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"underpart" Definitions
  1. a part lying on the lower side (as of a bird or mammal)
  2. a subordinate or auxiliary part or role

37 Sentences With "underpart"

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Depending on the season, she may find all kinds of regional specialties, like hake kokotxa, the fleshy underpart of the fish's jaw, or live baby eels — not for the squeamish.
They are gray- brown with darkening on the head, upper surfaces of the wings and tail, while the lower breast and underpart plumages are heavily flecked brown on white. Juveniles of subspecies S. l. brewsteri are once again distinct in having the underpart plumage more evenly mouse brown. Their beaks are quite sharp and contain many jagged edges.
It has one balcony with muqarnas underpart. Under the balcony, a red-colored stone belt winds round. The minaret's spire has been restored.
The pale underparts are patterned with rufous streaks on the breast and bars on the belly. The larger female has a browner head and brown underpart streaks and bars. The juvenile has pale fringes to its head feathers, and the underpart background colour is buff rather than white. The flight is a characteristic "slow flap, slow flap, straight glide", similar to other Accipiter species such as the northern goshawk (A. gentilis).
Individual in Ithala Game Reserve, showing brightly coloured underpart plumage It is mostly orange-brown with slate-grey wings and darker tail. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry forests.
It is most similar to L. major subsp. major, with which it perhaps hybridizes, but the underpart plumage is immaculate white, while the female contributes a ratchet-like note to the duet.
Adults of the nominate are plain grey in colour overall, with a solidly grey tail. The upperparts are darker and the underpart are paler. They have thin dark loral lines bordered above by a supraloral white line.
It is a small bird with a short tail. Males and females are similar in color, as well as juveniles after fledging; they are brown all over with a paler underpart and a darker brown crest and eyeline.
As with the phalaropes, the female is brighter than the male. Winter birds lack the rich underpart colouration, apart from the white breast line, and are greyer above. Young birds are similar but have a scaly appearance to their backs.
There is an obvious long whitish supercilium, and the bill is black. The breast is grey-brown and the abdomen is pale yellow. Sexes are similar. There are other races, differing in the tone of the upperpart or underpart colour.
Sexes are similar. There are other races, differing in the tone of the upperpart or underpart colour. The call is a loud hoarse chee-chi-wi-wi-wi. This species is found in the lower and middle levels of forests.
The red-moustached fruit dove measured in length. The head, breast, and neck were bluish grey, and the tail was short, almost square shaped. The underpart plumage was golden yellow in colour. The juvenile had less yellow on the hind neck and crown.
The rest of the time was spent in neatness inspections and marching. In 1904 the Teacher Residence was further extended to accommodate the large family of the then teacher, Mr. Cooke. The price of the extensions was . In 1909 the underpart of the school building was asphalted.
The underwing coverts are tawny. The blackish tail has very long outer feathers; these are slightly longer in the male than the female. Juveniles are duller and browner, with less contrast and shorter outer tail feathers. There are five or six subspecies differing in the extent of the underpart streaking.
Female (left) and male. This quail is darkish brightly colored with a deep red bill and legs, eye-catching even in flight. The female has brick-red underpart and lacks the white throat and head stripe of the male. The male has a black face with a white supercilium and throat.
M. a. athi of the Kenyan highlands is typically coloured, but like other tropical races, lacks the rufous nape. Most accepted races are distinguished based on the colour of the back or underpart plumage, or the amount of streaking on the ear coverts and flanks. High altitude races M. a.
Juveniles resemble adult females, but have broken narrow pale edges of underpart feathers, which give a slightly streaked rather than scalloped appearance, and the overall appearance is browner rather than uniformly blackish. Juvenile males have brownish-orange feet while juvenile females have brownish feet and a dusky greyish-green bill.
A small green iridescent patch is present on the outer scapular feathers, besides, especially in the western race, the sides of the lower breast. Wing coverts and remiges are bordered in a paler or warmer tone. The sexes are similar. Immature birds are dun brown above with buff head and underpart plumage.
