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"die" Definitions
  1. a block of metal with a special shape, or with a pattern cut into it, that is used for shaping other pieces of metal such as coins, or for making patterns on paper or leather
  2. (especially North American English) (also dice British and North American English) (plural dice) a small cube of wood, plastic, etc., with a different number of spots on each of its sides, used in games of chance
"die" Synonyms
perish croak expire decease depart flatline exit demise drop fall succumb conk go part drown suffocate pass away pass on depart this life drop dead dwindle fade decline ebb sink wilt wither wane abate dissolve moderate weaken decay decrease diminish lessen recede degenerate slacken bate end cease finish stop terminate conclude discontinue halt pass close quit lapse elapse determine disappear vanish subside evanesce fail abort break bomb buckle collapse crash flounder fold founder give stall tank yield crater crumple fizzle long lust pine wish yearn burn crave desire hanker hunger thirst ache chafe dream fancy itch suspire want yen be very eager collapse with succumb to be overcome with be overpowered by be overwhelmed by evaporate dematerialize melt disperse flee dissipate fly clear withdraw leave melt away coin mint cast mold(US) mould(UK) punch stamp strike forge make manufacture produce stamp out imprint mark impress print inscribe engrave brand mortify rot decompose putrefy fester corrupt sphacelate necrose gangrene deaden become gangrenous spoil disintegrate molder(US) foul moulder(UK) break down go out burn out be extinguished be turned off be quenched be doused stop burning die out be put out blow out climax orgasm come ejaculate achieve orgasm reach orgasm have an orgasm shoot one's wad come off feel the earth move get one's rocks off spoof sprog cream flood pop spurt squirt emit semen shoot off dice bones dices solid cube dodecahedron figure icosahedron pyramid cuboid tetrahedron hexahedron block parallelepiped sphere form matrix shape pattern container frame framework template cavity stencil model outline shell plaster cast casting plate plaster receptacle vessel holder box canister case repository cartridge casing bag drum unit barrel crate cylinder packet basin bin More
"die" Antonyms

445 Sentences With "die"

How to use die in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "die" and check conjugation/comparative form for "die". Mastering all the usages of "die" from sentence examples published by news publications.

" He also targeted Gigi Hadid, tweeting, "people gon die they're gon die die die die!
"Die Hard" (1988) — 70%"Die Hard 2: Die Harder" (1990) — 67%"Die Hard: With a Vengeance" (1995) — 58%"Live Free or Die Hard" (2007)  — 69%"A Good Day to Die Hard" (2013) — 28%
People die, and sometimes they die together, and sometimes they die alone.
Death to America!" and "Zionists must die, die, so Jerusalem doesn't die!
Every night, Yoshiko goes to sleep crooning "die, die, die" to herself.
Die EZB müsse allmählich anfangen, die Geldflut einzudämmen und die Geldpolitik zu straffen.
"Gonna die, gonna die, Ed Woodward's gonna die," some fans sing in unison.
If I'm gonna die, I'll die now right here fighting you, if I'm gonna die.
Wenn dann zugleich die Aktien- und Devisenkurse sowie die Immobilienpreise einbrächen, würde die Branche doppelt getroffen.
I will die anyway, and I would rather die saying what I believe than die silent.
Ich wollte etwas Greifbares zur Erinnerung schaffen, das wir später gemeinsam mit unseren beiden Söhnen anschauen könnten: Im Gedenken an die Zeit, die wir verbracht und die Dinge, die wir gesehen hatten, die gemeinsamen Mahlzeiten und Empfindungen.
" As he spoke to me, a protester continued to shout into the crowd: "Die a sodomite, die a faggot, die a dyke, die corrupted, wicked, filthy, an abomination.
But if I was going to die, I preferred to die moving than to die on the floor.
She had to see Kendra die—not physically die, but Kendra has had to die to make this series.
Die Sonnenfinsternis, die wir durch die dünnen Wolken über dem Cosmo Park in Columbia, Missouri, sehen konnten, war atemberaubend.
"I have no plans to die tomorrow but if I die tomorrow I will die a very happy man."
Sie ärgerte sich, das ihr zufolge die Polizei nicht über die von Migranten begangenen Straftaten sprechen durfte ("Die Tochter meiner Freundin ist Polizistin, und sie dürfen nicht die Wahrheit berichten.").
Die Melodie, die aus diesen tiefen Tönen herrührt, mag nicht die sein, die Sie später summen, jedoch ist sie das Gerüst, das der melodischen Linie ihre Intensität und Entschlossenheit verleiht.
Einige drückten Bedenken über die Sicherheit der örtlichen Frauen und Kinder aus, andere murrten über die Kosten für die Steuerzahler.
Apr (Reuters) - Die britischen Konsumenten und damit auch die Einzelhändler bekommen zunehmend die negativen Folgen des Brexit-Votums zu spüren.
Für meine Frau waren es die Landkarten und die schmalen rotgefärbten Straßen darauf, die sie an das Geflecht von Adern erinnerten, die von seinem unvollkommen geformten Herzen in alle möglichen Richtungen führten.
Die Ordner sind nun prall gefüllt mit frischen Erinnerungen an unsere großartige Tour durch Amerika und abgesehen von zwei laminierten Familienfotos, die noch aus den Lebzeiten unseres verstorbenen Sohnes stammen, gibt es keinerlei Hinweise auf die unterschwellige Traurigkeit, die uns über die gesamte Reise begleitete.
I was very afraid that women would die, that my mother would die, that my grandmother would die, that my aunts would die, that I would wake up, and they wouldn't be there.
You die in prison or you die on the street.
"When corals die off, unfortunately we die off," surmises Leblond.
If our God says we should die, we should die.
If it did not die in utero, it would die
If we have to die, we are ready to die.
K., if I'm going to die, I'm going to die!
Die Blicke, die ich erhielt, waren nicht immer besonders herzlich.
"More people die of the flu than die of ebola."
"Die, die!" she recalled him saying, according to the affidavit.
And, even if you die with good principles, you die.
Die Stadt, eine Hochburg von Bashar al-Assad, hatte nicht die Art von Kämpfen erlebt, die andere Teile des Landes erschüttert hatten.
If those small animals can't return to the coral, they die and the corals die...when the corals die, they turn white.
Even Die Hard's initial sequels were born of the same lineage: Die Hard 2, adapted from a novel that had nothing to do with the Die Hard franchise, was just Die Hard at an airport.
Angesichts des Aufschwungs einer Rechtsaußen-Partei in der deutschen Politik mehrten sich Stimmen, die im Wiederaufbau des Schlosses eine beunruhigende Nostalgie nach deutscher Größe sahen, die Sehnsucht nach einer Vergangenheit, die die Schrecken des 20.
