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24 Sentences With "solidness"

How to use solidness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "solidness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "solidness". Mastering all the usages of "solidness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The solidness of build quality is due in no small part to the hinge.
There's a solidness to the metal and glass design that doesn't leave you worried if it falls off the bed onto the floor or gets shoved in your bag and jostled around on the subway.
" At another point, he said, "Deep, deep down, I believe in the American people—their solidness, their decency, even at times when they're angry and frustrated, their pulling back and trying to do the right thing.
Her career has been fueled by the ardent belief in cinema's potentialities, in the fact that, as Godard has said, images indeed think — and it is the artist's task to investigate and to question the solidness of their thinking.
NEW YORK, March 11 (LPC) - Private credit funds face a challenging fundraising environment, as investors grapple with a potential decline in portfolio values while the coronavirus outbreak tests the solidness of a market that has yet to experience a significant shakeup.
Consider watercolors: With their inherently delicate, even fugitive-feeling wisps of color and strange luminosity, which sometimes seems to radiate out from pigment-soaked washes, works made with watercolor on paper can feel lightweight to viewers who favor the meat-and-potatoes solidness of oil painting.
In her later life Gorr made her home in Dénia, Spain. Oresko describes her as giving "the impression of regal grandeur and control by the solidness of her vocal production and a unique gift for instinctive authority".
Some concepts in math with specific aesthetic application include sacred ratios in geometry, the intuitiveness of axioms, the complexity and intrigue of fractals, the solidness and regularity of polyhedra, and the serendipity of relating theorems across disciplines. There is a developed aesthetic and theory of humor in mathematical humor.
It was a type of still life but the focus was more on light, shadow, solidness and color than on form. His last works reincorporate figurative elements, which he never left completely behind. These post abstract works focus on floral and other natural motifs with emphasis on color. Works from this time include Ofrendas and Reminiscencias del Paisaje.
Most likely, had it entered production, it would have used the Falcon wagon (which rode on the Fairlane's wheelbase) body, coupled with the Fairlane's front clip. In the early 1990s, the Falcon utilities were still of the previous-generation XF. A prototype EB Falcon utility was made which looked Fairlane-based. To impart a look of solidness, the ute had a Fairlane frontal treatment. It did not enter production.
She's become the bottom end and the solidness that we've really wanted for our songwriting". In addition to playing drums, Weiss provides hand claps and tambourine in "Turn It On". Dig Me Out also contains more guitar and vocal interplay by Tucker and Brownstein than Call the Doctor. As Brownstein explains, "If you were to separate our guitar parts I don't necessarily think they would fully stand on their own.
In Chinese Buddhism, Heng and Ha are two guards of Buddhist temples. They are usually placed on both sides of the Shanmen. They hold Vajras (short metal weapon that has the symbolic nature of a diamond), namely "Nryana" (Buddha's warrior attendant) or "Yakasha Deity" () or "Zhi Jin Gang" () in Chinese. The Vajra originally refers to the short metal weapon of king of all heavenly deities Indra in Indian Buddhist deities and symbolizes solidness and sharpness in Buddhism.
General Heng (哼將軍) inside in the Shanmen Hall of Hongfa Temple, in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. General Heng (哈將軍) inside in the Shanmen Hall of Hongfa Temple, in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Each niche on both sides of Shanmen Hall enshrines a statue of a heavenly deity with a Vajra in his hand, namely Nio, Buddha's warrior attendant, also known as "Yakasha Deity" () or "Zhijingang" (). Vajra originally refers to the short metal weapon of king of all heavenly deities Indra in Indian mythology and symbolizes solidness and sharpness in Buddhism.
Simão Mate started his career at Mozambican club Clube Ferroviário de Maputo in 2005. He was brought to Greece in August 2007 by José Peseiro, who was then the head coach of Panathinaikos, in order to be tested and after a three-week trial, he signed a four-year deal with the Greek club. Since then he has managed to surprise his coach and the team's fans with his solidness, strength and tenacity. Despite his young age, he has made some first-team appearances and has become a precious solution for his coach Henk ten Cate.
More plastic parts are now featured on the Norev cars and metal bases are common on their new castings, in contrast to Majorette which has now moved downmarket with plastic bases, and less expensive tampo printing for headlamps instead of clear plastic pieces. For comparison, Norev wheels are now detailed replicas of the real thing compared to Majorette's more generic offerings. Into the 1980s, a marketing strategy emphasized the toy appeal of the cars, including brighter paints, large tampo printings and slightly exaggerated bodies. However, it was well executed, and even if the cars lost some realism, they had an attractive solidness and style compared to the competition.
Because the Fujii system made it difficult for the static rook player to build Anaguma, many counter-measures were developed. One of them, appearing around the year 2000, is the Millenium castle. It's characterized by the fact that even though weaker in solidness compared to Anaguma, (white's) king being castled in 21 means not receiving direct attacks on the bishop's diagonal. Up until then, the ranging rook would break down Anaguma by relying on the bishop's diagonal, as well as its subsequent development in 3rd File Rook's "Isao Nakata XP" tactic, posing a threat on the Static Rook Anaguma's king by way of the bishop's diagonal.
