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"secrete" Definitions
  1. secrete something (of part of the body or a plant) to produce a liquid substance
  2. secrete something (in something) (formal) to hide something, especially something small

156 Sentences With "secrete"

How to use secrete in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "secrete" and check conjugation/comparative form for "secrete". Mastering all the usages of "secrete" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Like the season itself, these tracks secrete their own pheromones.
The young insects secrete antimicrobial compounds that keep the wound clean.
There is the protein leptin, which fat cells secrete to suppress appetite.
Jumping spiders often secrete a bit of silk as they prepare to jump.
Some, though, are well known to secrete acidic waste products when fed sugar.
In most coral species, the polyps secrete limestone which forms a hard skeleton.
It means antibodies destroyed the beta cells of my pancreas that secrete insulin.
The ovaries contain a woman's reproductive eggs and secrete the hormones estrogen and progesterone.
Instead, they secrete a chemical via their mandibles that liquifies their trapped prey alive.
Like Bartholin's glands, they secrete mucus that lubricates the area around your vaginal opening.
When humans are under acute stress, their bodies secrete the hormones cortisol and adrenaline.
To repel predators, it used glands on its neck to secrete a noxious chemical deposit.
So what is the secrete sauce that set Pearce apart from other female country artists?
While hunting, some cone snails secrete insulin, along with other toxic compounds, into the water.
Cohen's character told Moore Israel had developed technology to detect an enzyme that pedophiles secrete.
Stress can make your adrenal glands secrete adrenaline, which triggers feelings of hunger, Segil explains.
"Alcohol stimulates the pancreatic enzymes, which makes the pancreas secrete more than usual," he says.
Right away you get the idea that Riopelle paints the way spiders secrete their webs.
Corals are tiny soft creatures that survive on plankton and photosynthesis, and secrete calcium carbonate.
Aquilaria trees secrete a resin called oud when they are attacked by a parasitic mold.
This caused the seedling to secrete chemicals out from its roots and into the growth solution.
They secrete a liquid mucus on their skin, which repels dirt, and the dirt slides off.
At the same time, the cells secrete a supporting matrix that helps maintain the implant's shape.
Soon thereafter, it begins to elongate and to secrete its characteristic calcium carbonate tube around itself.
As I watch a sandwich secrete sweet goop, I am reminded of a website I love.
"Sex offenders and particularly pedophiles secrete an enzyme for DDHT, which is actually detectable," Cohen says.
That doesn't include hundreds of other beekeepers who might secrete a few hives along the riverbanks.
Testicles and testosterone Testicles not only produce sperm, they secrete testosterone, the primary male sex hormone.
If they feel threatened, the amphibians secrete a creamy substance called bufotoxin from glands in their skin.
According to Fukushima, carnivorous plants secrete an "an enzymatic cocktail for prey digestion" that other plants lack.
Instead, they secrete acid to dissolve bone and then they rely on bacteria to do the rest.
Boys begin to secrete testosterone early in gestation, and it influences how their bodies and brains develop.
As tuns, the tardigrades produce glycerol (antifreeze), and secrete trehalose, a simple sugar with remarkable preservation properties.
The worms also secrete a mucus which may reflect away some sunshine — and possibly aid in travel.
Old cells, researchers have found, secrete proteins, lipids and other substances that increase inflammation and tissue destruction.
Perhaps, he speculated, pathogens will evolve to secrete enzymes that degrade teixobactin before it even reaches them.
"Sex offenders and particularly pedophiles secrete an enzyme for DDHT, which is actually detectable," Cohen explains to Moore.
They've genetically modified maggots to secrete a human growth factor to promote healing while they clean people's wounds.
Slow lorises secrete venom — unique among primates — so their sharp teeth are often extracted to make interaction safe.
Asian beetles look almost identical to ladybugs, the only difference is that Asian beetles secrete a sticky substance.
Back on the Upper East Side, Jacqueline goes through Russ' luggage and finds the secrete corn pudding recipe.
This activates our sweat glands, and they begin to secrete water and chemical compounds to cool us down.
The millipede also sports 200 pores that secrete some sort of unidentified substance — perhaps a chemical defense against predators.
Our bodies contain special cells called goblet cells in the lining of the airway and colon that secrete mucins.
The secrete messages feature works for group or one-to-one chats using Viber on iOS or Android devices.
