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"co-occur" Definitions
  1. to occur together or at the same time

260 Sentences With "co occur"

How to use co occur in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "co occur" and check conjugation/comparative form for "co occur". Mastering all the usages of "co occur" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"Anxiety disorder can co-occur with a specific phobia," Nakdarni says.
Wolfson explains that grief and depression may co-occur, but they're two distinct issues.
A syndemic is "a synergy of pandemics that co-occur," interact and share common causes.
Two epileptic syndromes in particular, Landau-Kleffner and West, have repeatedly been studied to co-occur with autism.
We may not think about the sound visual motion makes because sound and motion co-occur all the time.
In clinical cases of recurrent depression, stressful life events associated with episodes may coincidentally co-occur with seasonal changes for some people.
"Selection for more efficient displays, benefitting males, could co-occur with female choice for males that perform the most intense displays," said Dakin.
"Maybe because they co-occur so frequently you either aren't aware of the mental sound until you strip away everything else," Fassnidge says.
"It is also important to screen for depression among these youth, because concussion and depression tend to co-occur frequently," McCarty added by email.
"They often tend to co-occur with other crimes, whether gang-related, drug involved or other serious criminal activities, and for many of these crimes boys tend to be overrepresented compared to girls," Piquero said by email.
Watch: Unfollow Me: The Story of Meera Dalal "It is not uncommon for PTSD and OCD to co-occur, and there is growing evidence that cases of OCD may stem from trauma," clinical psychologist Dr. Lisa Orban tells me.
Now Schadt is using Sema4's data to try to understand and predict what makes some women more susceptible to some of the dangerous conditions that can unexpectedly co-occur with pregnancy, including preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and preterm birth.
In fact, about 50 percent of psychiatry patients are diagnosed with more than one DSM disorder, and when you diagram all the other DSM diagnoses that map on to anxiety and depression symptoms you end up with something like this: Does this mean that anxiety and depression never co-occur?
In order to resist the social expectation of denying or quickly getting past anger, and to overcome our own discomfort with it, we must understand that emotional experience is not as simple as being positive or negative but that seemingly contradictory emotions can co-occur, even in moments of the most extreme life stress.
Brown bears are apparently divided into five different clades, some of which coexist or co-occur in different regions.
This phenomenon may co-occur with tardive dyskinesia, a rare movement disorder that may also be due to dopamine supersensitivity.
It can be found in the humid microenvironments under leaves, logs, limestone rocks and in black soil accumulated inside limestone pockets. It co-occur with other plectopylids in Vietnam: with Gudeodiscus phlyarius and with Gudeodiscus hemmeni. It also co-occur with clausiliid Garnieria mouhoti, that is also associated with the moderate humidity of broad-leaved forests.
It is a ground-dwelling species as all other plectopylid snails in Vietnam. It co-occur with other plectopylids in Vietnam: with Sicradiscus mansuyi.
"Cognitive and Meta-cognitive Dimensions of Psychoses". Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 54: 152. Several mental disorders are known to co-occur with cognitive slippage.
Imperatives are marked by "-í" and softer imperatives or requests roughly translated as "please" by "-uan" sometimes spelled "-wan" which can co-occur with "-í".
Schizotypal personality disorder usually co-occurs with major depressive disorder, dysthymia and generalized social phobia. Furthermore, sometimes schizotypal personality disorder can co-occur with obsessive–compulsive disorder, and its presence appears to affect treatment outcome adversely. The personality disorders that co-occur most often with schizotypal personality disorder are schizoid, paranoid, avoidant, and borderline. Some persons with schizotypal personality disorders go on to develop schizophrenia, but most of them do not.
The vent communities that co-occur with S. thermophilus differs greatly between seamounts. They co-occur with large numbers of the snail Oenopota ogasawaarna at the Daikoku Seamount, and with the abundant shrimp Opaepele loihi at the Nikko Seamount. They also frequently occur with the crab Austinograea yunohana, which are found at Nikko, Daikoku, and Kasuga-2. Large bythograeid crabs have been observed attempting attacks on the fish, though not successfully.
In large populations of asexually reproducing organisms, for example, E. coli, multiple beneficial mutations may co-occur. This phenomenon is called clonal interference and causes competition among the mutations.
Longer head noun phrases often co-occur with an overt relativizer, whereas shorter noun phrases are more likely to co- occur with a null relativizer. For example: 14) This pair of suede pants that I got. 15) The weight [Ø] I should be at. In these examples, the first sentence contains a longer noun phrase ('This pair of suede pants') in comparison to the second sentence, which contains a very short noun phrase ('The weight').
This has resulted in deep dyslexia being considered a symptom-complex and has led to much research into why this variety of symptoms may co-occur in so many patients.
It is closely related to C. cunninghamiana. Hybrids with C. cunninghamiana subsp. cunninghamiana have been recorded where the two species co-occur, such as at Lower Portland and Wisemans Ferry.
ACT walk :I'm walking. :(6) Na doob mi- lam. :1SG.ACT stick APPL- walk :I use a stick to walk. These two valency-increasing prefixes cannot co- occur on the same verb.
The pink bloodwood resembles the red bloodwood, and the two species co-occur in central New South Wales. The latter species can be distinguished by its larger gumnuts and winged seeds.
The auxiliary pau without the verbal suffix indicates completion: pau tich "finish(ed) teaching". Aspect auxiliaries can co-occur with tense markers: gon ste plei ("gonna be playing"); wen ste it ("was eating").
Endometrioid adenocarcinomas make up approximately 15–20% of epithelial ovarian cancers. Because they are typically low-grade, endometrioid adenocarcinomas have a good prognosis. These tumors frequently co-occur with endometriosis or endometrial cancer.
Japanese phonology is generally described this way. Many languages forbid superheavy syllables, while a significant number forbid any heavy syllable. Some languages strive for constant syllable weight; for example, in stressed, non-final syllables in Italian, short vowels co-occur with closed syllables while long vowels co-occur with open syllables, so that all such syllables are heavy (not light or superheavy). The difference between heavy and light frequently determines which syllables receive stress – this is the case in Latin and Arabic, for example.
Coherence-based reasoning framework draws symmetrical links between consistent (things that co-occur) and inconsistent (things that do not co-occur) psychological representations and use them as constraints, thereby providing a natural way to represent conflicts between irreconcilable motivations, observations, behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes, as well as moral obligations. Importantly, Thagard's framework was highly comprehensive in that it provided a computational basis for modeling reasoning processes using moral and non- moral facts and beliefs as well as variables related to both 'hot' and 'cold' cognitions.
The negative marker pa and the TMA (tense-mood-aspect) markers can co-occur with the copula-type predicate, subject to certain rules (TMA markers: té 'past' or 'anterior', kay 'prospective' or 'irrealis', ka 'nonpunctual', sa 'abilitative'). One such rule is that té + sé → sété (or just té without sé). The combinations permitted in an equative clause are limited in natural speech: a maximum number of two tense, mood, aspect and copula morphemes can co-occur in a given clause.Escure, G., & Schwegler, A. (Eds.). (2004).
It is a ground-dwelling species as all other plectopylid snails in Vietnam. Gudeodiscus emigrans quadrilamellatus co-occur with other plectopylids in Vietnam: with Gudeodiscus anceyi. Gudeodiscus fischeri live at geographically close sites to Gudeodiscus emigrans quadrilamellatus.
Laboratory and realized host ranges of Chaetorellia succinea (Diptera: Tephritidae), an unintentionally introduced natural enemy of yellow starthistle. Environ. Entomol. 36:849-857. C. succinea probably displaces another biocontrol fly, Chaetorellia australis, where the two co-occur.
In HAL, then, two words are semantically related if they tend to appear with the same words. Note that this may hold true even when the words being compared never actually co-occur (i.e., "chicken" and "canary").
It is thought that due to the co-occurrence of these two disorders they may have a common etiology. As a feature of GLHS one case study has shown GLHS to co-occur with autism spectrum disorder.
CPL ranks candidate instances using the number of promoted patterns that they co-occur with so that candidates that occur with more patterns are ranked higher. Patterns are ranked using an estimate of the precision of each pattern.
It is a ground-dwelling species as all other plectopylid snails in Vietnam. It co-occur with other plectopylids in Vietnam: with Gudeodiscus anceyi, Gudeodiscus giardi. Gudeodiscus phlyarius and Gudeodiscus suprafilaris live at geographically close sites to Gudeodiscus francoisi.
It is a ground-dwelling species as all other plectopylid snails in Vietnam. It co-occur with other plectopylids in Vietnam: with Gudeodiscus cyrtochilus, Gudeodiscus giardi and with Gudeodiscus suprafilaris. Gudeodiscus phlyarius live at geographically close sites to Sicradiscus mansuyi.
It is likely that the "two rainbows with their backs turned toward each other, almost touching" involved two further halo phenomena, possibly a circumzenithal arc (prone to co-occur with sun dogs) together with a partial 46° halo or supralateral arc.
Even though there is no significant evidence for it, but in certain regions in Central and South America where both M. ozzardi and O. volvulus co-occur, skin biopsies have always showed that onchoserciasis is the cause for corneal lesions.
CPL ranks the candidates according to their assessment scores and promotes at most 100 instances and 5 patterns for each predicate. Instances and patterns are only promoted if they co-occur with at least two promoted patterns or instances, respectively.
It is a ground-dwelling species as all other plectopylid snails in Vietnam. It co-occur with other plectopylids in Vietnam: with Gudeodiscus anceyi, Gudeodiscus francoisi, Sicradiscus mansuyi and with Gudeodiscus suprafilaris. Gudeodiscus phlyarius live at geographically close sites to Gudeodiscus giardi.
It is a ground-dwelling species as all other plectopylid snails in Vietnam. It co- occur with other plectopylids in Vietnam: with Gudeodiscus giardi and with Sicradiscus mansuyi. Gudeodiscus anceyi, Gudeodiscus francoisi and Gudeodiscus phlyarius live at geographically close sites to Gudeodiscus suprafilaris.
The more often they co-occur, the stronger the connection. Tag clouds are often utilized to visualize connectivity between resources and tags. Font size increases as the strength of association increases. Tags show interconnections of concepts that were formerly unknown to a user.
"Variation in Banksia in Eastern Australia". (MSc thesis). Clayton, Victoria: Monash University. Presumed hybrids with B. marginata (silver banksia) occur on Wilsons Promontory in Victoria; these are found in localities where both species co-occur, and have features intermediate between the two.
Gilpinia pallida is one of several species known as the pine sawfly. Outbreaks, which can cause considerable damage to pine forests, have been recorded in northern, central, and eastern Europe. During these events, G. pallida may co-occur with other pine sawflies, notably Diprion pini.
Bowling, N. A., & Beehr, T. A. (2006). Workplace harassment from the victim's perspective: A theoretical model and meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(5), 998-1012. It relates to other stressors that might co-occur, such as role conflict, role ambiguity, and workload.
The mushroom has been found in boreal forests and high-elevation forests of the Southern Appalachians, associated with the tree genera Picea, Abies, and Pinus. In California, it has been noted to commonly co-occur with L. fragilis, L. rubrilacteus, Russula emetica, and R. cremoricolor.
Symptoms of this agnosia can vary depending on the area of the brain affected. Social-emotional agnosia often occurs in individuals with schizophrenia and autism. It is difficult to distinguish from, and has been found to co-occur with, alexithymia.Schmitz, Bettina, and Michael Trimble.
FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 92 (4). doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiw030Brown, S. P.; Olson, B. J. S. C.; Jumpponen, A. (2015). “Fungi and algae co-occur in snow: an issue of shared habitat or algal facilitation of heterotrophs?”. Arct. Antarct. Alpine Res. 47 (4): 729–749.
The PMI-IR method used AltaVista's Advanced Search query syntax to calculate probabilities. Note that the "NEAR" search operator of AltaVista is an essential operator in the PMI-IR method. However, it is no longer in use in AltaVista; this means that, from the implementation point of view, it is not possible to use the PMI-IR method in the same form in new systems. In any case, from the algorithmic point of view, the advantage of using SOC-PMI is that it can calculate the similarity between two words that do not co-occur frequently, because they co-occur with the same neighboring words.
Adenanthos × pamela is restricted to the Scott River areas, where the parent species co-occur, and has only been found growing with both parents. It is known only from about twenty scattered individuals growing on road verges, particularly Governor Broome Road, east of Scott River National Park.
Less typically it can occur in woods, and sometimes along streams. As with many species in the genus, it often forms hybrids with related species where they co-occur. More specifically, at least nine different species are thought to be capable of forming hybrids with T. ohiensis.
Maternal smoking may be a greater risk factor among daughters than sons. An additional major risk factor is alcohol use, which has been demonstrated as being more influential during the earlier stages of smoking. Research shows that smoking and alcohol use often co-occur in adolescents.
