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78 Sentences With "cisgendered"

How to use cisgendered in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "cisgendered" and check conjugation/comparative form for "cisgendered". Mastering all the usages of "cisgendered" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And Maune's doctors ensure he has the same amount of testosterone as any cisgendered man—and cisgendered men are more likely to suffer heart attacks younger, regardless!
This point is particularly important for middle-class, able-bodied, cisgendered white people to reflect on (a point we make as middle-class, able-bodied, cisgendered white people ourselves).
A white, cisgendered male cannot fully comment on the election.
I'm usually a cisgendered man, so this is new to me.
It's about cisgendered creatives doing the homework necessary to portray trans lives.
Still, this sexual freedom in Cuba seems to favor heteronormative, cisgendered, feminine-presenting women.
Just because Hill is a cisgendered male doesn't mean it's okay to objectify him.
For many of my cisgendered female friends, this is an important space for them.
A frequent term used in drag is "fishy," for queens who pass as cisgendered women.
For women and non-cisgendered men in fandom, however, these tropes are harder to overlook.
It's an important step for an industry that continues to cast cisgendered actors in trans roles.
"As a white cisgendered woman in a heteronormative relationship, I'm pretty safe in this society," she says.
I attempted to rationalize: As a white, cisgendered, middle class woman, how broken could I really be?
The Freelives designers know most of its players will be people like them: white, heterosexual, cisgendered men.
Trans people have no illusions of being 'more complete' or fully realized sexually than their cisgendered counterparts.
Only two of the characters had "fully realized romantic relationships," the way straight or cisgendered characters often do.
According to the actress, Black was initially unhappy that casting had sent him a cisgendered person for the role.
So a straight, cisgendered woman can find herself being attracted to her female therapist, which can be incredibly confusing.
There are trans actors in the movie, though many of the characters are historically cisgendered—and it works perfectly well.
Browse among them, but remember that fathers come in 10,000 flavors, from cisgendered to nonbinary, cultured to its grunty opposite.
Forty percent of us attempt suicide at some point in our lives, compared to the 4.6 percent of the cisgendered population.
"People usually perceive me—or at least react to me—as a cisgendered gay man," Chance continued after they walked off.
"Me, a woman who looks pretty cisgendered heteronormative, can feel confined by a specific type of femininity," she said by phone.
While all of these stories are compelling in their own ways, every single man mentioned above is a white, affluent, cisgendered suburbanite.
However for me, it obviously isn't my space, and although it's a positive thing for cisgendered women it's still enforcing gendered spaces.
We have a lot of cisgendered female fans and I think the inauthenticity and the hyper-femininity is part of why it's so celebrated.
Though I do meet some of society's standards of attractiveness (I'm white, able-bodied, cisgendered, and relatively thin), The Ugly Conference calls to me.
Again, the assumed identity of the standup comic, which is this straight white cisgendered dude who's between 20 and 40 – those things are not true.
When the market is saturated with stories for, about, and by white cisgendered men, stories about anyone other than that requires respect, intention, and care.
But to her credit, she also acknowledged that the film industry often struggles to cast actors who aren't white and cisgendered, no matter the role.
Those experiences likely cemented these fans' ideas of what progressivism on television should look like: at the time, it still centered on straight, white, cisgendered men.
But Harry's story, and now the stories of Newt Scamander before him, and Albus Potter after him, are all stories about straight, cisgendered, European white men.
Festival lineups have become the subject of much scrutiny of late, with increasing public demand to see artists on stage who aren't white, straight, and cisgendered.
She is a white, straight, cisgendered, able-bodied, middle-class woman who yearns for domesticity and beautification, and whose leisure time exists in five-minute increments.
It's another type of collapsing, of the cisgendered stereotypes that suggest that only women ever gestate children, and also between the boundaries of different stages of existence.
It's a process that many can identify with and Shraya's methodological listing illuminates how constant these protections are for non-cisgendered people, women, and persons of color.
Bars in particular contribute to the problem, the report states, as most are owned by white, cisgendered, males who create environments that cater to those who identify similarly.
While the movement must undoubtedly be credited for increased rights and protections for women, it often failed to include the interests of poor, non-white, non-cisgendered women.
"In media we see thin, white, cisgendered, and hairless girls photoshopped to the exclusive beauty standard," a standard that "leaves out the majority of women and girls," Armitage says.
K. Rowling "In the media, representations of sexuality are still mostly white, cisgendered, and heterosexual," said Chelsea Reynolds, an assistant professor at California State University Fullerton studying sex in media.
A number of (straight, cisgendered) women who do want children and want to be direct about their expectations early on told Refinery29 that they regularly ask men about their future plans.
"Growing up Filipino and queer was hard enough, but being a genderqueer cisgendered male who identifies as female made me feel alienated and isolated from my family and community," she told me.
For years, how beauty products are marketed has defined what many consumers deem ideal or inspirational — and, more often than not, beauty products and trends are imagined on thin, white, cisgendered people.
But as more transgender athletes rise to the top of their fields, some vocal opponents are also expressing outrage at what they see as transgender athletes ruining sports for cisgendered girls and women.
