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"pour" Definitions
  1. [transitive] to make a liquid or other substance flow from a container in a continuous stream, especially by holding the container at an angle
  2. [transitive, intransitive] to serve a drink by letting it flow from a container into a cup or glass
  3. [intransitive, transitive] when rain pours down or when it’s pouring (with) rain, rain is falling heavily
  4. [intransitive] + adv./prep. (of liquid, smoke, light, etc.) to flow quickly in a continuous stream
  5. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to come or go somewhere continuously in large numbers synonym flood

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"pour" Synonyms
flow stream cascade run course well flood roll sloosh sluice disembogue drain glug race rush gush surge speed dash barrel decant tip circumfuse discharge slosh empty let flow spill slop spurt jet issue spout spew squirt emit emanate exude leak swoosh dispense spring bleed proceed escape crowd teem throng swarm mill pile sweep emerge flock move in a crowd troop dribble splash drizzle trickle drop drip fall tumble seep ooze overflow sprinkle siphon(US) extract tap pump milk draught(UK) draft(US) draw withdraw syphon(UK) remove suck pull collect abstract draw off pour out siphon off pour off rain deluge precipitate storm bucket drench sheet pelt down bucket down tip down lash down beat down sheet down rain hard rain heavily teem down come down in torrents tipple down rain cats and dogs shower heap lavish bestow smother bestow freely give freely give generously give unstintingly load give be generous inundate blow pamper cover scatter go through funnel channel direct convey conduct filter move pass guide canalise(UK) canalize(US) channelize feed pipe carry concentrate focus traject result follow arise derive ensue accrue originate stem be caused by be produced by be brought about by come start exit inject infuse instil(UK) suffuse impregnate inculcate imbue introduce permeate fill pervade instill(US) charge ingrain breathe insert endue engrain indue supply strew spread distribute dot bestrew sow spray disseminate pepper spot diffuse fleck spatter intersperse stipple besprinkle gulp drink guzzle quaff swig sip swill sup imbibe slurp swallow down neck chug hoist consume slug belt chugalug soak drown souse saturate douse steep swamp wet bathe sodden sop submerge wash bedraggle dowse duck pullulate grow multiply proliferate boom expand rise balloon bourgeon burgeon escalate mushroom snowball swell augment overrun build up mount up water cry moisten weep salivate get wet exude water fill up become wet fill with tears hail downpour spate torrent volley avalanche battery bombardment flurry inundation outpouring wave damp rainfall raindrops rains dew downfall precipitation rainstorm showers thunderstorm cloudburst More

919 Sentences With "pour"

How to use pour in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "pour" and check conjugation/comparative form for "pour". Mastering all the usages of "pour" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's a precise ritual repeated again and again: pack, pour, pack, pour, pack, pour.
A l'heure qu'il est, c'est le meilleur espoir pour la France, pour l'Europe et pour la civilité.
Here is the best pour-over coffee gear you can buy: Best pour-over cone: Kalita Ceramic Coffee DripperBest pour-over coffee server: Hario V60 Glass ServerBest pour-over cone and carafe combo: Bodum Pour-Over Coffee Maker With Permanent FilterBest pour-over kettle: Fino Pour-Over Coffee KettleBest digital scale and timer: Drita Nourish Digital Scale and TimerUpdated on 11/5/2019 by Caitlin Petreycik: Updated prices, links, and formatting.
" Il plaidait pour un "plan Marshall" pour "la France périphérique.
Le Front National est là pour faire peur, pas pour gouverner.
En votant pour M. Macron, ils choisiraient la cause pour éviter ses conséquences.
Here is the best pour-over coffee gear you can buy: Best pour-over cone: Kalita Ceramic Coffee DripperBest pour-over coffee server: Hario V60 Glass ServerBest pour-over cone and carafe combo: Bodum Pour-Over Coffee Maker With Permanent FilterBest pour-over kettle: Fino Pour-Over Coffee KettleBest digital scale and timer: Drita Nourish Digital Scale and TimerThe best French PressesYou can brew coffee in a number of ways, but many caffeine addicts swear by the French Press method.
Merci aux équipes pour tt ce travail & à vous pour vos soutiens #CrueParis pic.twitter.
The easy-pour flip cap is pretty much foolproof for an easy, mess-free pour.
Bierstadt Lagerhaus, in Denver, takes at least five minutes to pour its Slow Pour Pils.
Merci à tous les parlementaires pour ce progrès pour notre école. pic.twitter.
Pour Alexandre Gady, professeur d'histoire de l'art à l'université Paris-Sorbonne, les Français souffrent d'une schizophrénie culturelle, partagés entre leur amour pour le passé et leur amour pour la modernité.
Votre victoire est une victoire pour une Europe forte et unie et pour l'amitié franco-allemande.
Chemin faisant, Armand Gamache est devenu pour le Canada ce qu'Hercule Poirot est pour la Belgique.
Pour a little into the eggs, whisking constantly, then pour the remainder and whisk to combine.
Je crois que j'ai fait quelque chose de bien pour le monde et pour mon intégrité.
Je suis assistante sociale et je fais mon maximum pour œuvrer pour une société juste et libre.
Pour optimiser les résultats, le monde devrait concentrer ses efforts en actionnant simultanément trois leviers pour l'égalité.
Mais son score — 269%, contre 21.30% pour Mme Le Pen et 20.01% pour M. Fillon — n'était pas suffisamment élevé pour affirmer que sa victoire était solidement gravée dans la distribution d'opinion des électeurs.
Get ready to pour it up, pour it up in honor of Rihanna's latest sock collection with Stance.
Price: ~$10Buy on: Areaware The sleek gooseneck spout lets you pour with precision to make pour-over coffee.
Nous devons agir ensemble pour assurer une planète durable et habitable pour nos enfants et nos petits-enfants.
Il a demandé que son chirurgien ne soit pas prévenu qu'il avait voté pour le Brexit — pour l'instant.
Le budget de Démos pour 2000 s'élève à 275,2100 millions d'euros pour 218 20153 enfants, selon M. Delebarre.
Price: ~$16Buy on: Uncommon Goods The sleek gooseneck spout lets you pour with precision to make pour-over coffee.
"Rihanna, she heard 'Pour It Up,' and then she got on 'Pour It Up' right away," Made-It explained.
A. Guiny Pour nous, ça a duré le temps qu'ils tirent la première rafale et qu'ils prennent pour recharger.
J. Dorio J'ai quitté l'estrade de la batterie, sur ma gauche, pour me protéger derrière les amplis pour guitare.
Comment le mur se rapproche doucement: en sept jours, -6 points pour Macron, +6 points pour Le Pen. pic.twitter.
Supposons, sur la base des derniers sondages, des intentions de vote à 39% pour Mme Le Pen et 61% pour M. Macron, avec une participation effective — c'est-à-dire, la proportion d'électeurs qui votent vraiment comme ils ont indiqué qu'ils le feraient — à 90% pour Mme Le Pen et 60% pour M. Macron.
La demande pour les premiums a aussi augmenté avec une hausse de 19,5% chez Daimler et de 16,4% pour BMW.
La charge est d'autant plus lourde pour ceux qui n'ont pas d'enfants pour les aider, et à qui transmettre l'exploitation.
I pour a glass of wine, finish it a little too quickly, and throw caution to the wind and pour another.
Parmi les grandes banques françaises, seul le groupe BPCE a accepté de travailler avec Apple pour implémenter Apple Pay pour ses clients.
Père de trois enfants, M. Belliard avait recours aux organisations caritatives pour nourrir sa famille et à Solidarité Paysans pour le soutien.
Il y a déménagé pour sa beauté et pour échapper à l'agitation de Paris, mais y a surtout trouvé une ville apathique.
The default structure of the electricity system for the last century has been "hub and spoke" — large power plants which pour power into transmission lines, which pour it into distribution grids, which pour it into toasters, air conditioners, and televisions.
Pour it up, pour it up once more in honor of Rihanna's mission to continuously outfit you from your face to your feet.
Pour six cups of salted water into a pot, bring it to a boil, reduce the heat, and pour in your Banza rice.
Once you've crisped all your tortillas, pour off and discard whatever oil remains in the pot (for easy and safe disposal, pour it into a bowl, let it cool, and then pour it into a bottle or jar, seal, and throw it away).
Je suis pour rendre les choses plus efficaces, décider plus vite, plus nettement, pour changer le dogme et l'idéologie aujourd'hui qui nous meut collectivement.
The lid on top has a small opening to allow milk to pour out and a large opening to allow cereal to pour out.
Gourmia® GCM3250 Dual Mode Pourfect Pour-Over Coffee Maker This coffee maker makes pour-over brewing effortless with its easy-to-use interface.