Mertensophryne usambarae is ecologically similar to Mertensophryne micranotis, and these two species can co-occur. The species is only known from three sites that are close to each other. It appears to be uncommon; i.e., three days of intensive survey effort in 2012 only revealed two specimens.
A still from a 3D medical animation showing tunica albuginea. Penile fractures are the result of rupture of the tunica albuginea. They are fairly rare and can co-occur with partial or complete urethral rupture, though this is rare. Urethral damage occurs in 10–38% of cases.
The way in which the doer interacts with the entity or the entity's movement can also affect the handshape choice. Classifiers also often co-occur with verbs. Not much is known yet about their syntax or phonology. Classifier constructions are produced from the perspective of the signer.
Dark septate endophytes frequently co-occur with mycorrhizal fungi such as arbuscular, ericoid, orchid, and ectomycorrhiza. There is some evidence that the different root-associated fungi interact. For example, ectomycorrhiza and DSE strains together increase plant biomass more than either alone.Reininger, V. and Sieber, T.N. 2013.
It is a ground-dwelling species as all other plectopylid snails in Vietnam. It co-occur with other plectopylids in Vietnam: with Gudeodiscus francoisi, Gudeodiscus giardi, Gudeodiscus phlyarius, Gudeodiscus emigrans quadrilamellatus and with Gudeodiscus villedaryi. Gudeodiscus fischeri and Gudeodiscus suprafilaris live at geographically close sites to Gudeodiscus anceyi.
However, the affinities of extinct Picea critchfieldii likely differ from those of extant spruce given the environmental tolerances of the species with which it has been found to co- occur. Picea critchfieldii is presumed to have had warmer but still overlapping temperature tolerances as compared to extant Picea.
Hearing also becomes impaired in midlife and aging adults, particularly in men. In the past 30 years, hearing impairment has doubled. Hearing aids as an aid for hearing loss still leave many individuals dissatisfied with their quality of hearing. Olfaction can co-occur with changes in sense of taste.
Around two to four eggs are laid in each clutch, with two or three being typical in Fiji. The eggs are dull grey or greenish, and are incubated by the female. The nests of Pacific robins are parastised by fan-tailed cuckoos, where the two species co-occur.
Natural habitat of Stefania woodleyi is primary lowland forest at elevations of asl. It is an uncommon species usually found near streams on rocks or branches. It can co-occur with Stefania evansi. No threats to this species have been identified; it occurs in relatively isolated and undisturbed habitats.
Punding, a possible symptom of DDS, is the repetition of complex motor behaviors such as collecting or arranging objects. A slot machine, commonly used for gambling. The most common symptom is craving for dopaminergic medication. However other behavioral symptoms can appear independently of craving or co-occur with it.
It later became the National Museum. Like the other antiquarians Thomsen undoubtedly knew of the three-age model of prehistory through the works of Lucretius, the Dane Vedel Simonsen, Montfaucon and Mahudel. Sorting the material in the collection chronologically he mapped out which kinds of artifacts co-occurred in deposits and which did not, as this arrangement would allow him to discern any trends that were exclusive to certain periods. In this way he discovered that stone tools did not co-occur with bronze or iron in the earliest deposits while subsequently bronze did not co-occur with iron - so that three periods could be defined by their available materials, stone, bronze and iron.
It is a ground-dwelling species as all other plectopylid snails in Vietnam. It co-occur with other plectopylids in Vietnam: with Gudeodiscus anceyi, Gudeodiscus messageri raheemi and with Gudeodiscus villedaryi. Gudeodiscus francoisi, Gudeodiscus giardi, Sicradiscus mansuyi, Gudeodiscus dautzenbergi and Gudeodiscus suprafilaris live at geographically close sites to Gudeodiscus phlyarius.
Even the act of browsing through common tags may lead to further resources for knowledge acquisition. Tags that occur more frequently with specific resources are said to be more strongly connected. Furthermore, tags may be connected to each other. This may be seen in the frequency in which they co-occur.
In northeastern Mexico, jaguars co-occur with cougars. Both are foremost active at night and prey on white-tailed deer, collared peccary and cattle calves. Other sympatric predators in the region include the grizzly bear and American black bear. There is evidence that El Jefe preyed on an American black bear.
However, other cancers have been known to co-occur with the disease, including spindle cell carcinoma of the sinus and a seminoma of the mediastinum. People with small cell carcinoma often have other diseases caused by an immune response to the cancer, including Cushing syndrome, SIADH, and Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome.
Post-traumatic stress disorder and depression often co-occur. Depression may also coexist with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), complicating the diagnosis and treatment of both. Depression is also frequently comorbid with alcohol abuse and personality disorders. Depression can also be exacerbated during particular months (usually winter) for those with seasonal affective disorder.
Visual communication includes facial expressions, gestures, tonguing, and head- flicking. Tonguing is when a moustached tamarin moves its tongue across its lips. Head-flicking is when a moustached tamarin rapidly moves its head in an upward motion. Tonguing and head-flicking often co-occur and are used to communicate recognition, curiosity or anger.
Anyin has two level tones, high and mid; two contour tones, high-low and low-high; and one neutral tone. Tones are distinguished orthographically only to distinguish minimal pairs and grammatical constructions, or when two otherwise identical vowels with differing tones co-occur: cf. ⟨baá⟩ ([bàá], "child") vs. ⟨ba⟩ ([bá], "to arrive", "to come").
This species is found at higher elevations than all other species in this region, forming dense monospecific stands of krummholz near the tree line and near ridgetops. At lower elevations, whitebark pine can co-occur with lodgepole pine, Sierra juniper (Juniperus occidentalis ssp. australis) and mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana). Lodgepole pine growing on granite outcrop.
Bolitoglossa savagei is found in montane forests at elevations of above sea level. It primarily lives (and breeds) in arboreal bromeliads, but may sometimes occur in decaying logs and stumps or under decaying leaves. It may co-occur in bromeliads with the frog Pristimantis tayrona. Habitat loss from deforestation is a threat to this species.
The earliest part of the Iron Age in northwestern Germany and southern Jutland was dominated by the Jastorf culture. Early Scandinavian iron production typically involved the harvesting of bog iron. The Scandinavian peninsula, Finland and Estonia show sophisticated iron production from c. 500 BC. Metalworking and Ananyino culture pottery co-occur to some extent.
Mosquitofish also pose a threat to populations of native frogs (such as Limnodynastes ornatus) in natural water bodies where these species co-occur. In one study conducted by Keane et al., Gambusia consumed the tadpoles of L. ornatus, leading researchers to believe that over a period of time, they could wipe out the L. ornatus population as a whole.
Two highly distinctive Amazonian types completely lack black-edged yellow-orange spots: The so-called "Mantilla ray", CD4, in Peru and adjacent parts of Brazil, and the similar but paler CD5 from rivers near Marajó. Both CD4 and CD5 co-occur with normal variants of P. motoro. In 2019, they were described as a new species, P marquesi.
It is most readily distinguished from the similar Woodhouse's scrub-jay by the plain (unstreaked) throat and breast, and the mantle contrasting less with the head and wings. Its range somewhat overlaps with the Woodhouse's scrub-jay, but, where they co-occur, the two species seem to show ecological and morphological character displacement (Curry et al. 2002).
The westernmost species, B. capensis, occurs throughout the North West Cape. B. furcosus is known from Mount Minnie, in the Pilbara region. B. undulatus and B. delicatus co-occur in an area of Pilbara, the only two sympatric species of the genus. Furthest east is B. curiosus is only known from the Mount Elvire area in Pilbara.
The pods split longitudinally when mature and release the seeds. It can be distinguished from the similar T. oreades, which generally has larger leaves and often grows with a tree-like habit. The leaves of the latter species tend to have less venation. Telopea oreades flowers around a month earlier than T. mongaensis in areas where they co-occur.
This moth is easily confused with the Canadian sphinx (Sphinx canadensis) but these two moths do not typically co- occur. The wingspan is 65–75 mm. There is one generation per year with adults on wing from late June to August. They nectar at deep-throated, light colored flowers such as phlox (Phlox species) or milkweed (Asclepias species).
Currently studies are underway to determine the exact cancer risk from specific POLD1 mutations. Current data suggest that mutations in this gene are highly penetrant. Another recent study showed that mutations affecting Polδ and Polε mutations can co-occur along with MMR mutations. This suggests panel gene testing should include MMR and Pol genes even in patients with MSI.
Paraphilias within the Courtship Disorder spectrum co-occur with each other more frequently than with paraphilias outside the courtship disorder spectrum.Abel, G. G., & Osborn, C. (1992). "The paraphilias: The extent and nature of sexually deviant and criminal behavior." Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 15, 675–689.Abel, G. G., Becker, J. V., Cunningham-Rathner, J., Mittelman, M., & Rouleau, J.-L. (1988).
Cluttering (Tachyphemia) is a fluency disorder that can co-occur with stuttering but may also occur individually. When someone is experiencing cluttering disorder their conversation segments may be perceived as too fast, too irregular or both. Other symptoms may include stuttering, language or phonological errors, and attention deficits. It may result from disorganized speech planning or being unsure of what to say.
The Brown Corpus was painstakingly "tagged" with part-of-speech markers over many years. A first approximation was done with a program by Greene and Rubin, which consisted of a huge handmade list of what categories could co-occur at all. For example, the article then nouns can occur, but the article verb (arguably) cannot. The program got about 70% correct.
Though only definitively diagnosable by genetic sequence testing, including a G band analysis, ATR-16 syndrome may be diagnosed from its constellation of symptoms. It must be distinguished from ATR-X syndrome, a very similar disease caused by a mutation on the X chromosome, and cases of alpha-thalassemia that co-occur with intellectual disabilities with no underlying genetic relationship.
The system is named for the peoples of South Sudan. The Sudanese kinship system also existed in ancient Latin-speaking and Anglo- Saxon cultures. It exists today among present-day Arab and Turkish"Turkish Kinship Terms", University of Manitoba cultures. It tends to co-occur with patrilineal descent, and it is often said to be common in complex and stratified cultures.
Wernicke encephalopathy can co-occur with Korsakoff alcoholic syndrome, characterized by amnestic-confabulatory syndrome: retrograde amnesia, anterograde amnesia, confabulations (invented memories), poor recall and disorientation. Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is the most common autoimmune encephalitis. It can cause paranoid and grandiose delusions, agitation, hallucinations (visual and auditory), bizarre behavior, fear, short-term memory loss, and confusion. HIV encephalopathy can lead to dementia.
There is variation even within this system, including UU/V and U/VV chromosome arrangements. In some bryophytes, microchromosomes have been found to co-occur with sex chromosomes and likely impact sex determination. Gymnosperms Dioecy is common among gymnosperms, found in an estimated 36% of species. However, heteromorphic sex chromosomes are relatively rare, with only 5 species known as of 2014.
These groups together are often inaccurately called dioxins. They are known developmental toxicants, and suspected human carcinogens. PCDFs tend to co- occur with polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs). PCDFs can be formed by pyrolysis or incineration at temperatures below 1200 °C of chlorine containing products, such as PVC, PCBs, and other organochlorides, or of non-chlorine containing products in the presence of chlorine donors.
293-296Marek, Paul; Tanabe, Tsutomu; Sierwald, Petra (2014) A Species Catalog of the Millipede Family Xystodesmidae (Diplopoda: Polydesmida). Special Publication 17. Virginia Museum of Natural History. pp. 7-9 They are aposematically colored in black and contrasting reds and yellows, and some species in the Appalachian Mountains resemble species of Brachoria where they co-occur, a phenomenon known as Müllerian mimicry.
53: 173–189. Very little is known about the number of fungal taxa within this group, but all are in the Ascomycota. They are found in over 600 plant species and across 114 families of angiosperms and gymnosperms and co-occur with other types of mycorrhizal fungi. They have a wide global distribution and can be more abundant in stressed environments.
Huber assumes a disturbance of the sequential organization of sentences as the cause of the syntactic errors (1981:3). Most students and practitioners regard paragrammatism as the morphosyntactic "leitsymptom" of Wernicke's aphasia. However, ever since the introduction of the term paragrammatism some students have pointed out that paragrammatic and agrammatic phenomena, which in classical theory form part of Broca's aphasia, may co-occur in the same patient.
Trauma survivors often develop depression, anxiety disorders, and mood disorders in addition to PTSD. Drug abuse and alcohol abuse commonly co-occur with PTSD. Recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder or other anxiety disorders may be hindered, or the condition worsened, when substance use disorders are comorbid with PTSD. Resolving these problems can bring about improvement in an individual's mental health status and anxiety levels.
