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"stratum" Definitions
  1. (geology) a layer or set of layers of rock, earth, etc.
  2. (formal) a class in a society

133 Sentences With "stratum"

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Everything else about it is on an entirely different stratum.
People from every economic stratum use them to stay in contact.
It belongs to an entire neglected and reviled stratum of society.
Shang felt as if he were discovering a new stratum of life.
This self-definition rests with Republicans in every state and social stratum.
A new stratum of dead cities has joined the ones from Roman times.
He worked through his charred bok choy in layers, heavily salting each stratum.
We encountered a stratum of mollusks at 68 feet in one drill site.
She represents the stratum of society that makes sacrifices for the lucky few.
Exfoliation happens primarily in the outer layer of your skin, the stratum corneum.
RICHMOND, Va. — Nine months ago, Democrats at every stratum in Virginia called on Gov.
I broke through a crust of potato sticks, revealing a fibrous stratum of meat.
Butler is most acute in her descriptions of how this late-capitalist nightmare affects the lives of women who occupy a certain stratum in American life—a stratum filled with suède boots from DSW and names like Amanda, Holly, Lisa, and Karen.
But if this wealthier, educated urban stratum becomes unhappy, then the party's grip could weaken.
On top is a stratum of cooling gel foam and denser foams (more info here).
Homo ergaster and Paranthropus robustus have been found in the same stratum of the cave.
The "middle-class moderate Lutheran" stratum are lay princes, lower nobility, and looters of Catholic churches.
His work was not created for the masses, but rather for a refined stratum of society.
But in their social stratum, while Republicans surely outnumbered Democrats, it didn't matter all that much.
By contrast, 48 percent of those who put themselves in the lowest stratum held a positive view.
Aristotle saw similar promise in the "middling" stratum he observed in the fourth century B.C. in Athens.
If the stratum corneum gets too dry, the skin can become itchy, scaly, inflamed, leathery and unattractive.
When a gum line — a stratum of wet dough — afflicted one focaccia, we gathered to examine it.
Collectors from this stratum of society traditionally formed the hidden bedrock of the art and antiques trade.
They used a technique called thermoluminescence to date stone tools found in the same stratum as the fossils.
Arab Muslims were only the most recent stratum of a civilization with its foundations in Near Eastern myth.
A honeycomb of high-rise co-op apartments, Esplanade brought together African-American families from every socioeconomic stratum.
As if a nod to the exhibition's namesake, McKean excavates time as though it were a stratum of earth.
They remove the stratum corneum, increase collagen and elastin, keep pores clean and appearing small, and even out discoloration.
Dehydration is when there is a lack of water in the stratum corneum, or outer layer, of the skin.
Dehydration is when there is a lack of water in the stratum corneum, or outer layer of the skin.
At first, the mirrorworld will appear to us as a high-resolution stratum of information overlaying the real world.
The chance encounters, the temporary leveling out of London's social stratum, and the easy excuse for all-day booze.
While he attracts support from a wealthier stratum of the middle class than Mr. Trump, the appeal is the same.
People have to go out, they have to work really hard and they have to get into that upper stratum.
But even when we vote him out of office, Trumpism will persist, a dark stratum in the planet's geological history.
In geology, stratum describes a layer of sedimentary rock, soil, or ice with consistent characteristics that distinguish it from other layers.
Eventually, the music ascended again to a stratum of rippling, tinkling piano and gradually receding cymbals, back to its rarefied bliss.
What is the national story that has given a whole generation of journalists, myself included, across every stratum of media, a platform?
Now China occupies the same stigmatized stratum as countries like Russia and Iran, and could be subject to sanctions for the designation.
In a different time, at a very different stratum, Sergey Kislyak appears to be a virtuoso of this essential art of statecraft.
The outermost layer of the skin is called the epidermis, and within that layer are even more layers including the stratum corneum.
A daylong trip around the studio is like a tour of Brazil that ranges through time, terrain and every stratum of society.