I get a short pour of an IPA and a Polar seltzer and P. gets a full pour (he pays, because I covered lunch).
When it's time for your morning joe, pour any coffee into the top and swirl it around, then pour into the cup of your choosing.
Ils viennent mendier, vêtus d'accoutrements grotesques : voiles démesurés pour les femmes, même les fillettes ; djellabas en tissu pour les hommes ; chapelets affichés de manière ostentatoire.
En 2015, la fin des quotas laitiers mis en place par l'Union Européenne pour contrer la surproduction a eu pour effet de saturer certains marchés.
Mais ceux qui viennent à Saint-Paul-de-Vence aujourd'hui pour rendre hommage au romancier, dramaturge et essayiste américain ne trouvent rien pour s'y recueillir.
Mais pour des experts extérieurs, dans le cas de Notre-Dame, la procédure de sécurité incendie choisie ne prévoyait pas suffisamment de temps pour cela.
They pour money into their system, they pour it in and because they do that you're not paying for those tariffs, China's paying for those tariffs.
All I can think about is how I get to pour that into my children, pour that into my work, so that's how we sort of connect.
Sofiane et Médine ont été invités à parler au sein d'instituts renommés à Paris, que ce soit Sciences Po pour l'un, ou l'Ecole Normale Supérieure pour l'autre.
Pour Kemi Moore, 17 ans, coiffée telle une star hollywoodienne des années 1920, la campagne pour quitter l'Union européenne a déchaîné les sentiments nationalistes de l'Angleterre blanche.
Pour d'autres, la perte de la maison par la famille montre les difficultés qu'ont les afro-américains pour accéder à la propriété et à leur héritage culturel.
" C'est la même chose que ce qui s'est passé pour l'avortement au début des années 1970, et pour la parité au début des années 1990 ", ajoute-t- elle.
Après avoir attendu un an rien que pour recevoir une lettre l'informant d'une date potentielle pour l'opération, il s'est tourné vers le Centre Hospitalier de Calais, où en l'espace de 25 jours, il s'est retrouvé au bloc opératoire pour une intervention de trois heures, explique-t-il dans un entretien.
Fellow Stagg EKG Bluetooth Connected Electric Pour-Over Kettle, $199, available at AmazonThis beautifully minimalist kettle heats up quickly, is comfortable to hold, and offers a slow, precise pour.
Brita 10-cup stream filter as you pour pitcher — No need to wait at the sink for filtered water, this Brita filters as you pour for cleaner and tastier water.
Il n'y avait pas de plan approprié en place pour la protection contre le feu, ni même pour évacuer les touristes et les fidèles en cas d'incendie, explique M. Prunet.
" At a glance, the line that follows the Flint reference seems generic: "Pour you down the drain / I wish I could just melt you and just pour you down the drain.
I pour myself a glass of leftover white wine, but it seems to have gone bad, so I pour it down the drain (something I wouldn't have done a year ago).
"J'espère qu'il y aura un vestige commémoratif pour honorer son dévouement à l'élévation de l'humanité par l'illumination, et son amour pour le pays qui lui a sauvé la vie", il écrit.
Depuis des mois, nos journalistes parcourent la France pour couvrir les campagnes des nombreux candidats, les difficultés des régions rurales, et pour identifier les sujets qui forgent les choix des Français.
Gourmia® GCM3350 Pourista Fully Automatic Pour-Over Coffee Brewer Outfitted with more bells and whistles than the previous coffee maker, this brewer also delivers satisfying cups of pour-over coffee.
The Pour 9 Photos View Slide Show ' WOODSIDE, Calif.
Whatever makes you feel happy — pour it into yourself.
Pour some tequila – it's time to toast Dan + Shay!
" TRUMP: Clinton "wants to let people just pour in.
Pour about ¼ cup batter for each cake onto griddle.
Petite visite pour encourager toute l'équipe avant la finale !!
Pour Brigitte Macron, Adèle Haenel mérite un " immense respect ".
Copper Cow Coffee Vietnamese Pour Over Coffee Sets — $63.75
Tilt the pan and slowly pour out the water, taking care not to pour out any rice (you can also drain the rice through a strainer and return it to the pan).
Et si de multiples enjeux accaparent déjà notre attention, prenons un moment pour nous interroger sur comment rendre le monde meilleur et plus juste pour toutes ces femmes dont nous dépendons tous.
Then Mr. Meléndez moved onto the Melitta pour-over technique, using a goose-necked pot to pour water first over the entire filter and then over the coffee in a spiral movement.
While whisking constantly, pour about 1/2 cup|125 ml of cream into the egg mixture, then pour the egg and cream mixture back into the saucepan with the rest of the cream.
If it's a valuable meeting, we all pour this information.
We pour ourselves vino, catch up, and play card games.
Then pour the crawfish onto the table and belly up.
A few regulars shout "Welcome home," while bartenders pour drinks.
Pour the mixture over the chocolate chips and nuts. 3.
Place shallots in a bowl; pour cooled beet mixture over.
More than 50,000 lorries pour into the city each night.
Then, the breaking news started to pour in via Twitter.
Moving testimonials and photos started to pour in almost immediately.
Pour batter into a 13x9 or 9x13 greased baking pan.
Pour the cocktail over crushed ice in a rocks glass.
Pour over ice and garnish with apple slice or blueberries.
Pour one out for the ghosts of your indie past.
Cool completely, then pour over each jar of mustard greens.
Pour oil mixture over watermelon mixture, and toss to coat.
Pour mixture into prepared casserole dish; sprinkle with bagel seasoning.
Pour into casserole dish and bake for about an hour.
Stir in the mandarin segments and pour over layer 1.
To pour on food or you mean to cook with?
If this wine gives you pleasure, I will pour it.
Commuters have little choice but to pour onto the roads.
To make the dough, pour water in a small bowl.
Pour over as much of the pickling juice as possible.
Pour into a glass with ice and top with beer.
Finally, you pour wine into your warm cheesy vessels. Enjoy!
Pour yourself a few fingers of bourbon, and settle in.
Pour myself a cup of coffee and feed my kitten.
I also pour myself a big glass of ice water.
Have you ever seen these robots try to pour water.
RT POUR TENTER DE LE RETROUVER #Nice #Nice06 #attentat pic.twitter.
Just pour in your chilled base and turn it on.
Immediately pour over oat mixture; stir until evenly coated. 103.
Remove from the heat and pour into a large bowl.
Pour the batter into the prepared dish and spread evenly.
I also pour another glass of that rosé, because Monday.
Pour myself red wine to aid in the cooking process.
If you pour too fast the sprinkles will fly everywhere.
Pour in the gelatin mixture and whisk gently until smooth.
Pour hot cream mixture over chocolate; let stand 60 seconds.
If he didn't like someone, he would 'under pour' them.
We could have 600 million people pour into our country.
Pour one out for Mr. Blobby, gone but never forgotten.
Pour broth and soy sauce in bottom of pan. 4.
Still, big investors continue to pour money into the industry.
So, pour one out for Elizabeth North (Portia de Rossi).
It was something she felt she could pour herself into.
Time to pour one out for an era gone by.
Pour mixture into a loaf pan and cover with foil.
Key phrase: Un billet pour le concert, s'il vous plaît.
And remember to pour one out for our homie, too.
Will Disney pour everything its got into believable special effects?
Flip, then pour the egg evenly around the first side.
Even so, investment continues to pour into the underdeveloped island.
We promise, we will never "pour over" election results again.
Pour that sauce mixture over the top and… you're welcome.
Ensuite pour moi, l'Europe a la capacité de se défendre.
Donc pour moi il faut : un, le test de cohérence.
"I instructed Jennifer how to pour the gas," he said.
Each pour involves variations initiated by assistants working as artists.
Groups on both sides will pour cash into the effort.
Pour cooking oil into the pan and swirl it around.
Earnings reports continued to pour in after the closing bell.
Pour your grinds into the toddy or a large jar.
"15 Minutes pour Convaincre" didn't end until nearly eleven o'clock.
Pour the cake batter evenly between both prepared cake pans.
I think I used it to pour my coffee down.
Make the kimchi: Pour gochugaru into a large mixing bowl.
As for me, I'm going to pour myself a drink.
Pour slowly to ensure that the streusel is not displaced.
Aaron Kleidon and Marika Josephson pour water into the mash.
Pour boiling water into the rice and add the nuts.
I'm gonna find a CD and pour alcohol on it.
The Pour The notion of putting bottles away raises fears.
Season to taste with salt and pour over the blackberries.
Slowly pour in the beer and whisk until smooth. 3.
Aujourd'hui, le pays fait d'immenses efforts pour changer cette image.
Voters continued to pour in as the lines grew longer.
