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"legitimatize" Definitions

37 Sentences With "legitimatize"

How to use legitimatize in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "legitimatize" and check conjugation/comparative form for "legitimatize". Mastering all the usages of "legitimatize" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He does not want to legitimatize the attack on the presidency.
But CSBD, Dickerson said, isn't meant to legitimatize the idea of someone "objectively" being too sexual.
"By having the state come in with a regulatory program really helps legitimatize it," he said.
There's been this idea pushed by the media that, OK, here comes Big Business and Wall Street to "legitimatize" marijuana.
A long disjunction is, above all, a period in which neither party can effectively legitimatize its power, but power will continue to be exercised.
By partnering with labels, publishers, and streaming services, Dubset is trying to make it easier for producers and DJs to legitimatize and capitalize on their work.
"Really, what they're trying to do is close to legitimatize med marijuana," said Edward M. Bednarczyk, University at Buffalo's pharmacy practice chair, referring to the approach taken by New York regulators.
As legal scholars Lani Guinier and Martha Minow argue, we must change institutional structures and culture or new people brought into the organization will just reproduce and legitimatize new forms of marginalization.
Seemingly an attempt to legitimatize its operation in the eyes of the West, its battles continue on the ground regardless, and its ultimate aims—defeat of Assad, control of Syria—remain unchanged.
John Haji, cofounder of the men's grooming subscription service Gentleman's Box, told BuzzFeed News he believes Amazon entering boxed clothing services will only further legitimatize the subscription box industry, which has been met with skepticism.
Religion can thus be a viable instrument to legitimatize or illegitimatize political regimes.
The government also required the establishment of bar associations at each district court, and by 1893, the Lawyer's Law was promulgated, officially regulating the legal profession by setting standards for, as well as legitimatize, attorneys at law.
She concludes that as long as men are unable to recognize the female perspective and as long as they believe they have the only legitimatize human experience they will be unable to accurately define and understand reality.
Ester doesn't want Steven to have any skeletons in the closet. She tells him of his circumstances and adoption. Steven reacts by inserting a new plank in his political platform. He now wants to legitimatize all children of dubious parentage.
Later, Nobuna made Yoshimoto the new shōgun as her figurehead to legitimatize her claim for Kyoto after the Ashikagas went into exile. She is quite attracted to Yoshiharu, though he shows no particular care for this, despite being uncommonly hormonal otherwise. Her hobby is playing soccer or Kemari (蹴鞠), when she'not in battle, often using Motoyasu as a goal keeper.
Togha gave up the campaign and withdrew to eastern Persia. Shortly afterwards, however, several descendants of Coban united under his grandson Hassan Kuchak, who used a slave to impersonate his father in order to legitimatize his cause. The Chobanids battled with Hasan Buzurg on July 16, 1338 at Naushahr in the Alataq area. Hasan Buzurg was defeated; his puppet khan, Muhammed, was killed.
The political and nationalistic aspects had little directly to do with the Mexican Revolution, especially in the later decades. The goal was more to glorify it and its results as a means to legitimatize the post Revolution government. The other political orientation was that of Marxism, especially class struggle. This was strongest in the early movement with Rivera, Orozco and Siqueiros all avowed communists.
Cornelius also believes that Bloom sought the Lincolns out to not only make money from the sale of the portrait but to legitimatize its authenticity. Bloom was likely aware that the surviving Lincolns were eager to portray Mary and her son Robert Todd Lincoln in a more sympathetic light after the family had received a great deal of negative publicity after Robert had his mother forcibly institutionalized in 1875.
Soyurghatmïsh Khan (died 1384) was the Khan of the Western Chagatai Khanate (1370–1384). He was the son of Danishmendji, of the House of Ogedei. When Timur gained control of the territory of the Western Chagatai Khanate in the 1360s, he did not abolish the office of Khan. Instead, in order to legitimatize his authority, he placed on the throne Soyurgatmish, who was not a member of the house of Chagatai Khan, but from the house of Ogedei.
Our > history is unique. We are the inheritors of African-American women's > history, and as such we shall not redefine ourselves nor that history to > meet some politically correct image of a popular culture movement, which > demands the right to speak for and redefine the morals and mores of all > racial, cultural and ethnic groups. Nor shall we allow the history to be > "shanghied" to legitimatize the "global political agenda" of others. We > reject the status of victim.