A study by Felipe (1970) revealed that, after traits that exhibit both evaluative and descriptive consistency, traits that are descriptively but not evaluatively consistent ("stingy" and "firm") are assumed to co-occur more often than traits that show evaluative but not descriptive consistency ("stingy" and "over permissive"). However, evaluative consistency is preferred in scenarios when making a quick, "all-or-nothing" judgment is necessary.
The Plains Apache syllable is maximally CCV:C, e.g. stłèèh "pants", though initial clusters are rare and must co-occur with a long vowel, making most syllables (C)V(:)(C), e.g. xòòš "cactus" and séé "dust". All consonants may appear in the syllable onset, although and a null onset are not permitted word-initially; only and may appear in the syllable coda, whether word-final or not.
Specifically, it was found that a slower decay parameter (when the tag is reused more often) could explain the phenomenon that semantically general tags tended to co-occur with a larger set of tags. In other words, it was argued that the "semantic breadth" of a tag could be modeled by a memory decay function, which could lead to different emergent behavioral patterns in a tagging system.
Childhood abuse, either physical, sexual or psychological, are all risk factors for depression, among other psychiatric issues that co-occur such as anxiety and drug abuse. Childhood trauma also correlates with severity of depression, lack of response to treatment and length of illness. However, some are more susceptible to developing mental illness such as depression after trauma, and various genes have been suggested to control susceptibility.
In linguistics, a count noun (also countable noun) is a noun that can be modified by a numeral and that occurs in both singular and plural forms, and that co-occurs with quantificational determiners like every, each, several, etc. A mass noun has none of these properties, because it cannot be modified by a numeral, cannot occur in plural, and cannot co-occur with quantificational determiners.
Like all Trigonospila species, T. brevifacies can be recognised by its distinctive markings. They are primarily black with pearly whitish to golden transverse bars on the thorax and abdomen. T. brevifacies is frequently confused with T. cingulata in locations where both species co-occur. T. cingulata appears to much more common than T. brevifacies, particularly in Queensland, New South Wales, and the Australian Capital Territory.
Chapman (1967) described a bias in the judgment of the frequency with which two events co-occur. This demonstration showed that the co-occurrence of paired stimuli resulted in participants overestimating the frequency of the pairings. To test this idea, participants were given information about several hypothetical mental patients. The data for each patient consisted of a clinical diagnosis and a drawing made by the patient.
A criticism of the TN model is that most individuals who experience childhood trauma do not develop psychotic symptoms. Many survivors of childhood trauma recover without persistent adverse effects. Further, childhood trauma is a known predictor of both medical and psychological disorders, many of which often co-occur with psychosis. Whether childhood trauma is robustly linked to a specific diagnosis relative to others remains to be elucidated.
ODD is a disruptive behavior disorder characterized by oppositional, defiant, and sometimes hostile actions directed at other people. Like DMDD, ODD emerges in childhood and is often characterized by both irritable mood and angry outbursts. Furthermore, the features of ODD and DMDD are both persistent; children with these disorders usually experience signs and symptoms for months or years. Features of ODD and DMDD also frequently co- occur.
Epizootics of the plague occur in tarbagan marmots in northeastern China and Mongolia, such as the Manchurian plague of 1910–1911. The plague in marmots is of the pneumonic form, spread by marmots coughing. The plague can jump from marmots to humans through the bite of the tarbagan flea (Ceratophyllus silantievi), or through consumption of meat. Marmot epizootics are known to co-occur with human epidemics in the same area.
The flame robin's flight is fast, with a markedly undulating character. The flame robin is territorial, defending its territory against other members of its species, and also against scarlet robins where they co-occur. In Nimmitabel in southern New South Wales, migratory flame robins invaded and eked out their territories from amid existing scarlet robin territories. Once settled, however, no species dominated over the other and stable boundaries emerged.
Nematothallus was originally recovered from the Red Downtonian near the base of the Old Red Sandstone, between the clearly marine Ludlow deposits beneath it, and the unambiguously terrestrial Lower Old Red Sandstone. Further samples came from elsewhere in the Lower Old Red Sandstone (St Maughams Group, lowermost Devonian), where they co-occur with plant spores. Additional, older material occurs with Hostinella, Cooksonia and Steganotheca in the Ludlow (upper Ludfordian) Whitcliffe formation.
Sea lions have been observed surfing in waves just offshore of redtail surfperch fishing beaches but not as close in-shore as harbor seals. Newborn silver surfperch co-occur with neonate redtail surfperch along Oregon beaches; however the silver surfperch are born smaller and up to two months earlier. Stranded-decaying kelp, seagrass, invasive marsh grass as well as plankton and bacteria contribute energy and nutrients to this beach ecosystem.
Hidden profiles occur when some information is shared among group members and other pieces of information remain unshared. This phenomenon has a tendency to co-occur and interact with the shared information bias to produce poor decisions. Though each person in a group will have unique knowledge, group members will have the propensity to discuss already shared information. The motivation to do so will be to reach a consensus.
It is not initially clear why applying PageRank to a co-occurrence graph would produce useful keyphrases. One way to think about it is the following. A word that appears multiple times throughout a text may have many different co- occurring neighbors. For example, in a text about machine learning, the unigram "learning" might co-occur with "machine", "supervised", "un- supervised", and "semi-supervised" in four different sentences.
Penis burns can be very severe and often require specialized care in a burn unit to prevent contractures, severe scarring, or other complications including lymphedema, hypospadias, or necrosis. This treatment can involve debridement, skin grafts, antibiotics, and the use of a suprapubic catheter. Because of its thin skin, the penis is susceptible to full- thickness, third-degree burns. Burns to the penis typically co-occur with other severe burns.
The immature presporal stages, which are called merozoites, have a round or ovoid shape and measure 2.8 µm in diameter. During merogony, small plasmodia with four nuclei are produced and the shape changes to an elongated form with 1.6 µm width. The fact that merogonial and sporogonial stages co-occur suggests the existence of repeated merogonial divisions. The last division of merozoites results in sporonts, but meiosis has not been observed.
Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures, and Other Latina Longings. New York: NYU Press, 2014. Within the field of linguistics, the most hotly contested aspect of gesture revolves around the subcategory of Lexical or Iconic Co-Speech Gestures. Adam Kendon was the first to hypothesize on their purpose when he argued that Lexical gestures do work to amplify or modulate the lexico-semantic content of the verbal speech with which they co-occur.
While such psycholinguistic experiments and the underlying theories have been subject to criticism, some of WordNet's organization is consistent with experimental evidence. For example, anomic aphasia selectively affects speakers' ability to produce words from a specific semantic category, a WordNet hierarchy. Antonymous adjectives (WordNet's central adjectives in the dumbbell structure) are found to co-occur far more frequently than chance, a fact that has been found to hold for many languages.
The seven members of subseries Integrifoliae all appear to be closely related, and natural hybrids have been recorded between members where they co-occur. This arrangement stood until 1999, when George effectively reverted to his 1981 arrangement in his monograph for the Flora of Australia series. He argued that there was insufficient evidence for the division, and that "B. dentata is clearly allied to B. integrifolia, not to the very distinctive B. robur".
Adenanthos × pamela is a naturally occurring hybrid of A. detmoldii and A. obovatus in Western Australia. A bushy shrub intermediate between its parents in habit, leaf shape and flower colour, it is known only from road verges in the Scott River area, where its parent species co-occur. Despite its hybrid origin, it is fertile. This hybrid was first recognised in 1979, but it was not formally described and published until 1986.
B vitamins, also known as the B-complex, are an interrelated group of nutrients which often co-occur in food. The complex consists of: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxin (B6), folic acid (B9), cobalamin (B12), and biotin. B vitamins are not synthesized in the body, and thus need to be obtained from food. B-complex vitamins are water-soluble vitamins, which means that they are not stored within the body.
Opuntia diploursina (2n=22) is known to hybridize with O. basilaris (2n=22) wherever the species co-occur. This results in fertile progeny that can backcross with either parent eventually creating a hybrid swarm. The polyploid O. erinacea (2n=44) which is widely distributed in the Mojave and Great Basin deserts, is suspected to be a stabilized allopolyploid derived from O. diploursina and O. basilaris. Some O. diploursina x basilaris progeny resemble O. basilaris var.
The frequency of copy-number gains in this genetic region also increase in castrate resistant and neuroendocrine prostate cancer. The region surrounding TBL1XR1 is rich in oncogenes. Copy-number gains in TBL1XR1 often co-occur with neighbouring oncogenes including: BCL6, ATR and PI3K family members. Copy- number gains at the DNA level associate with mRNA expression changes in more than 450 known oncogenes, suggesting this region may be important in driving aggressive prostate cancer.
Variations of the signs and symptoms occur depending upon the area of chromosome 13 that is deleted. Deletions from the centromere to 13q32 or any deletions including the 13q32 band are associated with slow growth, intellectual disability, and congenital malformations. Deletions from 13q33 to the end of the chromosome are associated with intellectual disability. Intellectual disabilities range from very mild to very severe, and can co-occur with behavioral disorders and/or autism spectrum disorders.
One of his specialties is in the area of domestic violence cases that also include substance abuse and/or mental health. He also specializes in offenses involving sexual abuse, stalking, strangulation, and other unique circumstances that may co-occur with domestic violence. Hyman is a proponent of Australia's Three Strikes law. In 1999, Eugene M. Hyman was chosen to preside over the first juvenile domestic violence and family violence court in the United States.
Symptoms of DES fall into three broad categories: cognitive, emotional and behavioural. Many of the symptoms can be seen as a direct result of impairment to the central executive component of working memory, which is responsible for attentional control and inhibition. Although many of the symptoms regularly co-occur, it is common to encounter patients who have several, but not all symptoms. The accumulated effects of the symptoms have a large impact on daily life.
Species identification in this genus is notoriously difficult due to the presence of cryptic species. Similar species are often differentiated by very small differences in the frustule, such as shape, period, and band stria. The direct impacts of species identification on public health make this a serious concern. Toxogenic and nontoxogenic species commonly co-occur; therefore, discrimination between various Pseudo-nitzschia species is imperative to determine the potential toxicity of an algal bloom.
At first it was thought that those with KS used confabulation to fill in memory gaps. However, it has been found that confabulation and amnesia do not necessarily co-occur. Studies have shown that there is dissociation between provoked confabulation, spontaneous confabulation (which is unprovoked), and false memories. That is, people affected could be led to believe certain things had happened which actually had not, but so could people without Korsakoff syndrome.
The anterior is constantly rolled backwards due to the presence of a cephalic retractor muscle and has two cushions on the ventral side, separated by a longitudinal groove. The numerous eyes are distributed marginally along the whole body, except for the apex of the anterior end, where they are absent. Externally, the darker specimens of C. iheringi are very similar to the related species Choeradoplana benyai, with which they co-occur in southern Brazil.
The VACTERL association (also VATER association, and less accurately VACTERL syndrome) refers to a recognized group of birth defects which tend to co-occur (see below). Note that this pattern is a recognized association, as opposed to a syndrome, because there is no known pathogenetic cause to explain the grouped incidence. Each child with this condition can be unique. At present this condition is treated after birth with issues being approached one at a time.
Three-spined stickleback, juvenile chum salmon, and other planktivorous fish can attack this copepod. In response to the normal diel vertical migration of predators like Euchaeta elongata, it performs a reverse diel vertical migration so as to not co-occur in depth with feeding predators. It may also perform normal diel vertical migration when visually-reliant predators are more important, and no migration when predators do not have a large enough effect.
Phlox speciosa is a widely distributed plant which occurs at many Serpentine sites throughout the western United States. In southern Oregon specifically, P. speciosa has been known to co-occur with Darlingtonia californica the Eight Dollar Mountain Botanical Wayside, managed by the BLM (Medford District.) Additionally, this plant is known to occur in the Deer Creek CenterDeer Creek Center Vascular Plant Inventory, Master's Thesis of Keir A. Morse of Southern Oregon University (2008). near Selma, Oregon.
The recently described subspecies turquinensis is found in the eastern mountains of Oriente. The species is also found on the cays to the north of Cuba, but not any cays to the south. The disjunct populations are thought to be due to a lack of suitable habitat in the east. Where the two species co-occur in the Matanzas Province the Oriente warbler is found along the coast whereas the yellow-headed warbler is found inland.
Smaller raptors like harriers are often the only other diurnal birds of prey to regularly nest on the ground and may co-occur over much of the range of steppe eagles, although usually use damper parts of the steppe as nesting habitats than the eagles. Harriers also often use similar migration routes as do the steppe eagles.Spaar, R., & Bruderer, B. (1997). Migration by flapping or soaring: flight strategies of Marsh, Montagu's and Pallid Harriers in southern Israel.
