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"interventionism" Definitions
  1. the policy or practice of a government influencing the economy of its own country, or of becoming involved in the affairs of other countries
"interventionism" Antonyms

221 Sentences With "interventionism"

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Careless US interventionism has destabilized the Middle East for decades.
With that boogeyman gone, they retreated to a stricter non-interventionism.
Non-interventionism is not inherently xenophobic, but it does attract xenophobes.
The NATO bombing that led to Bosnian peace was successful interventionism.
Even the crisis at our own border has roots in US interventionism.
Quite simply, the precursor of American interventionism is the American superiority complex.
Today, America is again on a path of interventionism without a plan.
Hyper control, interventionism, currency manipulation — no, China is not a market economy.
The Kremlin has hailed Mr Trump's presidency as the end of liberal interventionism.
British Steel's woes have led some to argue that Britain should rediscover interventionism.
Like many younger conservatives, I was very uncomfortable with Bush's interventionism and surveillance state.
He will declare himself a foe of global trade deals and rash military interventionism.
Tulsi Gabbard gave a cogent argument for the hard-line anti-interventionism that Williamson espouses.
Rand Paul, a Republican opposed to the interventionism supported by Giuliani, deemed them a problem.
Michael Flynn, who might share some appetite for unilateralism but are hardly enemies of interventionism.
Liberal Guatemalans, even longtime die-hard opponents of American interventionism, have praised recent American efforts.
On military interventionism, free trade, crime and welfare reform, Hillary has been a consummate conservative.
" But interventionism can be nationalist, too: America's entry into World War I "only stoked nationalism.
Second, redirecting American foreign policy away from neoconservative, global interventionism will actually be entrenched by Trump.
Critics add that Venezuela's supporters Bolivia, Ecuador, and Cuba might reject America's dialogue efforts as interventionism.
But aside from Ron, and later Rand Paul, the voices of non-interventionism were largely absent.
For his part, Trump pledged an "America First" foreign policy that embraced nationalism and anti-interventionism.
To their domestic neoconservatism, Mr. Podhoretz brought an emphasis on strong foreign policy and military interventionism.
They fix on the market economy the responsibility for the inevitable failure and frustration of interventionism.
But if Chinese interventionism continues to roil global markets, the conversation ought to become much more pointed.
His approach would subsequently be labelled "positive non-interventionism", meaning governance stopping just short of laissez-faire.
Maduro has denounced the sanctions as U.S. interventionism and has won diplomatic backing from Russia and China.
It leads to a rejection of interventionism in general, and a suspicion of U.S. leadership in particular.
He won the presidency by running against the entire postwar order: interventionism, austerity and unfettered corporate power.
A €2bn plan to fund 500,000 training schemes for the unemployed, announced in January, was classic socialist interventionism.
Our collective national experience with a decade of reckless interventionism and myopic regime change tells a different story.
Will the U.S. business community challenge the economic folly of presidential interventionism despite the risk of tweet attacks?
Then came Donald Trump, who campaigned on an America First platform and railed against American interventionism and NATO.
With occasional exceptions, both parties have rejected non-interventionism, relegating it to the sidelines, refusing it a hearing.
This is an age of cynicism, of limited hope, of valueless posturing, in which American interventionism is ridiculed.
These are just a few examples of American foreign policy and interventionism which proved to be counter-productive.
For that reason alone, his brand of interventionism may be more heavy-handed than any in the recent past.
Against abortive international attempts, Turkey must side with Arab and Western allies to put an end to Iranian interventionism.
The Renault-Nissan crisis may draw more attention to the risks of his bold interventionism, once seen as refreshing.
Apparently there are many countries that consider interventionism to be nothing more than pointing out violations of human rights.
He has called on the West to accommodate Putin's interventionism in Ukraine, and blamed "American imperialism" for Europe's problems.
Y.U. professor of global affairs, offers an interesting take concerning the substance behind Vladimir V. Putin's interventionism and saber-rattling.
The liberal interventionism espoused by Hillary Clinton was forged in the American efforts to bring peace to Bosnia and Kosovo.
Parts of Mrs May's speech recalled Ed Miliband, Labour's previous leader, whose market interventionism earned him an anti-business reputation.
It looked like there was growing support within the Republican Party for reining in domestic surveillance and foreign military interventionism.
Trump's announcement alarmed Mexico, which rejected it as "interventionism" and said it would respond in kind to such a move.
There&aposs simply no broad constituency for the old Bush Republicanism of unaccountable trade deals, lax borders and perpetual military interventionism.
