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74 Sentences With "self images"

How to use self images in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "self images" and check conjugation/comparative form for "self images". Mastering all the usages of "self images" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Mr. Hefner's disdain for sexual limits fueled fantasies and shaped self-images.
Doubtless, quasi-Westernized men and women from the exotic Orient flatter white self-images.
His words live on, shaping the lives and the self-images of millions of individuals.
As even Schott said, our self-images are deeply individual and subject to intense fluctuation.
Saddam Hussein of Iraq and other failed figures sold such fantasy self-images to their unwitting nations.
Their angst becomes a fetish, used to stroke and validate the brooding self-images of white male listeners.
Some people lie pathologically, ignoring or disregarding reality; others lie to themselves, creating false but comforting self-images.
I don't know if it's because of a social media generation concerned with self-images, but it's like fuck the stigma.
Even among professionals given to lofty self-images, like those in medicine and law, other studies have noted a rise in discontent.
" • "Even among professionals given to lofty self-images, like those in medicine and law, other studies have noted a rise in discontent.
I am a person who at the age of 13 set out to help change the world and primarily Gay people's self-images.
THE SELFIE GENERATION How Our Self Images Are Changing Our Notions of Privacy, Sex, Consent, and Culture By Alicia Eler 294 pp. Skyhorse. $24.99.
Ikea markets Sweden, which in its turn markets Ikea, and so nation and company become images of each other, while their respective self-images expand.
In child custody decisions, the best interests of children are served by continuing, stable, previously demonstrated caregiving, not by experimenting in potential benefits to fathers' self-images and enrichment.
In "Provocation of the Nightingale" (2017-18), one screen features YouTube videos of people discussing how the results of their AncestryDNA genetic tests shattered, or affirmed, their self-images.
At a hearing Friday, Louise Turpin's attorney, Jeff Moore, disclosed that Turpin suffered from histrionic personality disorder, a disorder characterized by constant attention seeking, distorted self-images, prone to overreaction and gullibility.
Everyone knew, coming in, that Bryant had mostly run out of basketball function, that his last campaign was little more than a fundraiser benefiting the self-images and portfolios of team and player alike.
It's really not as much about running as it is about this motley crew of college guys coming together as a group, and helping each other strive to improve together, which starts to affect their lives and their self-images.
His constructions often juxtaposed photographs of military sites, monuments, Native Americans, Japanese tourists and self-images to suggest the contradictions of nuclear energy, the development of atomic weapons in the New Mexico desert and the environmental consequences of those weapons.
More importantly, the film is overtly funny in ways that constantly remind the audience that there are people behind the game avatars, and specifically people who are sometimes young, self-absorbed, immature, and caught up in their own created self-images of badassery.
Time Magazine in 2014 named Manila's Makati City the world's "selfie" capital for having the highest volume of self-images posted on social media, and before mobile data was widely available, Filipinos were the world's biggest texters, in 2007 sending on average a billion SMS messages daily.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Editor's note: The following excerpt is the ninth chapter of The Selfie Generation: How Our Self-Images Are Changing Our Notions of Privacy, Sex, Consent, and Culture, Alicia Eler's new book from Skyhorse Publishing building on ideas first developed in a series of posts on Hyperallergic starting in June 22016.
We seek to fill our empty spaces with objects, titles, and transitory self-images of youth and trimness.
Negative self-images can arise from a variety of factors. A prominent factor, however, is personality type. Perfectionists, high achievers, and those with "type A" personalities seem to be prone to having negative self-images. This is because such people constantly set the standard for success high above a reasonable, attainable level.
The second developmental task is to overcome splitting. When the first developmental task is accomplished, one is able to differentiate between self-images and object images; however, these images remain segregated affectively. Loving self images and images of good objects are held together by positive affects, or libidinal affects. Hateful images of the self and bad, frustrating object images are held together by negative or aggressive affects.
Self-image disparity was found to be positively related to chronological age (CA) and intelligence. Two factors thought to increase concomitantly with maturity were capacity for guilt and ability for cognitive differentiation. However, males had larger self-image disparities than females, Caucasians had larger disparities and higher ideal self-images than African Americans, and socioeconomic status (SES) affected self-images differentially for the 2nd and 5th graders.
