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53 Sentences With "contentedness"

How to use contentedness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "contentedness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "contentedness". Mastering all the usages of "contentedness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And how, exactly, does one objectively measure contentedness or happiness?
Anyone interested in the journey towards contentedness should read this book.
Happiness and contentedness stem from repeatedly doing simple tasks, rather than herculean ones.
While research finds that buying things leads to unhappiness, spending on experiences increases their contentedness.
The payoff: a feeling of relaxed contentedness that Fijians say aids discussion and conflict resolution.
Contentedness with the economy extends nationwide if you drill down into the most recent CNN data.
Honna echoed Heidi's sentiment that Finnish happiness is really more about contentedness and being at peace.
Negative vibes can disrupt your sense of well-being and drain you of happy feelings and contentedness.
"Marlena has brought out a contentedness in Ryan that I hadn't seen in a while," he said.
Dopamine, like serotonin, is one of the neurotransmitters the brain releases that causes feelings of happiness and contentedness.
A study published in the "British Journal of Psychology" showed a correlation between contentedness with being alone and intelligence.
Ultimately, the lifestyle made me feel calmer and more at peace, which in turn led to a delightful feeling of contentedness.
I also learned that Finnish happiness isn't an outwardly exuberant zest for life, but more of a reserved contentedness and inner peace.
But feeling doomed is a kind of perverse gift for Mitski, who understands the perils of contentedness and the possibilities within despair.
As West and company see it, the fact that black voters reliably support Democrats isn't necessarily born out of contentedness or even by choice.
It's a dark tale with a happy start to an ending: Mr. Brock is in recovery now, and reports a newfound contentedness in his surrender.
I thought that I was purchasing the more recent one, the one that promises the kind of cozy contentedness — hygge, to use the word much in vogue — that good design engenders.
In this context, the number seven could represent the culmination of hard work or a sense of completion and contentedness — sounds like a pretty good omen for the start of a marriage, no?
"Remind Me Tomorrow" isn't a redemption narrative, exactly—Van Etten is too wary and smart to believe in clear sailing—but it's the first of her records to linger more on contentedness than on pain.
Finns aren't outwardly jolly, bubbly, "have a nice day" people who walk around with huge grins plastered on their faces, but people really did seem to have a real sense of contentedness and peace with their lives.
They swing from dark to light with liberating ease, constantly aware that our highs and lows are always leavened by an insistent reality, never completely surrendering to cloying contentedness or existential dread (or, in my little Sam's case, existential crankiness).
Being no stranger to these highs and lows, body-positive ambassador and member of European Wax Center's Strut Society Chinae Alexander came to learn how to find confidence and contentedness beyond her appearance — whether she's, say, wearing a full face of makeup or none at all.
"In order to provide a clear benefit to switching and overcome contentedness, we feel that an intervention that provides non-switchers with an estimate from their current lender of the amount they could save if they switched internally would be the most effective solution," the research said.
The last chapter briefly discusses the kundalini, the benefits of yoga and the nature of calmness, contentedness in one's mind and consciousness.
In middle childhood, boys and girls form peer groups segregated by gender, which may act to perpetuate previously learned gender stereotypes. Deriving from the ability to make social comparisons, school aged children begin to integrate attributions about how gender typical they are into their gender identity. At this age, children's ability to make more global self-evaluations also allows them to recognize contentedness or dissonance with their gender assignment. Children's gender identity on these two dimensions is significantly correlated with their self-esteem, such that children with higher levels of typicality and contentedness report having higher self-esteem and worth.
This book explores conflicting traditions (in this case the tradition of Judaism and the tradition of art), father versus son, contentedness with one's life versus peace in the family (the Jewish value of "shalom bayit"), the traditional Jewish world versus secular America.
Steve Hochman, writing in the Los Angeles Times in August 1988, drew attention to the album's "soulful phrasing and lyrics, sturdy rhythmic sense, [and] overall sense of contentedness".Hochman, Steve (29 August 1988). "Armatrading Has Old Grin, New Attitude". Los Angeles Times.
For example in America, they value the emotion excitement as it represents the cultural idea of independence. In many Asian cultures it is inappropriate to discuss personal enthusiasms. They place greater value on emotions such as calmness and contentedness, representing the ideal harmonious relationships. These different cultural values affect a person's everyday behaviours, decisions and emotional display.
