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62 Sentences With "be dispelled"

How to use be dispelled in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be dispelled" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be dispelled". Mastering all the usages of "be dispelled" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Initial reservations could, however, be dispelled by Duterte's cabinet appointments.
Three myths about replacing ObamaCare must be dispelled or replacement will fail.
Myths, at least the ones of living memory, are meant to be dispelled.
The issues involved here are complex; they will not — should not — be dispelled soon.
Yet the idea of him as a sort of hobo-saint will not be dispelled.
Some of those myths about what the New York Times is will be dispelled in this documentary.
The wiretapping allegations could well become part of a partisan narrative that is too powerful to be dispelled.
Any lingering doubts that air pollution has moved to the very top of Beijing's political agenda should be dispelled.
But even if the verdict is not guilty, the ethical pall over Albany and its chief executive will not be dispelled.
"He summed it up neatly toward the end of the verdict, saying, "The myths of rape should be dispelled once and for all.
Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, argued for Mr. Bernhardt's confirmation to be delayed until some of the ethical clouds could be dispelled.
This illusion can be dispelled only if we Make the Left Great Again — though what exactly a revivified left will do remains a mystery.
LONDON (Reuters) - If there were any doubt that the zinc supply chain is tightening, it should be dispelled by this year's benchmark smelter treatment charge.
"We hope any doubts can be dispelled soon to end this trickling of accusations that poisons the atmosphere in an ever gloomier situation," it said.
But a statement issued by Singapore's Civil Aviation Authority (CAAS) showed question-marks hanging over the aircraft after Sunday's disaster could not be dispelled so fast.
Any doubts that candidates may harbor about Trump's need to be the sole star on stage should be dispelled by his treatment of New Jersey Gov.
Perhaps, some hoped, his aura of invincibility would finally be dispelled — and his supporters in New Hampshire would suddenly view him as a "loser" and abandon him.
If there was any doubt that Amazon's Alexa voice assistant is a Trojan horse designed to get people to buy more things from Amazon, let those doubts be dispelled.
The idea that young people aren't interested in politics must be dispelled — in fact, they're more organized, politically engaged, and educated on the issues than most other voting populations.
"The cliché that international migration is associated with economic 'burden' can be dispelled," wrote the scientists from the French National Center for Scientific Research, the University of Clermont-Auvergne and Paris-Nanterre University.
And if the president is not guilty of it, it is equally imperative that the people see the weakness or absence of evidence, so that corrosive doubts about the country's institutions may be dispelled.
The price rises to three times that if there is a mistress to be dispelled and five times that if, as is often the case, the mistress has a child by the errant husband.
Still, experts hope the doubts will be dispelled as some of the smaller-scale projects - especially in the financial services sector, which has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into blockchain - are put into operation.
The effect is of one of those long New Yorker-style pieces that blend storytelling with feats of reporting—the elaborate set-up that is a feint, to be dispelled in an act of revelation.
The expectant mother-to-be dispelled some rumors on Saturday that she'd be naming her daughter "Rose" after sleuthy fans pointed out she'd been posting a lot of pictures of the garden varietal to her Instagram account.
This article originally appeared on VICE Sports UK. If there is one fallacy in the world of sport that ought to be dispelled forthwith, it is the idea that footballers should be held up as role models.
That fantasy of sweaty, impossibly hip late night bacchanals of sex, drugs, and social prowess, soon to be dispelled by the reality of long lines, overpriced drinks, and some guy in a blazer throwing up on your shoes?
But any notion that education is a neutral purveyor of opportunity can be dispelled with a single chart: The data, from the Brookings Institution's Richard Reeves, shows that your educational attainment is largely dependent on how much education your parents had.
"Perceptions that physicians would shorten lives just to make individuals donors need to be dispelled, as well," Schilsky added, referring to the often-expressed fear that if people have indicated a willingness to donate organs after death, doctors won't work as hard to save them.
" Proctor & Gamble's marketing of Ivory Soap boasted of it being 99 44/100 percent pure white soap, and long into the twentieth century, its advertisements consistently emphasized the white color and its almost absolute purity: The sallowness of "smoky city" complexions, the advertisements maintained, "usually results not from ill health, or bad blood, but from dirt and can only be dispelled by the regular application of a pure soap," and Ivory "has no equal, on account of its absolute purity.
