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4 Sentences With "on disagree"

How to use on disagree in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "on disagree" and check conjugation/comparative form for "on disagree". Mastering all the usages of "on disagree" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We have a list of things we agree on, disagree on and are some way in between.
The verse (for example "Always, no sometimes ...") starts with an F major chord in the key of B (or E chord in the key of A) (V), which progresses to G minor, the submediant, a deceptive cadence. According to musicologist Alan Pollack, the "approach-avoidance tactic" (i.e., the deceptive cadence) is encountered in the verse, as the leading-tone, A, appearing on the words "Always know", "I know when", "I think I know – I mean" and "I think I disagree", never resolves into a I chord (A in A key) directly as expected. Instead, at the end of the verse, the leading note, harmonised as part of the dominant chord, resolves to the prevailing tonic (B) at the end of the verse, after tonicising the subdominant (IV) E chord, on "disagree".
They argue that parents should be allowed to be the primary decision-makers because providers may not understand the full psychosocial benefits of circumcision. Additionally, this procedure does not present substantial harm compared to its potential benefits, so parents should be allowed full decision-making capacity as long as they are educated properly. This statement also recognizes that waiting until the boy is of sufficient age to make his own decision would better respect his autonomy, but points out that this may interfere with a child's religious inclusion that circumcision was meant to confer. With neonatal male circumcision, they acknowledge that the child may later on disagree with the parents' decision but using the same reasoning, an uncircumcised child may also disagree with his parents' decision not to have him circumcised in infancy.
Reed, slip op. at 10. Writing for a majority of the Court, Justice Clarence Thomas held that the town's sign ordinance was "content-based on its face" in light of the fact that the "restrictions in the Sign Code that apply to any given sign [depend] entirely on the communicative content of the sign".Reed, slip op. at 7. Because the church's signs were "treated differently from signs conveying other types of ideas", there was "no need to consider the government’s justifications or purposes for enacting the Code to determine whether it is subject to strict scrutiny". Justice Thomas rejected the Ninth Circuit's conclusion that the ordinance was content-neutral because the regulations were not based on "disagree[ment] with the message conveyed" and the reasons for regulating the various categories of signs were "unrelated to the content of the sign[s]".Reed, slip op. at 8 (citing Reed, 707 F.3d, at 1071–72) (internal quotations omitted). Rather, he emphasized that "[a] law that is content-based on its face is subject to strict scrutiny regardless of the government’s benign motive, content-neutral justification, or lack of 'animus toward the ideas contained' in the regulated speech".Reed, slip op.

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