Ruins of Identity: Ethnogenesis in the Japanese Islands. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.Oguma,E. (2002). A Genealogy of 'Japanese' Self-images (translated by David Askew). Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press.
Since 1996 Helga Paris has been a member of the Berlin Academy of Arts. In 2003 her twelve part exhibition "Self images 1981-1988" in the context of the "Art in the German Democratic Republic" exhibition drew much interest.
The working self, often referred to as just the 'self', is a set of active personal goals or self-images organized into goal hierarchies. These personal goals and self- images work together to modify cognition and the resulting behavior so an individual can operate effectively in the world. The working self is similar to working memory: it acts as a central control process, controlling access to the autobiographical knowledge base. The working self manipulates the cues used to activate the knowledge structure of the autobiographical knowledge base and in this way can control both the encoding and recalling of specific autobiographical memories.
Founded in 1976 by John Glines, Barry Laine and Jerry Tobin, The Glines is an American not-for-profit organization based in New York City, New York, devoted to creating and presenting gay art to develop positive self-images and dispel negative stereotyping.
When people are in the position of evaluating others, self-image maintenance processes can lead to a more negative evaluation depending on the self-image of the evaluator. That is to say stereotyping and prejudice may be the way individuals maintain their self-image. When individuals evaluate a member of a stereotyped group, they are less likely to evaluate that person negatively if their self-images had been bolstered through a self-affirmation procedure, and they are more likely to evaluate that person stereotypically if their self- images have been threatened by negative feedback. Individuals may restore their self-esteem by derogating the member of a stereotyped group.
The relationship between the working self and the autobiographical knowledge base is reciprocal. While the working self can control the accessibility of autobiographical knowledge, the autobiographical knowledge base constrains the goals and self-images of the working self within who the individual actually is and what they can do.
For example, they can become afraid of their parents, because of their unstable mood behaviors. In addition, they can develop considerable amount of shame over their inadequacy to liberate their parents from alcoholism. As a result of this failure, they develop wretched self-images, which can lead to depression.
They have varied post-op experiences, but one reality is true for all of them—the surgery means the loss of their primary coping strategy (eating). And trying to shed hundreds of pounds changes everything in their lives—their health, their self-images, their marriages, and even their friendships.
According to Kernberg, the self is an intrapsychic structure consisting of multiple self representations. It is a realistic self which integrates both good and bad self-images. That is, the self constitutes a structure that combines libidinally and aggressively invested components. Kernberg defines normal narcissism as the libidinal investment of the self.
In self-enhancement, the impressions individuals hold about themselves are often biased towards a positive direction. Therefore, they over-emphasize favorable evaluations and minimize critical assessment of self. People use brand to represent favorable self-images to others or to themselves. The first aspect in self-enhancement is the need to maintain and enhance self-esteem.
Scholars have recently been moving toward cultural history rather than social history. The language and self images of people are the chief targets of cultural studies. Of special importance is the concept of an emerging consumer society. Studies of middle- and upper-class manners, tastes, and fashions have proliferated, along with studies of gender, and national, and racial identities.
He asserted that this new life can only be found through awareness, and that the human ego is a barrier to this awareness. Thus, he taught that inner liberation is a ridding process, and that the false self is a fictitious collection of self-images or pictures about who we think we are (Psycho-Pictography, page 33).
These difficulties led to the termination of the magazine in 1999. A printed compilation of photography first published in Body Play Magazine was compiled by Fakir under the title Body Play: The Self-Images of Fakir Musafar in 1982 in a limited edition print of 1000 and more of the magazine’s materials were reused in his book Spirit and Flesh.
Together with Thomas A. DuBois, he served as co-editor of the Journal of American Folklore."Editor & AFS Contact Information: Journal of American Folklore", Retrieved 26 April 2013. Dealing with the era at Notre Dame before coeducation, Leary has contrasted two self- images of the Notre Dame student. They coexist uneasily, the first appearing in official documents the second in popular culture.