Let's go ahead and open it and pour some drinks.
Remove from the heat and carefully pour in the water.
C'est, pour partie, de le perfectionner et de le canaliser.
He needs to pour it all out and into Tariq.
Step two: Pour a glossy coat of caramel over top.
Or pour gasoline in his mouth and spout it out.
Mais elle n'a pas besoin de cela pour gagner l'élection.
The Pour Legal intoxication is big business and getting bigger.
"The water would pour in and kill me," he said.
Pour that Champagne, baby, it's Pilot Pete cocktail party time.
Pour that passion and emotion into your families and communities.
"TRUMP: "— just think about those cars that pour in here.
When you're alone, you have to pour yourself every drink.
Pour Mme Narotchnitskaïa, la Russie propose "une alternative à l'Occident".
Pour the yeast solution into the bottle with hydrogen peroxide.
They like to talk and pour endless cups of coffee.
I pour an iced almond milk mocha and head out.
Mix remaining ingredients in a bowl and pour over fish.
Carefully pour the boiling water into the batter, then whisk.
Then they lovingly pour on the syrup, photographing everything minutely.
Je me laisse toujours guider par les coïncidences pour écrire.
Today, there's big money beginning to pour into the industry.
Not a nitro, cold brew or pour over, mind you.
I pour myself a scotch and sit on the bed.
Or they pour a bottle of bubbly over their cereal.
Pour over your nachos, or serve as on the side.
After a morning of walking around, it started to pour.
She, however, refused to pour more public dollars after bad.
Pour over dry ingredients and stir together until just combined.
Son score dans les sondages baisse régulièrement depuis qu'il fait l'objet d'une enquête, et désormais d'une mise en examen, pour usage de fonds publics pour financer l'emploi fictif comme assistante parlementaire de son épouse.
Now, they say, the metric system will fulfill the guiding ideology of metrology established in that period: to create units of measurement "Pour les temps, pour les peuples" — for all time and for all people.
Je lui ai répondu que son geste héroïque est un exemple pour tous les citoyens et que la Ville de Paris aura évidemment à coeur de le soutenir dans ses démarches pour s'établir en France.
Lieu de passion ou de haine pour le croyant musulman comme pour le djihadiste, l'Occident et ses licences est l'autre versant du paradis musulman post-mortem : On rêve d'y aller en migrant ou en martyr.
The similarities are so strong that you don't much need French to get it: Pour parler de la France, Marine Le Pen est obligée de plagier MOT POUR MOT un discours de Fillon ... #Imposture pic.twitter.
Pour hot cream over the chopped chocolate; let stand 2 minutes.
Pour the water from one jug into the other several times.
And certainly not well enough to pour your life savings into.
Pour all of the ingredients, except the soda, into the glass.
For that alone, pour me a glass of 50 Cent's vodka.
Make the glaze: Pour the crushed peanuts into a shallow bowl.
Pour yourself a cup of coffee or a glass of water.
Bureaucrats, ordered to stimulate in a jiffy, borrow and pour cement.
Before serving you, they pour a splash of salsa on top.
But in the meantime, pour one out for IMAX's VR dreams.
I was there solely to pour beer for their unquenchable thirst.
When performance is up, investors pour their money into a fund.
Toss them with ½ teaspoon salt and pour the dressing over top.
Adoring responses to Falahee's dissertation have already started to pour in.
Beyoncé, open the floodgates and allow our theory to pour forth.
Pour the marinade into the bag, seal, and toss to combine.
He would pour it into a water bottle and sip away.
Pour a little water into the cups of a muffin pan.
I keep it overnight and strain it in my pour-over.
Pour caramel evenly over the shortbread, and sprinkle with sea salt.
Just wet the inside, pour some in the bottom, and scrub.
" This tweet, as promised, gave people something to, er, "pour over.
They pour the liquid soap onto the floor, where it cools.
Many other women wearing handmaid's uniforms pour out of the vans.
The rituals of practice pour fuel on the fires of aggression.
René était pour moi un modèle, un ami, mon deuxieme père!
People pour a hot oil with mustard seeds over the top.
The money for the #nevertrump campaign has continued to pour in.
Pour your favorite color nail polish into the hot water. 3.
Once butter is melted, pour in ⅓ cup batter for each pancake.
Every day, we pour thousands of words and images into machines.
Airbnb, Hotel Tonight et Uber utilisent Braintree pour gérer les paiements.
Pour into a small baking dish and place in the freezer.
You open the top, pour booze in and close the top.
Pour the liquid over the lamb in the casserole dish. 5.
It might equally pour fuel on it, if locals feel excluded.
Could you just pour all this stuff into a regular glass?
Pour batter onto hot waffle iron according to waffle iron instructions.
Sofia Vergara!) will pour into the afterparties, searching for food (finally
I also pour myself a big cup of cold, black coffee.
For a scary surprise, pour it over a skull ice mold .
Pour evaporated milk into saucepan; bring to a simmer over medium.
Cut a piece, watch the sprinkle explosion pour out, and serve.
Pour hot cream evenly over the chocolates; let stand 60 seconds.
They pour steaming water into the barrels of their paintball rifles.
Pour melted butter over the surface of dough, and spread evenly.
I pour myself small servings of three different types of beers.
Pour mixture into pie crust, and bake for 15 minutes. 3.
Scatter fennel and onion around chicken; pour chicken broth over vegetables.
Meanwhile, opioid manufacturers continue to pour money into state legislators' coffers.
Instead, it will pour money into electric and autonomous vehicle development.
Pour the melted butter into the milk-egg mixture, whisking vigorously.
Pour mixture into a lightly greased and floured Bundt cake pan.
Pour over ice or straight up, and garnish with a cherry.
Pour the milk into the pot and stir well to combine.
Or: did he just pour soup into a loaf of bread?
They want people to pour in, including criminals — the worst criminals.
Pour yourself a glass of rose and toast to your loyalty.
"We need to pour into that as much as we can."
So, we had to pour absolutely everything we had into it.
Pour in milk (colour should roughly resemble a Werther's Original). 7.
He'll just sit there and let you pour water over him.
Pour mixture over onions in skillet, and stir to incorporate. 3.
Il va falloir trouver la force pour bien finir la compétition.
Even if its battery dies, it can still pour the wine.
Pour the caramel mixture into the apples and top with pecans.
Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) seemed to pour water on that approach.
Pour one out for this romance that will never be resolved.
Salt and pepper the chicken and pour the marinade over top.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the top.
Mais je dis, même pour vous, ce système n'est pas durable.
Then, pour through a fine mesh strainer and into a mug.
Pour into a large bowl and cool in the refrigerator. 4.
Arrange them on a plate and pour the sauce over liberally.
Mais je pense que pour nous ce serait une énorme erreur.
I make him a coffee and pour myself an International Delight.
Some $350 million was expected to pour into the city's economy.
Don't pour the coals into your grill before they are ready.
" This would give them "something constructive to pour their energies into.
You should be able to pour the batter into the pan.
But not so stuck that it can't pour on the speed.
Money is beginning to pour in- NATO will be much stronger.
The rain started to pour on Thursday and picked up Friday.
This could pour new supply into an already-struggling bond market.
Pour into a bowl and fold in zest of 1 lime.
Pour the marshmallow mixture over the cereals and stir to combine.
Listen to it below and pour one out for The Jacka.
Pour in the jelly, allow it to set, and served chilled.
Then remove them and pour the vinegar into a spray bottle.
When done, pour in to a bowl and chill until set.
Pour cream over chocolate and peanut butter and blend until smooth.
Pour everything into a container and let sit overnight to infuse.
Stir the dashi and pour it over the fish and vegetables.
Pour your grinds into the toddy or a large jar. 4.
After steeping, carefully pour the maple syrup into the reserved bottle.
Cook for 3 minutes, then pour the sauce over the chicken.
Pour the pickling liquid over the chilies and set aside. 5.
It's best for drip coffee, Chemex, pour-over, and vacuum pots.
No, I think I was supposed to pour that on there.
Instructions said to pour the fluids over the bird before reheating.
Immediately pour cooking oil into the pan and swirl it around.
Then pour it in the baking pan and let it harden.
Pour être honnête, j'aurais aimé me poser cette question plus tôt.
Pour le comprendre, il faut remonter à près de trois siècles.
I mould or carve my shapes and then pour the concrete.
La France a 706 lits pour 100,000 habitants, et l'Allemagne 813.
Pour into the lined loaf pan and cover with plastic wrap.
Add the oregano and bay leaf and pour in the wine.
Pour over the bread, cover the dish, and refrigerate overnight. 3.
By the time I reached downtown, it had started to pour.
China is trying to pour money into nearly every Arctic country.
Pour one out for the mullet ... we will never forget you.
