Sentence Generator

  • Random sentence 1

    Then, the woman extends her arms towards the man, and as all fathers must one day do, he lets me go.

  • Random sentence 2

    (And, to be fair, Anjelica Huston who was on Smash and Kim Basinger who was in Cellular.) [Deadline] Oscar-winning director, but not actor, Kevin Costner is in talks to star in a movie produced by Guillermo del Toro.

  • Random sentence 3

    In sum, Nunes’s announcement on Wednesday raises far more questions that it answers.

  • Random sentence 4

    But the example of Oregon also highlights a troubling aspect of federal policy that turns social programs over to the states.

  • Random sentence 5

    But for the most part it seems like the more ebullient, manic Crocker — who contorts his face into anguished devil-clown rictuses and affects odd, screeching accents — existed before the whole Britney business, and then, in the deflating, tumbling years after, Crocker retreated a bit, grew older and, if not serious exactly, slightly more aloof.

  • Random sentence 6

    From satellite images, you can tell the orange color is common.

New Sentence Generator

About Sentence Generator

Sentence Generator, which generates a specified length and number of sentences based on the words provided, can be used to make sentences, learn and review English knowledge, or as a tool for academic research. We have collected more than 3 million sentences, it contains almost all the English words, so you can find the corresponding sentences by entering any word.

How to generate specific sentences? First enter the words you need to include, such as 'name', then select the length of the sentence(number of words), and enter the number of sentences you want to generate. Click the Generator button to generate the sentence. Click on the code text and the code will be automatically selected. It is convenient for you to copy and save.

This sentence generator has many uses. You can use it as a learning tool. When you have some words that are not proficient enough and want to know the usage of this word, you may first try to write some sentences yourself and then use this sentence generator to generate sentences containing this word. In this way, you can view the various usages of this word.

At the same time, the generator can also be used as an inspiration tool. Sometimes you don't know what to write when writing. It's better to choose a sentence (topic) randomly to expand it, which can help you stimulate creativity.

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  8. Random English Sentences

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