Social and individual standards and ideals also motivate individuals to engage in prosocial behavior. Social responsibility norms, and social reciprocity norms reinforce those who act prosocially. As an example, consider the child who is positively reinforced for "sharing" during their early childhood years. When acting prosocially, individuals reinforce and maintain their positive self-images or personal ideals, as well as help to fulfill their own personal needs.
Her work is included in the Katherine Dreier Collection and other important collections. 50px Material was copied from this source, which is available under a Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. She also worked as set designer for the Ballets suédois , for example with the set for Marchand d'Oiseux 1923. Hélène painted animals, ships, and sailors, but always return to self-images, often incorporating her fantasy characters.
The difference in attribution style between individuals with internal and external loci of control, however, is not as marked in successful outcomes, as individuals with both types attribution style have less need to defend their self-images in success. Airplane pilots with an internal locus of control were likely to exhibit a self-serving bias in regard to their skill and levels of safety.
Alicia Eler (born 1984) is a visual art critic and reporter at the Star Tribune in Minneapolis. Eler's cultural criticism and reporting are published in The Guardian, Glamour, New York magazine, CNN, LA Weekly, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, New Inquiry, Hyperallergic, Aperture, MAXIM, Art21 Magazine, and Artforum. Her first book was The Selfie Generation: How Our Self Images Are Changing Our Notions of Privacy, Property, Sex, Consent, and Culture.
Social tuning theory describes the process whereby people adopt another person's attitudes or opinions regarding a particular subject. This phenomenon is also termed "shared reality theory." The study of this occurrence began in 1902 when Charles Cooley coined the term "looking glass self", stating that people see themselves and their own social world through the eyes of others. Research further discovered that people create their self-images through their beliefs of how others perceive them.
Participants provide 20 self-concepts that start with "I am..." This enables the collection of concepts and roles that are important to the definition of self. There is no unitary structure to self, it is a combination of self-schemata such as "I am a mother". These self-concepts, or self-images, are then used as autobiographical memory cues, enabling the distribution of highly self- relevant memories to be plotted across the lifespan.
In the years since The Family of Man, several exhibitions stemmed from projects directly inspired by Steichen's work and others were presented in opposition to it. Still others were alternative projects offering new thoughts on the themes and motifs presented in 1955. These serve to represent artists', photographers' and curators' responses to the exhibition beside those of the cultural critics, and to track the evolution of reactions as societies and their self-images change.
The Circassian settlers mainly spoke the Adyghe dialects of Kabardian, Shapsug, Abzakh and Bzhedug, but there were also Abkhazian and Dagestani language speakers. Historically Circassians identified themselves as "Adyghe" while the term "Circassians" was historically used by outsiders, such as Turks, Arabs, Russians and Europeans. Today the diaspora communities, including the Jordanian Circassians, use both terms interchangeably. The group's cultural identity in Jordan is mainly shaped by their self-images as a displaced people and as settlers and Muslims.
Therefore, workplace mentoring has a tendency to create an amicable environment through transition for the new employee. Mentors then have the opportunity to grow and learn from teaching the mentees, which ultimately helps their work performance. Experts, leaders, and professionals benefit from passing the knowledge they’ve gained over the years to the next generation. Their self-images are reinforced by these interactions and in turn commit them to a sense of professional identity and engagement in development activities.
"On Screen, Lynda Benglis" Video Data Bank, Retrieved April 24, 2015. Through this exercise of audiovisual desynchronization, the notions of "original self" and "original production" are complicated by the layers of self-images presented simultaneously with layers of "self". In doing so, Benglis emphasizes that video as a medium is based upon mechanical reproduction, thus subverting the classical notion of authenticity and reproduction in fine art."Document, Lynda Benglis" Video Data Bank, Retrieved April 24, 2015.
The Queen gave her name to an era of British greatness, especially in the far-flung British Empire with which she identified. She played a small role in politics, but became the iconic symbol of the nation, the empire and proper, restrained behaviour.Walter L. Arnstein, Queen Victoria (2003) Her success as ruler was due to the power of the self-images she successively portrayed of innocent young woman, devoted wife and mother, suffering and patient widow, and grandmotherly matriarch.