"J'ai depuis lutté pour trouver le bon ton, la bonne émotion".
Maybe pour up a cocktail when I get home from work.
Environ 150 ateliers pour les jeunes ont été tenus cette année.
"Avant, c'était une ruine ancienne pour les fantômes", se souvient-elle.
Open the packet of sugar and pour it in there too.
THE POUR No wine is meant to last for a century.
One doesn't pour olive oil on a salad; one drizzles it.
Ils savent tous qu'ils ne sont pas là simplement pour jouer.
And let's pour some salt in that Nextel wound, shall we?
Statements of support for Iran continued to pour in on Thursday.
He made me pour out the beer, but let us go.
Her response is to pour a bright rosé from Campania. Concern.
Pour mieux comprendre l'aspect sociologique du phénomène, revenons au 28 avril.
Whisk in the mustard, then slowly pour in the chicken stock.
Newly sober, he refuses my offer to pour him some wine.
The Pour What does "the best" mean when talking about wine?
Pour la seule année 2016, ces groupes suivirent 1 352 dossiers.
We'll pour out a nice, cold Canadian Molson in its honor.
I pour myself a cold brew and get started on emails.
Gourmia® GCM3250 Dual Mode Pourfect Pour-Over Coffee Maker — $50.99
Gourmia® GCM3350 Pourista Fully Automatic Pour-Over Coffee Brewer — $110.49
My first pour into the steaming jug was thin and watery.
The setback comes as investors pour cash into emerging market debt.
Build me a channel into which I can pour this voice.
On a parlé boutique avec quelques accents lyriques pour faire grandiose.
He said he didn't expect signatures to pour in so quickly.
Bring cream to a boil and pour over chocolate and pieces.
THE POUR The best bottles don't necessarily meet some objective standard.
Now touching tributes continue to pour in, both online and off.
Remove from heat and pour over the chocolate in the bowl.
One of the foremost challenges: Threats pour into the FBI constantly.
Fallon asked Ridley if she can pour a pint of Guinness.
Sortez les mains dans les poches pour ne pas montrer d'affolement.
Pour nous, ça a duré une éternité, c'est 217-10 minutes.
Above, crowds pour into the streets during an informal Bomba concert.
Pour pickling liquid over eggplant, just to cover, top with oil.
Pour les Algériens aujourd'hui, pas question de répéter de telles erreurs.
A 21 ans, il chantait en professionnel pour la première fois.
"Let's pour a little water on the hot takes," he said.
One to pour the Diet Pepsi, and one to call daddy.
Pour in the butter and mix until combined and clumpy. 2.
Mais pour certains en France, l'absence de reconnaissance du lieu est preuve d'un manque de respect pour Baldwin de la part d'un village qui a honoré d'autres grandes figures de la culture, telles Matisse ou Chagall.
The recipe then calls for chefs to blend the above ingredients, pour the mixture over whole wheat macaroni, thoroughly combine, and pour into a baking pan before adding the toasted almond flour and shredded mozzarella on top.
While some restaurants use them much like a decanter, to pour wine or sangria or cider into glasses, the traditional practice is to hoist the vessel over your head and pour the liquid straight into your mouth.
Pour y répondre, M. Macron a proposé de mettre fin à l'état d'urgence — en place depuis novembre 2015 alors qu'en théorie il n'est pas fait pour durer — et d'en inscrire les principales dispositions dans le droit commun.
Gourmia® GCM3350 Pourista Fully Automatic Pour-Over Coffee Brewer — $129.99 Fans of the pour-over method, a type of brewing favored by professional baristas, will love that the Gourmia makes the entire process virtually hands-free.
Le phénomène est pratiquement l'inverse de celui qui opérait pendant les débuts du Front National, quand voter pour l'extrême droite était pour certains difficile à admettre: il y a un temps où ce vote-là était honteux.
Remove mix from the refrigerator and pour into popsicle molds, filling completely.
Pour mixture into a large casserole dish or two pie dishes. 8.
Grab a 5003 oz bottle and pour one out for your BFF.
International Bartenders Association Margarita Recipe: Pour all ingredients into shaker with ice.
Nothing like a farewell shopping binge to metaphorically pour one out, right?
Pour a tablespoon or two of the oil into a small bowl.
We&aposre not going to just pour millions of dollars on them.
Pour the contents out and you'll be left with perfectly peeled garlic.
Now, in a feat of domino-like acrobatics, he can pour 17.
Pour into a medium bowl and dip each donut in the glaze.
Immediately pour the caramel onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Carefully pour the semifreddo into a loaf pan lined with plastic wrap.
Remove the chilled glass from the freezer and pour the milkshake in.
You&aposre afraid to pour water-- (CROSSTALK) TARLOV: That&aposs not true.
They get upset when you pour water on a terrorist&aposs face.
Pour over ice, top with tonic water and garnish with grapefruit zest.
Pour some -- not all -- of the juice on top of the meat.
Bring 1 cup water to a boil and pour over the mushrooms.
Pour the vinegar over and roast for an additional 5 minutes. 4.
I find balance by doing a workout that makes me pour sweat.
Even if it was vegetable oil, I'd pour that on my body.
Pour the dressing over the cabbage mixture and toss to coat well.
Pour mixture over dry ingredients, stirring to combine with a wooden spoon.
It will also pour money into upgraded ground-based ballistic missile interceptors.
I accidentally pour myself too much, so T. helps me finish it.
The answers pour in: "I love you", "I love you", "It's overrated".
Pour the filling into the cooled crust and transfer to the oven.
Pour about 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a medium sauté pan.
Pour the mimosas, grab your bell-bottoms, and prepare to be dazzled.
She does everything from prep to plate to pour the natural wines.
Pour soup carefully into pumpkin tureen and bowls when ready to serve.
Pour oil into small frying pan and heat on medium high. 3.
S. opens a bottle of cabernet and gives me a generous pour.
Step One: Pour a one-inch layer of river rocks, for height.
Those strike at our sense of fairness, and the messages pour in.
Remove from the heat and pour the cream into the melted chocolate.
Thinly slice the steak and pour the resting juices into the mayonnaise.
It's the egg foam that cuts that heavy pour New York Sour.
Pour mixture into the hot skillet and place in the oven. 2.
Money is beginning to pour in for efforts beyond the presidential race.
The Dems just want illegal immigrants to pour into our nation unchecked.
These perfect mac coats might even have you praying for a pour.
Pour egg mixture in the skillet with pasta and toss to coat.
They just allowed me to pour out an improvised slew of insults.
I pour a glass of malbec and attack my annual closet cull.
The company also plans to pour more resources into user-uploaded video.
Pour through a fine mesh strainer into a heatproof bowl; discard solids.
Then pour two ounces of Cherry Bounce into the glass and stir.
We tuck her into the guest bedroom and pour ourselves into bed.
The hackers wanted to pour a bit of chaos into the system.
Pour out the remaining two cups of rice flour in a pan.
They pour me what is essentially a bowl of wine for $9.
For the moment, however, terrified Rohingyas continue to pour across the border.
While whisking, drizzle in the olive oil and pour over Brussels sprouts.
According to Fitzgerald, investigators are reviewing tips that continue to pour in.
Cook until the sugar has dissolved, then pour over the red onions.
On Facebook, you just put a photo and the likes pour in.
Pour remaining white batter in mixer bowl over cooled graham cracker crust.
Instead, he would head home and pour himself a glass of wine.
Pour egg mixture into the skillet and top with remaining ¼ cup Parmesan.
Is it the careful pour of the molten aluminum into the mold?
Within hours, support from all over the world started to pour in.
The data are about to pour in, ready to narrow the field.
The Treasury will not pour in any fresh capital to those banks.
Richard Thompson's Pour Down Like Silver was a big record for me.
I pour myself some coffee to make it easier to say no.
With processor running, slowly pour in ¼ cup olive oil; process until blended.
Pour the chocolate mixture onto the plastic wrap (it looks gross, sorry).
Pulse to combine, then slowly pour in the olive oil until emulsified.
He was inspired by Def Leppards' "Pour Some Sugar on Me," naturally.
You pour sweet and expensive maple syrup all over your sick creation.
We hardly knew ye Let's pour one out for Al Jazeera America.
Fragile sentiments continue to get offended and hate comments still pour in.
Clouds of steam pour into the playground and it was deemed unsafe.
"I wanted water, to pour on it," Wood told the news station.
Pour through a fine wire-mesh strainer into a bowl; discard solids.
It plans to pour its resources into reinvesting and modernizing those brands.
Pour into a bowl to cool and wipe the skillet clean. 2.
Additional lotteries are possible if donations continue to pour in, officials said.
Or watch a teen pour a bunch of Orbeez into a pool.