All of these positions challenge the Republican Party's traditional three-legged stool of social and fiscal conservatism and national security interventionism.
Blair had often pushed Clinton towards greater interventionism in foreign affairs -- seeing Britain as the moral guide for the Atlantic alliance.
It left investors doubting the liberal bona fides of Bolsonaro's government, which has decried state interventionism under some of its predecessors.
As Clinton ensconced herself into the Obama administration as secretary of State, American interventionism in the Middle East went into overdrive.
It serves as a reminder of the heights American hypernationalism, anti-interventionism, and nativism reached in the not-too-distant past.
There was a brief period in the early 2010s, dubbed "the libertarian moment," when the advocates of non-interventionism seemed ascendant.
According to her, she is running to end "regime change" wars and turn the tide on America's history of military interventionism.
And they hear in his remarks an echo of their own disgust with Western democracy, American interventionism and liberal political values.
Carlson has become an increasingly influential voice for anti-interventionism on the right and is very popular among the Trump base.
We must also remember what got us to this spot: namely, extreme, collectivist interventionism by the heavy hand of the state.
Now a historian, he talks about the roots of American imperialism and interventionism and the paucity of the current political debate.
And so I don't think she would subscribe to kind of the rash, neoconservative interventionism where we are doing things by ourselves.
During his stint in the administration, he added a much-needed voice favoring non-interventionism and the promotion of American economic interests.
And the Libertarians' voguish message of fiscal conservatism, social liberalism and anti-interventionism has something for the disaffected of both big parties.
The Democratic Party has never been an anti-war party, and it seems unlikely to unite today around an alternative to interventionism.
The three men behind Human Events, one of the first publications of postwar conservatism, all had ties to Quakerism and non-interventionism.
In a video titled "por amor" (2019), the artist considers her complicity in US interventionism while seated in a vast, overgrown field.
If his proposed cabinet is anything to go by, Mr Temer plans to replace Ms Rousseff's confidence-stifling interventionism with market-friendlier policies.
And Paul is still the de facto leader of that wing of his party given his views on privacy, torture and non-interventionism.
The coup d'état, orchestrated by the CIA and MI6, irrevocably shaped the subsequent 67 years and counting of US interventionism for the worse.
Despite the liberalisation of the "Licence Raj" in the early 1990s the country has never quite let go of its deeply ingrained interventionism.
Perhaps never before have we had such a clear case of a controlled experiment in the effects of economic (and especially monetary) interventionism.
But as Republicans soured on interventionism (and on George W. Bush), the lionization of "the troops" grew more peripheral to conservative visions of America.
I think the party is going to shift against trade and interventionism, and become more nationalist and tribal and more about protecting the border.
ISIS executes more Christians in Libya, video shows Often, it is the local Christian community that pays the highest price for covert missionary interventionism.
Kaniela Ing, a Native Hawaiian who is running to represent the state's 1st congressional district as a democratic socialist, tweeted a video condemning interventionism.
Such ideas are a radical break from the left-wing interventionism practised by Ms Rousseff's government, which is largely responsible for the economic mess.
Although Mr Temer rarely challenged his boss's economic interventionism, he believes in a blend of economic and social liberalism that is unusual in Brazil.
" Venezuela's Foreign Minister, Maduro loyalist Jorge Arreaza, responded to the US, tweeting: "We reject the Trump Administration's vulgar interventionism in Venezuela's internal affairs & institutions.
This historical dynamic of presidential military interventionism is likely to continue, so long as Congress does not take additional steps to assert its power.
For Dan it would mean following Trump's nationalist instincts away from both liberal interventionism and neoconservatism and toward a recovery of foreign-policy realism.
He set an exemplary standard of consensus-driven allied cooperation in our foreign policy as opposed to the cowboy interventionism of the Bush-Cheney years.
One candidate has billed himself as a libertarian, and has spent the opening scenes of the race chiding Harper's fiscal policy as big-government interventionism.
They may justify their foreign policy decisions with liberal, internationalist arguments rather than neoconservative ones, but the outcome is always the same: interventionism and militarism.
What they're saying: Mexico's president characterized Trump's proposal as "interventionism" on Wednesday, emphasizing that he wanted to "avoid a political conflict," per the Washington Post.
What could result — and what we should all fear, specifically — is the political pendulum swinging violently back toward big government and even greater market interventionism.
Britain's prime minister, Tony Blair, a keen advocate of the new interventionism, laid out its principles in a speech in 1999 co-authored by Sir Lawrence.
Because if Donald Trump's view of non-interventionism is coming from a perspective of America First, Malcolm's is coming from a position of Black People First.