The new rules are progressive, and bound to make life better for students who feel they don't fit into the fixed categories of male and female, or do not feel that they are cisgendered.
" While everyone seems to sympathize with the gay students, they seem to have a license to make him feel ostracized and attacked, and it hurts, Mr. Bischofberger said: "They're calling me a cisgendered, hypocritical homophobe.
Once again, Johansson suggested that political correctness — which she seemed to define as a criticism against casting that prioritizes white, cisgendered actors even to play characters of color or characters from marginalized identities — restricts art.
As confirmed via a spokesperson to the Daily Mail, the company revealed it updated its policies to reflect the 60+ genders that exist today, abolishing its cisgendered dressing room statutes and opening them to all customers.
The "third Muslim" is a reference to the many identities both assumed and transposed on queer and trans Muslims, who inhabit a third space outside notions of a monolithic Islam and cisgendered, white, able-bodied queerness.
Read This Next: I Asked Experts to Explain Why I Orgasm When I Work Out Update 06/09/17: a previous version of this story used the words "cisgendered" and "transgendered"; the terms have since been corrected.
And Gambino as a black cisgendered man certainly enjoys a similar "male genius" privilege as Kanye West and other people in his male-centric video, which makes it easier for him to overcome controversial statements and behavior.
"The internet is the best friend Satanism ever had," he said—which makes sense, when you consider how dangerous it can be to identify as anything other than cisgendered, straight, and Christian in much of the country.
"I recognize that in reality, there is a widespread discrepancy amongst my industry that favors Caucasian, cisgendered actors and that not every actor has been given the same opportunities that I have been privileged to," she said.
But just as today's mainstream gig economy favors the white, cisgendered and middle class, so do the freelancing opportunities for porn stars: Stripping joints, for example, are typically just as sizeist and racist as the porn industry.
"It had initially started as just a way to share with family and friends, but there was this middle phase where I felt like we were sort of devolving into this cisgendered, white gay male stereotype," Moore says.
The show has become a shorthand for depictions of gayness on television that are way out of fashion: the gayness of Will & Grace was barely sexual, uniformly caucasian, and profoundly cisgendered, and it stayed that way for eight seasons.
It's completely understandable a cisgendered, straight couple in their mid-60s like Dan, who hails from the ultra-macho world of drywall installation, and Roseanne wouldn't exactly be comfortable with their grandson walking around in dresses or painting his nails.
A huge part of what makes my life happy and satisfying is my marriage — to a straight, cisgendered man I'd unquestioningly describe as a feminist — and a marriage isn't very happy if the people in it aren't willing to compromise.
This statement isn't as overtly transphobic as Bryce's, but the fact remains that A. Lucas considers Bruce Jenner to be dead, which implies that Caitlyn Jenner killed her cisgendered persona and B. Lucas is fetishizing the experience of a trans woman.
After a friend of mine told me of their traumatic experiences as a non-binary person at the gym, I decided to look into the ways cisgendered folk can support our non-binary and gender non-conforming friends in these spaces.
Every man of color mentioned is swathed in unassailable privilege or simple whitewashing, which keeps them from getting too complicated or too far from what networks deem palatable (read: as close to the white, cisgendered, suburban families who have dominated television for decades).
Scott points out that, as long as fashion "perpetuates the notion that successful trans people are people who look like cisgender people – specifically white cisgendered copies – and doesn't celebrate the diversity of trans people," the impact on the trans community will be minimal.
"Basically, I'm just fed up with the fact that I'm cisgendered, I'm a white male and I lean right, toward the Republican side, and I get demonized," Colton Fears, Will's 28-year-old brother, who was wearing an SS pin, told HuffPost.
With a younger, more progressive generation blazing toward the marriage part of life, it's only a matter of time before competitors drown it out just by being inclusive — and eharmony will have to make some serious changes if they wants to appeal to anyone who's not a cisgendered straight person or an ally.
RE: "If there is a nude of a trans person next to a nude of a cisgendered person, one of those photographs is a statement and the other is not — which a strange thing to embody, because us just standing up on a platform is a statement, because we are not the norm...we're trying to challenge the notion that it has to be a big statement."
When the Chicken Littles of fashion run around squawking that men's wear has run its course; that the separation of the cisgendered sexes into two separate seasons is as anachronistic as binaries themselves; that women's wear will soon swallow whole the male side of the business like a Hanna-Barbera alley cat and then stand by smacking its lips, what they are forgetting is that most of the labels that have skipped the men's wear cycle, like Gucci, are accessories-driven.
When Žizek writes that the "LGBT trend" to "deconstruct" sexual norms "reduces this tension to the fact that the plurality of sexual positions are forcefully narrowed down to the normative straightjacket of the binary opposition of masculine and feminine, with the idea that, if we get away from this straightjacket, we will get a full blossoming multiplicity of sexual positions (LGBT, etc.), each of them with its complete ontological consistency," he makes an unwarranted leap, implying that trans people do not assume the same ontological lack as everyone else, even in spite of their gender identity, with as much or as little acknowledgement of this as is present in the cisgendered subject.