Locksley had discovered a group of cells called group 2 innate lymphoid cells (or ILC2s) that secrete these cytokines.
"Sex offenders and particularly pedophiles secrete an enzyme for DDHT, which is actually detectable," Cohen says in the clip.
As the cells proliferate, they secrete a chemical that causes the bone marrow to fill with scar tissue ("fibrosis").
Unlikely, since jellyfish should secrete a mucus in response to stress, and these test subjects did no such thing.
Nor did those trials include today's improved stents, which secrete drugs intended to prevent opened arteries from closing again.
And when we have too much, our bodies secrete these elements as waste products: That is, we pee them out.
Specifically, Cortexyme believes that toxic bacterial proteins secrete enzymes that digest our brain cells, causing our neurons to fall apart.
Image: NOAAAcidification is bad news for reefs, shellfish, and pretty much all "calcifiers," organisms that secrete a calcium carbonate skeleton.
The reason is simple: the effort needed to secrete everything in its right place at the outset quickly becomes bothersome.
These cells secrete a hormone that instructs connective tissues throughout the body — skin, bone, muscle, tendons — to start growing again.
"These activities secrete hazardous chemicals that poisoned specifically the river on the borders of the Hatila National Park," she said.
Historic racism, present-day racism, and generational racism — they all secrete a kind of poison into the bloodstream of this country.
As acid builds up in the world's oceans, it's becoming harder for corals to secrete and maintain their calcium carbonate exoskeletons.
Other researchers have used insects to produce and secrete human growth factors, but no one had tried the technique with maggots.
Meanwhile, both pocket shark species have two "small pockets" that secrete a glowing fluid, which could help the shark attract prey.
"It turns out that sex offenders and particularly pedophiles secrete an enzyme for DDHT, which is actually detectable," Morad tells Moore.
Meanwhile researchers at Clara Foods, in San Francisco, are developing synthetic egg white, using transgenic yeast to secrete the required proteins.
In these models, both astrocytes and a subset of neurons were made to secrete a green fluorescent protein called G-CaMP7.
Researchers in China have discovered that females of the Toxeus magnus spider secrete a milk-like fluid to feed their offspring.
However, in the presence of large tumors, macrophages start having the opposite effect and instead secrete factors that promote tumor growth.
Every night, about two to three hours before you conk out, your brain starts to secrete melatonin in response to darkness.
That is because hippos secrete an oily red liquid, called blood sweat, which acts as a sunscreen, lotion, and even an antiseptic.
The immune system — a network of cells, tissues and biochemicals that they secrete — defends the body against viruses, bacteria and other invaders.
It also has hairs that produce silk and pores all along its body that secrete an unidentified liquid, believed to be poisonous.
As tuns, the tardigrades produce glycerol (antifreeze) and secrete trehalose, a simple sugar that mummifies them in a glass suit of armor.
When your body temperature rises, your eccrine glands secrete sweat, and the evaporation of moisture from your skin helps you cool off.
They form trains and secrete a chemical to attract other cells called cAMP, according to a 23 study at the University of Tokyo.
Second, some edge cells also begin to secrete surfactant, a slippery material that helps the motile cells slide more rapidly over the surface.
Patients with carcinoid syndrome secrete excessive amounts of the hormone serotonin, which can cause severe diarrhea, abdominal discomfort and wheezing, among other symptoms.
The Mailpan—an implant filled with stem cells that secrete insulin—is an artificial pancreas that could potentially transform the lives of diabetics.
Saenredam and his paintings of church interiors, which can appear starchy and bland at a glance but, with contemplation, secrete an uncanny intensity.
PAI-1 is one of the inflammatory agents that senescent cells typically secrete, and it's possible that the Amish mutation disrupts that process.
A new study out Thursday seems to show that in both mice and humans, bones secrete a hormone in reaction to stressful situations.
There are also glands on either side of the vaginal opening that secrete fluid that adds to your discharge, according to the Mayo Clinic.
But despite his best efforts, the pipes spout tarry filth, the walls secrete viscous goo, and marbles seemingly appear spontaneously around closets and stairs.
Click here to view original GIFCredit: Chonnam National UniversitySpecifically, the Salmonella bacteria is genetically modified to secrete a foreign protein known as flagellin (FlaB).
They're drawn to the plant's leaves to feed, but secrete a sticky substance, called honeydew, that allows fungus to grow and stunt plants' growth.