In Reaktion auf die weltweite Finanzkrise und die Euro-Schuldenkrise hat die Euro-Notenbank ihren Leitzins auf das Rekordtief von 0,0 Prozent gesenkt.
At the same time, desire does not die, love doesn't die.
If you die in VR, you die in real life, right?
They don't die until they metamorphose — then they die as well.
I started thinking, 'I'm going to die, I'm going to die.
So how can we make data die more like we die?
"I remember thinking, 'I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die,' " Owens recalls.
" Another one told me: "If you die, you die with honor.
If you're going to die, die fighting, you have to run.
"If you're going to die, you're going to die," he said.
Ihre Schätzung ist die Basis für die Aufstellung aller öffentlichen Haushalte.
To die by Beyoncé, oh what a heavenly way to die.
"Hun Sen won't die but workers, you will die," he said.
I live and die with what I live and die with.
I do not care if I die because I always die.
"Man hört vielerorts, was für widerwärtige Leute sie sind - nicht die Syrer, sondern alle, die gesamte Masse von Asylsuchenden, die hereinströmen", erzählte sie mir.
Der Vorfall spielte jedoch rechtsextremen Gruppen in die Hände, die darauf aus sind, die wachsende Angst der Deutschen sowohl zu schüren als auch auszunutzen.
They said that if they are going to die they would rather die here in this land, and live or die with the motherland.
Wir hörten uns durch die ersten vier Bücher hindurch, also insgesamt 50 Stunden (so dass uns die restlichen 67 für die nächste Reise verblieben).
Some of the best imitators offered witty cross-bred twists on the Die Hard premise: Cellular, heavily influenced by the Die Hard imitator Speed, was Die Hard on a cellphone; Crank was Die Hard on a thug.
To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die.
SS: I believe that when we die, those ideas do not die.
We'll die; those we love will die; everyone's dying; it's an outrage.
Low-income Americans die earlier; their newborn babies die more often, too.
In Nevada, more people die by gunfire than die of car accidents.
No, you don't deserve to die young, only the greats die young.
I watched gay relatives die, gay friends die of HIV and AIDS.
"Don't make the right to die an obligation to die," he said.
If they don't die tomorrow, they will die in two weeks time.
People want to die at home, but two-thirds die in institutions.
Evelyn hatte die Stellung schon inne, als die Schwestern noch dort lebten.
Die Gemeinde hatte für die Syrer neue Küchen einbauen müssen, sagte er.
But when you die, all those cells don't instantly die with you.
In one article, a girl actually said, 'If I die, I die.
Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried.
If thousands die, they're going to die over there, they're not going to die here and (President Donald Trump) told me that to my face.
I remember as a child just trying to stop the bleeding, just being so traumatized, thinking, 'Please Uncle Ed, don't die, don't die, don't die.
If old soldiers don't die and just fade away, then media companies are pretty much the opposite: they die, and they die in spectacular, political fashion.
"You didn't die, but it's terribly traumatic to see people die," she says.
"All rovers die, and this will die in the lunar night," says Whittaker.
Jun (Reuters) - Die EU-Aufsichtsbehörde EIOPA sieht die europäischen Versicherer in zweifacher Gefahr.
Die Risiken, die in ihnen steckten, würden womöglich unterschätzt, warnte Behördenchef Gabriel Bernardino.
If the RPE cells die (this) could cause the overlying retina to die.
Because how stupid to die when you knew you were going to die.
"When I die, my daughter will die with me," she told the court.
The horses will die, other wildlife will die, and that will be that.
"If you're going to die, die fighting," she said, tearfully recalling his words.
"If I die, I want to die in my own home," he said.
"I die here or I die over a bottle in Eastcheap," he says.
"We could die, and we could die in an industrial accident," she added.
So, one thinks of John McClane in Die Hard 2: Die Harder, a film we must now tragically refer to as merely the third-worst Die Hard.
I thought, if he was going to die, then he would die at home.
I figured he was saying, "Die, motherfucker, die," over and over in his head.
Most people who die in heavy flooding, it turns out, die in their cars.
I'm really scared to die, and I'm really scared for my family to die.
What is dead may never die, but Theon is alive and definitely will die.
Die Menschen, die diese Ansichten äußerten, wollten oftmals nicht, dass ihr Name genannt wird.
Die Polizeireaktion wurde weithin als Vertuschungsaktion betrachtet und die Empörung griff weit um sich.
I remember resigning myself, saying, 'Hey, if I die, I die, but I'm going.
You shoot someone, you die, they die, you reset, you reload, and nothing happens.
"If I am to die, I will die on the path to my humanity."
"Bull markets don't die of old age, they die of excesses," Mr. Detrick said.
But I also saw "Die" as a die, from a pair of unnumbered dice.
We would die for one another, but we didn't want to die for nothing.
We would die for one another, but we didn't want to die for nothing.
We take the risk, we might die, but at least we will die quickly.
The sort who is happy to die, and die, and die, as you will, in order to best understand the nuances of this supernatural Japan of the 1600s.
She told Tye, 'Mom's not going to die during surgery,' and that was when Tye said, 'I know, but when she does die, she will die a hero.
Während Deutschland mit diesen Identitätsfragen ringt, befeuert die Angst die Art von rechtsextremer, populistischer Gegenreaktion, der bis vor Kurzem von einem Bewusstsein für die Nazivergangenheit Einhalt geboten wurde.
Die grundlegende Frage, vor die sich die Dorfbewohner und ihre asylsuchenden Nachbarn nun gestellt sehen, ist, ob sie in der Lage sein werden, gemeinsam einen neuen zu erschaffen.
Die wohl einflussreichste Akteurin ist die Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, eine mächtige öffentliche Einrichtung, die nach dem Krieg gegründet wurde, um das kulturelle Erbe des Landes Preußen zu bewahren.
Each one wears an absolutely gleeful grin, save Reaper, who appears to be very sad because telling everyone to "die, die, die" won him no favors in social situations.
They die, they wake, they die, they wake — and now, they're about to rise up.
She said that she was seeing people die and that she was going to die.
One especially strong one was "Muere muere Evo, Evo criminal" ("die, die Evo, Evo criminal").
"Don't let people die, don't let children die and don't let mothers cry," she said.
"Bull markets often don't die of old age, they die of fright," Stovall told me.
Dort aufgewachsen zu sein, gab ihr die Offenheit, zu sehen, wie die Asylsuchenden sein würden.
Handy: Recently I read The Sellout by Paul Beatty while also reading Die Nigger Die!
Nearly 242,22011 Americans die each year in car accidents, and nearly 403 million die globally.
Have the same feelings with him — he wants to die, I want to die, too.