The traditional stigma of deaf students, of them being problematic students, always lagging in their studies even though they actually spend 8 years in primary school, can now be dispelled.
The accumulation of capital can no longer be considered a prerequisite for liberation, and the notion that obstructions such as the state, social hierarchy, and vanguard political parties are necessary in the struggle for freedom of the working classes can be dispelled as a myth.
Ed. David Lindley. Manchester: MUP, 1984. For example, his audience would have been expecting, based on other masques of this time, that the antimasque would be dispelled by virtue (usually embodied by the King and Queen). Yet in Comus the Lady's virtue is not enough to save her: she is unable to dismiss Comus on her own.
22.1; ii.11.3 Different opinions arise only from the application of these preconceptions to particular cases, and it is then that the darkness of ignorance, which blindly maintains the correctness of its own opinion, must be dispelled. People entertain different and conflicting opinions of good, and in their judgment of a particular good, people frequently contradict themselves.Epictetus, Discourses, ii.
As for those which > cannot be dispelled, avoid them. (Because when) they are fully manifested, > (you might) desire to dispel them (but will) be unable, and (you might) > desire to avoid them (but will) be unable. Those who deal with (problems) > while (still) spiritous: their activities are few but (their) merit is > great. ... (When) a house burns and someone saves it, then (we) know their > virtue.
Aurora was the Roman Goddess of the > dawn. This short tone poem attempts to portray in reasonably respectable > sonata first movement form, the inherent sensuality of her nature. > Consecutive 6/4 chords introduce a bit of night music soon to be dispelled > by the dawn theme, announced by the flute. Aurora's theme forms the second > subject and (it is hoped) is of a suitably lyrical nature, as befits such a > beautiful goddess.
Otto, Prince of Bavaria, was chosen as the first King of Greece in 1832, under the name Othon. His arrival in Nafplio, then the Greek capital, was hailed enthusiastically by Makriyannis. This attitude is exemplified in his Memoirs: The hopes he had for the new regime, however, were soon to be dispelled. King Otho was underage and Bavarian regents were named to rule on his behalf during the first months of his rule.
Boxing Day saw the centenary of the opening of St Andrew's. Queens Park Rangers were the team to visit on the historic day, and Birmingham marked the occasion by defeating their rivals 2–1. Many fans also hoped that the 'curse of the gypsies' would finally be dispelled from the stadium, and at last the team could make their mark on English football. The FA Cup saw Birmingham overturn Newcastle United away from home that was undoubtedly the result of the season.
By driving them away from the fences and fields, it was believed that all evil and accidents would be dispelled. When the sun rose on Lieldienas morning, just above the horizon, people swung 3 times on one side of a swing, and 3 times on the other side. It was caused by the habit of swinging on Lieldienas. Before swinging, people walked around the swings 3 times, singing songs, then guys threw eggs over poles, predicting their lifespan, and only then they began to swing.
Weizenbaum first implemented ELIZA in his own SLIP list-processing language, where, depending upon the initial entries by the user, the illusion of human intelligence could appear, or be dispelled through several interchanges. Some of ELIZA's responses were so convincing that Weizenbaum and several others have anecdotes of users becoming emotionally attached to the program, occasionally forgetting that they were conversing with a computer. Weizenbaum's own secretary reportedly asked Weizenbaum to leave the room so that she and ELIZA could have a real conversation.
One of her suitors is a foolish old country knight, Sir Geffrey -- a figure who provides the play's lighter comic element. The more serious element of the plot involves Lady Marlove and her son facing execution for a supposed murder. The play concludes in a "death masque" in which a personified Death invokes despair and the Furies, only to be dispelled by Hymen, the god of marriage. It is then revealed that Thurston, the supposedly dead man, is alive and married to Clariana; happy ending.
In other cases, therapists may try and induce feelings of anxiety so that the root of the fear can be identified. Comorbid clinical depression, personality disorders and alcohol abuse are known risk factors for treatment failure. As with many disorders, having a support structure of family and friends who understand the condition can help increase the rate of recovery. During an attack, it is not uncommon for the sufferer to develop irrational, immediate fear, which can often be dispelled by a supporter who is familiar with the condition.
