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"copula" Definitions
  1. a verb such as be or become that connects a subject with the adjective or noun (called the complement) that describes it

375 Sentences With "copula"

How to use copula in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "copula" and check conjugation/comparative form for "copula". Mastering all the usages of "copula" from sentence examples published by news publications.

His WIRED cover story on the Gaussian copula function was later turned into a tattoo.
But then, and here is where they get their name, the mated pair stay in copula for up to five days!
The prolonged copula of the stick insect is an example of mate-guarding, a common phenomenon in the animal world, as in ours.
The copula -i- in Korean is ubiquitously found in presumed ‘Sluicing’ and ‘Fragment’ constructions. The copula denotes the equative relation between the subject and the complement of the copula. In (8), through the assumed equative relation, the complement of the copula describes the ‘categorial membership’ of the subject. (8) a.
A vine copula can be used to model systemic risk across a portfolio of financial assets. One methodology is to apply the Clayton Canonical Vine Copula to model asset pairs in the vine structure framework. As a Clayton copula is used, the greater the degree of asymmetric (i.e., left tail) dependence, the higher the Clayton copula parameter.
A suitable methodology that allows for the joint distribution to incorporate asymmetric dependence is the Clayton Canonical Vine Copula. See Copula (probability theory)#Quantitative finance.
Some languages lack an equivalent of the copula be, and many languages omit the copula in some contexts or optionally (see zero copula), which means that the case marker plays a greater role since it helps distinguish predicative nominals from argument nominals. Some languages (e.g., Tabasaran) have a separate predicative case.
Bonan has a primary SOV (subject–object–verb), but topicalization of an object is common. It is known for its peculiar double marking of the copula. A Mongolic copula, of which there are several with different meanings, comes sentence-finally, following Bonan SOV word order, while a copula from Chinese “to be” appears between the copula’s subject and complement, as in Chinese SVO word order. This Chinese copula is optional and is used to emphasize the subject.
The copula linguae or copula, is a swelling that forms from the second pharyngeal arch, late in the fourth week of embryogenesis. During the fifth and sixth weeks the copula becomes overgrown and covered by the hypopharyngeal eminence which forms mostly from the third pharyngeal arch and in part from the fourth pharyngeal arch.
If the marginal distributions F_i^{-1}(u_i) are continuous, it follows that C is unique. For properties and proofs of equation (11), see Sklar (1959) and Nelsen (2006). Numerous types of copula functions exist. They can be broadly categorized in one-parameter copulas as the Gaussian copula, and the Archimedean copula, which comprise Gumbel, Clayton and Frank copulas.
The most common verb is the copula, and therefore it has survived longest, just as in Latin the only Anglo-Saxon mi-verb is the copula eom, nowadays shortened to am. The verb “give” is also very common and is, together with the copula, still a mi-verb in modern Slavic languages (for example, the Czech word dávám).
In Haitian Creole the equative clause pattern involves the equative copula sé which joins a subject noun phrase with a complement noun phrase that refers back to the subject. (6) Misyé Pól sé vwézinaj mwen. Mr. Paul Copula neighbour my 'Mr. Paul is my neighbour' A simple copula predicate consists of sé 'am/is/are' only.
In linguistics, a copula (plural: copulas or copulae; abbreviated ) is a word or phrase that links the subject of a sentence to a subject complement, such as the word is in the sentence "The sky is blue" or the phrase was not being in the sentence "It was not being used." The word copula derives from the Latin noun for a "link" or "tie" that connects two different things.See copula in the Online Etymology Dictionary for attestation of the use of the term, "copula," since the 1640s.See the appendix to Moro 1997 and the references cited there for a short history of the copula.
Oscinella sp. in copula Oscinella is a genus of flies in the family Chloropidae.
A verb that is a copula is sometimes called a copulative or copular verb.
21 All words listed in this section take the attributive -na and predicative -da copula.
Cylindrotoma distinctissima in copula Cylindrotoma is a genus of crane fly in the family Cylindrotomidae.
The basic function of the copula in Japanese is to predicate, adnominalize or adverbialize nouns.
Aristotelian logic identifies a categorical proposition as a sentence which affirms or denies a predicate of a subject with the help of a 'Copula'. An Aristotelian proposition may take the form of "All men are mortal" or "Socrates is a man." In the first example, the subject is "men", predicate is "mortal" and copula is "are", while in the second example, the subject is "Socrates", the predicate is "a man" and copula is "is".
Kreyol uses no for negation, bi (be) as the copula, fɔ for "to" in verbal infinitives.
A copula is often a verb or a verb-like word, though this is not universally the case. A verb that is a copula is sometimes called a copulative or copular verb. In English primary education grammar courses, a copula is often called a linking verb. In other languages, copulas show more resemblances to pronouns, as in Classical Chinese and Guarani, or may take the form of suffixes attached to a noun, as in Korean, Beja, and Inuit languages.
Thus, forecasting with Monte-Carlo simulation with the Gaussian copula and well-specified marginal distributions are effective.
For example, in the Irish language, is, the present tense of the copula, may be omitted when the predicate is a noun. Ba, the past/conditional, cannot be deleted. If the present copula is omitted, the pronoun (e.g., é, í, iad) preceding the noun is omitted as well.
Subjects as well as copula subjects and copula complements are always zero-marked with respect to their case. The direct object remains unmarked if it is low in animacy or definiteness.Jendraschek 2012: 221f. Goals are not always marked with an overt case-marker, especially when they are inanimate.
Kaili is a strict head- initial type language. Heads precede dependents in compounds, phrases, and sentences. Basic sentence order is SVO or VOS (that is: VO generally) with NGen, NAdj, NRel, PrepN, NegV, etc. There is no obligatory copula, the use of the facultative copula is marked for emphasis.
The main uses of the copula in English are described in the above sections. The possibility of copula omission is mentioned under . A particular construction found in English (particularly in speech) is the use of two successive copulas when only one appears necessary, as in My point is, is that.... The acceptability of this construction is a disputed matter in English prescriptive grammar. The simple English copula "be" may on occasion be substituted by other verbs with near identical meanings.
Sklar's theorem states that any multivariate joint distribution can be written in terms of univariate marginal distribution functions and a copula which describes the dependence structure between the variables. Copulas are popular in high-dimensional statistical applications as they allow one to easily model and estimate the distribution of random vectors by estimating marginals and copulae separately. There are many parametric copula families available, which usually have parameters that control the strength of dependence. Some popular parametric copula models are outlined below.
A copular verb may also have other uses supplementary to or distinct from its uses as a copula.
A copular predicate is necessary for use with nominal and adjectival predicates. The predicate connects noun and adjective and a nominal predicate compliments both. When using present tense the copula is zero, past and future tenses have their distinct copula. We can see how this works in the following sentences: > "kit ma:ʔeɬtawaʔae:ní I am a teacher "kit ma:ʔeɬtawaʔae:ní ʃakwaní: I was a > teacher "kit ma:ʔeɬtawaʔae:ní nakwán I will be a teacher" In the following example we can see how the verb “wan” (meaning “be”) is what the copula is based on. Through the morphological derivation the copula joins with the desiderative suffix “-kutun” giving us the meaning of “wanting to X,” as seen below: > "tsamá: ʔawátʔa púʃku wankutún the boy wants to be a chief (someday)" Predicate nominals follow a word order with the subject at the beginning and verb at the end so that the copula is between them.
This implies that the copula is unique if the marginals F_i are continuous. The converse is also true: given a copula C:[0,1]^d\rightarrow [0,1] and marginals F_i(x) then C\left(F_1(x_1),\dots,F_d(x_d) \right) defines a d-dimensional cumulative distribution function with marginal distributions F_i(x).
With regard to early polyphony the term copula has a variety of meanings. At its most basic level, it can be thought of as the linking of notes together to form a melody. "A copula is a rapid, connected discant..."Strunk, William Oliver (1998). Source Readings in Music History, p.242. .
This description concerns the Interior Salish language of the Colville-Okanagan region, named Nsyilxcən. Its classification here as non-copular is due to its lack of an overt copula. Rather, Nsyilxcən equatives are said to be projections of a null head. Nsyilxcən DP-DP structures involve a null, equative copula.
Duplicaria copula is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Terebridae, the auger snails.
Stictopleurus sp. in copula Stictopleurus is a genus of scentless plant bugs belonging to the family Rhopalidae, subfamily Rhopalinae.
The copula ama has a much more limited range of inflection than predicative verbs. The only suffixes which can follow it are negative -ra, declarative -ke / -ka, backgrounding -ni / -ne, and interrogatives -ni(hi) / -re / -ra. If the subject of the copula is a prefixed first- or second-person singular o- / ti-, moreover, this will attach to the negative -ra rather than the verb itself: ama ti-ra-haa "is it not you?" Unlike in English, a copula in Madí can be formed without a complement.
Some languages do not use predicative adjectives with a linking verb; instead, adjectives can become stative verbs that replace the copula. For example, in Mandarin Chinese It is red is rendered as tā hóng, which translates literally as It red. However, Mandarin retains the copula when it is followed by a predicative nominal.
Tenses are marked using conjugations, while aspects are marked using suffixes and by adding conjugations of a copula/auxiliary verb.
In the former case, we speak of a partial correlation vine, and in the latter case of a vine copula.
There are no verbs corresponding to English "to be", so a stative verb must be used or a zero copula strategy: Te tia mmwakuri teuaarei. (mwakuri or even makuri are usual forms) A workman that man. That man is a workman. However, there's a locative copula verb "mena": E mena iaon te taibora te booro.
Colloquial Khmer is a zero copula language, instead preferring predicative adjectives (and even predicative nouns) unless using a copula for emphasis or to avoid ambiguity in more complex sentences. Basic word order is subject–verb–object (SVO), although subjects are often dropped; prepositions are used rather than postpositions.Huffman, Franklin. 1967. An outline of Cambodian Grammar.
The copula in late Quenya is the verb na-. Tolkien stated that it was used only in joining adjectives, nouns, and pronouns in statements (or wishes) asserting (or desiring) a thing to have certain quality, or to be same as another, and also that the copula was not used when the meaning was clear.Vinyar Tengwar (49), p. 9. Otherwise, the copula is left out, which may provide for ambiguous tenses when there is no further context: :Eldar ataformaiti, can be translated in English either as "Elves are ambidexters", or "Elves were ambidexters".
Copula has also been used to predict the histological diagnosis of colorectal lesions from colonoscopy images, and to classify cancer subtypes.
' Tjals sété an Endyen. 'Charles was an Indian.' Escure & Schwegler claim that sé is a copula verb. DeGraff DeGraff, M. (2007).
Copula and oviposition on Leucanthemum vulgare Tephritis neesii is a species of fly found across Europe. It mostly lives on Leucanthemum vulgare.
Suillia sp. in copula Suillia is a genus of flies in the family Heleomyzidae. There are at least 130 described species in Suillia.
The combination of SSA and Copula-based methods have been applied for the first time as a novel stochastic tool for EOP prediction.
Copula has many applications in the area of medicine, for example, # Copula has been used in the field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), for example, to segment images, to fill a vacancy of graphical models in imaging genetics in a study on schizophrenia, and to distinguish between normal and Alzheimer patients. # Copula has been in the area of brain research based on EEG signals, for example, to detect drowsiness during daytime nap, to track changes in instantaneous equivalent bandwidths (IEBWs), to derive synchrony for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, to characterize dependence in oscillatory activity between EEG channels, and to assess the reliability of using methods to capture dependence between pairs of EEG channels using their time-varying envelopes. Copula functions have been successfully applied to the analysis of neuronal dependencies and spike counts in neuroscience . #A copula model has been developed in the field of oncology, for example, to jointly model genotypes, phenotypes, and pathways to reconstruct a cellular network to identify interactions between specific phenotype and multiple molecular features (e.g.
The terminology used to refer to this word-class is inconsistent. The Japanese name is 形容動詞 keiyō-dōshi, which literally means "adjectival verb". This is not necessarily at odds with the English term adjectival noun, since in traditional Japanese grammar, keiyō-dōshi includes the copula, while the adjectival noun in the analysis described here does not include the copula. For example, in the traditional grammar, kirei da is a keiyō-dōshi and kirei is its stem; in the analysis here, kirei is an adjectival noun and kirei da is its combination with the copula.
Non-verbal predicates are non-verbal words like adjectives, nouns, positionals, or directionals that act as the main predicate and are semantically stative. These constructions do not inflect for Tense-Aspect, but do inflect for person and number. There is no overt copula in Chuj and copula constructions are expressed through non-verbal predicates. Chuj: a ix Malin kʼaybʼum ix.
The use of such distributions is enjoying renewed interest due to applications in mathematical finance, especially through the use of the Student's t copula.
Himacerus apterus in copula Himacerus apterus, known as the tree damsel bug, is a species of damsel bug belonging to the family Nabidae, subfamily Nabinae.
Meiosimyza platycephala in copula. The female plays a very active role in the courtship. Meiosimyza is a genus of small flies of the family Lauxaniidae.
Comorovski, I. (2007). Constituent questions and the copula of specification. In I. Comorovski and K. von Heusinger (Eds.), Existence. Semantics and Syntax, pp. 49–77.
Hiligaynon lacks the marker of sentence inversion "ay" of Tagalog/Filipino or "hay" of Akeanon. Instead sentences in SV form (Filipino: Di karaniwang anyo) are written without any marker or copula. Examples: "Si Maria ay maganda" (Tagalog) "Si Maria matahum/ Gwapa si Maria" (Hiligaynon) = "Maria is beautiful." "Maria is beautiful" (English) There is no direct translation for the English copula "to be" in Hiligaynon.
Copulas have been used in both theoretical and applied analyses of hydroclimatic data. Theoretical studies adopted the copula-based methodology for instance to gain a better understanding of the dependence structures of temperature and precipitation, in different parts of the world. Applied studies adopted the copula-based methodology to examine e.g., agricultural droughts or joint effects of temperature and precipitation extremes on vegetation growth.
Inflectional suffixes in the morphology of Bengali vary from region to region, along with minor differences in syntax. Bengali differs from most Indo-Aryan Languages in the zero copula, where the copula or connective be is often missing in the present tense.Bangla language in Thus, "he is a teacher" is se shikkhôk, (literally "he teacher").Among Bengali speakers brought up in neighbouring linguistic regions (e.g.
In the present indicative 3rd person, copular verbs are not used; rather the absence of a verb (with or without a negation particle) implies the copula.
Phyllobius copulation Phyllobius virideaeris in copula Phyllobius is a genus of weevils containing at least 60 described species, some of which are commonly found in Europe.
In particular, there is no stochastic process for the critical underlying variables default intensity and default correlation. However, even in these early copula formulations, back testing and stress testing the variables for different time horizons can give valuable sensitivities, see Whetten and Adelson (2004) and Meissner, Hector, and. Rasmussen (2008). In addition, the copula variables can be made a function of time as in Hull, Predescu, and White (2005).
Verb phrases (VP) are phrases whose head is a verb or a copula. Verbs can have different transitivities that directly affect the case distribution for their nominal arguments.
Score of 6: where, than, how Interrogative reversals 17a. Score of 1: Reversal of copula (i.e. "Is it" red?) 17b. Score of 5: Reversal with three auxiliaries (i.e.
Periphrastic Hindustani verb forms consist of two elements. The first of these two elements is the aspect marker. The second element (the copula) is the common tense-mood marker.
Adjectival verbs are essentially nouns combined with a copula, either (-nar-i) or (-tar-i). Which copula is used is specific to the adjectival verb in question. The copulas are derived from directional particles (ni) + (-ar-i) and (to) + (-ar-i), respectively, yielding (niar-i) and (toar-i), respectively, which then lead to (nar-i) and (tar-i), respectively, by regular sound change rules. They therefore follow the R-irregular conjugation like (ar-i).
For example, we can join "a man" to "wise" to give "a wise man". But the noun phrase "a wise man" is not a sentence, whereas "some man is wise" is a sentence. Hence the copula must do more than merely join or separate concepts. Furthermore, adding "exists" to "a wise man", to give the complete sentence "a wise man exists" has the same effect as joining "some man" to "wise" using the copula.
When the copula is not present, no equative relation holds, prohibiting the pronominal subject of the small clause. In the former case, the indefinite expression as a correlate expression is equative with the surviving expression. In the latter case, the usual referring expression as a correlate expression cannot be equative with the surviving expression that it is in contrast with.Park, M. K. The syntax of ‘sluicing’/‘fragmenting’in Korean: Evidence from the copula-i-‘be’.
Manding má, máŋ), the subjunctive ma (cf. Manding máa), the copula ti (cf. Bisa ti, Manding de/le), the verbal connective ka (cf. Manding kà), the suffixes -ri (resultative - cf.
I "see" you) and copula, is or 's (i.e. It 's red) 13b. Score of 6: Must, shall + verb (i.e. He "must come" or We "shall see"), have + verb + '-en' (i.e.
C. fastuosa in copula Chrysolina fastuosa, also known as the dead-nettle leaf beetle, is a species of beetle from a family of Chrysomelidae found in Europe, Caucasus and northern Turkey.
Tamazight may use a null copula, but the word 'to be, to do' can function as a copula in Ayt Ayache, especially in structures preceded by /aj/ 'who, which, what'. wh- questions are always clefts, and multiple wh-questionssuch as the English "who saw what?", see do not occur. Consequently, Tamazight's clefting, relativisation, and wh-interrogation contribute to anti-agreement effects,when the verb does not agree with, or agrees in a relative manner with wh-words, see .
Most languages have one main copula, although some (like Spanish, Portuguese and Thai) have more than one, and some have none. In the case of English, this is the verb to be. While the term copula is generally used to refer to such principal forms, it may also be used to refer to some other verbs with similar functions, like become, get, feel and seem in English; these may also be called "semi-copulas" or "pseudo- copulas".
Some Slavic languages make a distinction between essence and state (similar to that discussed in the above section on the Romance languages), by putting a predicative expression denoting a state into the instrumental case, and essential characteristics are in the nominative. This can apply with other copula verbs as well: the verbs for "become" are normally used with the instrumental case. As noted above under , Russian and other East Slavic languages generally omit the copula in the present tense.
In grammar, a subject complement or predicative of the subject is a predicative expression that follows a linking verb (copula) and that complements the subject of the sentence by either (1) renaming it or (2) describing it. It completes the meaning of the subject. In the former case, a renaming noun phrase such as a noun or pronoun is called a predicative nominal. An adjective following the copula and describing the subject is called a predicative adjective.