"America First" rhetoric carries echoes of United States interventionism, which is politically toxic in Latin America, reinforced by an apparent recent revival of the Monroe Doctrine.
The quadrennial presidential candidacy of Ron Paul kept the dream of non-interventionism alive, but Paul's dismal poll numbers did little to sway the party leadership.
This is a book that doubles down on free trade, barely mentions immigration and remains remarkably sanguine about interventionism in defense of liberty around the world.
That is, no doubt, how Bush administration official and hawk John Bolton wound up in the White House, despite the fact that Trump regularly bashes interventionism.
In Moscow's eyes, the attacks mark a return to an American policy of interventionism and "regime change", which Russia blames for bringing chaos to the Middle East.
But it chimes with the government's broader statist instincts, involving economic interventionism and high social spending, says Janusz Jankowiak, the chief economist at the Polish Business Council.
Whereas the non-interventionism that Malcolm X might have embraced would have been born out of a transnational solidarity with people from other parts of the world.
Renault's weak share performance had also, paradoxically, held back the promised sale by a government eager to avoid booking a loss on Macron's earlier taxpayer-funded interventionism.
The reason is simple: Trump has broken with years of conservative Republican orthodoxy on free trade, military interventionism, U.S. participation in NATO and, recently, paid maternity leave.
Republican regulars complained of Roosevelt's early plans to arm Britain through a lend-lease program; Willkie then overcompensated for his own interventionism by calling Roosevelt a warmonger.
The projection of global power has, over the years, strengthened militarism, justified interventionism, and reinforced corporate power—all the things the left is committed to fight against.
We understand that some critics of American interventionism may be inclined to have sympathy for China as a still-developing country bullied by an over-dominant West.
Chinese state media has warned Trump against isolationism and interventionism, calling instead for the United States to actively work with China to maintain the international status quo.
First, President Putin has exploited a gap in US interventionism to reinvigorate Russia's standing as a decision maker in the Middle East -- brutal as their actions have been.
López Obrador and his pick for Mexican foreign minister have said they will return the country to a policy of "non-interventionism," meaning silence on Venezuela and Cuba.
He's a peacenik whose Harvard thesis endorsed Catholic novelist Graham Greene's critique of American interventionism, but he also volunteered to go to Afghanistan as a military intelligence officer.
In answering Iraq's invasion of Kuwait with an international coalition, Bush created, for better or worse, the model for continued American interventionism in the post-Cold War era.
McGovern believed that to achieve a truly great society, the United States must curtail military interventionism in the name of anticommunism and pursue a negotiated settlement in Vietnam.
So a militant interventionism, which ignores the pressing needs of the continental interior — as well as ignoring the pioneers' respect for limits — is just as absurd as isolationism.
Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino called on Colombian troops last month not to back Duque's "interventionism" after Duque said Venezuelan troops' support for Guaido could fracture the armed forces.
The same can be said of most voters who warmed to his anti-interventionism, certainly including the ones who worry about the New World Order just off the horizon.
Bernie Sanders's campaign—because it highlighted her enmeshment with Wall Street, her brain-dead interventionism and her rapacious money-grubbing since she left the State Department—was the problem.
He did not bomb Syria because, in the battle between isolationism and interventionism being waged in his soul, the weight of his office tipped the field toward the latter.
In part, Paul's failure is the product of outside events — namely the rise of ISIS, which turned the Republican base's foreign policy preferences away from Paul-style non-interventionism.
While hardly unopinionated — Merry's "Sands of Empire" (2005) is a sharp attack on the hubris of American interventionism — he has a healthy respect for the facts, wherever they lead.
Still, skeptics are right to point out that the dollar's role has indirectly funded American interventionism and that dollar sanctions have been overused, provoking the ire of American allies.
One of Donald Trump's rare bright spots as a candidate was his departure from the post-9/11 Bush-Cheney doctrine that doubled down on heedless American military interventionism.
And the economic populism and foreign-policy anti-interventionism of Trumpism — well, at least campaign-season Trumpism — were closer to common African-American views than the typical Republican agenda.
America's turn from isolationism to foreign interventionism, often attributed to World War II, was the result of the Spanish-American War and the subsequent American conquest of the Philippines.
The Obama foreign policy legacy, though certainly different in superficial style from that of his predecessor, is fundamentally an extension of the reckless interventionism he was first elected to repudiate.
Creating a meaningful political constituency behind non-interventionism means connecting the destructive impact of U.S. foreign policy to areas the American people more reliably care about, starting with their wallets.