Her artworks examines self-images and stereotypes of Japanese women in contemporary Japanese society. Yanagi was influenced by a teacher in high school who was passionate for his artwork. She decided to go into art at Kyoto City University of Arts. After graduating from Kyoto City University of Arts, she began working as a teacher where she began to realize that she was not individualized but rather forced to play an ordinary role of a woman teacher.
When communicating with another person, individuals take into account the listener's feelings. People acknowledge how their intended action is going to affect the feelings of the other person. The concern the speaker displays for the hearer relates to what the speaker feels is necessary in order to help the hearer maintain positive self images. Positive face, identity goals, and “concern with support” are three labels that help determine the degree to which a strategy shows consideration for the hearer's feelings.
SPIE 2440, 302 (1995). However, the asymmetry is reduced but not completely eliminated, since the assist features mainly enhance the highest spatial frequencies, whereas intermediate spatial frequencies, which also affect feature focus and position, are not much affected. The coupling between the primary image and the self images is too strong for the asymmetry to be completely eliminated by assist features; only asymmetric illumination can achieve this. Assist features may also get in the way of access to power/ground rails.
Memory and the self are interconnected with each other that, combined, can be defined as the Self- Memory System (SMS). The self is viewed as a combination of memories and self- images (working self). Conway proposes that a person's long-term memory and working self are dependent on each other. Our prior knowledge of our self puts constraints on what our working self is and the working self modifies the access to our long-term memory, as well as, what it consists of.
Patterson's early work often revolves around questions of identity and the body, and takes the form of mixed media paintings, drawings and collages, most of them on paper. Photography, found objects, installation and performance have recently become increasingly important in her practice. Early work was primarily concerned with the female body as object. Her Venus Investigations objectified the female torso, headless and anonymous, and explored the relationship between the ample-bodied "Venus" or female goddess images of prehistoric times and contemporary female self-images and beauty ideals.
Johari window Conscious handling of images about each other plays an important part in group dynamics. In feedback exercises, subjects are trained in giving and receiving external images. The Johari window describes the relationship between external and self images, and that between conscious and unconscious parts of these images. With mindful "awareness exercises", a person is trained to detect previously unconscious expectations of third parties, and with communication exercises, they are trained to reconcile their own and others' images and expectations of each other.
Walter Reckless began developing Containment Theory by focusing on a youth's self- conception or self-image of being a good person as an insulator against peer pressure to engage in delinquency. This inner containment through self-images is developed within the family and is essentially formed by about the age of twelve. Outer containment was a reflection of strong social relationships with teachers and other sources of conventional socialization within the neighborhood. The basic proposition is there are "pushes" and "pulls" that will produce delinquent behavior unless they are counteracted by containment.
In the 1960s and 1970s, pressure from advertisers on the American television industry to create entertaining news material made sound bites central to political coverage. Politicians began to use PR techniques to craft self-images and slogans that would resonate with the television-viewing audience and ensure their victory in campaigns. The term "sound bite" was coined in the late 1970s, several years before the presidency of Ronald Reagan, who was famous for short, memorable phrases like, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" in reference to the Berlin Wall.
H. F. Talbot 1836 "Facts relating to optical science" No. IV, Phil. Mag. 9 When a plane wave is incident upon a periodic diffraction grating, the image of the grating is repeated at regular distances away from the grating plane. The regular distance is called the Talbot length, and the repeated images are called self images or Talbot images. Furthermore, at half the Talbot length, a self-image also occurs, but phase-shifted by half a period (the physical meaning of this is that it is laterally shifted by half the width of the grating period).
Visual merchandising contributes to a brand's personality and the characteristics associated with the brand. The design of the store should reflect this as part of their retail brand strategy. This includes the in-store environment and brand communications used, such as signage and images displayed in-store. These visual elements play a part in building a retail brand and therefore they help a brand differentiate itself from its competitors, create brand loyalty, and allows for a brand to place premium pricing on their products. Part of the brand strategy used in visual merchandising is research into the brand's target market to find out what their customers’ values and self-images are.