There is a copula with an irregular and defective conjugational paradigm. Negation is achieved through various constructions. One is the use of the verb's negative participle, which is invariable for person and tense; another is through use of a negative particle apia which follows verbs (in the future only), but precedes the copula. Yes-no questions have no special grammatical marking as such, but all kinds of questions are optionally followed by the sentence particle ki.
The verb ("I am") can be used as an auxiliary verb (e.g. "he was killed"), as a copula (e.g. "he was rich") or as an existential verb, specifying the existence of something.
Swinging is fun) Negatives 15a. Score of 1: it, this or that + copula or auxiliary 'is' or 's + not (i.e. It's "not" mine) 15b. Score of 5: Uncontracted negative with 'have' (i.e.
In all cases, the use of the definite article ' is obligatory. The copula is present if the superlative is used predicatively. An example could be: "She dah di taales" – She is the tallest.
The copula da and its derivative darō are replaced with ra and raro, e.g. standard Japanese Sō darō? (そうだろう?) becomes Sō raro? (そうらろ?) in Nagaoka dialect.
The strategy employed is the dual copula strategy, also known as the dual predication approach,Jacek Pasniczek, The Logic of Intentional Objects: A Meinongian Version of Classical Logic, Springer, 1997, p. 125. which is used to make a distinction between relations of properties and individuals. It entails creating a sentence that is not supposed to make sense by forcing the term "is" into ambiguous meaning. The dual copula strategy was originally brought to prominence in contemporary philosophy by Ernst Mally.
Cyrus H. Gordon first proposed in 1966–1969 that the texts contained Semitic vocabulary that was based on the lexical items such as kull -. meaning 'all' (Akkadian kalu, kullatu, Hebrew kol). Gordon uses morphological evidence to suggest that u- serves as a prefix in Linear A like Semitic copula u-. However, Gordon's copula u- is based on an incomplete word, and even if some of Gordon's identifications were true, a complete case for a Semitic language has not yet been built.
Adjectival nouns (形容動詞 keiyō-dōshi) always occur with a form of the copula, traditionally considered part of the adjectival noun itself. The only difference between nouns and adjectival nouns is in the attributive form, where nouns take no and adjectives take na. This has led many linguists to consider them a type of nominal (noun-like part of speech). Together with this form of the copula they may also predicate sentences and inflect for past, negative, etc.
Multiple non- referential indices can be employed to index the social identity of a speaker. An example of how multiple indexes can constitute social identity is exemplified by Ochs discussion of copula deletion: "That Bad" in American English can index a speaker to be a child, foreigner, medical patient, or elderly person. Use of multiple non-referential indices at once (for example copula deletion and raising intonation), helps further index the social identity of the speaker as that of a child.Ochs, Elinor.
Of course, if it chases the cat into the garden, the case of 'garden' would change: :la hundo ĉasis la katon en la ĝardenon, en la ĝardenon la hundo ĉasis la katon, etc. Within copulative clauses, however, there are restrictions. Copulas are words such as esti 'be', iĝi 'become', resti 'remain', and ŝajni 'seem', for which neither noun phrase takes the accusative case. In such cases only two orders are generally found: noun-copula-predicate and, much less commonly, predicate-copula-noun.
Logically, it is the copula of a judgment. In the proposition, "God is almighty", the copula "is" does not add a new predicate; it only unites a predicate to a subject. To take God with all its predicates and say that "God is" is equivalent to "God exists" or that "There is a God" is to jump to a conclusion as no new predicate is being attached to God. The content of both subject and predicate is one and the same.
This still does not create a fully dynamic stochastic process with drift and noise, which allows flexible hedging and risk management. The best solutions are truly dynamic copula frameworks, see section ‘Dynamic Copulas’ below.
Lauren Gawne & Thomas Owen-Smith. 2016. The ‘General Fact’ copula in Yolmo and the influence of Tamang. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB). University of York: September 6–9.
The causal nexus is represented by the independent clause complex and not by the two interdependent clause simplexes. See also copula for the consequences of the verb to be on the theory of sentence structure.
She studied at Fribourg University in Switzerland, graduating with a Masters in Econometrics and a PhD in Quantitative Economics. Her doctoral thesis, published in 2009, is entitled "Dependency in credit portfolios: Modeling with Copula Functions".
Large synthetic traces of vectors and stationary time series can be generated using empirical copula while preserving the entire dependence structure of small datasets. Such empirical traces are useful in various simulation-based performance studies.
Relative clauses in HawaiianAlexander, W. D., Introduction to Hawaiian Grammar, Dover, 2004 (originally 1864): 45-47. are avoided unless they are short. If in English a relative clause would have a copula and an adjective, in Hawaiian the antecedent is simply modified by the adjective: "The honest man" instead of "the man who is honest". If the English relative clause would have a copula and a noun, in Hawaiian an appositive is used instead: "Paul, an apostle" instead of "Paul, who was an apostle".
Nouns are generally preceded by any modifiers (adjectives, possessives and relative clauses), and verbs also generally follow any modifiers (adverbs, auxiliary verbs and prepositional phrases). The predicate can be an intransitive verb, a transitive verb followed by a direct object, a copula (linking verb) shì () followed by a noun phrase, etc. In predicative use, Chinese adjectives function as stative verbs, forming complete predicates in their own right without a copula. For example, Another example is the common greeting nǐ hăo (你好), literally "you good".
The verb esti (to be) is both the copula ("X is Y") and the existential ("there is") verb. As a copula linking two noun phrases, it causes neither to take the accusative case. Therefore, unlike the situation with other verbs, word order with esti can be semantically important: compare hundoj estas personoj (dogs are people) and personoj estas hundoj (people are dogs). One sometimes sees esti-plus- adjective rendered as a verb: la ĉielo estas blua as la ĉielo bluas (the sky is blue).
Tightly bound adjuncts include prepositional and verbal adjuncts and adjectival adjuncts to a non-copula verb phrase head. A loosely bound adjunct can have inflectional suffixes attached to either the final adjunct or the verb phrase head. All adjuncts to the copula verb, nominal adjuncts in the ‘cognate object’ construction and modifiers are loosely bound. The ‘cognate object’ construction is one in which there is an intransitive verb in the position of the head and a loosely bound nominal phrase adjunct following the head.
Unlike most languages with an inherent copula, the copula in Pévé can be used in reference to past or future time but not in reference to present time. Another interesting feature of Pévé is the use of pronouns to mark tense, mood, and aspect, along with the grammatical functions of subject and object. These and other unusual form-function relationships make Pévé a likely source for future linguistic studies. One unusual feature of Peve is that it contrasts voiceless and voiced glottal fricatives ( vs. ).
The negative marker pa and the TMA (tense-mood-aspect) markers can co-occur with the copula-type predicate, subject to certain rules (TMA markers: té 'past' or 'anterior', kay 'prospective' or 'irrealis', ka 'nonpunctual', sa 'abilitative'). One such rule is that té + sé → sété (or just té without sé). The combinations permitted in an equative clause are limited in natural speech: a maximum number of two tense, mood, aspect and copula morphemes can co-occur in a given clause.Escure, G., & Schwegler, A. (Eds.). (2004).
Platygaster sp. in copula. Filmed on a fallen beech in a forest near Marburg, Hesse, Germany Platygaster is a genus of parasitoid wasps in the family Platygastridae. There are more than 560 described species in Platygaster.
It needs no other linguistic element to be complete (Hast. is a complete sentence meaning "s/he it exists"). In fact, any manipulation of the arbitrary verb, e.g. its conjugation, turns hast back into a copula.
Strong tie networks are believed to be resistant to linguistic innovation, because prestige forms also tend to be conservative forms.Labov, W. 1969. 'Contraction, Deletion, and Inherent Variability of the English Copula'. Language 45: 715-762Milroy, Lesley. 1980.
R. fulva in copula The common red soldier beetle (Rhagonycha fulva), also misleadingly known as the bloodsucker beetle,Forey. P., Fitzsimons. C. (2007) Identification Guides: European Insects, London: Flame Tree Publishing, page 228Chinery. M., et al. (2002).
Mandarin Chinese exhibits both DP-DP and DP-CP structures, and it is classified as having copular equative construction because there is overt copula. The copular verb 是 shì can be used in both of these structures.
Ojibwe has no adjectives per se but verbs that function as adjectives. Thus, instead of saying "the flower is blue," Ojibwe says something like to "the flower blues" (ozhaawashkwaa waabigwan) or "be a blueing flower" (waabigwan-ozhaawashkwaa). Ojibwe has a copula, in some situations, which has a verb (several, in fact) that can be translated as "to be" and used in situations to equate one thing with another. However, a copula is not always used in Ojibwe, such as if demonstrative pronouns are used (jiimaan o'ow, "this is a canoe").
Not accounting for these attributes lead to severe estimation error in the correlations and variances that have negative biases (as much as 70% of the true values). (c) Risk management A further criticism of the Copula approach is that the copula model is static and consequently allows only limited risk management, see Finger (2009) or Donnelly and Embrechts (2010). The original copulas models of Vasicek (1987) and Li (2000) and several extensions of the model as Hull and White (2004) or Gregory and Laurent (2004) do have a one period time horizon, i.e. are static.
In many languages the principal copula is a verb, like English (to) be, German sein, Mixtec kuu, Touareg emous, etc. It may inflect for grammatical categories like tense, aspect and mood, like other verbs in the language. Being a very commonly used verb, it is likely that the copula has irregular inflected forms; in English, the verb be has a number of highly irregular (suppletive) forms and has more different inflected forms than any other English verb (am, is, are, was, were, etc.; see English verbs for details).
There is no copula in Classical Chinese, "是" (pinyin: shì) is a copula in modern Chinese but in old Chinese it was originally a near demonstrative ("this"); the modern Chinese for "this" is "這" (pinyin: zhè). Beyond grammar and vocabulary differences, Classical Chinese can be distinguished by literary and cultural differences: an effort to maintain parallelism and rhythm, even in prose works, and extensive use of literary and cultural allusions, thereby also contributing to brevity. Many final particles (歇語字, xiēyǔzì) and interrogative particles are found in Literary Chinese.
Slavic innovated a new imperfect tense, which appeared in Old Church Slavonic but disappeared since. A new past tense was also created in the modern languages to replace or complement the aorist and imperfect, using a periphrastic combination of the copula and the so-called "l-participle", originally a deverbal adjective. In many languages today, the copula was dropped in this formation, turning the participle itself into the past tense. The Slavic languages innovated an entirely new aspectual distinction between imperfective and perfective verbs, based on derivational formations.
Copulas are important because they represent a dependence structure without using marginal distributions. Copulas have been widely used in the field of finance, but their use in signal processing is relatively new. Copulas have been employed in the field of wireless communication for classifying radar signals, change detection in remote sensing applications, and EEG signal processing in medicine. In this section, a short mathematical derivation to obtain copula density function followed by a table providing a list of copula density functions with the relevant signal processing applications are presented.
Floor of pharynx of embryo between 35 and 37 days after fertilization. In the development of the embryo, at 3–4 weeks gestational age, the thyroid gland appears as an epithelial proliferation in the floor of the pharynx at the base of the tongue between the tuberculum impar and the copula linguae. The copula soon becomes covered over by the hypopharyngeal eminence at a point later indicated by the foramen cecum. The thyroid then descends in front of the pharyngeal gut as a bilobed diverticulum through the thyroglossal duct.
For parametric vine copulas, with a bivariate copula family on each edge of a vine, algorithms and software are available for maximum likelihood estimation of copula parameters, assuming data have been transformed to uniform scores after fitting univariate margins. There are also available algorithms (e.g., ) for choosing good truncated regular vines where edges of high-level trees are taken as conditional independence. These algorithms assign variables with strong dependence or strong conditional dependence to low order trees in order that higher order trees have weak conditional dependence or conditional independence.
A fairly recent, famous as well as infamous correlation approach applied in finance is the copula approach. Copulas go back to Sklar (1959). Copulas were introduced to finance by Vasicek (1987) and Li (2000). Copulas simplify statistical problems.
There are a number of verb suffixes that are used to mark aspect, these broadly fall into categories of imperfective and perfective, as well as habitual. When an aspect form is used, a copula verb is also used.
The nominative is used in the following functions: # Sentence subject #: "The cat is drinking." # Sentence object #: "Seán broke the window." # Predicate of the copula #: "He is an idiot." # Object of the prepositions "without", "(up) to" and mar "like, as".
This phenomenon is known as nonverbal person agreement (or nonverbal subject agreement), and the relevant markers are always established as deriving from cliticized independent pronouns. For cases in which the copula is omitted or takes zero form, see below.
When is a copula, it tends to be unemphatic and to be placed after a stronger word, or between two strong words:D&S;, pp. 198–201. :Caesar, 1.1. :"Of all these the most warlike are the Belgae." :Caesar, 1.8.
However, the prefixes mangin- and nangin- may be used to mean will be and became, respectively. Example: Manamì mangín manggaránon. "It is nice to become rich." The Spanish copula "estar" (to be) has also become a part of the Hiligaynon lexicon.
Marco Copula was ordained a priest in the Order of Saint Benedict. On 26 November 1498, he was appointed during the papacy of Pope Alexander VI as Bishop of Montepeloso. He served as Bishop of Montepeloso until his death in 1527.
Numerous non-academic articles have been written demonizing the copula approach and blaming it for the 2007/2008 global financial crisis, see for example Salmon 2009, Jones 2009, and Lohr 2009. . (a) Tail dependence In a crisis, financial correlations typically increase, see studies by Das, Duffie, Kapadia, and Saita (2007) and Duffie, Eckner, Horel and Saita (2009) and references therein. Hence it would be desirable to apply a correlation model with high co-movements in the lower tail of the joint distribution. It can be mathematically shown that the Gaussian copula has relative low tail dependence, as seen in the following scatter plots.
Christian Genest is best known for developing models and statistical inference techniques for studying the dependence between variables through the concept of copula. He has designed, among others, various techniques for selecting, estimating and validating copula-based models through rank-based methods. His methodological contributions in multivariate analysis and extreme-value theory found numerous practical applications in finance, insurance, and hydrology. Throughout his career, Christian Genest also made significant contributions to the development of techniques for the reconciliation and use of expert opinions and pairwise comparison methods used to establish priorities in multiple-criteria decision analysis.
They form the anterior part of the tongue that makes up two thirds of the length of the tongue, and continue to develop through prenatal development. The line of their fusion is marked by the median sulcus. In the fourth week a swelling appears from the second pharyngeal arch, in the midline, called the copula. During the fifth and sixth weeks the copula is overgrown by a swelling from the third and fourth arches (mainly from the third arch) called the hypopharyngeal eminence, and this develops into the posterior part of the tongue (the other third).
So the copula has the same effect as "exists". Brentano argued that every categorical proposition can be translated into an existential one without change in meaning and that the "exists" and "does not exist" of the existential proposition take the place of the copula. He showed this by the following examples: : The categorical proposition "Some man is sick" has the same meaning as the existential proposition "A sick man exists" or "There is a sick man." : The categorical proposition "No stone is living" has the same meaning as the existential proposition "A living stone does not exist" or "there is no living stone".
A. affinis in copula. Adults emerge in May and are on the wing until September. After emergence the immature adults move away from water and spend a time feeding and becoming sexually mature. This period will last 10 days to many weeks.
The most distinct feature of M. laryngeus is the “Y” shape formed when the male is joined to the female in copula. Costa, J.C., Delgado, M.L., Vieira, P., Afonso, A., Conde, B., and Cross, J.H (2005). Syngamoniasis in Tourist. Emerging Infectious Diseases.
The basic word order is verb-subject-object. There is no verb "to be" in the present tense; in clauses that would have used a copula, the subject may come before the predicate. Nouns precede their modifiers, such as adjectives and possessors.
This arboreal species' inhabits humid lowland rainforests. It also occurs in secondary forests. The males call from branches in the forest or from Raphia palms, typically above small streams. A pair in copula was found in the low vegetation near a small stream.
Qazvini wrote close to 20 books on diverse subjects. Some of them include Explanation of Duaye Sahar, The Treatise of Meraj, Treatise on Rajat, An Article of Asfar Arbah, An Article About the Substantive Motion, Treatise on Monism, and An Article on Copula.
The equivalent Japanese copula (〜する、〜します) is only used for verbs. Japanese uses two words (いる) and (ある) for (있다) in Korean. In the past, Japanese also only used one word. This is preserved in the Hachijō language.
As mentioned in the noun section above, verbs can be distinguished from nouns by their ability to function as predicators by themselves without a preceding copula là. Additionally, verbs may be categorized into two main subtypes, stative and functive, according to syntactic criteria.
Besides being used as copula or to express existence (like to be), Véser is also an auxiliary verb, contrary to the use of the English Present Perfect. The forms in the present tense are irregular: I sing.: só II sing.: sét III sing.
The definite, but not indefinite, copula can also act as a participle following some finite verbs. For example: : this COP commune-GEN car IND.COP “This is the commune’s car.” (Buhe & Liu 1985: 65) Uniquely among Mongolic languages, adjectives follow the noun they modify.
Doramaar was a band from New Zealand. They formed in 1994, and initially consisted of Kim Pieters, Adria Morgan, Sara Stephenson, and Andre Richardson. They released their debut album, Copula, on Bruce Russell's Corpus Hermeticum label. Richardson left the band soon after this.
The continuous aspect is constructed by using a form of the copula, "to be", together with the present participle (marked with the suffix -ing).§42.5, p. 368, A university course in English grammar, by Angela Downing and Philip Locke, reprint ed., Psychology Press, 2002, .
In metaphysics and the philosophy of language, the "round square copula" is a common example of the dual copula strategy used in reference to the problem of nonexistent objects as well as their relation to problems in modern philosophy of language. The issue arose, most notably, between the theories of contemporary philosophers Alexius Meinong (see Meinong's 1904 book Investigations in Theory of Objects and Psychology)Alexius Meinong, "Über Gegenstandstheorie" ("The Theory of Objects"), in Alexius Meinong, ed. (1904). Untersuchungen zur Gegenstandstheorie und Psychologie (Investigations in Theory of Objects and Psychology), Leipzig: Barth, pp. 1–51. and Bertrand Russell (see Russell's 1905 article "On Denoting").
According to Frege, any sentence that expresses a singular thought consists of an expression (a proper name or a general term plus the definite article) that signifies an Object together with a predicate (the copula "is", plus a general term accompanied by the indefinite article or an adjective) that signifies (bedeutet) a Concept. Thus "Socrates is a philosopher" consists of "Socrates", which signifies the Object Socrates, and "is a philosopher", which signifies the Concept of being a philosopher. This was a considerable departure from the traditional term logic, in which every proposition (i.e. sentence) consisted of two general terms joined by the copula "is".