Pence has cast himself as something of a foreign policy buff, and has long been a consistent advocate of an aggressive, reckless interventionism that refuses to learn from past mistakes.
He has been highly critical of Donald Trump, and describes his social views as liberal, but he has been a proponent of American "leadership," a term that usually connotes interventionism.
Given this history, it is perhaps no surprise that it took the collapse of the Cold War for right-wing non-interventionism to find a new place in American politics.
Candidates were asked right off the bat in Des Moines difficult questions about their past votes, stances on U.S. interventionism and whether they would commit troops to the Middle East.
"I think that the consensus of the left-right skepticism on military interventionism has common ground based on what's in America's interest in a very narrow sense," Khanna told me.
And it was a spirited debate, was always so much fun though, he was such a great sparring partner on the issue of rising populism versus the old Bush globalism, interventionism.
I sat down with Bacevich earlier this week to talk about his book, his criticisms of American interventionism, and his broader assessment of American foreign policy over the past three decades.
Mr. Hadley, who might also be considered for defense secretary, pushed Mr. Bush to undertake the troop surge in Iraq and is closely identified with the military interventionism of that administration.
He takes over a fractured Republican Party and campaigns against the advice of consultants and politicians, flying his own plane around the country, offering plainspoken denunciations of interventionism and identity politics.
Corbyn has been criticized for extremist views against interventionism — condemned as supporting autocratic leaders in Iran, Venezuela and Cuba — and calling for the dismantling of NATO and breaking up Western alliances.
To many Syrians, Mr. Trump is no liberator but a gambler who, for narrow political gains at home, stains their just struggle for freedom with the bad brush of American interventionism.
Ron Paul, was a three-time presidential candidate and one of the most influential voices in libertarian circles, advocating for non-interventionism abroad, limited government at home, and extreme fiscal conservatism.
Some care deeply about the protection of basic human rights, including those of democratic governance, but they try to avoid forceful interventionism that could lead to deeper problems and lasting resentments.
Debates over liberal interventionism versus liberal realism — the dominant intra-liberal conflict during the Bush and early Obama years — will likely come back in a big way in the coming years.
To many of those who rode the anti-establishment wave along with Trump, though, the president appeared to represent a break from the "national security establishment" they blamed for failed American interventionism.
Combined with Brazil's relative disconnection from Middle Eastern affairs and tendency to look critically on American interventionism, there are relatively few grievances for local or international jihadi groups to jump on there.
Medical patients were expected hold a protest in Tienditas calling for aid to be allowed in, while Venezuela government supporters nearby were planning a "hug-a-thon" in protest of "American interventionism".
After looking at Irish's paintings and drawings for a while, the presence of protesters within the Rococo interiors becomes a collective conscience, signifying all that was wrong with colonization and U.S. interventionism.
The challenge for those who come to non-interventionism from a place of principle rather than racism is to distance themselves from their repugnant bed-fellows, rather than to ally with them.
Ryan et al are likewise telling us "there is no alternative" – to the bipartisan consensus on mass unskilled immigration, ineffectual interventionism, one-way globalism, bureaucratized unaffordable health care, and all the rest.
That is, if he does not (begin to) reverse France's mammoth government interventionism, Macron, enamored of his oversized international role, he will end up pushing for an even more bureaucratic Europe. Why?
But please listen to us here in Hong Kong: Communist China is no alternative to the interventionism you hate or contest — that is an inconvenient truth that the world must reckon with.
Chris Murphy — who tend to push for a foreign policy characterized by less interventionism and don't necessarily think the US should maintain a long-term presence in Syria, are also rebuking the move.
The vacillation between isolationism and moralistic interventionism is a traditional hallmark of American foreign policy, but usually one or the other is characteristic of an administration – not both within the first 100 days.
Shaped by the battles of the inflationary 1970s, much of the right reacted to the financial crisis and its aftermath by critiquing Ben Bernanke's Fed for its interventionism and warning about imminent inflation.
The Clinton administration also considered the tactic, but faced criticism that it would encourage state interventionism as the United States was pushing Japan to adopt a freer market, said Mr. Irwin, the historian.
A study suggests that a pivotal moment in the Democratic collapse happened in a Republican presidential debate in 2015, when Donald Trump established his reputation as an opponent of interventionism in the Middle East.
Instead, they talk about US interventionism in Venezuela, about detention camps, and about ICE as an agency, which, as Ocasio-Cortez has pointed out, was created in the Bush years and kept by Barack Obama.
Just as his public practice of interventionism, of re-appropriation and re-use, comes to explore and critique the customs and conventions of the street, here Downey brings the same process into the interior realm.