Doch so beeindruckend wie das Museum selbst ist die giftige Debatte, die darüber entbrannt ist.
It is "Learning to Die in the Anthropocene," not "How to Die in the Anthropocene."
Nearly one-fifth of all women who die in the United States die from cancer.
Die Inszenierung wirkt eher glanzlos als kühl; die Sänger stehen bereit, werden aber nicht abgeholt.
Ogbanje are born to die, and Asụghara in particular wants Ada to die with her.
She presumably knows not just when Hannah will die but when she herself will die.
Zuletzt hat sich auch die rechte Alternative für Deutschland in die Debatte eingeschaltet und im deutschen Bundestag eine Anfrage nach den Kosten der Provenienzforschung gestellt, was unter den Kritikern des Forums zu der Befürchtung geführt hat, die Partei könne die Rückgabe von Artefakten behindern.
We are alive, which means that eventually, we will age and die, sicken and die, or suffer some kind of fatal or maiming accident that will cause us to die.
"Die öffentliche historische Debatte in Deutschland konzentrierte sich ganz auf die NS-Vergangenheit und die Auswirkungen der Teilung", sagte Nicholas Thomas, Leiter des Museum of Archaelogy and Anthropology in Cambridge.
They would die, they would either be dead on arrival or die on my trauma bay.
" And I'll say, "No I don't die in this one, but I do die in this.
It's a question of choosing how they're going to die, and when they're going to die.
By contrast, expecting to die in hospital was far more common than wishing to die there.
Men typically die of prostate cancer at an older age than women die of breast cancer.
If we're going to die, we want to die from our own stupidity it would seem.
If you keep doing this until you die, you'll die with empty pockets and empty hands.
Trammell: The guard watching Die Hard is more evidence that Die Hard is a Christmas movie.
More than 60 percent of people in this country who die from guns die by suicide.
"I Don't Wanna Die" is the second single from Listen to "I Don't Wanna Die" here.
They drink and race and sometimes die—but they die with their freedom, as he did.
It seemed that the country was going to die, and that science would die as well.
It's big for determining how animals die or where they die and how that affects populations.
Black Widow and Iron Man die because the story requires it; they die for a reason.
"We prefer to die on the American border than die in Honduras from hunger," she said.
" Eine weitere Demonstrantin, Marianne Ballé Moudoumbou, sagte: "Denkt an die Geister der Menschen, die hier umgehen.
They die from the cold in the winter and die from the heat in the summer.
Besucht die Seite unserer Kolleginnen und Kollegen von Noisey USA für die aktuellsten Entwicklungen zum Thema.
Those who took their medications at bedtime were 45% less likely to die of cardiovascular causes overall, 56% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease, 61% less likely to die of hemorrhagic stroke and 46% less likely to die of ischemic stroke - the more common kind.
This is something we see all the time in oppressive regimes — the people who fight them tend to die horribly, and they tend to die young, and they tend to just die.
Beinahe 30 Jahre nach der Wende sehnt man sich in Deutschland nach einer Identität, die über den Holocaust und den Zweiten Weltkrieg, die Teilung der Nachkriegszeit, den Wiederaufbau und die Wiedervereinigung hinausgeht.
Viele Berliner Museen stehen unter ihrer Leitung, und sie wird auch weiterhin die Kontrolle über die umfangreichen Sammlungen im Forum behalten, was die Frage aufwarf, wie viel Einfluss ein Intendant überhaupt hätte.
Sänger, die damit gerade so zurechtkommen, sind wenige an der Zahl und nicht leicht zu finden - und diejenigen, die die Rolle mit Vollkommenheit beherrschen, gibt es vielleicht nur einmal in einer Generation.
Even those that want me to die don't want me to die right away, so that's good.
I'm not gonna let you – if you're gonna die, you're not gonna die by yourself right now.
If I die tomorrow, I will die the most fortunate, most loved and happiest person I know.
Majorities in each said that if they could choose where to die, they would die at home.
Wie sich ein solches Szenario auf die Versicherer auswirken würde, untersucht die Behörde in ihrem laufenden Stresstest.
I confessed there was another option: if Bishop were to die, I would die — and vice versa.
The cargo short must die, and it must die today (if not today, tomorrow's totally cool too).
Sure, so if you don't want to die alone, you should try to die early, I guess.
"Left: before dogs die Right: after dogs die Is this the entire story orrrrr," guessed someone else.
"You think you're going to die and you think your baby is going to die," says Sophie.
If I were to die, I would probably die on a film set, which may well happen.
Most people who die of tuberculosis at the moment do not die of one of these strains.
"The trick is to live as if you're going to die, and then not die," he writes.
Nun wurde er von rechtsextremen Gruppen okkupiert, die dem "wir" die Bedeutung einer Stammes- oder Volkszugehörigkeit zuordnen.
Die Nonnen beklagten sich über die kleinsten Kleinigkeiten, erzählte sie mir, und sorgten für eine bedrückende Arbeitsumgebung.
Die Fensterbank war gefüllt mit Tellern voller lauwarmen, unberührten Kebabs, welche die Küche im Erdgeschoss zubereitet hatte.
David Bowie did not die for this cover, but he did die for it to be remembered.
He's not scared of death—some people die unhappily at 100, he'll die fulfilled before he's 30.
They didn't deserve to die like that or to die, period, but I know they're in heaven.
"If you're going to die during the year, maybe the chicken will die instead," Mr. Lubin said.
Die antikolonialen Aktivisten sehen im Forum weiter einen Spiegel der historischen Last, die Deutschland mit sich herumträgt.
Every player is going to die in Dark Souls III and they're going to die a lot.
"One-hundred and twenty-five people will die in America today from opioid overdose, will die in the streets or will die in their homes or will die in gas station bathrooms," Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick told reporters Wednesday, citing federal figures on the epidemic of opioid overdose deaths.
" Graham also said President Trump told him that if there's going to be a war and thousands were going to die, "they're going to die over there, they're not going to die here.
Reaper's Death Blossom ultimate — in which he spins around pelting nearby enemies with lethal shotguns — is one of the loudest shouts, the masked killer snarling "die, die, DIE" as he starts the move.
Die Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz und ihr Präsident Hermann Parzinger sprechen sich ebenfalls dafür aus, dass die Provenienz von Objekten in den Sammlungen des Forums umfassender erforscht wird und die Gegenstände gegebenenfalls zurückgegeben werden.
"If I was going to die, I'd like to die pretty quick," Blaine says in a voice over.
She said: "I can die but Venezuela isn't going to die for my vote," and there she died.
I understand your big concern isn't who might die, but the idea that not enough heroes might die?
You will die so much that the ability to die twice in the same life actually feels stingy.