Additionally, there are two books, Race Face and Talking Sketchbook, that are in the works. On his inspiration behind Race Face, Art Paul said, "Many of my drawings of heads aim to reveal how we are haunted by the projections other mask us with and use to deride us, how our self-images are altered by violence, paranoia, shame, and dread. So often we feel compelled to hide our authentic selves behind masks." There is also an autobiography in progress with the working title Graphic Graphics: Art Paul's Advice to Young Designers Facing Difficult Clients, Art-Blind Editors, Exploding Technologies, Budget Trolls, and Sexual Revolutions.
This conservation or augmentation of self-esteem is due to changes in causal attributions or the attributions for success and failure that self-handicapping affords. There are two methods that people use to self-handicap: behavioral and claimed self- handicaps. People withdraw effort or create obstacles to successes so they can maintain public and private self-images of competence. Sameer Babu M, and Selvamari S (2018) in their study of secondary school students academic performance define self-handicapping as "a process of employing unique verbal and/or non-verbal strategies of carelessness on, lethargy in, and withdrawal from the academic duties and responsibilities which leads to lower academic standards".
Concertive control, even though employee directed, actually increases the total amount of control in an organizational system because each worker is watching and correcting others (Tompkins, 2005), rather than one manager watching and directing the behavior of many. One insidious, almost fully unobtrusive form of control is the organization's attempt to regulate employee identity and identification. Alvesson and Willmott (2001) explore how employee identities are regulated inside of an organization so that their self-images and work processes and products line up with management goals and objectives. Identity regulation is the "intentional effects of social practices upon processes of identity construction and reconstruction" (Alvesson and Willmott, 2001).
2009 by Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) librarians, that tobacco " so hurtful and dangerous to youth that it might have the pernicious nation expressed in the name, and that it were as well known by the name of Youths-bane as by the name of tobacco". Early 17th century descriptive notices of various characteristic types and fashions of men portray tobacconists and smokers as individuals who suffer from false self-images and mistaken illusions about the properties of tobacco taking.17th century books of characters. See Halliwell Though physicians such as Benjamin Rush claimed tobacco use (including smoking) negatively impacted health as far back as 1798,Goldberg, p.
Joan Semmel’s Heads (2007–13) feature self-portraits of the artist. Unlike Semmel’s previous self-images, in these works she paints just her face. Intimate in scale and rendered in a variety of styles, these paintings adopt both the realism of her earlier With Camera works (2001–06), as well as the blurring of her Shifting Images compositions (2006–13). In a recent interview, Semmel elaborated on her decision to begin to paint the Heads. She outlined, “The way I started doing the heads was by taking those pictures in the mirror, and even though I didn’t usually use the heads I got it in the mirror because I’d hold the camera at waist level.
Chapter 12: The Federal Role, Reforming Juvenile Justice: A Developmental Approach, Committee on Assessing Juvenile Justice Reform, National Research Council (2013). Congress reauthorized the JJDPA in 1977, 1980, 1984, and 1988.Suzanne Cavanagh & David Teasley, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention: Background and Current Issues, Congressional Research Service (August 11, 1992). The 1980 reauthorization legislation added the "valid court order" exception to the DSO requirement and also enacted the jail removal requirement, in response to research on the negative outcomes for youth incarcerated in adult facilities, including high suicide rates; frequent physical, mental, and sexual assault by adult inmates and staff; inadequate educational, recreation, and vocational programming; negative labeling and self-images; and contact with serious offenders or mentally disturbed inmates.
A catalogue was published with an essay called True Selfie by Phoebe Hoban in which she writes: "Painter Anh Duong has created her own personal genre: call it the 'True Selfie.' Long before digital self-images—or 'selfies'—became virtually ubiquitous, Duong, like many figurative painters, decided to make herself the subject of an ongoing series of self-portraits. But unlike other painters, who rely on their own reflection in a mirror as a reference, Duong has exclusively focused on portraying what she calls her 'true' self." Duong's latest series of paintings, done over the past two years, shows the artist in a variety of poses, from provocatively trapped in the kitchen in couture underwear, to nakedly framed in a bathtub.
