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"discrepant" Definitions
  1. being at variance : DISAGREEING

100 Sentences With "discrepant"

How to use discrepant in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "discrepant" and check conjugation/comparative form for "discrepant". Mastering all the usages of "discrepant" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Experimental errors alone don't seem to explain the discrepant values.
The outcomes of these two pregnancies are wildly discrepant and so are the cost differences.
And that's when Cameron's people got in touch to talk numbers, specifically those 16 discrepant meters.
They say it jumbles together issues of vastly discrepant seriousness: her emails, the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, Birkenstocks.
And this renders complaints of discrepant urgency, about politicians of different recklessness, into one big, ignorable mush of partisan rancor.
"People reference music videos more often than they realize, and in a way that's discrepant from the music itself," she says.
What makes this book particularly exciting and inventive is how seamlessly it moves in and out of its multiple discrepant territories.
Treaties typically eliminate double taxation that arises from discrepant legal systems, but no such treaty exists between Germany and Britain, she said.
Even so, the difference between the values isn't at the "five-sigma" level of experimental precision required to say that the values are truly discrepant.
Moreover, there's an imposed limit to how fast each block can be approved, to avoid the possibility that two discrepant blocks would be approved simultaneously.
In it he studies, like a private detective, the discrepant accounts of how this work from 1953 by Robert Rauschenberg was first presented and subsequently interpreted, over the decades.
"The discrepant entries in both calendars appear to be the same appointment, generated by the same person, indicating that both entries should be identical unless altered or withheld," he wrote.
"The discrepant entries in both calendars appear to be the same appointment, generated by the same person, indicating that both entries should be identical unless altered or withheld," he wrote.
Talk, too, about how you entwine only apparently discrepant material (your love bird, riots, chats and Chats by Baudelaire) seamlessly in cogent song, unmarked visibly by thematic sections, but all over at once in every line?
"We have seen a risk that information linked to the quarterly report has leaked and want to ensure that we don't have discrepant information in the market," Intrum head of investor relation Viktor Lindeberg told business daily Dagens Industri.
Dan Savage, author of a nationally syndicated sex advice column, said porn can be a tool when dealing with discrepant desires or libidos, such as in the case of new fathers, who can turn to porn for variety or stimulation.
Teachers have a strong case to make that they need and deserve more pay, given the discrepant pay between teaching and comparable professions: Teachers earned 28503 percent less than workers with similar education and experience in 22019, a gap that grew to 17 percent in 2015, according to the Economic Policy Institute.
Naa15 harbors a putative NLS between residues 612-628 (KKNAEKEKQQRNQKKKK); however, analysis of the nuclear localization of Naa15 revealed discrepant results.
Marchioness Wellesley was broken up at Fort Gloster in 1821, or 1824. She was last listed in the registers in 1823, but with discrepant information.
The Guardian alleged that the IDF issued multiple discrepant accounts to explain its actions. Mohammed Juma also accused Israeli soldiers of stealing valuable African parrots.
Thus, the message that persuades the most is the one that is most discrepant from the listener's position, yet falls within his or her latitude of acceptance or latitude of noncommitment.
Thus, the MMN has been suggested to reflect change detection when a memory trace representing the constant standard stimulus and the neural code of the stimulus with deviant parameter(s) are discrepant.
Emotion helping by managers: An emergent understanding of discrepant role expectations and outcomes. Academy of Management Journal. Balkundi, P., Kilduff, M., & Harrison, D. A. 2011. Centrality and charisma: Comparing how leader networks and attributions affect team performance.
Sometimes people perceive a message that falls within their latitude of rejection as farther from their anchor than it really is; a phenomenon known as contrast. The opposite of contrast is assimilation, a perceptual error whereby people judge messages that fall within their latitude of acceptance as less discrepant from their anchor than they really are. These latitudes dictate the likelihood of assimilation and contrast. When a discrepant viewpoint is expressed in a communication message within the person's latitude of acceptance, the message is more likely to be assimilated or viewed as being closer to person's anchor, or his or her own viewpoint, than it actually is.
The establishment of a civil administration system is quickly imposed to solidify the permanence of Roman rule. #Discrepant IdentityMattingly, D. J., 2004, "Being Roman: Expressing Identity in a provincial setting", Journal of Roman Archaeology Vol. 17, pp. 13 – No uniformity of identity that can accurately be described as traditional Romanization.
The Menefee Formation consists of fluvial sandstone, shale, and coal. Age estimates from ammonite biostratigraphy, palynostratigraphy, and direct radiometric dating are discrepant but the most likely age is around 81 Ma, corresponding to the early Campanian.Lucas et al. 2005 Named members include a lower Cleary Coal Member and an upper Allison Member.
Research has discrepant findings on how much of an increase typically occurs and how much it can vary. Early, small sample studies have found various figures, such as; a 6% higher postovulatory sleep metabolism,Bisdee JT. James WPT. Whole body calorimetry studies in the menstrual cycle. New York: Fourth International Conference on Obesity 1983;52(abstr).
Laquinimod seems to be able to reduce the MS disease activity on MRI. However, the response to a given dose was discrepant between both studies. Phase III studies for MS started in December 2007. In 2011, Teva announced its clinical trials involving laquinimod had failed, being unable to significantly reduce relapses in MS among patients beyond a placebo.