The mood disorder could come first or co-occur with the beginning of kleptomania. In advanced cases, depression may result in self-inflicted injury and could even lead to suicide. Some people have reported relief from depression or manic symptoms after theft. It has been suggested that because kleptomania is linked to strong compulsive and impulsive qualities, it can be viewed as a variation of obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders, together with pathological gambling, compulsive buying, pyromania, nailbiting and trichotillomania.
Dingoes and their hybrids co-exist with the native quoll. They also co-occur in the same territory as the introduced European red fox and feral cat, but little is known about the relationships between these three. Dingoes and their hybrids can drive off foxes from sources of water and occasionally eat feral cats. Dingoes can be killed by buffalo and cattle goring and kicking them, from snake bite, and predation on their pups by wedge-tailed eagles.
Panic disorder has been found to commonly co-occur with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is a serious lung disease that involves restriction of airways from chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema. Research suggests that IE breathing exercises are safe and similar to the existing exercises that are used to help COPD. CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is not commonly used to help treat COPD, but recent research has shown that CBT including interoceptive exposures could be extremely beneficial.
Another construction-based theory combines the two arguing that certain senses of verbs co-occur so frequently with certain argument structure constructions, that the argument structures are also stored as part of the grammatical competence relating to the verb. These small argument structure constructions are called mini- constructions. So, in the case of put, in accordance with this theory, adverbial complements are both part of the argument structure construction and stored as information regarding the verb itself.
The species is common along the Pacific Coast of North America, from Southern California to the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. However, drift individuals disperse with ocean currents further south into northwest Baja California, Mexico. This annual kelp grows on rock from the low intertidal to subtidal zones; it prefers semi-exposed habitats or high-current areas. Offshore beds can persist for one to many years, usually in deeper water than Eualaria or Macrocystis, where they co-occur.
The voiced uvular plosive or stop is a type of consonantal sound, used in some spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is , and the equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is `G\`. is a rare sound, even compared to other uvulars. Vaux (1999) proposes a phonological explanation: uvular consonants normally involve a neutral or a retracted tongue root, whereas voiced stops often involve advanced tongue root: two articulations that cannot physically co-occur.
This may be explained in part by deficits in executive function. Anxiety disorders often co-occur with ASPD, and contrary to assumptions, psychopathy can sometimes be marked by anxiety; this appears to be related to items from Factor 2 but not Factor 1 of the PCL-R. Psychopathy is also associated with substance use disorders. It has been suggested that psychopathy may be comorbid with several other conditions than these, but limited work on comorbidity has been carried out.
The age of the Río Seco de la Quebrada Formation is controversial. Biostratigraphy based on the synapsid fauna (Cynognathus, Diademodon, Kannemeyeria) has correlated the RSQ with subzone B and C of the South African Cynognathus assemblage zone (CAZ). The fauna of the upper CAZ are typically considered to be Anisian in age. The presence of traversodontids, which do not co-occur with the CAZ fauna in South Africa, suggests that the RSQ may be late Anisian.
Comammox have been identified in many ecosystems including natural freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. Additionally, the use of engineered ecosystems for comammox could be used for ammonium removal during water and wastewater treatment. Comammox have been found in many engineered systems including aquaculture biofiltration units, drinking water treatment and distribution systems, and wastewater treatment plants. The growth of comammox in these engineered ecosystems co-occur with ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and/or archaea, and usually outnumber other ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes.
They appear to be endangered by the intensification of agriculture. However, populations that live along rivers, seasonal ponds and swamps seem to be less endangered. However populations from northeast of the Iberian Peninsula could be a threat to some native species of frogs, especially those with which they co-occur in the same aquatic habitats. In North Africa is a very abundant species, especially in the sub-humid northern regions, but its presence reaches pre-Saharan oasis.
Reproductive competition is the result of similar species exhibiting similar mating and courting systems. T. ceperoi shares some common territory with T. subulata because of common habitat requirements, however they do not "co-occur locally". Experiments were conducted by based on the mechanisms of coexistence to better understand the interaction because previous "in lab" and "in the wild" experiments disagreed. This study had four primary ways of attacking the question of how reproductive interference was handled.
Other possible causative infections include aortitis, histoplasmosis, and filariasis. Chylothorax can also be congenital, and may co-occur with other lymphatic malformations like lymphangiectasis and lymphangiomatosis. Other conditions like tuberous sclerosis, congenital heart disease, trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), Noonan syndrome, or Turner syndrome (missing X chromosome) are also possible causes of congenital chylothorax. Other, more rare causes of congenital chylothorax include Castleman's disease, yellow nail syndrome, Waldenström's macroglobulinemia, sarcoidosis, venous thrombosis, thoracic radiation, macroglobulinemia, amyloidosis, and a goiter.
The Iberian grey shrike (Lanius meridionalis) is a member of the shrike family. The plumage is generally similar to great grey shrike apart from the differences noted below. It is closely related to the great grey shrike, Lanius excubitor, which it was previously considered conspecific; where they co-occur, they do not interbreed and are separated by choice of habitat.Sangster, George; Knox, Alan G.; Helbig, Andreas J. & Parkin, David T. (2002): Taxonomic recommendations for European birds.
In the noun phrase, the head precedes modifiers, determiners and quantifiers. The grammatical relations subject and object are distinguished, with distinct pronouns. However, lexical properties of verbs determine how the grammatical roles of nominal arguments are coded, with some verbs taking the controller as the unmarked argument, and others the affected entity. A nominal object or nominal subject can occur after the verb, but cannot both occupy this position, so if they co-occur, one must be fronted.
Its habitats include temperate forests and rocky areas. At the edge of its range, it was found to co-occur with Plethodon cinereus at lower elevations, but was the only species of small Plethodon at higher elevations. In a study published in 2016, P. sherando and P. cinereus occupied significantly different microhabitats, with P. sherando in habitats with warmer air temperature but cooler substrate temperatures and P. cinereus in habitats with higher relative humidity and cooler air temperatures.
Lyxn Edicions, Barcelona. At some localities individuals with intermediate features are commonly seen, but at others the two morphs seemingly co-occur without signs of intergradation. The coastal morph was formerly known as C. brevirostris, but a review lead to this name being considered to belong to the white-chested emerald of northern South America. Recently, it has been suggested that the coastal type should remain as C. brevirostris,Chebez, J. C., R. Castillo, R. Güller, & L. Castillo. (2008).
Sabuco combined ancient Greek and Christian philosophies, along with Aristotelian views in order to explain how the mind and body interact in a holistic manner.Waithe, Vintro & Zorita 2007, p. 15. She believed human nature to be a single concept, where the rational soul and spiritual soul must co-occur for a human being to exist. A human being would be considered a corpse with no potential for living when it lacked either of the two souls.
A juvenile white-tailed eagle being mobbed by a pair of common buzzards over the Isle of Canna, as the eagle will sometimes prey on the buzzard. Common buzzards co-occur with dozens of other raptorial birds through their breeding, resident and wintering grounds. There may be many other birds that broadly overlap in prey selection to some extent. Furthermore, their preference for interferences of forest and field is used heavily by many birds of prey.
In linguistics, the study of the internal structure of complex words and the processes by which words are formed is called morphology. In most languages, it is possible to construct complex words that are built of several morphemes. For instance, the English word "unexpected" can be analyzed as being composed of the three morphemes "un-", "expect" and "-ed". Morphemes can be classified according to whether they are independent morphemes, so-called roots, or whether they can only co-occur attached to other morphemes.
The scimitar-billed woodcreeper is unusual for the subfamily in living in open woodlands, and in being predominately a ground forager. The woodcreepers are generally forest birds of Central and South America. Most species occur in rainforests, with the centre of diversity of the subfamily being the Amazon Basin. As many as 19 species of woodcreeper may co-occur in some areas of the Amazon, although in other rainforests, such as those in Costa Rica, the numbers are much lower.
Vulvitis is inflammation of the vulva, the external female mammalian genitalia that include the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and introitus (the entrance to the vagina). It may co-occur as vulvovaginitis with vaginitis, inflammation of the vagina, and may have infectious or non-infectious causes. The warm and moist conditions of the vulva make it easily affected. Vulvitis is prone to occur in any female especially those who have certain sensitivities, infections, allergies, or diseases that make them likely to have vulvitis.
Thus, items that co-occur more often are more strongly associated. Items in SAM are also associated with a specific context, where the strength of that association determined by how long each item is present in a given context. In SAM, then, memories consist of a set of associations between items in memory and between items and contexts. The presence of a set of items and/or a context is more likely to evoke, then, some subset of the items in memory.
When diagnosing children, best practice suggests that a multi-test battery (i.e., multi-factored evaluation) should be used as learning problems, attention, and emotional difficulties can have similar symptoms, co-occur, or reciprocally influence each other. For example, children with learning difficulties can become emotionally distraught and thus have concentration difficulties, begin to exhibit behavior problems, or both. Children with ADD or ADHD may show learning difficulties because of their attentional problems or also have learning disorder or disability (or have nothing else).
Other medical issues can be mistaken for being symptoms of cerebral palsy, and so may not be treated correctly. Related conditions can include apraxia, dysarthria or other communication disorders, sensory impairments, urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, or behavioural disorders. Seizure management is more difficult in people with CP as seizures often last longer. Epilepsy and asthma are common co-occurring diseases in adults with CP. The associated disorders that co-occur with cerebral palsy may be more disabling than the motor function problems.
Nephromyces is found in the lumen of the renal sac of its host animals. The renal sac is a closed, fluid-filled structure that is derived from the epicardium during development. There are different cell types (at least seven in Nephromyces from Molgula manhattensis) which appear to be different life cycle stages, as the different types appear in a consistent sequence after initial infection of the host animal. However, in a mature infection, different stages simultaneously co-occur in the same host individual.
Manicina areolata is a hermaphrodite, the gametes are produced around the time of the full moon in May and June. Fertilisation is internal and the larvae are brooded inside the colony for two weeks before being released simultaneously on the night of the new moon. The larvae may drift planktonically or settle immediately. Other corals that occupy a similar habitat, and which often co-occur with rose coral, are the free-living corals Porites divaricata, Cladocora arbuscula and several species of Oculina.
It also frequents cool rainforest of beech, king billy pine (Athrotaxis selaginoides). In lowlands it is more restricted to denser forests and moist gullies, while it also occurs in alpine scrubland and heathland at altitude. In dryer more open forest, it is replaced by the clinking currawong, although the two may co-occur in places such as the Central Highlands and Eastern Tiers. Both the Flinders and King island subspecies are found across their respective islands, but prefer more forested habitats there.
The underlying hypothesis of this approach is that, words are semantically similar if they appear in similar documents, with in similar context windows, or in similar syntactic contexts. Each occurrence of a target word in a corpus is represented as a context vector. These context vectors can be either first- order vectors, which directly represent the context at hand, or second-order vectors, i.e., the contexts of the target word are similar if their words tend to co-occur together.
Such definitions may nonetheless still be language-specific since syntax as well as morphology varies between languages. For example, in English, it might be noted that nouns are words that can co-occur with definite articles (as stated at the start of this article), but this would not apply in Russian, which has no definite articles. There have been several attempts, sometimes controversial, to produce a stricter definition of nouns on a semantic basis. Some of these are referenced in the section below.
These two species do however co-occur at mid altitudes and their resemblance has led some to suggest that they simply represent clinal variation within the same species . These species can, however, be distinguished by their flowers. R. sprengelioides has creamy white flowers while those of R. procera have a pink tip. The most distinct difference between these two species is their filaments, which are white, smooth and slender in R. sprengelioides as opposed to R. procera which has yellow, thickened and papillose filaments.
In corpus linguistics, a collocation is a series of words or terms that co- occur more often than would be expected by chance. In phraseology, collocation is a sub-type of phraseme. An example of a phraseological collocation, as propounded by Michael Halliday,Halliday, M.A.K., 'Lexis as a Linguistic Level', Journal of Linguistics 2(1) 1966: 57-67 is the expression strong tea. While the same meaning could be conveyed by the roughly equivalent powerful tea, this expression is considered excessive and awkward by English speakers.
Such cavities were formed 87% of the time by a large branch breaking off the trunk in the crown of tree. Pairs have sometimes been found to nest in the same tree as other pairs, with a tree found with three active nest cavities at least twice. The scarlet macaw has the exact same nest preferences, and the two species compete for nesting cavities where they co-occur. In a few instances the two species have been found nesting in separate cavities in Costa Rica and Honduras.
Species that co- occur with redtail surfperch on ocean beaches include the silver surfperch, Pacific staghorn sculpin, sandlance, Dungeness crab, shiner perch, mole crab, Pacific razor clam, sandhoppers and other crustaceans. Sandlance and crustaceans are eaten by the redtail surfperch. Redtail surfperch are documented to include a significant amount of fish in their diet unlike many other surfperch. Harbor seals are observed swimming and diving in areas where redtail surfperch were being caught; the fish often stop biting and may move when harbor seals arrive.