The mantle, back and wings are olive-greenish, and usually spotted or barred in buffy to golden yellow. The shafts of the remiges and rectrices are yellow to golden yellow. The underpart plumage is spotted black to a lesser or greater degree. Some species include drumming on dead wood as a means of non-vocal signaling.
It has two white or yellowish wingbars and white outer tail feathers. Females and young birds are duller than males. The underpart colour becomes increasingly dull from north to south through this tit's range. It is, like other tits, a vocal bird, and has a large variety of calls, of which the most familiar is a si-si.
The mantle, back and wings are olive- greenish, and usually spotted or barred in buffy to golden yellow. The shafts of the remiges and rectrices are yellow to golden yellow. The underpart plumage is spotted black to a lesser or greater degree. Some species include drumming on dead wood as a means of non-vocal signaling.
The maroon oriole has maroon and black plumage with a black head, neck and wings with a blueish beak. The females have slightly darker bodies and the juveniles have lighter bodies. The adult male is glossy crimson-maroon in color, with black head, neck and wings and a chestnut-maroon tail. The females and immature males have a greyish-white underpart with black streaks.
Like other fruit bats, R. amplexicaudatus has sensitive hearing and sense of smell and good eyesight which helps it to manoeuvre well during flight, specifically at night. What makes it different from other fruit bats is its echolocating ability. It can be distinguished by its grey-brown to brown upperpart which is darker on top of the head and paler underpart which is usually grey-brown.Payne, J. & Francis, C.M. (1985).
The bill is red, and there is a black patch on the forehead and lores which is well developed in adults and less so in younger birds. Young birds have a dark beak and dark tips to the undertail coverts. Adult males can be told apart by the black superciliary stripe that runs above the eye and over the head, towards the nape. Females lack the supercilium and have a warmer underpart colour.
Breeding males have a black head and yellow nuchal collar, which is absent in the golden-backed and Juba and golden-backed weavers. It also differs from the latter species and village weaver by its plain, greenish mantle plumage. The pale yellow underpart plumage is suffused with a variable amount of chestnut. The female and non- breeding male lack the black head, and resemble a female masked weaver, except that they have dark eyes and a darker bill.
It also featured a "slit stock"—the stock had a slot cut in its underpart just over a quarter-inch wide. This was done after Ezekiel Baker had seen reports of the ramrod jamming in the stock after the build-up of residue in the ramrod channel, and when the wood warped after getting wet. The rifle is referred to almost exclusively as the "Baker Rifle", but it was produced by a variety of manufacturers and sub-contractors from 1800 to 1837.
Adults of both extant species are about 44 cm (17 inches) long, and have a blue-black back and wings, a black cap and short yellow legs. Juveniles are browner above and streaked below, and have greenish-yellow legs. The species have different underpart colours, chestnut with a white line down the front in green heron, and white or grey in striated. Both breed in small wetlands on a platform of sticks often in shrubs or trees, sometimes on the ground.
Although head markings vary between species, a long black eye stripe, with contrasting white supercilium, dark forehead and blackish cap is common. The sexes look similar, but may differ in underpart colouration, especially on the rear flanks and under the tail. Juveniles and first-year birds can be almost indistinguishable from adults. The sizes of nuthatches vary, from the large giant nuthatch, at and , to the small brown- headed nuthatch and the pygmy nuthatch, both around in length and about .
This led to increased cornering speeds, but at the same time brought implications that had an adverse effect on the drivers' safety. Moveable skirts were thus banned in 1981, accompanied by a minimum ride height for the cars of , targeted at minimising the "ground effect" and to reduce cornering speed. However, for 1982, both regulations were reversed as a result of the new Concorde Agreement. The skirts around the underpart of the chassis, which locked the airflow underneath the car, necessitated very stiff suspensions to work properly.