If viewers cannot escape or reassess the work, they are forced to reassess the self and their interactions with works of art. This experience of self-awareness through a work of art is often externally caused, rather than internally motivated, and starts a transformative process to understand the meaning of the discrepant work, and edit their own self- image.
Mackey is the author of Discrepant Engagement: Dissonance, Cross-Culturality, and Experimental Writing (1993), an influential book of literary theory, and more recently of Paracritical Hinge: Essays, Talks, Notes, Interviews (2004). He has edited the avant-garde literary journal Hambone for more than 15 years, and co-edited Moment's Notice: Jazz in Poetry and Prose with Art Lange (1993).
It is not possible to completely avoid all discrepant messages. When exposure to a dissonant message has occurred, the phenomenon of selective perception often follows. This process simply means that people skew their perceptions to coincide with what they desire (Johnson-Cartee & Copeland, 1997). Perception is subjective and dependent on several factors; one factor, for example, is media type.
Enmeshment is a concept in psychology and psychotherapy introduced by Salvador Minuchin (1921-2017) to describe families where personal boundaries are diffused, sub-systems undifferentiated, and over-concern for others leads to a loss of autonomous development.H. & L. Goldberg, Family Therapy: An Overview (2008) p. 244 and p. 467 Enmeshed in parental needs, trapped in a discrepant role function,Virginia Satir, Peoplemaking (1983) p.
If the documents do not comply with the terms of the letter of credit they are considered Discrepant. At this point, the Nominated Bank will inform the Beneficiary of the discrepancy and offer a number of options depending on the circumstances after consent of applicant. However, such a discrepancy must be more than trivial. Refusal cannot depend on anything other than reasonable examination of the documents themselves.
Nestling measurements and weights from two White-tailed Eagle populations in Sweden. Bird Study, 28(3), 235-241. In some cases females are as much as 25% heavier and 15% greater in linear dimensions, though the sexes are rarely this discrepant in standard measurements. Among standard measurements, the wing chord is in males, averaging in European adults and juveniles, respectively, and in Greenland males.
Aristarchian symbols are editorial marks developed during the Hellenistic period and the early Roman empire for annotating then-ancient Greek texts – mainly the works of Homer. They were used to highlight missing text, text which was discrepant between sources, and text which appeared in the wrong place. Two main types of ancient Greek philological annotations can be distinguished: Signs and explicit notes. Aristarchian symbols are signs.
Therefore, a female faculty member violates societal expectations for both the categories of women and leader. This violation results in both discrepant expectations for men and women and more negative evaluations of women in such positions. Consistent with role congruity theory, Winocour, Schoen and Sirowatka (1989)Winocur, S. Shoen, L. G., & Sirowatka A. H. (1989). Perceptions of male and female academics within a teaching context.
Comparing pulses and different places gives valuable clinical information. A discrepant or unequal pulse between left and right radial artery is observed in anomalous or aberrant course of artery, coarctation of aorta, aortitis, dissecting aneurysm, peripheral embolism etc. An unequal pulse between upper and lower extremities is seen in coarctation to aorta, aortitis, block at bifurcation of aorta, dissection of aorta, iatrogenic trauma and arteriosclerotic obstruction.
FTT in Children The prefrontal cortex in children is preferentially underdeveloped in comparison to other brain regions. Children are often credulous, and skeptical thinking develops relatively late in childhood. Increased skepticism during early development parallels maturation in prefrontal cortex functioning as the prefrontal cortex is relatively underdeveloped early in childhood. The FTT works on the principle of coherence, which states that disbelief results from the comparison of discrepant, mutually incompatible cognitions.
From Hipparcos data, its proper motion is seen to be discrepant and accelerating, although there is insufficient data to determine any orbit. Q Scorpii is cooler than the sun, but more luminous. It is a red clump giant, at the cool end of the horizontal branch, fusing helium in its core. Like all red clump giants, it has an effective temperature near and a bolometric luminosity of around .
He accordingly resolved to devote his daylight energies to the sun, while reserving his nights for the stars. Solar physics as a whole, however, he prudently excluded from his field of view. He limited his task to fixing the true period of the sun's rotation (of which curiously discrepant values had been obtained), to tracing the laws of distribution of maculæ, and investigating the existence of permanent surface-currents.
The primary basis for the selective exposure assumption can be located within cognitive dissonance theory, although contemporary work (Knobloch- Westerwick, 2014) draws on numerous theories. Basically, this theory states that people do not like to have previously-held beliefs challenged. When individuals encounter information that is discrepant from their own opinions, they seek to resolve the resultant disharmony somehow. People in general do not like to be wrong.
Reports from Fox seemed to imply that these three episodes constituted a season of their own. Among multiple discrepant reports from TBS, one indicated that the three episodes were the beginning of the 11th season to resume on their network. Despite these episodes counting as the 11th season officially, the DVD release, as well as Netflix and Hulu, count this season as the first three episodes of season 12.
The general picture of social influence thus remains one of conformity and alignment attitudes. A major implication of social judgment theory is that persuasion is difficult to accomplish. Successful persuasive messages are those that are targeted to the receiver's latitude of acceptance and discrepant from the anchor position, so that the incoming information cannot be assimilated or contrasted. This suggests that even successful attempts at persuasion will yield only small changes in attitude.