This book also explores the Black Power Movement and the identity transformations that accompanied this social movement. Cross demonstrated how working and middle- class Black families had historically exhibited strong mental health and adaptive personal qualities that allowed them to prevail and maintain positive self-images even in the midst of their political and social struggles. He further exhibited a wide variability of perspectives, ideologies, and self- concepts allowing for an infinite number of pathways to happiness, evidencing the impracticability of forging a singular definition of what it means to be Black or to “live the good Black life.” He even suggested that for some Black individuals, their racial/cultural identity is unimportant to their daily existence, despite the significant role it plays in many lives.
The Queen played a small role in politics, but became the iconic symbol of the nation, the empire, and proper, restrained behaviour.Walter L. Arnstein, Queen Victoria (2003) Her strength lay in good common sense and directness of character; she expressed the qualities of the British nation which at that time made it preeminent in the world. As a symbol of domesticity, endurance and Empire, and as a woman holding the highest public office during an age when middle- and upper-class women were expected to beautify the home while men dominated the public sphere, Queen Victoria's influence has been enduring. Her success as ruler was due to the power of the self-images she successively portrayed of innocent young woman, devoted wife and mother, suffering and patient widow, and grandmotherly matriarch.
The sexual objectification of women involves them being viewed primarily as an object of male sexual desire, rather than as a whole person. Although opinions differ as to which situations are objectionable, many see objectification of women taking place in the sexually oriented depictions of women in advertising, art and media, pornography, the occupations of stripping and prostitution, and women being brazenly evaluated or judged sexually or aesthetically in public spaces and events, such as beauty contests. Some feminists and psychologists argue that sexual objectification can lead to negative psychological effects including eating disorders, depression and sexual dysfunction, and can give women negative self-images because of the belief that their intelligence and competence are currently not being, nor will ever be, acknowledged by society. Sexual objectification of women has also been found to negatively affect women's performance, confidence, and level of position in the workplace.
This periodic wavefront can be generated by spatially coherent illumination of a periodic structure, like a diffraction grating, and if so the intensity distribution of the wave field at the Talbot length resembles exactly the structure of the grating and is called a self-image. It has also been shown that intensity patterns will be created at certain fractional Talbot lengths. At half the distance the same intensity distribution appears except for a lateral shift of half the grating period while at certain smaller fractional Talbot distances the self-images have fractional periods and fractional sizes of the intensity maxima and minima, that become visible in the intensity distribution behind the grating, a so-called Talbot carpet. The Talbot length and the fractional lengths can be calculated by knowing the parameters of the illuminating radiation and the illuminated grating and thus gives the exact position of the intensity maxima, which needs to be measured in GBI.
In any case, the author takes a clear and unambiguous position in a political sense: he calls in question any form of political extremism in his country, and dismantles it into its absurd components in literary way. The titles of the novel Mein Kampf: burleska (allusion to Mein Kampf) and the collection of essays Vučji brlog (Little Wolf's Lair; not to be confused with Wolf's Lair) are provocative confrontations to related topics of Serbian extremist self-images. Basara was already denigrated because of his critical and cosmopolitan attitude, for example, by the far-right group of the Serbian national movement Naši.Ličnost Danas: Svetislav Basara (Personality Today: Svetislav Basara), Danas, retrieved 2018-11-09.Serbian Far Right Leader Acquitted For Publishing ‘Traitor’ List, Balkan Insight, retrieved 2019-11-16. On 28 December 2019, the Montenegrin President Milo Đukanović signed a new freedom of religion act, which caused unrest in Montenegro and provoked some political reaction from Serbia.
Later writings on the Vikings and the Viking Age can also be important for understanding them and their culture, although they need to be treated cautiously. After the consolidation of the church and the assimilation of Scandinavia and its colonies into the mainstream of medieval Christian culture in the 11th and 12th centuries, native written sources begin to appear in Latin and Old Norse. In the Viking colony of Iceland, an extraordinary vernacular literature blossomed in the 12th through 14th centuries, and many traditions connected with the Viking Age were written down for the first time in the Icelandic sagas. A literal interpretation of these medieval prose narratives about the Vikings and the Scandinavian past is doubtful, but many specific elements remain worthy of consideration, such as the great quantity of skaldic poetry attributed to court poets of the 10th and 11th centuries, the exposed family trees, the self images, the ethical values, that are contained in these literary writings.

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