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"rectitude" Definitions
  1. the quality of thinking or behaving in a correct and honest way

205 Sentences With "rectitude"

How to use rectitude in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "rectitude" and check conjugation/comparative form for "rectitude". Mastering all the usages of "rectitude" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He and his staff have generally behaved with basic rectitude.
He is a fan of charter schools and fiscal rectitude.
In the 2010s their defining idea has been fiscal rectitude.
India's states used to be the epitome of fiscal rectitude.
With Trump there is no pretense of respectability or rectitude.
What do evangelicals see in Donald Trump, if not moral rectitude?
Before this scandal, Ms. Park had cultivated an aura of rectitude.
Even that paragon of fiscal rectitude, Germany, has debt of 68 percent.
In a time of social decay, Peel personified rectitude and good character.
Mr. Comey is often criticized for an obsession with his own rectitude.
Comey pillories Trump for his excesses, for lacking probity and moral rectitude.
Venezuela's surprising rectitude as a debtor stems from an unlikely confluence of factors.
Bingham suffered too for his rectitude, never advancing significantly in the Foreign Service.
Politicians who feigned rectitude didn't take the country where it needed to go.
One might attribute this fact to their paternalism, their myopia, or their rectitude.
But Modi's government has been stepping back from such fiscal rectitude in recent months.
His "Three Stricts, Three Honests" drive of 2014 was about strengthening officials' moral rectitude.
And the other is we are suffering a nostalgia for certainty, stability, and rectitude.
Claims of moral rectitude are not the only thing lost if Roe is overturned.
But is Silent Bill the kind of symbol of rectitude we need right now?
The inner conflict Serkis evoked as Gollum becomes grand yet wary rectitude with Caesar.
Keynes was often accused by bean-counting officials of a cavalier disregard for fiscal rectitude.
They know his aw-shucks rectitude, combined with real-time written recollections, guarantee riveting testimony.
A man of rectitude and prudence, Mueller should not be expected to restore the peace.
Both the governors and the governed can overreach, convinced of their own rectitude and righteousness.
Therefore, resisting what Trump represents becomes a central point of moral rectitude and ultimate patriotism.
That was a decadent age; the Protestant Reformation hadn't yet restored rectitude to public life.
Torchbearing rectitude, as practiced by Rakim and others, who have found traction as oldies acts?
The service seems to have lost the lightly starched Middle-European rectitude that I remembered.
You were born into wealth and privilege, but raised to personify modesty, rectitude, and noblesse oblige.
Ratings are rectitude, and he has found his role model — in the Kremlin of all places.
Childs was part of a movement away from the emotionalism and moral rectitude of modern dance.
His self-serious moralizing and the ostentatiousness of his characters' rectitude make Richardson difficult to embrace.
Bush's somber, quiet rectitude during his father's funeral earned him high accolades even from former adversaries.
But she seems to have returned to her role as the voice of sanity and rectitude.
"For all of Cohen's outward rectitude, he has lived a double life," prosecutors argued in that memo.
Democrats placed their faith in the Obama administration's rectitude, and Republicans placed theirs in the intelligence community.
What trips up straying politicians, most often, is their perceived need to embody some symbolic moral rectitude.
Still, the two books share one stunning feature: Both authors write with an air of absolute rectitude.
We expect our presidents to be paragons of rectitude and propriety, to be worthy of our pride.
Her eyelids are half lowered in focused thought and her posture is perfectly straight, conveying moral rectitude.
But now there's a rising debate over whether this state needs more than Mr. Walker's unbending rectitude.
Comics like Eddie Murphy and Kenan Thompson turned Mr. Cosby's demand for black rectitude into searing comedy.
The worthiness of the aim—politic, if not political—is one thing, boding more rectitude than rapture.
Here, his character is more grimy and less lustful, but no less certain of his own rectitude.
However, enough are likely to cling to their fiscal rectitude to cause a problem for the president.
To practice in our daily lives the compassion and rectitude that seems absent from our new President's character.
Made in advance of Hollywood's strict Production Code, the two movies share daring premises compromised by studio rectitude.
In a country riddled with corruption and division, the retired general was distinguished for his rectitude and efficiency.