Ruddy-capped nightingale-thrush in Savegre Valley, Costa Rica This species is 15-18 cm in length and weighs 28 g. The adult has olive-brown upperparts, a rufous crown and nape, pale grey underparts, becoming whitish on the belly, and an orange lower mandible. The juvenile is darker faced, has pale centres to the upperpart feathers, brownish flanks and breast, and dark barring or spots on the belly. Several poorly defined subspecies have been defined differing in the exact tone of the upper and underpart plumage.
One of the best known and most often reproduced pieces of Celtic art is the helmet found in a warrior chieftain's grave at Ciumeşti (now Satu Mare County, Romania). The Ciumeşti helmet is half-round with a neck protector and was hammered out of a single bronze plate with the cheek pieces bolted on afterwards. A bronze spike protrudes through the top of the helmet to which is fixed a cylinder on which a bird perches. The legs and the underpart of the head are cast while the remainder is hammered.
Lolo Ferrari plays an underpart. When Stuhlberg - Der jüngste Manager Europas was finished, Jürgens furthermore takes an interest in Martin Baldauf. After the death of Lolo Ferrari, he, and sometimes the German film producer Rüdiger Heinze, accompanied and filmed Martin Baldauf during his business activities in Germany and the Czech Republic, where he lives and works in the meantime. With the recorded video material, Jürgens created the controversialreview in the German film magazine Schnitt (German) documentary portrait Der Generalmanager oder How To Sell A Tit Wonder about Martin Baldauf.
Likewise, two of the chacmools that have been found at Templo Mayor make clear reference to Tlaloc. The first chacmool portrays Tlaloc three times. Once on the vessel for collecting the blood and heart of sacrificed victims, once on the underpart of the chacmool with aquatic motifs related to Tlaloc, and the actual figure of the chacmool itself is of Tlaloc as the figure portrays the iconic goggle eyes and large fangs. The other chacmool was found at the Tlaloc half of the double pyramid-temple complex and clearly represents Tlaloc for the same reasons.
In preparation for ecdysis, the arthropod becomes inactive for a period of time, undergoing apolysis or separation of the old exoskeleton from the underlying epidermal cells. For most organisms, the resting period is a stage of preparation during which the secretion of fluid from the moulting glands of the epidermal layer and the loosening of the underpart of the cuticle occur. Once the old cuticle has separated from the epidermis, a digesting fluid is secreted into the space between them. However, this fluid remains inactive until the upper part of the new cuticle has been formed.
The little sparrowhawk is, as its name suggests a very small bird of prey which is also distinguished by two white spots on the underside of its central tail feathers and by a narrow white patch on the lower rump. It is sexually dimorphic and the male has dark grey upperparts, which can appear almost black, this colour extending on to the cheeks to contrast with the white throat. The underparts are white barred with fine rufous bars. The females are overall browner on the upperparts and the underpart bars are also browner and less fine than the male.
However, the Bureau of Meteorology reported that the formation of the storm was different from most others, describing how "the underpart of the cloud was mottled and serrated or curtained, rather than mammilated, and looked angry black, while false cirrus tufts were discernible at the top". The storm cell dropped hailstones the size of billiard balls across the south-western suburbs of Sydney. It moved directly over Liverpool at 2:25 pm, heading in a north-east direction before slowly bending its path and travelling almost due east as it passed over the southern part of the central business district. "Large explosion-like sounds", presumed to be thunder by the Bureau, were heard around the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Praetorius states that those figured by him have 12 open holes, and that some specimens have in addition two keys; a hole is also bored through the bottom of the instrument to allow the moisture condensed from the breath to be shaken out. The 12 holes are stopped by means of fingers and thumbs and by the ball of the hand or the fleshy underpart of the joints of the fingers. Two sourdines belonging to the Museum of the Brussels Conservatoire, said to be facsimiles of some instruments belonging to the emperor Maximilian I's band, are reproduced in Captain U. R. Day's Descriptive Catalogue of Musical Instruments (London, 1891). They differ slightly in construction from the Italian instruments described by Praetorius.

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