For example: ::For us _the news_ is a concern. – the news is the subject argument ::Have you heard _the news_? – the news is the object argument ::That is _the news_. – the news is the predicative expression following the copula is ::They are talking about _the news_.
S. c. edwardsi pair in copula (mating) Sistrurus catenatus edwardsii is more slender and smaller than S. c. tergeminus, reaching a maximum total length (including tail) of . The color pattern consists of a light gray or white base color, with dark gray or gray-brown blotches.
The commonly spoken dialect of this area is Osaka-ben, a typical sub-dialect of Kansai-ben. Of the many other particularities that characterize Osaka-ben, examples include using the copula ya instead of da, and the suffix -hen instead of -nai in the negative of verbs.
The vocalic property breathy voice/depression is separated from the set of consonants that typically induce it, and is used grammatically in the morphological copulative – similar to the Swati copula – and elsewhere in the grammar too (e.g. in associative prefixes formed from 'weak' class noun prefixes 1,3,4,6,9).
Adjectives agree in number and gender with the noun, and are formed in the same way: e.g. amellal "white", azegrar "long", azaim "good". The particle d̠ is used before adjectives in certain contexts (including as a copula), in the same way as in the Kabyle language.
This particular type of copular comes before the predicate in Lishanid Noshan very often. The main stress is inserted either on the predicate phrase or on la, the negator in Lishanid Noshan. Subject nominals are seen either before or after the copula. :lá-wela mga-làxxa'.
The pronoun she is identified as a nominal subject (nsubj), the pronoun him as an indirect object (iobj) and the noun phrase a note as a direct object (obj) -- there is a further dependency that connects a to note, although it is not shown. A second example: UD picture 2 This analysis identifies it as the subject (nsubj), is as the copula (cop), and for as a case marker (case), all of which are shown as dependents of the root word her, which is a pronoun. The next example includes an expletive and an oblique object: UD picture 3 This analysis identifies there as an expletive (expl), food as a nominal subject (nsubj), kitchen as an oblique object (obl), and in as a case marker (case) -- there is also a dependency connecting the to kitchen, but it is not shown. Note that the copula is in this case is positioned as the root of the sentence, a fact that is contrary to how the copula is analyzed in the second example just above, where it is positioned as a dependent of the root.
Parker, G., Simmons, L., Stockley, P., McChristie, D., & Charnov, E. (1999). Optimal copula duration in yellow dung flies: effects of female size and egg content. Animal Behavior, 57(4), 795-805. For example, short distances between cowpats should widen the pool of available mates in a specific geographic location.
Hawaiian does not have a copula verb meaning "to be" nor does it have a verb meaning "to have". Equative sentences are used to convey this group of ideas. All equative sentences in Hawaiian are zero-tense/mood (i.e., they cannot be modified by verbal markers, particles or adverbs).
As with English and modern Chinese, Old Chinese sentences can be analysed as a subject (a noun phrase, sometimes understood) followed by a predicate, which could be of either nominal or verbal type. Before the Classical period, nominal predicates consisted of a copular particle followed by a noun phrase: The negated copula is attested in oracle bone inscriptions, and later fused as . In the Classical period, nominal predicates were constructed with the sentence-final particle instead of the copula , but was retained as the negative form, with which was optional: The copular verb (shì) of Literary and Modern Chinese dates from the Han period. In Old Chinese the word was a near demonstrative ('this').
Ketāb-e Tehran, 2000 This linguistic method shows the scope of confusion created by languages which cannot differentiate between existential be and copula. It manifests, for instance, that the main theme of Heidegger's Being and Time is astī (is-ness) rather than hastī (existence). When, in the beginning of his book, Heidegger claims that people always talk about existence in their everyday language, without knowing what it means, the example he resorts to is: "the sky is blue" which in Persian can be ONLY translated with the use of the copula ast, and says nothing about being or existence. In the same manner, the linguistic method addresses the ontological works written in Arabic.
Under suitable differentiability conditions, any multivariate density f1…n on n variables, with univariate densities f1,…,fn, may be represented in closed form as a product of univariate densities and (conditional) copula densities on any R-vine : where edges with conditioning set are in the edge set of any regular vine . The conditional copula densities in this representation depend on the cumulative conditional distribution functions of the conditioned variables, , and, potentially, on the values of the conditioning variables. When the conditional copulas do not depend on the values of the conditioning variables, one speaks of the simplifying assumption of constant conditional copulas. Though most applications invoke this assumption, exploring the modelling freedom gained by discharging this assumption has begun .
Vinyar Tengwar (49), p. 7. :A mára. "A is good", or "A was good". Possibly, as in Russian, a copula could be inserted only if it is not present tense, as: A engë mara, "A was good", and A nauva mara, "A will be good", but this was not explicitly explained.
The copla is a poetic form of four verses found in many Spanish popular songs as well as in Spanish language literature. There is a related musical genre of the same name. The form is also found widely in Latin America. The name derives from the Latin copula, ("link" or "union").
Sentences which contain no verb at all are also common, as Lushootseed has no copula. An example of a sentence like this is stab əẃə tiʔiɫ 'What [is] that?'. Despite its general status as VSO, Lushootseed can be rearranged to be subject-verb-object (SVO) and verb-object-subject (VOS).
The copula happens through the coaptation of the male and female genital orifices. The female has a cylindrical body, longer and thinner than the male's (1.2 to 1.6 cm long by 0.016 cm wide). It has the general appearance of a roundworm. The female parasite is darker, and it looks gray.
This article covers the use of copulas in the Turkish language. In Turkish, copulas are called ek-eylem () or ek-fiil () ('suffix-verb'). The Turkish copula is one of the more distinct features of Turkish grammar. Turkish is a highly agglutinative language and copulas are rendered as suffixes, albeit with a few exceptions.
Adult Sigaus minutus, beside Lake Tekapo, New Zealand As with other New Zealand grasshoppers, S. minutus is a diurnal herbivore, requiring open ground to bask. Males are smaller than females when adult and will remain on the back on the females (in copula) during prolonged mating. Eggs are laid in the soil.
The monastery of San Miguel Arcangel in Tlaltizapan was built by members of the Dominican Order about 1535. The church is rectangular with a side chapel located at the cross of the church. The ceiling is simple; supported by arches and tall columns. The side chapel is notable for its octagonal copula.
Li's paper is called "On Default Correlation: A Copula Function Approach" (2000), published in Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 9, Issue 4, pages 43–54. In section 1 through 5.3, Li describes actuarial math that sets the stage for his theory. The mathematics are from established statistical theory, actuarial models, and probability theory.
A core enhancement of copula models are dynamic copulas, introduced by Albanese et al. (2005) and (2007). The "dynamic conditioning" approach models the evolution of multi-factor super-lattices, which correlate the return processes of each entity at each time step. Binomial dynamic copulas apply combinatorial methods to avoid Monte Carlo simulations.
The English copular verb be has eight forms (more than any other English verb): be, am, is, are, being, was, were, been. Additional archaic forms include art, wast, wert, and occasionally beest (as a subjunctive). For more details see English verbs. For the etymology of the various forms, see Indo-European copula.
As in other Celtic languages, Scottish Gaelic expresses modality and psych- verbals (such as "like", "prefer", "be able to", "manage to", "must"/"have to", "make"="compel to") by periphrastic constructions involving various adjectives, prepositional phrases and the copula or another verb, some of which involve highly unusual syntactic patterns when compared to English.
A predicative expression (or just predicative) is part of a clause predicate, and is an expression that typically follows a copula (or linking verb), e.g. be, seem, appear, or that appears as a second complement of a certain type of verb, e.g. call, make, name, etc.See for instance Burton-Roberts (1997:79).
There are three main types of verbs in Yolmo, lexical verbs, auxiliary verbs and copula verbs. The lexical verbs inflect for tense, aspect, mood and evidence and can take negation. The infinitive form of verbs takes the suffix -tɕe. The infinitive is used in a number of constructions, including the habitual and complementation.
Hindi), the lost copula may surface in utterances such as she shikkhôk hocche. This is viewed as ungrammatical by other speakers, and speakers of this variety are sometimes (humorously) referred as "hocche- Bangali". In this respect, Bengali is similar to Russian and Hungarian. Romani grammar is also the closest to Bengali grammar.
However, Abelard in his Dialectica made a reductio ad absurdum argument against the idea that the copula can express existence.Kneale - Kneale 1962 and Moro 1997 Similar examples can be found in many other languages; for example, the French and Latin equivalents of I think therefore I am are Je pense, donc je suis and Cogito ergo sum, where suis and sum are the equivalents of English "am," normally used as copulas. However, other languages prefer a different verb for existential use, as in the Spanish version Pienso, luego existo (where the verb existir "to exist" is used rather than the copula ser or estar "to be"). Another type of existential usage is in clauses of the there is... or there are... type.
Therefore, one can sum up all the Clayton Copula parameters, and the higher the sum of these parameters, the greater the impending likelihood of systemic risk. This methodology has been found to detect spikes in the US equities markets in the last four decades capturing the Oil Crisis and Energy Crisis of the 1970s, Black Monday and the Gulf War in the 1980s, the Russian Default/LTCM crisis of the 1990s, and the Technology Bubble and Lehman Default in the 2000s. Manzo and Picca introduce the t-Student Distress Insurance Premium (tDIP), a copula-based method that measures systemic risk as the expected tail loss on a credit portfolio of entities, in order to quantify sovereign as well as financial systemic risk in Europe.
The four major word classes are nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Only nouns can stand in argument position, only verbs and some adjectives can be used as predicates without the copula i, only adjectives can be used as attributes to nouns without further modification. The two biggest word classes by far are nouns and verbs.
Singapore: McGraw- Hill, pp. 161, 133. while SCE is characterised by a simplified grammar (including the omission of some conjunctions and the copula verb BE) and regular use of pragmatic particles such as lah and ah,Gupta, Anthea Fraser (1994) The Step-Tongue: Children's English in Singapore. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 10–11.
The Norwegian Rune Poem was preserved in a 17th-century copy of a destroyed 13th-century manuscript.Lapidge (2007:25). The Norwegian Rune Poem is preserved in skaldic metre, featuring the first line exhibiting a "(rune name)(copula) X" pattern, followed by a second rhyming line providing information somehow relating to its subject.Acker (1998:52–53).
Such sentences can be translated as either "it is" or "there is, exists"; for example, sire amake "it is cold" (lit. "cold is") but bosaro amake "there is a sore" (or indeed, "it is a sore").Dixon 2004, pp. 377-386. In general, the copula ama "to be" can be omitted without a suffix - e.g.
The 'supercloseness' property also active in the first vowel harmony type (above) is active in at least one paradigm of the Phuthi morphological system (the axiomatic negative polarity of the copula: "There is no..."). A morphological use for a vocalic property (here: [supercloseness]) does not appear to be recorded elsewhere for a Bantu language.
Copulas mainly work when time series are stationary and continuous. Thus, a very important pre-processing step is to check for the auto-correlation, trend and seasonality within time series. When time series are auto-correlated, they may generate a non existence dependence between sets of variables and result in incorrect Copula dependence structure.
The two main verb classes of Desano are stative and non-stative. There are five subcategories of stative verbs. Firstly, there is the copula verb /adi/, which is used to describe either temporary or permanent states. . There is also the non-existential verb /badi/, which is used for negation, stating that something does not exist.
" The sun is a star that is luminous." Sun = subject Is = copula Star = immediate predicate (intermediate predicate) (middle term) Luminous = remote mediate predicate Kant calls this process ratiocination. It is the comparison of a remote, mediate predicate with a subject through the use of an intermediate predicate. The intermediate predicate is called the middle term of a rational inference.
Syntactic function is more important, that is, the coordinated strings should be alike in syntactic function. In the former three sentences here, the coordinated strings are, as complements of the copula is, predicative expressions, and in the latter two sentences, the coordinated strings are adjuncts that are alike in syntactic function (temporal adjunct + temporal adjunct, causal adjunct + causal adjunct).
Predicates formed using a copula may express identity: that the two noun phrases (subject and complement) have the same referent or express an identical concept: ::I want only to be myself. ::The Morning Star is the Evening Star. They may also express membership of a class or a subset relationship: ::She was a nurse. ::Cats are carnivorous mammals.
Phora sp. in copula Phorid flies are found worldwide, though the greatest variety of species is to be found in the tropics. The Phoridae show the greatest diversity of all the dipterous families. Larvae are found in the nests of social insects and in some aquatic habitats, in organic detritus such as dung, carrion, insect frass, and dead snails.
The larger females were reported to be 8.7-23.5 mm long and 550-570 μm wide. The female also has a pointed posterior end with a long or short tail. The female while in copula lays many ellipsoid- shaped eggs that are about 40 x 80 μm in size, not operculated, and usually possess thicker shells than hookworm eggs.
On the other hand, some languages do not require a copula at all, and sentences analogous to "In the yard boys" are used. Some languages use the verb have, e.g. Serbo-Croatian, as in , which is literally "In the yard has boys". Summary. [see Chapter 7: "Die Verben imati 'haben' und biti 'sein' in Lokal-Existentialsätzen", pp.
For more details of this, see do-support. Some forms of the copula and auxiliaries often appear as contractions, as in I'm for I am, you'd for you would or you had, and John's for John is. Their negated forms with following not are also often contracted (see below). For detail see English auxiliaries and contractions.
Between these are areas of crosshatch. These might be streets, parks or squares where denizens of both cities walk alongside one another, albeit "unseen". Areas that exist in both cities usually go under different names in each one. There is also Copula Hall, "one of the very few" buildings to exist in both cities under the same name.
In applied statistics, the Marshall–Olkin exponential distribution is any member of a certain family of continuous multivariate probability distributions with positive-valued components. It was introduced by Albert W. Marshall and Ingram Olkin. One of its main uses is in reliability theory, where the Marshall–Olkin copula models the dependence between random variables subjected to external shocks.
The moths remain in copula for up to an hour, but the transfer of the spermatophore is usually accomplished within 10 minutes. A male moth can inseminate more than one female. Multiple mating in females is possible but uncommon, as the female stops releasing the attracting pheromone after mating. After mating, the females begin depositing the eggs.
The thyroid appears as an epithelial proliferation in the pharynx floor between the copula linguae and the tuberculum impar. This point later will be the foramen cecum. Later, the thyroid descends in front of the pharyngeal gut when it already has a belobed diverticulum shape. The thyroglossal duct keeps the thyroid joined to the tongue until it disappears.
The Italiante Solomonic columns, which feature flower garland and acanthus details, resemble those of the baldachin of St. Peter's Basilica. A copula and two massive oculi in the chancel ceiling provides natural light to the chancel and high altar. The ceiling of the nave in the Baroque illusionist style and executed by José Joaquim da Rocha (c. 1737-1807).
Chelswu-nun chakhan haksayng-i-ta. Chelswu-Top kind- hearted student-Cop-Decl ‘Chelswu is a kind-hearted student’ b. hak-un twulwumi-i-ta. crane-Top crane-Cop-Decl ‘A crane is a crane.’ On top of it, again through the equative relation, in (9) the complement of the copula describes the ‘characteristic property’ of the subject.
Nephrotoma alterna Nephrotoma ferruginea mating Nephrotoma submaculosa in copula Nephrotoma is a genus of crane flies.Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World For terms see Morphology of Diptera. Nephrotoma species have a lustrous body, which is yellow with black or brown stripes and spots. If the body is black there are coloured bands on the abdomen.
David X. Li ( born Nanjing, China in the 1960s) is a Chinese-born Canadian quantitative analyst and actuary who pioneered the use of Gaussian copula models for the pricing of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) in the early 2000s. The Financial Times has called him "the world’s most influential actuary", while in the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2008–2009, to which Li's model has been partly credited to blame, his model has been called a "recipe for disaster" in the hands of those who did not fully understand his research. Widespread application of simplified Gaussian copula models to financial products such as securities may have contributed to the global financial crisis of 2008–2009. David Li is currently an Adjunct Professor at the University of Waterloo in the Statistics and Actuarial Sciences department.
Consider a random vector (X_1,X_2,\dots,X_d). Suppose its marginals are continuous, i.e. the marginal CDFs F_i(x) = \Pr[X_i\leq x] are continuous functions. By applying the probability integral transform to each component, the random vector :(U_1,U_2,\dots,U_d)=\left(F_1(X_1),F_2(X_2),\dots,F_d(X_d)\right) has marginals that are uniformly distributed on the interval [0, 1]. The copula of (X_1,X_2,\dots,X_d) is defined as the joint cumulative distribution function of (U_1,U_2,\dots,U_d): :C(u_1,u_2,\dots,u_d)=\Pr[U_1\leq u_1,U_2\leq u_2,\dots,U_d\leq u_d] . The copula C contains all information on the dependence structure between the components of (X_1,X_2,\dots,X_d) whereas the marginal cumulative distribution functions F_i contain all information on the marginal distributions.
Conditionals generally are assumed to share their structure with topics. However, in Chadic South Bauchi West languages, such as Polci, conditionals share their structure with focus, not topic. In Polci specifically, focused constituents and conditional clauses appear on the left periphery marked by the identifying copula 'it is'. ].Caron, B. 206: Condition, topic and focus in African languages: why conditionals are not topics.
For nearly all English verbs the simple present is identical to the base form (dictionary form) of the verb, except when the subject is third-person singular, in which case the ending -(e)s is added. There are a few verbs with irregular forms, the most notable being the copula be, which has the simple present forms am, is, and are.
General conception of the Nature of Ratiocination [Vernunftschlüsse] A judgment is the comparison of a subject or thing with a predicate or attribute [also called a "mark"]. The comparison is made by using the copula or linking verb "is" or its negative "is not." Therefore, a judgment is a declarative sentence, which is a categorical proposition. Example: The tiger is four-footed.
Stair, Child & Family Law (Reissue), para. 531 (Online) Retrieved 23 February 2012 Marriage per verba de futuro subsequente copula was constituted when the parties, having agreed to marry on a future date, had sex.Stair, Child & Family Law (Reissue), para. 532 (Online) Retrieved 23 February 2012 It has not been possible to form either of these irregular marriages since 1 July 1940.
Sicus ferrugineus in copula The adults grow up to long.J.K. Lindsey Commanster The body is mainly reddish-brown or yellow-brown. The head is yellow, quite large and inflated- looking, with a kind of bubble at the front and narrow cheeks. The short antennae are brown, their second segment has the same length or it is longer than the third.
Hebrew also produces sentences where the predicate is not a finite verb. A sentence of this type is called משפט שמני , a nominal sentence. These sentences contain a subject, a non-verbal predicate, and an optional copula. Types of copulae include: #The verb הָיָה (to be): ::While the verb to be does have present- tense forms, they are used only in exceptional circumstances.