The FCC's two Republican commissioners had insisted on such a hard cap as a matter of fiscal rectitude.
I attribute it to his realization that his reputation and belief in his own rectitude won't survive Trump.
But to help them would be to ease the market pressure on Italy that might otherwise encourage fiscal rectitude.
Schauble, confined to a wheelchair since a 1990 assassination attempt, sees monetary and fiscal rectitude as a moral issue.
There's Angela Merkel of Germany, a moralizing pillar of unyielding rectitude, and a jittery, grandstanding Nicolas Sarkozy of France.
"Our refusal to face up to the 'dropsy' problem soils the rectitude of the administration of justice," he concluded.
He was certain of the rectitude of his views and had little interest in compromising with his more moderate colleagues.
Officially, China is a paragon of fiscal rectitude: its annual deficits have averaged just 1.8% in the past half-decade.
All of that authority, know-how, gravitas, good posture and moral rectitude — it seemed so important, so adult, so American.
One is the quickness and frequency with which so many of us equate displays of religious devotion with actual rectitude.
It was an act of near-manic D.I.Y. industriousness, done in the name of art rather than heartlandish moral rectitude.
What we saw on display in Mr. Mueller's nine-minute statement was his often discussed sense of rectitude and propriety.
"Songs of Experience" merges personal reflections with tidings from the wider world, and it calls for compassion, empathy and rectitude.
"She is challenging the moral rectitude of the people who are not solving this problem for children," Gilbert told NPR.
David Leonhardt Opinion Columnist By now, nobody should be surprised when the Republican Party violates its claims of fiscal rectitude.
A report by the federal auditor into government spending next year will either burnish or batter its reputation for rectitude.
Meanwhile, Greeks, Italians and others who are fed up of German lectures about financial rectitude may be enjoying a new sensation.
"Draping yourself in the blanket of moral rectitude and asceticism allows you to assert superiority over a monarch," she told me.
At the press conference to announce Lula's nomination, Ms Rousseff declared that the government is committed to fiscal and monetary rectitude.
In his own mind, everything he does — the kidnappings, the beatings, the occasional murder — is an expression of his essential rectitude.
With his slicked-back hair, bushy mustache, charismatic speaking style and reputation for personal rectitude, General Ríos Montt built an enthusiastic following.
Patel said India had already moved to improve its defences, through "measurable progress" in "price stability, fiscal rectitude, and sustainable current accounts".
And she was unshakable in her sense of moral rectitude, viewing sins like lying, gambling and philandering as absolute corruptions of character.
Karenin does come to be guided by jealousy; he grows bloated and rigid with it, confusing his personal distress with moral rectitude.
The pressure to churn out plain vanilla characters and cornball moral rectitude was especially debilitating to franchise players like Superman and Batman.
Mr. Fox endowed Dr. Bombay, a warlock, with a dotty rectitude and utter confidence, reinforced by his crisp and friendly British accent.
It "permits registration of marks that champion society's sense of rectitude and morality, but not marks that denigrate those concepts," said Kagan.
The only missing piece was the insight that, for all his rectitude, Chuck can lie when he is in a foul enough mood.
His prize was Captain America, a guy whose moral rectitude makes him the punch line of jokes that Johnny Storm would have made.
Super warriors are as fallible as anyone else, it turns out, and strength is not the same as sound judgment or moral rectitude.
Thanks to reporting by The Washington Post, we've learned that the Trump Foundation makes Trump University look like a model of moral rectitude.
How tempting it must be to grab it with both hands and be that person, the unimpeachable moral person of rightness and rectitude.
The weaker and more uncertain the world makes us feel, the more appealing the NFL's parodic vision of power and Potemkin rectitude seems.
To use the language of Walter Benjamin, these podcasts offer the sometimes lurid satisfactions of story bolstered by the apparent rectitude of information.
Despite its sense of rectitude, "The Benedict Option" is at bottom a call for free-riding on the liberal modernity it professes to spurn.
And the Khamas themselves are presented less as ordinary flawed humans than haloed avatars, forever bearing the torch for true love and moral rectitude.
As such, he became the public face of the referendum — a prophet of fiscal rectitude to his admirers, a grumpy cheapskate to his detractors.
