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11 Sentences With "shiftlessness"

How to use shiftlessness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "shiftlessness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "shiftlessness". Mastering all the usages of "shiftlessness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Carsten treats the affable, sloppy Niko — whose shiftlessness annoys his pregnant girlfriend — with consistent condescension.
All scientists, and all boasting familiarity with Mendelian genetics, these nativists nevertheless considered loyalty and "shiftlessness," for example, to be genetic characteristics.
Wayne Winkler, an author of Melungeon descent, says his grandparents' generation wouldn't utter the word, which, to them, connoted shiftlessness and dishonesty as much as racial instability.
Even in an era full of peculiar curios like the Wu-Tang album no one is allowed to listen to, the Beyoncé album not even her label knew existed, and the Rihanna album fans were instructed to solve a mobile puzzle game to unlock, the shiftlessness here is shocking.
Though the success of these experiments varied wildly as the band grappled with what it meant to be one of the last big rock bands of its time and how far to bend to stay current, Coldplay's shiftlessness remained grounded in a bedrock of big, dumb feelings and the attempts of its smiley frontman to unpack them.
From the good-natured teacher Mr. Simmons, one of Nickelodeon's first almost-out LGBT characters, desperately trying to keep his own fractured family together on Thanksgiving, to the boarder Oscar, whose shiftlessness nearly costs him his marriage, the adult supporting characters serve as dark mirrors, providing the children with glimpses of adulthood they must learn to negotiate for themselves, without the easy, built-in answers a "perfect" family model might provide.
Vladimir Lenin called socialist attempts to recruit lumpenproletariat elements "opportunism". In 1925 Nikolai Bukharin described the lumpenproletariat as being characterized by "shiftlessness, lack of discipline, hatred of the old, but impotence to construct anything new, an individualistic declassed 'personality' whose actions are based only on foolish caprices." In a 1932 article on "How Mussolini Triumphed" Leon Trotsky described the "declassed and demoralized" lumpenproletariat as "the countless human beings whom finance capital itself has brought to desperation and frenzy." He argued that capitalism used them through fascism.
Eugenicists believed that immigrants were often degenerate, had low IQs, and were afflicted with shiftlessness, alcoholism and insubordination. According to Eugenicists, all of these problems were transmitted through genes. Literacy test bills were vetoed by Presidents in 1897, 1913 and 1915; eventually, President Wilson's second veto was overruled by Congress in 1917. With the passage of the Immigration Act of 1924, eugenicists for the first time played an important role in the Congressional debate as expert advisers on the threat of "inferior stock" from eastern and southern Europe.
Kearney first applied for membership in the Workingmen's Party (later known as the Socialist Labor Party of America), but was denied on the basis of his outspoken public views on what he considered the "laziness" and "shiftlessness" of the working class. Stymied from membership in the existing opposition political party, Kearney started a new organization of his own, the Workingmen's Trade and Labor Union of San Francisco, which made use of the mobilizing slogan "The Chinamen Must Go!" This organization changed its name in October 1877 to the Workingmen's Party of California, of which Kearney served as president.Perlman, "The Anti-Chinese Agitation in California," pg. 255.
Robert Loder... an ambitious yeoman farmer... always found reason to bewail the shiftlessness of the men who worked for him." over to the American colonies as indentured servants. Morgan then focuses on the conflict in 17th century Virginia between the self-serving governing oligarchy and the much larger populations of land-owning freemen, poor freemen, white indentured servants, and black slaves (the last, originally a very small percentage of the population); he shows how such uprisings as Bacon's Rebellion left the oligarchs worried about retaining power. Morgan also suggests that rebel leader Nathaniel Bacon, in encouraging his followers' vengeful hatred of Indians—whatever their tribe and peaceableness—provided Virginia with its first instance of "racism as a political strategy." " is surprising that he [Bacon] was able to direct their [his followers] anger for so long against the Indians.... But for those with eyes to see, there was an obvious lesson in the rebellion.
However, as the success of both shows peaked, combined with a string of celebrity relationships and highly publicised nights drinking with friends Danny Baker and Paul Gascoigne, the strain began to show, and a model emerged described as a "template for his approach to all his subsequent projects – an abundance of enthusiasm at the beginning which eventually falls prey to boredom and shiftlessness." Beginning to think he was indispensable at Radio 1, the first big falling-out with management came in December 1995 after taking his crew out on a 17-hour pub-crawl which ended two hours before they were due on air: Evans was fined one day's pay, £7,000. In 1996, broadcasting watchdogs investigated a continual trail of complaints against the show: Radio 1 refused to comment, Evans never said sorry. Evans also made increasing public demands of the Radio 1 management: after taking an extra week of unplanned holiday, Evans chose to turn up half an hour late for his 06:30 show and then demanded that his hours were changed so that it was a permanent fixture – this request was accepted.

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