The dissonance theory by Leon Festinger has thrived the progress of social psychology research in the 1960s as it is not confined to the prediction of intended influence but can support almost all sub fields of psychology studies. Although Festinger himself was ambiguous about the role of commitment in the theory, later researchers such as BrehmBrehm, J. W. (1960). A dissonance analysis of attitude-discrepant behavior. Attitude Organization and Change, 164-97.
Sex reassignment surgery performed on unconsenting minors (babies and children) may result in catastrophic outcomes (including PTSD and suicide—such as in the David Reimer case, following a botched circumcision) when the individual's sexual identity (determined by neuroanatomical brain wiring) is discrepant with the surgical reassignment previously imposed.Boyle, G.J.(2005). The scandal of genital mutilation surgery on infants (pp. 95-100). In L. May (Ed.), Transgenders and Intersexuals, Bowden, South Australia: Fast Lane (imprint of East Street Publications).
The monoamine hypothesis was compelling, especially based on apparently successful clinical results with early antidepressant drugs, but even at the time there were discrepant findings. Only a minority of patients given the serotonin-depleting drug reserpine became depressed; in fact reserpine even acted as an antidepressant in many cases. This was inconsistent with the initial monoamine theory which said depression was caused by neurotransmitter deficiency. Another problem was the time lag between antidepressant biological action and therapeutic benefit.
Although some believe that TEF is reduced in obesity, discrepant results and inconsistent research methods have failed to validate such claims. The mechanism of TEF is unknown. TEF has been described as the energy used in the distribution of nutrients and metabolic processes in the liver, but a hepatectomized animal shows no signs of TEF and intravenous injection of amino acids results in an effect equal to that of oral ingestion of the same amino acids.Chaprapani U. and Satyanaryana.
After delivery of the placenta, mothers experience an abrupt decline of gonadal hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone. Major hormonal changes in the early postpartum period may trigger mood symptoms similarly to how more minor hormonal shifts cause mood swings prior to menstrual periods.Studies have not detected a consistent association between hormone concentrations and development of postpartum mood disorders. Some investigators believe the discrepant results may be due to variations in sensitivity to hormonal shifts across different subgroups of women.
Recently, Johnson, Kopp, and Petty (2018) attempted to reconcile the discrepant results of the previous research. They argued the negation was not meaningful and participants were not adequately motivated to get rid of their implicit biases. The researchers introduced a condition in which participants were told to think, "That's wrong!" in response to stereotype-consistent information. Other participants were told, instead, to continue to use the typical form of negation and simply responded "No" to stereotype-consistent information.
Open-mindedness is usually encouraged in group settings, within different cultures and new environments. According to David DiSalvo, closed-mindedness, or an unwillingness to consider new ideas, can result from the brain's natural dislike for ambiguity. According to this view, the brain has a "search and destroy" relationship with ambiguity and evidence contradictory to people's current beliefs tends to make them uncomfortable by introducing such ambiguity. Research confirms that belief-discrepant-closed-minded persons have less tolerance for cognitive inconsistency.
Elements are organizational political norms, member political motives, prior discussion of issue, prior goal attainment, goal definition, and degree of stress from external threat. Examples: whether group members identified and pursue a unitary goal or they have multiple, discrepant goals influences the rationality of the decision- making process. Members’ political motives also make a tremendous difference, if individuals have a vested interest in certain outcomes, or there are one or more coalitions present, behavior in the decision making process could be altered.
In the LA County high schools of El Monte, Alhambra, and Covina (particularly Northview) the students marched to fight for their rights. Similar walkouts took place in 1978 of Houston high schools to protest the discrepant academic quality for Latino students. There were also several student sit-ins as objection to the decreasing funding of Chicano courses. The blowouts of the 1960s can be compared to the 2006 walkouts, which were done as opposition to the Illegal Immigration Control bill.
Failure of the bank to pay is grounds for a chose in action. Documents presented after the time limits mentioned in the credit, however, are considered discrepant. If the corrected documents cannot be supplied in time, the documents may be forwarded directly to the issuing bank "in trust"; effectively in the hope that the Applicant will accept the documents. Documents forwarded in trust remove the payment security of a letter of credit so this route must only be used as a last resort.
The hypothesis that people systematically tend to overattribute behavior to traits (at least for other people's behavior) is contested. Epstein and Teraspulsky tested whether subjects over-, under-, or correctly estimate the empirical correlation among behaviors. (These behavioral consistencies are what "traits" describe.) They found that estimates of correlations among behaviors correlated strongly with empirically observed correlations among these behaviors. Subjects were sensitive to even very small correlations, and their confidence in the association tracked how far they were discrepant (i.e.
Proserpina (minor planet designation: 26 Proserpina) is a main-belt asteroid discovered by R. Luther on May 5, 1853. It is named after the Roman goddess Proserpina, the daughter of Ceres and the Queen of the Underworld. Another main-belt asteroid, 399 Persephone, discovered in 1895, is named after her Greek counterpart. Photometric observations of this asteroid have produced discrepant estimates of the rotation period. A period of 12.13 hours was reported in 1979, followed by 10.6 hours in 1981 and 6.67 hours in 2001.