Even Mr. Blatter, a man not otherwise famous for his moral rectitude, called on Iran to end its barring of female fans in 2015.
Grisham is garrulous and funny when talking about himself, much more so than the tone of rectitude in some of his books might suggest.
But, all too often there was a tendency across the board to amp up the rhetoric to take a position of higher moral rectitude.
" He said that the vice president's perspective "has a lot more to do with sexuality, and, I don't know, a certain view or rectitude.
When she ran for Tokyo governor this year, Ms. Koike often campaigned in a bright green headband, vowing to bring financial rectitude to city government.
Abandoning it, even temporarily, based on concerns about a particular candidate's moral rectitude, means risking a whole rich web of practices, traditions, and social ties.
No one can or should fail to admire his staunch moral rectitude or his deep commitment to serve our country or his highly disciplined competence.
As with crime, he seems to believe he will succeed where his predecessors have failed through a combination of good intentions, personal rectitude and popular pressure.
John Kasich, currently a distant third, pitches himself as a moderate, flexible conservative, steeped in fiscal rectitude, and likely to play well in a general election.
Candidate Trump was such an exemplar of moral rectitude that parents were forced to teach their children that he was not a man to be imitated.
At first glance, this could be mistaken for a conservative shift, a retreat into otherworldly rectitude within an art form known for its realism and insolence.
Beyond the usual suspense of power grabs, it is also revealing societal changes in a country most people take as a paragon of rectitude and stability.
A recent Economist profile noted his support for charter schools, fiscal rectitude and the criminal justice reform bill pushed by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Some Palmetto State insiders suggest the controversies may be especially damaging to a candidate like Cruz, who trades on an image of personal rectitude and religiosity.
Now, as you point out, in the age of Clinton, the idea of moral rectitude in one's personal life was deemed necessary to garner evangelical support. Now?
" The team has tried to maintain a reputation for rectitude since the iconic image of Gary Cooper playing Lou Gehrig appeared in "The Pride of the Yankees.
Changing attitudes to budget deficits are in part a backlash against the zealous fiscal rectitude that prevailed in much of the rich world after the financial crisis.
Remedies in the act provide the exact qualities that renowned Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal called for — a wave of rectitude whose hallmark is not vengeance but justice.
"With words as his only ammunition, Mandela fought his case patiently, on lined paper, his eloquence inseparable from his rectitude," Charlayne Hunter-Gault writes in her review.
Toward the end of his life, with his bushy beard and high forehead and rumpled sense of rectitude, Hall resembled Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn as drawn by Edward Koren.
The abuse accusations exploded any pretense of rectitude and instigated one of the most stunning reversals of a public figure's reputation that modern America has ever experienced.
If he is guilty of anything, they say, it may be a sort of moral hubris, a desire to put his rectitude and incorruptibility on public display.
McDonough is the picture of rectitude: the ramrod posture, the trimmed white hair, the ashen mien of a bishop who has missed two meals in a row.
There are good historical reasons for this passionate adherence to fiscal rectitude, rooted in the causal link between deficits, runaway inflation, and the rise of the Nazis.
That's what I get in the gospel when I'm at church and his has a lot more to do with sexuality ... and a certain view of rectitude.
The building was designed in a neo-Georgian style that was intended to conjure (misleadingly or not) the rectitude of the early republic, when the society was founded.
Many Southern Baptists said the series of scandals besetting the convention have been particularly upsetting for a religious movement that prides itself on theological clarity and moral rectitude.
It helped, according to Robert Campbell, the longtime architecture critic of The Boston Globe, that Mr. Cobb remained "an absolute model of rectitude and professionalism" throughout the affair.
First and foremost, Robert Mueller is almost universally regarded throughout the legal and law enforcement communities as a man of extraordinary integrity, courageous patriotism and legal scholarship and rectitude.
For many years — in fact, for much of its modern history — the G.O.P. has made a fetish of ideological rectitude at the expense of meeting the needs of voters.
Such new rectitude has been unusual for Kalanick, given how loyal and tolerant he has reportedly been to a range of what Huffington described as "brilliant jerks" at Uber.
But if, as an actual sheepdog might, you see the world in black and white, its humorless piety, self-righteous rectitude and complete absence of subtlety would seem appealing.
But Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein took that decision out of their hands on Wednesday with his appointment of Mr. Mueller, considered a rare model of Washington rectitude.
After returning from four years in Paris at the end of 2000, Mr. Rohatyn, a compact man of sober, occasionally stern rectitude, settled into the role of wise eminence.
Mr. Fillon, who had sold himself as the image of rectitude, promised after the scandal first broke that he would withdraw from the race if he were criminally charged.
Frum relishes going on the attack, and he castigates members of a Republican establishment who have laid any pretensions to moral rectitude on the altar of a tax cut.
With much of the focus of Schaeuble's term being on growth, inflation - very low but a German fixation nonetheless - and fiscal rectitude, one macro improvement has been fairly neglected.
And while Republicans have certainly quieted down about fiscal rectitude now that they are in charge, there is a limit to how much they are willing to worsen the situation.
This is the surprisingly wholesome, traditionalist set of values that sneering at grift inevitably pushes you toward: old-timey rectitude and integrity, honest work and firm handshakes and mutual respect.
But I do think that the potency of Biden's appeal as the smile to Trump's scowl, the calm to his storm and the rectitude to his dissoluteness may be underrated.
Under pressure to get something done, some Republican deficit hawks appear ready to abandon the fiscal rectitude that they embraced during the Obama administration to help salvage Mr. Trump's agenda.
They're both utterly vile in such utterly different ways – Linda is a really clueless social climber; Fig's lack of moral rectitude is astounding, but her arrogant, self-assured competence is admirable.
But it's a pleasant rattle of a film that makes fine use of its likable leads — Keaton's oddly regal klutziness matches well against Gleeson's gruff moral rectitude — and an appealing setting.
But I do believe that political candidates, especially presidential ones, need to have the moral rectitude and ethical backbone to make wise political decisions based on compassion and the common good.
A promise of fiscal rectitude has helped dampen inflation expectations, allowing the central bank to cut interest rates for the first time in four years on October 19th, from 14.25% to 14%.
If anything, Congress needs more chaplains, more prayer and more appeals, as it says in the Declaration of Independence, to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of their intentions.
Systemic change is slow, and some women told me that they aren't sure how much to expect from a male-dominated system that is insular and often overconfident in its own rectitude.
The state's largely conservative voters found his coarse language, treatment of women and contempt for many immigrants and refugees to be anathema to a faith centered on rectitude and forged by exile.
Ryan's combination of brains, brawn and schoolboy rectitude, best embodied in the films by Chris Pine in "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit," is the carrot that pulls you through the mostly mediocre features.
Neither the Great Purge nor the Ukrainian famine, nor even the pact between Stalin and Hitler, seem to have troubled his faith in the genius and historic rectitude of the Soviet dictator.
Archie's "sole ambition" is to "become the hero of his own life ," and both the Montclair and the Maplewood Archies have a burnished aura of Boy Scout rectitude that soon becomes tiresome.
In the American system, the presidency is an office bounded by constitutional limits and competing institutions, but it is just as importantly bounded by the morality and personal rectitude of whomever occupies it.
There was George Kent in his three-piece suit and colorful bow tie and Alexander Vindman in his full military uniform—the former exuding a genteel propriety, the latter a strict, unyielding rectitude.
In the America in which he grew up, and the America he has served with rectitude and dignity, riding quietly off into the sunset would perhaps have been the right thing to do.
Small and slim though she is, particularly in comparison with Mr. Jones's commanding presence, Ms. Tyson transmits Fonsia's poise and rectitude, which reveal themselves in her firm upbraiding of Weller for his foul language.
This year's election pitted Mr Bolsonaro, a law-and-order candidate only lately converted to economic rectitude, against Fernando Haddad, a left-wing acolyte of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, a jailed former president.
It's as if, over the last decade, he has realised the need to embrace, if not equally, the two sides of his nature—wildness and control, rectitude and romanticism, "emotionality" and a spotless sideboard.
As with other cases—notably, Trump's attempt to impose a travel ban—the President's critics have relied on the incompetence of the Administration and the rectitude of the courts to see the country through.
Then, as the tenor saxophonist Ingrid Laubrock wove small, asymmetrical patterns around her, Ms. Serpa started to sing, using no words but maintaining the sense of inquiry and rectitude that her reading had established.