It makes no mention of any Median king reigning when Babylon fell, which was taken as evidence against the existence of Cyaxares II as described by Xenophon. The Cyrus Cylinder (British Museum) Modern scholarship recognizes the cylinder as a propaganda piece designed to manipulate public opinion against the Babylonian king Nabonidus and to legitimatize Cyrus' conquest of Babylon.Beaulieu, Reign of Nabonidus p. 143.Pierre Briant, From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire, trans.
The Second Sophistic opened doors for the Greeks to prosper surprisingly, in many ways on their own terms. This renaissance enabled them to become a prominent society that the Romans could respect and revere. The sophists and their movement provided a way for the Romans to legitimatize themselves as civilized intellectuals and associate themselves with an old imperial pre-eminence. This movement allowed the Greeks to become a part of the Roman Empire but still retain their cultural identity.
In 1012 Henry II, King of Germany, gave the Duchy of Swabia to Ernest following the death of its childless ruler Hermann III. In order to further legitimatize his rule as duke, he married Gisela of Swabia, the eldest sister of Hermann. Ernest and Gisela had two sons, Ernest and Hermann, both of whom would eventually become dukes of Swabia themselves. Ernest died in 1015 as a result of a hunting accident and was succeeded by his son Ernest.
During Buyan Khan’s rule, the Mongol regime once again fell into disarray and although the Great Khan was recognized as the leader of all Mongols, this was in name only. Buyan Khan even attempted to show what was rumored to be the Imperial Seal of Genghis Khan to other Mongol clans to legitimatize his rule. He ruled the people in accordance with justice and religion.H. H. Howorth-History of the Mongols from the 9th to the 19th Century: Part 1, p. 378.
Another problem is that bisexual and transsexual/transgender individuals experience social pressure to identify as gay or lesbian, and may face ostracism and discrimination from the mainstream LGBTQ+ culture. For bisexuals, this pressure is known as bisexual erasure. New York University School of Law professor Kenji Yoshino has written, "Gays de-legitimatize bisexuals...the lesbian and gay community abounds with negative images of bisexuals as fence-sitters, traitors, cop- outs, closet cases, people whose primary goal in life is to retain 'heterosexual privilege'".Yoshino, Kenji (2000).
Consequently, when class consciousness is augmented, policies are organized to ensure the duration of such interest for the ruling class. Here begins the use of the struggle for political power and classes become political forces. Since the distribution of political power is determined by power over production, or power over capital, it is no surprise that the bourgeois class uses their wealth to legitimatize and protect their property and consequent social relations. Thus the ruling class is those who hold the economic power and make the decisions (Dahrendorf).
Heteronormativity and associated discourses undergird and perpetuate many rape myths. The construction of the male sexual subject and female passive object serves to de-legitimatize allegations of sexual assault that are contrary to heterosexual norms, such as where women are perpetrators and men are victims. Through the “male sexual drive discourse”, it is thought that men are always ready and desiring sex, and women “activate their interest”, which can invalidate experiences that do not confirm to this discourse. Similarly, the “have/hold discourse” produces women as asexual, and heterosexual pleasure comes secondary to the ultimate goal of having a relationship and family.
Adas, p.135 Similar colonialist “civilizing” tactics were also incorporated into the American colonization of Puerto Rico in 1900. This would include extensive reform such as the legalization of divorce in 1902 in an attempt to instill American social mores into the island’s populace in order to “legitimatize the emerging colonial order.” Eileen Suarez Findlay, Imposing Decency: The Politics of Sexuality and Race in Puerto Rico, 1870-1920 (Durham,, 1999), p.111 Purported benefits for the colonized nation included:“greater exploitation of natural resources, increased production of material goods, raised living standards, expanded market profitability and sociopolitical stability.” Adas, p.
Nobunaga then moved his army to the west. In 1565, an alliance of the Matsunaga and Miyoshi clans attempted a coup by assassinating Ashikaga Yoshiteru, the 13th Ashikaga shōgun. Internal squabbling, however, prevented them from acting swiftly to legitimatize their claim to power, and it was not until 1568 that they managed to install Yoshiteru's cousin, Ashikaga Yoshihide, as the next shōgun. Failure to enter Kyoto and gain recognition from the imperial court, however, had left the succession in doubt, and a group of bakufu retainers led by Hosokawa Fujitaka negotiated with Nobunaga to gain support for Yoshiteru's younger brother, Yoshiaki.