A correct reaction mechanism is an important part of accurate predictive modeling. For many combustion and plasma systems, detailed mechanisms are not available or require development. Even when information is available, identifying and assembling the relevant data from a variety of sources, reconciling discrepant values and extrapolating to different conditions can be a difficult process without expert help. Rate constants or thermochemical data are often not available in the literature, so computational chemistry techniques or group additivity methods must be used to obtain the required parameters.
Rainfall from the storm's outer rainbands began to cause flooding in river basins well in advance of the storm's landfall. Upon moving ashore Honshu, the typhoon brought a strong storm surge that destroyed numerous flood defense systems, inundating coastal regions and sinking ships. Damage totals from Vera reached US$600 million (equivalent to US$ billion in ). The number of fatalities caused by Vera remain discrepant, though current estimates indicate that the typhoon caused more than 5,000 deaths, making it one of the deadliest typhoons in Japanese history.
Sachs focuses in particular on Freud's view that a person's emotions are always proportionate in nature to their causes and objects, even though their relationship to them may appear to be discrepant or incongruous. O'Shaughnessy's essay, "The id and the thinking process", evaluates the plausibility of Freud's concept of the id. O'Shaughnessy provides an account of relevant psychological processes such as the human will and the relationship between the ego and the id. He argues that willing always proceeds from the ego and never from the id.
In the Chihuahuan Desert of Mexico, Swainson's hawks usually nested in lowlands and red-tails nested in highlands but interspecies conflicts nevertheless were apparently quite frequent. Usually, the habitat preferences of red-tailed hawks and ferruginous hawks are discrepant enough to keep serious territorial conflicts to a minimum. However, red-tailed hawks and ferruginous hawks occasionally engaged in kleptoparasitism towards one another, usually during winter. Red-tails may be somewhat dominant based on prior reports in food conflicts but the ferruginous hawk may also win these.
A change or shift in attitude is sometimes interpreted as an admission that the original belief was inaccurate or inadequate. To avoid having their opinions challenged, research indicates that people tend to simply avoid information that might be discrepant in nature (Johnson-Cartee and Copeland, 1997). Support for this tendency to avoid dissonant messages can also be found in mood management theory. Basically, this theory states that people expose themselves to stimuli that are pleasurable and avoid stimuli that might induce a negative reaction (Zillman & Bryant, 1985).
Helm wrote a detailed narrative of events; but, because of his fear of being court martialed due to his criticism of Heald, delayed publication until 1814.The Fort Dearborn Massacre John Kinzie's recollections of the battle were recorded by Henry Schoolcraft in August 1820. These accounts of details of the conflict are discrepant, particularly in their attribution of blame for the battle. Juliette Magill Kinzie's Wau-Bun: The Early Day in the Northwest, which was first published in 1856, provides the traditional account of the conflict.
Brunner has stated that the filing of paperwork by Republican officials may be an attempt to establish grounds for contesting ballots on Election Day. The paperwork requires use of provisional ballots by persons with discrepant registrations. On October 9, 2008, the Republicans also were granted an order against Brunner by Judge Smith requiring that Brunner must perform voter registration verification according to the Help America Vote Act. Matching new registrants' information against Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles or the Social Security Administration databases is one of the requirements.
Evidence seems to be discrepant regarding links of Gauda with the Rarh region. While Krishna Mishra (11th or 12th century), in his Prabodha-chandrodaya, mentions that Gauda Rashtra includes Rarh (or Rarhpuri) and Bhurishreshthika, identified with Bhurshut, in Hooghly and Howrah districts, but the Managoli inscription of the Yadava king Jaitugi I distinguishes Lala (Rarh) from Gaula (Gauda). According to Jain writers of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Gauda included Lakshmanavati in present-day Malda district. The Pala emperors were referred to as Vangapati (Lord of Vanga) and Gaudesvara (Lord of Gauda).
Evidence seems to be discrepant regarding links of Gauda with the Rarh region. While Krishna Mishra (eleventh or twelfth century AD), in his Prabodha- chandrodaya, mentions that Gauda rashtra includes Rarh (or Rarhpuri) and Bhurishreshthika, identified with Bhurshut, in Hooghly and Howrah districts, but the Managoli inscription of the Yadava king Jaitugi I distinguishes Lala (Rarh) from Gaula (Gauda). According to Jain writers of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Gauda included Lakshmanavati in present-day Malda district. The Pala emperors were referred to as Vangapati (Lord of Vanga) and Gaudesvara (Lord of Gauda).
Drawing on records of behaviours discrepant with the A, B and C classifications, a fourth classification was added by Ainsworth's colleague Mary Main. In the Strange Situation, the attachment system is expected to be activated by the departure and return of the caregiver. If the behaviour of the infant does not appear to the observer to be coordinated in a smooth way across episodes to achieve either proximity or some relative proximity with the caregiver, then it is considered 'disorganized' as it indicates a disruption or flooding of the attachment system (e.g. by fear).
Doing the same with the account of Cleomedes yields a distance of 61 Earth radii. These are remarkably close to both Ptolemy's value and the modern one. According to Toomer, : This procedure, if I have constructed it correctly, is very remarkable... What is astonishing is the sophistication of approaching the problem by two quite different methods, and also the complete honesty with which Hipparchus reveals his discrepant results... which are nevertheless of the same order of magnitude and (for the first time in the history of astronomy) in the right region.