However, Korean uses two separate particles (-어/-아) and (-고) for (〜て/〜で) so they are morphologically different (e.g. 앉아 있다; have sat down, 앉고 있다; be sitting down). Some older dialects of Japanese had this distinction, and the Tosa dialect still makes clear distinction between the two meanings. The Japanese predicative copula (〜だ、〜です) is used for both nouns (e.g.
Greek (like German or French or English), has only one word for two concepts, ast and hast, or, like Arabic, has no word at all for either word. It therefore exploits the Persian hast (existential is) versus ast (predicative is or copula) to address both Western and Islamic ontological arguments on being and existence.Toofan, M. Zabān ast yā hast?(Language: is or exists?.
Recently, copula functions have been successfully applied to the database formulation for the reliability analysis of highway bridges, and to various multivariate simulation studies in civil engineering, reliability of wind and earthquake engineering, and mechanical & offshore engineering. Researchers are also trying these functions in the field of transportation to understand the interaction between behaviors of individual drivers which, in totality, shapes traffic flow.
The prothorax is convex above and is broadest at the middle. The female has a much shorter cephalic horn and colour variants exist. The confusion arising from the sexes being treated as species was resolved only after a pair in copula was collected by the entomologist T.R.D. Bell. The species has been noted from Coorg, Wynaad, the Nilgiris and Travancore.
The areolae found in Naviculaceae tend to be uniseriate. Some Naviculaceae tend to have a pseudoseptum which is a silica plate extending internally from the apical portion of the valve. To contrast, a pseudoseptum is part of a valve while a septum is part of a copula, or girdle band. For example, the pseudoseptum occurs in some species of Gomphonema, Gomphoneis, Stauroneis and Navicula.
Pseudovadonia livida in copula Lepturinae, the lepturine beetles, is a subfamily of the longhorn beetle family (Cerambycidae), containing about 150 genera worldwide. This lineage is most diverse in the Northern Hemisphere. Until recently the subfamily Necydalinae was included within the lepturines, but this has been recently recognized as a separate subfamily. Nine tribes are usually recognized today, with a tenth, Caraphiini, created in 2016.
There are four forms of "be" in Kriol: ', two uses of ', and the absence of a marker. The equative form ' is used as a copula (when the complement of the verb is either a noun or a noun phrase). ' is the locative form which is used when the verb's complement is a prepositional phrase. No overt marking is used when the complement is an adjective.
D. atricapilla in copula The violet black-legged robber fly, Dioctria atricapilla, is a species of robber fly in the subfamily Dasypogoninae. This 9- to 12-millimeter long insect has a wingspan of roughly 7 to 9 mm and short, three-segmented antennae. It's a predatory insect, feeding mainly on smaller flies and predatory hymenopterans. It primarily thrives in grassland, and is seen from May to July.
The study of abstract objects is called abstract object theory (AOT). According to AOT, some objects (the ordinary concrete ones around us, like tables and chairs) exemplify properties, while others (abstract objects like numbers, and what others would call "non-existent objects", like the round square, and the mountain made entirely of gold) merely encode them (this is also known as the dual copula strategy).
Maney Publishing, 1995. 165-86. Print. On the other hand, pop is known to be a term that is used by many citizens in the northern half of the country. An example of a sociolect difference, based on social grouping, is the zero copula in African American Vernacular English. It occurs in a specific ethnic group but in all areas of the United States.
Orange bluet females will posture their unwillingness to mate. Females stay a distance from the water and are often not encountered except in copula or tandem. After mating, the pairs will begin laying eggs in floating vegetation or debris, with the male often accompanying his partner underwater. The female will remain underwater, ovipositing in the traditional manner for up to 20 minutes at a time.
Abe Sklar is an American mathematician, a professor emeritus of applied mathematics at the Illinois Institute of Technology.Abe Sklar, IIT College of Science, retrieved 2019-05-03. In 1959, Sklar introduced the notion of and the name of "copulas" into probability theory and proved the theorem that bears his name, Sklar's theorem.Fabrizio Durante and Carlo Sempi (2016) Principles of Copula Theory, CRC Press, pp.
Verbs of non-final clauses are marked in relation to the following clause. A complex sentence may contain an unlimited number of clauses. Simple sentences may include a subject or no subject. The predicate may be a verb with no complement, a predicate noun with a copula, or a verb with a preceding direct object in the absolutive case and/or an oblique term or local complement.
OK is often used in colloquial Japanese as a replacement for 大丈夫 (daijōbu "all right") or いい (ii "good") and often followed by です (desu – the copula). A transliteration of the English word, written as オーケー (lit. "ōkē") or オッケー (lit. "okkē") is also often used in the same manner as the English, and is becoming more popular in recent years.
That the equivalents of have and be are perhaps the most widely acknowledged auxiliaries across languages (related to English) can be verified by glancing at the literature on auxiliaries, e.g., Engel (1994:104ff.), Eroms (2000:137ff.), Rowlett (2007:24ff.). In some treatments, the copula be is classed as an auxiliary even though it does not "help" another verb, e.g., ::The bird is in the tree.
Vietnamese is an analytic language, meaning it conveys relationship between words primarily through "helper words" as opposed to inflection. The basic word order is subject-verb-object (SVO), but sentences may be restructured so as to be topic-prominent. Vietnamese is otherwise largely head-initial, has a noun classifier system, is pro-drop (and pro copula-drop), wh-in-situ, and allows verb serialization.
There are several different word classes that go into making a Maidu sentence, split into the major and the minor classes. The seven major distribution classes are Subject, Object, Possessive, Locative, Finite Verb, Dependent Verb, and Copula. The minor classes are Connectives, Hesitation forms, Emphasis marker, Temporal Absolute, Adverbial Absolute, Interjection, and Question word. All together combinations of words from these classes make sentences.
Language Variation and Change 3: 301-339. This showed widespread retention of syntactic and morphological features (including the entire tense and aspect system) from earlier British and colonial English, contrary to previous theories attributing such features to a widespread early American creole.Rickford, John (1998) The creole origins of AAVE: Evidence from copula absence. In Mufwene, S., Rickford, J.R., Bailey, G. and Baugh, J. (eds) African American English.
The predicative form is marked by the suffix -u: urbo megu "(the) city is big", lampo pendu "(the) lamp is hanging". On its own before a noun, this u is a copula: formiko u insekto "(the) ant is an insect". Tenses are optional. (See below.) As in Esperanto, the attributive form is marked by the suffix -a: mega urbo "big city", penda lampo "hanging lamp".
In particular, whereas Mandarin has one general character to refer to the first-person pronoun ("I"/"me"), Literary Chinese has several, many of which are used as part of honorific language (see Chinese honorifics), and several of which have different grammatical uses (first-person collective, first-person possessive, etc.). In syntax, Classical Chinese words are not restrictively categorized into parts of speech: nouns used as verbs, adjectives used as nouns, and so on. There is no copula in Classical Chinese; "是" () is a copula in modern Chinese but in old Chinese it was originally a near demonstrative ("this"), the modern Chinese equivalent of which is "這" (). Beyond grammar and vocabulary differences, Classical Chinese can be distinguished by literary and cultural differences: an effort to maintain parallelism and rhythm, even in prose works, and extensive use of literary and cultural allusions, thereby also contributing to brevity.
In Dutch, the preposition van can be used to introduce direct speech: :Ik zei er van Japie sta still (a line from a children's song). :I said, 'Japie [colloquial diminutive of Jaap], stand still.' Quotative van can be used in combination with a verb of speech, as in the above example, a noun designating something with message-carrying content, or a light verb, e.g. a copula (like for English quotative like).
The term double is, though commonly used to describe this practice, is somewhat inaccurate, since other forms of the word (such as "was" and "were") can be used in the same manner: :The problem being, is that... According to the third edition of Fowler's Modern English Usage (as revised by Robert Burchfield), the double copula originated around 1971 in the United States and had spread to the United Kingdom by 1987.
Attributive onaji (同じ, "the same") is sometimes considered to be a rentaishi, but it is usually analysed as simply an irregular adjectival verb (note that it has an infinitive onajiku). The final form onaji, which occurs with the copula, is usually considered to be a noun, albeit one derived from the adjectival verb. It can be seen that attributives are analysed variously as nouns, verbs, or adjectival nouns.
The great Vakhtang Chabukiani also took little Nina under his wing. Her progress was so impressive that it drew the attention of teachers from the Moscow Choreographic Institute, who convinced her parents to allow Nina to continue her studies there. In 1976 she entered the Moscow Choreographic Institute where her main teacher was Natalia Zolotova. In 1980, she made her stage debut in a school production of Copula.
There are various approaches to constructing random samples from the Student's t-distribution. The matter depends on whether the samples are required on a stand-alone basis, or are to be constructed by application of a quantile function to uniform samples; e.g., in the multi-dimensional applications basis of copula-dependency. In the case of stand-alone sampling, an extension of the Box–Muller method and its polar form is easily deployed.
Other copulas show more resemblances to pronouns. That is the case for Classical Chinese and Guarani, for instance. In highly synthetic languages, copulas are often suffixes, attached to a noun, but they may still behave otherwise like ordinary verbs: -u- in Inuit languages. In some other languages, like Beja and Ket, the copula takes the form of suffixes that attach to a noun but are distinct from the person agreement markers used on predicative verbs.
The Achumawi language does not have gender but it has two forms of the copula ("to be") distinguishing animate and inanimate. The verb stem comprises one or more verb roots plus optional adverbial affixes. Inflectional affixes on verbs distinguish singular, dual, and plural number, and suffixes may optionally express severality and plurality of nouns. Many nouns and adjectives are derived from verb stems or participles, and some verb stems are formed by noun incorporation.
An example would be "she ain't tellin' nobody", which would be "she isn't telling anybody" in Standard English. Another feature, copula absence, or the absence of 'is' or 'are' in certain contexts, can be observed as well. "He workin' " or "they going home" are some examples. The habitual aspect marker, or the invariant 'be' / habitual 'be', as seen in "he be workin", "they be tryin" or "I be like" is a typical feature of AAVE.
In linguistics, inverse copular constructions, named after Moro (1997), are a type of inversion in English where canonical SCP word order ( _s_ ubject- _c_ opula- _p_ redicative expression, e.g. Fred is the plumber) is reversed in a sense, so that one appears to have the order PCS instead ( _p_ redicative expression- _c_ opula- _s_ ubject, e.g. The plumber is Fred). The verb in these constructions is always the copula be (am, are, is, was, were).
Newspaper headlines are written in a telegraphic style (headlinese) which often omits the copula, creating syntactic ambiguity. A common form is the garden path type. The name crash blossoms was proposed for these ambiguous headlines by Danny Bloom in the Testy Copy Editors discussion group in August 2009. He based this on the headline "Violinist linked to JAL crash blossoms" that Mike O'Connell had posted, asking what such a headline could be called.
In probability theory and statistics, a copula is a multivariate cumulative distribution function for which the marginal probability distribution of each variable is uniform on the interval [0, 1]. Copulas are used to describe the dependence between random variables. Their name comes from the Latin for "link" or "tie", similar but unrelated to grammatical copulas in linguistics. Copulas have been used widely in quantitative finance to model and minimize tail risk and portfolio-optimization applications.
It is possible to construct grammatically valid and meaningful sentences which lack one or more of the three. For example, a sentence may only have a verb—such as ' ("completed")—or only a subject and object, without a verb such as ' ("That [is] my house"). Tamil does not have a copula (a linking verb equivalent to the word is). The word is included in the translations only to convey the meaning more easily.
The relation between a subject and its predicate is sometimes called a nexus. A predicative nominal is a noun phrase, such as in a sentence "George III is the king of England", the phrase "the king of England" being the predicative nominal. The subject and predicative nominal must be connected by a linking verb, also called a copula. A predicative adjective is an adjective, such as in Ivano is attractive, attractive being the predicative adjective.
The subject and predicative adjective must also be connected by a copula. This traditional understanding of predicates has a concrete reflex in many phrase structure theories of syntax. These theories divide an English declarative sentence (S) into a noun phrase (NP) and verb phrase (VP), e.g.Constituency trees like the one here, which divides the sentence into a subject NP and a predicate VP, can be found in most textbooks on syntax and grammar, e.g.
For large vines, it is clearer to draw each tree separately. The number of regular vines on n variables grows rapidly in n: there are 2n−3 ways of extending a regular vine with one additional variable, and there are n(n − 1)(n − 2)!2(n − 2)(n − 3)/2/2 labeled regular vines on n variables . The constraints on a regular vine may be associated with partial correlations or with conditional bivariate copula.
When bivariate Gaussian copulas are assigned to edges of a vine, then the resulting multivariate density is the Gaussian density parametrized by a partial correlation vine rather than by a correlation matrix. The vine pair-copula construction, based on the sequential mixing of conditional distributions has been adapted to discrete variables and mixed discrete/continuous response . Also factor copulas, where latent variables have been added to the vine, have been proposed (e.g., ).
One of the inventions in Alfaz was by Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr. He referred to the precedent of shia Osulis in discussion of Alfaz and the process of its analysis and subjects copula and designations of forms of Alfazs or verbals. Ruhollah Khomeini, according to definition of principles presented by him, believed that most of subjects in Alfaz such as identification of meaning of sentences and conception is out of science of principles.
Existence or Being is merely the infinitive of the copula or linking, connecting verb "is" in a declarative sentence. It connects the subject to a predicate. "Existence is evidently not a real predicate ... The small word is, is not an additional predicate, but only serves to put the predicate in relation to the subject." (A599) Also, we cannot accept a mere concept or mental idea as being a real, external thing or object.
The Basilica of the Immaculate Conception has a monumental façade of lioz, with straight lines and rectangular details. The façade is neoclassical with two diagonal towers which "give a baroque touch to the design of the church box." The church is noted for its use of natural light: it has a copula above the chancel and faces directly west to utilize light from the Bay of All Saints via numerous doors and windows.
Thus he usually converted into a Greek > participle the first of two finite verbs connected with a copula. He made > copious use of a wide range of Greek particles to bring out subtle > distinctions of relationship that the Hebrew cannot adequately express. In > more than one passage Symmachus had a tendency to soften anthropomorphic > expressions of the Hebrew text. However, Symmachus aimed to preserve the meaning of his Hebrew source text by a more literal translation than the Septuagint.
Most verbs inflect in a simple regular fashion, although there are about 200 irregular verbs; the irregularity in nearly all cases concerns the past tense and past participle forms. The copula verb be has a larger number of different inflected forms, and is highly irregular. For details of the uses of particular verb tenses and other forms, see the article Uses of English verb forms. For certain other specific topics, see the articles listed in the adjacent box.
In many languages, such as Polish, the em dash is used as an opening quotation mark. There is no matching closing quotation mark; typically a new paragraph will be started, introduced by a dash, for each turn in the dialog. Corpus studies indicate that em dashes are more commonly used in Russian than in English. In Russian, the em dash is used for the present copula (meaning "am"/"is"/"are"), which is unpronounced in spoken Russian.
African-American Vernacular (AAVE) is the native variety of the vast majority of working- and middle-class African Americans, particularly in urban areas, with its own unique accent, grammar, and vocabulary features. Typical features of the grammar include a "zero" copula (e.g., she my sister instead of she's my sister), omission of the genitive clitic (e.g., my momma friend instead of my mom's friend), and complexity of verb aspects and tenses beyond that of other English dialects (e.g.
The basic word order is subject–object–verb; verb finality is only violated in rare instances, in poetry. The moving of a constituent towards the beginning of the phrase may be a way to highlight it,Zólyomi 1993 as may the addition of the copula to it. The so-called anticipatory genitive (e2-a lugal-bi "the owner of the house/temple", lit. "of the house, its owner") is common and may signal the possessor's topicality.
The hypopharyngeal eminence or hypobranchial eminence is a midline swelling of the third and fourth pharyngeal arches, in the development of the tongue. It appears in the fifth and sixth weeks of embryogenesis. The hypopharyngeal eminence forms mostly from the endoderm of the third pharyngeal arch and only partially from the fourth pharyngeal arch. It quickly grows to cover the copula formed earlier from the second pharyngeal arch, and will form the posterior one third of the tongue.
In order to express the statement "I am a doctor of profession," one has to say pezuta wičháša hemáčha. But, in order to express that that person is THE doctor (say, that had been phoned to help), one must use another copula iyé (to be the one): pežúta wičháša (kiŋ) miyé yeló (medicine-man DEF ART I-am-the-one MALE ASSERT). In order to refer to space (e.g., Robert is in the house), various verbs are used, e.g.
G. Carter, Sibawayhi, pg. 13. London: I.B. Tauris, 2004. > ... fa-'ida huwa hiya (فإذا هو هي), literally ... sure-enough he she meaning "so he (the scorpion, masc.) is she (the most painful one, fem.)"; In Arabic syntax the predicative copula of the verb 'to be' or is has no direct analogue, and instead employs nominal inflexion. Al-Kisa'i argued the correct form is: > ... fa-'ida huwa 'iyyaha(فإذا هو إياها), literally ... sure-enough he her meaning "he is her".
In particular, financial crises are characterized by a significant increase in correlation of stock price movements which may seriously degrade the benefits of diversification. In a mean-variance optimization framework, accurate estimation of the variance-covariance matrix is paramount. Quantitative techniques that use Monte-Carlo simulation with the Gaussian copula and well-specified marginal distributions are effective. Allowing the modeling process to allow for empirical characteristics in stock returns such as autoregression, asymmetric volatility, skewness, and kurtosis is important.
2006 saw the publication of Cornelius Cardew: A Reader (edited by Prévost) which was a collection of Cardew's published writings accompanied by commentaries by a number of musicians associated and inspired by Cardew. This volume was an essential companion to John Tilbury's comprehensive biography Cornelius Cardew: a life unfinished which was also published by Copula in 2008. The most recent book to appear on this imprint is Prévost's The First Concert: An Adaptive Appraisal of a Meta Music (2011).
Mir Maswood Ali (12 March 1929 – 18 August 2009) was a Canadian statistician and mathematician of Bengali origin. He is known for co-discovering the Ali- Mikhail-Haq copula, which is a topic of active research, both in theory and application. Ali played a key role in establishing the Journal of Statistical Research, of which the first issue appeared in 1970. The December 2008 issue of the Journal of Statistical Research was dedicated in honor of Ali.
Barnstable's Olde Colonial Courthouse, at 3046 Main St. (Rt. 6A) in Barnstable, MA, was constructed c.1763, to replace Barnstable County's first courthouse nearby. Barnstable County comprises all of Cape Cod, MA. Barnstable's Olde Colonial Courthouse The courthouse was a wood-frame structure in the Georgian style typical of small government buildings of the era, roughly 30' by 40', facing the roadway, with a brick and stone foundation, round-top windows, copula belfry and a small, enclosed entry porch.