A comic book letter column is a section of an American comic book where readers' letters to the publisher appear. Comic book letter columns are also commonly referred to as letter columns (or lettercols), letter pages, letters of comment (LOCs), or simply letters to the editor. Letter columns appeared early on in the history of comic books themselves, and their growing prevalence — particularly beginning in the 1960s — helped create and legitimatize comics fandom. Letter columns remained a regular feature of most comic books until the early years of the 21st century, when they were gradually phased out in favor of the growing prevalence of email and Internet forums.
The film met some criticism with the public due to the graphic nature of the birth scene, but was still shown to avant-garde audiences in New York at Cinema 16 and the inaugural Flaherty Film Seminar in 1953. It met all the requirements of the Health Department for safe birthing and was officially sanctioned for medical audiences due to the birth scene. This meant it could only be shown at private screenings, which included the New York locations, where it would not be fined or censored. Stoney also encouraged the restriction desiring to protect the film's subjects and legitimatize the film as a teaching tool.
Although the text of the Constitution of the State of Deseret indicates that the first election for the Justices of the Supreme Court was to be held on May 7, 1849, all evidence indicates that the Constitution was in fact composed sometime between July 1 and July 18, 1849: the drafters of the Constitution had been tasked with inventing an entire background of procedural history for the Deseret Constitution, including a constitutional convention and an election for the general body of officers for the government of the State of Deseret. The falsified procedural background was presumably taken as a measure that would legitimatize the constitution, and increase the likelihood that the U.S. government would approve Deseret's bid for statehood.
However, during World War I, scholar Stuart Allan (1997) suggests that propaganda campaigns, as well the rise of "press agents and publicity experts", fostered the growing cynicism among the public towards state institutions and "official channels of information". The elevation of objectivity thus constituted as an effort to re-legitimatize the news-press, as well as the state in general. Some historians, like Gerald Baldasty, have observed that objectivity went hand in hand with the need to make profits in the newspaper business by attracting advertisers. In this economic analysis, publishers did not want to offend any potential advertising clients and therefore encouraged news editors and reporters to strive to present all sides of an issue.
The Revolution was a powerful memory and its slogans and promises were utilized to bolster the party's power. Latterly, some historians have written of the "myth" of the revolution, namely the memory of the revolution was exploited by the party to legitimatize its rule with one historian Macario Schettino writing: "the twentieth century is for Mexico, the century of the Mexican revolution. But this is a concept, not a fact. The Revolution which marks the twentieth century...never happened. The Mexican Revolution, on which was founded the political regime which ruled from 1928 and for nearly seventy years is a cultural construction".Knight, Alan "The Myth of the Mexican Revolution" pages 223–273 from Past & Present, No. 209, November 2010 page 224.
Prior to remarrying Hans Schumm, Gloria, on August 4, 1947, met with Beery at his home, where he gave her the name and address of a physician to submit an examination. At or around that time, she also asked Beery to marry her to legitimatize the expected child (her words), which Beery refused. According to newspapers, Gloria claimed to have been intimate with Wallace Beery on or about May 1, 1947, at his home in Beverly Hills (in the court proceedings, however, she claimed to have been intimate with Beery on May 17, 1947). Beery conceded that he had known Gloria for about 15 years and that, under the pseudonym "Gloria Whitney", she had played bit roles in 6 films that he starred in.
In the first part of this mystical and allegorical homily, the purification of the lips (Isaiah 6:7), associated with the purification of Kippur, is said to legitimatize the description of the descent of the Holy Spirit in the church- building, symbol of the whole Church. In the second part, John proposes a typology of the mystical experience describing seven heavenly circles accessible by the mediation of the Kaporet. At the eighth circle, there is the coming of the Holy Spirit as groom of the soul, as the Holy Spirit enters in the upper room (Acts 1:13). This homily includes more than three hundred allusions to Biblical verses (including also the apocryphal 4 Ezra) and is influenced by texts like the Ascension of Isaiah.
Opponents claim that socialized medicine would require higher taxes but international comparisons do not support this; the ratio of public to private spending on health is lower in the U.S. than that of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, or any EU country, yet the per capita tax funding of health in those countries is already lower than that of the United States. UN Human Development Report 2007/2008 Table 6 Page 247 Taxation is not necessarily an unpopular form of funding for health care. In England, a survey for the British Medical Association of the general public showed overwhelming support for the tax funding of health care. Nine out of ten people agreed or strongly agreed with a statement that the NHS should be funded from taxation with care being free at the point of use. Survey of the general public’s views on NHS system reform – in England: BMA June 2007 An opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal by two conservative Republicans argues that government sponsored health care will legitimatize support for government services generally, and make an activist government acceptable.

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