes the article abrogations were a good move.
Before the 1932 revolution, the kingdom had no written constitution. The monarch was the originator of all laws and the head of the government. In 1932 the first written constitution was issued, expected to be the most important guideline of the kingdom. Constitutions have traditionally been considered to be the "symbol of democracy" in Thailand, despite their many abrogations and changes.
State officials said the abrogation ended an abuse of CEQA by individuals seeking to obstruct the project; at the signing ceremony, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said he would "terminate the frivolous lawsuit." A plaintiff in the lawsuit said the abrogation "opens up the door for other developers... to hire lobbyists... and get exemptions from the environmental laws." An environmental lawyer said that the slow economy would probably encourage developers to seek more abrogations, as legislators become more eager to stimulate job growth.
Regarding the Law of Moses, the Quran indicates that Jesus never abolished Jewish laws but rather confirmed them, while making partial abrogations only. Islam rejects Paul's theology of justification before God by faith alone as held by some Protestants or faith through grace as held by Catholics, Orthodox and most mainline Protestants. Jesus' legal perspective did not involve a New Covenant concerning works, but to simply modify those existing laws. Shabir Ally considers this understanding to corroborate with the canonical gospels that include Matthew 5:17.
Sometimes, the meaning of an ayah is wholly dependent on its historical background. Another is Ilm-ul-Naskh, which is knowledge of the abrogated ayah. In general, due to the Quran made up of revelations that revealed to Muhammad in the course of more than twenty years, certain verses are considered meant to be temporary and subsequently repealed by the following ones. Ilm-ul-Nashkh is a science of identifying the abrogations, and it is important because abrogated rulings must be separated from the applied rulings.
They believe that since Muhammad put so much importance to the Quran he had to have ordered the writing of it during his lifetime. For example, Zayd ibn Thabit reported, "We used to record the Quran from parchments in the presence of the Messenger of God." Some authors believe that, as long as Muhammad was alive, there was always the expectation of further revelation as well as occasional abrogations. Any formal collection of the material already revealed could not properly be considered a complete text.
Colker & J. Scott, Rehnquist & Federalism: an Empirical Perspective in C. Bradley, THE REHNQUIST LEGACY, 279 The doctrine has since developed a number of nuances and limitations. In particular, later cases explained that the Court would not infer Congressional intent to abrogate sovereign immunity, but would only uphold abrogations where the Congress has "unequivocally express[ed] its intention to abrogate the Eleventh Amendment bar to suits against states in federal court." In order to do this, the Congress must "mak[e] its intention unmistakably clear in the language of the statute." Atascadero State Hospital v.
It is also not available to witnesses testifying before a Royal Commission. There are also abrogations of the right in recent Federal anti-terrorism and Victorian organised crime Acts.Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004 Each of these acts set up coercive questioning regimes which operate outside the normal criminal processes. Direct testimonial evidence gained from this coercive questioning cannot be used in any subsequent criminal trial of the person providing the evidence, however a witness who testifies in his defense at a subsequent criminal trial who provides a different testimony to that during the questioning may face prosecution for perjury.
The White Earth Land Recovery Project (WELRP) is a nonprofit, grassroots organization that seeks to recover land for the Anishinaabeg people on the White Earth Indian Reservation in western Minnesota and develop programs to achieve sustainability and environmental preservation. The organization was founded in 1989 by tribal member and former vice presidential candidate Winona La Duke. WELRP says that less than 10 percent of the land of the White Earth Indian Reservation is held by the Anishinaabeg. It seeks to regain lands that were taken from the Anishinaabeg people through improper sales, property theft and treaty abrogations in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Marriage, A History: How Love Conquered Marriage. New York: Viking/Penguin Books. Margaret Mead considers the family as a main safeguard to continuing human progress. Observing, "Human beings have learned, laboriously, to be human", she adds: "we hold our present form of humanity on trust, [and] it is possible to lose it" ... "It is not without significance that the most successful large-scale abrogations of the family have occurred not among simple savages, living close to the subsistence edge, but among great nations and strong empires, the resources of which were ample, the populations huge, and the power almost unlimited"Male and Female, New York, 1949. pp.
Yet, other sources seek to categorise the Edo narrative in a different manner. Kyokutei Bakin disagreed with the division of Japanese literature into colour coded genres and instead, sought to differentiate Edo fiction into the categories of akahon, yomihon, chubon and sharebon. Unlike the kibyoshi, these texts were differentiated by their genre, rather than the maturity level of the audience. For example, sharebon can be translated roughly to mean "fashionable humour," and focuses primarily on the pleasure quarters of Kyoto and the text type is distinguishable by the strong presence of an authorial voice which conveys concern for his readership and acts as the benchmark upon which expectations of social and behavioural norms are created, the abrogations of which create humour.
As the NSW Report said: It is also important to note that anything said to an Australian police member should be corroborated, especially by way of video or audio tape. If it is not so corroborated it will be admitted only under exceptional circumstances, S.464H (2)(a) of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic), and where the circumstances, on the balance of probabilities, justify the reception of the evidence, S.464H (2)(b) of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic). While initially the police were insulted by this ruling most have now come to find it useful as a way of proving that they did not invent a false, verbal confession, never made by an accused (a practice called "verballing" an accused). There are numerous statutory abrogations of the right, particularly in the area of bankruptcy.

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