How to determine the 'fitness' of a 'language' to the world then becomes a subject for investigation. Common to all Indo- European copula languages is the double use of the verb "to be" in both stating that entity X exists ("X is.") as well as stating that X has a property ("X is P"). It is sometimes argued that a third use is also distinct, stating that X is a member of a class ("X is a C").
Ross's 1967 MIT dissertation is a landmark in syntactic theory and documents in great detail Ross's discovery of islands. Ross is also well known for his onomastic fecundity; he has coined many new terms describing syntactic phenomena that are well known to this day, including copula switch, Do- Gobbling, freeze(s), gapping, heavy NP shift, (inner) islands, myopia, the penthouse principle, pied piping, pruning, scrambling, siamese sentences, sluicing, slifting, sloppy identity, sounding, squib, squishes, viability, and syntactic islands.
Adult Schistosoma haematobium has male and female, which are permanently paired (a condition called in copula) as what looks like an individual. The male forms the flatworm part, measuring 10–18 mm in length and 1 mm in width. It bears oral and ventral suckers towards its anterior end. Its leaf-like flat body is curled up from both sides to form a channel or groove called gynaecophoric canal in which the female is wrapped up.
The first regular vine, avant la lettre, was introduced by Harry Joe. The motive was to extend parametric bivariate extreme value copula families to higher dimensions. To this end he introduced what would later be called the D-vine. Joe was interested in a class of n-variate distributions with given one dimensional margins, and n(n − 1) dependence parameters, whereby n − 1 parameters correspond to bivariate margins, and the others correspond to conditional bivariate margins.
Arsa ("says") can only be used in past or present tenses. The copula is lacks a future tense, an imperative mood, and a verbal noun. It has no distinct conditional tense forms either, but conditional expressions are possible, expressed using past tense forms; for example Ba mhaith liom é, which can mean both "I liked it" and "I would like it". The imperative mood is sometimes suppletively created by using the imperative forms of the substantive verb bí.
Byctiscus populi in copula and leaf-rolling The tooth-nosed snout weevils, Rhynchitidae, are small beetles (1.5 to 6.5 mm) that are usually found vegetation. They usually use buds, fruits, or seeds for oviposition. The tooth-nosed snout weevils receive this name due to the teeth on the edges of their mandibles. Traditionally considered a subfamily of Attelabidae within the Curculionoidea (weevils and relatives), the tooth-nosed snout weevils are regarded as a separate family Rhynchitidae by some authorities.
The singing of organa fell into disuse by the mid thirteenth century. Associated with the Notre Dame school, was Johannes de Garlandia, whose De mensurabili provided a theoretical basis, for Notre Dame polyphony is essentially musica mensurabilis, music that is measured in time. In his treatise, he defines three forms of polyphony, organum in speciali, copula, and discant, which are defined by the relationship of the voices to each other and by the rhythmic flow of each voice.
Variations of it mark the boundaries of dialect clusters within the language. The Arbil dialect expresses the progressive aspect by prefixing the particle la- to the verb form (for example, laqatil, 'he is killing', and laqtille, 'he was killing', against qatil, 'he kills', and qtille, 'he killed'). The Dobe dialect does a similar thing, but uses the prefix na-. The eastern cluster dialects use non-finite forms of the verb with the copula to express the progressive aspect.
The initial "O" in the name is a reflection of the fact that Hawaiian predicates unique identity by using a copula form, o, immediately before a proper noun. Thus, in Hawaiian, the name of the island is expressed by saying ', which means "[This] is Hawaii." The Cook expedition also wrote "Otaheite" rather than "Tahiti." The spelling "why" in the name reflects the pronunciation of wh in 18th-century English (still used in parts of the English-speaking world).
" However, when expressing identity or class membership, ko must be used: Ko tēnei tāku pukapuka "This is my book;" Ko Ōtautahi he tāone i Te Waipounamu "Christchurch is a city in the South Island (of New Zealand);" Ko koe tōku hoa "You are my friend." Note that when expressing identity, ko can be placed on either object in the clause without changing the meaning (ko tēnei tāku pukapuka is the same as ko tāku pukapuka tēnei) but not on both (ko tēnei ko tāku pukapuka would be equivalent to saying "it is this, it is my book" in English). In Hungarian, zero copula is restricted to present tense in third person singular and plural: Ő ember/Ők emberek -- "s/he is a human"/"they are humans;" but: (én) ember vagyok "I am a human," (te) ember vagy "you are a human," mi emberek vagyunk "we are humans," (ti) emberek vagytok "you (all) are humans." The copula also reappears for stating locations: az emberek a házban vannak, "the people are in the house," and for stating time: hat óra van, "it is six o'clock.
The agglutinative and fusional languages are two ends of a continuum, with various languages falling more toward one or the other end. For example, Japanese is generally agglutinative, but displays fusion in some nouns, such as , from oto+hito (originally woto+pito), and Japanese verbs, adjectives, the copula, and their affixes undergo sound transformations. For example, affixed with and becomes . A synthetic language may use morphological agglutination combined with partial usage of fusional features, for example in its case system (e.g.
For example: Among English, as additional language learners of English, the cluster of features, including the suffix "-ing", the plural form, and the linguistic copula were found to consistently precede others, i.e.; the grammar article, auxiliary verb, and third person singular form (Citation needed, date: November 2010). However, studies were widely criticized, as insufficient attention was given to the overuse of these features. More recent scholarship prefers to view the acquisition of each linguistic feature as a gradual and complex process.
Since there is no copula in Hidatsa, all adjectives, adverbs, and nouns that are used as predicates of nouns are regarded as intransitive verbs. They do not undergo a change of form to denote different modes and tenses. They may take the incorporated pronouns 'mi' and 'di' for their nominatives, which are prefixed. Verbs beginning with consonants are usually prefixed in full: 'liié' ("old, to be old") and 'liie' ("he, she, or it is or was old" or "you are or were old").
A cecidomyiid laying eggs on grass Cecidomyiid in copula Cecidomyiid oviposting into boreholes of bark beetles on a fallen beech Cecidomyiidae is a family of flies known as gall midges or gall gnats. As the name implies, the larvae of most gall midges feed within plant tissue, creating abnormal plant growths called galls. Cecidomyiidae are very fragile small insects usually only in length; many are less than long. They are characterised by hairy wings, unusual in the order Diptera, and have long antennae.
The medium used to create the art was bat guano. More than 750 images have been identified. Painted signs can be organised into four thematic groups: anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, geometric, and symbolic (astronomic?) figures. For the first group, there are bitriangular silhouettes with raised rounded arms (females with a sort of a waist bow, males with legs and sex like a trident, sometimes stylised like a "bottle opener"), archers, ithyphallic figures, copula, linear schematic anthropomorphic figures with raised arms (sometimes like dancing) and "fungiforms".
Another way is through a cleft sentence where the main clause is demoted to be a complement clause of a copula sentence with a dummy subject such as it or there, e.g. it was the girl that the bee stung, there was a girl who was stung by a bee. Dummy subjects are also used in constructions where there is no grammatical subject such as with impersonal verbs (e.g., it is raining) or in existential clauses (there are many cars on the street).
Copulas are multivariate distributions with uniform univariate margins. Representing a joint distribution as univariate margins plus copulas allows the separation of the problems of estimating univariate distributions from the problems of estimating dependence. This is handy in as much as univariate distributions in many cases can be adequately estimated from data, whereas dependence information is rough known, involving summary indicators and judgment. Although the number of parametric multivariate copula families with flexible dependence is limited, there are many parametric families of bivariate copulas.
However, it is often considered to be a particular type of polyphonic texture similar to organum, but with modal rhythm. The music theorist Johannes de Garlandia favoured this description of copula. The term refers to music where the lower voice sings long, sustained notes (the chant or tenor) while the higher voices sing faster-moving harmony lines. This style is typical of what is referred to as Notre Dame Polyphony; examples of which can be found in the Magnus Liber Organi.
For example, Kochira wa Tanaka-san desu (). kochira ("this") is the topic of the sentence, indicated by the particle wa. The verb de aru (desu is a contraction of its polite form de arimasu) is a copula, commonly translated as "to be" or "it is" (though there are other verbs that can be translated as "to be"), though technically it holds no meaning and is used to give a sentence 'politeness'. As a phrase, Tanaka-san desu is the comment.
Male spiders apparently self-emasculate after copulation. > "At least in Nephilengys, this strategy enables remote copulation, a > continuation of sperm transfer after males are detached from copula, which > is an additional mechanism to secure eunuch paternity (Li et al. 2012). > Although Nephilengys papuana eunuchs have not been subject to experimental > testing, early research reported incidents of post-mating emasculation in > this species (Robinson and Robinson 1980) and thus its behavior is likely to > closely resemble that of its sister species."Kuntner, Matjaž, et al.
The Journal of Multivariate Analysis is a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers applications and research in the field of multivariate statistical analysis. The journal's scope includes theoretical results as well as applications of new theoretical methods in the field. Some of the research areas covered include copula modeling, functional data analysis, graphical modeling, high-dimensional data analysis, image analysis, multivariate extreme-value theory, sparse modeling, and spatial statistics. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2017 impact factor of 1.009.
There is no general copula; instead, a nominal (or other non-verbal) predicate with no verbal component may be made a clause's grammatical nucleus. Some of these take subject indices just like verbal predicates, but tense can only be expressed periphrastically in such sentences. Negation is achieved by placing a negative particle in front of the predicate. Yes-no questions have no special grammatical marking, while wh-questions are identified by the presence of a question word, which usually precedes the verb (or other predicate).
Sometimes, the term copula is taken to include not only a language's equivalent(s) to the verb be but also other verbs or forms that serve to link a subject to a predicative expression (while adding semantic content of their own). For example, English verbs like become, get, feel, look, taste, smell, and seem can have this function, as in the following sentences (the predicative expression, the complement of the verb, is in italics): ::She became a student. ::They look tired. ::The milk tastes bad.
Frequency of habere in Serbo- Croatian Many languages form existential clauses without any particular marker, simply using forms of the normal copula verb (the equivalent of English be), the subject being the noun (phrase) referring to the thing whose existence is asserted. For example, in Finnish, the sentence , meaning "There are boys in the yard", is literally "On the yard is boys". Some languages have a different verb for this purpose, e.g. Swedish , as in , which is literally "It is found boys on the yard".
In addition, The Mediterranean fruit fly, male diet has been shown to affect male mating success, copula duration, sperm transfer, and male participation in leks. These all require a good diet with nutrients for proper gamete production as well as energy for activities, which includes participation in leks. In addition, protein and carbohydrate amounts were shown to have an effect on sperm production and fertility in the speckled cockroach. Holidic diets were used which allowed for specific protein and carbohydrate measurements to be taken, giving it credibility.
Intuitively, this is evident during a financial crisis where all industry sectors experience a significant increase in correlations, as opposed to an upward trending market. This phenomenon is also known as asymmetric correlations or asymmetric dependence. Rather than using the historical simulation, Monte-Carlo simulations with well-specified multivariate models are an excellent alternative. For example, to improve the estimation of the variance-covariance matrix, one can generate a forecast of asset distributions via Monte-Carlo simulation based upon the Gaussian copula and well-specified marginals.
According to Bolzano, all propositions are composed out of three (simple or complex) elements: a subject, a predicate and a copula. Instead of the more traditional copulative term 'is', Bolzano prefers 'has'. The reason for this is that 'has', unlike 'is', can connect a concrete term, such as 'Socrates', to an abstract term such as 'baldness'. "Socrates has baldness" is, according to Bolzano, preferable to "Socrates is bald" because the latter form is less basic: 'bald' is itself composed of the elements 'something', 'that', 'has' and 'baldness'.
The KISS Approach to Grammar in the Curriculum In Old Irish, a form known in the literature as the verbal of necessity is used as the predicate of the copula in the function of the Latin gerundive, e.g. ' "the things that are to be admired".Rudolf Thurneysen (1946, reprinted 1980), A Grammar of Old Irish (translated by D. A. Binchy and Osborn Bergin), Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, p. 443.Whitley Stokes and John Strachan (eds.) (1901, reprinted 1987), Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, vol.
The Randomized Dependence CoefficientLopez-Paz D. and Hennig P. and Schölkopf B. (2013). "The Randomized Dependence Coefficient", "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems" Reprint is a computationally efficient, copula-based measure of dependence between multivariate random variables. RDC is invariant with respect to non- linear scalings of random variables, is capable of discovering a wide range of functional association patterns and takes value zero at independence. For two binary variables, the odds ratio measures their dependence, and takes range non-negative numbers, possibly infinity: .
Related statistics such as Yule's Y and Yule's Q normalize this to the correlation-like range . The odds ratio is generalized by the logistic model to model cases where the dependent variables are discrete and there may be one or more independent variables. The correlation ratio, entropy-based mutual information, total correlation, dual total correlation and polychoric correlation are all also capable of detecting more general dependencies, as is consideration of the copula between them, while the coefficient of determination generalizes the correlation coefficient to multiple regression.
Both the existential verb and the copula may take a nominal predicate, but the two constructions have slightly different meanings: sounds more permanent: it represents something absolute about Seán; it is a permanent characteristic of Seán that he is a doctor. That is known as an individual-level predicate. In the sentence , one says rather that Seán performs the job of a doctor, he is a doctor at the moment, or he has become a doctor. That is known as a stage- level predicate.
The derivation of the core properties of unaccusative constructions from a set of principles is one of the topmost issues of the agenda of modern syntax since the seminal work by Perlmutter 1978 (cf. Burzio 1986 and Hale-Keyser 2003 for landmark proposals). More specifically, the first approach arrived at an important consequence constituting an analogy between English passive voice constructions and unaccusative constructions whereas in the second approach a more radical theory was proposed based on the analysis of expletive there stemming from the sentences with the copula suggested in Moro 1997.
As with the Romance languages mentioned above, the missing pronoun is not inferred strictly from pragmatics, but partially indicated by the morphology of the verb (Вижу, Виждам, Widzę, Vidim, etc...). However, the past tense of both imperfective and perfective in modern East Slavic languages inflects by gender and number rather than the person due to the fact that the present tense conjugations of the copula "to be" (Russian быть, Ukrainian бути, Belorussian быць) have practically fallen out of use. As such, the pronoun is often included in these tenses, especially in writing.
The language in kyōgen depends on the period, but much of the classic repertoire is in Early Modern Japanese, reasonably analogous to Early Modern English (as in Shakespeare). The language is largely understandable to contemporary Japanese speakers, but sounds archaic, with pervasive use of the form rather than the form that is now used (see copula: Japanese). For example, when acknowledging a command, Tarō kaja often replies with , which in modern Japanese one uses . Further, some of the words and nuances cannot be understood by modern audience (without notes), as in Shakespeare.
The cocoons are spun between leaves of the food plants near the ground. Adults emerge in the morning, with relatively fast expansion of the wings. Females remain in the loosely spun cocoon, and presumably emit mating pheromones from within the thin cocoon soon after emerging from the pupa, because males dig through the loose silk webbing to enter and mate inside the cocoon. The pair remains in copula for several hours, after which the male leaves the cocoon, and the female deposits about 50 eggs inside the cocoon.
Proto- Afroasiatic. Open-access preprint version available. In Yuman and many of the Cushitic languages, however, the nominative is not always marked, for reasons which are not known; there may, therefore, not be a strict case system but rather reflect discourse patterns or other non-semantic parameters. However, the Yuman language Havasupai is reported to have a purely syntactic case system, with a suffix -č marking all subjects of transitive and intransitive verbs but not of the copula; in the Nilotic language Datooga, the system is also reported to be purely syntactic.
In traditional Japanese grammar, adjectival nouns are considered "inflectional", katsuyō, like verbs and i-adjectives, rather than non-inflectional hikatsuyōgo (非活用語) or mukatsuyōgo (無活用語), like nouns. This is a point of disagreement in current Japanese grammar, and authors such as Uehara (1998)Uehara 1998, chapter 2, especially § argue that instead, adjectival nouns should be classed with nouns as non-inflectional. The claim that na-adjectives are inflectional rests on the claim that the syllable da 'is', usually regarded as a "copula verb", is really a suffix – an inflection.
'Is it old? ; Does it go?' (the inflections cannot be left off) :(3) Several auxiliary verbs, e.g., mitai, 'looks like it's' ::Hon mitai da; Kirei mitai da 'It seems to be a book; It seems to be pretty' ::Furu-i mitai da; Ik-u mitai da 'It seems to be old; It seems to go' On the basis of such constructions, Uehara (1998) finds that the copula is indeed an independent word, and that regarding the parameters on which i-adjectives share the syntactic pattern of verbs, the nominal adjectives pattern with pure nouns instead.
N.B. The characters used are simplified ones, and the transcriptions given in italics reflect Standard Chinese pronunciation, using the pinyin system. In Chinese, both states and qualities are, in general, expressed with stative verbs (SV) with no need for a copula, e.g., in Chinese, "to be tired" (累 lèi), "to be hungry" (饿 è), "to be located at" (在 zài), "to be stupid" (笨 bèn) and so forth. A sentence can consist simply of a pronoun and such a verb: for example, 我饿 wǒ è ("I am hungry").
The imagines fly in July in meadows, venturing even into gardens; they are especially often found resting on the heads of thistles standing near the edges of woods and on fallow ground, sometimes one finds only one form at a certain place, sometimes several forms fly about at the same time in one field, copulating together, the offspring, however, not having mixed or transitional characters. Occasionally specimens of this species have been met with which were in copula with individuals of entirely different species. Seitz, A., 1913, in Seitz, Gross-Schmett. Erde 6: 22.
Monte-Carlo simulations employ quantile functions to produce non-uniform random or pseudorandom numbers for use in diverse types of simulation calculations. A sample from a given distribution may be obtained in principle by applying its quantile function to a sample from a uniform distribution. The demands, for example, of simulation methods in modern computational finance are focusing increasing attention on methods based on quantile functions, as they work well with multivariate techniques based on either copula or quasi- Monte-Carlo methods and Monte Carlo methods in finance.
Starting from beatmania IIDX 17 SIRIUS, two new note types are added. Charge Notes is a note that must be pressed and released on the right time, while Backspin Scratch is a scratch note which require the player to spin the disc in a direction, then spinning it in the opposite direction at the end. Both are valued two combos; one for the beginning note and one for the ending note. beatmania IIDX 23 copula introduced a variation called Hell Charge Notes, which refill the gauge when held down but rapidly deplete it when not.