It compared individual liberty positions Sanders expressed in opposing Clinton in the primaries with Johnson's similar beliefs, focusing on opposition to military interventionism, eschewing crony capitalism, and calling for ending excesses of the drug war.
He has donated to Hillary Clinton and Rahm Emanuel, supported single-payer healthcare, trade protectionism and an assault-weapons ban, called for higher taxes on the wealthy, has been pro-choice and anti-foreign interventionism.
Under Reagan, Mr. Abrams was an assistant secretary of state who fiercely advocated interventionism, including the covert arming of Nicaraguan rebels in the mid-1980s, a scandal that became known as the Iran-contra affair.
Some have been pushing the United States to impose punitive sanctions to force Caracas to heel, but experienced United States officials have emphasized the risks and the likelihood that heavy-handed interventionism will be counterproductive.
This could be only a temporary setback: despite his disdain for NATO and liberal interventionism, Mr Trump may well lash out militarily somewhere, at which point anti-American propaganda can, if necessary, be cranked back up.
He also pointed out that Gabbard's almost singular focus on foreign policy and anti-interventionism means she talks about social issues less than the other candidates, making her easier to accept for those on the right.
Support for the Syrian president means they can further tangled internet conspiracy theories, taps into a deep vein of anti-Semitism, anti-interventionism, and anti-globalism, and allows them to wind up their biggest enemy: liberals.
The arrival of the aid convoy, which includes supplies provided by the United States, has increased the pressure on Maduro hours after a European Union-backed group called for dialogue and elections and warned against interventionism.
The subfield of international relations has spent decades accumulating knowledge about how countries decide on policies of isolationism versus interventionism, why revolutionaries like Killmonger succeed and fail, and how racism shapes the way international politics operate.
While Republicans and moderate Democrats have a host of think tanks pushing interventionism, no corporation or billionaire has yet decided to fund a left-wing foreign policy think tank to which politicians could turn for advice.
Among the president's unofficial policy advisers and those who add to the echo chamber on Fox News talk shows, no one else channels Mr. Trump's mix of avowed isolationism, impulsive interventionism and unexpected resort to force.
Al-Sadadi said he did not know what the U.S. president would do, but urged continued conversation and dialogue with Iran, despite what he called widespread concerns among Arab countries about Iran's "interventionism" in the region.
The Obama administration instead should take a page out of the human rights playbook and privately raise the harmful effects of interventionism and delaying liberalization with the Chinese every chance it gets until the message gets through.
I am often asked why Washington's foreign policy consensus can seem unusually inclined to interventionism and other assertive foreign policy positions, and why, compared with other policy fields, it is relatively bereft of more libertarian-minded scholars.
Why it matters: Often described as a populist with an intense focus on the welfare of the poor, AMLO, as he is commonly known, ran on a platform of social welfare and non-interventionism, spooking business leaders.
In calling for easing tensions with Russia, scaling back security alliances like NATO, and staying out of Syria, Trump emerged as someone who would not only bash the neocons, but would champion the cause of non-interventionism.
If anything, Mr. Trump has made clear since becoming a presidential candidate that he did not favor the sort of military interventionism that characterized Mr. Bush's presidency and, to a lesser extent, even Mr. Obama's at times.
This may be what drove Mr Trump's right-wing supporters round the bend; the bombing of the airbase is exactly the kind of action that has marked "liberal interventionism" in the Middle East over the last 20 years.
The Obama administration's interventionism went beyond the Middle East with Clinton ally and uber hawk Victoria Nuland helping to instigate a 2014 coup in Ukraine, assuming a warlike posture toward Russia that animates the Democratic Party still today.
Roger Cohen For any believer in the trans-Atlantic alliance, liberal interventionism and the overall beneficence of American power, President Obama's long exposition of his foreign policy to Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic made for pretty depressing reading.
Buchanan lost the 1992 primary, but his non-interventionist views remained a lively part of the foreign-policy debate on the right throughout the 1990s, especially as the Clinton White House embraced liberal interventionism, most notably in Bosnia.
But the rise of ISIS brought the hawks back to the fore, and even Rand Paul moved away from non-interventionism by 2015, rejecting the Iran nuclear deal and calling for strikes against Bashir al-Assad in Syria.
McGovern actually asked his fellow citizens to think critically about their own country — in particular, about American military and economic interventionism in the Third World and about a nuclear arsenal of such size as to threaten human existence.
And they're propelled by powerful songwriting—whether on systemic oppression and American interventionism, or love and infidelity and heartbreak—delivered in a voice that careens over the music itself, a voice with character and real heart behind it.