The region surrounding NAALADL2 is rich in oncogenes. Copy-number gains in NAALADL2 often co-occur with neighbouring oncogenes including: BCL6, ATR and PI3K family members. Copy-number gains at the DNA level associate with mRNA expression changes in more than 450 known oncogenes, suggesting this region may be important in driving aggressive prostate cancer. A study of metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) has found the antisense strand of NAALADL2 to be more than 2-fold higher in patients with mCRPC compared with healthy volunteers.
Studies have shown that the number of flowers of an unrewarding morph type that are sampled depends on the frequency of those morphs within a population. For example, many species of obligately animal-pollinated, deceptive orchids that co-occur with rewarding flowers are only reproductively successful when they occur at low frequencies. It is worth mentioning that these two hypotheses are not mutually exclusive in that morph populations that are visited by naive pollinators are also likely to be found at low frequencies relative to rewarding morphs.
Buxbaumia viridis is a poor competitor, likely because it exists mostly as protonema. It is known to co-occur with some other species of mosses and liverworts such as Herzogiella seligeri, Rhizomnium punctatum, Dicranum scoparium, Tetraphis pellucida, and Chiloscyphus profundus. Due to the moss being dioicous, having low fertilization rates, and not being desiccation tolerant, this leads to low establishment rates. Fertilization of the archegonia happens mid spring to early summer, and maturation and spore dispersal of the sporophytes happens late spring to early summer.
Like anthocyanins they are water-soluble, but unlike anthocyanins they are indole-derived compounds synthesized from tyrosine. This class of pigments is found only in the Caryophyllales (including cactus and amaranth), and never co-occur in plants with anthocyanins. Betalains are responsible for the deep red color of beets, and are used commercially as food-coloring agents. Plant physiologists are uncertain of the function that betalains have in plants which possess them, but there is some preliminary evidence that they may have fungicidal properties.
Modal voice, creaky voice, and breathy voice (murmured vowels) are phonation types that are used contrastively in some languages. Often, they co-occur with tone or stress distinctions; in the Mon language, vowels pronounced in the high tone are also produced with creaky voice. In such cases, it can be unclear whether it is the tone, the voicing type, or the pairing of the two that is being used for phonemic contrast. The combination of phonetic cues (phonation, tone, stress) is known as register or register complex.
Mediation and moderation can co-occur in statistical models. It is possible to mediate moderation and moderate mediation. Moderated mediation is when the effect of the treatment A on the mediator and/or the partial effect B on the dependent variable depend in turn on levels of another variable (moderator). Essentially, in moderated mediation, mediation is first established, and then one investigates if the mediation effect that describes the relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable is moderated by different levels of another variable (i.e.
Collocation extraction is the task of using a computer to extract collocations automatically from a corpus. The traditional method of performing collocation extraction is to find a formula based on the statistical quantities of those words to calculate a score associated to every word pairs. Proposed formulas are mutual information, t-test, z test, chi-squared test and likelihood ratio. Within the area of corpus linguistics, collocation is defined as a sequence of words or terms which co-occur more often than would be expected by chance.
Like the mudang, the simbang of Jeju are associated with a specific set of gods. But these gods do not inhabit the shaman's body but are externalized in the form of the mengdu, a set of sacred ritual implements in which the gods and spirits of dead shamans are embodied. The simbang's basic task is to understand the divine message conveyed by their mengdu and to use the mengdu to worship the gods. The myeongdu-type shamans co-occur with the dan'gol-type shamans.
The maximum number of congeners was nine species. The only limiting factor is space for attachment, since food (blood, mucus, fast regenerating epithelial cells) is in unlimited supply as long as the fish is alive. Various authors, using a variety of statistical methods, have consistently found that species with different copulatory organs may co-occur in the same microhabitat, whereas congeners with identical or very similar copulatory organs are spatially segregated, convincing evidence that reinforcement and not competition is responsible for niche segregation.Rohde, K. 1991.
The scarlet robin is a territorial and monogamous species, and defends its nesting territories both from others of the same species and from pairs of the related flame robin. Territories are established and breeding commences before the migratory flame robin arrives in its range (where the two co-occur). Both the male and the female participate in selecting the nesting site, but only the female constructs the nest, a task which takes four to ten days. The clutch size is between one and four eggs, with three being the average.
The signs and symptoms of frontal lobe disorder can be indicated by dysexecutive syndrome which consists of a number of symptoms which tend to occur together.Google books does not indicate page Broadly speaking, these symptoms fall into three main categories; cognitive (movement and speech), emotional or behavioral. Although many of these symptoms regularly co-occur, it is common to encounter patients who have several, but not all of these symptoms. This is one reason why some researchers are beginning to argue that dysexecutive syndrome is not the best term to describe these various symptoms.
This leads to another similarity between HSM and ELM, as attitudes and opinions developed through heuristic processing will tend to be "less stable, less resistant to counter-propaganda, and less predictive of behavior" in comparison to attitudes and opinions formed through detailed information within systematic processing (p. 327). HSM postulates that heuristic and systematic processing can each influence both "independent" and "interdependent" effects on decision making by occurring simultaneously (p. 328). Unlike HSM, ELM does not postulate whether central route processing and peripheral route processing can co-occur or not.
In one study, a connection was found between interpersonal sensitivity, mood reactivity (i.e., responding to actual or potential positive events with brighter mood), and cyclothymic mood swings, all of which are symptoms of atypical depression. Cyclothymia also tends to occur in conjunction with separation anxiety, where a person has anxiety as a result of separation from a caregiver, friend, or loved one. Other issues that tend to co-occur with cyclothymia include social anxiety, fear of rejection and a tendency toward hostility to those connected with past pain and rejection.
Chronologically, hemiplegic attacks are not always the first symptom of AHC, but they are the most prominent symptom, as well as the symptom for which the disorder is named. Hemiplegic attacks may affect one or both sides of the body, and attacks which affect both sides of the body may be referred to as either bilateral or quadriplegic attacks. One of the unique characteristics of AHC is that hemiplegic attacks, as well as other symptoms which may co-occur with hemiplegia, cease immediately upon sleep. During strong attacks, the symptoms may reoccur upon waking.
Some species, such as the blue-masked leafbird, have montane distributions, rarely descending below 1000 m. The orange-bellied leafbird and the golden-fronted leafbird are amongst the more widespread species, with large ranges across mainland Asia. Some species have more restricted distributions, such as the yellow-throated leafbird, which is endemic to the Philippine island of Palawan, and the Bornean leafbird, restricted to northern Borneo. In general there are seldom more than three species occurring in the same area, although five species co-occur in the submontane forests of Sumatra.
It has not been adopted by commercial software, but a first prototype of a citation-based plagiarism detection system exists. Similar order and proximity of citations in the examined documents are the main criteria used to compute citation pattern similarities. Citation patterns represent subsequences non-exclusively containing citations shared by the documents compared. Factors, including the absolute number or relative fraction of shared citations in the pattern, as well as the probability that citations co-occur in a document are also considered to quantify the patterns’ degree of similarity.
This species closely resembles Searsia pallens and Searsia undulata, which co-occur over much of its distribution range. The leaf of Searsia pallens also has a 10mm petiole that is slightly winged, but it has leaflets that are much longer (40mm) than they are wide (10mm), and 4 to 6 lateral veins per centimeter. Searsia pallens also has glossy fruits that are 4-5mm wide, but its fruits are elliptical-ovoid. Searsia lucida however, has a rounded fruit, and fewer lateral veins on its leaves (only 2 or 3 per centimeter).
Genetic association is when one or more genotypes within a population co-occur with a phenotypic trait more often than would be expected by chance occurrence. Studies of genetic association aim to test whether single-locus alleles or genotype frequencies (or more generally, multilocus haplotype frequencies) differ between two groups of individuals (usually diseased subjects and healthy controls). Genetic association studies today are based on the principle that genotypes can be compared "directly", i.e. with the sequences of the actual genomes or exomes via whole genome sequencing or whole exome sequencing.
As with other mental disorders, psychopathy as a personality disorder may be present with a variety of other diagnosable conditions. Studies especially suggest strong comorbidity with antisocial personality disorder. Among numerous studies, positive correlations have also been reported between psychopathy and histrionic, narcissistic, borderline, paranoid, and schizoid personality disorders, panic and obsessive–compulsive disorders, but not neurotic disorders in general, schizophrenia, or depression. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is known to be highly comorbid with conduct disorder (a theorized precursor to ASPD), and may also co-occur with psychopathic tendencies.
Persons with fibromyalgia (FM, or fibromyalgia syndrome, FMS), like those with CFS, have muscle pain, severe fatigue and sleep disturbances. The presence of allodynia (abnormal pain responses to mild stimulation) and of extensive tender points in specific locations differentiates FM from CFS, although the two diseases often co-occur. Depressive symptoms, if seen in CFS, may be differentially diagnosed from primary depression by the absence of anhedonia, decreased motivation, and guilt; and the presence of somatic symptoms such as sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and exercise intolerance with post exertional exacerbation of symptoms.
Immature teratomas usually only affect one ovary (10% co-occur with dermoid cysts) and usually metastasize throughout the peritoneum. They can also cause mature teratoma implants to grow throughout the abdomen in a disease called growing teratoma syndrome; these are usually benign but will continue to grow during chemotherapy, and often necessitate further surgery. Unlike mature teratomas, immature teratomas form many adhesions, making them less likely to cause ovarian torsion. There is no specific marker for immature teratomas, but carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CA-125, CA19-9, or AFP can sometimes indicate an immature teratoma.
Previously, the diagnosis manual DSM-IV did not allow the co-diagnosis of ASD and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, following years of clinical research, the most recent publication (DSM-5) in 2013 removed this prohibition of co- morbidity. Thus, individuals with autism spectrum disorder may also have a diagnosis of ADHD, with the modifiers of inattentive, hyperactive, combined- type, or not otherwise specified. Clinically significant symptoms of these two conditions commonly co-occur, and children with both sets of symptoms may respond poorly to standard ADHD treatments.
Self-injuring occurs quite commonly in children from 9–18 months, and is considered pathological in children beyond 3 years of age. NSSI is most prevalent in adolescents and patients with diagnosed psychological illnesses, however frequent incidents are also recorded among young adults. In the past, NSSI was thought of as symptoms that associated with many psychological conditions, not an entity by itself. With increasing reports of prevalence and causative origins, recently, NSSI has been classified as an independent syndrome that can co-occur with a variety of other mental conditions.
Extremely low cell counts corroborate that microbes exist in small quantities in these surface sediments. In contrast, a sediment cores outside of the SPG show rapid elimination of O2 and nitrate at 1 meter below sea floor (mbsf) and 2.5 mbsf, respectively. This is evidence of much higher microbial activity, both aerobic and anaerobic. The production of radiolytic H2 (electron donor) is stoichiometrically balanced with production of 0.5 O2 (electron acceptor), therefore a measurable flux in O2 is not expected in the substrate if both radiolysis of water and knallgas bacteria co-occur.
Ocelli on dorsal fin and caudal peduncle A. ocellatus examples have been reported to grow to about in length and in weight. The wild-caught forms of the species are typically darkly coloured with yellow-ringed spots or ocelli on the caudal peduncle and on the dorsal fin. These ocelli have been suggested to function to limit fin-nipping by piranha (Serrasalmus spp.), which co-occur with A. ocellatus in its natural environment. The species is also able to rapidly alter its colouration, a trait which facilitates ritualised territorial and combat behaviours amongst conspecifics.
The null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the two was rejected for the study. The correlation between the two was significant and was found to be dependent upon the nature of the event and the person's age. For example, survivors of sexual assault show less posttraumatic growth than survivors of natural disaster. Ultimately, however, the meta-analysis serves to show that PTSD and posttraumatic growth are not mutually exclusive ends of a recovery spectrum and that they may actually co- occur during a successful process to thriving.
The red-capped robin prefers more arid habitat than its relatives, and inhabits drier areas, while the scarlet robin occupies wetter forests, where they co-occur. The red-capped robin's preferred habitat is dry Acacia, Callitris, or mixed scrubland or woodland, dominated by such species as mulga (Acacia aneura), Georgina gidgee (Acacia georginae), raspberry jam (Acacia acuminata), black cypress-pine (Callitris endlicheri), white cypress-pine (C. columellaris), and slender cypress-pine (C. preissii) with understory shrubs, such as Cassinia, hop-bush (Dodonaea), emu bush (Eremophila), and spinifex (Triodia).
Some instances long-term sociability has been observed among individuals off the coast of Queensland, Australia. Grouping associations seem to be strongest among male individuals implying some potential correlation to reproductive strategy. Additionally, there was an observation of snubfin dolphins displaying mating courtship between Australian humpback dolphins.Annalisa Berta, 2015, Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises - A Natural History and Species Guide, Both the Australian snubfin dolphin and the Australian humpback dolphin co-occur throughout much of the tropical Northern waters of Australia, and have similar vocal repertoires consisting of click trains, burst pulses, and whistles.