Je niedriger der Zins, desto mehr Geld müssen die künftigen Rentner und ihre Arbeitgeber für die Altersvorsorge zurücklegen.
If you die without a will, you die "intestate" and your assets are distributed according to state law.
He would soon collapse and die at age 59, becoming the first major celebrity to die of AIDS.
Following the die off, folks quickly guessed that infections from normally harmless Pasteurella multocida caused the die-off.
Armani, in the driver's seat, said he was prepared to die, but refused to let civilians die, too.
In fact, about as many people die each year by firearms as die in motor vehicle traffic deaths.
" "If I fall I will not be the first to die, and not the last to die #Rage!
The die-off widened the channels, allowing in more salt water, causing more die-off and more widening.
Sie schien für die Zusammenkunft ein wenig ungezügelt, und die Leute im Raum schienen sich unbehaglich zu fühlen.
Die zwei Paare dort, von denen eines die Gaststätte leitete, starrten mich mit einem etwas irritierten Gesichtsausdruck an.
Beilhack und Evelyn trugen die Dinge zusammen, die Yasser ihrer Ansicht nach brauchen würde, bis hin zu Kleinigkeiten.
If I die my knowledge may die with me & no one may ever have the same knowledge again.
Katie doesn't die immediately after she finishes the story, but she does die that night at 10 p.m.
I mean, yeah, beings die but house music is an abstract concept and a concept can't actually die.
So even when you die, and you will die a lot, you feel like you're working towards something.
"When Valerie didn't die, Joan Rivers said, 'She better die or she'll lose all her fans,' " says Cameron.
So while these people may not die from painkillers, they may overdose and die on heroin or fentanyl.
Modern burials and death practices are changing how we die and where our bodies go after we die.
" But she did not fear for her safety, she said, adding: "If I'm supposed to die, I'll die.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads     If you die in real life do you die in the dream?
If you touch the ground, you die, and in Clustertruck, the developers expect you to die a lot.
"We want to burn down our foundation before we die, and ideally well before we die," says Tuna.
Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Zinsen auf kurze und mittlere Sicht niedrig blieben, sei angesichts der Geldpolitik und der sinkenden Rohölpreise gestiegen, warnte die Branchenaufsicht in ihrem Stabilitätsbericht, der am Dienstag in Frankfurt veröffentlicht wurde.
Die Bank of America schätzt den Wert des Staatskonzerns auf 22888,25168 bis 2,3 Billionen Dollar, EFG Hermes auf 1,55 bis 2,1 Billionen, wie zwei Fondsmanager, die die Analysen einsehen konnten, der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters sagten.
Erst im März sagte er seinen Auftritt für die mit Spannung erwartete neue "Tosca" an der Metropolitan Opera für die nächste Saison ab, weil er die dafür erforderliche Zeit nicht zu Lasten seiner jungen Familie opfern wollte und stellte damit die Zukunft seiner Karriere in den Vereinigten Staaten in Frage.
Hätte die Gemeinde das Gebäude nicht gekauft, so hätte es die Bezirksregierung getan oder ein privater Investor, der es an die Regierung vermieten würde, und diese außenstehenden Käufer hätten es vermutlich zur vollen Kapazität gefüllt.
Er wurde auch zum Segen für die Alternative für Deutschland, eine rechtsextreme Partei, die sich 2013 aus Widerstand gegen den Euro formierte und die nun Anhänger findet, indem sie verspricht, Migranten aus dem Land fernzuhalten.
"If a million people are going to die, they're going to die over there, not here," Graham told Trump.
So now more people die of overdoses linked to heroin than die of overdoses linked to commonly prescribed painkillers.
It might pay if you die in an accident, but it won't pay if you die of an illness.
Most of the people who die from chlorine gas exposure die of suffocation within a day, the CDC says.
Welcome to Die With Me, the chatroom app you can only use when your phone is about to die.
We know the Penguin doesn't die, the Riddler doesn't die, but you can do whatever you want with Butch.
With right-to-die provisions, however, a terminally ill cryonicist could choose to die before irrevocable brain damage happens.
When You Die You Will Not Be Scared To Die by Lindsay Tunkl is now out from Parallax Press. 
"If I was going to die, I wanted to die doing what I love, and that's storytelling," Hogg said.
Every president needs a few die-hard loyalists around him; Trump needs everyone to be a die-hard loyalist.
The time is ripe for Rosetta to die The time is ripe for Rosetta to die, according to ESA.
"In the world, many kids don't have moms, don't have dads, or dads die or moms die," he said.
"My son was in the back seat, saying, 'We're going to die, we're going to die,'" Mr. Chapman recalled.
River fish could also die off; higher temperatures have already led to die-offs due to proliferative kidney disease.
"And this increases as the infestation progresses ... the more trees die, the more people die," he told the conference.
Selbst manche von jenen, die den Asylsuchenden kameradschaftlich die Hand reichten, waren nicht frei von Besorgnis über ihre Ankunft.
Viele der Afghanen, die ich in Siegsdorf traf, sagten mir, die Taliban würden sie sofort umbringen, wenn sie zurückkehrten.
Sep (Reuters) - Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) hat die Strafzinsen für Banken angehoben und nimmt ihre umstrittenen Anleihenkäufe wieder auf.
"I'm not planning to die, ever, because I can't quite figure out what it means to die," he said.
I could get a disease today unrelated from the virus," Nicole told NBC, adding, "If I die, I die.
" He added, "Literally, I would — if I had a perfect place to die, I would die on the field.
" Adams added, "Literally, I would — if I had a perfect place to die, I would die on the field.
Though people do not die from opioid withdrawal, without proper care they can die from related effects like dehydration.
Also, we corrected the name of the game Sekiro; it's Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, not Sekiro: Shadows Must Die.
"As someone who sat there and watched people die on the battlefield, I know when people die," he said.
Apoptosis represents the ultimate paradox — for the organism to survive, the cells must die, and they must die well.
People did die, are dying and will die because of it, but we can and will stop this madness.
The only questions about this poor little child's fate are: Where will he die and why he will die?
When you think you have exhausted every possible way to die, Fortnite invents another way for you to die.
To run and to gun in The New Order, without seeking shelter or health-restoring pick-ups—there's no full regeneration here for simply ducking behind some cover—is to die, and die, and die again.
I decided: I've got to bring back Lord Hood, Miranda has to die, and then Sergeant Johnson has to die.
Because we have no option right now, either to die by the bomb or to die by detention or execution.
"He knows from the very beginning that he's going to die, that he's going [to Memphis] to die," Requa said.
The evidence from other jurisdictions demonstrates that the so-called "right to die" may subtly become the "duty to die".
Turner also said that "Cersei should die, but probably won't die" because she's the token villain on the series now.