"It risks playing into Maduro's hands by vindicating his far-fetched claims of a U.S. 'economic war' against Venezuela and allowing him to rally or divide Latin America by raising the specter of U.S. interventionism," Mr. Camilleri said.
French banks have mooted a "City sur Seine" to reduce the EU's reliance on London and on banks for funding the economy, an ambition that one market veteran called "aspirational" given investors' suspicion of France's tradition of interventionism.
It seemed like Obama did create a faction within the Democratic foreign policy establishment, or at least within his White House, that was committed to an Obama-ism defined in part by its resistance to hawkishness and interventionism.
His commitment to non-interventionism appears to be more rhetorical than real, but more and more Republicans—not just Kentucky Senator Rand Paul—are questioning the Authorization for Use of Military Force, the legal justification for America's global wars.
Others did not turn right wing per se but did become supporters of a more militaristic turn in foreign policy in the name of humanitarian interventionism, none better known than Bernard Kouchner, the co-founder of Doctors Without Borders.
But having been put on a pedestal for post-Communist countries to admire and emulate, it lost all critical distance to itself, dismissing sensible warnings, for instance, about the downsides of military interventionism abroad and economic deregulation at home.
BEIJING, Jan 6 (Reuters) - China criticised the United States for aggravating tension in the Middle East through its military interventionism over the standoff between Washington and Tehran and urged all parties to exercise restraint to ensure peace and stability.
WASHINGTON/MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico on Wednesday rejected "interventionism" after U.S. President Donald Trump said he will designate the Latin American nation's cartels as terrorist organizations, while a former U.S. official warned of unintended outcomes from such a move.
" When I asked about Trump's anti-interventionist rhetoric and criticism of the war in Iraq, the NCO, who served in Iraq and supported the 2003 invasion, responds that he's more concerned with leadership than abstract positions for or against "interventionism.
Bannon's hardline white nationalism may have been repugnant to many Americans, but he "added a much-needed voice favoring non-interventionism" and was correct about not wanting to send more troops to back up the Kabul government, writes columnist Josh Cohen.
There is more to foreign policy than war, and thus, there must be more to candidates' foreign policy positions than anti-interventionism—to "end reckless wars," as Ing's website puts it, or to create a "peace economy," as Ocasio-Cortez's does.
Obama and American interventionism Rhodes covers a lot of waterfront in his book, including his own leadership of the negotiations with the Cubans to normalize relations with the United States, which was achieved with considerable sotto voce help from the Vatican.
But she has firsthand knowledge of what US regime change looks like and she doesn't agree with it, although foreign policy and non-interventionism do not have the same place in the American political conversation now that they did during the Iraq War.
He could, as he has in the primaries, present himself as an opponent of the Iraq War and interventionism, a supporter of Planned Parenthood in non-abortion funding, an enemy of free trade pacts, and a defender of Social Security and Medicare.
The Pauls represent the libertarian wing of the party, but their aversion to interventionism was echoed in recent years by Republicans like Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann, in opposition to American involvement in Libya or funding for the United Nations and the IMF.
She made it a test of ideological purity to reject the muddled state-interventionism of her predecessors, both Labour and Tory; there was to be no return to the disastrous meddling in, or nationalisation of, companies like British Leyland under the Iron Lady.
Hypocritically, this habit of the world's "enlightened" expressing how they "know what's best" or what is "truly happening" in another country is a classically colonial dog whistle — and is a tactic that has often been invoked throughout history to justify global interventionism.
His quick reversal on his isolationist rhetoric is not just another example of his capriciousness and vacuity; it also demonstrates how deeply military interventionism is embedded in America's political and economic system, and in America's idea of its role in the world.
Oh, but the effort to reduce the Fed's multi-trillion-dollar portfolio of bonds, acquired during its post-crisis era of monetary interventionism, will continue on autopilot, no matter how much President Trump tweets his complaints about it (as he did Tuesday).
" Mr. Hun Sen also praised what he called Mr. Trump's lack of interest in human rights and interventionism, and suggested that the State Department and the United States Embassy in Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital, were not appropriately implementing the Trump "policy line.
Republicans who valued a steady hand on the tiller of governance (both traditionalist types and business interests) didn't love the "Party of No" shutdown posturing; free-marketers didn't like the anti-immigrant populism; neoconservatives didn't love the budget hawkery and occasional anti-interventionism.
This is a case in which the left-wing critics of American foreign policy are mostly wrong, their justifiable historical skepticism of American interventionism leading them to overcorrect and attack a legitimate effort to deal with a crisis created by a truly evil government.