' (中住まい nakazumai) is a castle characterized by the king being one rank above a sitting king position, that is, in the case of Black the king is moved to 58. While the positions of golds and silvers are not particularly fixed, the golds are often moved to 78 and 38, while the silvers are often moved to 68, 48 or 38. Putting more emphasis on a wide defense than on solidness, the goal of the player using this castle is to prevent the opponent from dropping pieces into their camp. Usually the player is also aiming for the same goal of dropping into the opponent's promotion zone.
Richard MacFarlane of Mess+Noise felt "the sounds within are meticulous, and here craftsmanship does not equal engaging listening... because of a naff sort of 90s Britpop-esque that's so mixed to down to the middle that it's almost basking in its own solidness – a knowledge of lightweight rock conventions and how to pull no punches." MediaSearchs Chris Brady opined that "[it] is the sound of a band hinting at great potential. At their best, this Brisbane foursome successfully channel the spirit of sixties psychedelia, with Pepper- esque horns and soaring Pet Sounds harmonies." In that year they toured the East Coast of Australia three times and performed at the Adelaide Fuse Festival and BigSound conferences.
While according to Nakahara this castle is less flexible compared to a Central House castle, thanks to its having a gold in the 1st. rank it is strong against both rook drops and knight attacks. Moreover, because it is easy to build up Nakahara thought it would be safe to presume that its use would become widespread. In recent years attention has been paid to its use for sente (black) in Side-Pawn Capture openings, and some research has been conducted about the solidness of the king, and following this research the Right Nakahara variation, where the position of the pieces on left and right of the king are reversed, has become rarely used.
The earliest views on the shapes and connectivity of atoms was that proposed by Leucippus, Democritus, and Epicurus who reasoned that the solidness of the material corresponded to the shape of the atoms involved. Thus, iron atoms are solid and strong with hooks that lock them into a solid; water atoms are smooth and slippery; salt atoms, because of their taste, are sharp and pointed; and air atoms are light and whirling, pervading all other materials. It was Democritus that was the main proponent of this view. Using analogies based on the experiences of the senses, he gave a picture or an image of an atom in which atoms were distinguished from each other by their shape, their size, and the arrangement of their parts.
Carvalho made 48 appearances in all competitions that season, bringing calmness and solidness to the defence, and was a heavy reason why Real Madrid had the best defense in Champions League, only letting five goals get past their goalkeeper. Carvalho started the 2011–12 season well and remained as first-choice centre-back along with Pepe, until a lower back injury kept him sidelined. He returned to action on 18 January in Real Madrid's 2–1 home defeat to Barcelona, in the Copa del Rey quarter-finals first leg at the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium. There was significant speculation about his future with Real Madrid in the 2012–13 season, with manager José Mourinho publicly stating on 29 August 2012 that "his services were no longer needed" by the club.
The 1940s, when Gard met Sacha Guitry, are marked by several portraits of the famous: Sacha Guitry, Lucien Daudet, Count Doria, Baroness Hottinguer, Georges Renand, and many others. In the 1950s Gard painted a series of still lives and flowers where he tried to fuse together two of his preoccupations in the same work, which, technically, are not easy to reconcile and from which he turns sometimes to one, sometimes to the other, the two tendencies fighting, one yielding to the other in turn: the love of a precise contour, the solidness of things, detail; and then the love of fireworks, of explosions of colour. In the 1960s, he returned to the daily grind, no doubt more out of necessity than by choice. His friend Sudreau, the Secretary of State, gave him a room in the castle of Bonhommes in l'Isle-Adam forest.
However, it is not as solid as the Bear- in-the-hole due to the number of moves it takes, and because of the time it takes to set up it could be taken advantage of by Ranging Rook hence showing a counter-measure against the formation of Bear-in-the-hole, a perfect countermeasure to the Fujii System had not been arrived at. Furthermore, as countermeasures against the Fujii System were established for both Bear-in- the-hole Static Rook strategies and Rapid Attack-type strategies, the use of this castle became less common after 2006. The Millenium castle is characterized by the King being positioned in the place of the left knight, and surrounded by three (or four) golds and silvers. In terms of solidness, it is slightly inferior to Bear-in-the-hole, as solid as a Skewered Cutlet castle (Kushikatsu), and stronger than a Mino castle.
Ka'ba-ye Zartosht in the nineteenth century, by Jane Dieulafoy Most of the researchers assume the tower as the mausoleum of one of the Achaemenid shahs. Since it is very similar to the Tomb of Cyrus and some of the mausoleums of Lycia and Caria in shape, solidness of architecture and having a small room with a very heavy door, it is considered a mausoleum. Welfram Klyse and David Stronach believe that the Achaemenid structures in Pasargadae and Naqsh-e Rustam might have been influenced by Urartian art in the tower-like temples of Urartu. Aristobulus, one of the retainers of Alexander III of Macedon, mentions the structure known as "Solomon's Prison" as "the tower-like mausoleum" while describing Pasargadae; and if the mentioned structure is presumed the mausoleum of one of the Achaemenid shahs, due to its similarity to the structure Ka'ba-ye Zartosht, and as Franz Heinrich Weißbach and Alexander Demandt have explained, the structure should inevitably be considered belonging to another one of the Achaemenid shahs.

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