But as migrants continue to pour into Germany, Petry sees an opening.
Drink loads, pour flowers from your chest and celebrate your fabulous self.
Pour Ostad's history is emblematic of many prominent journalists of his generation.
If I could pour bottles of recovery down her throat, I would.
Pour into a rocks glass filled with ice and top with soda.
Fitzgerald said Wednesday investigators are reviewing tips that continue to pour in.
The impact ripped the Fitzgerald open and caused water to pour in.
Pour the gazpacho into a bowl and refrigerate until well chilled. 2.
Pour the mixture through the cheesecloth and squeeze out any extra oil.
Pour the sauce over the sandwiches and let sit for 10 minutes.
Cold dread seems to pour down my back and I cry immediately.
Donc la relation bilatérale est pour moi essentielle sur le plan militaire.
C'est pour ça aussi que je souhaite travailler avec des partenaires nouveaux.
But the school did nothing but pour something on the tracks' surface.
And the secret was something that cooks often pour down the drain.
Pour the Core, a cider festival, is at the Brooklyn Expo Center.
When she got up to pour the tea, he tried his best.
At a coworker's suggestion, I shook the bottle and attempted another pour.
He talked about the way Liverpool's players pour into the penalty area.
Instead of throwing it out though, you pour it into a glass.
Pour drink into a martini glass, and sprinkle in pearl dust. 5.
Je lui ai donc envoyé un SMS pour lui dire la vérité.
Once that's done, Marc inserts a photo of the pour into Photoshop.
Responses from European officials began to pour in a short time later.
Their whole team seemed to pour its heart out on the field.
That doesn't mean you should pour yourself alcohol, coffee, or soda, however.
Pour voir la publication complète cliquez sur le lien dans la bio.
I wanted to pour out my heart, to talk and to listen.
You ought to pour yourself a classic cocktail this evening and relax.
Coloring books provide an outlet in which to pour your stifled creativity.
And then pour it over ice into the juice, then shake it.
Pour mojito mixture evenly through a fine mesh strainer into prepared glasses.
Whisk in the garlic powder and pour it into a large bowl.
The Pour Many New Yorkers know at least something about Eli Zabar.
No matter how much poison I pour, I know it's no use.
Pour the mixture into a baking dish and sprinkle with the breadcrumbs.
Pour the water from one jug then into the other several times6.
That's right, exactly 60 shots of Fireball in one free-pour box.
Let cool to room temperature and pour over the jalapenos and shallots.
I pour as much of that energy into music as I can.
Pour the milk over and mix to form a wet bread crumb.
Transfer broth to serving bowls and pour over eggplant, turnips, and noodles.
Pour in the hot water, extinguishing the flames and stirring everything together.
To serve: Pour some of the korma sauce in a deep bowl.
Spoon the mixture onto a plate and pour the sauce on top.
Pour over the cornbread mixture and toss well to combined and moistened.
Stir in the marjoram, then pour over enough oil just to cover.
Any other beer pour should have half an inch of foamy head.
Let's pour one out for email, which has had quite a run.
Pour moi, Maurice Audin est un héros du fait de son sacrifice.
Bien sûr, de nombreuses femmes seront trop occupées pour en marquer l'occasion.
We now have a cafe with Laughing Man, doing pour-over coffees.
Pour the soup into a bowl and garnish with blueberries and walnuts.
Think about what happens when you pour some olive oil into water.
The Pour Once the Northeast was a center of America's cider industry.
Money had continued to pour into Paris St. Germain from Qatari sponsors.
Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and whisk until incorporated.
And we don't want to pour into him what we went through.
Pour the vegetable broth over the kale and bring to a boil.
Certaines des tentatives pour résoudre ce problème sont entreprises à huis-clos.
Il est encore trop tôt pour juger de l'efficacité de tels cours.
Pour marinade over chicken and let sit for 24-48 hours. 4.
The Pour Champagne, it is often said, celebrates the art of blending.
Expect fans to pour into Kentucky from the north and the south.
An advertiser could pour in money one month and vanish the next.
Pour the entire bottle of cheap wine into the cagey top bottle.
It rarely pays to pour cold water on the joy of others.
She was ready to pour herself fully into a freelance copywriting career.
Pour about half a gallon of paint into your lined paint tray.
If we pour poison over everything, it comes back to bite us.
With each gyration, there's more room to pour gratitude into each curve.
Gergaud, recruteur de joueurs de 211 à 24 ans pour F.C. Sochaux.
Un parent m'a demandé un jour quel projet j'avais pour son fils.
Or she infuses them in syrup to pour over warm lemon cakes.
Pour one out for one of Queer Eye's most beloved cast members.
Now please pour the rest of that soy sauce into the trash.
Calls pour in; dams threaten to burst; legislators are deluged, inundated, swamped.
"Just think about those cars that pour in here," Trump finished saying.
Use the ladle to pour over it some thick, golden, gelatinous broth.
The Pour You don't have to be an expert to drink well.
M. Girard a refusé de nous accorder un entretien pour cet article.
Il partait peu après pour l'Italie, alors que le témoignage de Mme.
Sometimes, he says, his captors would pour melted plastic onto his body.
Il refusa de poser pour la photo de groupe avant le débat.
I pour my customary cold brew and prepare for my first meeting.
He felt a surge of liquid pour out of his belly. Blood.
At Kismet, you set your own table and pour your own coffee.
Major business figures also continue to pour water cold water on cryptocurrencies.
The Pour Many people seek an easy formula for choosing better wines.
One evening we were watching the rain pour down thick and straight.
Pour moi c'est clair, c'est net, c'est évident que c'était des kamikazes.
Les Québécois francophones se battaient pour le droit de vivre en français.
Pour liquid over eggplant and set aside to cool to room temperature.
Pour into a labeled spray bottle and spray down the shower walls.
Pour le gouvernement algérien, cette exportation est l'affirmation de sa stabilité retrouvée.
The spout that had been designed to pour salt now poured quarters.
With his cupped hands he began to pour water over his head.
Et il se mobilise dans le calme pour exprimer des revendications légitimes.
The Pour These Italian reds are superb wines and often excellent values.
Clinton wants to allow radical Islamic terrorists to pour into our country.
Pour about a cup of water into a clean aluminum baking pan.
Pour in the rubber in the hole you just made, and voilà!
Une victoire pour les victimes, donc, mais aussi pour les ONG qui les ont appuyées pendant de longues années et les nombreuses péripéties politico-judiciaires qui ont suivi la première plainte déposée en 2000 devant une cour sénégalaise.
On Friday nights, I'd pour a glass of bourbon and then pour through images captured by news photographers on the White House beat, looking for patterns that adhered to, or departed from, how prior presidents managed their image.
Op-Ed Contributor DAKAR, Sénégal — La semaine dernière, les acteurs du procès de Hissène Habré se sont retrouvés ici pour leurs plaidoiries finales devant les Chambres africaines extraordinaires (CAE), un tribunal créé spécialement pour juger l'ancien président du Tchad.
Ont rejoint cette initiative des pays comme la Finlande ou l'Estonie qui jusqu'alors vivaient leur relation, pour l'un dans une méfiance à l'égard de l'OTAN, pour l'autre dans une défiance russe qui était " Je me livre totalement à l'OTAN ".
BROOKLYN POUR CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL (Saturday) Even in cosmopolitan New York, there are few opportunities to drink, dance, eat, commune and do good for charity before sunset, but The Village Voice's sixth annual Brooklyn Pour festival provides exactly that.
Rinse one of the cans with about ¼ cup water, pour it into the second can and swish it around to get all the excess tomato out of the cans, and then pour the water into the tomato bowl. 2.
Le mois dernier, le tableau "Salvator Mundi" de Léonard de Vinci a été cédé à un acheteur anonyme pour la somme de 450,3 millions de dollars (382 millions d'euros), un record dans l'histoire des enchères pour une œuvre d'art.
Pour melted chocolate-chip mixture into a mug, and let it cool. 7.
We don't need to pour vitriol on the fire and get angry back.
Buying a pre-bottled one that you can simply pop open and pour.
Evenly pour into the loaf pan, and let sit for 5 minutes. 5.
Music is well-known for being a floodgate for memories to pour forth.
Pour yourself a purple one and have a toast to the beautiful ones.
In reality, Abe was first to pour his fish food into the pond.
Just put your cup under the tap and pour straight from the fridge.
Now free, Karim and Prairie pour over information about Michelle and the house.
"You don't want to just pour soybean oil on your salad," Lichtenstein said.
My favorite way to imbibe it is to pour it down the drain.
Trump, like Homer, tends to pour fuel -- and lots of it -- on fires.
Su and Papermaster then proceeded to pour resources into the development of Zen.
No time to spend glued to your screen while the updates pour in?