To the extent that non-interventionism found a home in American politics during the Cold War, it was on the left, emerging from critiques of imperialism, capitalism, and racism that failed to resonate with the libertarians and nationalists that comprised right-wing non-interventionist.
Oks and his friends were clearly inspired by Gravel's performance in the 21969 debates, where he delivered a searing indictment of the vast majority of his fellow candidates for their support of the Iraq war and their continued commitment to American interventionism in the Middle East.
On the one hand, Trump adopted the mantle of "America First" and could point to three decades of criticizing American interventionism—back in 1987 he ran a full-page ad in the New York Times criticizing American foreign policy for being too involved in other countries' affairs.
It has subsequently been caught out as the economy has floundered because of the misguided interventionism of Dilma Rousseff, who had to step aside from the presidency in May after Brazil's Senate voted to hold an impeachment trial against her, compounded by the falling prices of commodities.
It should define America's overseas goals in more achievable terms than the Bush-era "freedom agenda" or a Hillary Clinton-in-Libya liberal interventionism; promise support to workers buffeted by globalization; and explicitly weigh questions of community and solidarity when it sets tax rates or immigration levels.
Bannon was also characterized as the boogeyman on the National Security Council in an attempt to divert attention away from the vigorous advocacy on the part of the usual suspects in Washington's foreign policy establishment to push the administration back in the direction of interventionism and regime change.
It ignores that the last decade and a half of U.S. foreign policy has been anything but tidy; that America is neither omniscient nor omnipotent; and that our military interventionism is too often reckless and counterproductive, creating more power vacuums and civilian suffering than it does anything resembling peace.
But in her address to supporters there Thursday morning, she was clearly anticipating the general election fight, presenting the contest as a stark choice—not between isolationism and interventionism, or other competing schools of international relations thought, but between her own hard-earned competence and Trump's rank amateurism.
Certainly Trump's invocation of the slogan "America First" calls to mind the notorious aviator Charles Lindbergh, who turned his isolationist arguments against fighting Nazism in Europe into a popular movement, while the mogul's skepticism of NATO evokes the memory of that stalwart opponent of American Cold War interventionism, Robert Taft.
The electoral dominance of Mr. Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party since 2014 emboldened his government to erode the autonomy of Indian states, including limitation of fiscal powers, interventionism by federally appointed governors of the states and the revocation of the autonomy of Jammu and Kashmir and its abrupt dissolution as a state.
Jay Inslee is running to draw attention to climate change, and Andrew Yang is pushing his $1,000 a month universal basic income plan — but she is the one who is the closest inheritor of the Paul legacy, focusing her message against US foreign policy interventionism and on ending the war in Afghanistan.
Founded in 1995 by Bill Kristol, John Podhoretz and Fred Barnes, the Weekly Standard is best known as a publication aimed at "neoconservatives," a branch of conservatism stemming from, in part, former liberals who were disappointed with the cultural revolutions of the 1960s and backed a hawkish foreign policy that centers on interventionism.
This is wild, but for us conservatives who took a step back after the Iraq War, said this is a mistake, we&aposve got to be much smarter on military interventionism, I guess it is not all that surprising but it is just now out in the open, what we thought is now true.
American interventionism will seemingly never end unless, of course, Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE becomes the next president.
Overall, Trump's foreign policy hazing, his rough introduction to machtpolitik, promises more danger for global stability — still a real and valuable thing, recent crises notwithstanding — than the risks incurred by George W. Bush's interventionism, Barack Obama's attempt at offshore balancing, or (yes) Hillary Clinton's possible exposure of classified material to the Chinese, the Russians and Anthony Weiner's sexting partners.
Through several interviews with Goldberg, Obama emerges as a realist and an internationalist, in that order, dismissive of the notion that he has undermined American credibility in the world, resolute in defense of his inaction in Syria, skeptical of interventionism, unsentimental about Europe (and most things), and more inclined to view climate change as an existential threat than terrorism.
As the U.S. gradually — or in some cases, abruptly — withdraws from foreign interventionism in the Middle East, Russian President Vladimir Putin is taking advantage of the ensuing vacuum to increase his country's geopolitical footprint, Hermitage Fund CEO Bill Browder said at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Tuesday, echoing the observations of many regional analysts.
The truth is that Democratic voters have forced both men to shift: Sanders to accept that if he wants to be president he needs to be comfortable with taking the reins of a superpower and Biden with the fact that the legacy of the Iraq War has poisoned the idea of liberal interventionism to an entire generation.