This explains how people can support the principle of racial equality but not support initiatives to achieve it, such as affirmative action. Government intervention when individuals do not have the same talent, effort, or historical background would violate traditional values of equality of opportunity. Thus, "people can simultaneously endorse equality of opportunity and reject government intervention to bring about equality of outcome." Finally, Whitley and Kite state most whites do not have extensive personal experience with black people, so the negative stereotypes they hold about blacks do not have the opportunity to be dispelled.
Chryses then prayed to Apollo for the safe return of his daughter, which Apollo responded to by unleashing a plague over the Achaean Army. After learning from the Prophet Calchas that the plague could be dispelled by returning Chryseis to her father, Agamemnon reluctantly agreed (but first berated Calchas for previously forcing Agamemnon to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia) and released his prize. However, as compensation for his lost prize, Agamemnon demanded a new prize. He stole an attractive slave called Briseis, one of the spoils of war, from Achilles.
Autumn/west/yellow gold zhi: ensures that "the old will be young anew, the young will develop a beautiful countenance, white hair will all turn black, and lost teeth will grow back" (Steavu 2018: 372). Winter/north/purple zhi realgar zhi: they will "enjoy longevity coterminous with Heaven. Stabbing and slicing will not pierce them, nor will fire burn them, and submerging them in water will not [even] wet them. The five poisons will keep away from them, evil spirits will be dispelled, and they will not know hunger or thirst" (Steavu 2018: 373).
Count Leopoldo Cicognara, Le premier siècle de la calcographie; ou, Catalogue raisonné des estampes, Venice 1837, pp.532-3 Apollo, seated above, points to Aquarius, the zodiacal sign of January/February, which marks the "Ascent of the Sun" from the trough of winter. The falling figure opposite him may be identified either as Lucifer or as night fleeing before the dawn; in either case, the darkness of ignorance is about to be dispelled. The question remains whether the box thus opened will in the end be recognised as a blessing; whether the ambiguous nature of knowledge is either to help or to hurt.
Chibiterasu and his other allies follow Akuro to the dark realms where they find the demon has taken up residence in the body of Kuni and that Kurow intends on fighting the pup. Chibiterasu is forced to fight his former partner, expelling Akuro's spirit and freeing Kuni, but evil Kurow willfully allows it to take his body. However, this has been Kurow's plan all the time; he reveals he is a living doll of Waka, with the goal to house Akuro's spirit, such that if he is killed with Akuro inside him, Akuro would be dispelled. Chibiterasu, fighting back tears, complies with Kurow's instructions, and Akuro is destroyed forever.
Says Lukács, this "false consciousness", which forms ideology itself, is not a simple error as in classical philosophy, but an illusion which cannot be dispelled. Marx described it in his theory of commodity fetishism, which Lukács completed with his concept of reification in which alienation is what follows the worker's estrangement to the world following the new life acquired by the product of his work. The dominant bourgeois ideology thus leads the individual to see the achievement of his labour take a life of its own. Furthermore, specialization is also seen as a characteristic of the ideology of modern rationalism, which creates specific and independent domains (art, politics, science and the like).
Ko-Ko also treats his bloody office as a profession, saying, "I can't consent to embark on a professional operation unless I see my way to a successful result." Of course, joking about death does not originate with The Mikado. The plot conceit that Nanki-Poo may marry Yum-Yum if he agrees to die at the end of the month was used in A Wife for a Month, a 17th-century play by John Fletcher. Ko-Ko's final speech affirms that death has been, throughout the opera, a fiction, a matter of words that can be dispelled with a phrase or two: being dead and being "as good as dead" are equated.
' When commodities are unsalable, it means simply that there are no purchasers, or consumers, for them. When people attempt to give this redundancy an appearance of some deeper meaning by saying that the working class does not receive enough of its own product and that the evil would be dispelled immediately it received a greater share,i.e., if its wages were increased, all one can say is that crises are invariably preceded by periods in which wages in general rise and the working class receives a relatively greater share of the annual product intended for consumption. From the standpoint of these valiant upholders of 'plain common sense,' such periods should prevent the coming of crises.