As rape is by far the most gendered crime by victimization, some feminist scholars have suggested that fear of rape is the most important and most unique element of women's fear of crime, or even that women's fear of crime is in fact a generalized fear of rape. Proponents of this theory, often referred to as the "shadow of sexual assault hypothesis," often note that women tend to fear that rape will co-occur with other crimes, such as burglary, a fear that is not found among men.
While aphasia has traditionally been described in terms of language deficits, there is increasing evidence that many people with aphasia commonly experience co- occurring non-linguistic cognitive deficits. By some accounts, cognitive deficits, such as attention and working memory constitute the underlying cause of language impairment in people with aphasia. Others suggest that cognitive deficits often co-occur but are comparable to cognitive deficits in stroke patients without aphasia and reflect general brain dysfunction following injury. The degree to which deficits in attention and other cognitive domains underlie language deficits in aphasia is still unclear.
While overuse of digital media has been associated with depressive symptoms, digital media may also be utilised in some situations to improve mood. Depression and pain often co-occur. One or more pain symptoms are present in 65% of depressed patients, and anywhere from 5 to 85% of patients with pain will be suffering from depression, depending on the setting; there is a lower prevalence in general practice, and higher in specialty clinics. The diagnosis of depression is often delayed or missed, and the outcome can worsen if the depression is noticed but completely misunderstood.
P. paniculus lives in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, and has mainly been found within Yosemite National Park and other parts of Mariposa County. P. paniculus is the southernmost species of Paeromopus in the Sierra Nevada. Little is known of its ecology but P. paniculus has been found in moist microhabitats under dead logs and bark and is known to co-occur with Californiulus yosemitensis, another member of the Paeromopodidae, which is distinguished from P. paniculus by having a broad yellow dorsal stripe with a black line down the middle.
The core profile HMM architecture used by HMMER. Profile HMMs center around a linear set of match (M) states, with one state corresponding to each consensus column in a sequence alignment. Each M state emits a single residue (amino acid or nucleotide). The probability of emitting a particular residue is determined largely by the frequency at which that residue has been observed in that column of the alignment, but also incorporates prior information on patterns of residues that tend to co-occur in the same columns of sequence alignments.
Swartzia is a genus of legume in the family Fabaceae. It was named in honor of Swedish botanist Olof Swartz and contains about 200 species. Swartzia is restricted in its geographical distribution to the New World Tropics, where it occurs primarily in lowland rainforests, but also in savannas, pre-montane forests, and tropical dry forests. While it can be found throughout the wet lowlands from Mexico and the Caribbean islands to southern Brazil and Bolivia, Swartzia is most abundant and species-rich in Amazonia, where 10–20 species may co-occur at a single site.
Interactions between A and B are introduced which have never occurred before. These two alleles can turn out to be incompatible, which are the Dobzhansky–Muller incompatibilities. The model states that genetic incompatibility is most likely evolved by alternative fixation of two or more loci instead of just one, so that when hybridisation occurs, it is the first time for some of the alleles to co-occur in the same individual. The Dobzhansky–Muller incompatibilities can result from purely random, neutral or non-selected differences between the populations.
Though absent-mindedness is a frequent occurrence, there has been little progress made on what the direct causes of absent-mindedness are. However, it tends to co-occur with ill health, preoccupation, and distraction. Three potential causes: # a low level of attention ("blanking" or "zoning out") # intense attention to a single object of focus (hyperfocus) that makes a person oblivious to events around him or her; # unwarranted distraction of attention from the object of focus by irrelevant thoughts or environmental events. Absent-mindedness is also noticed as a common characteristic of personalities with schizoid personality disorder.
Synechococcus has been observed to occur at concentrations ranging between a few cells to 106 cells per ml in virtually all regions of oceanic euphotic zone except in samples from the McMurdo Sound and Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica. Cells are generally much more abundant in nutrient-rich environments than in the oligotrophic ocean and prefer the upper, well-lit portion of the euphotic zone. Synechococcus has also been observed to occur at high abundances in environments with low salinities and/or low temperatures. It is usually far outnumbered by Prochlorococcus in all environments where they co-occur.
Ceanothus americanus (fruit left, flowers right) Plants in this genus are widely distributed and can be found on dry, sunny hillsides from coastal scrub lands to open forest clearings, from near sea level to in elevation. These plants are profusely distributed throughout the Rocky Mountains from British Columbia south through Colorado, the Cascades of Oregon and California, and the Coastal Ranges of California. Ceanothus velutinus is the most common member of this genus and is widespread through much of western North America. The plants in this genus often co-occur with one another, especially when they are more distantly related.
There are two positions for infixes: after the onset (optional consonant(s)) of the penultimate syllable, and after the onset of the final syllable. Because many Na’vi verbs have two syllables, these commonly occur on the first and last syllable. In monosyllabic words like lu "be", they both appear after the initial onset, keeping their relative order. The first infix position is taken by infixes for tense, aspect, mood, or combinations thereof; also appearing in this position are participle, reflexive, and causative forms, the latter two of which may co-occur with a tense/aspect/mood infix by preceding it.
For example, psychotherapeutic integration using this model would include subjective approaches (cognitive, existential), intersubjective approaches (interpersonal, object relations, multicultural), objective approaches (behavioral, pharmacological), and interobjective approaches (systems science). By understanding that each of these four basic perspectives all simultaneously co-occur, each can be seen as essential to a comprehensive view of the life of the client. Integral theory also includes a stage model that suggests that various psychotherapies seek to address issues arising from different stages of psychological development (Wilber, 2000). The generic term, integrative psychotherapy, can be used to describe any multi-modal approach which combines therapies.
Galapagos finches display character displacement. Each closely related species differs in beak size and beak depth, allowing them to coexist in the same region since each species eats a different type of seed: the seed best fit for its unique beak. The finches with the deeper, stronger beaks consume large, tough seeds, while the finches with smaller beaks consume the smaller, softer seeds. Character displacement is the phenomenon where differences among similar species whose distributions overlap geographically are accentuated in regions where the species co-occur, but are minimized or lost where the species' distributions do not overlap.
The details of PCCI's causes and boundaries are not well known. Two major theories have been advanced: the direct effect of chemotherapy drugs on the brain, and the role of hormones in nervous system health. PCCI is complex and factors other than the chemotherapeutic agents may impact cognitive functioning. Menopause, the biological impact of a surgical procedure with anesthesia, medications prescribed in addition to the chemotherapy, genetic predisposition, hormone therapy, emotional states (including anxiety, depression and fatigue), comorbid conditions and paraneoplastic syndrome may all co-occur and act as confounding factors in the study or experience of PCCI.
Verreaux's eagles are most similar in size and body shape to the golden, the body of the Verreaux's eagle being slightly longer overall but marginally less heavy and long-winged than the golden eagle's. The plumage is very distinctly different, however, as Verreaux's eagles are almost entirely jet-black except for some striking, contrasting white on the wing primaries, shoulders and upper-wing. This closely related species is known to co-occur with the golden eagle only in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia. Other booted eagles in the golden eagle's range are unlikely to be confused due to differences in size and form.
They consist of berthierine, chlorite, feldspar, hydromica, illite, kaolinite, mica, quartz, serpentine, smectite and possible zeolite. The clays were in part derived from lateritic soils that developed on the volcanic island before they were completely buried in carbonates, and in part formed in settings with limited water exchange during lagoonal stages. Dolomite, gypsum and pyrite co- occur with some clays, and claystones have been found in some places. Mudstones with evidence of animal burrows and containing amber, glauconite, organic material including plant debris and pyrite have also been encountered; pyrite indicates that anoxic environments existed on Allison Guyot.
Some of these questions are geared toward tongue protrusion and an opening of lips when the client is in repose; habitual mouth breathing; digit sucking; existence of high and narrow palatal arch; ankyloglossia (tongue-tie); malocclusions, (Class II, III); weak chewing muscles (masseter); weak lip muscles (orbicularis oris); overdeveloped chin muscles (mentalis); muscular imbalance; abnormal dentition. Tongue thrusting and speech problems may co-occur. Due to unconventional postures of the tongue and other articulators, interdental and frontal lisping are very common. The alveolar sounds /s/ and /z/ are produced more anteriorly thus leading to interdental fricative like sounds, /th/.
The colors of the sun dog finally merge into the white of the parhelic circle (if the latter is visible). The same plate-shaped ice crystals that cause sun dogs are also responsible for the colorful circumzenithal arc, meaning that these two types of halo tend to co-occur. The latter is often missed by viewers, since it is located more or less directly overhead. Another halo variety often seen together with sun dogs is the 22° halo, which forms a ring at roughly the same angular distance from the sun as the sun dogs, thus appearing to interconnect them.
Sukhodolsky, et al (2017), p. 245. ADHD may also contribute to higher rates of anxiety, and aggression and anger control problems are more likely when both OCD and ADHD co-occur with Tourette's. Compulsions that resemble tics are present in some individuals with OCD; "tic-related OCD" is hypothesized to be a subgroup of OCD, distinguished from non-tic related OCD by the type and nature of obsessions and compulsions. Compared to the more typical compulsions of OCD without tics that relate to contamination, tic- related OCD presents with more "counting, aggressive thoughts, symmetry and touching" compulsions.
One limitation of the standard approach to discovering associations is that by searching massive numbers of possible associations to look for collections of items that appear to be associated, there is a large risk of finding many spurious associations. These are collections of items that co-occur with unexpected frequency in the data, but only do so by chance. For example, suppose we are considering a collection of 10,000 items and looking for rules containing two items in the left-hand-side and 1 item in the right-hand-side. There are approximately 1,000,000,000,000 such rules.
The question was how these placings worked themselves > into a vehicle for carrying the 'semantic burden' of language. ... His > commitment to methods was such that it would be fair to say that the methods > were the leader and he the follower. His genius was to see at various > crucial points where the methods were leading and to do the analytic work > that was necessary to bring them to a new result. This, then, is an extension and refinement of the distributional methodology pioneered by Sapir and Bloomfield, investigating which elements of a language can co-occur and which cannot.
More commonly however, western white pine grows in mixed stands with lodgepole, mountain hemlock, Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) and/or red fir (Abies magnifica) Mountain hemlock may be the most common tree species in the subalpine zone, especially in the central and northern Sierra. This species forms dense, pure stands on protected slopes with moist soil, but can also co- occur with Sierra juniper and whitebark pine. Mountain hemlock often exhibits two growth forms on the same individual, with one stem upright and several branches at the base extending out along the ground. It forms a hedge-like growth form near tree line.
Information retrieval systems incorporating this approach count the number of times that groups of terms appear together (co-occur) within a sliding window of terms or sentences (for example, ± 5 sentences or ± 50 words) within a document. It is based on the idea that words that occur together in similar contexts have similar meanings. It is local in the sense that the sliding window of terms and sentences used to determine the co-occurrence of terms is relatively small. This approach is simple, but it captures only a small portion of the semantic information contained in a collection of text.
This species was formerly treated as a subspecies of the Indian white-eye (previously the Oriental white-eye, Zosterops palpebrosus) but based on the results of a molecular phylogenetic study published in 2018, it was promoted to species rank. In western Java its range overlaps with the Indian white-eye subspecies buxtoni, which is a recent colonist from Sumatra. The two species interbreed where they co-occur. The Sangkar white-eye is similar in plumage to the Indian white-eye, but differs in having much yellower plumage, particularly the underparts which are entirely yellow instead of grey.
The area is also protected and systematically managed, and raw materials are sustainably harvested here. However, captive individuals released into their natural habitat face new potential threats such as susceptibility to disease, lack of ability to hunt for food and defend territory, and lack of ability to effectively detect and evade potential predators. These released individuals may also harbour disease and parasites that could harm wild populations. Particularly for captive individuals, there is the risk of a loss of genetic integrity through hybridization with painted storks in captivity or in the wild in the northern parts of the milky stork range where it may co-occur with the painted stork.
This record comes from an area where Bhutanitis lidderdalii lidderdalii also occurs, suggesting these taxa are sympatric, or at least nearly so (based on data from photographs of B. lidderdalii shown on the Indian Foundation for Butterflies, Butterflies of India website). As so few specimens are known, B. ludlowi is rarely illustrated. It is similar in appearance to the allied B. lidderdalii but has broader wings with the transverse bands grey instead of white (Chou, 2000). The distribution of both B. ludlowi and B. lidderdalii may overlap in Bhutan and Yunnan, China (Chou 2000), although it is unknown whether they co-occur in the same habitat.