And yet we mustn't forget where we are today, with distorted pricing in virtually all markets and extremely levered public and private balance sheets, all driven by monetary interventionism on a scale never seen before: By most measures, the stock market is as expensive as it has been for a century, save only the giddy late 1990s.
Indeed, none of the budget bump's supporters in Washington seem to have done due diligence in realistically assessing global threats to American national security in a post-Cold War world (not least of which is our $22019 trillion national debt), the value of current U.S. military engagements after a decade and a half of reckless interventionism, or present Pentagon finances en masse.
The execution has been, inevitably, Trumpy, but the goals — drawing down in Syria and Central Asia, confronting China while de-escalating with North Korea, burden-shifting to other NATO powers in Europe while keeping our relationship with Russia cool but short of Cold War hostility — are more strategically reasonable than the Bushian and Clintonite forms of interventionism that Trump campaigned against.
While Fields gives us the image of the clean-cut fascist from the Midwest, eager to bully others whom he deems weaker and capable of extreme acts of violence, it is important to remember that the alt-right emerged through a longer history of ongoing efforts by fascists to manipulate different cultures and their values, from conservative anti-interventionism to leftist anti-imperialism and even rock subcultures.
If the identity of the US is so intricately connected with militarism, weapons, imprisonment (without the objective of reform), harsh sentencing, aggressive/intimidating policing, the death penalty and interventionism (at home as well as abroad), then the existence of violent episodes like the most recent tragedy in Pittsburgh fits a broader pattern — perhaps not in frequency, severity or scope but in intent and form.
The Trump administration and bin Salman also have the shared goal of countering Iran's aggressive interventionism in the region, which is considered to be the main contributing factor to the emergence of extremist groups that continue to threaten both Saudi Arabia and the U.S. While one could argue that the Kingdom is ready to face these threats militarily, the real battle may lie in the public relations arena.
Woodrow Wilson, among others, was not so successful in creating a postwar peace because he forced conditions to preconceived realities that bore little resemblance to emerging ironies at Versailles — and was without a sellable idea of an American role after World War I. Gaddis concludes with an invaluable warning that true morality embraces neither messianic interventionism nor the quest for utopianism — indeed that is how millions become deluded, endangered or doomed.
Founded in 1995 by Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes, the Weekly Standard is best known as a publication aimed at "neoconservatives," a branch of conservatism stemming from, in part, former liberals who were disappointed with the cultural revolutions of the 1960s and backed a hawkish foreign policy that centers on interventionism ("Having defeated and then occupied Iraq, democratizing the country should not be too tall an order for the world's sole superpower" wrote Kristol in 2003).
We can, like some leftists followers, claim to see in Guaidó's oath of office the outcome of a reactionary plot, without considering a few crucial realities: First, that the plotters in this case are millions of ruined, starved and tormented Venezuelans; and, second, that when it comes to interventionism, the most brutal, criminal and imperialistic intervention today is coming not from the United States but from China, which finances the regime, from Russia, which protects it, and from Cuba, which patrols Caracas.
"Tulsi Gabbard's signature stance on non-interventionism makes her the only principled opponent of American empire in the 2020 presidential race so far — and one who excites libertarians worn out by mainstream politicians who either know nothing about military adventurism or naively go along with worn-out notions of the United States as the 'indispensable nation' that must be fighting every battle in every corner of the world," said Nick Gillespie, editor-at-large of libertarianism's paper of record, Reason magazine, in an email.
Bernie SandersBernie SandersTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Eight Democratic presidential hopefuls to appear in CNN climate town hall Top aide Jeff Weaver lays out Sanders's path to victory MORE and Rand PaulRandal (Rand) Howard PaulGraham promises ObamaCare repeal if Trump, Republicans win in 2020 Conservatives buck Trump over worries of 'socialist' drug pricing Rand Paul to 'limit' August activities due to health MORE had the same message, that the US would end its interventionism, which is what America and, more importantly, the world needs.
With Defense Secretary James MattisJames Norman MattisOnly Donald Trump has a policy for Afghanistan New Pentagon report blames Trump troop withdrawal for ISIS surge in Iraq and Syria Mattis returns to board of General Dynamics MORE at the Pentagon, Mike PompeoMichael (Mike) Richard PompeoAfghan president vows to take revenge after Islamic State attack on wedding The Hill's Morning Report - Trump on defense over economic jitters Latest pro-democracy rally draws tens of thousands in Hong Kong MORE still at the helm at the CIA, and former United Nations ambassador John Bolton starting work today as the new national security adviser, he has a team which can think beyond the false dichotomy of large-scale interventionism and unrealistic isolationism which has so pathetically defined the national security debate in Washington for too long.

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