Words can be formed by prefixation, suffixation, or compounding. Word classes include nouns, defined by the ability to appear with a numeral classifier; verbs, defined by the ability to appear with negation and the person and tense marking; postpositions, which are enclitic to NPs, numerals, and classifiers. Adjectives are a subset of stative verbs for which reduplication means intensification or adverbialization rather than the perfective aspect (reduplication with nouns has a distributive meaning, ‘every’). Adjectives can be used as predicates or can appear nominalized in a copula clause.
Wh-questions often use a stressed copular pronoun and an unstressed particle cia that precedes the dependent form of a verb. The stressed wh-copula generally agrees in number and gender with any attached nominal predicate, with cía serving as the masculine singular, cisí or cessi as feminine singular, cid as neuter, and either citné or cisné as plural. There are exceptions to this agreement attested, such as airm "place, where", which is feminine but takes cía. When used without a nominal predicate, the pronoun means "who" and means "what".
Abstract Objects: An Introduction to Axiomatic Metaphysics (1983) is the title of a publication by Edward Zalta that outlines abstract object theory. AOT is a dual predication approach (also known as "dual copula strategy") to abstract objectsDale Jacquette, Meinongian Logic: The Semantics of Existence and Nonexistence, Walter de Gruyter, 1996, p. 17. influenced by the contributions of Alexius MeinongAlexius Meinong, "Über Gegenstandstheorie" ("The Theory of Objects"), in Alexius Meinong, ed. (1904). Untersuchungen zur Gegenstandstheorie und Psychologie (Investigations in Theory of Objects and Psychology), Leipzig: Barth, pp. 1–51.Zalta (1983:xi).
It is found in Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname. Unlike other flukes (trematodes) in which sexes are not separate (monoecious), schistosomes are unique in that adults are divided into males and females, thus, (dioecious). However, the two adults live in permanent partnership, a condition called in copula; for this, they are considered as hermaphrodites. The life cycle of schistosomes includes two hosts: humans as definitive hosts, where the parasite undergoes sexual reproduction, and snails as intermediate hosts, where a series of asexual reproductive takes place.
The small secondary shaft at the top of the minaret has similar decoration as the main shaft. It is topped by a small copula which in turn is topped by a metal pole holding four bronze spheres of decreasing size. Adjoining the southern base of the minaret, above the gallery of the courtyard, is a chamber for the muezzin which was likely added after the minaret's original construction. Seen from the courtyard, this chamber is marked by a double-arched window, with an alabaster column between the arches, overshadowed by a carved wooden awning.
The party cannot backtrack to a previous stage upon clearing one. Upon clearing the whole dungeon, Cyan faces his guilt and overcomes it, restoring his faith in himself and his ability to live life. Cyan speaks in a style resembling Shakespearean English, often using words and phrases such as "thou art" and "shalt not" and so on. Likewise, Cyan makes frequent use of the archaic copula verb "gozaru" in the Japanese version, a common feature of the faux-historic dialect used by samurai and ninja in other contemporary Japanese media.
A distinction is made between the above type of clause and a superficially similar construction where a word with the form of a past participle is used as predicative adjective, and the verb be or similar is simply a copula linking the subject of the sentence to that adjective. For example: ::I am excited (right now). is not passive voice, because excited here is not a verb form (as it would be in the passive the electron was excited with a laser pulse), but an adjective denoting a state. See below.
In the 1990s she started (together with her team) so called grade data analysis, a science of applying copula and rank methods to problems of correspondence and cluster analysis together with outlier detection. (The adjective grade here honors statisticians of the first half of the 20th century, who called cumulative distribution functions in this way.Example: ) In 1993 the President of the Republic of Poland awarded Elżbieta Pleszczyńska with the Full Professor title in the area of mathematics. In 2000 she was an invited consultant of the Cambridge University.
Cercopis vulnerata in copula Adults can be found from April to August.British Bugs They are polyphagous, mainly sucking vegetable juices of grasses, but also of other plants (Arrhenatherum elatius, Dactylis glomerata, Urtica dioica, Filipendula ulmaria, Aegopodium podagraria, etc.), They can easily fly and are also equipped with very effective saltatory back legs, allowing jumps of up to 70 centimeters. They can extend their hindlegs in under a millisecond to execute a jump, implying elastic storage of energy for sudden release. When they mate Cercopis male and female stay side by side with an angle of less than 45°.
The verse is sometimes alternatively translated as "The is our God; the is one" or "The is our God, the alone." (Biblical Hebrew rarely used a copula in the present tense, so it has to be inferred; in the Shema, the syntax behind this inference is ambiguous.) The word used for "the " is the tetragrammaton YHWH. The term "Shema" is used by extension to refer to the whole part of the daily prayers that commences with Shema Yisrael and comprises Deuteronomy , , and Numbers . These sections of the Torah are read in the weekly Torah portions Va'etchanan, Eikev, and Shlach, respectively.
Kurtzer Bericht von der Heyrath und Beylager deß Herrn Christiani II. Hertzogen zu Sachsen..., Dresden 1602, Sammlung Ponickau, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt The (pre-) marital intercourse copula carnalis. (Medieval Latin sinful connection, it was said in church records) was probably in the early Middle Ages Beilagers part of the ritual. Descriptions of the 15th century, but leave the bride and groom get dressed in the symbolic marriage bed, the carnal union of the pair followed without witnesses on the wedding night. Some authors believe that in the 14th century took place under witness of sexual intercourse.
This requires that the verb be an auxiliary or copula (and do-support is used to provide an auxiliary if there is otherwise no invertible verb). The same type of inversion occurs in certain other types of clause, particularly main clauses beginning with an adjunct having negative force (Never have I witnessed such carnage), and some dependent clauses expressing a condition (Should you decide to come,...). For details see subject–auxiliary inversion and negative inversion. A somewhat different type of inversion may involve a wider set of verbs (as in After the sun comes the rain); see subject–verb inversion.
But it is true that there are also infinitely many properties being exemplified by an object called the round square (and, really, any object)—e.g. the property of not being a computer, and the property of not being a pyramid. Note that this strategy has forced "is" to abandon its predicative use, and now functions abstractly. When one now analyzes the round square copula using the MOTdc, one will find that it now avoids the three common paradoxes: (1) The violation of the law of contradiction, (2) The paradox of claiming the property of existence without actually existing, and (3) producing counterintuitive consequences.
This is similar to the often cited implied volatility smile in the Black–Scholes–Merton model. Here traders increase the implied volatility especially for out-of-the money puts, but also for out-of-the money calls to increase the option price.. In a mean-variance optimization framework, accurate estimation of the variance-covariance matrix is paramount. Thus, forecasting with Monte-Carlo simulation with the Gaussian copula and well-specified marginal distributions are effective. Allowing the modeling process to allow for empirical characteristics in stock returns such as auto-regression, asymmetric volatility, skewness, and kurtosis is important.
As in many Nilotic languages, Datooga case is marked by tone. The absolutive case has the unpredictable tone of the citation form of the noun, but the nominative is marked by a characteristic tone that obliterates this lexical tone. The tone is high for words of three syllables or less; for words with four or more syllables, the ends of the word have high tone, with a low tone in the middle of the word. The nominative is used for subjects following the verb; the absolutive with the copula, with subjects in focus position before the verb and in all other situations.
The grammar of the Nagoya dialect shows intermediate characteristics between eastern Japanese (including standard Tokyo dialect) and western Japanese (including Kansai dialect). For example, Nagoya dialect uses eastern copula da instead of western ya (to be precise, in traditional Nagoya dialect); western negative verb ending -n and -sen instead of eastern -nai; western verb oru (to exist [humans/animals]) instead of eastern iru. Onbin of verbs is same as eastern, but one of adjectives is same as western; for example, "eat quickly" becomes hayoo kutte in Nagoya dialect instead of eastern hayaku kutte and western hayoo kuute.
In Siouan languages like Lakota, in principle almost all words—according to their structure—are verbs. So not only (transitive, intransitive and so-called "stative") verbs but even nouns often behave like verbs and do not need to have copulas. For example, the word wičháša refers to a man, and the verb "to-be-a-man" is expressed as wimáčhaša/winíčhaša/wičháša (I am/you are/he is a man). Yet there also is a copula héčha (to be a ...) that in most cases is used: wičháša hemáčha/heníčha/héčha (I am/you are/he is a man).
It is the use of the base form of the copula verb 'be' instead of the inflected forms such as 'are' and 'am'. This is probably the most salient grammatical trait of AAVE both within the community and outside of it, to the point of it being a stereotype prominently figured in representations of AAVE, especially in the media. The link between language and identity can be stretched into a tripartite where culture becomes key. The addition of culture to the way language is linked to identity blur the lines, because culture can be considered an abstract concept, particularly in America.
Although the notoriously dangerous species of box jellyfish are largely restricted to the tropical Indo-Pacific region, various species of box jellyfish can be found widely in tropical and subtropical oceans, including the Atlantic Ocean and the east Pacific Ocean, with species as far north as California (Carybdea confusa), the Mediterranean Sea (Carybdea marsupialis) and Japan (such as Chironex yamaguchii), and as far south as South Africa (for example, Carybdea branchi) and New Zealand (such as Copula sivickisi). There are three known species in Hawaiian waters, all from the genus Carybdea: C. alata, C. rastoni, and C. sivickisi.
"informal, polite speech level") form, they become (i-ey-yo, ieyo), often (yey-yo, yeyo) after a vowel and 아니에요/아녜요 (ani-ey-yo/anyey-yo, anieyo/anyeyo) as well as the less common forms (i-e-yo/ye-yo, ieoyo/yeoyo) and 아니어요/아녀요 (ani-e-yo/anye-yo, anieoyo/anyeoyo). The copula is only for "to be" in the sense of "A is B". For existence, Korean uses the existential verbs (or adjectives) (iss-ta, iss-da, "there is") and (eps-ta, eobsda, "there isn't"). The honorific existential verb for is (kyeysi-ta, gyesida).
The early modern treatment of the subject derives from Antoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole's Logic, or The Art of Thinking, better known as the Port-Royal Logic, first published in 1662. Arnauld thought that a proposition or judgment consists of taking two different ideas and either putting them together or rejecting them: The two terms are joined by the verb "is" (or "is not", if the predicate is denied of the subject). Thus every proposition has three components: the two terms, and the "copula" that connects or separates them. Even when the proposition has only two words, the three terms are still there.
The nature of "being" has also been debated and explored in Islamic philosophy, notably by Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Suhrawardi, and Mulla Sadra. A modern linguistic approach which notices that Persian language has exceptionally developed two kinds of "is"es, i.e. ast ("is", as a copula) and hast (as an existential "is") examines the linguistic properties of the two lexemes in the first place, then evaluates how the statements made by other languages with regard to being can stand the test of Persian frame of reference. In this modern linguistic approach, it is noticed that the original language of the source, e.g.
The first use of the term "antibody" occurred in a text by Paul Ehrlich. The term Antikörper (the German word for antibody) appears in the conclusion of his article "Experimental Studies on Immunity", published in October 1891, which states that, "if two substances give rise to two different Antikörper, then they themselves must be different". However, the term was not accepted immediately and several other terms for antibody were proposed; these included Immunkörper, Amboceptor, Zwischenkörper, substance sensibilisatrice, copula, Desmon, philocytase, fixateur, and Immunisin. The word antibody has formal analogy to the word antitoxin and a similar concept to Immunkörper (immune body in English).
The sum of two random variables characterized by well-specified probability distributions is another precise probability distribution typically only when the copula (dependence function) between the two summands is completely specified. When their dependence is unknown or only partially specified, the sum will be more appropriately represented by a p-box because different dependence relations lead to many different distributions for the sum. Kolmogorov originally asked what bounds could be placed about the distribution of a sum when nothing is known about the dependence between the distributions of the addends.Frank, M.J., R.B. Nelsen and B. Schweizer (1987).
Pirahã is agglutinative, using a large number of affixes to communicate grammatical meaning. Even the 'to be' verbs of existence or equivalence are suffixes in Pirahã. For instance, the Pirahã sentence "there is a paca there" uses just two words; the copula is a suffix on "paca": : Pirahã also uses suffixes that communicate evidentiality, a category lacking in English grammar. One such suffix, -xáagahá, means that the speaker actually observed the event in question: : (The suffix -sai turns a verb into a noun, like English '-ing'.) Other verbal suffixes indicate that an action is deduced from circumstantial evidence, or based on hearsay.
There are three primary aspects in Hindi: Habitual Aspect, Perfective Aspect and Progressive Aspect. Periphrastic Hindi verb forms consist of two elements, the first of these two elements is the aspect marker and the second element is the tense-mood marker. These three aspects are formed from their participle forms being used with the copula verb (honā "to be") of Hindi. However, the primary participles which mark the aspects can be modified periphrastically by adding auxiliary participles constructed from auxiliary verbs of Hindi such as rehnā (to stay/remain), ānā (to come), jānā (to go) after the primary participle to add a nuance to the aspect.
Firstly, the MOTdc shows that the round square does not exemplify the property of being round, but the property of being round and square. Thus, there is no subsequent contradiction. Secondly, it avoids the conflict of existence/non-existence by claiming non- physical existence: by the MOTdc, it can only be said that the round square simply does not exemplify the property of occupying a region in space. Finally, the MOTdc avoids counterintuitive consequences (like a 'thing' having the property of nonexistence) by stressing that the round square copula can be said merely to encode the property of being round and square, not actually exemplifying it.
Languages differ in the way they express such meanings; some of them use the copular verb, possibly with an expletive pronoun like the English there, while other languages use different verbs and constructions, like the French il y a (which uses parts of the verb avoir "to have," not the copula être) or the Swedish finns (the passive voice of the verb for "to find"). For details, see existential clause. Relying on a unified theory of copular sentences, it has been proposed that the English there-sentences are subtypes of inverse copular constructions.See Moro 1997, and "existential sentences and expletive there" in Everaert et al.
Just as there are modes of speaking and behaviour that are considered intrinsically feminine, there are also those that are considered . Based on men's reports of their own speech, as well as prescriptive advice for language use, men's language is thought of as using fewer polite forms, distinct pronouns and sentence-final particles, and some reduced vowels. Some words associated with men's speech include the informal da in place of the copula desu, first person pronouns such as ore and boku, and sentence-final particles such as yo, ze, zo, and kana. Masculine speech also features less frequent use of honorific prefixes and fewer aizuchi response tokens.
Pair in copula Males of some species engage in spectacular combat for territory or access to females. The rivals elevate their bodies to an almost vertical posture, and pound each other with the ventral surfaces of their heads, strike each other with their forelegs, or try to place each other in a head-lock. Photos of mating and combat can be seen here. Research on the Australian neriid Telostylinus angusticollis has shown that adult body size and shape are extremely sensitive to larval diet: larvae reared in nutrient-rich substrates exhibit greater body size as adults, and males have more elongated bodies, compared to flies reared in nutrient-poor substrates.
Verb stems can end in a vowel (ākārānt, īkārānt, or ekārānt) or a consonant (akārānt) and are declined for person, gender and number. They are usually listed in dictionaries in their infinitive forms, which consist of the verb stem with the suffix - ṇe (णे); for example खाणे (khāṇē, to eat), बोलणे (bolaṇē, to speak), चालणे (cālaṇē, to walk). Verbs are fairly regular, although the copula and other auxiliaries are notable exceptions. The verbal system, much like in other Indo-Aryan languages, revolves around a combination of aspect and tense - there are 3 main aspects (perfect, imperfect, and habitual) and 3 main tenses (present, past, and future).
Noun and adjective predicates are constructed without a copula, in the order Subject + Predicate, e.g. "This is my house" (this my house), "His name is Basilio" (his name Basilio), "The manatee is a big animal" (manatee animal big), "My house is pretty" (my house pretty); so also "That cat is mine" and "My cat is for killing rats". The Subject + Predicate order is inverted in a question such as "What is his name?" The verb "stay" is used to express "be (in a place)" and "be (in a state)", as in "The school is on the south side" (school south side in stay), "I am fine" (I well stay).
Uehara (1998)Uehara, chapter 2, especially § observes that Japanese grammarians have disagreed as to the criteria that make some words "inflectional", katsuyō, and others not, in particular, the 形容動詞 keiyōdōshi – "na-adjectives" or "na-nominals". (It is not disputed that nouns like 'book' and 'mountain' are noninflectional and that verbs and i-adjectives are inflectional.) The claim that na-adjectives are inflectional rests on the claim that the syllable da 'is', usually regarded as a "copula verb", is really a suffix—an inflection. Thus hon 'book', generates a one-word sentence, honda 'it is a book', not a two-word sentence, hon da.
For a treatment of there as a dummy predicate, based on the analysis of the copula, see Moro, A., The Raising of Predicates. Predicative Noun Phrases and the Theory of Clause Structure, Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 80, Cambridge University Press, 1997. However, its identification as a pronoun is most consistent with its behavior in inverted sentences and question tags as described above. Because the word there can also be a deictic adverb (meaning "at/to that place"), a sentence like There is a river could have either of two meanings: "a river exists" (with there as a pronoun), and "a river is in that place" (with there as an adverb).
The predicate marker (i-ta, ida, "to be") serves as the copula, which links the subject with its complement, that is, the role 'to be' plays in English. For example, (Taynamwu-nun phwul-i-ta, daenamuneun pulida, "A bamboo is a grass") When the complement, which is suffixed by i-ta, ends in a vowel, i-ta contracts into -ta quite often as in following example, (Wuli-nun chinkwu-ta, urineun chinguda, "We are friends.") The past tense of 이다 is 이었다 (i-ess-ta, ieossda, "was"). However, if it is attached after a vowel, it is always contracted into 였다 (yess-ta, yeossda, "was").
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of English Usage (Merriam-Webster, 1989), pp. 566-67. However, modern grammarians such as Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum deny that such a rule exists in English and claim that such opinions "confuse correctness with formality". This argument for it is I is based on the model of Latin, where the complement of the finite copula is always in the nominative case (and where, unlike English, nominative and accusative are distinguished morphologically in all nominal parts of speech and not just in pronouns).Peter V. Jones and Keith C. Sidwell, An Independent Study Guide to Reading Latin (Cambridge University Press, 2000: ), p. 11.
Since Arabic, like Latin in Europe, had become the official language of philosophical and scientific works in the so-called Islamic World, the early Persian or Arab philosophers had difficulty discussing being or existence, since the Arabic language, like other Semitic languages, had no verb for either predicative "be" (copula) or existential "be". So if you try to translate the aforementioned Heidegger's example into Arabic it appears as السماء زرقاء (viz. "The Sky-- blue") with no linking "is" to be a sign of existential statement. To overcome the problem, when translating the ancient Greek philosophy, certain words were coined like ایس aysa (from Arabic لیس laysa 'not') for 'is'.