Hypothetically speaking, you all die tomorrow, what effect would you hope the work you've made together leaves after you die?
"What I remember about the shooting: I hope my friend didn't die, I hope my teacher didn't die," she says.
There has to be some story about how they survived cancer, and they're sad, or they die, or don't die.
Photo via Die Antwoord on Instagram Batshit fucking mental South African duo Die Antwoord announced in an interview with Exclaim!
Instead, I would die, sprint to a new part of the room, interact with an object, die, and try again.
Bislang werden Wohnungsbesitzer bevorzugt, was die Preise von Apartments in den Stadtbezirken mit besonders guten Schulen in die Höhe trieb.
Das Ereignis zog vorwiegend ältere Einwohner an, die Kaffee und Kuchen genossen, die ihnen von Frauen in Dirndls serviert wurden.
Die Furcht vor Migranten hatte die extreme Rechte in eine existenzfähige politische Bewegung verwandelt; der Stammtisch hatte sich Gehör verschafft.
Die sozialen Probleme und der Fanatismus, die zu den Anschlägen in Brüssel geführt hatten, sagte er mir, seien vielleicht unlösbar.
Ahmed said it was his main worry in life, and now, when they do die, they can die in peace.
"If I stayed in Afghanistan, I knew I would die, but here I die a little every day," Asma added.
That, in turn, gives a whole new meaning to "let me die" (remember that "die" is a euphemism for orgasm).
But it's not saying you're going to die immediately from heart disease or even die at all from heart disease.
"If I was going to die, I wanted to die doing what I love, and that's storytelling," he told CNN.
"I'm sorry, some people will die, they will die, that's life," Mr. Bolsonaro said in a television interview Friday night.
"I'm sorry, some people will die, they will die, that's life," Mr. Bolsonaro said in a television interview Friday night.
These top three characters are all "they'll die in the series finale, if they die at all" characters to me.
For example, will we die from heat stroke, Will the water sources dry up and the animals die of thirst?
As soon as I realized the nature of the inquiry, I felt I wanted to give them the comfort of reliable information—how did he actually die, where did he actually die, why did he actually die.
Bei einer Versammlung der Alternative für Deutschland in Freilassing, einer nahegelegenen Grenzstadt, die ein Haupteingangstor für Migranten geworden war, hörte ich einen Sprecher von den "biologischen, völlig natürlichen Bedürfnissen" der Männer reden, die über die Grenze kamen.
A recent interview in which Senator Lindsey Graham said that Mr. Trump believed that "if thousands die, they're going to die over there — they're not going to die here" has exacerbated such suspicions and generated widespread outrage.
Die Deutschen sprachen von ihrer Willkommenskultur und deutsche Politiker stellten die herzliche Begrüßung als eine moralische Errungenschaft dar, einen weiteren Schritt zur Neudefinition Deutschlands als eine wohltätige Nation, welche die Schmach ihrer ultranationalistischen Vergangenheit hinter sich gelassen hat.
"Die Leute haben begründete Sorgen darüber, wie sich die Dinge entwickeln werden, wenn andere Kulturen die Oberhand bekommen", sagte der ältere Scheck im kleinen Besprechungszimmer der Feuerwache, wohin wir uns zurückgezogen hatten, um der lauten Musik zu entkommen.
"If thousands die, they're going to die over there — they're not going to die here," Mr. Graham said on NBC's "Today" show, adding that Mr. Trump shared that view and was willing to use military force if necessary.
"If thousands die, they're going to die over there — they're not going to die here," Mr. Graham, a South Carolina Republican, told NBC's "Today Show" this month, summing up what he said were the views of Mr. Trump.
When you try to kill a hammerhead shark, it doesn't die easily, and when it does die, it's body keeps moving.
I am -- I will fight until the day that I die to try to ensure that someone else's child doesn't die.
PLUS, she justifies saying she wanted my horse to die because that was better than saying she wanted me to die.
In their own country their choices are to die in a prison from torturing or to die from the chemical weapons.
In der Nacht nach dem Contest empörte sich das Netz über die Tatsache, die einen Shitstorm über das rassistische Schönheitsbild entfachte.
Sandy and Norman live and die by their careers by necessity, while Grace and Frankie live and die by their relationships.
Every year, 75,000 Americans die with infections caught in hospitals, and tens of thousands of Americans die from influenza and pneumonia.
"We used to say nobody could ever die from hunger, but we have seen people actually die of hunger," said Louay.
Almost any one of them would tell you: If you are going to die, it's better to die with a purpose.
"He looks me in the eye and said, 'I don't want to die, I don't want to die,' " Mr. Casiano said.
But what you learn from it is that you only feel like you can die from embarrassment, you don't actually die.
They've got things like chicken liver pate that's—I hate to say "to die for"—but it's just to die for.
I'm looking for a lady who's loyal to the end, a real bite-or-die — I mean, ride-or-die bae.
I'm a marked man, and maybe I'll die doing this, but at least I'll die knowing I did the right thing.
Die berauschende Üppigkeit des eröffnenden Bacchanals hat die komplexe, atemberaubende Leidenschaftlichkeit wie wir sie in "Parsifal", Wagners letzter vollendeter Oper, finden.
My son was on top of me and he said 'Mom, I don't want to die, I don't want to die.
This reveals that the right to die "option" for some vulnerable populations has quickly become more like a duty to die.
Bis auf die letzte Woche hatte es erfreulicherweise kaum geregnet, was bedeutete, dass wir die meiste Zeit im Freien verbringen konnten.
"I often have that fear that either someone I love is going to die or I'm going to die," Vasquez said.
CreditCreditJeenah Moon for The New York Times Firefighters die because they run into dangerous places, and they die because they stay.
Lindsey Graham's comments from August — "If thousands die, they're going to die over there" — as an indication of Seoul's new reality.
And I'm not trying to fat-shame, but you're obese, you're probably gonna get diabetes and die early or die earlier.
So, in short: It might be possible to create a chemical cocktail that makes people laugh uncontrollably and die, or one that makes them really happy and giggly and then die, or simply die really quickly from rigid paralysis.
It's then that he starts visibly shaking, and though Theon has said repeatedly that he's not afraid to die, wants to die, and deserves to die, the threat of further physical mutilation is what scares him over the side.
Compared to individuals who didn't run at all, those who did were 27% less likely to die for any reason during the study, 30% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease and 43% less likely to die of cancer.
People who replaced just 3% of red meat with plant protein were 34% less likely to die of any cause, 39% less likely to die of cancer, and 42% less likely to die of heart disease during the study.
The People V. Kanye from Funny Or Die The hilarious folks of Funny or Die have cut Kanye into The People v.
"The people who die in the blast will be the lucky ones, against all the people who will die slowly," he said.