Marital satisfaction remains but other family relationships can be more difficult. Career satisfaction focuses more on inner satisfaction and contentedness and less on ambition and the desire to "advance". Even so, career changes often can occur. Middle adulthood or middle age can be a time when a person re-examines their life by taking stock, and evaluating their accomplishments.
The economy of India accelerated and has grown at a rate of around 6–9% since economic liberalisation began in the 1990s. The word "Hindu" in the term was used by some early economists like Vikas Mishra to imply that the Hindu outlook of fatalism and contentedness was responsible for the slow growth.Mishra, V. (1962). Hinduism and economic growth.
This approach involves the modification of scales to include an equal ratio of positively and negatively framed items. In other words, a particular construct is assessed using conflicting stimulus statements. For example, in trying to assess depression it would be a good idea to also include items assessing happiness and contentedness, etc. (reversed-keyed items), in addition to the usual depressive content.
Martha Cole (born 1946 in Regina, Saskatchewan) is a Canadian artist. She is known for her work with textiles, landscape, and artist's books, addressing themes of inter-contentedness, sustainability, and protection of ecological diversity. She currently resides in Disley, Saskatchewan. Cole's high school art teacher, Helmut Becker (now professor emeritus at the University of Western Ontario) encouraged her to pursue a career in art.
"Die Zufriedenheit" ("Contentedness"), his most popular poem, was set to music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Christian Gottlob Neefe ("Was frag ich viel nach Geld und Gut, / Wenn ich zufrieden bin" ("What need have I of funds and goods / While I am just content").Michael Watzka: Ein One-Hit-Wonder? Die Lyrik Johann Martin Millers in den Kompositionen seiner Zeitgenossen, in: Lenz-Jahrbuch 21 (2014). St. Ingbert 2015.
A post office worker appears to be happy as she pushes a mail cart. Job satisfaction or employee satisfaction is a measure of workers' contentedness with their job, whether or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision. Job satisfaction can be measured in cognitive (evaluative), affective (or emotional), and behavioral components.Hulin, C. L., & Judge, T. A. (2003).
Crying and vegetative sounds are controlled by the brain stem, which matures earlier than the cortex. Neurological development of higher brain structures coincides with certain developments in infants’ vocalizations. For example, the onset of cooing at 6 to 8 weeks happens as some areas of the limbic system begin to function. The limbic system is known to be involved in the expression of emotion, and cooing in infants is associated with a feeling of contentedness.
Shakespeare's Sonnets Sonnet 25 is one of 154 sonnets published by the English playwright and poet William Shakespeare in the Quarto of 1609. It is a part of the Fair Youth sequence. In the sonnet the poem expresses the poet's contentedness in comparison to others, though they may have titles, honors, or are favored at court, or are noted warriors. It prefigures the more famous treatment of class differences found in Sonnet 29.
Albert relates the inherent metaphysical contentedness between friendship and moral goodness. Albert describes several levels of goodness; the useful (utile), the pleasurable (delectabile) and the authentic or unqualified good (honestum). Then in turn there are three levels of friendship based on each of those levels, namely friendship based on usefulness (amicitia utilis), friendship based on pleasure (amicitia delectabilis), and friendship rooted in unqualified goodness (amicitia honesti; amicitia quae fundatur super honestum).Cunningham, Stanley.
Klaus Hofmann notes a "feeling of serene contentedness with life" in "elegiac tones" as the aria's expression. Musicologist Julian Mincham notes "that instant when body and soul come to rest and are resigned and in complete harmony. Bach encapsulates this experience of peace and acquiescent submission beyond anything that mere words can convey." He sees the "flowing oboe arabesques", which the singer imitates twice on the word "" (joy) as a "clear indication that their expressive function is to proclaim the Christian's personal bliss, an inextricable element of this important experience of life".
Despite these policies, income taxes have stabilized at providing around 50% of Denmark's total revenue since 1990. According to the World Happiness Report, Denmark ranks among the top two in terms of happiness, indicating a general contentedness with the state's welfare state and the benefits provided. The World Happiness Report also states that happiness is correlated to social equality. The official Denmark website remarks that "most Danes will tell you that they are happy to pay taxes because they can see what they get in return," including free tuition, healthcare, and social security.
"There's a sense of boredom, there's a sense of anxiety, there's a sense of discontent with the contentedness", Weiner said, in regards to the positions of the characters at the beginning of the new season. Weiner considered the main question of the first episode "What is Don Draper like when he is happy?", with the twist of the first episode being Don's lack of interest in work. The episode was expanded from its regular runtime of 47 minutes into a 90-minute episode aired over two hours, after Weiner realized the story broken for the premiere was "85 percent too big".