And congressional leaders are eyeing a deal that would allow nondefense and military spending to burst through strict caps put in place in 2011, when Republican leaders made fiscal rectitude a central organizing principle.
Illness is a time-honored arbiter of moral rectitude: Those who are too good for this world die angelically, with a single pathetic cough; those who are too wicked die with much tortured groaning.
But at the same time that Hollywood was insisting on its own moral rectitude, it was also gradually expanding the parameters of "moral" behavior — a process facilitated, and even necessitated, by America's own shifting mores.
And no one makes the case better than a midlevel Pentagon employee who nearly brought down a presidency armed with nothing more than a Radio Shack voice recorder and a bottomless well of malevolent rectitude.
Zhao, who died in 2005 after spending more than 15 years under house arrest for opposing the crackdown on June 4, 1989, remains a symbol of reformist rectitude to more liberal elements in the party.
A man of rectitude, who believes in the rule of law, versus a man who will say anything, who scorns law, who's taught by Roy Cohn to do everything he can to avoid the law.
His moral rectitude in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" has inspired people to devote their life to the law, and has surely led to more boys being named Atticus than there would otherwise be.
The musician's daughter is at one point tarted up in lipstick, makeup and silk, when she isn't tearfully crying out for her father, while Mr. Song's operative character is an indestructible force of moral rectitude.
Like Winchester, he omits mention of whether the dictionary makes money (perhaps it doesn't), but otherwise "The Word Detective" is a charmingly full, frank and humorous account of a career dedicated to rigorous lexicographic rectitude.
That performance-capture veteran lent a soulful gravitas to the chimp Caesar, who leads the movie's ape faction with such rectitude and grace that it makes the audience want to root against its own species.
But his desire to be a Boy Scout may have eclipsed sound judgment here, and rectitude is a quaint, shortsighted notion in an election this rife with accusations of bias, this primed for scandal, this frenzied.
This weaponized posture brings a welcome edginess to a 75-year-old comic book idol who maintained a squeaky clean rectitude while trapped in a succession of conceptual cages that writers and editors fashioned for her.
Gordhan listed a series of ANC figures in the fight to end white minority rule whose idealism and moral rectitude stands out at a time of public weariness with the current generation of South African leaders.
"Whatever Pakistan's role has been in the Kashmir conflict, Imran Khan, the prime minister of Pakistan, has acted with dignity and rectitude," the leftist Indian author Arundhati Roy wrote in an opinion piece published in HuffPost.
American evangelicalism in the last four decades has been an increasingly politicized movement, rooted in many ways in the establishment of the Moral Majority, a political action group whose very name declared its concern with rectitude and character.
Many Germans define themselves by their moral rectitude, as exhibited by their reckoning with the Nazi past and, more recently, by the government's decision to accept more refugees from the Syrian civil war than any other Western country.
Austerity nostalgia tends to present itself as if it's to do with rectitude or morally correct behavior—the British stiff upper lip and all of that—but actually it's completely hysterical and has no sense of historical perspective.
It might make you feel righteous to defend only the speech you like, but you'll sound no better than the president's evangelical Christian supporters, who moralize about family values while defending the rectitude of a self-described pussy-grabber.
Even as Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook continue to reap immense riches, they have faced questions that could not be answered with flippant declarations of rectitude: Is Google the Standard Oil of search engines, a monopoly best broken up?
In turn, the Islamic State has latched on to them, declaring as its foot soldiers even individuals with tenuous ties to the group but long histories of personal and psychological troubles who are far from models of Islamic rectitude.
In the 2020 presidential field, the contender most apt to adopt the familiar rhetoric of special female probity is Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, who puts a modern, working-mom spin on the image of old-fashioned maternal rectitude.
" Ms. Cummings concludes that both Jerome and White "came of age just as the values of the old republic — piety, frugality, moral prudery and personal rectitude — were bumping up against new, less inhibited attitudes toward money, morals and sex.
You cannot rail against an unfair tax system when you rely on those who benefit from it, but you can patrol offensive speech and innuendo in the name of moral compassion; you can reward unease and grievance as rectitude.