But we do know that, by 18th century standards, he was the best his race, gender, and social stratum had to offer.
Thompson had launched herself into the stratum of the Olympic favorites with a strong showing at the Jamaican national trials in July.
It seems natural to assume that jumping from one stratum to the next — being upwardly mobile — would come with gains in health.
What is it with people using the circus to tell stories about people falling in love with women outside of their class stratum?
The lower the social stratum, the greater the concern over the killings, despite the president's claim to govern on behalf of the poor.
This allowed them to burrow deeper, deploying scripts to establish their cryptojacking operation, which was built on the popular Stratum bitcoin mining protocol.
He interprets the casual way rich Italians of a certain social stratum wear costly things by making pricey sportswear that looks vaguely offhand.
At home, the labor market's upper stratum was becoming saturated, but overseas, becoming a lao ban, or "boss," was still a realistic goal.
She regrets falling out of the ranks of the xiaokang (moderately prosperous) class in Guangzhou and joining the diduan (lowly) stratum in Hong Kong.
The stratum corneum is often called the "dead layer" of the skin—the one all the Instagram tutorials tell you how to exfoliate off.
A new stratum of Iranian nouveau riche emerged, flaunting Porsches and Maseratis on the streets of Tehran and buying mansions in Toronto and elsewhere.
In Dothan and Charlottesville, Wozniak, 29, competed alongside a special stratum of players struggling to claw their way out of tennis's underappreciated lower rungs.
The prime rule of fantasy is that the top prize must be enough to change your life, transporting you into the next socioeconomic stratum.
But since 2008, an entire sub-stratum of professional Jeremiah has grown up to tell us about the next monster event, the next Black Swan.
We consistently overestimate anyone's chance of moving into a higher economic stratum and we fervently believe our own hard work will make us rich someday.
That there's an emotional core entombed somewhere under the stratum of dropped bullet casings and alien corpses is no secret among many the series' many architects.
Yet in many cases—for example, a long well that runs horizontally through a particular rocky stratum—more than 100 injection points might ideally be required.
"Somebody in that general economic stratum is somebody who almost certainly works for a living," said Marshall Steinbaum, senior economist and fellow at the Roosevelt Institute.
That list includes the Audeze EL-2299, AudioQuest NightHawk, and Audio-Technica 73z, each of which aspires to occupying the same stratum as the Beyerdynamic pair.
Our current era is so thoroughly dominated by human activity that we've literally left our mark in stone: Plastics are now forming a new geological stratum.
So it's good that the party recently seeded the stratum just below them with younger lawmakers and that many newly elected Democrats are well under 50.
In 20 minutes we had prepared a most excellent hole, 2 feet deep, which cut through the upper layer of loam into a stratum of orange clay.
"All hopes I had of a roommate who would help upgrade me to a higher social stratum snagged on the gleaming barnacles of Steven's orthodontia," Federman laments.
In the book, Alissa Quart illustrates how life in a once-secure stratum has come to resemble the endlessly anxious existence of those in the rungs below.
He unearthed the bones in a stratum beginning 21958 feet beneath the surface of the cave and reaching to 21958 feet below it, where the bedrock begins.
The results: Individuals in the top 1% of the economic stratum had a high location and influence in their social network compared with those in the bottom 10%.
It works by reacting with amino acids in the dead cells of the thin, outermost layer of the skin, called the stratum corneum, to produce pigments called melanoidins.
If the murderer is attempting to recreate abuse that was inflicted on him as a child, he would likely come from the same social stratum as his victims.
This left access credentials for Tesla's Amazon Web Services (AWS) account exposed, and hackers deployed cryptocurrency mining software called Stratum to mine cryptocurrency using the cloud's computing power.
In a lower stratum of the pile there's evidence of an Australia binge: "The Body in the Clouds," by Ashley Hay, "Only Killers and Thieves," by Paul Howarth.