Historically, StatArb evolved out of the simpler pairs trade strategy, in which stocks are put into pairs by fundamental or market-based similarities. When one stock in a pair outperforms the other, the under performing stock is bought long and the outperforming stock is sold short with the expectation that under performing stock will climb towards its outperforming partner. Mathematically speaking, the strategy is to find a pair of stocks with high correlation, cointegration, or other common factor characteristics. Various statistical tools have been used in the context of pairs trading ranging from simple distance-based approaches to more complex tools such as cointegration and copula concepts.
Although the Victoria County History account mentions the grant, it does not explain what the items actually were. Copula de cablecio suggests some sort of couplings or ties, possibly rafters, joists or other structural members. In connection with the grant of wood, instructions were also issued to Brian on 5 June to procure for the abbey, with minimal damage to the woodland, sufficient wood for four fires to melt lead, indicating that roof work was under way: rather than a repair, this was perhaps lead covering to replace an earlier, temporary roof. The status and possessions of Halesowen Abbey were confirmed by a charter of Henry III on 5 April 1227.
Unlike many neighboring languages, the number of speakers of Pévé appears to have increased over the past two decades. This is in part due to the Comité pour le Promotion de la Langue et de la Culture Lamé (CPLCL), an organization based in Cameroon and Chad whose goal is to share and preserve cultural customs and traditions, including language use. Like other Chadic languages, Pévé has a rich set of grammatical forms and functions that differ from those of closely related languages, even though the related languages may be spoken just a few kilometers away. For example, Pévé differs from many Chadic languages in having a copula corresponding to ‘to be’.
A sampling order for variables is a sequence of conditional densities in which the first density is unconditional, and the densities for other variables are conditioned on the preceding variables in the ordering. A sampling order is implied by a regular-vine representation of the density if each conditional density can be written as a product of copula densities in the vine and one dimensional margins. An implied sampling order is generated by a nested sequence of subvines where each sub-vine in the sequence contains one new variable not present in the preceding sub-vine. For any regular vine on variables there are implied sampling orders.
Like the southeastern Gyeongsang dialect but unlike other Korean dialects, the Hamgyŏng dialect has a distinct high-low pitch accent system used to distinguish what would otherwise be homophones. Pitch-accent minimal pairs do not have tone in isolation, but only in the presence of a particle or copula. For instance, the word —homophonous in the toneless standard Korean dialect of Seoul—may mean both "pear" and "belly" in Hamgyŏng as well, so long as the word exists in isolation. But when attached to the topic marker , is realized as with a high pitch on the second syllable, while is realized as with high pitch on the first syllable.
Bharath, Shumway, 2004 To enhance predictive power, the retrospective SES measure was extended and modified in later research. The enhanced model is called SRISK, which evaluates the expected capital shortfall for a firm in a crisis scenario. To calculate this SRISK, one should first determine the Long-Run Marginal Expected Shortfall (LRMES), which measures the relationship between a firm's equity returns and the market's return (estimated using asymmetric volatility, correlation, and copula). Then, the model estimates the drop in the firm's equity value if the aggregate market experiences a 40% or larger fall in a six-month period to determine how much capital is needed in order to achieve an 8% capital to asset value ratio.
In referring to an action taking place regularly (and not limited to the future or to the past), the simple present is used: He brushes his teeth every morning. For an action taking place at the present time, the present progressive construction is used: He is brushing his teeth now. With some verbs expressing a present state, particularly the copula be and verbs expressing a mental state, the present simple is generally used: They are here; I know that. However other state verbs use the present progressive or present simple depending on whether the state is considered temporary or permanent: The pen is lying on the table; Paris lies on the Seine.
In perfect constructions apparently requiring the verb go, the normal past participle gone is often replaced by the past participle of the copula verb be, namely been. This gives rise to sentences of contrasting meaning. When been is used, the implication is that, at the time of reference, the act of going took place previously, but the subject is no longer at the place in question (unless a specific time frame including the present moment is specified). When gone is used, the implication is again that the act of going took place previously, but that the subject is still at (or possibly has not yet reached) that place (unless repetition is specified lexically).
The nominalizing suffix /-a/ converts non-finite and finite verbs into participles and relative clauses: sum-ma "given", mu-na- an-sum-ma "which he gave to him", "who gave (something) to him", etc.. Adding /-a/ after the future/modal suffix /-ed/ produces a form with a meaning similar to the Latin gerundive: sum-mu-da = "which will/should be given". On the other hand, adding a (locative-terminative?) /-e/ after the /-ed/ yields a form with a meaning similar to the Latin ad + gerund (acc.) construction: sum- mu-de3 = "(in order) to give". The copula verb /me/ "to be" is mostly used as an enclitic: -men, -men, -am, -menden, -menzen, -(a)meš.
Sermylassa halensis in copula Phyllobrotica quadrimaculata Luperaltica nigripalpis The Galerucinae are a large subfamily of the leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae), containing about 15,000 species in more than 1000 genera, of which about 500 genera and about 8000 species make up the flea beetle tribe Alticini. The division into tribes is more a matter of tradition than based on modern research. Some genera, for example Yingaresca, are better considered incertae sedis due to a general lack of knowledge. And while a good case can be made for some tribes - namely the Alticini and Galerucini - being all but monophyletic even in their traditional delimitation, others, such as Luperini, appear to be just paraphyletic assemblages of primitive and more basal genera.
Considering the copula is a kind of verb and kirei is a kind of noun syntactically, both terminologies make sense. Grammatically, these words are nouns, or more technically, nominals, which function attributively (like adjectives) – the main differences being that nouns take a 〜の -no suffix when acting attributively, while these words take a 〜な -na suffix when acting attributively, and that most of these words cannot be used as the agent or patient (i.e. subject) of a sentence, but otherwise behaving essentially identically grammatically. Thus, they are variously referred to as "adjectival verbs" (literal translation), "adjectival nouns" (nouns that function adjectivally), na-adjectives (function as adjectives, take na), and na-nominals (nominals that take na).
The English to be, and its equivalents in certain other languages, also have a non-copular use as an existential verb, meaning "to exist." This use is illustrated in the following sentences: I want only to be, and that is enough; I think therefore I am; To be or not to be, that is the question. In these cases, the verb itself expresses a predicate (that of existence), rather than linking to a predicative expression as it does when used as a copula. In ontology it is sometimes suggested that the "is" of existence is reducible to the "is" of property attribution or class membership; to be, Aristotle held, is to be something.
This is sometimes called an equative verb. Another possibility is for the complement to be just a noun modifier (ending in ), the noun being omitted: Before the Han Dynasty, the character 是 served as a demonstrative pronoun meaning "this." (This usage survives in some idioms and proverbs.) Some linguists believe that 是 developed into a copula because it often appeared, as a repetitive subject, after the subject of a sentence (in classical Chinese we can say, for example: "George W. Bush, this president of the United States" meaning "George W. Bush is the president of the United States). The character 是 appears to be formed as a compound of characters with the meanings of "early" and "straight.
All animals must forage for food in order to meet their energetic needs, but doing so is energetically costly. It is assumed that evolution by natural selection results in animals utilizing the most economic and efficient strategy to balance energy gain and consumption. The Marginal Value Theorem is an optimality model that describes the strategy that maximizes gain per unit time in systems where resources, and thus rate of returns, decrease with time.Parker, G.A. “Marginal Value Theorem with Exploitation Time Costs: Diet, Sperm Reserves, and Optimal Copula Duration in Dung Flies” (1992) The American Naturalist 139(6):1237–1256 The model weighs benefits and costs and is used to predict giving up time and giving up density.
There are also a few naru adjectives such as 単なる tannaru "mere, simple" or 聖なる seinaru "holy", which developed similarly to taru-adjectives. As with taru adjectives, these cannot predicate or take the copula, but must modify a noun (though not a verb – these only modify nouns via なる, not verbs via ×に), and often occur in set phrases, such as . In Late Old Japanese, tari adjectives developed as a variant of nari adjectives. Most nari adjectives became na adjectives in Modern Japanese, while tari adjectives either died out or survived as taru adjective fossils, but a few nari adjectives followed a similar path to the tari adjectives and became naru adjective fossils.
" Elmevik (1978) interprets the final word as laikīnaz, preceded by the copula is: Frawarādaz ainahāhǣ is laikinaz. The ainahāhǣ is interpreted as "the only high one" (=the one most noble of all), and the is laikinaz either as "is eager to fight" or "is killed intentionally" or "is killed by witchcraft". Krause (1966) segments the top line of text into "ana hahai slaginaz." "Hahai" here is interpreted as "hanhē," indicating both the occurrence in speech of the aspirant h preceded by a vowel and a nasal to be realised as nasalised vowel (explaining the representation as "hahai" instead of expected "hanhai) and the development of the Proto-Germanic dative ending from /-ai/ to /-ē/ over time.
SG, or roughly "I don't know my having seen what," where the verb phrase "I saw what" is treated as a nominal object of the verb "to know." The sentence above is also an excellent example of Kyrgyz vowel harmony; notice that all the vowel sounds are front vowels. Several nominalisation strategies are used depending on the temporal properties of the relativised verb phrase: -GAn(dIK) for general past tense, -AAr for future/potential unrealised events, and -A turgan(dɯq) for non-perfective events are the most common. The copula has an irregular relativised form экен(дик) which may be used equivalently to forms of the verb бол- be (болгон(дук), болоор).
These do not inflect for person or number, do not occur alone, and do not have infinitive or participle forms (except synonyms, as with be/being/been able (to) for the modals can/could). The modals are used with the basic infinitive form of a verb (I can swim, he may be killed, we dare not move, need they go?), except for ought, which takes to (you ought to go). Modals can indicate the condition, probability, possibility, necessity, obligation and ability exposed by the speaker's or writer's attitude or expression. The copula be, along with the modal verbs and the other auxiliaries, form a distinct class, sometimes called "special verbs" or simply "auxiliaries".
Throughout Europe, but sporadic, usually in places where Geranium grows, distributed from the Pyrenees to the Pacific Ocean and from Scandinavia to Italy, absent from England, — Larva in the pods of Geranium. The butterflies occur from May till July, in the high Alps until August; they fly rather slowly and clumsily, nearly always about the flowers of Geranium, also passing the night asleep in the blossoms of the plants. During flight they move the wings very regularly up and down and often remain fluttering in the air in front of a flower before settling on it. The sexes are of equal frequency and appear to leave but unwillingly their flight- places, where one often meets with pairs in copula.
Inverse copular constructions challenge one of the major dogmas of the theory of clause or sentence structure, i.e. that the two basic constituents of a sentence - the noun phrase (NP) and the verb phrase (VP) - are associated with the logical/grammatical functions of subject and predicate (cf. phrase structure rules and sentence). In fact, copular sentences that maintain the canonical groupings are not adequate on empirical grounds, since a very unorthodox left-branching structure is necessary, or if one rejects the canonical groupings and positions the subject inside a VP-like constituent, then one has to assume that the subject NP and copula verb can form a type of VP to the exclusion of the predicative expression.
The later Mohists or the group known as School of Names (ming jia, 479-221 BCE), consider that ming (名 "name") may refer to three kinds of shi (實 "actuality"): type universals (horse), individual (John), and unrestricted (thing). They adopt a realist position on the name-reality connection - universals arise because "the world itself fixes the patterns of similarity and difference by which things should be divided into kinds". The philosophical tradition is well known for conundra resembling the sophists, e.g. when Gongsun Longzi (4th century BCE) questions if in copula statements (X is Y), are X and Y identical or is X a subclass of Y. This is the famous paradox "a white horse is not a horse".
Many authors have questioned E-Prime's effectiveness at improving readability and reducing prejudice (Lakoff, 1992; Murphy, 1992; Parkinson, 1992; Kenyon, 1992; French, 1992, 1993; Lohrey, 1993). These authors observed that a communication under the copula ban can remain extremely unclear and imply prejudice, while losing important speech patterns, such as identities and identification. Further, prejudices and judgments that are made are more difficult to notice or refute. James D. French, a computer programmer at the University of California, Berkeley, summarized ten arguments against E-Prime (in the context of general semantics) as follows: Compare: # The elimination of a whole class of sentences results in fewer alternatives and is likely to make writing less, rather than more, interesting.
A syntactic expletive' (abbreviated ') is a form of expletive: a word that in itself contributes nothing to the semantic meaning of a sentence, yet does perform a syntactic role. Expletive subjects in the form of dummy pronouns are part of the grammar of many non-pro-drop languages such as English, whose clauses normally require overt provision of subject even when the subject can be pragmatically inferred. (For an alternative theory considering expletives like there as a dummy predicate rather than a dummy subject based on the analysis of the copula see Moro 1997Moro, A. 1997 The Raising of Predicates. Predicative Noun Phrases and the Theory of Clause Structure, Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 80, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.).
While this case is contrived, long words frequently occur in normal Turkish, as in this heading of a newspaper obituary column: Bayramlaşamadıklarımız (Bayram [festival]-Recipr-Impot-Partic-Plur-PossPl1; "Those of our number with whom we cannot exchange the season's greetings").This "splendid word" appeared at the time of Bayram, the festival marking the end of the month of fasting. Lewis (2001):287. Another example can be seen in the final word of this heading of the online Turkish Spelling Guide (İmlâ Kılavuzu): Dilde birlik, ulusal birliğin vazgeçilemezlerindendir ("Unity in language is among the indispensables [dispense-Pass-Impot-Plur-PossS3-Abl- Copula] of national unity ~ Linguistic unity is a sine qua non of national unity").
An early debate in Esperanto syntax was whether phrases such as "he was born" should use the present participle -at- (naskata for "born"), preferred by native speakers of Germanic and Slavic languages, or the past participle -it- (naskita), preferred by native speakers of Romance languages. The debate partially centered on whether the essential difference between the suffixes was one of tense or aspect, but primarily followed the conventions of speakers' native languages. Eventually a work-around using the inchoative suffix -iĝ- as a mediopassive became common as a way to avoid the debate entirely. More recently, stative verbs have been increasingly used instead of copula-plus-adjective phrasing, following some poetic usage, so that one now frequently hears li sanas for li estas sana "he is well".
Mally, Ernst, Gegenstandstheoretische Grundlagen der Logik und Logistik, Leipzig: Barth, 1912, §33.Ernst Mally – The Metaphysics Research Lab Other proponents of this approach include: Héctor-Neri Castañeda, William J. Rapaport, and Edward N. Zalta.Dale Jacquette, Meinongian Logic: The Semantics of Existence and Nonexistence, Walter de Gruyter, 1996, p. 17. By borrowing Zalta's notational method (Fb stands for b exemplifies the property of being F; bF stands for b encodes the property of being F), and using a revised version of Meinongian object theory which makes use of a dual copula distinction (MOTdc), we can say that the object called "the round square" encodes the property of being round, the property of being square, all properties implied by these, and no others.
Japanese verb conjugation is very regular, as is usual for an agglutinative language, but there are a number of exceptions. The best-known irregular verbs are the common verbs する suru "do" and 来る kuru "come", sometimes categorized as the two Group III verbs. As these are the only significantly irregular verbs, and the only verbs frequently flagged as irregular, it is sometimes incorrectly stated that these are the only irregular verbs in Japanese, but there are in fact more, about a dozen total, depending on how one counts. The other irregular verbs encountered at the beginning level are ある aru "be (inanimate)" and 行く iku/yuku "go", with the copula behaving similarly to an irregular verb.
The Passive Agent: Nitila vy nargia ninzil deyem fil-bachar il hali = v. 6 C. VV. 7(11)-10(14): THE NARRATION: LOGIC : I – An Implicit Question: Stating the Predicate [P] and the Copula [C] without a Subject [S] :: 1. The fact [F]: Huakit [C1] hy (emphatic demonstrative pronoun of P1) mirammiti [P1] = v. 7(11)a :: 1a. Association of P1 with li sisen [P2]: a necessary relationship : II – Tentative Solution [TS1] :: 2. F + a Progressive Disclosure [PD] [Fact F2]: Nizlit [C2] hi [S2] (emphatic demonstrative pronoun of P1) li sisen [P2] = v. 7(11)b :: 2a. Association of P2 with il mihallimin [S3]: a necessary relationship : III – Elimination of a Possibility [TS2] :: 3. F2 + further PD [F3]: Mectat… [C3] (negative) … ilix [P3] il mihallimin [S3] = v.
A variant of na adjectives exist, which take 〜たる -taru when functioning attributively (as an adjective, modifying a noun), and 〜と -to when functioning adverbally (when modifying a verb),post by JimmySeal on 2007 October 06 in What on earth is a たる adjective? at Reviewing the Kanji forum instead of the 〜な -na and 〜に -ni which are mostly used with na adjectives. taru adjectives do not predicate a sentence (they cannot end a sentence, as verbs and i-adjectives can) or take the copula (as na-adjectives and nouns can), but must modify a noun or verb. Note that sometimes na adjectives take a 〜と, and Japanese sound symbolisms generally take a (sometimes optional) 〜と, though these are different word classes.
Uncertainty on correlation parameters is another important source of model risk. Cont and Deguest propose a method for computing model risk exposures in multi-asset equity derivatives and show that options which depend on the worst or best performances in a basket (so called rainbow option) are more exposed to model uncertainty than index options. Gennheimer investigates the model risk present in pricing basket default derivatives. He prices these derivatives with various copulas and concludes that "... unless one is very sure about the dependence structure governing the credit basket, any investors willing to trade basket default products should imperatively compute prices under alternative copula specifications and verify the estimation errors of their simulation to know at least the model risks they run".
Up until the Taishō period, the Mino dialect used ja (じゃ) for copulas and adjectival nouns, and the Mino dialect was occasionally referred to as a "ja-language in Mino" (美濃のじゃ言葉 Mino no ja-kotoba). However, because of the influence of the Kansai dialect, the modern Mino dialect generally uses ya (や) and is compared to the Nagoya dialect which uses da (だ) for copulas and adjectival nouns. Standard Japanese emphasizes copulas with yo, such as da yo (だよ), but the Mino dialect attaches te (て) to the ya copula, leading to emphases such as ya te (やて). The main difference between verbs in the Mino dialect and in standard Japanese is seen in the negative form.
Each complete Sesotho word belongs to some part of speech. In form, some parts of speech (adjectives, enumeratives, some relatives, and all verbs) are radical stems, which need affixes to form meaningful words; others (possessives and copulatives) are formed from full words by the employment of certain formatives; the rest (nouns, pronouns, adverbs, ideophones, conjunctives, and interjectives) are complete words themselves, which may or may not be modified with affixes to form new words. The difference between the four types of qualificatives is merely in the concords used to associate them with the noun or pronoun they qualify. Since the simplest copulatives do not use any verbs whatsoever (zero copula), entire predicative sentences in Sesotho may be formed without the use of verbs.