Pour through a fine wire-mesh strainer into a bowl; discard solids. 4.
Pour the vodka, passionfruit puree, gomme syrup and Chambord into a cocktail shaker.
Pour half of the hot milk over the yolk mixture, whisking to combine.
Just boil butter and brown sugar together, pour over Saltines, and add chocolate!
CNBC found that scathing reviews of Adore Me continue to pour in online.
Fill the prepared glass with ice and pour the cocktail into the glass.
Rule of thumb: Pour tea for everyone else at the table before yourself.
Streams of tourists now pour in via the new tracks twice a day.
Pour mixture into casserole dish and bake for about 40-45 minutes. 8.
Items you have to unscrew and pour out are a straight-up nuisance.
Pour in remaining gelatin mixture and set in refrigerator for 1 hour. 2.
Belgians pour the cheese over the bread with the help of a raclette.
Pour about 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the pan over medium heat.
Quickly spread them out in the pan and pour in the eggs. 5.
Slowly pour the warm milk mixture into the egg mixture while whisking vigorously.
She even later said he threatened to pour bleach over her dead body.
The federal government continues to pour billions of dollars into science and research.
I pour myself some coffee and head down to stare at Excel sheets.
Mix all ingredients (except cilantro), then pour vinaigrette over the slaw and mix.
It's hard to beat the quality of a cup of pour-over coffee.
Like I tell my staff now, you can't pour from an empty vessel.
To make that happen, he said, donors would pour big bucks behind Rep.
Pour masala chai through a wire-mesh strainer into 2 cups; serve immediately.
Pour melted, cooled chocolate into the bowl; mix on medium speed until combined.
So pour yourself some tea, light some incense, and let's all calm down.
Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and whisk until completely combined.
Even if I wanted to pour out my heart to you, I couldn't….
Pour through a fine wire-mesh strainer into a bowl; discard solids. 2.
Pour in the tequila and allow it to infuse for about 15 minutes.
Then they'll offer you a job and money will pour onto your feet.
Dépénaliser le cannabis:un 'coup' pour plaire à certains jeunes en divisant les Français.
Pour mixture through a wire-mesh stainer into a bowl; discard solids. 6.
You can't buy the iPhone 5S anymore, but don't pour out your Drambuie.
I take a little break and pour tea in my cute new mug.
Stir to dissolve the gelatin then pour the mixture into a medium bowl.
Scoop on some ice cream and pour on some sweetened condensed milk. 4.
Add 1 tablespoon water to the pan and pour over the chicken again.
Before sunrise, they will pour the egg white into a glass of water.
Pour chocolate mixture over and fill flush with top line of baking cup.
Generously grease and flour the springform pan and pour the batter into it.
Pour through a fine-mesh strainer into a small bowl; discard solids. 3.
Pour into a rocks glass filled with ice and garnish with lime. Limelight
Pour the wet ingredients into the flour mixture and whisk just to combine.
Pour the icing (from the tube) over the cake and top with sprinkles.
Or maybe it was watching blood pour from a man's every facial orifice.
Whisk together olive oil and vinegar in a small bowl; pour over salad.
Cook for 2 to 3 minutes, then pour in 200ml of hot water.
The bartender wouldn't think twice about giving me a pour for the road.
Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until just combined.
Pour yourself a little of the Myrish firewine, that old favorite of ours.
Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and spread into an even layer.
When it's done, simply pour your milk with the spout on the side.
But that doesn't mean they can expect the job offers to pour in.
And Macy's continues to pour money into sprucing up its Herald Square location.
Pour in the oil into the wok and place it on high heat.
Pour out a container of Fage yogurt: T.J. Miller is leaving Silicon Valley.
Place noodles in a bowl, and pour boiling water over them to cover.
Line a strainer with a cheesecloth and pour the cauliflower into the strainer.
Discard the herb bundle and pour the beans into a large Dutch oven.
It plans is to pour its resources into reinvesting and modernizing those brands.
So, whip up some spaghetti, pour yourself some vino, and dream of Italy.
However, a report from Reuters Thursday appeared to pour cold water on this.
But what if you could skip the line and pour the beer yourself?
It was a fun episode, so subscribe, pour a drink, and hit play.
An affogato is what you get when you pour espresso over ice cream.
Pour batter into prepared pan and bake for 37 minutes at 350 degrees.
Let's hope he manages to pour a little of himself into it too.
After that, I pour water over it and boil it for two hours.
But as it turns out, rosé is far from just a pretty pour.
Just don't forget to save the garlicky liquid to pour on your rice.
Pour simmering stock through a fine-mesh strainer into pan mixture; discard neck.
Instead of concern, the guys try to pour malt liquor down her throat.
Il suffit du crime d'un seul pour que des centaines d'autres connaissent l'expulsion.
Soon, a steadily increasing number of children began to pour into the system.
Pour ¼ cup egg whites onto plate, and season lightly with salt and pepper.
Place the lentils in a small bowl and pour the water over them.
Once you have the cork popped, you need somewhere to pour the wine.
Pour away and enjoy, or, if it's burnt, toss it and try again.
It's ultra-satisfying to pour the melted cheese over potatoes, meat, and vegetables. 
Leading 8-0, the Indians continued to pour it on in the fourth.
When the bottom of the pan is warm, pour in the coconut oil.
Pour about an inch of this mixture into 13 ice-pop molds. 2.
For 2018, investors will continue to pour money into low-cost index ETFs.
We're also letting drugs pour through our southern border at a record clip.
Illegal immigrants will pour in.... And who are we talking about bringing in?
But energy, line and expression — prime dancerly virtues — all pour forth from him.
Sporadic boos #GA06 Handel still leads as results pour in 9:12 p.m.
Step 5 Immediately pour the white chocolate over the still-wet dark chocolate.
Pour the mixture into the prepared dish, spreading it into an even layer.
However you enjoy it, pour a little bit out for Mr. Palmer today.
Pour in the hot milk in a steady stream, whisking constantly, until smooth.
They basically pour Pixy Stix over your drink, which accounts for the sourness.
Pour the chocolate sauce over the batter and spread into an even layer.
We'll pour one out for you—but won't get behind the wheel afterwards.
Pour that over that and then the Nestles And that was a look!
The media was asking people to pour Ultramel [custard] and do these things.
Stir to dissolve the sugar, then pour over the cucumber in a container.
Pour yourself a glass of something cold and put on some Ella Fitzgerald.
Pour the liquid over the mangoes and let it sit overnight again. 3.
You're going to pour it out of a water bottle into a cap.
Blah blah blah.........I'm off to pour some vodka on my frosted shreddies ?
Then you take it out and open it up and pour A.1.
One after another, dozens of Ethiopians came forward to pour out their grievances.
The proteins pry open holes in the mitochondria, allowing molecules to pour out.
Pour between 2 Collins glasses filled with ice and top with the prosecco.
" Devrions-nous éternellement créditer les Québécois pour l'avoir inventé ?" se demande-t-il.
I take a quick shower, pour myself some wine, and climb in bed.
"We should pour more into those schools to make them attractive," he said.
When it's good and charged, just pour it right into each champagne flute.
I watched one guy try to pour and spill a beer three times.
"Pour it out," she said, waving away the offer to taste it first.
" Je l'ai peut-être même achetée pour elle ", ajoute-t-elle en riant.
Pour your paint into your quart container until it's about three-quarters full.
Cool slightly, then pour over the carrot and daikon in a medium bowl.
Instead, pile the meatballs on a platter and pour the sauce over them.
It allows you to try different brews without committing to a full pour.
Tributes for Swaraj have continued to pour in from across the political spectrum.
That money has continued to pour in even as abuse allegations have multiplied.
Can I pour the cure into a hot bath after my bridge game?
Pas facile pour des équipes comme Sochaux, aux ressources relativement limitées, de suivre.
All of this makes Turenne a laid-back spot for breakfast pour un.
Funds from the duchy pour into the Crown's Privy Purse — or private income.
I make salmon and roast veggies and pour myself two glasses of wine.
The song was played live by the Pour Boys, a New Jersey band.
Les immatriculations ont progressé de 21,1% pour Volkswagen et de 23,1% chez Renault.
The resulting coffee is some of the best pour-over coffee I've made.
When ready to use, pour syrup through a fine strainer to remove coriander.
It would just pour gasoline on cultural fires that are burning out there.
Together, the funds have seen investors pour in $102.7 billion already in 2018.
When it's ready, just pour the liquid from the glass carafe and serve.
And, most importantly, Americans continue to pour money into their homes, he said.
The mixture won't look appealing when you pour boiling sugar syrup over gelatin.
Que signifie-t-elle pour les peuples du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient?