I'm not so much looking at Attorney General William Barr, odious as his behavior has been, because it's clear in retrospect that he never made much of a pretense of rectitude, at least not in the context of Trump.
In one GOP-controlled state after another, legislatures have enacted measures that enabled businesses to discriminate against same-sex marriage partners or against gays and lesbians generally, only to face ferocious opposition from that pillar of Republican rectitude, American business.
Temer has made fiscal rectitude the priority of his administration, but with less than two years before his term ends (though he could run for re-election in 2018), he may not get to see it cross the finish line.
"I think this Libra non-profit initiative run by David Marcus — the former president of PayPal … who is a champion for privacy and, yes, a rectitude when it comes to the customer — I think this will actually work," he said.
And the Episcopal Church's Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, has defended the rectitude of churches praying specifically for the new President:   We can and, indeed, I believe we must pray for all who lead in our civic order, nationally and internationally.
And while you may be thinking that Donald Trump upends this theory, in fact, our arbiters of right-wing morality (such as it is) are constantly excusing his louche behavior and trying to make him into a figure of rectitude.
Europe is quick to preach to the rest of the world on matters of financial rectitude—through its leadership of the IMF, for example, and its key role in the Financial Action Task Force, a body that fights financial crime.
The other big plus for Democrats, according to Masket, is that the sexual harassment issue has put the Republican Party in the position of playing fast and loose with moral and legal rectitude, which have long been advantageous topics for them.
And to me, if Harvey's behavior is the most reprehensible thing one can imagine, a not-so-distant second is the current flood of sanctimonious denial and condemnation that now crashes upon these shores of rectitude in gloppy tides of bullshit righteousness.
By comparison, 43% say that of Mr Trump, though his campaign pronouncements have been so packed with falsehoods—concerning the state of the economy, his record, you name it—as to make a mockery of the notion of rectitude in public life.
PARIS (Reuters) - France will bring its budget deficit into line with an EU limit for the first time in a decade next year, Finance Minister Michel Sapin said on Tuesday, casting the government as a model of fiscal rectitude seven months from a presidential election.
Or to put it in more personal terms, the permament standoff between say, Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany's finance minister and guardian of monetary rectitude, and Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister whose schoolboy grin charms some listeners into overlooking his transgressions and makes others even angrier?
I'm always trying to negotiate this, always swinging between moments of fervor and imagined rectitude and ones where I recognize my weakness, my all-too-human responses, my flight-or-fight cortisol ODs, all that small stuff sweated so copiously, the anxiety and resentment.
The crass stereotypes the movie portrays are that artists are expected to stage insular strangeness; curators enact patient, piercingly insightful translation of artistic visions; marketers proffer daring and scandalous campaigns; and museum directors are supposed to enact a kind of birds-eye-level rectitude.
Mrs Merkel's decision mixed a concern for public opinion, demographic considerations (an ageing society needs immigrants) and deep conviction (growing up behind the Berlin Wall taught her the evil of sealed borders) into a characteristic blend of flannel and political nous, conflict-aversion and moral rectitude.
But the fully developed heroic phase of revolutionary Neoclassical art is perhaps best exemplified by David's drawings, which embody the rational ideals of basic human rights and moral rectitude put forth by philosophers like Diderot, Voltaire, and Rousseau — ideals that were embraced by France's growing bourgeoisie.
The coach, Gary Franklin Sr., started his club from scratch in Los Angeles and ran a program known for its rectitude, according to Sonny Vaccaro, the former Nike and Adidas executive who essentially forged the relationship between the shoe industry and the summer youth basketball circuit.
I finished "This Life" in a state of enlightened despair, with clearer vision and cloudier purpose—I was convinced, step by step, of the moral rectitude of Hägglund's argument even as I struggled to imagine the political system that might institute his desired revaluation of value.
To the America of the 1960s, Mr. Glenn was a clean-cut, good-natured, well-grounded Midwesterner, raised in Presbyterian rectitude, nurtured in patriotism and tested in war, who stepped forward to risk the unknown and succeeded spectacularly, lifting his country's morale and restoring its self-confidence.
Comey's Sam the Eagle-like rectitude is an embodiment of the attitude the FBI has often had toward politics in general, and even toward the political appointees who oversee it at the Department of Justice and the White House: an aloof superiority that, when challenged, stiffens into prickly independence.