Based on drawings representing Sharpe's experience of the midwestern American landscape, the paintings appeared primarily abstract except for their compositions—which suggested panoramas of mountains, rivers and geography, surveyed from above—and marks, which seemed to reference architectural and topographical signs and symbols. Mary Jane Jacob wrote that rather than literal representations, the paintings functioned as composites or "imaginative chartings" of imaginary places. Joanna Frueh described them as a "lyrical fulfillment" of Sharpe's vision that resembled a "vast, integrated organism" expressing union, contentedness, buoyancy and playfulness. David Sharpe, Bathers, oil on canvas, 71" x 86," 1982.
If at the poles we find the limits of the chromatic scale -white and > black-, in the interior, the painting explodes with specks of vivid color, > dissolve to the oxymoronic that by means of the underlying symbolic meanings > construct whole images, characters, settings, thoughts and emotions. The Denial of St. Peter by Caravaggio (c. 1610) This poetic trend entranced with antithesis is concurrent with the Chiaroscuro style that matured in 17th century Western painting. The striking contrast of the poem rests in the juxtaposition of the dark, gloomy and burdened existence of Polifemo with the figure of Galatea, the paragon of light, beauty and contentedness.
A majority of scholars focus on loneliness and alienation as the theme of Hopper's work.Nochlin, Edward Hopper and the Imagery of Alienation, 136. Art historian Pamela Koob points out that the "solitary figures in Hopper’s paintings may well be evocations of such contented solitude rather than the loneliness so often cited."Koob, States of Being The evidence for contentedness comes from Hopper’s own notion that a work of art is an expression of the creator’s “inner life” -- According to his wife Jo Hopper, he loved his inner life to the point that he could “get on fine without the interruption from other humans.”Levin, Edward Hopper: An Intimate Biography, 451.
In 1797 he inherited from his uncle Sir William Codrington, 2nd Baronet, plantations in Antigua and Dodington Park estate in south Gloucestershire. Later that year he was elected as a Member of Parliament (MP) for Tewkesbury, holding the seat until 1812. In 1806 he rejected pressure from constituents to support the abolition of the slave trade, but denied being motivated by his self-interest as a plantation-owner. Later in 1832, he had a very public debate in the newspapers with Sir Fowell Buxton on abolition, quoting a letter from his attorney and resident manager for Barbuda in 1825, John James, detailing the contentedness of the slaves there.
Karl S. Zimmerer defined it as "the increased role of globally organized management institutions, knowledge systems and monitoring, and coordinated strategies aimed at resource, energy, and conservation issues." Alan Grainger in turn wrote that it can be understood as "an increasing spatial uniformity and contentedness in regular environmental management practices". Steven Yearley has referred to this concept as "globalization of environmental concern". Grainger also cited a study by Clark (2000), which he noted was an early treatment of the concept, and distinguished three aspects of environmental globalization: "global flows of energy, materials and organisms; formulation and global acceptance of ideas about global environment; and environmental governance" (a growing web of institutions concerned with global environment).
Despite these claims however, the reports of abuse against Sunni citizens of Iraq at the hands of Iran's allies have not ceased completely. The French MP, Jacques Myard stated that the Iranians had been warning the Iraqis with regard to the possibilities of sectarian actions and the negative consequences which follow. There have were also reports of the militias engaging in humanitarian relief by handing out food and supplies to the local populace, who expressed gratitude and expressed their contentedness at having been freed from ISIL rule. A senior adviser to the Iraqi government, Zaid al-Ali, made mention of Shi'ite religious scholars (marja'een) from the city of Najaf travelling to the battlefield to advocate against acts of revenge and abuse.
While large portions of the original Greek text of both these writings are preserved, we have only Slavonic versions of the four following shorter treatises: #De vita, on life and rational action, which exhorts in particular to contentedness in this life and to the hope of the life to come # De cibis, on the Jewish dietary laws, and on the young cow, which is mentioned in Leviticus, with allegorical explanation of the Old Testament food-legislation and the red cow (Num., xix) #De lepra, on leprosy, to Sistelius, a dialogue between Eubulius (Methodius) and Sistelius on the mystic sense of the Old Testament references to lepers (Lev., xiii) # De sanguisuga, on the leech in Proverbs (Prov., xxx, 15 sq.) and on the text, "the heavens show forth the glory of God" (Ps.