One disadvantage of the scheme-theoretic definition is that a scheme over k cannot have an L-valued point if L is not an extension of k. For example, the rational point (1,1,1) is a solution to the equation x1 + ix2 - (1+i)x3 but the corresponding Q[i]-variety V has no Spec(Q)-valued point. The two definitions of field of definition are also discrepant, e.g. the (scheme- theoretic) minimal field of definition of V is Q, while in the first definition it would have been Q[i].
OBEs mostly occur to people with epilepsy or migraines, but approximately 10% of the healthy population also experience OBEs once or twice in a lifetime. They usually occur spontaneously and are of short duration, making OBEs hard to study. Here is an example of a patient describing what he or she experienced during an OBE: “I was in bed and about to fall asleep when I had the distinct impression that “I” was at the ceiling level looking down at my body in the bed. I was very startled and frightened; immediately [afterward] I felt that, I was consciously back in the bed again.” It is suggested that OBEs are caused by multi-sensory disintegration in the TPJ disrupting different aspects of self- processing such as illusory reduplication, illusory self-location, and illusory perspective. The brain integrates different sensory inputs to create a representation of one’s body and its location in its surrounding. Some inhibition of discrepant inputs is required to have coherency, but in some cases, those discrepant inputs are so strong and come from more than one sensory source that it leads to two different representations of one’s own body. This multi-sensory disintegration at the TPJ leads to OBEs.
Crittenden, for example, noted that one abused infant in her doctoral sample was classed as secure (B) by her undergraduate coders because her strange situation behaviour was "without either avoidance or ambivalence, she did show stress-related stereotypic headcocking throughout the strange situation. This pervasive behaviour, however, was the only clue to the extent of her stress".Crittenden, P.M. (1983) 'Mother and Infant Patterns of Attachment' Unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of Virginia, May 1983, p.73 Drawing on records of behaviours discrepant with the A, B, and C classifications, a fourth classification was added by Ainsworth's colleague Mary Main.
A different kind of intentional mood contagion is by giving the group a reward, or treat, in order to alleviate their feelings. In the organizational psychology literature, a growing body of research is dedicated to the aspects of emotional labor. In short, it deals with the need to manage emotions so that they are consistent with organizational or occupational display rules, regardless of whether they are discrepant with internal feelings. In regard to emotional contagion, in work settings that require a certain display of emotions, one finds himself obligated to display, and consequently feel, these emotions.
Speed Demos Archive and Twin Galaxies measure only the length of the gameplay proper, and begin timing when the player gains control of the character and ends timing when the player loses it. These differences in timing conventions can result in seemingly discrepant times between unassisted and tool-assisted runs. For example, a Super Mario Bros. speedrun by Andrew Gardikis, a 4:58 by SDA timing, seems to be only 0.69 seconds slower than a TAS of 4 minutes and 57.31 seconds by HappyLee, but his run actually contains 5 minutes and 1 second of input starting from power-on.
From the same sample, males had a mean wing chord length of , tail length of , culmen length of and tarsus length of . Meanwhile, females had a mean wing chord length of , tail length of , culmen length of and tarsus length of . Perhaps most surprisingly, the Suzuka mountain birds were not noticeably discrepant in body mass from known weights of mainland mountain hawk-eagles, especially similar to that of the apparently larger hawk-eagles from east-central China. The Suzuka sample as above found males to weigh from , with an average of , while females were found to weigh from , with an average of .
Neptune's distance was very discrepant, however, and indeed Pluto — no longer considered a planet — is at a mean distance that roughly corresponds to that the Titus–Bode law predicted for the next planet out from Uranus. When originally published, the law was approximately satisfied by all the planets then known — Mercury through Saturn — with a gap between the fourth and fifth planets. It was regarded as interesting, but of no great importance until the discovery of Uranus in 1781, which happens to fit into the series. Based on this discovery, Bode urged a search for a fifth planet.
Another use of Phred quality scores by Phrap that contributed to the program's success was the determination of consensus sequences using sequence qualities. In effect, Phrap automated a step that was a major bottleneck in the early phases of the Human Genome Project: to determine the correct consensus sequence at all positions where the assembled sequences had discrepant bases. This approach had been suggested by Bonfield and Staden in 1995,Bonfield JK, Staden R (1995): The application of numerical estimates of base calling accuracy to DNA sequencing projects. Nucleic Acids Res. 1995 Apr 25;23(8):1406-10.
The mathematics of this approach were rather simple, since Phred quality scores are logarithmically linked to error probabilities. This means that the quality scores of confirming reads can simply be added, as long as the error distributions are sufficiently independent. To satisfy this independence criterion, reads must typically be in different direction, since peak patterns that cause base calling errors are often identical when a region is sequenced several times in the same direction. If a consensus base is covered by both high-quality sequence and (discrepant) low-quality sequence, Phrap's selection of the higher quality sequence will in most cases be correct.
The discrepant behaviors are most often exhibited on reunion, but are found in other episodes of the procedure as well. Main and Cassidy developed a set of thematic headings for the various forms of disorganized/disoriented behavior. Infant behaviors coded as disorganized/disoriented include sequential display of contradictory behavior patterns (Index I); simultaneous display of contradictory behavior patterns (II); undirected, misdirected, incomplete, and interrupted movements and expressions (III); stereotypies, asymmetrical movements, mistimed movements, and anomalous postures (IV); freezing, stilling, and slowed movements and expressions (V); direct indices of apprehension regarding the parent (VI); direct indices of disorganization or disorientation (VII).Main, M., & Solomon, J. (1990).