According to lead researcher Valerie Voon, the scans showed that prolonged porn use alters the brain's pleasure centers—the very ones that secrete dopamine.
The POMCs usually secrete a chemical called alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH), which is believed to play a role in feelings of satiety.
Pheromones are an odourless chemical that plants, fungi, insects, and animals secrete, specifically in the case of humans through our sweat, tears and urine.
Pheromones are an odorless chemical that plants, fungi, insects, and animals secrete, specifically in the case of humans through our sweat, tears and urine.
People who tended to secrete higher levels of insulin did the best on the low-carb diet, burning about 400 extra calories a day.
The biofilm is stained with Congo red dye, which bonds to the extracellular matrix proteins that the bacteria secrete as a scaffolding for their community.
While Coach Gary was well-known, trusted and liked by parents, had a remote mountain cabin filled with smutty videos, secrete photos, and torture devices.
The worm continues to secrete as it slips lower into the burrow, generating a slime-net that stretches from the chimney to the worm's mouth.
These ancient reports were likely of Type 1 diabetes, the autoimmune version of the disease where antibodies damage the cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin.
If you're insulin resistant, your pancreas needs to secrete more insulin to control blood sugar, and that insulin will increase your fat accumulation as a consequence.
On a micro level, each Plan B pill contains a hormone that's similar to progesterone (your ovaries secrete progesterone each month to help the ovulation process along).
We'll shut off our devices and secrete them in purses or pockets—TED bans the use of personal screens during its talks, except in the back row.
We secrete a litre of mucins per day and these secreted form a slimy coating on the surface of the cells that line the airway and colon.
Also, in men, the neurons that process stress and comfort-related hormones secrete a protein that nixes the anxiety-inducing effect of the stress-related hormone corticotropin.
"When Hagfish become stressed, they secrete a slime, which can be seen in photos on the vehicles in the highway," a statement from Oregon State Police said.
From a medical dictionary perspective, it's a gland, which is an organ that's primary function is to secrete, and it's located below the bladder, surrounding the urethra.
Trilobites Swordfish are among the fastest fish in the ocean, and now scientists may have found at least one reason: The fish secrete a performance-enhancing grease.
The prior are responsible for breaking down bone tissue, a key role in repairing and maintaining bones, while the latter secrete the matrix used in bone formation.
Their big eyes and soft fur make them attractive to humans, but slow lorises secrete venom from their inner arms, which then enters their mouths during grooming.
Plants can do something beyond the abilities of mere cats*, dogs, and birds: they secrete a chemical that makes the caterpillars that eat them eat each other instead.
Dr Wang knew from the botanical literature that most plants secrete from their roots a mixture of carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids that are food for microbes.
The model undergoes a full 28-day menstrual cycle, and it can even be induced to secrete pregnancy hormones, Dr. Woodruff said in a telephone interview on Wednesday.
In 2015, for example, Michigan State University scientists used a chip to model how endocrine cells secrete hormones into the blood stream in order to test a diabetes drug.
Earthbound plants aren't just passive organisms: trees can communicate danger with one another to repel invading insects, secrete chemicals that can turn insects against one another, and exchange RNA.
Previous efforts to develop artificial skin have been limited in terms of realism and functionality, including an absence of hair follicles and glands that can secrete oil and sweat.
Another consequence of aging is the accumulation of so-called senescent cells, normal cells that stop dividing, contribute to tissue aging and secrete substances like cytokines that induce inflammation.
Instead, the right bedtime snack "will actually boost your metabolism by keeping your blood-sugar levels stable, which allows your pancreas to secrete the fat-burning hormone glucagon," she says.
Unlike sweat, which some mammals (including humans) secrete onto their skin, where it evaporates and therefore cools the body, this fluid functions as a skin moisturizer, water repellent and antibiotic.
Penile erections occur in response to complex effects of the nervous system and endocrine system (the glands that secrete hormones into our system) on the blood vessels of the penis.
The waxy part, which holds the compacted waste together and smooths the way for it to leave the ear, comes from the ceruminous glands, which secrete lipids and other substances.
"When you use cannabinoids, these neurons start to secrete [endorphins that promote feeding]—but they are still producing and storing the other guy, which is the anti-feeding chemical," Horvath says.
For example, the B. subtilis colonies in this image adopt a strategy of "kin discrimination," in which they secrete antibiotic compounds that are toxic to other species but not to their own.