In Buddhist meditation, the development of concentrative absorption (Sanskrit: dhyāna; Pali: jhāna) is canonically described in terms of the following five factors: # applied thought (vitakka) # sustained thought (vicāra) # joy/rapture/happiness (pīti) # happiness/pleasure/bliss (sukha) # equanimity (upekkhā)See, for instance, Samādhaga Sutta (a/k/a, Pañcagikasamādhi Sutta, AN 5.28) (Thanissaro, 1997b). As illustrated in the table above, both pīti and sukha are born of bodily seclusion and mental quietude. The Visuddhimagga distinguishes between pīti and sukha in the following experiential manner: :And wherever the two are associated, happiness [here, Ñāamoli's translation of pīti] is the contentedness at getting a desirable object, and bliss [sukha] is the actual experiencing of it when got. Where there is happiness [pīti] there is bliss (pleasure) [sukha]; but where there is bliss [sukha] there is not necessarily happiness [pīti].
Dawn and Xander talk about the chance to have a life and to "go for what [he] want[s]." Buffy and Xander share a tender moment where they discuss Buffy's feelings of contentedness and connectedness in their new situation, her increased ability to feel, and Buffy killing Dark Willow in the future; Xander convinces Buffy to tell Willow and then to come see him afterwards. On the discovery of Future Dark Willow, Andrew confronts Giles about the possibility of Willow becoming compromised; Giles accepts Andrew's concerns, and instructs him to follow her. Andrew surveys as Willow and Oz disagree about her possibilities for a normal life, and she expresses her resentment of him for settling down and denying his nature, although she is touched that he trusts her with Kelden.
At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, Remind Me Tomorrow has received an average score of 86, based on 34 reviews, indicating "universal acclaim". At Pitchfork, Laura Snapes mentions how Van Etten "conjures tempests and explores their subsequent calms", remarking how it is "the peak of her songwriting and her most atmospheric, emotionally piercing album to date." Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic rated the album four-and-a-half stars out of five, indicating that Van Etten "plumbs the depths of contentedness, setting her satisfaction to a sound that's nominally dark yet strangely comforting and nourishing." Rolling Stone considered Remind Me Tomorrow as her finest album for including styles ranging from "expansive electro groove" to "trip-hop rumination" and singer "Siouxsie [Sioux]-style wails".
While the original intention was as satire, Kim Orlin Kantardjiev, a Norwegian politicianAgenda Magasin online and educational advisor claims that the Law of Jante is taught in schools as more of a social code to encourage group behavior, and wants to credit it with fueling Nordic countries' high happiness scores.BBC Ideas Forget hygge: The laws that really rule in Scandinavia It has also been suggested that contentedness with a humdrum lifestyle is a part of happiness in the Scandinavian countries. However, in Scandinavia, there have also been articles which link the Law of Jante to high suicide rates.Klas Leffler in MittMedia Allehanda Västernorrland 2016-07-16 Backlash has occurred against the rules, and in Norway someone even placed a grave for Jante Laws, declaring them dead in 2005.
T. S. Eliot blue plaque, 3 Kensington Court Gardens It is most famously the residence of poet, critic and playwright, T. S. Eliot who moved to No.3 Kensington Court Gardens in 1957, after his secret marriage to his secretary from Faber and Faber, (Esmé) Valerie Eliot on 10 January 1957. The marriage was criticised not only because it was kept a secret from all but her parents, but at the time Eliot was 68 and Valerie only 30 years old. Despite the criticism and the age difference, it appears to have been the happiest time of Eliot’s life, the Oxford Dictionary of Biography stating he "attained a degree of contentedness that had eluded him all his life". However, at the time Eliot’s health was already in decline and he died in the flat only eight years later, on 4 January 1965.
The announcement that Lola is pregnant pushes him to the brink, making living under the same roof next to impossible for all three; but after a lot of acting out and flippant commentary, Hlynur begins to see life little differently. Hlynur also begins engaging in more activities outside his home and eventually finds himself a fitting job as well as the affections of a woman his age who has broken up with her unfaithful boyfriend. The infant's arrival also symbolically coincides neatly with Hlynur's homecoming to the world outside his bedroom and a newfound contentedness. The strong possibility that he is the father of Lola's child has been a secret between Lola and Hlynur, and this is more than hinted at in the closing scenes of the happy household composed of mother, son, Lola, and Lola's baby who calls him Papa.

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