Integration has always been a project that has appealed most to that small stratum of elite, cosmopolitan Europeans who are comfortable ordering overpriced coffee in five different romance languages.
The study found that about 60 percent of respondents who identified as belonging to the "upper middle stratum" of society had a positive view of their local government's performance.
Long thought to be biologically inert, the stratum corneum is now known to be an intricate, biochemically complex structure, the sanctity of which is critical to having healthy skin.
The Porcellian's manual has less to say about parties, given its strict single-sex identity, but it's revealing about the class stratum from which the various clubs pull their membership.
The audience that visits Alhamra is varied, from students to professionals to pedestrians, rickshaw drivers, motorcyclists, upper middle class driver driven class, basically an audience from a wide economic stratum.
At its most powerful moments, the 1989 demonstration brought together people from every stratum, bridging factory workers, state media, Beijing police, university and high school students, grandparents, professors and artists.
At its most powerful moments, the 1989 demonstration brought together people from every stratum, bridging factory workers, state media, Beijing police, university and high school students, grandparents, professors and artists.
The Anglophone tradition relishes differences of region, register and class as a semantic stratum that conveys a wealth of meaning, not about what is said but about who is saying it.
It was because he saw himself in danger of being entirely identified with what he regarded as "a lower stratum of literary achievement" that he decided to end the detective's life.
As your friend scrubs away that stratum corneum layer, Huang notes, he's increasing the risk of bruising and, since scrubbing can open up his pores, bacterial or viral infections on the face.
The biological stratum, which I naïvely took to mean life in general, is in certain ways a long process of demise — we are all dying all the time, just at different rhythms.
Everything about this immigrant couple — their spacious Greenwich Village apartment, teeming tastefully with books and art; their accents, by now standard American — suggests comfortable assimilation into an elite stratum of secular society.
Like many in their stratum of would-be race spokesmen and spokeswomen, in the 1890s both men accepted the premise that the black freedpeople were a "child race" in need of tutelage.
If you followed that stratum of sand away from the hearth, you could see, embedded in the wall behind us, black flecks where the smoke and cinders from this fire had blown.
At the University of Leicester, the paleobiologist describes the man-made fossils that mark human presence — the stratum of plastics, soot and radionuclides that stain the Earth everywhere from lake bottoms to mountaintops.
Today's technologies turn whole buildings into ornament, at costs that only the mighty can bear, whereas the new technologies of the 19th century let mass-produced ornament spread to every stratum of society.
"It is a simple matter of justice that America, in dealing creatively with the task of raising the Negro from backwardness, should also be rescuing a large stratum of the forgotten white poor," he wrote.
The Zoma center, Mr. Sellars said, "deeply represents art, not just as something that is collected and kept by the elite, but also owned and touched and engaged in by every stratum of the community."
I'm not sure if it's possible for me to steer the shuttle towards that exact stratum of reality; you can help, if you want to help, but if you can't I'll figure it out alone.
Unlike many of his social stratum, Mr. Gurney's political sympathies skewed left, and he was enraged by what he saw as the failings of the George W. Bush administration in the aftermath of the Sept.
It's almost as much like the tragedies of ancient Greece as it is like Shakespeare, or perhaps grand opera, even though the characters belong to another social stratum, altogether, from the usual aristocrats of Verdi.
The skin tries to compensate by slowing skin cell turnover which makes the outer dead skin layer (the stratum corneum) thicker, and while that helps a little, it can make the skin look dull and flaky.
The first of the two takes its cues from the triple-layered surfaces of the "Stacks," although the middle stratum is translucent rather than opaque, allowing the black and blue lines squirming beneath to shine through.
Democrats offered a less sanguine view of the labor market, asserting that most Americans were still enduring paltry raises and that the Republican tax plan was a boon only to the upper stratum of the country.
"UK governments have shied away from hitting the moneyed Kremlin-linked interests that, by an extraordinary coincidence, enrich a well-connected stratum of UK-based bankers, accountants, solicitors, and estate agents," Chatham House's Nixey told me.