It is sometimes noted that the time of the decay of the nucleus cannot be controlled, and that the finite half- life invalidates the result. This objection can be dispelled by sizing the hemispheres appropriately with regards to the half-life of the nucleus. The radii are chosen so that the more distant hemisphere is much farther away than the half-life of the decaying nucleus, times the flight-time of the alpha ray. To lend concreteness to the example, assume that the half-life of the decaying nucleus is 0.01 microsecond (most elementary particle decay half-lives are much shorter; most nuclear decay half-lives are much longer; some atomic electromagnetic excitations have a half-life about this long).
We may spend it on the other hand in > raising the social and moral condition of the people, and in reducing the > burdens of future generations. Even if our successors be less happily placed > than ourselves they will not then blame us."Jevons, W. Stanley, The Coal > Question, 2nd revised edition, 1866, Macmillan and Co., page xxv Jevons also articulated several social ills that particularly concerned him: > "The ignorance, improvidence, and brutish drunkenness of our lower working > classes must be dispelled by a general system of education, which may effect > for a future generation what is hopeless for the present generation. One > preparatory and indispensable measure, however, is a far more general > restriction on the employment of children in manufacture.
Josef Čada (March 30, 1881 - December 1, 1959) was a Czech gymnast who competed for Bohemia in the 1908 Summer Olympics and for Czechoslovakia in the 1920 Summer Olympics. He made his debut at the 3rd-ever World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Prague (see Medal Table in Info Box at top of article). When Bohemia made their debut at these World Championships, he led their team to victory from the start, as well as establishing himself as the top gymnast at those games. Any possible claims of hometown favoritism would later be dispelled with his successes at the next 3 World Championships - 1909, 1911, and 1913 - where he won many more medals and all but dominated on the Horizontal bar event.
In the end, two things ruin Syreena's plan: one, she accidentally leaves pieces of the amulet she had once given Vartox (which he had crushed upon learning its secret) behind at one of her "ghostly" appearances, giving him tangible proof of her survival, and two, deep down, she still loves Vartox, and finds herself unable to deny him happiness. Syreena restores Lana, at a terrible cost; the effect can not be dispelled, only transferred, dooming Syreena to "life" as a stone statue. However, Vartox and Lana are forced to part once again—the effect that would have let her live on Tynola was apparently linked to the pertrification effect, and both are transferred away when Lana was "cured". After saying good-bye to Lana, Vartox departs Earth, taking Syreena with him.
Murray Bookchin, in his 1971 essay collection Post-Scarcity Anarchism, outlines an economy based on social ecology, libertarian municipalism, and an abundance of fundamental resources, arguing that post- industrial societies have the potential to be developed into post-scarcity societies. For Bookchin, such development would enable "the fulfillment of the social and cultural potentialities latent in a technology of abundance". Bookchin claims that the expanded production made possible by the technological advances of the twentieth century were in the pursuit of market profit and at the expense of the needs of humans and of ecological sustainability. The accumulation of capital can no longer be considered a prerequisite for liberation, and the notion that obstructions such as the state, social hierarchy, and vanguard political parties are necessary in the struggle for freedom of the working classes can be dispelled as a myth.
The poem is not known in any draft or manuscript version. Initially it was a part of the Songs of Innocence and printed as verso to The Little Black Boy, however in the latest issues it is commonly placed last, forming a connecting link with the Introduction to the Songs of Experience.Sampson, p. 124-5. But much later, only after 1818(!), it was moved into Songs of Experience and became a terminal poem of all the collection of the Songs. Blake speaks here as the Ancient Bard and the Prophet (who also appeared in the Introduction to the Songs of Experience), trying “to reassure the ‘Youth of delight’ that the morning of regeneration is at hand, when the doubts and disputes of mortal life will be dispelled, even though many have fallen on the way.”Keynes, p.
Final assembly of the statue in 1850 The formal unveiling of the Bavaria statue was originally planned for the Oktoberfest in 1850, which would have been the 25th year of Ludwig’s reign. Before any celebrations were held featuring a king who had meanwhile abdicated, government concerns first had to be dispelled that such an event could be interpreted as a demonstration against the ruling monarch, Maximilian II. Between June and August the separate pieces of the Bavaria statue were transported to the place of installation on especially constructed wagons, each drawn by 20 horses. On August 7, 1850 the last piece, the head, was escorted to the Theresienhöhe in a festive procession through Munich. The official unveiling took place on October 9 after a procession including all involved trades and guilds and, as expected, turned into a tribute for the king who had abdicated.
