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4 Sentences With "abidingness"

How to use abidingness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "abidingness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "abidingness". Mastering all the usages of "abidingness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The lone exception was law-abidingness, on which they modestly rated themselves as average.
In 1979 knew Andrej Sacharov. In 1980 he was the founder of the Helsinki Committee in Poland. In 1980-1981 he was chief of Commission of Intervention and Law-abidingness of Solidarity. During martial law in Poland he established independent Radio Solidarity.
111–112 On 7 October, a new board was elected, and the first point of their manifesto was "Law-abidingness -- moral conduct -- sobriety". Det norske Arbeiderforbund was supported by people from individual factories, but the mainly philanthropic activists were associated with the Liberal Party. However, the strike at Akers Mekaniske had been a failure, as the laborers had returned to work by on 26 August--with a 10% pay cut. It soon faced competition from more worker-dominated trade unions, coordinated through the Fagforeningenes Centralkomite.
Rushton's book Race, Evolution, and Behavior (1995) uses r/K selection theory to explain how East Asians consistently average high, blacks low, and whites in the middle on an evolutionary scale of characteristics indicative of nurturing behavior. He first published this theory in 1984. Rushton argues that East Asians and their descendants average a larger brain size, greater intelligence, more sexual restraint, slower rates of maturation, and greater law abidingness and social organization than do Europeans and their descendants, who average higher scores on these dimensions than Africans and their descendants. He theorizes that r/K selection theory explains these differences.

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