"What you learn from it is that you only feel like you can die from embarrassment, you don't actually die," she says.
"What you learn from it is that you only feel like you can die from embarrassment, you don't actually die," she said.
You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day.
Characters you love will die, because that is what Game of Thrones is now: A show where beloved characters die every week.
He overdosed, he didn't die of radiation, and Jasper realizes that all these people can die that night, on their own terms.
A wise man should never die; a man like Fidel will never die, because he will always be part of the people.
Monopoly Speed Die Edition, $17.49, available at AmazonThe additional die speeds up the game and keeps younger players engaged the whole time. 
Die Aktion ließ zehntausende Asylsuchende in Griechenland in der Falle sitzen, einer Nation, die beklagenswert unfähig ist, sich um sie zu kümmern.
Er erzählte mir dass er als Übersetzer für die britischen und dänischen Einheiten gearbeitet hatte, die 2011 in der Provinz Helmand operierten.
I was born in May of 1962, and I will die whenever I die, and I cannot move outside of that timeline.
There's evidence that if you don't die after attempting suicide, "you're unlikely to go on and die in another attempt," Nestadt said.
"We learned from Mont Blanc that people don't die from the fire — they die from the fumes and smoke," Mr. Hodgkins said.
Die Türkei erklärte sich - im Austausch gegen Anreize wie beispielsweise die Wiederaufnahme der ins Stocken geratenen Gespräche über ihren Beitritt zur Europäischen Union - im März bereit, Syrer und andere Migranten, die das Land als Trittstein nach Europa genutzt hatten, zurückzunehmen.
Kaufmann ist einfach für die Rolle wie geschaffen (Er ist, wie man meinen könnte, für sie geboren.): Die düstere Melancholie seiner Stimme, die Natürlichkeit, mit der er diesen verwundeten Aussenseitern ein Gesicht verleiht, machte sie für diesen argwöhnischen Feldherrn perfekt.
If only the good die young, and many of the young die from the wildness of youth, we at least want to believe that those who die in the in-between of middle age did something to speed it all along.
Die letzten Etappen auf dem Wege zurück - im sanften Nieselregen durch Roanoke, Virginia, (Transportmuseum), das Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, (Viehauktion) und Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, (Minigolf) - brachten zwar eigentlich eine Menge Spaß, aber wir alle verspürten die Anziehungskraft, die uns nach Hause zog.
On top of the die are a series of transistors that communicate with each other quickly because they're all on the same die.
We would text each other all the time [writing], 'you're my ride or die,' so inscribed in his ring is 'ride or die.
And you don&apost think that this is the day I&aposm going to die and to die in such a heinous manner.
"I cannot change the fact that they're going to die, but I can make sure they don't have to die alone," Cori says.
Queen Latifah doesn't want to die on screen anymore — in fact, her contract stipulates that she cannot die in any movie she's in.
I've previously joked that, if I was to die, I'd want to die wearing electro nipple clamps, like erotic novelist Terence Charles Wakelin.
Though Mr Baron Cohen feared that Mercury would die too early in the plot, in the end he does not die at all.
Die Behauptung der Anwaltskanzlei, dass die Gestattung der 182 Tage in Absprache mit der Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen erfolgt sei, ist falsch.
Tsipras turned to the Hollywood blockbuster Die Hard - which in Greek is called "Too Hard to Die" - to insist on his government's longevity.
Danny Elfman's "TRUMP STALKS HILLARY" from Funny Or Die Thankfully, Funny or Die teamed up with composer Danny Elfman to do just that.
He decided he wanted to die, but die doing the only thing he could do better than almost everyone else -- shoot a gun.
Ten percent of children die before the age of 5, and nearly a third die before 15, most from malaria, diarrhea or pneumonia.
Captive apes don't all die from a gunshot; but almost all die having never really experienced what it is to be a gorilla.
"Children did not die, teachers did not die, on December 14, 2012," Halbig said on one of Jones' shows, according to the complaint.
Das rechtlich und ethisch fragwürdige Abkommen trug wenig dazu bei, die Bedenken vieler Deutscher über die bereits unter ihnen befindlichen Migranten zu zerstreuen.
Merkel, der öffentlichen Empörung bewusst, verlangte die entschlossene Verfolgung der Straftäter und drängte auf Gesetze, die es einfacher machen würden, kriminelle Ausländer auszuweisen.
The top three characters on this list are all "they'll die in the series finale, if they die at all" characters to me.
"The wind was beating down on everyone, and I was thinking, 'Whoa, I'm going to die — I really may die here,'" Davison said.
I actually really want to die right now, but if I could just have that one thing, I wouldn't want to die anymore.
Das verärgerte jene Deutschen, die der Meinung waren, dass man die Geschichte nicht zurückdrehen könne und dass ihre Hauptstadt eine vorwärtsgewandte Architektur bräuchte.
He would rather die on this cross (or, rather, let his son die on it) than be crushed, as always, by his father.
Every die consists of a female and a male die, and the way you made a car part was to stamp them together.
The species that go extinct as a result of the warming won't mostly die in the next four years, but they will die.
Despite a popular misconception, doctors don't die much differently: Physicians use hospice care and die in hospitals at rates similar to everyone else.
"If I die here or die someplace else, what's the difference?" the grandfather, whose three sons had been killed by ISIS , told me.
According to the United Nations, by 21923 more people will die from antibiotic-resistant infections than currently die from cancer around the world.
They said he talked about wanting to die a martyr, which he felt was the most honorable way for a Muslim to die.
In Vorbereitung auf die Eröffnung des Forums 2019 kehren diese Sammlungen seit einigen Monaten nach und nach in die Stadtmitte zurück, wo sie, so die Idee, in einem wunderschön rekonstruierten historischen Gebäude prominent ausgestellt und noch viel mehr Besuchern zugänglich gemacht werden sollen.
The joke is that black men in horror movies always die first, but he says they don't really die first, but they die in the part of the movie where our heroes are having all of their tools and advantages taken away.
A few other protesters entered the fray yelling "Die, Nazi, die," and the man from NPI reemerged with a bloody gash on his forehead.
She is the fifth reported child to die in US custody and the sixth to die after being apprehended at the border since September.
So that when we die, we die in peace knowing that whatever comes next, we've done the best that we can in this lifetime.
Cancer patients who die in hospital typically experience more pain, stress and depression than similar patients who die in a hospice or at home.
Die Branche sucht derzeit verzweifelt nach alternativen Anlagen zu den gewohnten Staatsanleihen und anderen sicheren Papieren, um ihren Kunden die versprochenen Renditen zu gewährleisten.
We know most infants who die in the U.S. die between two and four months, which is when most moms go back to work.