A woman performs a cursing ritual (Hokusai) A curse (also called an imprecation, malediction, execration, malison, anathema, or commination) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, "curse" may refer to such a wish or pronouncement made effective by a supernatural or spiritual power, such as a god or gods, a spirit, or a natural force, or else as a kind of spell by magic or witchcraft; in the latter sense, a curse can also be called a hex or a jinx. In many belief systems, the curse itself (or accompanying ritual) is considered to have some causative force in the result. To reverse or eliminate a curse is sometimes called "removal" or "breaking", as the spell has to be dispelled, and is often requiring elaborate rituals or prayers.
This view however is still disputed by pro-Russian factions.Events by themes: The mass meeting as token of objecting against celebration in Ukraine of 370th anniversary from the day of birth of Ivan Mazepa, UNIAN-photo service (20 March 2009)Opponents to marking 370th birthday of Mazepa rally in Simferopol, Interfax-Ukraine (20 March 2009)Swedish king feted in Ukraine 300 years after landmark battle, The Local (26 June 2009) Russia has repeatedly condemned Ukraine for honoring the figure of Ivan Mazepa. According to an April 2009 survey by the Research & Branding Group, 30 percent of the population of Ukraine views Mazepa as "a man who fought for the independence of Ukraine", while 28 percent view him "as a turncoat who joined the enemy's ranks". During an event in Mazepyntsi to mark the 370th birthday (20 March 2009) of Hetman Mazepa, President Viktor Yushchenko called for the myth about the alleged treason of Mazepa to be dispelled.
While critical of religion, Lenin also specifically made a point to not include it in Our Programme or his ideological goals, arguing: > But under no circumstances ought we to fall into the error of posing the > religious question in an abstract, idealistic fashion, as an "intellectual" > question unconnected with the class struggle, as is not infrequently done by > the radical-democrats from among the bourgeoisie. It would be stupid to > think that, in a society based on the endless oppression and coarsening of > the worker masses, religious prejudices could be dispelled by purely > propaganda methods. It would be bourgeois narrow-mindedness to forget that > the yoke of religion that weighs upon mankind is merely a product and > reflection of the economic yoke within society. No number of pamphlets and > no amount of preaching can enlighten the proletariat, if it is not > enlightened by its own struggle against the dark forces of capitalism.
Vineyards in Savoie where Douce noir likely originated Some of the early synonyms of Douce noir, Plant de Turin and Turin, hinted that the grape have originated in the Piedmont wine region of Italy. The name Douce noir itself means "sweet black" in French which is similar to the Italian name of the Piedmont grape Dolcetto nero ("small sweet black") which further lead to the fact that Douce noir had Piedmontese origins. This hypothesis, as well as any relation with Dolcetto, would later be dispelled by DNA analysis in the 21st century and today ampelographers believe that the grape likely originated in the Savoie region of North-West of Italy.Richard Nalley "Paging Charbono and Mencia" Forbes, October 10th, 2009 In Savoie, the earliest mention of the grape variety dates to a letter written on November 24, 1803 by the mayor of Saint-Pierre-d'Albigny to the prefect of Savoie describing the grape varieties growing in his commune.
Hong Xiuquan was irate over Shi Dakai's popularity and feared that he might attempt to seize power again as Yang and Wei did, hence he appointed his brothers as Kings in order to weaken Shi Dakai's influence and prevent Shi from consolidating too much power. As Hong Xiuquan worked to undermine him, Shi Dakai realized that Hong's suspicions would not be dispelled, and that if he stayed he would face either murder or risk another civil war, Shi Dakai left Tianjing in 1857 with his army, which caused the Kingdom to be in greater peril. In the early years of the Taiping Rebellion, the power of the military was in the hands of the Military Advisor (), but after the Tianjing Incident and Shi Dakai's departure, the position of Military Advisor was not succeeded by anyone and only existed in name. Also, the government of the Kingdom gradually became more and more corrupt, which accounted for its decline and eventual collapse.

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