Loukas and his colleagues have received funding for a larger celiac trial, but he sees the field moving away from the use of live parasites, toward the identification of the molecules they secrete.
Pitcher plants secrete nectar along the rim of their pitcher to attract and trap insects, but one very special ant species is able to climb in and out of the pitcher for a snack.
But a far more common cause of adrenal failure is the use of medicines that imitate the hormones the glands secrete — most commonly, steroids like prednisone, a synthesized version of the adrenal hormone cortisol.
Putting the genes for such proteins into the genomes of bacteria that will then secrete insulin, or of crops that need pest resistance, or fermentation tanks churning out supplements for detergent, was an obvious moneymaker.
It does this by leaving the intestine and traveling to the animals' fat stores, where it induces fat cells to secrete something called IGF-1, which acts as a master regulator of muscle-wasting pathways.
And recent research has established some interesting links between mental health and the bacteria residing in our guts, which secrete chemicals like serotonin and dopamine—the very same neurotransmitters that regulate mood in our brains.
The researchers gathered data on how much each participant slept and ate, as well as tracking their insulin sensitivity — or how much of the hormone the body needed to secrete in order to manage blood sugar levels.
When you're feeling particularly sexy, these glands secrete fluid to lubricate the opening of your vagina, which makes it easier for a penis, sex toy, fingers, or anything else you're using to slide in and out easily.
That meddling has accelerated in the last twenty years since scientists sequenced the yeast genome, yielding microbes that can burp, fart and secrete biofuels, insulin, antibiotics, and tons of other novel micro- and macromolecules useful to human industry.
The ability to remove the Surface Book's glorious display and hold it while pacing around a darkened room allows this person secrete just enough extra creative juice to redesign the way we in sit in chairs (or something).
The slimy liquid, which snails secrete to protect their bodies from cuts and bacteria as they crawl across the ground, has been used for centuries to calm inflammation (dating as far back as ancient Greece, The Cut reports).
Alongside this stream of glowing endorsements, Be On 1 also reckon that 82 percent of people who try their anti-hangover patches, which secrete thiamin or vitamin B1 over a 24-hour period, "felt a noticeable difference" afterwards.
We descend alongside a dolphin family to a coral reef in the Red Sea to "properly appreciate their true character," as Attenborough puts it, by watching a calf learn to brush against fronds that secrete an antibacterial mucus.
You have analgesics to deaden the sensation around the bite, you have anticoagulants to keep the blood flowing, antihistamines to suppress any immune response, and they actually secrete a cement molecule that keeps them attached to the skin.
The bands can break, and while the other surgeries are known to remove some of the cells in the gastrointestinal tract that secrete ghrelin, the "hunger hormone," it's unclear whether the lap band leads to reduced ghrelin levels.
Hagfish may be delicious and make some wonderful wallets or whatever, but they also secrete slime that can expand when they get stressed out—according to SeattlePI, fishermen have to be careful not to drown in the disgusting goop.
It has 414 legs, a pear-shaped head covered with stiff hairs that secrete a silklike substance, a lip with a tooth-lined slit, and two nozzles on each of its 100 segments that give off a defensive poison.
Another branch of the scalp artery would simply be laid atop Ms. Roy's brain, with the expectation that branches would grow into the nerve tissue, because oxygen-deprived cells secrete substances that can stimulate the growth of blood vessels.
As we stood in the garden, shielding the screen against the sunlight, Augie and I learned that worker bees secrete an enzyme called invertase, which converts nectar into dextrose, then flap their wings to thicken the nectar into honey.
She would experience symptoms only when there was some physiological stress on her body that would normally trigger the adrenal gland to secrete a higher level of stress hormone like cortisol to help her body deal with that stress.
Cells can secrete molecules that repel cells of the same type but have no effect on other types; probably, during embryonic development, each cone cell signals that it is differentiating as a certain type, preventing neighboring cells from doing the same.
Biofilms are so intolerant of other strains and species because they invest considerably in the production of surfactant, extracellular matrix and other molecules that bacteriologists classify as public goods—ones that the bacteria secrete for other members of their community.
To track — and potentially stem — these sudden migrations in the wake of disasters, researchers build maps to predict how floods and storms might spread aggressive crayfish, propeller-tangling plants, and even frogs that secrete eye-irritating "slime" into new territories.