So as Janet Yellen says, recoveries don't die of old age, they die because central banks step on them because they react too late.
"I did a messed up move by laying him down because he kept saying, 'I'm fixing to die, I'm fixing to die,' " Faulkner said.
The idea that it is better that many Koreans (and a few Americans) die now than many Americans die later may appeal to some.
After a brief chase on the tracks, Jefferson allegedly said, "I want to die, I want to die," before laying down on the tracks.
Statistics show that approximately 46,000 Americans die from a drug overdose each year, meaning nearly 85033 people die every single day from drug abuse.
Die Vereinsmitglieder tragen Trachten (Lodenjacken und Lederhosen) und einige tanzen Schuhplattler (einen Tanz, bei dem viel auf die Schuhe, Schenkel und Knie geklatscht wird).
Während des Gottesdienstes wusch Graf von Rechberg die Füße eines pakistanischen Asylsuchenden, so wie Jesus vor der Kreuzigung die Füße seiner Jünger gewaschen hatte.
" –to Lisa in Freddy's Revenge to convey the body possession element of the plot "He'll die with me… He'll die with both of us.
Coronavirus victims are unable to be surrounded by family as they die because the virus is particularly contagious, leading many people to die alone.
He constantly begs his parents to leave and join him in the US. "When we die, we die here in Daraa," they tell him.
"I really think my friends thought that I was gonna die … it never crossed my mind that I was gonna die," she told Maloney.
And there is, until I die — well, even after I die, I guess I'll just press onward into decay and become something else again.
"Somehow, they are still walking around" Of the women who die of childbirth in Assam, most die due to anemia and hypertension, added Ahmed.
Parents need to know that their child could die of preventable diseases, that they could spread a preventable disease and other children could die.
"Children did not die, teachers did not die, on December 14, 2012," Halbig said on one of Alex Jones' shows, according to the complaint.
"I saw lots of people die, and die in horrible ways," she says, drinking hot chocolate and eating pizza in a Mexico City cafe.
Die Größenordnung des Zustroms im vergangenen Jahr - grob geschätzt insgesamt eine Million Asylsuchende, von denen die Hälfte formelle Anträge stellte - wurde in der deutschen Geschichte nur übertroffen durch den Zustrom von "Volksdeutschen" , die nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg aus Osteuropa und der Sowjetunion vertrieben worden waren.
Das Forum, eines der derzeit ehrgeizigsten Kulturprojekte in Europa, ragte hinter Baugerüsten verschanzt hinter ihnen auf, während sie Reden hielten und Schilder in die Höhe reckten, auf denen stand: "Raus mit der Wahrheit über die deutsche Kolonialgeschichte", "Räumt die kolonialen Schatzkammern" und "Pflicht zur Erinnerung".
He had many opportunities where he didn&apost have to have to die, and he chose to do what he did, and he did die.
Co-showrunner D.B. Weiss added in the episode commentary that they'd always planned for the Clegane brothers to die together — and to die by fire.
As for Adams, the Jets safety told the media this week, "If I had a perfect place to die, I would die on the field."
"My son did not have to die because he had an addiction — and no one else's child should die because they need help," Redmond said.
Perhaps Gocker's discomfort with Kurzweil's prediction is its alteration of what we have always known: not only that we die, but that we must die.
But, if you're going to be self-reflexive and actually try to grow, you have to say, 'I'm going to die, you're going to die.
"I fear the day I die I am going to die without accomplishing what I have in my mind," he once said in an interview.
Every year in the U.S., 700 to 900 women die from pregnancy or childbirth-related causes, and some 65,000 nearly die, according to the report.
The mentality amongst parents in Nigeria is "they'd rather die with their children at home than send them to school to die on their own".
In a blunt RadioTimes article called "Why She Had To Die," Bodyguard creator Joe Mercurio insisted there's no such thing as a "can't die" character.
"We're all going to die, but I think what makes it worse is how we die," Garibay told the court on Tuesday, the paper reports.
A first issue is predicting when someone might die—getting that right is critical to whether someone who wants to die at home actually can.
In George R. R. Martin fashion, I was braced for Tyrion or Sansa to die, for either Brienne to die saving Jamie or vice versa.
" It wishes "with all my heart that you get cancer and die a painful, disgusting death, you f---, you traitorous f---," and ends with "Die!
This was followed by a five-minute "die-in" in honor of the five people who die every day in the UK from opioid overdoses.
Er drohte damit, die Bundesregierung wegen der Nichtsicherung der Staatsgrenzen zu verklagen und fordert eine strikte Begrenzung der Zahl von Asylsuchenden, die sie überqueren dürfen.
Er lobte die starke deutsche Tradition der Berufsausbildung, derer er teilhaftig geworden war, und hatte seine Zweifel, ob die Qualifikationen der Asylsuchenden einem Vergleich standhielten.
A 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology study reported that roughly 19,000 more people die prematurely from automobile pollution each year than die in car accidents.
Players can expect to die, a lot, in FromSoftware's recent Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, but never from slipping off the edge of a shingled roof.
"I was screaming that I'm going to die because I really felt I was going to die," he said in an interview with News 12.
" Said a 27-year-old who saved $200 on a flight from Atlanta to Connecticut to visit her sick grandmother, "If I die, I die.
Well, if we're all going to die, at least we will die having seen the kind of "Drag Race" episode we live through this for.
The astonishment of Mr. Emerson's performance is how universal and particular it is, saying that, yes, we all die, but we all die as individuals.
"People say this isn't the hill we want to die on," she added, "but we're going to die if we don't do something about it."
After a major amputation, 48 percent of patients over the age of 65 die within the first year and 71 percent die within three years.
Ik help vrouwen die het slachtoffer zijn van huiselijk geweld, vaak van Marokkaanse nationaliteit, en die afhankelijk zijn van hun echtgenoot voor hun Nederlandse verblijfsvergunning.
Einer der Ärzte war der Meinung, unser Sohn solle so oft wie möglich hinaus an die frische Luft, selbst als die Krankheit sich dramatisch verschlimmerte.
In den vergangenen fünf Jahren, da die Zahl der weltweit durch Konflikte und Verfolgung vertriebenen Menschen den höchsten Stand seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs erreichte, haben viele Deutsche ihren Stolz darüber zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass ihre Nation - die Auslöser der Gewalt war, welche die frühere Massenflucht hervorrief - nun ein Leuchtturm der Sicherheit und der Chancen für die Gefährdeten und Vertriebenen aus aller Welt geworden war.
The wish that Martin would die, that my parents would die, that I could learn about death and in the process feel more fully alive myself.
When you die, you die for good, and a new character lands on the island with a new boat to try where the previous character failed.
How she grabbed her daughter and sat on the ground and said 'If I die, we wanna die by a bullet, because it would be quicker.