The Eleatics maintained that the true explanation of things lies in the conception of a universal unity of being. According to their doctrine, the senses cannot cognize this unity, because their reports are inconsistent; it is by thought alone that we can pass beyond the false appearances of sense and arrive at the knowledge of being, at the fundamental truth that the "All is One". Furthermore, there can be no creation, for being cannot come from non-being, because a thing cannot arise from that which is different from it. They argued that errors on this point commonly arise from the ambiguous use of the verb to be, which may imply actual physical existence or be merely the linguistic copula which connects subject and predicate.
In the case of Ginnie Mae, this guarantee is backed with the full faith and credit of the US federal government. This is not the case with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but these two entities have lines of credit with the US federal government; however, these lines of credit are extremely small compared to the average amount of money circulated through these entities in one day's business. Additionally, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac generally require private mortgage insurance on loans in which the borrower provides a down payment that is less than 20% of the property value. # Pooling many mortgages with uncorrelated default probabilities creates a bond with a much lower probability of total default, in which no homeowners are able to make their payments (see Copula).
Philosophy itself becomes the supplement of the sciences, both as the convergence of all to the common end, namely, wisdom; and as supplying the copula, which modified in each science in the comprehension of its parts to one whole, is in its principles common to all the sciences, as integral parts of one system. And this is METHOD, itself a distinct science, the immediate offspring of philosophy, and the link or mordant by which philosophy becomes scientific and the sciences philosophical. The office of philosophical disquisition consists in just distinction; while it is the privilege of the philosopher to preserve himself constantly aware, that distinction is not division. In order to obtain adequate notions of any truth, we must intellectually separate its distinguishable parts; and this is the technical process of philosophy.
Ancistrocerus campestris on goldenrod Ancistrocerus nigricornis in copula (video, 1m 50s) Ancistrocerus is a widely distributed genus of potter wasps present in many biogeographical regions of the world. They are nonpetiolate eumenine wasps with a transverse ridge at the bending summit of the first metasomal tergum and with a low and opaque propodeal lamella completely fused to the submarginal carina. The name of this genus (meaning "hooked horn" for the back-curved last segments of the antennae characteristic of males of this genus and most other potter wasp genera) has been widely used as root in the construction of many other genus-level names for potter wasps with a nonpetiolated metasoma and normally bearing a transverse ridge on the first metasomal tergum, such as Ancistroceroides, Parancistrocerus, Orancistrocerus, Tachyancistrocerus, etc.
The word , which is usually translated as "ladylike" or "feminine," refers to the behaviour expected of a typical Japanese woman in a customary scene. As well as behaving in particular ways, being onnarashii means conforming to particular styles of speech. Some of the features of women’s speech include speaking in a higher register, using more polite forms and using polite speech or honorifics in more situations, and referring to themselves and those whom they address more formally. Some linguistic features commonly associated with women include omission of the copula da, the use of first person pronouns such as watashi or atashi among others, use of feminine sentence-final particles such as wa, na no, kashira, and mashō, and the more frequent use of the honorific prefixes o and go.
Subject–auxiliary inversion (also called subject–operator inversion) is a frequently occurring type of inversion in English, whereby a finite auxiliary verb – taken here to include finite forms of the copula be – appears to "invert" (change places) with the subject.For accounts and discussion of subject-auxiliary inversion, see for instance Quirk and Greenbaum (1979:63), Radford (1988:32f.), Downing and Locke (1992:22f.), Ouhalla (1994:62ff.). The word order is therefore Aux-S (auxiliary–subject), which is the opposite of the canonical SV (subject–verb) order of declarative clauses in English. The most frequent use of subject–auxiliary inversion in English is in the formation of questions, although it also has other uses, including the formation of condition clauses, and in the syntax of sentences beginning with negative expressions (negative inversion).
In some languages, a personal pronoun has a form called a disjunctive pronoun, which is used when it stands on its own, or with only a copula, such as in answering to the question "Who wrote this page?" The natural answer for most English speakers in this context would be "me" (or "It's me"), parallel to moi (or C'est moi) in French. Unlike in French, however, where such constructions are considered standard, English pronouns used in this way have caused dispute. Some grammarians have argued and persuaded some educators that the correct answer should be "I" or "It is I" because "is" is a linking verb and "I" is a predicate nominative, and up until a few centuries ago spoken English used pronouns in the subjective case in such sentences.
Plato developed the distinction between true reality and illusion, in arguing that what is real are eternal and unchanging forms or ideas (a precursor to universals), of which things experienced in sensation are at best merely copies, and real only in so far as they copy ("partake of") such forms. In general, Plato presumes that all nouns (e.g., "beauty") refer to real entities, whether sensible bodies or insensible forms. Hence, in The Sophist, Plato argues that being is a form in which all existent things participate and which they have in common (though it is unclear whether "Being" is intended in the sense of existence, copula, or identity); and argues, against Parmenides, that forms must exist not only of being, but also of Negation and of non-being (or Difference).
The title is a combination of the words "ballad" and "donburi"(丼), the latter being a rice dish served with a variety of fish, meat and vegetable toppings served in an oversized rice bowl. The band claim to have decided upon the name whilst touring in Sapporo, Hokkaidō. Originally the band's guitarist, Yamashita Hotaka, was planning on naming the album "バラードだべ" (Barādo-dabe) where "dabe" is a copula in the Hokkaidō dialect, but the band settled for the current title after concluding that "Barādo-dabe" was of poor quality. As a result of the use of "donburi" in the title, the lead singer (Kiyoe Yoshioka) and the two guitarists (Yoshiki Mizuno and Hotaka Yamashita) dressed up as a restaurant landlady and Itamaes respectively for both promotional appearances and the album cover.
The term "pro-drop" stems from Noam Chomsky's "Lectures on Government and Binding" from 1981 as a cluster of properties of which "null subject" was one (for the occurrence of pro as a predicate rather than a subject in sentences with the copula see Moro 1997). Thus, a one-way correlation was suggested between inflectional agreement (AGR) and empty pronouns on the one hand and between no agreement and overt pronouns, on the other. In the classical version, languages which not only lack agreement morphology but also allow extensive dropping of pronouns—such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese—are not included, as is made clear in a footnote: "The principle suggested is fairly general, but does not apply to such languages as Japanese in which pronouns can be missing much more freely." (Chomsky 1981:284, fn 47).
Older or earlier African-American English refers to a set of many heterogeneous varieties studied and reconstructed by linguists as theoretically spoken by the first African Americans and African slaves in the United States. Of primary interest is the direct theoretical predecessor to AAVE. Mainly four types of sources have been used for the historical reconstruction of older AAVE: written interviews, ex-slave audio recordings, the modern diaspora dialects of isolated black communities, and letters written by eighteenth- and nineteenth-century African Americans. The use of the zero copula (the absence of is or are, as in she gon' leave), nonstandard plural forms (the three man, mans, or even mens) and multiple negatives (as in no one didn't leave me nothing) were occasional or common variants in these earlier dialects, and the latter item even the preferred variant in certain grammatical contexts.
The idea was originally developed by Richard Whately. For example, he noted the ambiguity of the interrogation "Why?". (1) It could be a reason, such as why the angles of a triangle sum to two right angles, or (2) a cause, such as why days are shorter in winter than summer, or (3) a design requirement as in a timepiece.Richard Whately (1845), Elements of Rhetoric, page 58, via Internet ArchiveMary Prior and Arthur Prior "Erotetic Logic", The Philosophical Review 64(1) (1955): pp. 43–59 . In 1936 Whately's work was revived by Eugeniu Sperantia.Eugeniu Sperantia (1936) "Remarques sur les propositions interrogatives". Projet d'une "logique du problème", Actes du Congrès International de Philosophie Scientifique, VII Logique, Paris,pp. 18–28. In 1955 Mary and Arthur Prior recalled Whately's suggestion for a variable copula to write questions symbolically.
Common indexes used for Adjustable Rate Mortgages (1996–2006). Excessive consumer housing debt was in turn caused by the mortgage-backed security, credit default swap, and collateralized debt obligation sub-sectors of the finance industry, which were offering irrationally low interest rates and irrationally high levels of approval to subprime mortgage consumers because they were calculating aggregate risk using gaussian copula formulas that strictly assumed the independence of individual component mortgages, when in fact the credit-worthiness almost every new subprime mortgage was highly correlated with that of any other because of linkages through consumer spending levels which fell sharply when property values began to fall during the initial wave of mortgage defaults. Debt consumers were acting in their rational self- interest, because they were unable to audit the finance industry's opaque faulty risk pricing methodology.
Most arrangers manage their risks by buying and selling protection on single- name CDS or on the CDX indexes and therefore they usually avoid taking positions in CDS that cannot readily be traded. Probability Distribution around mean default probability of 10%, N=100, rho of 0% and 10%. Created using Gaussian Copula model and 5,000 simulationsBespoke portfolios can have very different default correlation characteristics from credit indices with similar distributions of riskiness. Bespoke portfolios almost invariably have numbers of reference securities similar to those of the major credit indices – 100 to 125 reference securities – but bespoke portfolios can include reference securities that have highly correlated default probabilities, either because they are issued by different subsidiaries of the same parent company, because they include closely related but separate companies, or because the bespoke portfolios include much higher concentrations in single industries than occurs in credit indices.
1) casts what he calls "the proposition" (present-day propositional function or relation) into a form such as "X is Y", where the symbols X, "is", and Y represent, respectively, the subject, copula, and predicate. While the word "function" does not appear, the notion of "abstraction" is there, "variables" are there, the notion of inclusion in his symbolism "all of the Δ is in the О" (p. 9) is there, and lastly a new symbolism for logical analysis of the notion of "relation" (he uses the word with respect to this example " X)Y " (p. 75) ) is there: :" A1 X)Y To take an X it is necessary to take a Y" [or To be an X it is necessary to be a Y] :" A1 Y)X To take a Y it is sufficient to take a X" [or To be a Y it is sufficient to be an X], etc.
In ancient philosophy this bi-polarity was represented by the four element theory - air, water, fire and earth and more modernly by the four-fold composition of matter - carbon (earth), hydrogen (fire), oxygen (water) and nitrogen (air). This progressive unfolding of the initial dynamic principle into the dimensions of space and time leads to a trinity of 'life biological'. :My hypothesis will, therefore, be thus expressed, that the constituent forces of life in the human living body are—first, the power of length, or REPRODUCTION; second, the power of surface (that is, length and breadth), or IRRITABILITY; third, the power of depth, or SENSIBILITY. With this observation I may conclude these remarks, only reminding the reader that Life itself is neither of these separately, but the copula of all three… (Here we can also see the interchange between Schelling and Andreas Röschlaub in Germany in the context of Romantic medicine).
Balloon XXVII Marché International du Court Métrage Sunlight (2006), institutional spot celebrating the 50th anniversary of Treaty of Rome (Prix Europa 2006, Berlin),Forme del corto Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio, Short Films in Italy 2006 Being Fed Up (2007), spot against discrimination to women for public service broadcasting, produced by Unesco (Paris),Being Fed Up ICT-enhanced Public Service Broadcasting For Instance (2009), for the World Food Programme fighting hunger worldwide.For Instance, fighting hunger worldwide for WFP In 2010, he produced and directed Dreams & Colors,Arcipelago International Festival of Short Films Festival 2010 visionary documentary about Piazza Navona in Rome, and Gaussian Copula Function based on Felix Salmon's article published by Wired about the disaster of Wall Street (2008).Recipe for Disaster: The Formula That Killed Wall Street by Felix Salmon, Wired News In 2012, The Man Wearing a Hood, a tribute to Rod Serling and The Twilight Zone,People and kids about an ancient Merry-go-round.
In theoretical linguistics, she has worked extensively on the nature of finiteness, case, and agreement regarding clausal architecture in the world's languages, as well as the structure of reduced relative clauses and embedded clauses, specificity, scrambling, the copula. In applied linguistics and language education, she cultivated an approach to English grammar, a descriptive linguistics approach not only to assist language learners of all levels to develop and refine their English language use, but also to help those language users understand the deeper structures behind the language, empowering them to not depend on simple memorization. In her book English Grammar: a descriptive linguistics approach, she bridges the so-called contradiction between descriptive and prescriptive grammar by developing a new framework with which prescriptive grammar can be re-analyzed using the linguistic tools of descriptive linguistics. This approach has been adopted to teach English grammar to native speakers or non- native speakers of English.
Before the global 2007–08 financial crisis, numerous market participants trusted the copula model uncritically and naively. However, the 2007–08 crisis was less a matter of a particular correlation model, but rather an issue of "irrational complacency". In the extremely benign time period from 2003 to 2006, proper hedging, proper risk management and stress test results were largely ignored. The prime example is AIG's London subsidiary, which had sold credit default swaps and collateralized debt obligations in an amount of close to $500 billion without conducting any major hedging. For an insightful paper on inadequate risk management leading up to the crisis, see “A personal view of the crisis – Confessions of a Risk Manager” (The Economist 2008). In particular, if any credit correlation model is fed with benign input data as low default intensities and low default correlation, the risk output figures will be benign, ‘garbage in garbage out’ in modeling terminology.
In Late Old Japanese (below), a separate kind of tari adjectival nouns developed alongside the existing nari ones (nari, tari were the conclusive forms, while naru, taru were the attributive forms). The nari ones developed into the adjectival nouns (naru becoming na, while nari become da (the copula)) that are the subject of this article, while the tari ones mostly died out over the course of Late Middle Japanese, being mostly gone by Early Modern Japanese, surviving as fossils in a few words which are generally considered somewhat stiff or archaic. These are generally referred to as ト・タル形容動詞 (to, taru keiyōdōshi) or タルト型活用 (taruto-kata katsuyō – “taru, to form conjugation”), and can also function adverbially with 〜と -to, instead of the 〜に -ni which is mostly used with な nominals. See taru adjectives for further discussion in English, and 形容動詞#タルト型活用 for Japanese.
In general such statistics arrive in the presence of heavy-tailed distributions, and the presence of dragon kings will augment the already oversized impact of extreme events. Despite the importance of extreme events, due to ignorance, misaligned incentives, and cognitive biases, there is often a failure to adequately anticipate them. Technically speaking, this leads to poorly specified models where distributions that are not heavy-tailed enough, and under-appreciate both serial and multivariate dependence of extreme events. Some examples of such failures in risk assessment include the use of Gaussian models in finance (Black–Scholes, the Gaussian copula, LTCM), the use of Gaussian processes and linear wave theory failing to predict the occurrence of rogue waves, the failure of economic models in general to predict the financial crisis of 2007–2008, and the under-appreciation of external events, cascades, and nonlinear effects in probabilistic risk assessment, leading to not anticipating the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011.
Logicians of this time were primarily involved with analyzing syllogisms (the 2000-year-old Aristotelian forms and otherwise), or as Augustus De Morgan (1847) stated it: "the examination of that part of reasoning which depends upon the manner in which inferences are formed, and the investigation of general maxims and rules for constructing arguments". At this time the notion of (logical) "function" is not explicit, but at least in the work of De Morgan and George Boole it is implied: we see abstraction of the argument forms, the introduction of variables, the introduction of a symbolic algebra with respect to these variables, and some of the notions of set theory. De Morgan's 1847 "FORMAL LOGIC OR, The Calculus of Inference, Necessary and Probable" observes that "[a] logical truth depends upon the structure of the statement, and not upon the particular matters spoken of"; he wastes no time (preface page i) abstracting: "In the form of the proposition, the copula is made as abstract as the terms". He immediately (p.
The , also called , is a dialect of Japanese spoken on Awaji Island (which comprises the cities of Sumoto, Minamiawaji, and Awaji) in the southern part of Hyōgo Prefecture. According to the introduction of "Comprehensive Study of the Kinki Region," a publication of the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL), titled "Subgroupings of the Kinki Dialects", the Awaji Dialect straddles the Central (typified by the pronunciation of the mora /se/ as [ɕe], use of the copula =ja, a distinction between the perfect and progressive aspects, and a migration of the monograde verb classes to the quadrigrade class) and Western Kansai dialect regions. The dialect shares many features with the dialects of the cities of Osaka, Kobe, and Wakayama, which is shares the Osaka Bay with, as well as with that of Tokushima Prefecture, which exercised control (as Awa Province) over Awaji Island during the feudal period. On the other hand, it bears little resemblance to the Banshū dialect, spoken right across the Akashi Strait from the island.
The mosque has three main entrances: one to the north, aligned with the major central axis of the building, which opens into the courtyard, and two symmetrical side entrances to the west and east that open to the north edge of the prayer hall. The outer portal of the entrances are often highlighted with more stucco decoration, while the space just inside each entrance is covered by a copula of muqarnas (stalactite-like sculpting). The central archway on the south side of the courtyard is covered in part by a wooden screen called the anaza which covers the entrance to the aisle leading to the central mihrab (niche symbolizing the direction of prayer) and also acts as an "auxiliary mihrab" for those carrying out their prayers in the courtyard. The transverse aisle running along the qibla (southeastern) wall is demarcated from the rest of the prayer hall by another row of arches running perpendicular to the others, while the arches next to the mihrab have a "lambrequin" profile (a dented and lobed outline common in Moroccan and Moorish architecture) with muqarnas-carved intrados.
One of the critics of financial engineering is Nassim Taleb, a professor of financial engineering at Polytechnic Institute of New York UniversityNassim Nicholas Taleb, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, Random House (April 17, 2007) 978-1400063512 who argues that it replaces common sense and leads to disaster. A series of economic collapses has led many governments to argue a return to "real" engineering from financial engineering. Many other authors have identified specific problems in financial engineering that caused catastrophes: Aaron Brown named confusion between quants and regulators over the meaning of "capital", Felix Salmon gently pointed to the Gaussian copula, Ian Stewart criticized the Black-Scholes formula, Pablo Triana< Pablo Triana, The Number That Killed Us: A Story of Modern Banking, Flawed Mathematics, and a Big Financial Crisis , Wiley (December 6, 2011) 978-0470529737 dislikes value at risk and Scott Patterson< Scott Patterson, The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It, Crown Business (February 2, 2010) 978-0307453372< Scott Patterson, Dark Pools: High- Speed Traders, A.I. Bandits, and the Threat to the Global Financial System, Crown Business (June 12, 2012) 978-0307887177 accused quantitative traders and later high-frequency traders. A gentler criticism came from Emanuel DermanEmanuel Derman, Models.Behaving.Badly.

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