There are still many more questions to be answered — for one, Tyrannomyrmex ants lack organs that naturally secrete antiseptic compounds crucial for their hygiene, say researchers, even though they live in on the forest floor, which is full of bacteria.
A close encounter with extreme danger led to abnormal neuro-electric activity in the limbic system and temporal lobes of my brain, which sent signals to my adrenal medulla, located on top of the kidneys, and told them to secrete adrenaline.
The mussels managed to spread so quickly because they secrete a superglue-like adhesive that can stick to any solid surface, allowing them to cling to the hulls of speedboats, which then transport them to other lakes all across the continent.
He pled guilty to having a medical emergency that forced him to, as a last resort, secrete himself under the bleachers and take care of that emergency, whereupon after he was done, he cleaned up after himself, didn't leave any remnants anywhere.
The polyps secrete a hard exoskeleton of calcium carbonate beneath them that builds up over many years, forming coral reefs that serve as key habitat for tropical sea life and help protect the shoreline by absorbing wave energy from hurricanes and other storms.
One of the centerpieces of the show, it comprises 365 emeralds on an intricate gold latticework that hides a gold amulet box, which traditionally would be used to secrete a piece of paper on which a prayer or magic spell is written.
We secrete insulin in response to carbohydrates in our diet and there's a condition called insulin resistance that is the fundamental defect in Type 2 diabetes and is so closely associated with obesity that we can speculate that it might be the cause.
Begging calls from the chick stimulate in the parent's brain the release of prolactin — the same hormone that subserves human lactation — which in turn prompts cells lining the crop, at the base of the parental throat, to swell and secrete the magic formula.
"Normally melatonin is secreted right around bedtime, when people would go to sleep, it begins to secrete and it peaks when you get to sleep," Stuart Quan, a Harvard Medicine physician in the sleep and circadian disorders section of Brigham and Women's Hospital, told me.
They secrete fluid when the body is under emotional or psychological stress, and that fluid gets broken down by your skin's bacteria to create what Dr. Weiser refers to as "an unpleasant odor," and what the rest of us call BO.But that's not all.
The working hypothesis is that the cells secrete exosomes, tiny vesicles that "contain a lot of nucleic acids, things like RNA, that can change patterns of the way the tissue responds to injury and the way genes are expressed in the tissue," Marbán said.
And although it's armed against danger (its glands secrete poison), in the presence of a predator, the three-inch-long frog lifts its front legs to cover its eyes, like a child pretending to be invisible: You can't see it if it can't see you.
In this biofilm of the common soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis, for example, some cells secrete extracellular matrix and anchor in place, while some stay motile; cells at the edges of the biofilm may divide for growth, while others in the middle release spores for surviving tough conditions and colonizing new locations.
The moment your friend crams a piece of steak the size of a baby's fist into their gullet, the mouth starts to secrete saliva that's chock full of enzymes like amylase that help you break down the food right there in the mouth as your teeth get to chomping it.
The Best Vegan and Vegetarian Protein Sources E-Commerce Guide by CNN Underscored: 290 protein-rich snacks to keep with you You're trying to lose weight Protein takes longer to digest than carbs, helping you feel full, and also pushes your body to secrete the gut hormone peptide YY, which reduces hunger.
Data from multiple preclinical studies conducted by world-class research institutions, including the U.S. National Institutes of Health and Hadassah Medical Center, have shown that PLX-R18 cells secrete a range of specific proteins that support the regeneration of bone marrow and the recovery of its ability to produce normal amounts of all three blood cell types.
Corticosterone is a hormone animals could secrete in high-stakes scenarios like running from a wild animal or defending themselves from predators, but it can also be expressed in lower-risk tasks like doing taxes or worrying about a loved one (though rats likely aren't advanced enough to form a government, let alone impose taxes on fellow rats).
This week, a group of researchers led by Riccardo Fodde, a geneticist at Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands, reported that one such cell type — the paneth cells in the intestine, which secrete molecules that control the gut's bacterial composition and digestive health — loses its normal gene expression patterns in favor of stemlike ones after injuries.
And those studies show that when you give rats access to comfort food — in their case usually Crisco mixed with sugar — and you stress them out, what you see is that over time, that comfort food actually dampens their stress hormones, it dampens down their brain's responsivity to stress, it dampens down the signaling between the brain and the rest of the body, so they don't secrete as many stress hormones.

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