The Acridotheres mynas are generally dark or dull birds with and fluted calls like most starlings; the sexes are similar. They walk and hop, and may share adaptations along with the Sturnus starlings that have modifications to the skull and its muscles for open bill probing or prying. They resemble the hill mynas (Gracula) with which they often co-occur, in having large white or buff wing patches which are obvious in flight and in some also naked areas on the head, but differ in that only the head plumage is glossy, and the underparts tend to be paler. The naked head patches are different in arrangement.
Speech is the act of articulating sounds, and this can be impaired for all kinds of reasons – a structural problem such as cleft lip and cleft palate, a neurological problem affecting motor control of the speech apparatus dysarthria, or inability to perceive distinctions between sounds because of hearing loss. Some distortions of speech sounds, such as a lisp, are commonly seen in young children. These misarticulations should not be confused with language problems, which involve the ability to select and combine linguistic elements to express meanings, and the ability to comprehend meanings. Although speech disorders can be distinguished from language disorders, they can also co- occur.
Information on basic taxonomy is scant for this family; for example, it is estimated that the genus Nannaria contains over 200 species, but only 25 have so far been described. Xystodesmidae contains many colorful and distinctive species, including Apheloria virginiensis of the eastern U.S. and Harpaphe haydeniana of the western U.S. The Sierra luminous millipedes of the genus Motyxia exhibit the only known examples of bioluminescence in the Polydesmida. Species of Apheloria and Brachoria in the Appalachians exhibit Müllerian mimicry, in which unrelated species resemble one another where they co-occur. The family Xystodesmidae was named by O. F. Cook in 1895, upon the description of Xystodesmus martensii, (previously Polydesmus martensii).
The Appalachian salamanders Plethodon hoffmani and P. cinereus display no morphological differences, eating habits, or resource use exploitation differences among allopatric populations; when the species occurs in sympatry; however, they exhibit morphological differentiation that is associated with segregation in prey size. Where these two species co-occur, P. hoffmani has a faster closing jaw required for larger prey, and P. cinereus has a slower, stronger jaw for smaller prey. Other studies have found Plethodon salamander species that demonstrate character displacement from aggressive behavioral interference rather than exploitation. That is, morphological character displacement between the two species is due to aggressive interaction between them rather than the exploitation of different food resources.
Since kin usually share common genes, it is thought that this nepotism can lead to genetic relatedness between the actor and the partner's offspring, which affects the cooperation an actor might give. This mechanism is similar to what happens with the green-beard effect, but with the green-beard effect, the actor has to instead identify which of its social partners share the gene for cooperation. A green-beard system must always co-occur within individuals and alleles to produce a perceptible trait, recognition of this trait in others, and preferential treatment to those recognized. Examples of green-beard behavior have been found in hydrozoans, slime molds, yeast, and ants.
Sympatric groups frequently show a greater ability to discriminate between their own species and other closely related species than do allopatric groups. This is shown in the study of hybrid zones. It is also apparent in the differences in levels of prezygotic isolation (by factors that prevent formation of a viable zygote) in both sympatric and allopatric populations. There are two main theories regarding this process: 1) differential fusion, which suggests that only populations with a keen ability to discriminate between species will persist in sympatry; and 2) character displacement, which implies that distinguishing characteristics will be heightened in areas where the species co-occur in order to facilitate discrimination.
Alligators snatch deer as they try to drink from or cross bodies of water, grabbing them with their powerful jaws and dragging them into the water to drown. Most primary natural predators of white-tailed deer have been basically extirpated in eastern North America, with a very small number of reintroduced red wolves, which are nearly extinct, around North Carolina and a small remnant population of Florida panthers, a subspecies of the cougar. Gray wolves, the leading cause of deer mortality where they overlap, co-occur with whitetails in northern Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and most of Canada. This almost certainly plays a factor in the overpopulation issues with this species.
Because of the pathogens and it can transmit, D. maidis is of great financial importance in Latin America. Also, maize chlorotic dwarf virus has also been reported to be implicated in Corn Stunt disease. When Corn Stunt Spiroplasma and maize bushy stunt mycoplasma may co- occur, the disease that they can cause has been referred to as “puca poncho” due to its red coloring of the diseased maize. Different combinations of these pathogens are notably present and cause serious problems in yield production in Central America, reported in Nicaragua, Peru, and Argentina, and the southern part of the United States, where it was reported in California and Florida.
The fungus has also been shown to infect Daylily in South Carolina, Northern highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) in Italy and vineyards (Vitis species) of Rías Baixas in northwestern Spain. The latter infestation "may be related to the fact that the vineyards from which they were isolated were located on cleared forestry sites". When A. solidipes and A. gallica co-occur in the same forest, infection of root systems by A. gallica may reduce damage or prevent infection from A. solidipes. alt=Six mushrooms of various shape and either brown or whitish in color, picked and laid in a row on a bed of moss.
In general terms, the ability to produce fertile offspring is a plesiomorphy initially shared by close relatives; the loss of ability to hybridize successfully is an apomorphy. Hence, the inability rather than the ability to produce fertile hybrids is phylogenetically informative. but they are generally allopatric and only co-occur during breeding season in small areas such as the Maghreb,Schollaert & Willem (2000) the Punjab, Khorasan, and possibly the Mongolian Altai, and there is clear evidence of assortative mating with hybridization hardly ever occurring under natural conditions. In short, though they occupy adjacent territories, they breed at different times of year and Barbary falcons virtually never breed with peregrines in nature.
Therefore, some peptides and amino acids would be entering the cell to be used for energy, while others will be incorporated into cellular machinery. Based on ecological studies of deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems, it is believed that the anoxic reduced environments in which A. boonei thrives, are shaped, in part, by the synergistic associations the organism has with other members of its hydrothermal vent community. Genomic studies have revealed that the members of the DHVE2 clade, which includes A. boonei, co-occur (spatially) with other thermoacidophilic archaea that utilize different carbon and/or energy sources.Flores G, Wagner I, Liu Y, Reysenbach AL. 2012.
Cerebral palsy is defined as "a group of permanent disorders of the development of movement and posture, causing activity limitation, that are attributed to non- progressive disturbances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain." While movement problems are the central feature of CP, difficulties with thinking, learning, feeling, communication and behavior often co-occur, with 28% having epilepsy, 58% having difficulties with communication, at least 42% having problems with their vision, and 2356% having learning disabilities. Muscle contractions in people with cerebral palsy are commonly thought to arise from overactivation. Cerebral palsy is characterized by abnormal muscle tone, reflexes, or motor development and coordination.
As it seems, once an individual great grey shrike has found a wintering territory it likes, it will return there subsequently and perhaps even try to defend it against competitors just like a summer territory. Throughout the year, the birds regularly but briefly move through a range up to three times larger than their territory; this is tolerated by territory owners in winter more easily than in summer, and the parts of Europe where all-year residents and winter visitors co-occur typically have population densities around eight birds/km2 (about thirty per square mile) and occasionally more in winter.Harris & Franklin (2000): pp. 153–154 An alert L. e.
A multilocus genotype is the combination of alleles found at two or more loci in a single individual. For example, in a diploid species, if there are two SNP loci and the first locus has alleles A and G, while the second locus has alleles T and C, the multilocus genotype can be represented as {A/G,T/C}. If the genome is not haploid then the multilocus genotype does not necessarily determine which alleles co-occur on chromosomes. In the example, if the two loci are located on the same chromosome the possibilities are either {A-T,G-C} or {A-C,G-T}.
This was true both of those rejected boys who had earlier antisocial contacts and those with a normal level of earlier involvement. Neglected children had the next highest level of antisocial contact, suggesting (insofar as neglect and withdrawal co-occur) that more withdrawn children also turn to unpopular peers, though less to the point of delinquency. The results also showed a strong correlation between both harsh parental discipline and lack of monitoring and antisocial associations in the sixth grade. Consistent with the researchers' hypothesis, however, a multivariate test showed that stable levels of antisocial involvement and poor parenting co-occurred; only academic skills and popularity were able to account for significant increases in antisocial contacts.
The species with which Picea critchfieldii has been found to co-occur reveal information about its presumed environmental and habitat tolerances. The fossil collections that demonstrate an association between Picea critchfieldii and temperate hardwood tree species suggests Picea critchfieldii could tolerate warmer climate conditions than other, extant Picea species. Though thought to have an affinity for warmer conditions than other Picea species given past assemblages, other fossil collection sites where the plant has been found to occur with cool-temperate conifers suggests some degree of overlap in the environmental tolerances of Picea critchfieldii and extant members of the genus. Eastern North American spruce species that remain extant have boreal and montane affinities and are entirely confined to cool climates.
A co-occurrence network created with KH Coder Co-occurrence networks are generally used to provide a graphic visualization of potential relationships between people, organizations, concepts, biological organisms like bacteria or other entities represented within written material. The generation and visualization of co-occurrence networks has become practical with the advent of electronically stored text compliant to text mining. By way of definition, co-occurrence networks are the collective interconnection of terms based on their paired presence within a specified unit of text. Networks are generated by connecting pairs of terms using a set of criteria defining co-occurrence. For example, terms A and B may be said to “co-occur” if they both appear in a particular article.
Leucine-rich repeats are often flanked by N-terminal and C-terminal cysteine- rich domains, but not always as is the case with C5orf36 They also co-occur with LRR adjacent domains. These are small, all beta strand domains, which have been structurally described for the protein Internalin (InlA) and related proteins InlB, InlE, InlH from the pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. Their function appears to be mainly structural: They are fused to the C-terminal end of leucine-rich repeats, significantly stabilising the LRR, and forming a common rigid entity with the LRR. They are themselves not involved in protein-protein-interactions but help to present the adjacent LRR- domain for this purpose.
Ceratosaurus was a rare element of the theropod fauna; it is outnumbered by Allosaurus at an average rate of 7.5 to 1 in sites where they co-occur. Several studies attempted to explain how these sympatric species could have reduced direct competition. Donald Henderson, in 1998, argued that Ceratosaurus co-occurred with two separate potential species of Allosaurus, which he denoted as "morphs": a morph with a shortened snout, a high and wide skull, and short, backwards-projecting teeth, and a morph characterized by a longer snout, lower skull, and long, vertical teeth. Generally speaking, the greater the similarity between sympatric species regarding their morphology, physiology, and behavior, the more intense competition between these species will be.
Personifications tend to co-occur with grapheme-color synesthesia and share many of the characteristics that are definitional of synesthesia, such as being consistent over considerable time intervals and generating concurrents automatically . To demonstrate that personifications are automatically evoked, Simner and Holenstein used a modified Stroop paradigm, in which a mismatch between the evoked personality and the gender leads to slower reaction times. To test this, synesthete AP was asked to report whether common names, like Brian or Betsy were male or female names. Because ‘b’ is a male letter for AP, she was faster to identify Brian as being a male name, and slower to identify Betsy as being a female name.
Aiphanes has been placed in the subfamily Arecoideae, the tribe Cocoseae and the subtribe Bactridinae, together with Desmoncus, Bactris, Acrocomia and Astrocaryum. Aiphanes deltoidea was described by German botanist Max Burret in 1932 based on collections made in December 1924 in Peru. The type collection was destroyed when the Berlin Herbarium was bombed during World War II. The species is similar to A. weberbaueri, but has considerably larger leaves and inflorescences. As Finn Borchsenius and Rodrigo Bernal noted in their 1996 monograph, size differences of a similar magnitude are found within other species, but at least at the type locality, where both species co-occur, A. deltoidea and A. weberbaueri give the impression of being distinctly different species.
Oromo has no indefinite articles (corresponding to English a, some), but (except in the southern dialects) it indicates definiteness (English the) with suffixes on the noun: ' for masculine nouns (the ch is geminated though this is not normally indicated in writing) and ' for feminine nouns. Vowel endings of nouns are dropped before these suffixes: 'road', 'the road', 'man', / 'the man', 'lake', 'the lake'. Note that for animate nouns that can take either gender, the definite suffix may indicate the intended gender: 'priest', 'the priest (m.)', 'the priest (f.)'. The definite suffixes appear to be used less often than the in English, and they seem not to co-occur with the plural suffixes.
Descriptive models were based on analyses of word-word relations as revealed by the various statistical structures in the organization of tags (e.g., how likely one tag would co-occur with other tags or how likely each tag was reused over time). Thus, these models are descriptive models at the aggregate level, and have little to offer about predictions at the level of an individual's interface interactions and cognitive processes. Rather than imitating other users at the word level, one possible explanation for this kind of social cohesion could be grounded on the natural tendency for people to process tags at the semantic level, and it was at this level of processing that most of the imitation occurred.