The bottom line: Per Transparency International, nine out of 10 slain journalists die in "highly corrupt" countries, while one in five die while covering corruption itself.
Yes. People have all these rules about dreams like you can't die or if you die you wake up, but none of them apply to me.
I would be like, "Oh my God, what if I die?" and I realized I was scared to die because I felt like I hadn't lived.
I haven't gone to a clinic.. someone doesn't have to almost die for me to know to be healthy, I've already had friends OD and die.
"We're seeing people provide financial counseling, if you have a spouse die, or a parent die… someone to help you sort out the finances," Kaplan said.
I haven't gone to a clinic..someone doesn't have to almost die for me to know to be healthy, I've already had friends OD and die.
Sen. John McCain thanks supporters after cancer diagnosis: "Even those that want me to die don't want me to die right away, so that's good" pic.twitter.
For estates of individuals who die in 28503, the exemption will be $22019 million, up from $5.45 million for estates of individuals who die in 2016.
Doch Skeptiker verweisen auf die Klimaschutzdebatte: Die Bemühungen zur Abkehr von fossilen Brennstoffen beschleunige sich und setze damit den Ölpreis und auch Saudi Aramco unter Druck.
Once-a-week attendees were 26 percent less likely to die, and those attending less than once a week were 23 percent less likely to die.
"One has to die one day, why not die to help a brother in Kashmir to get freedom from this Indian occupation?" he said, choking up.
He was saying, 'What if racial bigots who don't care anything about us and let us die -- what if we ignore them and let them die?
Across species, the masculine strategy of "live hard, die young" means men are more likely to die from trauma than an infection, according to another theory.
Als er in seiner neuen Wohnung angekommen war, stand Yasser auf dem Balkon und betrachtete die Aussicht: Die Nachbarhäuser und den von Tannen bedeckten Hügel dahinter.
No one had to die for it to be obvious that "Jeremy Kyle" was wrong — but, tragically, someone had to die for it to be stopped.
Zusammen bilden die Sammlung des Berliner Museums für Asiatische Kunst und die außereuropäischen Sammlungen des Ethnologischen Museums einen der reichsten Bestände außereuropäischer Kunst und Artefakte weltweit.
A man in Hong Kong, China is the first to die from the illness, but a man in Tokyo and a woman in London die, too.
Humanity, as Carl Jung would have warned us, must be able to die to one's ego while letting slavery, apartheid, colonialism and ecocide die as well.
But even though the island itself is a simulation of sorts, the outcomes are not: if you die on the island, you die in real life.
Compared to white cyclists, black riders were 19% more likely to die from injuries sustained in accidents and Hispanic riders were 17% more likely to die.
"This thing will come to the Senate, and it will die quickly, and I will do everything I can to make it die quickly," he said.
"If they don't kill us here protesting, we will die either way — be killed for a cellphone or a pair of sneakers — or we will die of hunger, or die simply from catching any disease because there is no medicine here," said Marco, a graduate student.
"People die wearing seat belts but that's not an argument to say that just because some people still die that we should stop wearing them," he says.
"They are supposed to bequeath it when they die — and they don't die," said Helen Kijo-Bisimba, executive director of Tanzania's Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC).
They spread themselves across the cement for a 200-second die-in and moment of silence for the nearly 200 individuals who die daily from drug overdoses.
They spread themselves across the cement for a 200-second die-in and moment of silence for the nearly 19313 individuals who die daily from drug overdoses.
Perhaps the tranquillity of Déraciné heightens the violence in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, while the intensity of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice makes Déraciné all the more serene.
They were also 40 percent less likely to die from cardiovascular disease and 20 percent less likely to die from cancer compared to those who didn't exercise.
This is as far as the research predicts, but we can imagine what might happen next: Species die off in mass extinctions, and, maybe, we die too.
In addition, those who were incarcerated were more likely to die by hanging, strangulation or suffocation and less likely to die by firearms than those not incarcerated.
They Both Die At The End Adam Silvera As the title probably suggests, They Both Die At The End is not what we could a "happy" book.
People almost never die of AIDS itself—instead, they die of pneumonia, or rare cancers, things that people only get when their immune systems aren't working properly.
This is the case with Die Hard 64, an unreleased Nintendo 64 game that appears to be a preliminary version of the GameCube's Die Hard Vendetta (2002).
Yucel, 44, a correspondent for the newspaper Die Welt, made the remarks in a lengthy interview with the German newspaper die tageszeitung to be published on Saturday.
Er sagte mir, dass er etwas wie die einwandererfeindlichen Proteste meinte, die wöchentlich in Dresden geschahen, sich in andere Teile Deutschlands ausgebreitet hatten und manchmal Zehntausende anzogen.
Merkel, die bei Abweisung der Migranten ein Chaos befürchtete, schickte ihnen stattdessen deutsche Züge, um sie abzuholen; eine Entscheidung, die sie später ein "Gebot der Humanität" nannte.
Einige Länder haben Grenzkontrollen eingeführt, um die Migrantenbewegungen zu kontrollieren oder aufzuhalten, wodurch einer der Grundpfeiler der Europäischen Union untergraben wird: Die Reisefreiheit bei offenen inneren Grenzen.
Seehofer führt die Christlich-Soziale Union, eine konservativere Schwesterpartei von Merkels Christlich-Demokratischer Union, die in Bayern nahezu ohne Unterbrechung seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs regiert.
Die deutschen Christen seien zu selbstzufrieden und materialistisch geworden, und die bevorstehenden Herausforderungen - einschließlich der ISIS-Anschläge - würden sie zwingen, sich auf ihre christlichen Werte zu besinnen.
We all die sometimes in Battlefield V. In a war film, when we see a soldier die tragically, we're being put into the shoes of the survivors.
You are 16 times more likely to die in an automobile than on Amtrak, and twice as likely to die on a transit bus than on Amtrak.
"We worry that we could shift from a right to die to a duty to die if we make suicide seem desirable or justifiable," Dr. Balasubramaniam said.
Britons in the 1930s did not want to "die for Danzig," and Americans today don't want to die for Taipei or Riga, never mind Kiev or Tbilisi.
A lot of people are going to die and people our age are going to die because there's not going to be enough space in the hospitals.
Yes. Even with today's respirators, cardiac support equipment and antibiotics, nearly 30 percent will die in the first month; 90 percent will die before their first birthday.
Black American women are up to four times more likely to die during childbirth, and their infants are twice as likely to die compared to white infants.
One die decides how many spaces you move and another die decides what ability you can use, like causing other players to drop coins on the board.
Deciding where to die Previous studies have shown that the majority of people would prefer to die at home and feel more at peace with the experience.

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