This image of righteous rectitude has frustrated weeks of effort by Mr. Poroshenko's supporters to tar the comedian as a drug addict, a draft dodger, an agent of the Kremlin's interests and a puppet of a self-exiled Ukrainian oligarch, Ihor V. Kolomoisky, who is accused of stealing billions.
This approach serves readers who want to fill in the blanks, to experience the daily grind of a way of life that often has been burnished by the passage of time, to honor the rectitude of people who stoically shoulder their burdens and get on with their chores.
Comey, a physically imposing former prosecutor who exudes moral rectitude and speaks with a persuasive eloquence, is slated to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee Thursday in what could be the most dramatic Congressional hearing since the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980s — if not the Watergate affair of the 1970s.
"He envisions himself correctly as a man of great rectitude and apolitical and he doesn't want to participate in anything that he might regard as a political spectacle," House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, who has been trying to get the special counsel to testify before Congress, told MSNBC last week.
Several years ago, Laurence Silberman, a senior judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and a man widely admired by conservatives for his wisdom and rectitude, spoke of his experience in the mid-1970s looking into the secret files of F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover.
But increasingly, it seems that many of the Golden State's extraordinary advantages are being recklessly undermined by a governor who likes to think of himself as a beacon of rectitude – but who has a record of bumbling incompetence, special interest corruption and ideological extremism that places him firmly on the Loony Left.
But the fall of Bill Gothard also reflects a larger shift in the way many evangelical Christians are engaging in American culture and politics—abandoning the call for moral rectitude in favor of a more purely partisan antipathy, which has found its greatest expression in the Christian right's support for Donald Trump.
He said the apparent disconnect between the right's message of fiscal rectitude to voters and higher budget deficits in 2017 or even 2018 will have to be explained by the fact that lower taxes will have an immediate impact while spending cuts will only be felt in the medium to long term.
The House and the Senate still have to reach a final agreement on the details, and Mr. Trump has to sign his name, but the Republican Party now stands on the verge of driving up the national debt after spending much of the last decade promising rectitude and criticizing Democrats for profligacy.
For decades on end leading to this historic moment, most congressmen and senators have more and more often, at the urging of their party leadership, sought to actively avoid or undermine compromise on issues of real consequence in favor of characterizing the next election as a referendum on the rectitude of their own party's positions.
They are the victims of one of the greatest acts of intergenerational justice for decades: the fact that the baby-boom generation has gobbled up the fruits of post-war prosperity (free university education, second homes, generous pensions) then discovered fiscal rectitude when it comes to designing policies for their successors (student loans, defined contributions, green taxes).
Though Scandinavian, the show lacks the note of rectitude that from the nineteen-sixties onward tended to accompany artistic events about Nordic sex, as if to say to us that we were a bunch of prudes whereas they were wholesome folk who ate their muesli and then did 69 before getting in their Volvos and going to work.
William Taylor Jr., America's former top diplomat in Ukraine, was clad in more traditional attire, a plain dark suit, and yet the crisp lines of his collar and the exquisite knot in his sea-green tie suggested a certain rectitude that was once de rigueur in Washington but has since started to go out of style.
What they mostly cared about — as they drew their virtual knives to take care of Kalanick, complete with a high-horse letter declaring their rectitude — was simply that this was not the guy who could get them all the riches they had counted on in an IPO, and had subjected them to lawsuits, some possibly criminal.
All Kenyan schools are required to teach the precisely prescribed national curriculum, which is taught in Kiswahili and English and mastery of which is measured by an eighth-grade test called the K.C.P.E. Obtaining a high grade on the K.C.P.E., which is seen as a sign of a child's industriousness, intelligence and moral rectitude, means a student may continue on to high school.
Enfin, cerise sur le gâteau, François Fillon, solide vainqueur de la primaire de la droite et du centre en décembre 2016, est aujourd'hui en grande difficulté et en chute dans les sondages: des accusations relatives à des emplois fictifs qui auraient été confiés à son épouse et à ses enfants mettent fortement en cause sa rectitude, lui qui prétendait incarner les valeurs morales.
We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.

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