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"disjoin" Definitions
  1. to end the joining of
  2. to become detached

5 Sentences With "disjoin"

How to use disjoin in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "disjoin" and check conjugation/comparative form for "disjoin". Mastering all the usages of "disjoin" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The elements in this anti-composition have almost fallen out of time, and they are about to break apart, or at least to disjoin.
Following copulation, they abruptly disjoin, however, detachment can be often difficult due to the males twisted position. Once separated both the male and female begin to feed and clean their own genitals and antenna—this feeding and cleaning behaviour typically occurs within a few steps from the site of copulation. Females do not respond to any other mating advances immediately following copulation. However, females typically reproduce more than once during their lifetime.Siswanto.
The influence of British empiricism may be seen, especially that of contemporary philosopher and empiricist John Locke. Logic includes several references to Locke and his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, in which he espoused his empiricist views. Watts was careful to distinguish between judgements and propositions, unlike some other logic authors. According to Watts, judgement is "to compare... ideas together, and to join them by affirmation, or disjoin then by negation, according as we find them to agree or disagree".
But it was Aristotle, one of Plato's students, who advanced the idea and discussed it more explicitly. In Aristotle's Poetics he likened drama narrative's and action to organic form, presenting it as “a complete whole, with its several incidents so closely connected that the transposal or withdrawal of any one of them will disjoin and dislocate the whole.” Plato is suggesting removing all love interest, wit, conventional expectations, rhetoric or ornament out of a literary criticism and philosophy. Plato's Republic takes the natural principle birds of a feather flock together as a premise for organic form.
" Hallucinogen (coined in 1952 from Latin alucinor and -gen "producing"): "A mind-altering chemical, drug, or agent, specifically a chemical the most prominent pharmacologic action of which is on the central nervous system (mescaline); in normal people, it elicits optic or auditory hallucinations, depersonalization, perceptual disturbances, and disturbances of thought processes." Pharmacology divides hallucinogens into three classes. Psychedelic (first used in 1956 from Greek psyche- "mind; soul" and delein "to manifest"): "Pertaining to a rather imprecise category of drugs with mainly central nervous system action, and with effects said to be the expansion or heightening of consciousness, LSD, hashish, mescaline, psilocybin." Dissociative is a class of hallucinogen that produces feelings of dissociation (Latin dissocioatus "to disjoin, separate" from socius "partner, ally") meaning "(3) An unconscious separation of a group of mental processes from the rest, resulting in an independent functioning of these processes and a loss of the usual associations, a separation of affect from cognition.

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