Although she liked that Inquisition's character design allows for female characters to appear with an Adam's apple and she considered Krem to be a well-written character, Kristine Croto from Inquisitr expressed disappointment that Krem is voiced by Hale, a cisgendered actress. She compared the casting of a cisgendered actor to play a transgendered character, to putting white actors in black face to play a person of color. To Croto, "a cis-gendered actress playing a transman is by definition “acting” man", which undermines the point about gender identity made by Iron Bull to a male player character.
Vargas video work explores queer and trans culture. He and Greg Youmans collaborated on the nine episode webseries "Falling in Love... with Chris and Greg" that explores a relationship between a cisgendered gay man (Greg) and his trans boyfriend (Chris). The sitcom-style videos cover the challenges and rewards of the life of this couple.
Homonormative discrimination is deployed similarly to heteronormativity. Social institutions and policies reinforce the presumption that people are heterosexual and that gender and sex are natural binaries. However, Rubin writes that homonormativity functions to displace the exclusive hold heterosexuality has over normative behaviour, instead selectively privileging cisgendered homosexuality (that is coupled and monogamous) as worthy of social acceptance.
She supports the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act and opposes transgender individuals using bathrooms corresponding to their gender identity. She says her opposition to bathroom usage corresponding to gender identity has nothing to do with transgender people, but cisgendered "child molesters" who "now has the right to go into that bathroom." She supports banning transgender military service personnel from the United States military. Since the 1990s, Coulter has had many acquaintances in the LGBT community.
Nonetheless, he supported Directive-type Memorandum-19-004, which required servicemembers to meet cisgendered standards associated with their biological sex. Esper claimed it was not a "blanket ban" on transgender servicemembers but rather a policy to ensure that servicemembers are deployable worldwide and can meet military standards without "special accommodations." He said that servicemembers would be individually assessed and that some would be offered waivers to allow them to continue to serve. In this interview, Esper cited the Defense Department's February 2018 report to support his views.
The titles of her work often allude to a written and spoken vernacular. The content of her work features many distorted, often naked, human forms. She contorts and twists the bodies, making the limbs interact with different layers/dimensions of the artwork, to show a profusion of perspectives. In her personal life her racial and sexual identity of being a black, queer, cisgendered woman is often mistaken, so the multiplicity of her work is seen as a link to those personal experiences and qualms with misrepresentation.
Elizabeth Sampat notes that there is a healthy BDSM relationship dynamic between Iron Bull and his sexual partners, with "frank and open communication, safe words, and aftercare". She observes that the Iron Bull does not treat transgendered people any differently from cisgendered people, and she believes that this strongly implies that Qunari sex culture, at least as told from the Iron Bull's perspective, is generally queer with little to no regard to gender. Various sources have called a sex scene involving the character as one of the funniest moments in Inquisition.
The pregnancy and birth were extremely difficult for Bouk: "I felt drowned and suffocated by cisgendered parenting expectations. My son's existence wasn't the problem, it was all the social norms and expectations surrounding the idea of being a mother that plagued me with anxiety and anger." Bouk initially thought his anger towards casual sexual harassment and the word "mother" was due to being a "staunch feminist"; later the family would stop celebrating gendered holidays. In 2014, Bouk quit his job, and hoping to boost his career and find himself, moved to Manhattan.
Femme has also been used to describe a form of contemporary feminism which rejects the gender binary and acknowledges that individuals can fall anywhere within the gender spectrum, resulting in the possibility to be gender-less, gender-fluid, femme or masculine of center. Often using the phrase "women and femmes", adherents to this definition of femme believe that misogyny is used not only against women to inflict theoretical and physical violence but primarily against all feminine people. Connecting cisgendered male violence to toxic masculinity, they believe that patriarchy not only negatively affects female-identified people but men as well.
In addition, one study published in the Journal of the International AIDS Society used the term cisnormativity, akin to sexual diversity studies' heteronormativity. A related adjective is gender- normative because, as Eli R. Green writes, "'cisgendered' is used [instead of the more popular 'gender normative'] to refer to people who do not identify with a gender diverse experience, without enforcing existence of a normative gender expression". In this way, cisgender is preferable because, unlike the term gender-normative, it does not imply that transgender identities are abnormal. Julia Serano has defined cissexual as "people who are not transsexual and who have only ever experienced their mental and physical sexes as being aligned", while cisgender is a slightly narrower term for those who do not identify as transgender (a larger cultural category than the more clinical transsexual).
Krista Scott-Dixon wrote in 2009: "I prefer the term non-trans to other options such as cissexual/cisgendered." She holds this view because she believes the term "non-trans" is clearer to average people and will help normalize transgender individuals. Women's and Gender Studies scholar Mimi Marinucci writes that some consider the "cisgender–transgender" binary to be just as dangerous or self-defeating as the masculine–feminine gender binary, because it lumps together people who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) arbitrarily and over- simplistically with a heteronormative class of people as opposed to with transgender people. Characterizing LGB individuals together with heterosexual, non-trans people may problematically suggest that LGB individuals, unlike transgender individuals, "experience no mismatch between their own gender identity and gender expression and cultural expectations regarding gender identity and expression".

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