The time shifts can be jarring as "Little Women" gets underway, and Gerwig front loads the film with not one but three lively dance scenes, each meant to delineate a stratum of 19th century social class.
Carville is the most skilled practitioner of a hobby common to his social and political stratum: ascribing to "the working class"—or simply "voters"—a resistance to any kind of change that inconveniences people like James Carville.
He began by searching for snow that is solid, but not too dense, and is found where the wind has blown across the barren landscape interlocking the fine ice crystals into a compact stratum several feet thick.
Once this dramatic cleavage was effected, the interests of the black majority could be confidently ventriloquized by an emerging stratum of race relations administrators, who were also aligned with and embedded as minions of ruling class power.
Carved from single piece of wood and covered with mushrooms and moss, the prostrate woman is turned toward the earth, seeming to question whether we can submit ourselves to nature, becoming another stratum in the rock face.
There's only so far they can go in the organizational charts of any given office before they hit the rock stratum of the civil service — people whose oaths and organizational accountability are both independent of the political class.
That Jesus carried out a ministry of miracle-working and exorcisms is so widely attested in every stratum of the sources that the consensus among historical Jesus scholars is that Jesus was, indeed, a faith-healer and exorcist.
Tesla's sporty electrics have come to define the nascent category up to this point, and they did start at the luxury tier, but Bentley believes there's an extra luxury stratum that is above anything its Californian rival can produce.
All this is to say that it is clearly possible to enjoy this show on the merits of its visuals alone, but curator Klein's thesis, which he outlines in his illuminating catalogue essay, "Unmasking Modigliani," offers another stratum of meaning.
Jacobins, Positivists, Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Maoists all featured an elite stratum of intellectuals whose mastery of some body of liberating ideas—Rousseauist republicanism, Comtean "social science," Marxism-Leninism, Aryan race science, Mao Zedong Thought—entitled them to rule the uninitiated.
Contrary to the idea of prosperous, futuristic Japan, the Apartment series creates a composite of several lived-in and derelict interiors containing evidence of the recent past in the form of chipped paint, stained walls, and a stratum of personal effects.
A big asset for Trump in 2016 was the sense among many low-income whites that there are two Americas: an America of affluent metropolitan elites and a low-income stratum of middle America that those elites don't care about.
The upper stratum of the Washington lobbying community often exercises de facto veto power over the legislative process, dominating congressional policymaking, funneling campaign money to both parties and offering lucrative employment to retiring and defeated members of the House and Senate.
Beneath the mound of dirt, a stratum of abattis — new casts of Rodin's plaster fragments that Kiefer had requested specifically for this show — lie like bones in a shallow grave or the remains of ancient Pompeiians sleeping under volcanic ash.
It only takes a glance to see what sort of people they are: every sort, of every age, from every profession and social stratum — young families and older couples and clusters of itinerant boys and solitary young women looking several weeks overdue.
All the adults the young Adrian came in close contact with adhered to, in her words, the "governing convention of self-presentation in that stratum of upper middle-class African-American society": a combination of hard work, impeccable dress, honesty and fair play.
That's quite a jump, yet what matters is that each society boasts a wealth of codes, both social and criminal, and that there is fun to be had, as well as a rustle of danger, in crossing from one stratum to the next.
If Republicans can shift their rhetoric from threatening government shutdowns over a border wall towards underscoring the degree to which their singular focus on economic progress has benefited virtually every group at each stratum, then they can maximize their chances of success in November.
A study in the British Journal of Dermatology that tracked women's skin over an eight-year period found that women with an alkaline stratum corneum had more fine lines and crow's feet — and were more prone to sun damage — than those with acidic skin.
Personal Health With the cool air of fall upon most of us and winter's cold, dry winds approaching, it's time to get serious about caring for the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of skin, the body's largest organ, which protects the vital tissues within.
I've been hesitant to devote an entire column to Pruitt, the morally squalid head of the Environmental Protection Agency, because whenever you think that the final stratum of muck about him has been dredged up, you learn that there's another fetid layer lower down.