Citing discrepancies such as the absence on Hofer's map of nearby Reynolds Island, he suggested that the discrepant features are consistent with an aerial view of the area when covered with fog, which has often obscured low-lying areas like Reynold's Island and the ice-bridge connecting Warming Island to the Greenlandic mainland. He further observed, "I see by the markings of the 1957 document that it is to be construed as indeed only schematic, that it is explicitly incomplete." Michaels explained that Hofer included the map in his book "so as to place his pictures and stories in context." No photographic evidence is available that would resolve the issue.
The Epilachninae constitute about 16% of the described species of the Coccinellidae. Their identification is no problem in the field when examining routine crop damage, because they are selective feeders, but a specimen obtained out of context can be troublesome; their markings are not consistent, so offhand identification is unreliable. For reliable identification, one may have recourse to dissection to inspect the genitalia, or may inspect the eggs and larvae, which often are more distinctive than the adults. The taxonomy of the Epilachnini is currently under investigation, and while little disagreement exists about their status as members of the Coccinellidae, various authors are discrepant in their assignment of genera.
The habitat selection and overall distribution of the changeable hawk-eagle is largely concurrent with other largish raptors such as the crested serpent eagle and the crested honey buzzard, apparently the three species are largely tolerant and non-aggressive towards each other, perhaps surprisingly given the otherwise aggressive habits of hawk-eagles. Unsurprisingly, these species have quite discrepant ecological niches, especially in terms of their dietary habits. Although nest predators are probably profuse, parent changeable hawk-eagles are likely to aggressive displace most potential threats. No verified accounts of predation are known in the wild and the species often likely fulfills the role of an apex predator.
A change of registered gender in Manitoba is available to persons born there. As of the 1st February 2015, there exists no requirement for trans individuals to have undergone gender confirmation surgery. Section 25(3) of the Vital Statistics Act of Manitoba further provides that "a person may apply to the director for a change of sex designation certificate if the person is a Canadian citizen who has been a resident of Manitoba for at least one year before the date the application is submitted." This follows the Quebec model, but is discrepant with Manitoba's policy for legal changes of name (three months' ordinary residence).
Epistolary novels can be categorized based on the number of people whose letters are included. This gives three types of epistolary novels: monologic (giving the letters of only one character, like Letters of a Portuguese Nun and The Sorrows of Young Werther), dialogic (giving the letters of two characters, like Mme Marie Jeanne Riccoboni's Letters of Fanni Butler (1757), and polylogic (with three or more letter-writing characters, such as in Bram Stoker's Dracula). A crucial element in polylogic epistolary novels like Clarissa and Dangerous Liaisons is the dramatic device of 'discrepant awareness': the simultaneous but separate correspondences of the heroines and the villains creating dramatic tension.
Eglinton's research is: Eglinton has revolutionised studies of Earth's carbon cycle. By developing an entirely new means of tracing the pathways of organic carbon in surface environments, ranging from eroding landforms to rivers, floodplains, the oceanic water column, microbial communities and marine sediments, he has replaced countless estimates and assumptions with accurately known transport times and carbon budgets. His findings have illuminated and reconciled formerly discrepant paleoclimatic records, revealed new forms of microbial life, demonstrated that microorganisms can attack and remobilise billion-year- old organic material, and traced the pathways of petroleum-derived carbon in surface environments. One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from the royalsociety.
The extent to which reflected appraisals affect the person being appraised depends upon characteristics of the appraiser and his or her appraisal. Greater impact on the development of a person's self-concept is said to occur when: (1) the appraiser is perceived as a highly credible source (2) the appraiser takes a very personal interest in the person being appraised (3) the appraisal is very discrepant with the person's self-concept at the moment (4) the number of confirmations of a given appraisal is high (5) the appraisals coming from a variety of sources are consistent and (6) appraisals are supportive of the person's own beliefs about himself or herself.
Few attribute values are created way after the initial creation of the transaction; in such cases, administering these checks becomes tricky and should be done immediately after the defined event of that attribute's source and the transaction's other core attribute conditions are met. All data having attributes referring to Reference Data in the organization may be validated against the set of well-defined valid values of Reference Data to discover new or discrepant values through the validity DQ check. Results may be used to update Reference Data administered under Master Data Management (MDM). All data sourced from a third party to organization's internal teams may undergo accuracy (DQ) check against the third party data.
In 1999, Beebe received a research grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to analyze video from 132 mother-infant dyads. The research project culminated in a 2010 paper that found attachment outcomes at 12-months could be predicted by just 2.5 minutes of video microanalysis of mother-infant interactions. In addition, her paper demonstrated that disorganized attachment—characterized by an infant who has no coherent strategy for relating to their caregiver—can also be predicted from mother-infant interaction at four-months. According to Beebe, the infants on their way to a disorganized attachment strategy exhibited "discrepant, contradictory, and conflicted patterns of communication with their mothers, in the context of intense, sometimes frantic, infant distress".