Pour le président algérien Abdelaziz Bouteflika, les printemps arabes sont des "complots dévastateurs".
The brewery offers a milky, all-foam pour called mlíko — Czech for milk.
The grains pour and I find myself missing the dead more than usual.
Loi de finances 2020 : des mesures fortes pour les startups et leurs salariés.
I pour a bowl of cereal as dessert and mindlessly scroll through Instagram.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan and spread into an even layer.
But the Islamic State's statement appeared to pour cold water on that assertion.
I reheat some of the chili and pour a HUGE glass of wine.
Guinness cans, containing a widget to control the pour, also have some nitrogen.
If you're feeling particularly glamorous, you can also pour it into your bath.
Every day, thousands pour into the streets to protest economic misconduct and injustices.
When it reaches room temperature, pour the chocolate mixture into 4 shallow bowls.
Pour 1/3 cup water to the skillet and bring to a simmer.
Cook for 3 to 5 more minutes, then pour in 16 cups water.
Et donc on a déambulé jusqu'à La Belle Équipe, pour boire un verre.
En 2018, Alger a envoyé près d'une centaine d'imams pour officier en France.
La Turquie aussi, pour qui il s'agirait de maintenir un lobby à l'étranger.
The Pour The quest for exciting bottles gets trickier as the price drops.
The Pour Luke Lambert in the Yarra Valley makes fine syrahs and chardonnays.
He would pour the drinks but didn't put the money into the register.
While Ida and Christina pour, they tell us about the history of cacao.
We have visceral feelings because we pour so much of ourselves into it.
It simply served as an empty vessel into which artists could pour themselves.
They'll want to pour it on and show off for the Midshipmen crowd.
Pour in the eggs and cook, undisturbed, until almost set, 2-3 minutes.
Pour la même raison, les auteurs de la célèbre rubrique What was fake ?
Face it: Pour-over coffee might taste good, but it's never piping hot.
Pour your pudding into your pie crust, let it cool, and you're done.
The Pour While Pomerol is often a wonderful wine, it is usually expensive.
Alors que Mme Van Roy se trouve au Festival de Cannes au mois de mai, M. Besson la somme de rentrer à Paris pour une réunion de travail sur le film " Anna ", dont la sortie est prévue pour l'année prochaine.
Credit...Andrea Mantovani pour The New York Times PARIS — Gabriel Matzneff, l'écrivain français poursuivi pour son éloge de la pédophilie, se terre dans une chambre d'hôtel de la Riviera italienne sans arriver à se détendre, ni à dormir, ni à écrire.
En Algérie, par exemple, le gouvernement — très conservateur, très policier, allié discret des islamistes — joue sur l'histoire de la colonisation française pour accréditer l'idée d'une "main étrangère" qui ne prônerait les libertés du peuple que pour mieux déstabiliser ses dirigeants.
VinEdge Wine Preserver With a no-drip pour spout and a disposable tube that inflates in the bottle while you pour, this kit creates a barrier to block air from wine to prevent spoilage so you can enjoy it for longer.
But they're letting people pour into the country so they can go and vote.
Pour into the pan just enough of the egg mixture (about 3 tablespoons). 4.
Pour polenta mixture into a greased 8-inch-square baking pan, and smooth top.
Pour in the reserved cooking liquid, stock or water and bring to a boil.
Bartender extraordinaire Philip Traber used to be able to pour 14 Jagerbombs at once.
Pour half of the sherry vinegar over the top, then transfer to a bowl.
"You ain't about to pour salt on my name, you bitch muthafucka," he said.
The pour shield and moveable head reduce messes to make your baking go smoothly.
Instructions: Pour the milk in a medium saucepan over medium to medium-low heat.
Then, pour into a mug and serve with some whipped cream, if you like.
Remove skillet from heat; pour in rum, and carefully ignite with a long match.
Experts advise victims to pour vinegar on the wound for at least 30 seconds.
As the women pour out of the limo, Colton's nerves are on full display.
To pour a great glass of wine, you need a corkscrew and some money.
To pour a great cup of coffee, you need beans, gear, time and patience.
Once hot, pour half of the batter into the center of the waffle maker.
Simply pour the kernels into the machine and switch it on with one touch.
The risk will only rise as more vehicles with automated features pour onto roads.
So, pour one out for the bygone peripheral, but don't mourn it too much.
We clean up dinner, pour some wine, and settle in to watch some HGTV.
Bottles of syrups distilled from indigo, curry, blackberries, and chlorophyll are ready to pour.
Watch in wonder as liquid cool solos pour out of Lucille, his iconic Gibson.
So pour yourself something delicious and take a drink... The future is now, people!
Sprinkle the yeast into the water, stir to mix, and pour over the flour.
He also told them to pour bleach on him instead of gasoline, prosecutors allege.
Place on a rack with a sheet tray underneath and pour glaze on top.
During his visit, the royal even had time to pour himself his own pint!
Its job is to pour the perfect drink, like a super reliable robot bartender.
Pour her a glass of sherry and wait until her cheeks begin to glow.
Drugs continue to pour into the country, prices have fallen and purity has risen.
The server hands Belleci a bottle of wine, and he tries to pour it.
Our job is to find what makes them distinctive and pour gas on it.
You have to find time to refill your vessel before you pour it again.
Pour into individual cups and top with whiskey and whipped cream, if using. Tip!
If so, this pour over glass coffeemaker from Chemex makes for a great gift.
That market logic is putting pressure on carmakers to pour billions into R&D.
They give you your privacy, pour you your tea, wash your hands for you.
Once it begins to boil, immediately remove from heat then pour over the chocolate.
Pour on your favorite ice cream and let set until hardened, about 30 seconds.
Berry got a doozy of a pour when Tatum filled her pint glass halfway.
" The prefix con- means "with or together" and the suffix -fundo means "to pour.
Touching tributes from writers started to pour in as soon as the news broke.
Done wrong, it could pour fuel on Pakistani fires, leaving Chinese plans in ruins.
Time to sit back and wait for the World Cup trophies to pour in.
Pour through a fine wire-mesh strainer into a medium bowl; discard solids. 2.
Before my first meeting, I make coffee and pour in a dash of cream.
He claimed the media likes to "pour over" his tweets looking for a mistake.
Pour the mix into the mason jar and cover tightly then turn upside down.
I fry an egg sunny side up and pour a glass of seltzer water.
Say hello to my honey, who's washing dishes, and pour myself a shower wine.
Mr. Coffee has a new, all-in-one pour over coffee maker for $140.
The sale's top lot, Yayoi Kusama's "Amout pour Toujours" (2000), sold for £200,000 (~$261,000).
LOS ANGELES — Netflix is about to pour even more money into its original content.
Or, you can pour some into individual glass pods for that one particular client.
Pop a bottle of Segura Viudas Cava, and pour it into the top coupe.
Pour pretzel crumbs through a fine wire-mesh strainer; discard any pretzel dust. 5.
Someone record that feed and put in a tome — historians will pour over it!
Place white chocolate in a medium bowl, and pour cream mixture over chocolate. 4.
I really wanted to pour my heart out, but yet I wanted to scream.
Pour the vinegar into one of the bowls and sprinkle with some chili flakes.
How the hell did they get her to pour her own glass of wine?
Thousands pour across Libya's borders each year, fleeing violence in the North African nation.
And the third element is Kushner is going to pour money on the Palestinians.
Stir until the sugar has dissolved, about 2 minutes, then pour over the tomatoes.
Kersh returns in time to pour Beverly's tea, though something seems strange about her.
Ford announced it would pour $500 million into an electric-vehicle startup called Rivian.
New Orleans' 17th Street Canal levee cracks, causing water to pour into the city.
Then I pour a Scotch and catch up with my roomie for a while.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't pour yourself another glass of whatever you're having.
Pour the batter into the prepared baking dish and spread into an even layer.
You gift them additional fuel to pour on the fires they live to start.
But why pour all of that time, money, energy, and handshakes into flying pizzas?
Confused, we pour the absinthe into the water and sip our pints of cloud.
Pour the hot syrup over the coffee, then add the remaining 1.52 kilograms water.
I'm making coffee in the pour-over device I got from mum for Christmas.
Pour Vous: Your only option in LA for drinking in an old trolley car.
Dripkit, a portable, single-use pour-over coffee, claims to make great coffee easy.
Place white chocolate in a small heatproof bowl; pour hot heavy cream over chocolate.
Like chemical companies, they would pour mercury into freshwater, that was not a problem.
Pick up a Chemex pour-over coffee maker for $8 off over on Amazon.
Pour into the mold then place the cucumber slice gently into the mould. 3.
Minutes later, we pour out of the venue, squinting in the midnight sun outside.
Take off your pants and pour yourself a tall glass of store-brand hooch.