From casual games to the recent rise of the wildly popular hyper-casual genre of games that are quick to download, easy to play and lend themselves to being played in short sessions throughout the day, games are played by almost every demographic stratum of society.
For "Stratum," a linear chunk of paint that extends nearly the length of the room, she glued a thin piece of linen to the room's former baseboard, applied warmth with a heat gun, and slowly peeled (or unpeeled) the layers of paint until they frayed into strips.
This report shows in statistical terms that the presence of cultural resources is associated with a decrease in cases of child abuse and neglect, in obesity, in the rate of serious crimes, and an increase in students scoring in the top stratum on English and math exams.
The paper nonetheless illustrates the perpetual struggle found at every stratum of the natural world and its human hyperprojection: between cooperation and selfishness, the tribe and the individual — between the creation of a public good, like a siderophore agent for scavenging iron, and a public hazard, like acid waste.
Between bookending the decade with two of the biggest rock news moments of the last ten years—the 2013 split and the frantic Halloween 2019 return—they have become progressively more popular, almost aggressively remained in the rock music news cycle, and have been elevated to the highest stratum of the genre's canon.
Liquid Gold is a prime example of that: The 3:1:1 ratio of ceramides, cholesterol, and fatty acids has been shown to mimic the fatty matrix that holds the skin's moisture barrier, the stratum corneum, together to help strengthen and balance the skin, but you'd be hard-pressed to find it anywhere else on the market.
When I encounter women who participate in a stratum of the girl experience that I think is below all of us — blithely excusing fuck-man behavior, but sparring with women in ways that are subtle and noxious — I will drop in my own judgments, as if I've never loved a dummy or vied for social position.
As such, what readers have here are multi-perspectival analyses — now broadly global, now rigorously thematic, now subtly philosophical, now regionally focused — of a 'great regression' that is well underway, and one whose consequences are already being seen and felt, and for the most part suffered, by people of most every social stratum the world over.
Guy grew up in an impoverished, highly segregated part of West Baltimore near what was now the focal point of the street clashes, but she had long since climbed into a different stratum of the city's society; she was working as an information-technology project manager for T. Rowe Price, the Baltimore-based mutual-fund giant.
A horizontal strip depicting a landscape just above the painting's midline is also painted in a post-impressionist style, while a stratum of clouds at the top is photorealist; these two bands are repeatedly interrupted by a third abstract layer of brushy, poured, and sprayed paint, itself pierced by a linear element framing the posing figure.
"We know that state-sponsored actors and black-hat hackers want to challenge and exploit our networks ... what we didn't fully appreciate before this pilot was how many white hat hackers there are who want to make a difference," Carter said at a ceremony where he also thanked Craig Arendt, a security consultant at Stratum Security.
The grotesque body, a trope in the grotesque realism of François Rabelais, hinges on the idea of degradation: "To degrade also means to concern oneself with the lower stratum of the body, the life of the belly and the reproductive organs; it therefore relates to acts of defecation and copulation, conception, pregnancy, and birth," Bakhtin wrote in 1984.
In a world where we all live under the shadow of Facebook and the NSA's PRISM technology, where any political event will be attributed to PSYOPS by just about any stratum of society, from the most marginalized to the most elite, where the world lurches drunkenly towards multipolarity, and where mass politics seems caught in an intractable web of digital misrepresentation, there simply isn't any "what if?" left to titillate in the technothriller conceit.
From a middle stratum I've excavated the regenerative pleasures of rediscovery — all old books: John Updike's "Villages" (an aching reminder of the absence of that steadily remarkable literary voice); a Library of America collection of four novels by William Dean Howells (who ought to be venerated at least as much as Willa Cather, if not more); Frank Kermode's "Pieces of My Mind" (consummate reflections on subjects ranging from Don DeLillo and Raymond Carver to "Secrets and Narrative Sequence").

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