It also was uncovered that COPA hid the report after their third party expert found the Rialmo shooting to be justified, overriding COPA's initial report of wrongdoing. CPD Superintendent Eddie Johnson objected to COPA's concealment of their expert’s discrepant findings. Johnson further affirmed that the shooting was lawful and in-policy, reiterating his earlier decision of defending Officer Rialmo. However, his objections were disregarded and a disciplinary case was sent to the Chicago Police Board nonetheless. Eventually, the controversy culminated in Superintendent Eddie Johnson’s reversal of his original decision and stated that Rialmo was unjustified in the shooting of LeGrier and Jones, which contradicted his early defense of Rialmo calling the shooting justified.
To maintain the integrity of the laboratory process, the medical laboratory scientist recognizes factors that could introduce error and rejects contaminated or sub-standard specimens, as well as investigates discrepant results. A typical laboratory performs hundreds of different tests with a number of methodologies. Common tests performed by medical laboratory scientists are complete blood count (CBC), comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), electrolyte panel, liver function tests (LFT), renal function tests (RFT), thyroid function test (TFT), urinalysis, coagulation profile, lipid profile, blood type, semen analysis (for fertility and post-vasectomy studies), serological studies and routine cultures. In some facilities that have few phlebotomists, or none at all, (such as in rural areas) medical laboratory scientists may perform phlebotomy on patients, as this skill is part of the clinical training.
Using a barometer, they measured an altitude of . The descent took three further days. Later, the relative isolation of the Serra Fina range, which is uninhabited, traversed by no mountain passes or roads, and surrounded by dense vegetation, made the area little known, poorly mapped, and rarely explored until the end of the 20th century, other than occasional expeditions by members of the small São Paulo Alpine Club, starting from the 1970s. Old maps of the area showed highly discrepant altitude values for Pedra da Mina, from as low as in some aeronautical charts to in the 1974 official topographic chart of the area by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the government institution that holds the authority for all official geographic information in Brazil.
However, OH 24, at the time the oldest H. habilis specimen, was similar to the younger OH 13, which showed there was no evolutionary progression through the lineage. Cast of the type specimen OH 7 Many had accepted Tobias' model and assigned Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene hominin remains outside the range of Paranthropus and H. erectus into H. habilis. For non-skull elements, this was done on the basis of size as there was a lack of clear diagnostic characteristics. Because of these practices, the range of variation for the species became quite wide, and the terms H. habilis sensu stricto ("in the strict sense") and H. habilis sensu lato ("in the broad sense") were in use to include and exclude, respectively, more discrepant morphs.
Self-definitional threat refers to a situation in which individuals feel their identities are uncertain or threatened or they feel insecure in an identity they are committed to. In such cases, individuals are more likely to value symbols that reinforce those identities. The study “Reactions to self- discrepant feedback: Feminist attitude and symbolic self-completion” shows how a threat to one’s identity also motivates individuals to engage in symbolic self-completion as a means of reducing the tension it causes. The researchers Rudolf Schiffmann and Doris Nelkenbrecher asked a group of feminist participants to subscribe to a feminist journal after being given feedback on their feminist attitudes. The women who were described as less feminist were more likely to subscribe to the feminist journal as a means of symbolically “completing” their self-definition.
While all three components have similar proper motion, HD 53680's proper motion as measured by HIPPARCOS is sizeably discrepant from the proper motions of the other two components. A clue to the cause of this is that HD 53680's Tycho-2 proper motion is different from the HIPPARCOS values, which indicates that the star is being perturbed by a close companion. A fit of the HIPPARCOS astrometric data found a weakly constrained fit found a period of 1500 days, an inclination of 180 degrees (a face-on orbit) and a semimajor axis of 30.6 milliarcseconds. The fit is weakly constrained because HIPPARCOS observations do not span the full orbit of the companion, but the fit does adjust HD 53680's proper motion to be consistent with the proper motion of HD 53705/53706.
Where experience alters the excitability of neurons, increased neural activity has been linked to increased demethylation . The developmental psychologist Erik Erikson wrote of an epigenetic principle in his 1968 book Identity: Youth and Crisis, encompassing the notion that we develop through an unfolding of our personality in predetermined stages, and that our environment and surrounding culture influence how we progress through these stages. This biological unfolding in relation to our socio-cultural settings is done in stages of psychosocial development, where "progress through each stage is in part determined by our success, or lack of success, in all the previous stages."Boeree, C. George, (1997/2006), Personality Theories, Erik Erikson Although empirical studies have yielded discrepant results, epigenetic modifications are thought to be a biological mechanism for transgenerational trauma.
The measured abundances all agree at least roughly with those predicted from a single value of the baryon-to-photon ratio. The agreement is excellent for deuterium, close but formally discrepant for ^4He, and off by a factor of two for ^7Li (this anomaly is known as the cosmological lithium problem); in the latter two cases, there are substantial systematic uncertainties. Nonetheless, the general consistency with abundances predicted by BBN is strong evidence for the Big Bang, as the theory is the only known explanation for the relative abundances of light elements, and it is virtually impossible to "tune" the Big Bang to produce much more or less than 20–30% helium. Indeed, there is no obvious reason outside of the Big Bang that, for example, the young universe (i.e.