While they pour me a taste, the Salernos offer more details about their lives.
Place the meat and onions in a saucepan and pour in the cold water.
Pour the tonic water over the top, filling the glass up to the top.
Pour the mixture into 4 ovenproof ramekins and arrange in a hot water bath.
About an hour later, people pour out of Aintree onto the streets of Liverpool.
It's not enough to pour yourself into projects when you're empty on the inside.
Donc pour moi c'est un point important, c'est un sujet prioritaire, géopolitique et militaire.
Pour certaines personnes cela fonctionne, donc il y a une espèce de preuve vécue.
Pour mixture through a fine wire-mesh strainer into a bowl, and discard solids.
Pour yourself some wine and settle back, cause it's time to Netflix and swill.
Take any cherry juice collected from the bowl and pour it into the batter.
Pour all of the ingredients except for the bitters into a shaker tin. 2.
I decided on trying to mash it in and pour everything else on top.
Pour boiling water to cover over raisins and let stand 10 minutes; drain well.
And you can't allow people to pour into our country the way they're doing.
I need a little more — pour me a little more, a little more. Perfect.
Pour the batter into the cake tin and bake for 50-55 minutes. 8.
"You can't allow people to pour into our country like they're doing," Trump said.
Elle vient de quitter Lyon avec sa famille pour s'installer à Casablanca, au Maroc.
Now you can enjoy your drink without having to get up to pour another.
I'll pour a dram from my Saurian brandy bottle into my Saurian brandy glass.
But when we cook with it, we usually free-pour it into a pan.
Let them pour in from the Middle East, we don't care, we're not going.
There's something refreshing about a speaker willing to pour forth her least flattering qualities.
Close leaned back in his chair to let the light pour onto his face.
Crackdown on smugglers Each year, tens of thousands of people pour across Libya's borders.
Every minute a fire hydrant is open illegally, more than 1,000 gallons pour out.
" He added: "The Democrats want open borders -- let everybody pour in, we don't care.
This was a perfect base recipe, ready to pour into a buttered baking pan.
The Pour Stanislao Radikon died of cancer a few weeks ago, on Sept. 20133.
Expectations that China would pour in money willy-nilly, however, have sometimes fallen flat.
Pour the mashed potato mixture over stuffing and gravy and pack until smooth. 9.
And now it's bringing real-time pour tracking to beer with its gyroscopic taps.
"I think Trump is going to pour everything they can into Florida," Burgan added.
But the Six4Three files look set to pour fresh fuel on the consent fire.
Stir the onion greens into the eggs and pour the eggs into the wok.
If you drink you coffee black, then pour them into the molds that way.
Pour the ice cream base into an ice cream maker and turn on machine.
Flash blend and then open pour with gated finish into a footed pilsner glass.
More major leaks would likely pour out from government officials fearing a cover-up.
Pour the condensed milk into a glass, lining the base of the cup. 2.
After 30 seconds, pour another 120 ml of hot water over the coffee grounds.
Pour your batter into your pan and bake until set, about 20-25 minutes.
Then pour over ice in a salt-rimmed glass, and top with soda water.
Pour on a wooden board or into a casserole dish and let cool down.
On the west coast, they pour petrol over them and set them on fire.
Carefully pour the rum over the cube, and then light it on fire. Flames!
The question is why everyone now works so hard to pour on the sugar.
I pour the parfait into a bowl at home and eat it for dinner.
Kanter came off the bench to pour in 20 points and grab 153 rebounds.
Pour ½ boiled water over honey, stir to dissolve, set aside, cool to room temperature.
Criminals, Gangs, Human Traffickers, Drugs & so much other big trouble can easily pour in.
But in an interview Monday, he seemed to pour cold water on Trump's allegations.
Thanks to our partner DDHQ, this will update automatically as the results pour in.
Ces projets ignorent cependant l'importance capitale pour les citoyens européens, des droits humains internationaux.
The subway action plan is expected to pour $836 million into fixing the system.
The porcelain pour-over coffee makers and paper filters were now attracting public attention.
Pour yourself a glass of wine and pretend you're sitting across from each other.
Pour it onto the prepared sheet tray and allow to cool (do not refrigerate).
Pour the hot pickling solution over vegetables and allow to cool before serving. 3.
They actually under-indexed on advertising to pour into this dying medium called stores.
Then I pour in a squirt of hot water, and let it sit again.
Pour in the marinade and squeeze out the air in the bag before sealing.
At stops, bus drivers sometimes pour coffee and deliver it to the volunteers outside.
On a tight daily deadline, I tried to pour a lot into this one.
In Vietnam, the typically dark pour-over brew is mellowed with sweetened condensed milk.
You might groan at the name, A Midwinter Night's Dram, but pour some anyway.
Admiring messages began to pour into his social media accounts, eventually exceeding the taunts.
Pour evaporated milk on it slowly, stirring gently until it's the consistency you like.
Mais pour Samia Houbiri, 15 ans, Mme Le Pen cherche simplement à attirer l'attention.
Pour the boiled water in the blender and add all your powdered herbs. 2.
Late-breaking mail votes that pour into the state take considerable time to count.
The Pour PRAYSSAC, France — Back in 1975, Jean-Marie Sigaud had a brilliant idea.
While you're at it, pour yourself a nice adult beverage to go with that.
Ma is far from the only billionaire to pour money into fighting the coronavirus.
His story began to pour forth, more complicated than I ever could have guessed.
Or, si une victime est sidérée pendant l'agression, comment fait-on pour obtenir justice ?
Pour en apprécier son rôle éventuel ce dimanche, j'ai écrit une petite formule mathématique.
The Pour If for no other reason than popular demand, summer is rosé season.
His team members also celebrated, smiling and pretending to pour out bottles of salsa.
Instead, these startups pour money raised from investors back into growth, losing money yearly.
Walmart and grocer peers Kroger and Albertsons could pour money into automation and technology.
The public should know how much money foreign governments pour into colleges and universities.
If the United States wants to pour billions into such a structure, it can.
Pour the ground pink peppercorn and whole pink peppercorn into the bottle of gin.
Mountains jut, glaciers pour into the sea, tectonic plates collide, hills roll, lava burns.
En 2015, Véronique Louazel, chargée d'études pour l'association, a rencontré 27 agriculteurs en difficulté.
"J'habitais dans un mobil-home pour éviter de payer un loyer", se rappelait-il.
The Pour The requirements for weeknight cooking are easy to understand, but weeknight wine?
The offers pour in, and the choreographer says yes, yes—how can she not?
I change out of my work clothes and pour myself a glass of wine.
Et que ni ses enfants ni son peuple n'en sont plus libres pour autant.
Max Hazzard came off the bench to pour in 15 points — 13 after halftime.
Pour oil into a high-sided pan with a lid to coat the bottom.
Pour yourself a bourbon and hum along to Simon and Garfunkel on the soundtrack.
"Assange will pour oil on the fire of the French election campaign," RT reported.
Then a soft water pour I washed carefully light touch clean cotton to bandage.
You could move immediately into whatever you are planning to pour during the meal.
The Cardinals continued to pour it on and built a 31-15 halftime cushion.
Once it&aposs cooked to that temperature, we pour it on steel cooling tables.
Enes Kanter came off the bench to pour in 17 points and 14 rebounds.
Elle m'a fait des garrots pour arrêter, parce que le sang sortait, quand même.
I wouldn&apost expect Rihanna to pour her heart and soul into anything else.
Then I pour my Huel into a bowl and eat it with a spoon.
She also wrote three novels: Rogomelec, Moumour, and Contes pour enfants velu et Oneiropompe.
Pour the syrup over the snow, where it will harden into a chewy taffy.
They included at least one grammatical error: "pour," which he later corrected to "pore."
Mais pour les habitants comme Joanna Galilli, ce quartier représente surtout un retrait tactique.
Pour in the egg mixture and evenly sprinkle with the reserved guanciale and cheese.
The ban has prompted e-cigarette maker Juul to pour millions into overturning it.
"I showed up with my Chemex and V218 pour-overs and drippers," she said.
States that run their own exchanges, however, will continue to pour money into marketing.
Pour eux, la solution ne réside pas dans des élections législatives ou présidentielles immédiates.
Leafcutter ants pour over the rain forest like an armada of green-masted ships.
"Ça met un certain temps, y compris pour quelqu'un de très sportif," dit-il.
"We will always love you and miss you Roger" Pour one out for Roger.
Put the toast into a warmed soup plate and pour in the pan roast.
Now let's pour one out for Cersei, with a glass of her favorite vintage.
Pour into a quart-size container and store, refrigerated, for up to 210 weeks.
Pour cela, les chercheurs ont comparé les dessins de dragons avec des animaux existants.

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