A. altissima is a tree which is native to China and invasive to many other areas worldwide; it is considered to be the key host for L. delicatula and plays an important role in the lanternfly life cycle. This tree is the preferred host at all documented locations the lanternfly and A. altissima co-occur. However, the spotted lanternfly has a wide host range of over 70 plant species, including grape vines, fruit trees, ornamental trees, and woody trees, including apples and several Rosaceae with stone fruits. This range can include many agricultural crops and common forest plants, as the nymphs have been known to associate with other plants beyond Ailanthus altissima.
People who work with poultry and swine, especially those with intense exposures, are at increased risk of zoonotic infection with influenza virus endemic in these animals, and constitute a population of human hosts in which zoonosis and reassortment can co-occur. Vaccination of these workers against influenza and surveillance for new influenza strains among this population may therefore be an important public health measure. Transmission of influenza from swine to humans who work with swine was documented in a small surveillance study performed in 2004 at the University of Iowa. This study, among others, forms the basis of a recommendation that people whose jobs involve handling poultry and swine be the focus of increased public health surveillance.
Eidetic memory (photographic memory) may co-occur in visual thinkers as much as in any type of thinking style as it is a memory function associated with having vision rather than a thinking style. Eidetic memory can still occur in those with visual agnosia, who, unlike visual thinkers, may be limited in the use of visualization skills for mental reasoning. Psychologist E.R Jaensch states that eidetic memory apart of visual thinking has to do with eidetic images fading between the line of the after image and the memory image. A fine relationship may exist between the after image and the memory image, which causes visual thinkers from not seeing the eidetic image but rather drawing upon perception and useful information.
Another is possibly the spot-bellied eagle-owl (Bubo nipalensis), which is strikingly different looking, with stark brown plumage, rather than the warm hues typical of the Eurasian, bold spotting on a whitish background on the belly, and somewhat askew ear tufts that are bold white with light brown crossbars on the front. It is possible that both species occur in some parts of the Himalayan foothills but they are not currently verified to occur in the same area, in part because of the spot-bellied’s preference for dense, primary forest. Most similar, with basically the same habitat preferences and the only one verified to co-occur with the Eurasian eagle-owls of the race B. b. turcomanus in Kashmir is the Indian eagle-owl (B. bengalensis).
Where they overlap, the hawk species may adjust their daily routine to minimize contact, which tends to be costly of time and energy and may cause the hawks to abandon their nests for long stretches of time, which in turn leaves their young vulnerable to predation. When habitats change rapidly, often due to human interference, and the species nest more closely than natural partitioning would allow, in all three nesting success can decline significantly. Beyond the Swainson's and ferruginous hawks, six other Buteos co-occur with red-tailed hawks in different parts of North America. Many of these are substantially smaller than red-tails and most serious territorial conflicts with them are naturally mitigated by nesting in deeper wooded areas.
The fungus has also been shown to associate with gum rockrose, a pioneer early stage shrub that is adapted for growth in degraded areas, such as burned forests. These and other rockrose species are ecologically important as fungal reservoirs, maintaining an inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi for trees that appear later in the forest regrowth cycle. The mushroom has been noted to often co- occur with Amanita muscaria or A. rubescens, although it is unclear whether this is due to a biological association between the species, or because of similarities in growing season, habitat, and ecological requirements. An association has also been reported between B. edulis and Amanita excelsa on Pinus radiata ectomycorrhizae in New Zealand, suggesting that other fungi may influence the life cycle of porcini.
This Huainanzi uses ying 應 151 times, frequently to denote ganying, and uses gan 感 39 times. The Huainanzi translators John S. Major et al. (2010: 210) explain that gan means "an influence; to influence; a stimulus; to stimulate; to evoke a response" and appears twice in chapter 6; and ying means "to respond; a response" and appears 7 times. The words gan and ying only co-occur a few times, but these instances conform exactly to the meaning of resonance that one expects from the concept of ganying; for example, "when stimulated they respond" (gan er ying 感而應, 7.7), and "the stimulus impels a response externally" (gan dong ying yu wai 感動應於外, 10.27).
There are three principal types of evidence in cognitive neuropsychology: association, single dissociation and double dissociation.Patterson, K and Plaut, D (2009) "Shallow Droughts Intoxicate the Brain: Lessons from Cognitive Science for Cognitive Neuropsychology" Association inferences observe that certain deficits are likely to co-occur. For example, there are many cases who have deficits in both abstract and concrete word comprehension following brain damage. Association studies are considered the weakest form of evidence, because the results could be accounted for by damage to neighboring brain regions and not damage to a single cognitive system.Davies, M (2010) "Double Dissociation: Understanding its Role in Cognitive Neuropsychology" Mind & Language vol 25 no 5 pp500-540 Single Dissociation inferences observe that one cognitive faculty can be spared while another can be damaged following brain damage.
Shoshoni exhibits switch reference, in which a non- relative, subordinate clause is marked when its subject is a pronoun that differs from the subject of the main clause. In such subordinate clauses, the subject takes the objective case and the verb takes on a switch reference suffix: -ku if the events of both clauses occur simultaneously, -h/kkan if the events of the subordinate clause occur first, or the combined -h/kkanku if the events of the subordinate clause occur over an extended amount of time. For example, sunni naaku wihyu nɨnɨttsi utɨɨkatti tattɨkwa "when that happened, something scary came to them." In the relative clause sunni naaku "when that happened", the verb naa- "be" or "happen" takes on the suffix -ku to indicate that the relative and main clauses co-occur in the narrative.
Connectionism These findings also relate to Connectionism. Connectionism attempts to model the cognitive language processing of the human brain, using computer architectures that make associations between elements of language, based on frequency of co-occurrence in the language input.. Frequency has been found to be a factor in various linguistic domains of language learning.. Connectionism posits that learners form mental connections between items that co-occur, using exemplars found in language input. From this input, learners extract the rules of the language through cognitive processes common to other areas of cognitive skill acquisition. Since connectionism denies both innate rules and the existence of any innate language-learning module, L2 input is of greater importance than it is in processing models based on innate approaches, since, in connectionism, input is the source of both the units and the rules of language.
The various forms of Ensatina constitute a ring around the Central Valley: adjacent forms interbreed throughout the ring except at the southern end, where two forms behave as separate species. Stebbins soon became interested in Ensatina salamanders, which occur from British Columbia to Baja California and are present in both the Sierra Nevada and Coast Ranges of California but absent in the Central Valley. Finding the salamanders in Berkeley much different than the ones he was used to seeing in the mountains of Southern California, he embarked upon a research program examining color differences throughout California. In his resulting monograph, published in 1949, he proposed that the color varieties—many previously regarded as distinct species—were actually various races or subspecies of a single species that in most locations interbreed where two forms co-occur, creating hybrids that partially resemble both forms.
In Rapa Nui, negation is indicated by free standing morphemes. Rapa Nui has four main negators: :ꞌina (neutral) :kai (perfective) :(e)ko (imperfective) :taꞌe (constituent negator) Additionally there are also two additional particles/ morphemes which also contribute to negation in Rapa Nui: :kore (Existential/noun negator) :hia / ia (verb phrase particle which occurs in combination with different negators to form the meaning 'not yet') Negation occurs as preverbal particles in the verb phrase, with the clausal negator kai and (e)ko occurring in first position in the verbal phrase, while the constituent negator (taꞌe) occurs in second position in the verbal phrase. Clausal negators occur in the same position as aspect markers and subordinators—this means it is impossible for these elements to co-occur. As a result, negative clauses tend to have fewer aspectual distinctions.
The island trevally moves both as a solitary individual or in small schools through its habitat, with the species often accounting for large proportions of an areas immediate biomass when moving in schools. The species' diet consists of small fish species and crustaceans, with studies on their exact diet composition finding these fish take different species and different ratios of prey throughout their range. A study conducted in New Caledonia found the species consumed 98% fish, with only 1% crabs and shrimp, while a large study in Hawaii found it took 64.7% crustaceans including crabs, shrimp, and stomatopods, while taking only 32.3% fish consisting of gobies and benthic fishes of the order Scorpaeniformes, as well as 2% cephalopods. In this setting, the major carangid species in the region apparently alter their diets to reduce interspecific competition, but change this partitioning elsewhere in their range where they co-occur.
In a particular session, state levels of self-criticism may increase or decrease, but in the long term it is not as easy to see if trait levels of self- criticism have been reduced, and a reduction in trait self-criticism is more important in terms of effectively treating depression. In other words, it is likely easier to reduce state levels of self-criticism, so researchers who develop treatments for depression should have the goal of treating long-term, trait self-criticism. It is possible that change in depression symptoms may not necessarily co-occur with change in personality factors, and given that self-criticism as a personality factor has been shown to lead to depression, this could be problematic. One study found that positive change in depression occurred before any change in self-critical perfectionism.Hawley, L.L., Ho, M.R., Zuroff, D.C., & Blatt, S.J. (2006).
The PI3K pathway is a major source of drug resistance in prostate cancer. This is particularly true of castrate resistant prostate cancer, where tumours become resistant to androgen-deprivation therapy, which block the tumours ability to utilise the hormone androgen to grow. This is due to a complex feedback mechanism which exists between the androgen receptor and the PI3K pathway. As in other tumour types, mutations in key genes of this pathway can lead to hyperactivation of this pathway, for example in PIK3CA, Increases in the copy number of PIK3CA and increased mRNA expression also increases pathway activation in prostate cancers among others. Gains in the nearby genetic region 3q26.31-32 have been shown to co-occur with a number of nearby PI3K family members including PIK3CA, PIK3CB and PIK3R4, leading to transcriptional changes in PIK3C2G, PIK3CA, PIK3CB, PIK3R4 as well as pathways associated with cell proliferation.
Given a database in which each entry has multiple attributes (viewed as a 0–1 matrix with a row per database entry and a column per attribute) they use MinHash-based approximations to the Jaccard index to identify candidate pairs of attributes that frequently co-occur, and then compute the exact value of the index for only those pairs to determine the ones whose frequencies of co-occurrence are below a given strict threshold.. The MinHash algorithm has been adapted for bioinformatics, where the problem of comparing genome sequences has a similar theoretical underpinning to that of comparing documents on the web. MinHash-based tools allow rapid comparison of whole genome sequencing data with reference genomes (around 3 minutes to compare one genome with the 90000 reference genomes in RefSeq), and are suitable for speciation and maybe a limited degree of microbial sub-typing. There are also applications for metagenomics and the use of MinHash derived algorithms for genome alignment and genome assembly.
No arguments can come between the two verbs in this construction (in contrast to those described in the following section). In the case of negation, only one negator can be applied to the whole serial construction, as in the following Baré example: : In Chinese, as in Southeast Asian languages, when a transitive verb is followed by an intransitive verb, the object of the combined verb may be understood as the object of the first verb and the subject of the second: "the tiger bit Zhang to death", where Zhang is understood as the direct object of yǎo ("bite") but as the subject of sǐ ("die"). In the equivalent construction in Hindi, the one who dies would be the tiger, not Zhang. (See Chinese grammar for more.) In the following example from Maonan, a language spoken in the southeast of China, up to ten verbs co-occur in a sentence coding a single event without any linking words, coordinating conjunctions or any other markings:Lu, Tian Qiao (2008).
The Sumerian finite verb distinguishes a number of moods and agrees (more or less consistently) with the subject and the object in person, number and gender. The verb chain may also incorporate pronominal references to the verb's other modifiers, which has also traditionally been described as "agreement", although, in fact, such a reference and the presence of an actual modifier in the clause need not co- occur: not only e2-še3 ib2-ši-du-un "I'm going to the house", but also e2-še3 i3-du-un "I'm going to the house" and simply ib2-ši-du-un "I'm going to it" are possible. The Sumerian verb also makes a binary distinction according to a category that some regard as tense (past vs present-future), others as aspect (perfective vs imperfective), and that will be designated as TA (tense/aspect) in the following. The two members of the opposition entail different conjugation patterns and, at least for many verbs, different stems; they are theory-neutrally referred to with the Akkadian grammatical terms for the two respective forms – ḫamṭu (quick) and marû (slow, fat).
Pure retrograde amnesia (PRA) refers to the behavioral syndrome that is characterized by the inability to retrieve remote information in the face of a normal ability to learn new information, with no other ecological or psychometric evidence of cognitive impairment. It should not be confused with brief periods of peritraumatic amnesia that are common in mild concussive head traumas. The findings of pure retrograde amnesia have helped form the dissociation between mechanisms for RA and AA. Several studies have found numerous causes for PRA like vascular diseases, head traumas ranging from mild to severe, encephalitis, as well as purely psychological conditions and totally unidentifiable etiologies. Most people who suffer from PRA can function normally and learn new information A pure form of RA is rare as most cases of RA co-occur with AA. A famous example is that of patient ML. The patient's MRI revealed damage to the right ventral frontal cortex and underlying white matter, including the uncinate fasciculus, a band of fibers previously thought to mediate retrieval of specific events from one's personal past.

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