There is also a legend: the legend of "Hujing Sunken City" (虎井沈城). It says that there was something that resembled a decadent city wall lying at the bottom of the ocean beneath Hujing. There has never been a real answer as to what the truth really is, and there has long been two discrepant theories among academics: one states that "the sunken ancient city is the basaltic columnar joint terrain extended under the sea from Tongpan and Hujing, therefore forming the false impression of a sunken city". The other theory says that there must be another reason for it, because the structure is documented in historical literature, and not only is in the ancient history books, but also in many local legends that name this unusual sight.
First usage of the word "vernacular" is not recent. In 1688, James Howell wrote: > Concerning Italy, doubtless there were divers before the Latin did spread > all over that Country; the Calabrian, and Apulian spoke Greek, whereof some > Relicks are to be found to this day; but it was an adventitious, no Mother- > Language to them: 'tis confess'd that Latium it self, and all the > Territories about Rome, had the Latin for its maternal and common first > vernacular Tongue; but Tuscany and Liguria had others quite discrepant, viz. > the Hetruscane and Mesapian, whereof though there be some Records yet > extant; yet there are none alive that can understand them: The Oscan, the > Sabin and Tusculan, are thought to be but Dialects to these. Here, vernacular, mother language and dialect are already in use in a modern sense.
Zack Davisson of Japan Reviewed remarked that when it "is playing with straight horror, it really shines" so the second and third volumes were considered an improvement over the first as they relied less on "cheap gags" and "panty-gags" and "deliver[ed] some actual horror". Ho also said it has "an incredibly goofy sense of humour", and while Garrity concluded that "promising blend of comedy and horror", the manga "doesn't quite work as comedy or horror", some reviewers appreciated this humor and horror mix. Ed Sizemore of Comics Worth Reading affirmed it is a good reading for those who "like light horror with sense of humor", and Henderson said it is "a light read with just a touch of the shiver factor". Esuno's art and its adequacy to a horror series received very discrepant opinions.
AuCoin's opposition to U.S. support of authoritarian governments in El Salvador and Guatemala and the Nicaraguan Contras—irregular forces armed by the Reagan administration to topple the Sandinista government—led him to travel frequently to Central America to document right wing human rights abuses. In 1987, a constituent of AuCoin's named Ben Linder was killed by Contra forces while helping build a small hydroelectric electricity generator for Nicaraguan villagers. Pressed by AuCoin to investigate, the U.S. State Department noted discrepant accounts of Linder's death: the Contras asserted that Linder died in a firefight, but village witnesses claimed the Contras gave no opportunity to surrender and assassinated Linder at point-blank range. In his second congressional term, AuCoin's 1978 amendment to grant partial most favored nation trade status to the People's Republic of China was the first China trade bill to reach the House floor.
Gay males are more likely to engage in age discrepant relationships during teenage years due to hiding their sexual orientation and a lack of available partners, which may be qualified as sexual abuse, but is not evidence of a "cause" of their sexual orientation. Cross-cultural evidence also speaks against the notion that a first sex encounter influences a person’s ultimate sexual orientation. Among the Sambia of New Guinea, beginning between age 7 and 10, all boys are required to engage in ritual sexual contacts with older male youths for several years before they have any access to females, yet the vast majority of these boys become heterosexual men, while only a small number of males have homosexual orientations, at a similar level as found in Western cultures. Additionally, long term studies of students who attended single-sex boarding schools, where homosexual behavior occurs at elevated rates, found that such students were no more likely to be gay than students who did not attend such schools.
In 1993, Duke University Press published Contracting Colonialism: Translation and Christian Conversion in Tagalog Society Under Early Spanish Rule, in which Rafael examined the role of language and translation in the religious conversion of Tagalogs to Catholicism during the early period of Spanish rule of the Philippines. In 1995, Temple University Press published a collection he edited entitled Discrepant Histories: Translocal Essays on Filipino Cultures that studied a number of issues in the formation of the Philippine nation-state and translocal Filipino cultures.Discrepant Histories from Temple University Press In 1999, Cornell University Press published Figures of Criminality in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Colonial Vietnam, a collection of essays on the relationships between criminality and colonial state formation.Figures of Criminality in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Colonial Vietnam from Cornell University Press In 2000, Duke University Press published his White Love and Other Events in Filipino History, a challenging of traditional, epic narratives of Filipino history and especially the emergence of revolutionary nationalism.
An investigation into the ability of the BD Phoenix system SMIC/ID panel to identify Streptococcus spp. classified 97 consecutive clinical isolates of streptococci, including 34 isolates of VGS, with biochemical methods as the reference method (26). Ninety-one percent of the streptococcal isolates showed agreement between the Phoenix and the reference method. Of the 12 S. mitis group isolates tested, the Phoenix system correctly identified seven isolates, with two discordant identifications, and there were three isolates for which the Phoenix system did not produce any identification. Of 22 S. anginosus group isolates, 18 were correctly identified and four were discordant. A second study evaluated the Phoenix SMIC/ID-2 panel using the API 20 Strep system as a comparator method (resolving discrepant results via 16S rRNA gene sequencing and amplification and sequencing of housekeeping genes) (5). For the VGS, 31 isolates were assayed, with only 53% concordance between the Phoenix and reference methods for S. mitis group organisms, 100% concordance for the S. anginosus group, and 75% concordance for S. sanguinis group organisms (5). Sequence-based identification Historically, DNA–DNA hybridization studies have been used to confirm species level identifications for the VGS.

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